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Until 1811 Dalton's Atomic theory was held supreme. It was believed that gases are
monoatomic (H,N, O etc) and atoms combine in 1:1 ratio to give compound atom (what we call
now the molecule)
H + Cl --------------> HCl (compound atom)
Berzelius on the basis of Dalton's theory proposed:
" Equal volumes of all gases under identical conditions of temperature and pressure contain
equal number of atoms"
Failure of Berzelius Hypothesis:
According to Berzelius,
1 atom of hydrogen(H) combines with 1 atom of chlorine(Cl) to produce 1 compound atom of
hydrogen cloride(HCl)
(Note that there was no idea about molecule at that time and he believed that gases exist in
monoatomic state. One HCl molecule was called a "compound atom" at that time)
So 'n' atoms of H should combine with 'n' atoms of Cl to produce 'n' compound atoms of HCl.
Applying Berzelius hypothesis, if 1 volume of hydrogen gas contains 'n' atoms, then 1 volume of
other gases also would contain 'n' number of atoms. Hence
1 volume of hydrogen should combine with 1 volume of chlorine to produce 1 volume of hydrogen
chloride (temperature and pressure remaining constant).
However this was found to be wrong by Gay Lussac's experimental study according to which,
1 volume of hydrogen gas combines with 1 volume of chlorine gas to produce 2 volumes of
hydrogen chloride gas at the same temperature and pressure. Thus Berzelius hypothesis was
rejected and it was challenged by Avogadro who believed that elementary gases exist mostly as
diatomic molecules, i.e. O2, N2, H2 and so on. The idea of compound atom was discarded and
replaced by the term molecule. The concept of MOLECULE was thus first introduced.
Avogadro, in 1811, first gave a hypothesis which subsequently was turned into a law. He presumed
that the elementary gases like nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen etc. exist as diatomic molecules. His
presumption was later experimentally confirmed by Cannizzaro in 1950 after which the hypothesis
turned into a law.
Avogadro's Law
Equal volumes of all gases under identical conditions of temperature and pressure contain
equal number of molecules.
According to this law we can take any gas, say, hydrogen, chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen chloride,
ammonia, carbon dioxide etc. and if the volumes of these gases are same while measured under
same temperature and pressure, then each of the gas must contain equal number of molecules.
Pressure= P mm
Temp . = t0C
Volume = V L
No. of molecules = n
Pressure= P mm
Temp . = t0C
Volume = V L
No. of molecules = n
Pressure= P mm
Temp . = t0C
Volume = V L
No. of molecules = n
Conversely if the gases contain equal number of molecules at the same temperature and pressure
then they possess equal volumes.
SAQ 1: Suppose you have been given three gas cylinders of equal volume (5 litres) containing
three gases N2, O2 and H2. Each of them has a pressure of 2 atmospheres at temperature of
270C. If nitrogen cylinder contains 20, 00, 000 molecules, then find out the number of molecules
of oxygen and hydrogen present in the other cylinders.
SAQ 2.There are 1 lack molecules each of NO and SO2 in two different cylinders of V litre
capacity each at 300C. The pressure in NO cylinder is 860 mm of mercury. What is the pressure
in the SO2 cylinder?
Experimental validity:
Avogadro's law explained satisfactorily the Gay Lussac's Law of combining gaseous volumes.
In fact the success of the Avogadro's law is based on the Gay Lussac's experimental observations.
Gay Lussac experimentally found that:
Under identical conditions of temperature and pressure, if gaseous reactants completely react
to give gaseous products then there exists a whole number ratio always between the volumes of
the reactants and products.
1 volume of hydrogen gas combines with 1 volume of chlorine gas to give
2 volumes of hydrogen chloride gas
2 volumes of hydrogen gas combine with 1 volume of oxygen gas to give
2 volumes of water vapour
Avogadro's law (the then hypothesis) could corroborate the Gay Lussac's findings stated above.
Two assumptions made by Avogadro were that elementary gases like hydrogen, chlorine
etc. are diatomic and one molecule of hydrogen chloride contains one H atom and one
Cl atom.
H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl
1 molecule of hydrogen + 1 molecule of chlorine → 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride
So x molecules of hydrogen + x molecules of chlorine → 2x molecules of hydrogen chloride
Applying Avogadro's hypothesis if 1 volume of hydrogen contains x molecules, 1 volume of
other gases also would contain x molecules at the same temperature and pressure.
1 volume of hydrogen + 1 volume of chlorine → 2 volumes of hydrogen chloride
This is exactly what Gay Lussac observed experimentally.
SAQ 3: Indicate what volume of gaseous products would be formed from the following gaseous
reactions. Assume complete reaction under constant temperature and pressure conditions.
(i)1 litre of nitrogen gas + 3 litres of hydrogen gas → ? litres of ammonia gas
(ii)3 l of carbon monoxide gas + 1.5 l of oxygen gas → ? l of carbon dioxide gas
(iii)10 l of hydrogen gas + 10 l of iodine vapours → ? l of hydrogen iodide vapours
(iv)5 l of nitrogen monoxide gas + 2.5 l of oxygen gas →? l of nitrogen dioxide gas
(v)150ml of methane gas + 300ml of oxygen gas →? ml of carbon dioxide +? ml of
water vapour
Gram molar volume and Avogadro's Law
Johann Josef Loschmidt(1865) and Jean Baptiste Jean Perrin(1909) were the scientists who
are remembered for the discovery of the famous number 6.023 X 1023 called Avogadro's
Number i.e the number of species present in one mole of any substance.
Again Cannizzaro experimentally found that one mole of any gas at NTP occupied 22.4 litres(gram
molar volume). So from the concepts of Avogadro's number and gram molar volume, we can say
if the number of molecules of different gases taken in different vessels is each 6.023 X 1023 at
NTP then each gas will occupy 22.4 litres. Conversely if the volume of each gas is 22.4 litres at
NTP then each will contain 6.023 X 1023 molecules.
CO 2
Pressure= 760 mm
Temp. = 00C
Volume = 22.4 L
No. of molecules = 6.023 X 10
Pressure= 760 mm
Temp. = 00C
Volume = 22.4 L
No. of molecules = 6.023 X 10
Pressure= 760 mm
Temp. = 00C
Volume = 22.4 L
No. of molecules = 6.023 X 10
SAQ 4:(i) Supposing half mole of cows are grazing in a certain field. How many cows are there
(ii)Supposing you purchased 12.046 X 1024 number of apples from the market. How
many moles of apples you bought?
(iii)A 5 litre N2 gas cylinder was found to contain 1 lack molecules of N2 and another
cylinder of unknown volume of oxygen was also found to contain 1 lack molecules at the same
temperature and pressure. What is the volume of the oxygen cylinder?
(iv)Two gases X and Y kept in two different vessels at 270C and 1 atm. pressure. Gas
X occupied 1.5 litres and found contain 30,000,00 molecules. If the volume of gas B is 3 litres,
how many molecules gas B might be having?
(v)How long it will take for a person to count Avogardo's number at the rate of five
counts per second?
Alternative definition of Avogadro's Law:
At constant temperature and pressure, if number of molecules(or moles) becomes more,
the volume of the gas becomes more, Avogadro's law can be stated as follows.
"The volume of any gas is directly proportional to the number of moles at constant
temperature and pressure".
V ∝ n,
(at constant P and T) where 'n' is the number of moles
⇒ V = k n (where k is the proportionality constant)
⇒ V
n = k
V1 = V2
(at constant P and T)
SAQ 5: 1000 molecules were removed from a 200 ml of gas containing 5000 molecules at 270C
and 800mm fixed pressure. Will there be any change in volume? If so what will be the new
(i) To prove that
Vapour Density or Relative Density of gas = (Molecular Mass)/2
Before we establish the relationship between the vapour density and molecular mass of any gas,
let us know what is meant by vapour density. You know that density of a solid or liquid when
compared with density of water, we call the ratio, specific gravity or relative density of that
substance. Since water has a density equals to 1gm per cm3, the specific gravity of any solid or
liquid is numerically equal to density of that substance in gm per cm3. Say for example, the
density of mercury is 13.6gm per cm3 i.e the density of mercury is 13.6 times greater than
density of water(1gm/cm3). In other words mercury is 13.6 times heavier than water.
Unlike liquids and solids, gases have very very low densities. Say for example the density of
hydrogen gas at NTP is 0.000089 gm per cm3, density of oxygen gas at NTP is 0.0014gm/cm3
and the like. Therefore the densities of gases are not compared with water, in stead, compared
with density of the lightest gas hydrogen. Hence
Relative density(R.D) or Vapour Density(V.D) of a gas:
Density of a gas or vapour
Density of hydrogen gas
(both measured under same temperature and pressure)
Can you calculate the relative density of oxygen gas from the densities of hydrogen and oxygen
gases given above. It is 0.0014/0.000089 = 16. Is it not half the molecular mass(32) of O2 gas?
Now let us try to prove the relationship between vapour density and molecular mass of a gas
using Avogadro's law.
V.D =
mass of the gas or vapour
volume of the gas or vapour
mass of hydrogen gas
volume of hydrogen gas
If both the volumes are same, volume terms are cancelled out to give
V.D =
Mass of certain volume of gas or vapour
Mass of same volume of hydrogen
(measured under same temperature and pressure)
V.D =
Mass of V cc of the gas or vapour
Mass of V cc of hydrogen gas (let us take volume=V cc)
Let V cc of the gas contains 'n' molecules . Applying Avogadro's law, we have
Mass of 'n' molecules of the gas or vapou
Mass of 'n' molecules of hydrogen gas
Dividing by 'n' to both numerator and denominator, we have
Mass of 1 molecule of the gas or vapour
Mass of 1 molecule of hydrogen gas
Since hydrogen molecule is diatomic(H2),
Mass of 1 molecule of the gas or vapour
Mass of 2 atoms of hydrogen gas
Mass of 1 molecule of the gas or vapour
2 X Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen gas
= Molecular Mass
Because we know that molecular mass = (mass of one molecule)/ (mass of one H
IMPORTANT: Although density of a gas is dependent on temperature and pressure, its
vapour density is independent of any external conditions. Since molecular mass of a
substance is fixed, its V.D is also fixed. This is because V. D is actually relative density. If
the density of a gas changes due to change in external conditions, density of H2 will also
change in the same proprotion and their ratio will always remain constant.
SAQ 6: (i)What are the vapour densities of the following gases
(a) Carbon dioxide
(c)sulphur dioxide
(d)hydrogen chloride
(e)nitric oxide
(ii) How many times the density of ammonia is greater than the density of hydrogen at
a certain fixed temperature and pressure.
(iii)A certain unknown gas has a density equals to 0.00125gm/cc at NTP. What are its
vapour density and molecular mass?Can you identify the gas?(density of hydrogen gas
at NTP=0.000089gm/cc)
(iv)The vapour densities of a few gases are listed below. Identify the gases.
(a)X= 40(it is gas of S and O) (b)Y= 24(a gas of O) (c)Z=15(a gas of N and O)
(v)The vapour density of SO2 gas at NTP is 32. What is its density?(density of hydrgen
is 0.000089gm/cc at NTP)
(vi)The V.D of oxygen gas is 16 at 270C, what would be its VD at 1000C?
Atomicity of Hydrogen gas is 2
Let us now prove on the basis of Avogadro's law that gaseous hydrogen molecule is diatomic i.e
its atomicity is 2.
Gay Lussac's experiment
1 vol. of hydrogen gas + 1 vol. of chlorine gas → 2 vols. of hydrogen chloride gas
(measured under same pressure and temperature)
If 1 vol. of gas contains 'n' molecules, then according to Avogadro's law
'n' molecules of hydrogen + 'n' molecules of chlorine → '2n' molecules of hydrogen chloride
1 molecule of hydrogen + 1 molecule of chlorine → 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride
Dividing by 2, we have
½ molecule of hydrogen + ½ molecule of chlorine → 1 molecule of hydrogen chloride
One molecule of hydrogen chloride contains only one H atom as it forms only one type of salt
(e.g NaCl with NaOH)and not two types of salts as produced by sulphuric acid i.e NaHSO4 and
Na2SO4 with NaOH).This H atom of hydrogen chloride must have come from ½ molecule of
½ molecule of hydrogen = 1 atom
1 molecule of hydrogen = 2 atoms
Atomicity of hydrogen =2 and the hence formula of hydrogen gas is H2
(iii)Atomicity of oxygen is 2
The following Gay Lussac's experiment is taken
2 vol. of hydrogen gas + 1 vol. of oxygen gas → 2 vol. of water vapour
(under same temperature and pressure)
Applying Avogadro's law
'2n' molecules of hydrogen + 'n' molecules of oxygen → '2n' molecules of water vapour
2 molecules of hydrogen + 1 molecule of oxygen → 2 molecules of water vapour
1 molecule of hydrogen + ½ molecule of oxygen → 1 molecule of water vapour
From electrolysis experiment, it was known that the number of atoms of H and O in water
molecule is 2 and 1 respectively as 18 gms of water gave 2 gms of hydrogen(correspond to 2 H
atoms) at cathode and 16gms of oxygen(correspond to one O atom) at anode.
So ½ molecule of oxygen = 1 atom
1 molecule of oxygen = 2 atoms. Hence oxygen gas is diatomic(O2)
(iv)Gram Molar Volume(GMV) = 22.4 liters at NTP
You know that one mole of any gas at NTP occupies 22.4 litres or 22400ml(cc). Let us see how
it can be proved from Avogadro's law.
Molecular Mass = 2 X V.D= 2 X
Mass of 1 litre of gas or vapour at NTP
Mass of 1 litre of hydrogen gas at NTP
(here we have taken the fixed volume to be 1 litre)
= 2X
m ass of 1 litre of gas or vapour at NTP
(because the density of hydrogen at NTP=0.000089gm/ml=0.089gm/l)
= 22.4 X Mass of 1 litre of gas or vapour at NTP
= Mass of 22.4 litres of the gas or vapour at NTP
Hence the molecular mass is the mass in gm of 22.4 litres of the gas at NTP. In other words, one
mole of any gas at NTP will occupy 22.4 litres.
SAQ 7: Experiments show that 1 volume of nitrogen gas reacts with 3 volumes of hydrogen gas
to produce 2 volumes of ammonia at the same temperature and pressure. From this prove that
nitrogen molecule is diatomic (Use Avogadro's law). (The formula of ammonia is NH3)
SAQ 8: What will be volumes of the following gases in cm3 at NTP
(i) ½ mole of nitrogen gas (ii)5 moles of CO gas
(iii)0.01 moles of SO2
How Avogadro's Number(N0) was determined ?
It is humanly not possible to calculate this incredibly large number. Nobody has determined
on the basis of real counting. The calculation was made by indirect methods by several scientists.
First Loschimdt in 1865 determined the number of molecules present in 1 cc of a gas at
NTP by using the Kinetic Theory of gases(using molecular diameter and mean free path) to be
2.6 × 1019. Subsequently Maxwell in 1873 determined this number to be 1.9 × 1019. It was
already known by that time that 1 mole of a gas occupies 22400 mL at NTP. So the number of
molecules present in 22400 mL was calculated to be 4.3 × 1023.
Slightly later Kelvin determined this number of molecules in 22400 mL of a gas at NTP
using light scattering experiment to be 5 × 1023.
In 1908 J. Perrin determined this number using his Brownian motion study in liquids to lie
between 6.5 × 1023 to 6.9 × 1023.
Rutherford and Geiger used radioactive method(emission of alpha particles from radium
and uranium) to determine this number to be 6.2 × 1023.
By 1933, more than 80 separate determinations of Avogadro's number were made which
gave nearly same value of the constant but there was no clear agreement on that constant. The
best modern value of Avogadro's number which was universally accepted came from x-ray
diffraction studies of crystals from the measurements of lattice parameters(details not discussed
here). From density of a metallic crystals and unit cell edge length avogadro's number was
dertermined. This value is 6.02214199 × 1023 which has been universally accepted.
SAQ 1: O2 = 20,00, 000 and H2=20,00,000 (same in each case)
SAQ 2: 860 mm(same)
SAQ 3: (i)
N2 + 3H2 ------>2NH3
First balance the equation. Look to the coefficient of the reactants and products. The volumes of
reactants and products are proportional to their coefficients. Note that for the Gay Lussac's law
to hold good it is required that all the reactants and produts are gaseous.
So 1 litre of N2 reacts completely with 3 litres of H2 to give 2 litres of ammonia
CO+½ O2 ---------> CO2
3 litres of CO gas reacts with 1.5 litres of O2 gas to form 3 litres of CO2 gas
H2 + I2 ------->2 HI
So 20 litres of hydrogen iodide gas will be produced.
NO + ½ O2 --------> NO2
So 5 litres of NO2 will be formed
CH4 + 2O2 --------> CO2 + 2H2O
So 150ml of CO2 and 300ml of water vapour will be formed.
SAQ 4:(i)If one mole of any substance contains Avogadro's number of that substance then the
number of cows present in half mole is ½ X 6.023X1023 = 3.0115 X 1023
(ii)6.023X1023 number of apples = 1 mole of apples
So 12.046 X1024 number apples = 20 moles of apples
(iii)If the number of molecules are same for two gases at equal temperature and pressure,
then they will occupy the same volume. So the volume of oxygen cylinder is 5 litres.
(iv)At the identical temperature and pressure if the the volume of gas Y is two times
more than that of X then the number of molecules of Y will be two times greater than X. Hence
gas Y will contain 60,000,00 molecules.
(v)Time = (6.023 × 1023) /5 secs = 38.19 × 1014 years.
SAQ 5: Yes, there will be change in volume as the pressure and temperature are kept constant
in the two cases. According to Avogadro's law, the volumes of the gases will be directly proportional
to the number of molecules.
V1/V2 = n1/n2
So 200ml/V2 = 5000/(5000-1000)= 5/4
⇒ V2 =(200X4)/5 = 160ml.
So the new volume is 160ml.
SAQ 6: (i)
(a)The Molecular Mass of CO = 12+16=28, hence its V.D =28/2=14
(b)The molecular Mass of N2= 28, So V.D=28/2=14
(c)SO2 = 32+32=64, So VD=32
(d)HCl= 1+35.5=36.5, V.D=18.25
(e)NO=14+16=30, VD= 15
(ii)VD of NH3 = 17/2 = 8.5, so ammonia gas has 8.5 times greater density than hydrogen.
(iii)VD= density of the gas/density of hydrogen = 0.00125/0.000089= 14. So its molecular
mass will be 28. The gas could be either CO or N2.
(a)M.M of gas X = 80, hence the gas is SO3(32+48)
(b)M.M of gas Y= 48, hence the gas is O3(ozone)
(c)M.M of gas Z= 30, hence the gas is NO(14+16)
(v)V.D = (density of a gas) / (density of hydrgen) at the same temperature and pressure
So density of the gas = 0.000089X32=0.00284gm/cc
(vi) V.D of oxygen will remain same(16). Note that VD is independent of temperature
and pressure. Although the densities of gases are different at different temperatures and
pressures, but since VD is a ratio of two densities at the fixed temperature and pressure, it is a
constant quantity for a given gas. Since molecular mass of a gas is fixed, its VD is bound to be
SAQ 7: 1 vol. of nitrogen + 3 vols. of hydrogen ----------> 2 volumes of ammonia
Applying Avogadro's law we have,
n molecules of nitrogen + 3n molecules of hydrogen-----> 2n molecules of
1 molecule of nitrogen+ 3 molecules of hydrogen -----> 2 molecules of ammonia
½ molecule of nitrogen +
molecule of hydrogen -----> 1 molecule of ammonia
Since one molecule of ammonia contains one N atom(given), so
½ molecule of nitrogen contains 1 atom of N
1 molecule of nitrogen contains 2 atoms of N. Hence nitrogen gas is diatomic(N2).
SAQ 8: (i)22.4/2 = 11.2 l= 11200cc
(iii)22.4X0.01=0 224 litres =224 ml.
Atomic mass of an element is a relative mass of an atom which is expressed as compared to a
standard element like, H, O or C.
Hydrogen standard:
Atomic Mass =
Mass of one atom of an element
Mass of one H atom
In this scale the mass of one H atom is arbitrarily fixed at 1.000. Atomic mass of an element
means how many times the mass of one atom of an element is heavier than mass of one hydrogen
On H scale the atomic mass of oxygen was found to be 15.87 and that of carbon to be 12.02 i.e
one atom of oxygen is 15.87 times heavier than one atom of hydrogen and one atom of carbon is
12.02 times heavier than one atom of hydrogen. The atomic mass of oxygen is 15.87. This does
not mean that mass of one oxygen atom is 15.87 gm. How can this be possible? The individual
atom is so small and tiny that it cannot weigh 15.87 gm. Atomic mass hence is a relative mass
as compared to hydrogen or any other element.
Carbon standard: Atomic Mass Unit(amu) or Carbon Unit(cu) or Unified Atomic Mass
From 1960 onwards, this standard is now universally accepted and comparison according to
hydrogen standard is not being used nowadays.It is called the Atomic Mass Unit(AMU) or the
Unified atomic mass unit(u) or carbon unit(cu) or dalton.
Atomic Mass =
Mass of one atom of an element
a.m.u or c.u or u
of the mass of one C atom
In this definition the mass of one C atom(C-12 isotope) was presumed to be 12.00 a.m.u(i.e
nearest whole number of atomic mass of C obtained from H scale).
If we make 12 equal slices (pieces) to a carbon atom whose atomic mass is 12 amu(each piece
i.e 1/12 part of one carbon atom is called 1 amu), then how many times one atom of any other
element is heavier than 1/12 part(one small slice) of carbon atom is atomic mass of the element.
On the basis of carbon scale the atomic mass of H was found to be 1.0079 a.m.u(not 1.000
taken in the hydrogen scale for making comparison with other atoms), and that of O is
15.99491a.m.u and that of Na is 22.98977 a.m.u and so on.
For the purpose of chemical calculations we approximate these atomic masses to their respective
nearest whole numbers, i.e 1 for hydrogen, 23 for sodium and 16 for oxygen and so on. Remember
that the atomic mass of element is never a whole number excepting the carbon-12 isotope
whose atomic mass has been fixed arbitrarily at 12.0000. All other elements have nonwhole number atomic masses (with figures after decimal point) but for simplicity in remembering
their values and for easy chemical calculations we use the value of atomic masses rounded off
to the nearest whole number.
SAQ 1: (i)In CU scale which element has a whole number atomic mass and what is that value?
(ii)In CU scale, the atomic mass of H is not 1, while in H scale, the atomic mass of C is
not 12. Justify.
(iii)Atomic mass of phosphorus is 31 and fluorine is 19. Is the statement correct? Justify
your answer.
Mass Number: The number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus is called the mass
number. Mass number of oxygen is 16, that of fluorine 19 and phosphorous 31 and so on. Note
that when atomic mass is rounded off to its nearest whole number we get its mass number.
SAQ 2: The atomic mass of oxygen is 15.99491a.m.u. What is its mass number? If its atomic
number is 8, how many protons, neutrons and electrons it has?
SAQ 3: Below given are the atomic masses of few elements. Find their mass numbers. Also
find the number of neutrons present in each of them. The number of protons are indicated within
(i) 38.97377(Potassium: 19)
(ii)126.9(Iodine: 53)
(iii)107.89 (Ag: 47)
SAQ 4: The atomic mass of oxygen is 16.0 amu.Is the statement correct? If not why? what is
the mass number of oxygen?
Gram Atomic Mass: Atomic mass when expressed in gm is called gram atomic mass. What
does it actually imply? To understand this, I want to ask you a question. Could you tell the mass
of a sodium atom? Some of you may instantly answer it is 23gm. But it is wrong. You may say 23
amu, which is correct as one atom of sodium is 23 times heavier than 1/12 part of a carbon atom
but not 23 grams. How can a tiny atom weigh so much? Actually gm atomic mass is the mass
in gram containing Avogadro's number(N) of atoms. 23gms of Sodium contain 6.023X1023
atoms of sodium. Then you can calculate the mass of one atom of sodium in gram. We now stop
further discussion on this and shall come back to it in the mole concept chapter. So we define
gram atomic mass as the mass in gm. of Avogadro's number of atoms of the element.
SAQ 5: What is the value of one amu in gm.
ISOTOPES: (Average Atomic Mass)
The atomic mass about which we studied before should in fact be called as isotopic mass
which is the relative mass of a particular isotope of the same element.
Then the question arises what are isotopes? A simple example will make the point clear. Let us
take the case of chlorine. If you analyse chlorine gas obtained from any source, you will find
two varieties of chlorine atoms, one having atomic mass 34.96885(mass number 35) and the
other having atomic mass 36.96590(mass no. 37) in the ratio 3:1. This means that for every three
atoms of Cl35 atoms we shall find one Cl37 atom. These are called isotopes of chlorine. They are
called Cl35 and Cl37 isotopes expressed in terms of their mass numbers. So isotopes are the
same elements (not different elements) i.e have the same identity but they differ only in
their atomic masses(Mass number). They differ in the number of neutrons present in their
nuclei while the number of protons is same in the isotopes. The atomic masses of individual
isotopes are called isotopic masses. The isotopic mass of Cl35 is 34.96885 and that of Cl37
isotope is 36.96590. But in the periodic table and other places we find the atomic mass of
chlorine to be 35.5 not the isotopic masses any one of the two isotopes.This is average of the two
isotopic masses of the element. Do you know how the average atomic mass is calculated? It is
not the number average we often find i.e (35+37)/2=36. It is found in a different way and is
called weight average. It is found as follows
Atomic mass of Cl =
3 X 34.96885 + 1 X 36.96590
≈ 35.5
Or we can simplify the calculation by using their mass numbers instead of isotopic
Atomic mass of Cl =
3 X 35 + 1 X 37
≈ 35.5
Since the Cl35 and Cl37 are always available in the ratio 3:1, the isotopic mass of Cl35 contributes
3/4 and Cl37 contributes 1/4 to the average. Therefore we multiplied 3 with the isotopic mass of
Cl35 and 1 with isotopic mass of Cl37 and took their sum and finally we divided this sum by the
sum of 3 and 1(i.e 4). This gives the average atomic mass of 35.5 that we use in all chemical
calculation involving chlorine.
In terms of percentage we can also do the same thing by taking their relative abundance
(availability) ratio as 75:25.
Atomic mass of Cl =
75 X 35 + 25 X 37
≈ 35.5
Isotopes vary with respect to number of neutrons present in their nuclei. For example, Cl35
isotope has 18 neutrons(35-17) and Cl37 isotope has 20 neutrons(37-17), since the atomic number
of Cl is 17.
The average atomic mass of a polyisotopic element can be determined from the following
Average atomic mass=
(%)1 X (I.M)1 + (%)2 X (I.M)2 + and so on
where (%)1 is the percent composition of isotope 1 and (I.M)1 is the isotopic mass of isotope 1
and so on.
Most of the elements remain as more than one naturally occurring isotopes. Isotopes of an
element have the same chemical identity i.e same atomic number but they differ in the
mass number i.e the number of neutrons. The isotopes vary in their atomic masses.
OXYGEN: O exists as O16, O17 and O18 isotopes with a natural percent composition
(abundance) as 99.78, 0.02 and and 0.2 % respectively. O16 is the most abundant (nearly
100%) isotope in the mixture. So when we speak of O it is O16 having mass number 16. Although
the mass numbers of the isotopes are whole numbers 16,17 and 18 their atomic masses (isotopic
masses) are fractional i.e 15.99491, 16.99913 and 17.99916 respectively. But for simplicity we
often say that their atomic masses are 16, 17 and 18 respectively.
SAQ 6: How many protons and neutrons are available in the three isotopes of Oxygen.
SAQ 7: Can the atomic mass of C13 isotope be exactly 13? If not for which isotope the atomic
mass can be exactly a whole number?
CARBON:Carbon has mainly two naturally occurring isotopes C12(98.88%), C13(1.12%)
and the most abundant among the two is C12. This C12 isotope has been taken as the standard in
the amu scale for comparing the isotopic masses of all other isotopes. Note that carbon has
another isotope C14 which is extremely scarce in nature and is radioactive and we shall study
about it in other chapter.
HYDROGEN: Hydrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes, H1(protium or hydrogen),
H or D (Deuterium or heavy hydrogen) with the percent composition of 99.9855 and 0.0145%
and 10-15 % respectively. Another isotope of H is H3(or T3 called the tritium)also which is
extremely scarce in nature and is radioactive. Excepting hydrogen isotopes of an element have
the same name. Deuterium and tritium are not to be mistaken as different elements.
BROMINE: Br has two isotopes Br79 and Br81 in the ratio 1:1(50:50)
SULPHUR: S has two isotopes S32 and S34 in the ratio 95.6: 4.4
Most of the elements that you find in the periodic table exists in more than one isotopic forms. So
in these cases we make use of the average atomic mass which we commonly say atomic mass.
There are few elements which unfortunately remain in one isotopic form. For example F19 has
only one isotope having atomic mass 18.99840. So in this case the atomic mass is same as its
isotopic mass.
Monoisotopic Elements: There are only 19 elements which do not have more than one isotope.
These are called monoisotopic. Be9 , F19, Na23, Al27, P31, Mn55, Co59, I127, Cs133, Au197 are the
common ones and Sc45, As75, Y89,Nb93, Rh103, Pr141, Tb159, Ho165, Tm169 are the uncommon
ones. Try to remember the common ones at least.
The remaining elements have at least two or more than two isotopes. Sn(tin) has the largest
number of naturally occurring stable isotopes of 10 and Xenon has the second highest 9).
SAQ 8: Among the following elements which elements are monoisotopic and which are
Br, O, F, Al, Na, Fe, Cl, S, Mg, Ca, K, I, C, N, Au, P
SAQ 9: Si has three isotopes having isotopic masses 27.97693, 28.97650 and 29.97377. What
are their mass numbers? The atomic number of Si is 14, find the number of neutrons in each
SAQ 10: Is it wrong to take mass numbers in stead of isotopic masses for calculating the
average atomic mass? Explain.
SAQ 11:
Br has two isotopes Br79 and Br81 in the ratio 1:1. What is its average atomic
SAQ 12:
Oxygen has three isotopes: O16, O17 and O18 in the ratio 99.78:0.02:0.2. Is the
average atomic mass of oxygen close to 16 or 18 ? What will be its average atomic mass?
Calculate by using the mass numbers. What is this average called? How it is different from the
common number average. Show by calculation.
SAQ 13:
The average mass of O is 15.9994 . What value should we use in chemical
SAQ 14:
Br has two isotopes Br79 and Br81. What atomic mass of Br we use in chemical
calculations and why?
SAQ 15:
Hydrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes (H1 and H2) having isotopic
masses 1.008 and 2.014 respectively with a composition ratio, 99.985 : 0.015. Find the average
atomic mass of H. Will the atomic mass be almost same as the atomic mass of H1 i.e 1.008(and
not close to the atomic mass deuterium)? If so why?
SAQ 16: For every 10, 000 oxygen atom that you will count how many O16, O17 and O18
isotopes you will find?
SAQ 17: Indicate which isotope is most abundant in the following element. Cl, O, S, H, C
Determination of Isotopic and Atomic Masses:
In earlier times Cannizzaro and other workers like Dulong and Petit had used very crude methods
to find the atomic masses. They determined the atomic mass values on the basis of some physical
and chemical methods and these were merely average isotopic masses. For example, the average
atomic mass of Cl is 35.5 and Br is 80 and so on. The discussion on these methods will be made
in the next chapter(equivalent mass). No method was known at that time to separate the different
isotopes of an element and get the individual isotopic masses. For example there are three
different varieties of O atoms having mass numbers 16, 17 and 18. These could not be found out
experimentally in earlier times. But after the discovery of an instrument called Mass
spectrometer by Aston in 1919, it was possible not only to separate the individual isotopes
from each other but also find out their isotopic masses. The first success came in determining
the isotopic masses of two isotopes of Ne as 20 and 22. At that time, Neon was known to have
two isotopes. But later the third isotope Ne(21) was discovered. Today, powerful mass
spectrometers are available which give the isotopic masses correct upto many places (at least 7
places) of decimal. Table below shows a list of the naturally occurring elements indicating their
number of stable and radioactive isotopes and their average atomic masses.
Preliminary Idea about separation of isotopes and determination of isotopic masses in
a mass spectrometer:
Unipositve ions are produced from an element in its gaseous state in a cathode ray tube. This is
achieved by the bombardment of cathode rays which is nothing but a powerful electron beam
onto the gaseous atoms. The knocking out of one electron from each atom converts them to
unipoistive ions. Note that the masses of these ions are almost same as the masses of the neutral
atoms as electron carries negligible mass. Since the element exists in more than one isotopic
forms, their masses are different although their charges are same(+1). For instance, if we take
chlorine gas, there would be two types of positve ions i.e 35Cl+ and 37Cl+ produced from the two
isotopes of chlorine. Similarly for Neon gas there would be three positive ions 20Ne+, 21Ne+ and
Ne+ from the three isotopes and so on. This mixture of positive ions of an element is then
allowed to passed through an electric field first and then through a magnetic field. The postive
ions are deflected in an electric field towards the -ve plate of the field. But all the ions are not
deflected to the same extent. Depending on their masses, the deflections are different. Ions
from heavier isotopes are deflected to the lesser extent while the ions from lighter isotopes are
deflected to a larger extent. For instance, for chlorine, the two postive ions 35Cl+ and 37Cl+ get
separated into two beams, the 35 isotope being deflected more towards the positve plate of
electric field. To achieve better separation and get sharper focus of ions, Aston used a magnetic
field in succession to the electric field. The separated beam of isotopic ions get further separated
in the magnetic field and take a curved path. The magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the
direction of motion of the ion beam(current). So the mechanical effect is produced as per Fleming's
Left hand rule perpendicular to the plane carrying the magnetic field and direction of motion of
the beam. Thus all the isotopic ions take different curvatures, the lighter isotope turns to the
greatest extent while the heaviest to the minimun extent. These focussed ions coming at different
radii of curvature are allowed to fall on a calibrated photographic plate to produce spherical
spots at the appropriate isotopic masses. From position of the spot the isotopic masses could be
known and from the intensity of the spot, relative natural abundance could be determined. Chlorine
for instance produced two spots, one at mass number 35 and the other at 37 and intensity ratio of
these spots were found to be 3:1 which is their relative abuandance. Note that as many number
of spots are observed for a particular element, same would be the number of isotopes.
Electron Beam
Cl(37) +
Cl(35) +
Cl(37) +
magnetic field
Nowadays, with the disovery of powerful electromagnets using superconducting materials,
and the interfacing of computer, isotopic masses correct upto 7 places of decimal are availabe in
the form of lines in the computer monitor what is called the mass spectrum. The number of mass
spectral lines give the number of isotopes and their heights give their relative abundances.
Elements with their stable and radioactive isotopes and average atomic mass:
No. of stable
No. of natural
av. at. mass
No naturally occuring isotopes
as it is a synthetic element
No naturally occuring isotopes
as it is a synthetic element
In chemical calculations, the atomic mass that you shall use should be the nearest whole number
of the average atomic mass given in the above table. For K, for example, you should use 39
instead of 39.12 given in the table. For elements having average atomic mass far away from the
whole number value(e.g Cl=35.5), you have to use as such. But from theoretical point of view,
you should remember that the actual isotopic masses as well as the average atomic masses are
not whole numbers (excepting a C-12 isotope).
(Study this law after completing the chapter 'Equivalent Mass')
This is one of the oldest laws used to determine approximate average atomic masses of solid
elements at room temperature and above.
In 1819 French scientists Pierre Dulong and Alexis Petit proposed this which can the
following alternative definitions.
(1) For solid element, the product of its specific heat capacity and atomic mass is
approximately equal to 6 cals K-1mol-1(25 JK-1mol-1).
Specific heat × atomic mass = 6 cals K-1mol-1(25 JK-1mol-1) (approximately)
(2) The molar heat capacity is approximately constant for solid elements and is equal to
3R.(R = gas constant).
(3) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a single atom of a solid is
independent of the type of atom. In other words the heat required to raise the temperature of 1
gram atomic mass( one mole) of the solid element by 10C is approximately constant. This is
called molar heat capacity which is approximately constant for all solid elements.
Limitations of Dulong and Petit's Law:
1. This law is applicable to elements which are solids at room temperatures and mostly
for metals. Large deviations were observed for solid nonmetals like sulphur, phosphorous, iodine
Large deviations occured while measuring specific heats of S, Co, Te and Pt.
The law is applicable only at ordinary temperature to elements having simple
crystal structures. At low temperatures and for complex crystal structures this law was not
The atomic mass obtained was approximate and not exact.
Application of Dulong and Petit's Law:
Determinationa of exact atomic mass of elements:
With the help of the equivalent mass of element which is always exact, the exact atomic mass
can be determined.
Step 1: Equivalent mass of the element is accurately determined by any experimental method
such as (a) Hydrogen displacement method
(b) oxide method
(c) chloride
(d) displacement method
(e) double displacement
method (f) electrolysis method
Step II: With the help of Dulong and Petit's law the approximate atomic mass is determined from
its specific heat data.
Approximate atomic mass = 6/specific heat
Step III : The approximate valency is obtained as follows.
Approximate valency = Approximate atomic mass/ equivalent mass
Step IV: Determination exact valency: Since valency is a whole number, the exact valency is
obtained by rounding off the approximate valency to the nearest whole number.
Step V : Correct atomic mass is obtained as follows : Exact atomic mass = Exact valency X
equivalent mass
(note that the accuracy of this determination depends on the accurary of measurement of
equivalent mass by the experimental method)
Example : A metallic element has specific heat 0.11 cal/g/K. Its oxide contains 22.27% oxygen.
Calculate the correct atomic mass of the element.
Solution: m(metal)/m(oxygen) = E(metal)/E(oxygen)
77.73/22.27 = x/8, So x = 27.92(EM)
From Dulong and Petit's law : Approximate atomic mass = 6/0.11 = 58.182
Approx. valency = 58.182/27.92 = 2.083
So exact valency is 2
Exact atomic mass = 27.92 X 2 = 55.92.
SAQ 18: An element was found to have specific heat capacity 0.0276 cal/g0C. If 114.79 g of a
chloride of this element contained 79.34g of the metal element, calculate the exact atomic mass
of the element.
Do you know why the atomic mass standard was changed from
Hydrogen to Carbon ?
Dalton experimentally found the atomic masses of some elements and hydrogen was
taken as the standard for comparision because it is the lightest element. H was taken as 1.0000
amu and other elements have fractional atomic masses. Subsequently it was found H did not
combine with many elements, in stead oxygen combined with many more elements. Then
Berzelius suggested to adopt O(16) as standard for comparision. From 1850 oxygen standard
was used both by chemists and physicists. O was taken as 16.0000 and other elements have
fractional atomic masses. In 1919, two other isotopes of O namely O(17) and O(18) were
discovered. Their relative abundance was O(16) = 99.78%, O(17) = 0.02% and O(18) = 0.2%.
Then chemists took the average atomic mass of O which is slightly greater than 16 as standard
for comparision. One sixteenth of the average atomic mass of O was taken as 1 amu. But
physicists continued with the same O-16 standard. The atomic masses of elements varied slightly
in Physicist and Chemist standards which was very unfortunate for the rest of the world. Chemists
and physicists did not agree for a common standard for long years until 1956. Chemists argued
that by converting to physicist standard(O16), the atomic masses would change by 275 ppm. To
resolve the long standing dispute between the two groups, two scientists Alfred Nier and A.
Ölander mediated and suggested to make C-12 as the standard. C-12 was already used as a
standard in mass spectrometry. The physicists agreed to this proposal but chemists resisted
because by taking C-12 as standard their atomic masses would change by 42 ppm. But this time
their resistance was not high. E. Wichers lobbied the chemists and ultimately in 1961 both the
groups compromised to use C12 as standard. Then onwards C-12 standard is being used
That the isotopes of O are available in different proportions in different areas is an absurd
(Atomic Mass)
SAQ 1:(i)In amu scale carbon has a whole number of atomic mass which is 12.
(ii)Since in amu scale the standard is C(12.0000), the atomic mass of H is 1.008. On the
other hand in hydrogen scale the standard is H(1.0000), the atomic mass of carbon is 12.02.
(iii)Atomic masses of elements cannot be whole number values except
carbon(12.000).Hence the statement is wrong in the strictest sense. The atomic masses of P
and F are 18.99840 amu and 30.97377 respectively.
SAQ 2: Mass Number=16. The number of protons= no. of electrons=8, the no. of neutrons=16
- 8=8
SAQ 3: (i)K: Mass No.= 39, No. of protons= no. of electrons=19 and no. of neutrons=39-19=20
(ii)I: Mass No.=127, No. of protons=no. of electrons=53, and no. of neutrons=12753=74
(iii) Ag: Mass No.=108, No. of protons= no. of electrons=47, No of neutrons=10847=61
SAQ 4:No, the statement is incorrect. Because the atomic mass of an element cannot be a
whole number in the amu scale except carbon(12). The Mass number of oxygen is 16.
SAQ 5: It is the mass of 1/12 part of one carbon atom in gm.
We know that 6.203 X1023 atoms of carbon weigh 12 gm(one gm. atomic mass)
Hence 1
atom of carbon will weigh 12/(6.023X1023)gm = 1.9923 X 1023
So 1/12 part of this mass = (1/12) X 1.9923 X 10-23 = 1.66 X 10-24 gm. which is nearly equal to
mass of one H atom.
SAQ 6: O16: protons=8 and neutron=16-8=8,
O17: protons=8, neutrons=17-8=9
O : protons=8 and neutrons = 18-8=10
SAQ 7: No, the atomic mass of C13 is a fraction. Only C12 isotope has the whole number atomic
SAQ 8: Monoisotopic: F, Na, Al, I, P and Au;
Polyisotopic: The rest
SAQ 9: The mass numbers are 28, 29 and 30. The number of neutrons in Si28 isotope is 14(2814), in Si29 isotope 15(29-14) and Si30 isotope 16(30-14).
SAQ 10:
No, it is not wrong to use mass number in chemical calculations. Rather it
simplifies the calculation.
SAQ 11:
Average atomic mass of Br = (1X79 +1X81)/2 = 80
SAQ 12:
Average atomic mass of O = (99.78X16 + 0.2X17+0.02X18)/100= 16.002
So the average atomic mass of O is close to mass number of O16 isotope. This happened because
the other two isotopes O17 and O18 contribute almost insignificantly.
This is called the weight average. The number average would have been (16+17+18)/3= 17. It is
different from the weight average value of 16 that we use.
SAQ 13:
We use a value of 16 for all chemical calculations because the average atomic
mass is almost equal to 16.
SAQ 14:
We use the average atomic mass of 80(SAQ 11), not 79 or 81 which are the
two isotopic masses.
SAQ 15:
The average atomic mass of H = (99. 985X1.008+0.015X2.041)/100= 1.009
This value is almost same as the isotopic mass of protium(H1) of 1.008. It is not close to the
isotopic mass of H2(2.041) because the contribution of H2 isotope is insignificant(0.015%). For
chemical calculation we often use an atomic mass of 1 for H instead of 1.008.
SAQ 16:
Since the percentage composition of O16, O17 and O18 isotopes are 99.78, 0.2
and 0.02 respectively, for every 10,000 atoms we analyse, 9978 atoms will be of O16, 20 atoms
will be of O17 and only 2 atoms will be O18.
SAQ 17:
The most abundant isotopes are
Cl: Cl35 (75%), O: O16(99.78%), S: S32(95.6%), H: H1(99.985%), C: C12(98.88%)
SAQ 18: 79.34/35.45 = x/35.5 , So x = 79.228(EM), Approx. atomic mass = 6/0.0276 =217.391
Approx. valency = 217.391/79.228 = 2.73 ; So exact valency = 3 and hence exact atomic mass
= 79.228X3 = 237.684
In many chemical reactions the reactants do not react in 1:1 mole ratio.
Na + 1/2 Cl2 ---------> NaCl
Zn + Cl2 --------------> ZnCl2
2 Al + 3 Cl2 ----------> 2 AlCl3
In the first example, one gram atomic mass of Na reacts with 1 gm. atomic mass of Cl(1/2 mole
of Cl2=one gm. atomic mass), in the second example one gm. atomic mass of Zn reacts with 2
gm. atomic mass of Cl2(one mole of Cl2 = 2 gm. atomic masses), while in the third case 2 gm.
atomic mass of Al reacts with 6 gm. atomic mass of chlorine. In other words, one gm. atomic
mass of Al reacts with 3 gm atomic mass of chlorine. So on the basis of balanced equation, it is
not always possible for the reactants to react in the 1:1 ratio.
In order to establish a 1:1 quantitative relationship between reactants a new mass scale, called
the Equivalent Mass was introduced. One gm. equivalent mass of one reactant always reacts
with one gm. equivalent mass of the other reactant.
Then let us know what is equivalent mass of an element?
Atomic Mass
Atomic Mass
= Change in ON of the element per atom
Equivalent Mass of an element =
Atomic Mass
= Number of electrons gained or lost per a
In the example (i) given above,
The equivalent mass of Na = Atomic Mass/1 =23/1=23, because here the
valency of Na is 1. We can also understand this in terms of change in ON and number of
electrons lost.
Na → Na+ + eThe change in ON when Na changes to Na+ =|0-1|=1. The number of electrons lost by one Na
atom is also 1.
The equivalent mass of chlorine = Atomic mass/valency=35.5/1 =35.5
Gm. Equivalent Mass: When equivalent mass expressed in gm. it is called gm. equivalent mass.
From balanced equation, we know that 23 gms(1 gm. atomic mass) of Na reacts with 35.5gm(1
gm. atomic mass) of chlorine. Now we can say that one gm. equivalent mass of Na reacts with
one gm. equivalent mass of Cl, since the equivalent mass of Na and Cl are 23 and 35.5
In the example(ii),
The equivalent Mass of Zn = Atomic mass/valency =65.5/2=32.75 as the valency
of Zn is 2(same as change in ON and number of electrons lost) and
The equivalent mass of chlorine is already known in example (i) to be 35.5.
Looking to the balanced equation of (ii), we know that 65.5gm(one gm. atomic mass) of Zn
reacts with 71gms(2gm atomic mass) of Cl. So 32.75(65.5/2) gms of Zn must react with
35.5(71)gms of chlorine. So we find here also that one gm. equivalent mass of Zn(32.75)reacts
with one gm. equivalent mass of Cl(35.5).
In the example(iii),
The equivalent mass of Al = Atomic mass/valency = 27/3=9(since the valency
of Al is 3 or change in the ON or number of elctrons lost is 3). From the balanced equation, we
see that 54gms(2gm atomic mass) of Al reacts with 6 X 35.5=210gms(6gm atomic mass) of Cl.
So 9 gm of Al must react with (210/54) X 9=35.5gm of chlorine. Here again we found that one
gm equivalent mass of Al(9gm) reacts with one gm. equivalent mass of Cl(35.5).
Conclusion: One gm. equivalent mass of any element will react with one gm. equivalent
of any other element.
SAQ 1: Find the equivalent mass of the underlined elements from the following reactions. The
atomic masses of elements are given. Use symbol E for equivalent mass.
Fe + Cl2 ------> FeCl3
(Atomic mass of Fe=56)
Cu + ½ O2 -------> CuO
(Atomic mass of Cu =63.5 and O =16)
2Cu + ½O2------> Cu2O
Fe + H2SO4 --------> FeSO4 + H2
Mg + ½ O2 --------> MgO
(Atomic mass of Mg =24)
SAQ 2: Does an element show more than one equivalent masses? Justify with example.
SAQ 3: Find the equivalent masses for the following elements. Explain why you can correctly
determine these even without knowing the actual chemical reactions.
Ca, H, Na, Al, Ag
(At. Masses are 40, 1, 23, 27 and 108 respectively)
Note that in a reaction not only 1gm. equivalent mass of one reactant reacts with 1 gm. equivalent
mass of the other reactant but also the product formed is 1 gm. equivalent mass. In other
words there is a 1:1 relationship between reactants and products in terms of equivalent mass.
Let us take one example.
Al + 3HCl -------> AlCl3 + 3/2 H2
From the above balanced equation, 27gm(1gm atomic mass) of Al produces 3 gms of hydrogen
(3gm atomic masse). So 9 gm of Al(1gm equivalent mass) will produce (3/27) X9 = 1 gm of
H(=one equivalent mass of H). So we found that the one gm. equivalent mass of Al produced
one gm. equivalent mass of hydrogen. So it may be remembered here that one gm. equivalent
mass of a reactant not only reacts with 1gm equivalent mass of the other reactant but also forms
1 gm equivalent of each product.
That is why there is a famous saying in chemical sciences:
Every chemical reaction takes place in equivalents.
Let us try to understand the concept of equivalent mass in a different way.
Classical Definition of Equivalent Mass:
Equivalent mass of an element is a number which shows how many parts by mass of the element
can combine with or displace 1.008 parts by mass of hydrogen, 8 parts by mass of oxygen, 35.5
parts by mass of chlorine or 1 equivalent mass of any other element.
It is the mass of the element which loses or accepts one mole of electrons (Avogadro's
number of electrons) when oxidised from the neutral state to the desired oxidation state or
reduced from the desired state to the neutral state.
O0 + 2e ---------------> O2One O atom requires 2 electrons to become O2Conversely, 2 electrons are accepted by 1 atom of O
So Avogadro's number(N)of electrons are accepted by N/2 atoms of O.
Since the mass of Avogadro's number of atoms is the gm. atomic mass of the element,
mass of N/2 atoms of oxygen = 16/2=8 g = g. quivalent mass of oxygen.
Al --------> Al3+ + 3e,
3 electrons are lost by 1 Al atom,
N electrons are lost by N/3 atoms whose mass is equal to one third of its g. atomic
mass(27/3). So to be more precise, equivalent mass of an element is the atomic mass of the
element divided by the number of electrons lost/gained per atom or change in ON per atom in
respect of that element.
This is same as what we knew earlier. Equivalent mass is equal to atomic mass divided by
valency or change in ON.
SAQ 4: Find the equivalent mass of the elements from the ion electron equations. The atomic
masses of the elements are given in the brackets.
Co3+ + 3e --------> Co
Fe --------> Fe2+ + 2e
Co-------->Co2+ + 2e
Ba --------> Ba2+ 2e
K---------> K+ +e
SAQ 5: Using equivalent mass concept, answer the following
(i) How many gms of hydrogen will react with 8 gms of oxygen to form water
(ii)How many gms of chlorine will react with 18 gm of aluminium to form aluminium
(iii)How many gms of Mg will react with 24 gm of oxygen.
(iv)How many gms of hydrogen gas will be evolved by 32.5gm of Zn when all the Zn
reacts with dilute acid. (Zn=65)
(v)How many gms. of Ag will react with 5.35gm of Cl. (Ag=108)
SAQ 6: Find the mass in gm. in case of the following and calculate how much of chlorine each
will need to form their chlorides.
(i) 0.5 gm equivalent of Mg
(ii)2 gm equivalents of Na
equivalent of Al
Determination of Equivalent Mass of Unknown Metal:
From the above discussion we found that the equivalent mass of an element can be calculated if
we know the element i.e know its atomic mass and valency(ON) by using the relation
E=Atomic Mass/valency. But if the identity of an element is not known, can we find its equivalent
mass? Yes, we can do so by experimental methods. Let us see some simple experiments by
which we can find the equivalent mass of unknown metals. .
(a)Displacement Method
(b)Hydrogen Displacement Method
(c)Oxide formation or Oxide reduction method
(d)Chloride method
(e)Double displacement method
Displacement Method:
A more active metal(metal lying in the upper position in the metal activity series) displaces a less
active metal(metal lying at a lower position in the activity series) from the salt of the latter. Also
the metals lying above hydrogen in the metal activity series can displace hydrogen from dilute
acids. We know that one gram equivalent mass of one metal(or element) can combine or displace
one gram equivalent mass of the other metal or element. If the equivalent mass of one element
is known, then that of the other can be found out by measuring the masses of the displacing
metal(or element) and displaced metal or element.
Zinc(s) + copper sulphate(aq.) -----------> Zinc sulphate(aq.) + Copper(s)
Zinc(s) + sulphuric acid(aq.) -------> zinc sulphate(aq.) + hydrogen(g)
Let, m1 = mass of Zn; m2 = mass of Cu displaced(or mass of hydrogen displaced);
E1 = Eq. mass of Zn; E2 = Eq. mass of Cu( eq. mass of hydrogen)
m1 gm of Zn displaces m2 gm of Cu or hydrogen(from experiment)
E1 gm of Zn displaces (m2/m1)E1 gm of Cu or hydrogen. According to the definition of
eq. mass,
E2 = (m2/m1)E1
This is called the Law of equivalents which states that masses of substances are directly
proportional to their equivalent masses. Law of equivalents is the basis of finding the
equivalent mass by any method.
0.26gm of Al displaces 0.94gm of Copper from Copper Sulphate solution.
If the equivalent mass of Aluminium is 9, calculate the equivalent mass of copper.
We can find this by unitary method done before or from the law of equivalents discussed now.
Let us apply the law of equivalents.
mCu ECu
mAl = EAl
0.94/0.26 = ECu/9
⇒ ECu = 32. 53 .
(a)Hydrogen Displacement Method:
Active metals which lie above hydrogen in the metal activity series can displace hydrogen gas
from dilute acids. This method is applicable only to those active metals which can displace
hydrogen gas from dilute acids.
Equivalent Mass of an Active Metal:
Metal + H2SO4 ----------------> Metal sulphate + H2 (balancing cannot be done as we
do not know the valency of the metal).From the masses of the metal and displaced H2, we can
calculate the equivalent mass of the metal.
Determination of equivalent mass of zinc by hydrogen displacement method:
Principle: A known mass of zinc is allowed to react with excess of dilute acid(e.g dil. H2SO4) to
produce its equivalent quantity of hydrogen gas. The mass of zinc which displaces 1.008 gm of
hydrogen is calculated which gives the equivalent mass of zinc.
Working Procedure: A small piece of zinc metal is accurately weighed in an electronic balance.
The weighed metal piece is put inside a porcelain basin containing water. An eudiometer tube( a
long narrow calibrated glass tube closed at one end) completely filled with dil. H2SO4 is inverted
over the metal piece carefully using the thumb. It is fixed in a vertical position with the help of a
clamp and stand. The reaction between zinc and acid immediately starts producing bubbles of
hydrogen gas which is collectd by the downward displacement of water. When no more gas
evolves(i.e when the reaction is complete), the eudiometer tube is carefully removed with the
help of thumb and transferred to a tall jar containing water.
Levelling: Keeping the tube in vertical position inside the tall jar and by making upward and
downward movement the tube is brought to a position at which the level of water inside the
eudiometer tube is same as the level of water outside the tube i.e inside the tall jar. This is called
levelling. At this position, the pressure of the gas inside the tube is equal to atmoshperic peressure.
At this position the volume of the hydrogen gas is recorded from the calibrations of the tube. The
atmospheric pressure(=gas pressure) is recorded from the barometer. The room temperature is
also noted.
at m
Gas Jar
T all Jar
Calculation: Let the mass of the metal= W g
The volume of hydrogen gas collected in the eudiometer tube= V1 mL
Pressure of the moist gas = atmospheric pressure = Pmm of Hg (recorded from barometer)
Room temperature = t0C = (273+t) K
Aqueous tension at t0C = f mm of Hg
Pressure of dry gas = (P-f) mm of Hg
(Since hydrogen gas is collected over water, it is mixed with some water vapour which has a
fixed vapour pressure at t0C. This is called aqueous tension at t0C. This has to be substracted
from the pressure of the moist gas(P) to find the pressure of dry hydrogen gas).
Applying combined gas equation, the volume of hydrogen gas at NTP(V2) is calculated.
P1 V1
P2 V2
(P-f) V 1
760 V2
⇒ (273+t) =
(P-f)X V1 X 273
⇒V =
= y mL(say)
We know that density of hydrogen gas at NTP is 0.000089 g/mL ( 2.016g/224000cc)
1 mL of hydrogen gas at NTP weighs 0.000089 g
so, y mL of hydrogen at NTP weighs 0.000089 X y g
Now 0.000089 X y g of hydrogen is displaced by W g of the metal
So, 1.008 g of hydrogen is diplaced by
0.000089 X y
X 1.008 g = z g (say) of metal
So, equivalent mass of the metal = z
Alternative method(Equivalent volume method):
2.016 g of hydrogen gas occupies 22.4 L at NTP
1.008 g (i.e 1 g. eq. mass) of hydrogen gas occupies 11.2 L at NTP
So in stead of converting the volume of hydrogen gas NTP into mass using the density data, we
can directly use the equivalent volume of hydrogen(11.2L at NTP) to calculate equivalent mass
of the metal.
y mL of hydrogen gas at NTP is displaced by W g of metal
So, 11200 mL(11.2L) of hydrogen gas is displaced by (W/y) X 11200 g = z g (say)of metal
Hence equivalent mass of the metal = z
Example: 1.47gm of a metal was treated with excess of dil H2SO4 and 541.8cc of hydrogen
gas was collected over water at 150C and 752.5mm of Hg pressure. Calculate the equivalent
mass of the metal.(Aqueous tension at 150C = 12.5mm and density of hydrogen gas at NTP
=0.000089 gm/cc)
Solution: Let us first convert the experimental volume into NTP conditions by applying the combined
gas equation;
Experimental: P1= (P-f)= 752.5-12.5)mm
V 2=?
(752.55 - 12.5)X 541.8
(273 + 15)
V2 = 500.1 cc
760 X V2
Mass of 1 cc hydrogen is 0.000089gm at NTP (density of H2 gas =0.00009gm/cc)
So mass 500.1cc of hydrogen = 500.1 X 0.000089 = 0.0445 gm
0.0445 gm of hydrogen gas is displaced by 1.47gm of the metal
1.008 gm of hydrogen is displaced by
1.47 X 1.008
= 33.29 g of the metal
Equivalent Mass of the metal = 33.29
Alternatively, we can use law of equivalents to solve the above problem.
mH =
(Where mM is the mass of metal and mH is the mass of hydrogen while
EM and EH are the equivalent masses of metal and hydrogen respectively.
In the above problem, we have
⇒ EM = 33.29
For simplicity, we shall hencforth be using the law of equivalents to calculate the equivalent mass
of an element.For calculation you can take equivalent mass of hydrogen to be 1 instead of 1.008.
There might a slight difference in the answer but this can be ignored.
500.1 cc of hydrogen gas is produced by 1.47 gm of the metal
So, 11,200 cc of hydrogen(1 eq. volume) is produced by (1.47/500.1) X 11,400 = 32.9 gm
Equivalent mass of the metal = 32.9
Can you guess why there has been a difference between the answers obtained in two different
methods? The reason, the experimental density of hydrogen gas at NTP has been taken as
0.000089g/cc in the first method while the theoretical density is 0.00009g/cc which can be obtained
by using gram molar volume(22400cc) for 2.016g of hydrogen gas at NTP. The second method
has made use of equivalent volume(half of molar volume) and that is why the answers are
SAQ 7: 0.139gm of a metal when dissolved in a current of hydrochloric acid evolved 29.5ml of
hydrogen gas collected over water at 130C and 741mm pressure. Find the equivalent mass of the
metal. If the atomic mass of the element is 59, what will be its valency.(Aq. Tension at 130C =
Oxide Formation Method:
(i)Direct oxide formation:
We know that many metals when heated in presence of oxygen or air produces their corresponding
Metal + O2 --------------> Metallic oxide
(We cannot balance this
equation since the valency of the metal is not known)
Al + O2 --------> Al2O3 (equation not balanced)
If the mass of the metal is measured before the reaction and the mass of the metal oxide formed
is also measured after the reaction, we can calculate the mass of oxygen that has combined with
the given mass of the metal . From this, the mass of the metal that would combine with 8 gm of
oxygen can be calculated. This is the equivalent mass of the metal since the equivalent mass of
oxygen is 8. Look to the following example.
Example: 50 mg of a metal is heated strongly in air until constant mass of 83.3 mg is
obtained. Find the equivalent mass of the metal.
Mass of the metal = 50 mg = 0.05 g
Mass of the metal oxide = 83.3 mg = 0.0833gm
So mass of oxygen = 0.0833-0.05 = 0.0333 gm
0.0333 g of oxygen has combined with 0.05gm of metal
8g of oxygen has combined with 12 gm of the metal
Hence Eq. Mass of the metal = 12.
Law of Equivalent method:
⇒ EM = 12
(Can you guess, which metal has equivalent mass equal to 12 ? It is magnesium).
(ii)Indirect Oxide Formation:
In many cases metal oxides are not obtained directly from the metal. In such cases oxides are
prepared in two steps. This is called indirect oxide formation method. The equivalent mass of
copper can be obtained by this method.
Step-I : Metal + HNO3 -----------> Metal Nitrate + NO2 + H2O
Step-II: Metal Nitrate-----heat--------> metal oxide + NO2 + O2
We know the mass of metal in the beginning and also know the mass of the metallic oxide at the
end. Then we can know the mass of oxygen from which the equivalent mass of the element can
be calculated by the same method discussed before.
Example: A sample of copper metal weighing 0.8g was first dissolved in conc. HNO3 to form its
nitrate. Cupric nitrate thus formed is then strongly heated until constant dry mass is obtained.
Reddish brown gas is evolved during ignition. The mass of copper oxide formed was 1.0 g.
Calculate the equivalent mass of copper.
Solution: Mass of copper metal = 0.8 g
Mass of oxygen = 1.0 - 0.8 =0.2 g, Using law of equivalents, we have,
⇒ EM = 32
Oxide Reduction Method:
In this case the metal oxide is reduced by H2 or any other reducing agent to the corresponding
CuO + H2 -----------> Cu + H2O
This method is also similar to the oxide formation method. When the masses of the metal oxide
and metal are known, it is then easy to calculate equivalent mass of the metal in the same way
as done before.
On heating 1.127 gm of a metallic oxide in a current of hydrogen, 0.9g of
metal was formed. Calculate the equivalent mass of the metal.
Mass of metallic oxide= 1.127gm
Mass of the metal=0.9gm
So mass of oxygen= 1.127- 0.9= 0.227gm
Using law of equivalents,
⇒ EM = 31.71
Chloride Method:
In this case the element reacts with chlorine to produce the chloride of the element. The mass of
the element and chlorine that reacted are experimentally known. The mass of element which
reacted with 35.5 gm of chlorine is calculated. This gives the equivalent mass of the element as
the equivalent mass of chlorine is 35.5. Look to this example.
Chloride of a metal M contains 47.23% of the metal.Find the equivalent
mass of the metal.
Mass of the metal=47.23gm,
Mass of chlorine =100-47.23= 52.77gm
52.77gm of chlorine reacted with 47.23gm of the metal, so
35.5gm of chlorine must react with (47.23/52.77)X35.5=31.77gm
Hence the equivalent mass of the metal is 31.77.
Alternatively, using law of equivalents we have,
⇒ EM = 31.77
SAQ 8: 0.475 gm of a metal chloride was formed by the reaction of certain mass of the metal
with excess of chlorine. If the equivalent mass of the metal is 12, what is the mass of the metal
(e)Double Displacement Method:
A known mass of a reactant(A) is allowed to react with excess of another reactant(B) in aqueous
solution to produce a precipitate containing the metal present in A. The precipitate is dried and
weighed. From the dry masses of the reactant A and the corresponding product, we can find the
equivalent mass of the metal present in A.
BaCl2 + Na2SO4 -------> BaSO4 ↓+ NaCl
This is a double displacement reaction under the main category of metathesis reactions. Barium
chloride reacts with sodium sulphate to produce a white precipitate of barium sulphate and
aquous solution of sodium chloride.
The equivalent mass(EM) of a compound involved in a metathesis reaction(reaction in which
ON remains unchanged) is determined from the following relationship.
EM of a compound = EM of the basic radica(cation) + EM of acid radical(anion)
radical or ionic mas
EM of a radical(ion) =
Example: EM of barium sulphate(BaSO4) = EM of Ba2+ + EM of SO42= 137/2 + 96/2 = 68.5 + 48 = 116.5
EM of barium chlorideBaCl2) = EM of Ba2+ + EM of Cl- = 137/2 + 35.5/1= 68.5 + 35.5=104
Now let us apply law of equivalents to barium chloride and barium sulphate.
BaSO 4
E Ba + ECl
E Ba + E SO
x + 35.5/1
x + 96/2
(where x is the EM of Ba) From this relationship, the equivalent mass of Ba can be calculated.
Example 1: 0.925 g of anhydrous barium chloride was dissolved in water and treated with excess
sulphuric acid. The weight of the dry barium sulphate obtained was 1.036. Find the equivalent
mass of the barium. Also find the percentage of error with respect to the theoretical value.
BaSO 4
x + 35.5/1
x + 96/2
E Ba + ECl
E Ba + E SO
x + 35.5/1
x + 96/2
⇒ x = 68.12
Theoretical equivalent mass = Atomic mass/valency = 137/2= 68.5
Percentage of experimental error = [(68.5-68.12)/68.5] X 100 =0.554%
Examle 2: On heating 1.127 gm of a metallic oxide in a current of hydrogen, 0.9g of metal
was formed. Calculate the equivalent mass of the metal.
We can solve this problem by comparing mass of metal oxide and mass of metal with equivalent
mass of the metal oxide and that of metal. There is no necessity of using the mass of oxygen.
EM of metal
mass of metal
mass of metal oxide EM of metal oxide =
⇒ 0.9/1.127 = x/(x+8) ⇒ x = 31.71
In other words we can compare the masses with the equivalent masses of any pair of substances,
may it be elements or compounds.
SAQ 9: 3.31 g of pure and dry lead nitrate was dissolved in water and treated with excess of
potassium chromate solution. A yellow precipiate of lead chromate was obtained which was
separated and dried and weighed to 3.23 g. Calculate the equivalent mass of lead.d(Cr=52)
SAQ 10: 1.53 g of metal hydroxide on strong heating produced 0.995 g of its oxide. Calculate
the equivalent mass of the metal.
24gm of a metal produced 22.4litres of H2 gas at NTP from an acid. What is the equivalent
mass of the metal? Guess which is the metal?
Enough steam was passed over 5gm of red hot iron till all the iron reacted completely to
produce 2.67 litres of H2 gas at NTP. Calculate the equivalent mass of iron. Justify this by
writing the equation.
0.13gm of a metal combines with 56ml of O2 gas at NTP. Calculate the equivalent mass
of the metal.
0.640gm of an unknown metal gave 0.851gm of its chloride. Calculate the equivalent
mass of the metal. Can you guess which is the metal?
1.314gm of an unknown metal displaced 2.158gm of sliver from AgNO3 solution. Find
the equivalent mass of the unknown metal. Could you guess the metal?
SAQ 1:(i) E= 56/3= 18.66(since the valency of Fe here is 3 i.e same as the change in ON of Fe
(ii) E(Cu) =63.5/2 =31.75(since Cu forms Cupric oxide in which the valency of Cu is 2)
E(O)=16/2=8 (since the valency of O is 2 i.e the change in ON in O =|0-2|=2
(iii)E(Cu) = 63.5/1 =63.5(since Cu forms cuprous oxide in which the valency of Cu is 1)
(iv)E= 56/2 =28(since Fe forms ferrous sulphate in which Fe show a valency of 2)
(v)E= 24/2=12(since the valency of Mg is 2)
SAQ 2: Yes, some elements which show variable valency(oxidation state) has more than one
equivalent masses. For example Fe shows two equivalent masses, 56/3 and 56/2 for ferric and
ferrous respectively. Cu shows two equivlent massse, 63.5/2 and 63.5/1 for cupric and cuprous
states respectively.
SAQ 3: E(Ca)=40/2=20
E(H) =1/1=1
E(Al) =27/3=9,
This is because all the elements given in this SAQ show one valency i.e one ON(not variable
valency). Therefore, they have one equivalent mass each.
SAQ 4: (i)E(Co)= 59/3
SAQ 5: (i)
E(H)=1 and E(O)=8, So 8gms of O will react with 1 gm of H. This is because
we know that one gm equivalent mass of any element will react with one gm. equivalent mass of
any other element.
E(Al)=27/3=9 and E(Cl)=35.5.
9gms of Al reacts with 35.5 gms of Cl, so
18gm of Al reacts with (35.5/9) X 18=71gm Cl.
E(Mg)=24/2=12, E(O)16/2=8, So 8gms of O reacts with 12gm of Mg.
Therefore, 24gm of O must react with (12/8) X 24=36gms of Mg.
E(Zn)= 65/2=32.5, E(H)=1, So 32.5gms of Zn will displace 1gm of hydrogen.
E(Ag)=108/1=108, E(Cl)35.5, So 35.5 gms of Cl will react with 108gm of Ag,
5.35gm of Cl will react with (108/35.5) X 5.35 = 10.8gms of Ag.
SAQ 6:
E(Mg)=24/2=12, So 1gm. equivalent =12gms
0.5 gm. equivalent =12X0.5=6gm
We know that 12gm of Mg will react with 35.5gm of Cl(E).
So 6 gm of of Mg will react with (35.5/12) X6 =17.75gms of Cl.
E(Na)=23/1=23, So 1 gm. equivalent of Na =23gm
So 2 gm. equivalents of Na =23X2=46 gms.
We know that 23gms of Na(E) will react with 35.5gms of Cl.
So 46gms of Na will react with (35.5/23) X 46=71gms of Cl.
E(Al)=27/3=9, E(Cl)=35.5, So, 1 gm. equivalent of Al =9gm
So 0.25 gm equivalent = 9X0.25 = 2.25gm
We know that 9gm of Al will react with 35.5gm of Cl.
So 2.25gm of Al will react with 35.5/9X2.25= 8.75gms of Cl.
SAQ 7:
Let us first convert the volume from the experimental conditions to NTP condition by
using the combined gas equation.
P1 =(P-f)= (741-11.2)mm,
V 2=?
NTP: P2=760mm
(741 - 11.2)X 29.5
(273 + 13)
760 X V2
V2 = 27.04cc
1cc of hydrogen gas at NTP weighs 0.000089gm
27.04cc of hydrogen gas at NTP weights 27.04 X 0.000089= 0.0024gm
So 0.0024gm of hydrogen is displaced by 0.139gm of the metal
So 1gm of hydrogen will be displaced by (0.139/0.0024) X 1 = 57.9gm
So the equivalent mass of the metal is 57.91.
Valency = Atomic Mass/equivalent mass = 59/57.91= 1.018
Since valency is always a whole number, the true valency cannot be 1.018, it is 1 i.e the
nearest whole number of calculated valency.
So the valency of the element =1.
SAQ 8: Let the mass of the metal = x gm;
Mass of metal chloride = 0.475gm(given)
So mass of chlorine = (0.475 - x)gm
(0.475-x)gm of Cl reacted with x gm of the metal
X 35.5 gm (equivalent mass of
So 35.5gms of Cl must react with
X 35.5 = 12
According to the data: 0.475-x
So the mass of the metal = 0.119gm.
⇒ x = 0.119gm.
m(metal nitrate)
E(metal nitrate)
x + 62/1
E(metal + E(NO3-)
SAQ 9 : m(metal chromate) = E(metal chromate) =
x + 116/2
E(metal + E(CrO42-)
x = 103.5
E + 17
⇒ E = 8.73
SAQ 10:
22.4litres of H2 at NTP = 2gms (1 mole)
2gms of H2 is displaced by 24gm of the metal(given)
So 1 gm of H2 must be displaced by (24/2) X 1 = 12gm.
So the equivalent mass of the metal is 12. The metal must be Mg.
22.4 litres of H2 at NTP = 2gms
So 2.67 litres of H2 at NTP = (2/22.4) X 2.67 = 0.238gm
0.238gm of H2 is displaced by 5 gm of iron
1 gm of H2 must be displaced by (5/0.238) X 1 = 21.0 gm.
So the equivalent mass of iron = 21
The reaction is: Fe + H2O --------> Fe3O4(magnetic oxide) + H2
Here ON of Fe goes from 0 to +8/3 = 2.66(Fe3O4). The atomic mass of Fe= 56,
So equivalent mass = Atomic mass/ change in ON = 56/2.66 = 21.0
22400ml of O2 gas at NTP = 32gms
So 56ml of O2 at NTP = 0.08gm
0.08gm of Oxygen combines with 0.12 gm of the metal
So 8gm of Oxygen must combine with (0.12/0.08) X 8 = 12.
The metal is Mg.
Mass of metal chloride = 0.851gm, mass of metal = 0.6490 gm
So mass of chlorine = 0.851 - 0.640 = 0.211gm
0.211gm of the chlorine combines with 0.649gm of metal
So 35.5gm of chlorine combines with (0.640/0.211) X 35.5 = 107.6gm
So the equivalent mass of the unknown metal is 107.6 and the meal would be Ag(sliver).
We can apply law of equivalents here. In all the questions from 1-3 given before, we
could have used the law of equivalents in stead of solving by unitary method.
m2 = E2
m1 = mass of unknown metal,
E1=Eq.Mass of unnown metal and
⇒ (1.314/2.158) = E1/108
m2=mass of of Ag,
E2=equivalent mass of Ag.
(Since Eq. mass of Ag = 108/
⇒ E1 = 65. 76(Eq. mass of the unknown metal).
When you are asked to calculate the molecular mass of CO2, you immediately add the atomic
mass of one carbon atom(12) with 2 times the atomic mass of oxgyen atom(2X16=32) and the
result is 12+32=44. So the molecular mass of CO2 is 44. What does it mean? It means that one
molecule of carbon dioxde is 44 times heavier than one atom of hydrogen or in the cu scale one
molecule of carbon dioxide is 44 times heavier than 1/12 part of the mass of a carbon-12
isotope. So we write,
Molecular Mass =
Mass of one molecule
1/12 part of one atom of C(12)
Gm. Molecular Mass is the molecular mass expressed in gm. It is often called one gm. mole or
simply one mole. Can you say how many molecules of the substance is present in one gm.
molecular mass(one mole) of the substance? The answer is Avogadro's number of molecules.
More about mole concept will be discussed in the next chapter, Mole Concept.
Determination of Molecular Mass of a substance:
Add the atomic masses of all the atoms present in the molecule. You will get its molecular mass.
SAQ 1: Find the molecular masses of the following:
K2Cr2O7, CaCO3, MgS2O3, K2SO4, Al2(SO4)3.18H2O, FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O, SO3,
H2C2O4, CH3COCH3, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3, Ca3(PO4)2, C6H12O6
Gram Molar Volume(GMV) Method:
We know that one mole of any gas or vapour at NTP condition will occupy 22.4l(22400ml). This
is called gram molar volume(GMV). If the volume of a fixed mass of an unknown gas or vapour
is known at certain temperature and pressure, then we can first convert the volume to NTP
conditions and then find out the molecular mass by finding out the mass of the vapour occupying
22.4 litres at NTP. Look to the following example.
Example: 80 mg of liquid on vaporization occupied 24.9 ml at 270C and 740mm pressure.
Calculate the molecular mass of the subtance.
First the volume is changed to NTP conditon.
740 X 24.9
760 X V2
⇒ V2 = 22.06 ml
22.06ml of the vapour at NTP weighs 0.08gm
22400 ml of the vapour at NTP weighs 81.23 gm
Henc molecular mass of the substance is 81.23.
SAQ 2: At STP, 5 litres of a gas weighs 14.4gm. What is its molecular Mass? If the gas is made
up of S and O, could you guess what is the gas?
SAQ 3: 380ml of an unknown gas at 270C and 800mm of Hg pressure weighed 0.455gm. Calculate
the molecular mass of the gas. If the gas is made up of a single element, could you guess what
the gas is? Supposing the gas consists of two elements C and O, could you guess what it is?
Vapour Density Method (for volatile liquids):
Victer Meyer's Method:
This method is applicable for volatile substances(usually low boiling liquids) which vapourises
easily without decomposition.
Principle: A known mass of the volatile liquid is vapourised in the Victor Meyer's apparatus
which dispaces equal volume of air. The displaced air is collected by downward displacement
of water. The vapour density of the vapour is determined from the following relationship.
V.D =
Mass of certain volume of gas or vapour
Mass of same volume of hydrogen
(at fixed temp. and pr.)
Then molecular mass of the the substance is determined from the relationship
Molecular Mass = 2 X V.D
Description of the the Apparatus:
(a)Victor Meyer's tube: This is the main component of the apparatus. It is a long (nearly
60cm)narrow glass tube with an elongated bulb at the end. The tube is connected with a side
delivery tube at th top which is inserted inside the beehive shelf immersed in a trough of water.There
is glass wool at the bottom of the tube.
(b)Outer Jacket: The Victor Meyer's tube is kept inside a jacket made of copper or glass. A
liquid which boils at least 20-300C higher than the boiling point of the volatile liquid is taken inside
the outer jacket. Water is usually taken inside this jacket. The outer jacket is connected to an
outlet tube at the upper end for the exit of water vapour.
(c)Hoffmann's bottle: A very small glass bottle having stopper is used to contain volatile liquid.
Functioning: A small quantity of the volatile liquid whose V.D is to
be determined is taken in the stoppered Hoffmann's bottle and is
weighed accurately. The water inside the outer jacket is boiled so
that within a period of time Victer Meyer tube attaines a temperature
of 1000C. Excess water vapour produced in the outer jacket is
continously removed through the upper outlet. The air inside the
Victer Meyer's tube expands while boiling of water in the outer
jacket continues and the excess air passes out of the tube over the
trough of water in the form of gas bubbles. When the tube attains
equilibrium at 1000C, there is no more expansion of air and the air
bubbles stops appearing in the trough of water.
Then a graduated measuring tube which is completely filled with
water is inverted over the beehive shelf. Then the Hoffmann's
bottle(which is loosely stoppered) containing the volatile liquid is
carefully and quickly dropped into the Victor Meyer's tube by
opening its mouth and quickly closing it. While falling down, the loosely stopperd Hoffmann
bottle opens and the liquid instantly vapourises inside the tube as the temperature is 1000C which
is greater than the boiling point of the liquid Since the vapour is heavier than air, it remains inside
the tube and displaces equal volume of air from the tube which is collected in the gas tube by the
downward displacement of water. The Hoffmann bottle settles down over the glass wool at the
bottom of Victor Meyer's bute without breaking.
Levelling and volume measurement: Then the gas tube contining air is carefully taken out and
immersed vertically in tall jar containing water. The tube is brought to a position at which the
level of water inside the tube is same with the level of water outside in the tall jar. At this position,
the volume of the air is read from the calibration. At this position the pressure of the moist air
inside the tube is equal to one atmosphere. This is called levelling. The pressure is noted from the
barometer. Room temperature(temperature of water in the tall jar) is recorded.
Let the mass of the volatile liquid =
(Note that this mass will remain unchanged in both the liquid and vapour states)
Let the volume of air dislaced by the vapour of the volatile liquid= Vml
Temperature=t0C = (273+t)0C
Pressure = Pmm of Hg, and Aqueous Tension = f mm at t0C.
So pressure of dry air = (P-f)mm
First the volume of air displaced(Vml) is converted from the experimental conditions to NTP
conditions by using the combined gas equation.
(P-f) X V
760 X V2
⇒ V2 =
173 X (P-f) X V = y ml (say
(273+t) X 760
(volume at NTP)
Note that the volume of displaced air = volume of the vapour of the volatile liquid
Now we have to find out the mass of y ml of hydrogen gas at NTP. We know that
the mass of 1ml of hydrogen gas at NTP =0.000089gm (since density = 0.000089g/cc at NTP)
Hence the mass of y ml of hydrogen gas at NTP = 0.000089 X y gm
Vapour Density =
Mass of y ml of unknown gas at NTP
Mass of y ml of hydrogen gas at NTP
0.000089 X y
(note that the mass of volatile liqiud will not change when vapourised)
Molecular Mass = 2 X V.D
2.0 gm of a certain unknown gas occupies 418 ml at 270C and 755mm Hg
pressure. Find out the molecular mass of the gas.(aqueous tension at 270C =15mm)
V1= 418ml, P1= 740mm, T1= 273+27
Converting to the NTP condition,
(755-15) X 418
760 X V2
V2 = 370 .37 ml(volume at NTP)
V.D =
Mass of 370.37ml of the gas at NTP
Mass of 370.37ml of hydrogen gas at NP
0.000089 X 370.37
(Note that the initial mass of the unknown gas(here it is 2gm) cannot change despite its
V.D = 60.67, Hence Molecular Mass = 2 X 60.67= 121.34
Note that the molecular mass could also be calculated by Gram Molar Volume Method
without determining vapour density. You can adopt any method you like. But experimental
method(Victor Meyer) demands that you must first find out the VD and then MM.
SAQ 4: A certain vapour at a certain temperature and pressure was found to be 29 times
heavier than hydrogen gas at the same temperature and pressure. What is the molecular mass of
the substance.
SAQ 5: 0.45 g of a volatile liquid in Victer Meyer's apparatus displaced 98.75 mL of moist air at
200C and 718 mm of Hg pressure. Calculate the molecular mass of the liquid. (aqeous tension at
200C = 17.4 mm of Hg)
SAQ 6: The density of some gases are given below at NTP. Find their molecular masses. The
density of hydrogen gas at NTP=0.000089gm/cc. If all the gases are elemental in nature. Identify
(i)0.0014 gm/cc
SAQ 7:In a Victor Meyer's experiment, 0.168gm of a volatile liquid dislaced 49.4ml of air measured
over water at 200C and 740mm of pressure. Calculate the vapour density and molecular mass of
of the compound. (Aqeous tension at 200C= 18mm)
SAQ 8: Find the molecular mass of the volatile liquid given in SAQ 7 by gram molar volume
method. Do you find any difference?
When 3.2 gm of sulphur is vapourized at 4500C and 723 mm pressure, the vapour occupies
a volume of 780ml. What is the molecular formula of sulphur vapour under these conditions?
250ml of ozonised oxygen(ozone + oxygen)at NTP weighed 0.393gm. On passing the
sample through turpentine oil there was contraction in volume by 50ml. Find the molecular mass
of ozone.
If a gas has a density of 0.5 gm per litre at NTP, then find the mass of one mole of the
The molecular mass of a compound is 46. What will be the volume of air displaced by
0.1665g of the substance at 150C and 773.3 mm pressure in Victor Meyer's apparatus? (Aqueous
Tension at 150C =13.3 mm)
What is the mass of one mole of a gas, one gm. of which occupies 0.9822 litres at
1000C and 740mm pressure?
(Molecular Mass)
SAQ 1: K2Cr2O7 = 2X 39 + 2X52 + 7 X 16= 294,
CaCO3 = 40 + 12 + 3X16=100
K 2 SO 4 = 2X39 + 32+4X16 = 174;
MgS 2 O 3 (136), Al 2(SO 4 ) 3 .18H 2 O(666),
FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O(392), SO3(80), H2C2O4(90), CH3COCH3(58) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3(860)
Ca3(PO4)2(310), C6H12O6 (180)
SAQ 2:If 5 litres of the gas weighs 14.4gm at STP
Then 22.4 litres of the gas will weigh (14.4/5) X 22.4= 64.5 (Molecular mass)
If the gas consist of S and O , it has to be SO2. Its molecular mass is 64 which is close
to the experimental value. Note that there would definitely ramain some error in any experimental
SAQ 3: First we have to convert the volume into STP condtions.
800 X 380
760 X V2
⇒ V2 = 364ml
365ml of the gas weighs 0.455gm at STP
22400 ml of the gas will weigh (0.455/365) X 22400 = 27.9
So the molecular mass of the gas is 27.9 and it is undoubtedly N2(2X14=28) as it consists
of only one element. If it consists of C and O, it has to be CO(12+16=28).
SAQ 4: The vapour density of the vapour =29, because the density of the vapour 29 times
greater than density of hydrogen at the same
temperature. So its Molecular Mass
SAQ 5:NTP volume(V2) = 84.8 mL, V.D = 0.45/(0.000089X84.8) = 59.62, So MM=119.24
SAQ 6:(i)
VD = (density of the gas or vapour)/(density of hydrogen) (at same temperature
and pressure, here it is NTP)
VD= (0.0014/0.000089)= 15.73, So MM= 2X15.73=31.46 ≈ 32. So the gas is
VD= 0.00316/0.000089= 35.5, MM=71, so the gas is Cl2
VD=0.00089/0.000089=10, MM=20, so the gas is Ne.
SAQ 7: V1= 49.4ml,
P1 = (740-18)mm
Let us first convert the volume to NTP conditions.
(740-18) X 49.4
760 X V2
V.D =
⇒ V2= 43.72ml
mass of 43.72ml of the vapour at NTP=
mass of 43.72ml of hydrogen at NTP
= 43.175
M.M = 2XV.D = 2X43.175= 86.35
SAQ 8: Let us take the NTP volume V2 from the SAQ 7 = 43.72ml
43.72ml of the vapour weighs 0.168gm
So 22400ml of the vapour will weigh
(0.168/43.72)X22400 = 86.075gm (M.M)
We noticed that the M.M found by two methods are little different. This is obvious as the
difference is due to the difference in methods adopted. In VD method we made use of the
density of hydrogen gas as 0.000089gm/cc which is not very exact. That is why this difference.
But you are advised to adopt any method unless otherwise asked for specifically.
Convert the volume to NTP condition first. The NTP volume V2=280.18ml(see for
280.18ml of the vapour at NTP weighs 3.2gm.
22400ml of the vapour at NTP must weigh (3.2/280.18) X 22400 = 255.83gm.
So the the molecular formula (S)n can be known: n=255.83/32 ≈ 8 : S8
Turpentine oil absorbs ozone only. Since the contraction of volume was held by 50ml, the
volume of ozone =50ml. So the volume of oxgyen = 250-50=200ml
V.D of the mixture = 0.393/(250X0.000089) = 17.66, So MM = 2X 17.66=35.32
200 X 32 + 50 X x
⇒ x = 48.6 (where x=M.M of ozone)
Note that the actual molecular mass of ozone is 48 which is close to the result.
1litre weighs 0.5gm at NTP, So 22.4litres will weigh 11.2gms. This is the mass of one
Let the volume of air displaced = x ml at 150C and (773.3-13.3)mm pressure. Let us
convert this
volume to NTP condition. The NTP volume V2 =0.957x ml.
V.D = 0.1665/(0.957x X 0.000089) = 46/2=23 ⇒ x = 85.5ml
So the volume of air displaced in the Victor Meyer's experiment is 85.5ml
Similar to No.3.
Ans: 32g
(Try yourself)
Av. M.M = 35.32 =
Mole Concept and Avogadro lasw and i
Mole is a chemical unit( like a dozen, a gross etc. used as family units) which can be defined in
two ways.
Number wise: one mole of anything contains Avogadro's Number (6.023 X 1023)
of species of that thing.
Mass wise: It is the mass of the substance which contains Avogadro's number of
Mole can be determined for atoms, molecules as well as for ions.
For atoms : e.g C, Na, H, Fe etc. (b)For molecules :e.g N2, H2, CO2, H2SO4 etc.
For ions : e.g SO42-, NO3- etc.
For atoms:
The atomic mass expressed in gm(gm atomic mass) is the mass of Avogadro's number of
atoms. So one mole of atoms weigh one gm. atomic mass(e.g : one mole of Na atoms weighs 23
gms , one mole of H atoms weigh 1.008 gm and one mole of C weigh 12 gms. and so on)
N.B: Some authors write one mole of atoms as one gm. atom and according to them the
term mole should not be used for atoms. However, we have used both gm. atom and mole
for atoms.
SAQ 1:(i)How many bananas are there in one mole of banana?
(ii)You bought 1/10 mole of cricket balls for your team. How many balls you bought. If
you require only 20 balls per year, how long your team can play cricket?
(iii)A cigarette smoker smoked 12.046 X1023 cigarettes before his death in lung cancer.
How many moles of cigarettes did he smoke during his life time?
SAQ 2: Find the mass of 6.203 X 1023 atoms of (a)Phosphorus (b)Calcium
SAQ 3: Find the number of atoms present in (i) 19 gms of Fluorine (ii)39 gms of Potassium
(iii)63.5 gms of Cu
Example: Calculate the number of atoms present in 2.3 gms of Na
23 gms(gm. atomic mass) of Na contain 6.203 X 1023 atoms of Na
2.3 gms of Na therefore contain 6.023 X 10
2.3 = 6.023 X 10 atoms of Na
SAQ 4:Calculate the number of atoms present in the following:
(i) 0.12 gm of C (ii)40 gms of He
(iii)4 gms of Oxygen
(iv)0.001 gm of
Sulphur (v)40mg of Calcium
(vi)6.35 kgs of Copper
The atomic masses are as follows: C=12, He=4, O=16, S=32, Ca=40, Cu=63.5
SAQ 5: Calculate the mass of the following
(i) 1 million carbon atoms
(iii) 12X 1030 of K atoms
Atomic Masses: C =12
No. of moles(gm. atoms) of atoms of an element present in a given mass of element:
You already know that 1 mole of atoms (also called 1 gm. atom of an element) contains Avogadro's
number of atoms which weigh one gm atomic mass. For examle, the atomic mass of Na is 23. So
23 gms of Na = 1 mole of Na atoms =1 gm atom of Na which contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of
Na. So if you are asked to find the number of moles of atoms or gm. atoms of Na present in 2.3
gm of Na, it is 1/10 of a mole =0.1 mole of atoms(gm. atom). Also if you are asked to find the
number of atoms present in it, you can find out by the method described earlier. See this example.
Example: Find the number of moles(gm. atoms) of sodium atoms present in 0.023 gm of Na
23 gms of Na = 1 mole of Na atoms(1gm atom of Na)
0.023gm of Na =
0.023 = 0.001 mole of Na atoms or 0.001 gm atom of Na
SAQ 6: Calculate the number of moles(gm. atoms) of atoms present in the following
(i)1.27 gms of Iodine (ii)400 mgs of Oxygen (iii)5.04 gms of H
Silicon (Atomic Masses: I =127, O=16, H=1, Si=28)
For molecule and Ions:
Molecular mass expressed in gms(gm. molecular mass) is the mass of Avogadro's number
of molecules. Similarly ionic mass expressed in gm. is the mass of Avogadro's number of
ions. Hence one mole of molecules will weigh one gm. molecular mass and one mole of ions will
weigh one gm. ionic mass. One mole of N2 gas will weigh 14X2= 28gms, one mole of CO2 will
weigh 44 gms and one mole of SO42- will weigh 32+4X16=96 gms and so on.
SAQ 7:Calculate the mass of 6.023X1023 molecules of the following:
( Atomic masses: Ca=40 , C=12, S=32, Cl=35.5, S=32, O=16, H=1)
SAQ 8: Calculate the mass of 6.023X1023 number of ions in case of the following
(i)NO3- (ii)Cr2O7 2- (Atomic masses: N=14, Cr=52)
If 36.5 gms (gm molecular mass) of HCl contains 6.023X1023 molecules of HCl, then x gm of
HCl will contain (6.023X1023/36.5)X x molecules. So if the mass of a substance is given, we can
calculate the number of molecules. We can also get the mass of a substance which will contain
a fixed number of molecules. See the following examples.
Calculate the number of molecules present in 7 gms of N2 gas.
The molecular mass of N2 is 28.
28 gms of N2 contains 6.023X1023 molecules
7 gms of N2 contains 6.023 X 10
7 = 1.505 X 10
SAQ 9:Find the mass of the following.
(i)2.0076 X 1020 molecules of Na2CO3
(ii)3.0115 X 1040 molecules of H2SO4
Since the gm. molecular mass is the mass of 1 mole of a substance, we can find out the number
of moles present in given mass of a substance. Look to the following example.
Find the number of moles of sulphuric acid molecules present in 490 gms
of H2SO4 .
Molecular Mass of H2SO4 = 98
98 gms of H2SO4 = 1 mole
490 gms of H2SO4= 490/98=5 moles
SAQ 10:
Find the number of moles in case of the following:
(i)18.6 gms of Phosphorous(P4)
(ii)1.47kg of H 2SO4
(iii)3.55gm of Cl2 gas
SAQ 11:
Calculate the number of moles and molecules present in
(i)0.106 gmsNa2CO3
(ii)48gms of Oxygen (iii)15.5 gms of P4
(iv)0.49 gms of H2SO4
(v)2.8 kg of Nitrogen gas
SAQ 12:
Find the mass of the following
(i) 1023 molecules of hydrogen (ii)100 million molecules of K2SO4
(iii) 1.2 X 10 69 molecules of Nitrogen
SAQ 13:
Find the mass of the following.
(i)0.001mole of Ca3(PO4)2
(ii)2.5moles of H2SO4
(iii)1/20 mole of MgCO3
Since the mass of Avogadro's number of atoms is gm. atomic mass. So from this the absolute
mass of one atom of an element can be calculated. Note that this is the actual mass of an atom
which is incredibly minute and small. When you are asked, what is the mass of one oxygen atom,
you often say 16gm. But just think how the mass of one tiny oxygen atom could be 16gm?? With
16gm of sugar you can prepare a cup of tea and could one atom of oxygen can weigh an
incredibly large 16gm?? No, what we say 16gm; is its gm. atomic mass, which is the mass of
Avogadro's number of atoms. So from this the actual mass of one atom in gm can be calculated.
See this example.
Find the mass of one oxygen atom:
6.023X1023 atoms of oxygen weigh 16 gms
atom of oxygen weighs
16/( 6.023X1023)= 2.66 X 10-23 gm.
Do you notice how small the mass of one atom is!!!!
SAQ 14: Find out the mass of one atom of each of the following.The atomic masses are given
within brackets.
SAQ 15: What is the mass of 1 amu in gm? How this is related with the mass of hydrogen atom?
Since the gm. molecular mass is the mass of Avogadro's number of molecules in the same way
as gm atomic mass is the mass of Avogadro's number of atoms, we can calculate the actual
mass of one molecule of a substance. See this example.
Example: Calculate mass of one molecule of CO2.
Molecular mass of CO2 = 12 +16X2 = 44
6.023X1023 molecules of CO2 weigh 44 gms
molecule of CO2 weighs 44/(6.023X1023) = 7.305 X 10-23 gm.
You also found that like the mass of one atom, the mass of one molecule is also very small.
SAQ 16:.Find the mass of one molecule in gm for the following
(i)NH3 (ii)CaCO3
(iii)(NH4)2SO4 (iv)CH3COOH (v)NaCl
Gram Molar Volume(GMV) at NTP = 22.4 litres
one mole of any gas occupies 22.4 litres at NTP.
e.g 32 gms of O2 gas, 2 gms of H2 gas, 44 gms of CO2 gas, 28 gms of N2 gas etc. each occupies
22.4 litres at NTP (00C and 760mm Hg Pressure). So the number of moles and molecules of a
gas present in a given volume of gas can be easily calculated. Also we can do the opposite thing.
We can calculate the volume of gas provided we know the number of molecules or moles or
mass. The examples below will make these more clear.
Example : Calculate the number of molecules, moles and mass of oxygen gas present in
224cc of oxygen gas at NTP.
22400 cc of O2 gas at NTP contain 6.023X1023 molecules of O2
224 cc of O2 gas at NTP contain 6.023X1021 molecules of O2
Again 22400 ml of O2 gas contains 1 mole
224 ml of O2 contains 224/22400 = 0.01mole
1 mole of oxygen weigh 32 gms
0.01mole of oxygen weigh 32X0.01 = 0.32 gm
N.B : For gas present at conditions other than NTP, the combined gas equation
(P1VI/T1=P2V2/T2 )is to be used to convert the given volume to NTP or volume at NTP to
volume at given conditions depending on the requirement. . If the volume data is given,the
conversion is made first and if the volume is to be found out, then the conversion is done at
the end.
Example : Calculate the volume in cc of nitrogen gas containing 2.4 X 1020 molecules at
270C and 800mm pressure.
Here volume is to be calculated at some other temperature and pressure. So the conversion
is to be made at the end.
6.023X1023 molecules of N2 at NTP occupies 22400 cc
2.4 X 1020 molecules of N2 occupies 8.96cc at NTP
But we need to find the volume at the conditions given in the question. Let us apply gas
760 X 8.96
800 X V2
⇒ V2= 9.22cc
Example 3: Calculate the number of molecules and mass in gm. of CO2 present in 200 ml
of the gas at 270C and 800mm pressure.
Solution: Since the volume data is given here, the gas equation is to be used first to get the
volume at NTP from the volume at given conditions.
800 X 200
760 X V2
⇒ V2 = 191.6 ml(Volume at NTP)
22400 ml of CO2 gas at NTP weighs 44 gms
191.6 ml of CO2 weighs (44/22400)191.4 = 0.376gm =376 mg.
Again 22400 ml of the gas at NTP contains 6.023 X1023 molecules at
191.6 ml of the gas contains 5.1 X1021 molecules .
SAQ 17:
Find the volume of 4gms of CO2 gas at NTP. How many molecules are present in it?
Calculate the mass of N2 gas present in 560ml of it at NTP. Also find out the number of
moles and molecules present in it.
Find the number of molecules present in 680ml of O2 gas at 270C and 900mm of Hg
pressure. Also calculate the mass in gm and number of moles.
Calculate the volume of H2 at 270C and 900 mm pressure if it contains 0.5 mole of
hydrogen gas.
(Mole Concept)
1. Find the number of gm. atoms(mole of atoms) present in the following. Also calculate the
number of atoms present in it. The atomic masses are given inside brackets.
(i)4Kg of Ca (40)
(ii) 32.7gm of Zn(65.4)
(iv)95.4gm of Cu(63.55) (v)8.62gm of Fe(55.85)
2. How many H2 molecules are present in 8.5 gm of H2? How many H atoms are in it?
3. Find the mass of one S atom in gm.
4. Find the mass of the following:
(i)12.046 X 1024 atoms of H(1)
(ii)3.0115 X 1030 atoms of Zn(65.5)
(iii) 3.6138 X 10 atoms of Ag(108)
5. How many moles and how many molecules of H2O are present in 48gms of H2O?
6. What is the mass of 0.004mole of glucose(C6H12O6)? What is the mass of one glucose
7. What is the mass of the following. Also find their volumes at NTP.( N stands for Avogadro's
(i) 3N molecules of CO2 (ii)0.5N molecules of N2 (iii)0.0002 N molecules of O2
8. How many molecules of water and atoms of H and O are present in 9 gms of H2O?
9. Calculate the number of moles in each of the following. Also find the number of molecules in
each case.
(i)10gms of CaCO3
(ii)3.5kg of H2SO4
(iii)3.16gm of KMnO4
10. Find the number of NO3- ions present in 62gm of NO3- . What is the mass of one NO3- ion?
11. Calculate the number of H atoms, S atoms and O atoms present in 7gms of H2SO4.
12. Calculate the gm. atoms(mole of atoms) of carbon and oxygen present in 22gms of CO2 gas
at NTP. Also find the number of carbon and oxygen atoms present in it.
13.Calculate the number of oxygen atoms present in 25gm of CaCO3. Also find the number of
gm. atoms(mole of atoms) of oxgyen present.
14. How many H atoms are present in 25gm of NH4Cl? Also find the the number of moles of
NH4Cl present.
(i)The number of boron atoms in 594gms of Boron(B=11)
(ii)the number of calcium atoms in 10gms of calcium(Ca=40)
(iii)the number of iron atoms in 8.37gms of iron(Fe=56)
(iv)the number of gm. atoms in 1.0gm of Lithium(Li =7)
(v)the number of Uranium atoms in 1 gm of U238 isotope( U = 238)
A sample of pure element that had a mass of 1.0g was found to contain 1.5 X 1022
Find out the atomic mass of the element.
How many gm. atoms and atoms of S are present in 20gm of sulphur?(S=32)
How many moles are there in each of the following:
(i)0.14gm of nitrogen gas
(ii)9.2gm of NO2 gas
(iii)3.5 X1022 molecules of
N 2O
Calculate the number of moles in 2.2gm of CO2.
Calculate the number of molecules in 2.4gm of CO.
Calculate the mass of
(i)one CO2 molecule
(ii)One Au atom (At. mass of Au = 197)
(iv)One hydrogen atom
(iii)One H2SO4 molecule
An atom of Hg weighs 33.3 X 10-23 gm. Calculate the atomic mass of Hg.
One atom of an element(X) weighs 6.6 X 10-23 gm. Calculate the number of gm. atoms
20kg of it.
Calculate the number of methane molecules and the number of hydrogen and carbon
atoms present in 20gms of methane?
How many atoms of each kind are present in 2.56gms of sucrose(C12H22O11)?
Which of the following contains the greatest number of molecules and which contains
the least.
(i)8 gm of CO2 (ii)8gm of O2 (iii)8gm of N2 (iv)8gm of H2
How many moles and molecules are present in the following.
(i)19.2 gm of H2SO4
(ii)4.4 Kg of CO2
Calculate the number of atoms of each kind in
(i)4.4gm of CO2
(ii)2.7gm of Al
(iii)10 gm of CaCO3
A piece of Zn weighs 0.65gm. How many atoms of Zn does it contain?(Zn =65)
Calculate the volume at NTP occupied by 2.4gm of SO2.
The volume of a gas in a tube is 1.15 X 10-7 ml at NTP. Calculate the number of H2
molecules of the gas present in the tube.
What is the number of atoms in 2gm of He and also find its volume at STP.(He=4)
How many molecules of water are present in one cc of water?(density of water=1gm/
Calculate the number of molecules present in
(i)100 ml of CO2 at NTP
(ii)1 litre of HCl at NTP
(iii)250 ml of H2 at 270C and 800 mm pressure
How many gm atoms are contained in(atomic masses are given within brackets)
(a)32.7g of Zn(65.5)
(b)7.09g of Chlorine(35.5)
(c)95.4g of Cu(63.5)
(d)4.31gm of Fe(56)
(e)0.328g of S(32)
What is the volume of :(i)CO gas containing 3 X 1021 molecules at STP
(ii)N2 gas containing 2.4 X 1025 molecules at 270C and 800mm
Calculate the number of moles of carbon atoms present in
(a)1.0gm of C (ii)12 gm of carbon
(iii)5.66 X 1020 carbon atoms
Calculate the mass in gm for the following
(i)3 g atom of Ag
(ii)0.5 mole of Ne
(iii)2.5 moles of CO2
mole of K2CO3
Find the number of g. atoms and mass of an element having 3 X 1024 atoms. Atomic
mass of the element is 32.
How many atoms of Na, S, O are present in 0.25 mole of Na2SO4?
Find the molecular mass of a gas, 7.525 X 1023 molecules weigh 35 gms. Also find the
volume of the 5gm of the gas at NTP.
Calculate the number of oxygen atoms present in 17.6 g of CO2.
Calculate the mass in gm of HNO3 present in 0.005moles of it. Also calculate the number
of molecules of HNO3 present in it.
Calculate the number of SO42- ions present 2.5gm of Na2SO4.
(Mole Concept)
SAQ 1:
One mole of banana contains 6.023 X 1023 number of bananas. What a huge number!!!
one mole of cricket balls = 6.023 X 1023 , so 1/10 mole of it will contain ten times less
i.e 6.023 X 1022 number of balls. If you need 20 balls per annum, then the number of
years required to exhaust the stock = 6.023 X 1022 /20= 3.1 X 1021 years, which means
thousands of generations will play cricket with that stock of balls!!!!
6.023 X 1023 number of cigarettes
=1 mole of cigarettes
= 1/(6.023 X 1023)mole
12.046 X 1025 cigarettes
= 12.046 X 1023 X(1/6.023 X 1023)=2 moles
So the man smoked 2 moles of cigarettes during his life time.
SAQ 2: The mass of Avogadro's number of atoms= one gm. atomic mass
All these are the atomic masses of the elements.
SAQ 3: (i)6.023 X 1023 atoms of F
(ii)6.023 X 1023 atoms of K
(iii)6.023 X 10 atoms of Cu
Note that in all these cases, mass of the substance given were their respective gm. atomic
masses. So the amount must contain Avogadro's number of atoms.
SAQ 4: (i)
12 gms(gm. atomic mass) of C contain 6.023 X 1023 number of C atoms
0.12gms of C must contain (6.023 X 1023/12)X0.12= 6.023 X 1021 atoms
4 gms(gm atomic mass) of He contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of He
40gms of He must contain (6.023 X 1023/4)X40= 6.023 X 1024 atoms of He
16gms(gm. atomic mass) of oxygen contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of O
4gms of oxgyen must contain (6.023 X 1023/16)X4= 1.5 X 1023 atoms
32gms(gm. atomic mass)of S contains 6.023 X 1023 number of S atoms
0.001gms of S must contain (6.023 X 1023/32)X0.001= 1.88 X 1019 atoms of S
40gms(gm atomic mass) of Ca contain 6.023 X 1023 atoms of Ca
40mg i.e 0.04gm of Ca must contain (6.023 X 1023/40)X0.04=6.023 X 1020
atoms of S
63.5gm(gm atomic mass) of Cu contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of Cu
6.35Kg i.e 6350 gm of Cu must contain (6.023 X 1023/63.5)X6350=6.023 X 1025
6.023 X 1023 number of carbon atoms weigh 12gms(gm atomic mass)
1 million i.e 106 atoms will weigh [12/ (6.023 X 1023)]X106≈ 2X12-17 gms.
(How much small the mass is!!!!)
6.023 X 1023 atoms of K weigh 39gms (gm atomic mass)
12 X 1030 atoms of K will weighs [39/( 6.023 X 1023)]X12X1030 =78X107 gms
= 7.8 X 108gms
SAQ 6:(i)
127gm(gm atomic mass) of I = 1 mole of I atoms=1 gm atom
So 1.27gm of I = (1/127)X1.27= 1/100=0.01 mole of I atoms =0.001gm atom
16 gms(gm atomic mass) of O = 1 mole of O atoms= 1gm atom
400mg i.e 0.4gm of O = (1/16) X 0.4= 4/160 = 0.025 mole of atoms(gm atom)
1 gm(gm atomic mass) of H = 1 mole of H atoms =1gm atom
5.04gms of H = (1/1) X 5.04= 5.04 moles of H atoms =5.04 gm atoms
28gms(gm atomic mass) of Si = 1 mole of Si atoms(1gm atom)
0.28gm of Si = (1/28)X0.28= 1/100 =0.01 mole of Si atoms(0.01gm atom)
SAQ 7: (i)
Molecular Mass of CaCO3 = 40 + 12 + 3X16= 100
The mass of 6.023X1023 molecules is gm molecular mass =100gms
Molecular Mass of S8= 8X32=256, So the mass of 6.023X1023 molecules of S8
Molecular Mass of HCl = 1+35.5 = 36.5, So the mass of 6.023X1023 molecules
HCl = 36.5gms.
Molecular Mass of H2SO4 = 2+32 +64 =98, So the mass of 6.023X1023 molecules
of H2SO4 is 98 gms.
SAQ 8:(i)
Ionic Mass of NO3- = 14 + 48 = 62, So 6.023X1023 number of NO3- ions wil
Ionic Mass of Cr2O7 2- = 2X52+ 7X16 = 216, So the mass of 6.023X1023 number
Cr2O7 2- is 216gms.
SAQ 9:(i)
Molecular Mass of Na2CO3 = 2X23+12+3X16=106,
So 6.023X1023 molecules of Na2CO3 weighs 106 gms.
2.0076 X 1020 molecules of Na2CO3 must weigh (106/6.023 X 1023)X2.0076 X
=35.33 X10-3gm = 0.03533 gm = 35.33 mg
Molecular Mass of H2SO4 = 2+32+64=98,
6.023X1023 molecules of H2SO4 weighs 98 gms.
3.0115 X 1040 molecules of H2SO4 will weigh (98/6.023 X 1023)X3.0115 X 1040
490 X 10 16gm = 490 X 10 13 kg = 490 X 10 10 quintals(!!!!).
SAQ 10:(i)
Molecular Mass of P4 = 4X31=124
124 gms of P4 = 1 mole ⇒ 18.6gms of P4 = (1/124)X18.6= 0.15 mole
Molecular Mass of H2SO4 = 98
98 gms of H2SO4 =1 mole
1.47kg i.e 1470gm of H2SO4 = (1/98)X1470 = 15 moles.
Molecular Mass of Cl2 = 2X35.5=71
71gm of Cl2 = 1 mole ⇒ 3.55gm of Cl2 = (1/71)X3.55= 1/2 =0.05 mole.
Note that in this case we had to find out the number of molecules(not atoms) as chrorine is a
diatomic molecule.
SAQ 5:(i)
SAQ 11:(i)
Molecular Mass of Na2CO3 = 46 + 12+48=106,
106gm of Na2CO3 = 1 mole
0.106 gm of Na2CO3 = (1/106)X0.106=0.001 mole
1 mole of Na2CO3 contains 6.023 X 1023 molecules
0.001 mole of Na2CO3 must contain 0.001X6.023 X 1023= 6.023 X 1020 molecules
106gm of Na2CO3 contains 6.023 X 1023 molecules
0.106 gm of Na2CO3 contains (6.023 X 1023/106)X0.106 = 6.023 X 1020
You are advised to adopt any method you like.
Molecular Mass of O2 =32,
32 gms of Oxgyen = 1 mole of O2 .
48gms of oxygen = (1/32)X 48 = 1.5 moles of O2
1 mole of O2 conatins 6.023 X 1023 molecules
1.5 moles of O2 must contain 2 X6.023 X 1023= 9.0345 X 1023 molecules.
Molecular Mass of P4 = 4X31=124
124gms of P4 = 1 mole
15.5 gms of P4 = 1/124 X 15.5 = 0.125 mole.
1 mole of P4 contains 6.023 X 1023 molecules of P4
0.125 mole of P4 must contain 0.125 X6.023 X 1023 = 7.528 X 1022 molecules.
98gms(gm molecular mass) of H2SO4 = 1mole
0.49gm of H2SO4 = 1/98 X 0.49 = 0.005 mole
1 mole of H2SO4 contains 6.023 X 1023 molecules
0.005 mole of H2SO4 must contain 0.005 X 6.023 X 1023 = 3.01 X 1022 molecules.
Mol. Mass of N2 = 28,
28 gm of N2 = 1 mole
2.8kg i.e 2800gm of N2 = 1/28 X 2800 = 100 moles.
1 mole of N2 conains 6.023 X 1023 molecules of N2
100 moles of N2 must cotain 100X6.023 X 1023= 6.023 X 1025 molecules.
SAQ 12:(i)
Mol. Mass of H2 = 2,
6.023 X 1023 number of H2 molecules 2gm (gm. molecular mass)
1023 number of molecules will weigh (2/6.023 X 1023) X 1023 = 0.332gm
M.M of K2SO4 = 2X39+32+4X16=174
6.023 X 1023 molecules of K2SO4 weigh 174gm
So 100 million i.e 100 X106 molecules will weigh (174/6.023 X 1023 )X(100X106)
=29 X10-15 gm
M.M of N2 =28
6.023 X 1023 molecules of N2 weigh 28 gm
So 1.2 X 10 69molecules of N2 will weigh
(28/6.023 X1023)X(1.2X1069)=5.578X1046gm
SAQ 13:(i)M.M of Ca3(PO4)2 = 3X40+2X31+8X16= 310
1 mole of Ca3(PO4)2
= 310gms
= 310X0.001=0.31gm.
M.M of H2SO4= 98,
2.5moles of H2SO4= 2.5X98=245gms.
1 mole of H2SO4 = 98gms ⇒
M.M of MgCO3 =24+12+48=84
1mole of MgCO3 = 84gms
1/20 mole of MgCO3 = 1/20X84 = 4.2 gms.
SAQ 14: (i) Mass of 6.023X1023 atoms of Carbon = 12gm
So the mass of 1 atom of carbon = 12/(6.023X1023 ) = 2 X10-23gm.
Similarly mass of one Al atom = 27/(6.023X1023 )=4.5 X10-23 gm
Mass of 1 H atom = 1/(6.023X1023 )= 1.66 X 10-24gm.
Mass of 1 S atom = 32/(6.023X1023 )= 5.31 X10-23gm.
Massof 1 Cl atom = 35.5/(6.023X1023 )= 5.9X10-23g.
Mass of 1 Ag atom = 108/(6.023X1023 )= 17.93 X 10-23gm=1.79X10-22gm
SAQ 15: 1 amu is the 1/12 part of one atom of C-12 isotope.
First let us find out the mass of 1 C atom which is equal to 12/(6.023X1023 )=1.992X10-23gm.
This the mass of 12 amu.
So the mass of 1 amu = (1.992X10-23)/12 = 1.66 X 10-24 gm
Look to the response of previous SAQ 14 (iii), the mass of H atom was found to be 1.66
X 10-24 gm. Hence mass of 1 amu and 1 H atom are same.
SAQ 16:(i)
M.M of NH3 = 14+3=17
6.023X1023 molecules of NH3 weigh 17gm
So, 1 molecule of NH3 will weigh 17/(6.023X1023 )= 2.82 X10-23gm.
M.M of CaCO3 = 40 + 12 + 48 =100,
So the mass of 1 molecule of CaCO3 = 100/(6.023X1023 )= 1.66X10-22gm
M.M of (NH4)2SO4 = 2(14+4)+32+64=132.
So the mass of 1 molecule of (NH4)2SO4 = 132/(6.023X1023)= 2.19X10-22gm
M.M of CH3COOH = 2X12+4+32=60
So the mass of 1 molecule of CH3COOH= 60/(6.023X1023) = 9.96X10-23gm
Formula Mass of NaCl = 23+35.5 = 58.5
So the mass of 1 NaCl = 58.5/(6.023X1023)=9.71X10-23gm
SAQ 17:
M. M of CO2= 44
So 44gms of CO2 occupy 22.4 litres at NTP
So 4 gm of CO2 will occupy (22.4/44)X4 = 2.0363 litres= 2036.3 mls.
44gms. of CO2 contains 6.023X1023 molecules
4 gm will contain (6.023X1023 /44)X4 = 5.47X1022 molecules.
M.M of N2 =28
22400ml of N2 gas at NTP will weigh 28gm
560ml of N2 gas at NTP will weigh (28/22400)X560 = 0.7gm.
For finding the number of moles, we can either start from gm. molecular mass
gm. molar volume.
22400 ml of N2 at NTP = 1mole
560 ml of N2 at NTP = (1/22400)X560 = 1/40 =0.025 mole
28gms of N2 = 1mole
0.7gm of N2 = 0.7/28= 0.025 mole
22400 ml of N2 at NTP contains 6.023X1023 molecules
560 ml of N2 at NTP must contain (6.023X1023 /22400)X560 = 1.5X1022
You can also calculate the number of molecules from the mass of N2(0.7gm)
Since volume data is given, we have to convert it to NTP condition at once.
The NTP volume = V2 = 732.79 ml
22400ml of O2 at NTP contains 6.023X1023 molecules
732.79ml of O2 at NTP must contain (6.023X1023/22400) X 732.79 =
Since the volume has been asked, the conversion is to be done at the end.
1 mole of H2 occupies 22.4 litres at NTP
So 0.5 mole of H2 must occupy 11.2 litres at NTP.
Now convert this volume to the volume at required conditions:
(11.2 l X 760mm)/273K = (V2 X 900)/300K ⇒ V2 = 10.393litres.
40 gms of Ca = 1gm atom(1 mole of atoms)
So 4kg i.e 4000gm of Ca = (1/40)X4000= 100 gm atoms.
1 gm. atom contains 6.023X1023 of Ca atoms
100gm atoms must contain 6.023X1023 X100 = 6.023X1025 atoms of Ca
(Note that you can also find the number of atoms from gm. atomic mass, i.e 40 gms of
contains 6.023X1023 of atoms and so 4000 gms will contain how many atoms?)
65.4 gms of Zn = 1gm atom(mole of atoms)
So 32.7 gms of Zn = (1/65.4)X32.7 = 0.5 gm atom
65.4 gms of Zn contains 6.023X1023 of atoms
32.7gms of Zn must contain (6.023X1023 /65.4)X32.7= 3.0115 X1023 atoms.
[Note that you can also find the number of atoms from the number of gm. atoms calculated
as in (i)]
35.45gms of Cl= 1 gm atom
7.09 gms of Cl =(1/35.45)X7.09= 0.2 gm atom
1 gm atom of Cl contains 6.023X1023 atoms of Cl
0.2 gm atom of Cl must contain 6.023X1023 X 0.2= 1.2046 X 1023 atoms
63.55 gms of Cu = 1 gm atom(mole of atoms)
95.4gms of Cu= (1/63.55)X95.4=1.5 gm atoms.
1 gm. atom of Cu contains 6.023X1023 of atoms
So 1.5 gm atoms of Cu must contain 6.023X1023 X1.5= 9.03 X 1023 atoms.
55.85gms of Fe= 1gm atom(mole of atoms)
8.62gms of Fe = (1/55.85)X8.62=0.154 gm atom
1 gm atom of Fe contains 6.023X1023 atoms
0.154 gm. atom of Fe must contain 6.023X1023 X0.154=0.927 X 1023 atoms.
M.M of H2= 2
2gms of H2 contains 6.023X1023 molecules of H2
8.5 gms of H2 must contain (6.023X1023 /2)X8.5=25.597X 1023 molecules
1 H2 molecule contains 2 H atoms(since hydrogen molecule is diatomic)
25.597X 1023 molecules of H2contains 25.597X 1023 X 2 =51.195 X1023 atoms
of H
Atomic Mass of S = 32
6.023X 1023 atoms of S weighs 32 gms
1 atom of S must weigh
32/(6.023X 1023)= 5.313 X 10-23 gm.
6.023X1023 atoms of H weigh 1gm (gm atomic mass)
12.046 X 1024 atoms of H must weigh (1/6.023X1023 )X12.046 X 1024 =20gms
6.023X1023 atoms of of Zn weighs 65.5gm(gm atomic mass)
3.0115 X 1030 atoms of Zn must weigh (65.5/6.023X1023 )X3.0115 X 1030
6.023X1023 atoms of of Ag weighs 108gms(gm atomic mass)
3.6138 X 1022 atoms of Ag must contain (108/6.023X1023 )X3.6138 X 1022
M.M of H2O=18
⇒ 48 gms of H2O = (1/18)X48= 2.67 moles
18gms of H2O = 1 mole
1 mole of H2O contains 6.023X1023 number of molecules
2.67 moles will contain 6.023X1023 X2.67 =16.08 X 1023 molecules.
M.M of glucose(C6H12O6) = 6X12 + 12X1+ 6X16=180
1 mole of glucose = 180 gms
0.004 mole of glucose = 180X0.004 = 0.72gm
6.023X1023 molecules of glucose weigh 180 gms.
1 molecule of glucose must weigh 180/6.023X1023 =29.88 X10-23=2.98X10-22gm.
N molecules of CO2 weigh 44gms ( N = 6.023X1023 )
3N molecules of CO2 must weigh 44X3=132 gms.
N molecules at NTP occupy 22.4 litres
3N molecules at NTP must occuply 22.4X3= 67.2litres.
44 gms. of CO2 occupies 22.4 litres at NTP
132gms of CO2 occupies (22.4/44)X132 = 67.2 litres.
N molecules of nitrogen gas weighs 28 gm(N =6.023X1023 )
0.5 N molecules of nitrogen gas must weigh 0.5X28=14gms.
N molecules of nitrogen gas at NTP occupy 22.4 litres
0.5N molecules of nitrogen must occupy 0.5X22.4=11.2 litres at NPT.
N molecules of O2 weighs 32 gms.
0.0002N molecules of O2 must weigh 32X0.0002 = 0.0064gm
N molecules of O2 gas occupy 22.4litres at NTP
0.0002N molecules of O2 gas must occupy 22.4X 0.0002=0.00448litres=4.48ml
M.M of H2O= 18
18gms of water contains 6.023X1023 molecules.
9gms of water must contain 3.0115X 1023 molecules
1 H2O molecules contain 2 H atoms and 1 O atom
3.0115X1023 molecules contain 2X3.0115X1023 H atoms and 3.0115X1023 O
Hence the number of hydrogen atoms= 6.023X1023 and number oxygen
M.M of CaCO3 =40+12+48=100
100gms of CaCO3 = 1 mole
10gms of CaCO3 = 1/10=0.1 mole.
1 mole of CaCO3 contains 6.023X1023 molecules
0.1 mole of CaCO3 must contain 6.023X1023 X0.1= 6.023X1022 molecules
100gms of CaCO3 cotanins 6.023X1023 molecules
10gms of CaCO3 must contain (6.023X1023 /100) X 10 = 6.023X1022 molecules.
M.M of H2SO4 = 98,
98gms of H2SO4 = 1 mole
3.5kg i.e 3500gm of H2SO4 = 3500/98=35.71 moles
1 mole contains 6.023X1023 molecules
35.71 moles must contain 6.023X1023 X35.71= 2.15 X1025 molecules.
M.M of KMnO4= 39+55+64=158
158gms of KMnO4 = 1 mole
3.16gms of KMnO4 = 3.16/158= 0.02 mole
1 mole contains 6.023X1023 molecules
0.02 mole must contain 6.023X1023 X 0.02= 1.2046X1022 molecules.
Ionic Mass of NO3- = 14+48=62
62gms of NO3- contains 6.023X1023 ions. This is what the question asks.
6.023X1023 number of NO3- ions weigh 62gm
1 ion of NO3- must weigh 62/(6.023X1023 ) = 1.029X10-22 gm.
M.M of H2SO4 = 98
98 gms of H2SO4 contains 6.023X1023 molecules
7gm of H2SO4 must contain (6.023X1023 /98)X7= 4.3X 1022 molecules
1 molecule of H2SO4 contains 2 H atoms, 1 S atom and 4 O atoms.
So 4.3X 1022 molecules must contain 2X4.3X 1022 H atoms, 1X4.3X 1022 S
and 4X 4.3 X 1022 O atoms.
So the number of H atoms = 8.6X1022, number of S atoms= 4.3X 1022
and the number of O atoms =1.72 X 1023
44gms of CO2 contains 1gm atom of C and 2 gm atoms of O.
22gms of CO2 contains 0.5gm atom of C and 1gm atom of O.
No. of C atoms = 0.5X 6.023X1023 and no. of O atoms = 1X 6.023X1023
100gms of CaCO3 contains 3X 6.023X1023 number of O atoms
25gms of CaCO3 must contain (3/4) X 6.023X1023 number of O atoms.
100gms of CaCO3 contains 3 gm. atoms(moles of atoms) of O.
25gms of CaCO3 must contaian 3/4=0.75 gm atoms of O.
M. M of NH4Cl = 14 + 4 + 35.5= 53.5
53.5gms of NH4Cl contains 4 X 6.023X1023 atoms of H
25gms of NH4Cl must contain 11.26 X1023 atoms of H
53.5gms of NH4Cl contains 1 mole of it.
25gms of NH4Cl contains 25/53.5= 0.467 mole.
11gms of B contains 6.023X1023 atoms.
So 594gms of B contains (6.023X1023)/11 X 594= 3.252X 1025 atoms.
No of Ca atoms = (40/10)X 6.023X1023 = 2.409 X1024 atoms.
No. of Fe atoms = (8.37/56)X 6.023X1023 = 9.0 X1022 atoms
7gms of Li = 1gm. atom of Li
1 gm of Li = 1/7 = 0.143 gm atom.
No. of U atoms = (1/238)X6.023X1023 = 2.53X1021 atoms.
1.5 X1022 atoms of an element weighs 1gm
So 6.023X1023 atoms of the element must weigh (6.023X1023)/(1.56 X1022)=38.6
So the atomic mass of the element= 38.6.
32gms of S contains 6.023X1023 atoms.
20gms of S must contain (20/32) X6.023X1023 = 3.76 X1023 atoms.
20gms of S= 20/32=5/8 gm.
32gms of S = 1 gm atom
0.14/28=0.005 mole
(ii)M.M of NO2=14+32=46,
The number of moles= 9.2/46= 0.2
6.023X1023 molecules of N2O weighs 1 mole
3.5 X1022 molecules of N2O weights (3.5X1022)/(6.023X1023)= 0.058 mole.
44gms of CO2 = 1mole, So 2.2 gm= 2.2/44= 0.05 mole.
M.M of CO=12+16=28; 28gms contain 6.023X1023 molecules,
So 2.4 gms of CO contains (2.4/28)X6.023X1023= 5.16 X1022 molecules.
6.023X1023 number of molecules weigh 44gms
So 1 molecule must weigh 44/(6.023X1023) = 7.3 X 10-23gm.
98/(6.023X1023) = 1.627X10-
1/(6.023X1023)= 1.66 X10-24gm.
1 atom of Hg weighs 33.3 X 10-23gms
So 6.023X1023 atoms of Hg must weigh (6.023X1023)X(33.3 X10-23)= 200.56(atomic
1 atom of the element weighs 6.6 X 10-23 gm
6.023X1023 atoms of the element must weigh 6.023X1023 X 6.6 X 10-23 =39.75
39.75gms = 1 gm atom ⇒ 20kg i.e 20,000gms = 20000/39.75= 503.144 gm. atoms.
M.M of CH4=16.
16gms of CH4 contains 6.0.23 X 1023 molecules.
20gms of CH4 must contain (20/16) X6.0.23 X 1023 =7.528 X1023 molecules.
1 CH4 molecule contains 1 C atom
7.528 X1023 molecules must contain 7.528 X1023 C atoms
1 CH4 molecule contains 4 H atoms
7.528 X1023 molecules must contain 4X7.528 X1023 =3.011X1024 H atoms.
M.M of C12H22O11= 12X12+22+11X16=342
342gms of sucrose contains 6.023 X1023 molecules
2.56gms of sucrose must contain (2.56/342)X6.023 X1023 =4.5X1021 molecules
1 molecule of sucrose contains 12 C atoms.
4.5X1021 molecules of sucrose must contain 12 X 4.5X1021 C atoms.
1 molecule of sucrose contains 22 H atoms
4.5X1021 molecules of sucrose must contain 22 X4.5X1021 H atoms
1 molecule of sucrose contains 12 O atoms
4.5X1021 molecules of sucrose must contain 12 X4.5X1021 O atoms.
Since the number of molecules is directly proportional to the number of moles, 8gms of
(iv)contains highest number of molecules and 8gms of CO2(i) contains the lowest
of molecules.
No. of moles = 19.2/98=0.196; No. of molecules =0.196 X6.023 X 1023
No. of moles = 4400/44=100; Hence no of molecules =100X.6.23 X 1023
M.M of (NH4)2Cr2O7 = 2(18)+2X52 + 7X16= 252
So the number of moles = 1000/252=3.97; No. of molecules=3.97X6.023 X 1023
44gms contain 6.023 X 1023 molecules of CO2
4gms of CO2 contains 6.023 X 1022 molecules
1 CO2 molecule contains 1 C atom
6.023 X 1022 molecules must contain 6.023 X 1022 C atoms.
1 CO2 molecules cotains 2 O atoms
So 6.023 X 1022 molecules must contain 2X6.023 X 1022 O atoms.
27gms of Al contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms
So 2.7gms of Al must contain 6.023 X 1022 atoms.
M.M of CaCO3 =100,
100 gms of CaCO3 cotains 6.023 X 1023 molecules
10gms of CaCO3 must contain 6.023 X 1022 molecules
So the number of Ca atoms= 6.023 X 1022
The number of C atoms =6.023 X 1022 and number of O atoms = 3X6.023 X
65gms of Zn contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of Zn
0.65gm of Zn must contain 6.023 X 1021 atoms of Zn
64gms of SO2 occupy 22.4litres, So 2.4gm must occupy 0.84 litre at NTP.
22400ml of H2 gas at NTP contains 6.023X1023molecules, So 1.15 X 10-7ml will contain
3.1 X 1012 molecules.
4gms of He contains N atoms, so 2gms of He must contain N/2 atoms(N=6.023X1023)
4gms occupy 22.4litres, so 2gms must occupy 11.2 litres.(note that He monoatomic)
density = m/v ⇒ mass of 1cc of water = 1gm.. We know that 18gms of H2O contains
molecules, So 1 gm must contain N/18 molecules of H2O. (N=6.023X1023)
(i)N/224 molecules
(ii)N/22.4 molecules
(iii) First the volume is converted to the NTP conditions. V2= 239. 47ml.
22400ml at NTP contains N molecules, so 239.47ml must contain 0.01 N molecules.
(a)32.7/65.5= 0.5
(b)7.09/35.5= 0.2
(e)0.328/32= 0.01
6.023 X 1023 molecules of CO occupy 22.4 litres
3 X 1021 molecules of CO must occupy 0.112 litre= 112ml
First let us find the volume at NTP.
Volume at NTP = 892.5 litres. Then convert to given conditions.
(760mm X 892.5 l)/273 = (800mm XV2)/300 ⇒ V2 = 931.73litres.
1/12 mole(gm atom)
(b)1 mole(1gm atom)
5.66 X 1020/N=9.4X10-4 mole(gm atom) (N=6.023X1023)
(a) 3X108gms (ii)0.5 X20gms (iii)2.5X44gms (iv)0.01X 138gms
N atoms = 1gm atom, So 3X1024 atoms = 5 gm atoms. The mass of 5gm.
atoms=5X32=160 gms.
1 mole of Na2SO4 contains 2 N atoms of Na and N atoms S and 4N atoms of O.
So 0.25 mole of Na2SO4 must contain 0.5 N atoms of Na and 0.25atoms of S and N
atoms of O.
If 7.525 X 10 molecules weigh 35 gms, N molecules must weigh 27.9gms(MM).
27.9gms of the gas occupy 22.4 litres, So 5gms will occupy (22.4/29.9)X5= 3.74 litres
44gms of CO2 contains 2X N atoms of O. So 17.6gms will contain 0.8 X N atoms of O.
1 mole of HNO3 weighs 63gms, So 0.005mole must weigh 0.315gm. The no. of moleucles
present is 0.005 X N.
MM of Na2SO4 = 142; 142gms of Na2SO4 contain N SO42- ions,
So 2.5 gms of Na2SO4 must contain 0.0176N sulphate ions.(N=6.023X1023).