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Form A
1. All of the following are general types of nutrient cycles
a. the hydrologic cycle.
b. the sedimentary cycle.
c. the carbohydrate cycle. d. the atmospheric cycle.
e. All are general types of nutrient cycles.
2. The two ways in which humans have most interfered with
the carbon cycle are
a. removal of forests and aerobic respiration.
b. aerobic respiration and burning fossil fuels.
c. respiration and photosynthesis.
d. burning fossil fuels and removal of forests and brush.
e. combustion and causing volcanic eruptions.
3. The major plant nutrient most likely to be a limiting factor
a. phosphorus.
b. calcium.
c. manganese.
d. potassium.
e. magnesium.
4. The cycle most responsible for linking the other
biogeochemical cycles is the
a. carbon cycle.
b. nitrogen cycle.
c. phosphorus cycle.
d. hydrologic cycle.
e. sulfur cycle.
5. The most common gas in the atmosphere is
a. nitrogen.
b. carbon dioxide.
c. oxygen.
d. hydrogen. e. water vapor.
6. The phosphorus cycle is an example of a(n)
a. the hydrologic cycle.
b. the sedimentary cycle.
c. the carbohydrate cycle. d. the atmospheric cycle.
e. bicycle.
7. The hydrologic cycle refers to the movement of
a. hydrogen.
b. oxygen.
c. water.
d. hydrocarbons. e. rain.
8. The hydrologic cycle is driven primarily by
a. solar energy & gravity.
b. solar energy & the moon.
c. solar energy & mechanical energy.
d. mechanical & chemical energy.
e. chemical energy & gravity.
9. Humans are most likely to alter the Earth’s thermostat
through their impact on the compound
a. carbon dioxide.
b. nitrogen gas.
c. phosphate.
d. hydrogen sulfide e. carbohydrate.
10. Carbon is a major component of
a. the most common gases. b. sedimentary rocks.
c. the oceans.
d. organic compounds.
e. lakes and streams.
11. Water covers about ____% of Earth’s surface.
a. 56
b. 62
c. 71
d. 79
e. 83
12. All of the following increase the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere except
a. respiration.
b. photosynthesis.
c. combustion.
d. decomposition. e. volcanic eruptions.
13. The nitrogen cycle is considered to be a
a. gaseous cycle.
b. sedimentary cycle.
c. hydrologic cycle.
d. double cycle.
e. none of the above.
14. The form(s) of nitrogen most usable to plants is (are)
a. ammonia.
b. nitrogen gas.
c. proteins.
d. nitrates.
e. nucleic acids.
15. Ammonium ions are converted to nitrite ions and nitrate
ions through the process of
a. nitrification. b. nitrogen fixation. c. denitrification.
d. assimiliation. e. ammonification.
16. Nitrogen gas is converted to ammonia through
a. nitrification. b. nitrogen fixation. c. denitrification.
d. assimiliation. e. ammonification.
17. Nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas through the process of
a. nitrification. b. nitrogen fixation. c. denitrification.
d. assimiliation. e. ammonification.
18. Which of the following is not one of the common
phosphorus reservoirs in an ecosystem?
a. water
b. organisms
c. atmosphere
d. rocks
e. soil
19. All of the following are sources of phosphorus except
a. inorganic fertilizer.
b. animal wastes from feedlots.
c. detergents.
d. acid rain.
e. ocean sediments.
20. Humans intervene in the phosphorus cycle by
a. mining large quantities of phosphate rock.
b. using phosphate-based detergents.
c. adding runoff of animal wastes from livestock feedlots
to aquatic systems.
d. cutting tropical forests.
e. all of the above.
21. The evaporation of water from plant parts is
a. precipitation
b. transpiration
c. percolation
d. infiltration
22. The amount of water in a certain mass of air, expressed as
a percentage of the amount that it could hold at that
temperature, is
a. absolute humidity
b. relative humidity
c. the dew point
d. none of the above