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A deep and broad vocabulary is essential for college learning. More importantly, the ability to
LEARN new words is paramount to developing a deep and broad vocabulary. Most, if not all,
courses include new vocabulary that must be learned to fully comprehend the key concepts being
taught. The good news is that once you learn HOW to learn new words, you can generalize that
learning to any new vocabularies. Learning new words is somewhat individualistic in nature - in
other words, while we may all use some of the same vocabulary-building techniques, we also
develop favorite strategies that work well for us. The first step is to try several strategies and
decide how YOU best learn new words.
The two SECRETS of learning new words:
The definition of a word is only the BEGINNING level of understanding. To
FULLY understand and internalize word meanings and be able to use words
correctly IN CONTEXT, a deeper understanding of new vocabulary is
required. Learn SYNONYMS for the new words, learn ANTONYMS, list
characteristics, list contexts in which the words might be found, and connect
the words to known words/concepts.
Most of us need about 7 exposures to new information before we can say we
have "learned" it. The same is especially true for learning new words. "Over
learning" of new words is a practice in which you force repeated exposures to
the words and word meanings until you are fluent with them. Turning these
process into a GAME (Concentration, Go Fish, matching games, etc.) is one
possible way to allow for multiple exposures to the words.
Strategies for Learning new Words:
Each of these links provides students with direct experiences and practice with the
strategy listed. Students should then identify problematic vocabulary in current
courses they are taking and use the appropriate strategy to gain a deep and lasting
understanding of the terms.
KEEP A �JOURNAL� of words that you encounter while reading that you do not know. This
can be as simple as using the back cover of a spiral notebook or using a small notebook to create
your own pocket dictionary.
Look the words up in a dictionary or an online dictionary.
Online dictionary:
Use a thesaurus online!
How to use a thesaurus:
A thesaurus online:
Break words into parts! Prefix, base word, suffix
Practice/quiz page:
Illustrate new vocabulary words to help �paint a picture� in your mind.
/Phrase (with pg. #)
What I think it means
- contributed by Sharon Wilson, LTCY 524
Context clues