Download Study Guide for part A of the Geometry Unit

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Name _________________________________
Period _______
Geometry test date(s): ___________________________________________________
Study Guide for Geometry TEST-part I
The best resource to use as a starting point for review of the test is your previous graded assignments
from this unit. You should have graded assessments on the following:
o Quiz on angles (30 pts.)
o Quiz on triangles (20 pts.)
By looking over at the above graded assignments you will have a better understanding as to which areas
to spend the most time reviewing and practicing.
There are also a lot of terms and symbols that you learned in this unit on geometry so use flashcards to
help you memorize them.
o There WILL be section on test that assesses your knowledge of the math symbols from this unit
of study. Make sure you review the meaning of each.
Lesson 1: Classifying Angles
1. Definitions: acute, obtuse, right, straight, and reflex angles
2. Be able to sketch using appropriate markings, identify, label, and find missing angle measures
o Resources
 Notes (handout)
 Practice classwork worksheets
Lesson 2: Angle Pairs (relationships)
1) Definitions: vertical, adjacent, supplementary, complementary, alternate interior, alternate exterior, and
corresponding angles
2) Be able to identify, sketch, and label angle pairs
3) Be able to find a missing angle measure using angle relationships
 Resources
i. Notes (handout)
ii. Practice classwork worksheets
iii. Glencoe (Accelerated Math text) – lesson 11.1
Lesson 3: Classifying Triangles and the Triangle interior-sum theorem
1) Definitions: scalene, isosceles, equilateral
2) Definitions: obtuse, acute, right
3) Be able to identify triangles by sides and by angles
4) Be able to find the missing angle(s) measure of any triangle by writing an equation
5) Be able to recognize and apply the Triangle Inequality Theorem
 Resources
Notes (handouts)
Practice classwork worksheets
Glencoe (Accelerated Math text) – lesson 11.2
Lesson 28 of the Sadlier workbook
Lesson 4:The Triangle Inequality Theorem
1) Be able to apply the theorem to determine the range for the third side measure of a triangle
2) Apply the theorem to determine whether three measures could form a triangle.
 Resources
i. Notes (handouts)
ii. Practice classwork worksheets
Lesson 5: Similar Figures
1) Identify corresponding parts in similar figures
2) Write a proportion to solve for a missing side length in similar figures
Notes (handouts)
Practice classwork worksheets
Glencoe (Accelerated Math text) – lesson 5.9
Glencoe (Accelerated Math text) – lesson 5.10
***Answer keys are posted on my website for worksheets already assigned in class