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Name: _____________________________________________
Ecosystem Balance
Environmental Science
Relationships in the Ecosystem
Predators and Prey
All consumers must ___________ other organisms to get food
• Predators – consumers that ___________________ _____________ other living organisms
• Prey – the organisms a predator _____________
Predator and prey population ______________ are closely _________________
• If a _____________ population ________________, the _____________________ population also
______________ shortly afterwards
• If a prey population shrinks, the predator population shrinks _____________________________
• There is always a ________________ in the predator/prey cycle
Some organisms _____________________________ the prey they feed on
Symbiosis – relationship in which two species ____________ closely ____________________
Symbiotic Relationships
Parasites: ___________________ symbiotic relationship
• Parasitism – relationship in which one organism _______________ on the tissues or body fluid
of another
• The organism the parasite feed on is called the ____________
• _____________ parasites do not kill their host
• Examples: ______________________________________________________________________
• Can occasionally be _________________
• A parasite lives ________ or _________ the body of the host
• Herbivores do not kill the plants they eat, but they are ___________ parasites
• Parasite rely on the host for functions they _______________ ___________________ themselves
• Example: Tapeworm
• Cannot _____________ by itself and has no ____________________ organs
• ______________ moves and has the senses needed to survive
• Density-Dependent limiting factor
• ___________________ and more ____________________ the host population, the _________
_____________________ it can support and be transferred
Commensalism: symbiotic relationship that _______________ ________ species but does _______
_____________ or help the other
• Example: Barnacles and Whales
• Barnacles live on the ___________ of whales
• ____________________ from constant
movement of food-carrying water past the
swimming whale
• Whales are _________ harmed or
Ecosystem Balance
Mutualism: symbiotic relationship that _________________ ____________ species
• Often a result of ________________________
• Example: Ants and Acacia tree
• Example: Oxpecker and Rhinoceros or Zebra
• Oxpecker ___________ the tick and parasites that live on
the zebra’s skin
• Helps the zebra by getting ___________ of parasites
• Oxpecker flies away and screams a ___________________
when there is danger
• Warns the zebra of ______________________
Section Review
1. Which symbiotic relationship helps one species and does not harm or help the other?
2. Why are herbivores not considered to be parasites?
3. A relationship between species in which one species benefits and the other is harmed is called
a. parasitism
b. commensalism
c. mutualism
d. symbiosis
4. Though they are constantly changing, ecosystems are naturally
a. recycled
b. crowded
c. balanced
d. interacting
5. A predator is an animal that
a. is a primary consumer
b. is never eaten by other animals
c. never eats vegetation
d. actively hunts other animals
6. Lions hunt wildebeests. Therefore, wildebeests are
a. predators
b. prey
c. hosts
d. parasites
7. An increase in a predator population will directly result in
a. ecosystem balance
b. decreased predation
c. starvation
d. decline in prey population
8. The size of the host population controls
a. the size of the prey population
b. the size of the parasite population
c. important bodily functions
d. the geographic range of parasites
9. You would be most likely to find populations of host organisms parasitized when
a. they have little to eat
b. they are diseased
c. they are overcrowded
d. they cannot escape
10. Mutualism is often the result of
a. cooperation
b. fierce competition
c. symbiosis
d. coevolution
c. coevolution
d. predation
11. Parasitism is an example of
a. symbiosis
b. ecosystem balance
12. How will a decline in prey populations affect predator populations?
Predators will increase due to the greater number of prey
Predators will decrease due to lack of food
Predators will move to a new ecosystem
Predators will eat other predators