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4.7: Use Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
Parts of an Isosceles Triangle:
Legs: The two congruent sides of an isosceles triangle.
Vertex Angle: The angle formed by the legs of an isosceles triangle.
Base: The non-congruent side of an isosceles triangle and it is
across from the vertex angle.
Base Angles: The two angles that are adjacent to the base.
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Find the values of x and y.
Algebra problems using the Base Angle Theorem and it's converse :
Solve for x and y.
Algebra problems using the Base Angle Theorem and it's converse :
Solve for x and y.
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Algebra problems using the Corollary to the Base Angles
Theorem and it's converse.
Solve for x and y.
More Algebra Problems!
Find the values of x and y.
Find the perimeter of the given triangle.