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The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) or in English, the National Socialist German
Workers’ Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945.
The NSDAP (or Nazi Party) was preceded by the German Workers’ Party (DAP) of 1919 and 1920.
The DAP was founded by Anton Drexler (along with Karl Harrer and Dietrich Echart), who was also a past
member of the affluent, “occultist” Thule Society, on January 5, 1919.
(The English word, “occult”, is derived from the Latin word, occultus [“the hidden or secret”]. The term
refers to the “knowledge of the hidden.” That is, it alludes to an understanding of “knowledge” which
cannot be measured by conventional science and which cannot be understood by the common or by a
less privileged person. Therefore, an “occultist” is a member of an “elite and superior” group of
individuals who have a “hidden knowledge” and/or special knowledge of “magic, witchcraft, sorcery,
wizardry, astrology, alchemy, divination, Voodoo, fortune-telling, theurgy” [the practice of rituals], and
their like.
And, Thule or Thyilea is a “mythical northern country” from Greek legend. In classical European
literature, it is a region of the “far north.” It is a “distant place which is located beyond” the limits of the
known world.)
Anton “the other” Drexler (1884-1942) is sometimes viewed as the “mentor” and/or the “political
advisor” to the young Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). This machine-fitter (and later railway locksmith) was
born in Munich, Germany on June 13. In September of 1919, he met Adolf Hitler at a party meeting of
the DAP.
Drexler encouraged Hitler to join the DAP. After Hitler became a member (that same day), “the other”
changed the name of the party to the NSDAP, over the objections of Hitler, in early 1920. By 1921,
Hitler was becoming the leader of the re-named party. Shortly, “the other” was moved to the symbolic
position of the “honorary” president before he left the party in 1923.
After Hitler came to power, Drexler “rejoined” the party in 1933. He received the party’s “Blood Order”
award in 1934.
(The “Blood Order” or the Decoration of 9 November 1923 was instituted in 1934.
[The medal commemorated the “failed uprising” of the NSDAP on November 9, 1923.].
The medal was made of silver with its “obverse bearing a depiction of an eagle with a wreath in its
talons and with the date” of 9.Nov. within the wreath. And, the inscription of Munchen 1923-1933 was
placed to its right. The reverse side “bears a picture of the Feldherrnhalle” or the “Field Marshals’ Hall”
in Munich with a “swastika” and the inscription: UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGH [….”and you were
victorious after all”].
And, the medal was worn “on the right breast of the uniform tunic in the form of a rosette” [a round,
stylized flower design].
All of the medals were “numbered” except for the medals of Hitler and Hermann Goring [Hitler’s
designated successor]. The total number of recipients was approximately six thousand. And, if a
recipient were to leave the party, the medal would have to be given back. Finally, only from two to four
women were awarded the Decoration.
[Apparently, the female recipients were Maria-Theresia von Metnitz, Berta Soldat, Maria Bauer, and
Anna Paternonier.]
The members of the “Blood Order” were “the truest of the true” of the “Aryans” who were to “inherit
the earth” after the “Third Reich” won World War II (1939-1945).)
To re-focus, “the other” was occasionally used as an object for propaganda (a la, Dr. Paul Joseph
Goebbels) until approximately 1937. But, by the time of his death in 1942, he was largely forgotten by
the German many.
(Parenthetically, Frank I. Luntz is an American “political consultant and pollster.” He works exclusively
for the “far right.” His areas of “expertise” are “testing language and finding words” which will help his
clients sell their products or which will help turn public opinion [in a direction that favors his clients].
According to Luntz, his basic objective “is to find words which in turn will change negative perceptions”
toward his clients.
Luntz’s technique is neither “original” nor is it “effective.” The technique assumes that the receiver of
the “altered message” will not be aware of the “change” and that the receiver of the “altered message”
will be transformed in some lasting manner.
[The skewed notion that Luntz’s technique is “magical” and that it is a “product of genius” is an example
in itself of Luntz’s application of his “expertise” to his own reputation.]
Luntz’s moral and ethical values are “equal to” his self-proclaimed “abilities.” The American “oligarchs”
deserve his services because their values are the same as his values. Also, they are too stupid, and they
are too lazy to care and/or to determine that his approach to empirical knowledge is on the level of the
Thus, Luntz would be an embarrassment to a true master of propaganda like “Joey” Goebbels [See earticle “2” on this website for more information concerning “Joey.”]. Fortunately, Goebbels is not
available to the American few because he has passed and because he is now employed elsewhere: that
is, he can be now located in hell with the rest of the DNASP.)
The following story is told by the 21 million souls which the Nazi party murdered between 1920 and
1945 because they were designated as being “inferior”:
“The entire “Blood Order” of the Schutzstaffel (SS), or ‘Protection Squadron’, must be “gassed” daily, by
decree, at the direction of their murdered many: apparently, the Order’s eternal punishment had
something to do with their attempts to re-create the human race “in their own image.” After being
“gassed to death”, their bodies are processed for market.
Especially popular are the skins (“lamp shades”) and the gold fillings (“jewelry”) of the SS leaders: the
lamp shades and jewelry of Himmler (committed suicide on May 23, 1945), of Heydrich (assassinated on
June 4, 1943), of Kaltenbrunner (executed on October 16, 1946), of Eichmann (executed on May 31,
1962), of Frank (executed on October 16, 1946), of Muller (unknown), Pohl (executed on June 7, 1951),
and of Kruger (committed suicide on May 9, 1945) are priceless.
Shockingly, the lamp shades and jewelry made out of the usable remains of non-SS leaders such as Hitler
(committed suicide on April 30, 1945), Bormann (aka, “the brown eminence”: unknown), Goebbels (aka,
“the poison dwarf”: committed suicide on May 1, 1945), Goring (aka, “the iron knight’: committed
suicide on October 15, 1946), Speer (aka, “the good Nazi” : died of “natural causes” on September 1,
1981), Streicher (aka, “the beast of Franconia” : executed on October 16, 1946), and Schirach (aka, “the
youth leader” : died of “natural causes” on August 8, 1974) are declining.
The unusable remains are put into large pits filled with substances in which they instantly dissolve. Then,
dirt is bull-dozed into the pits until they are full. And, the pits are not marked in any fashion in order that
they will be forgotten.
After an unknown period of time, this process of the leaders’ punishment is re-engaged again: over and
over again: From the many of the many
The “absurdity” and the “cruelty” of this group of self-proclaimed “supermen” are truly mind-bending.
When a group of extremist, elitist, rightist Christians (or extremist anything) undermine a
“representative” government in order to achieve “absolute” control, “death by government” naturally
follows: such a process generates genocide for the many who are viewed as “different” and/or as
If anything can be learned from human history, political extremists (of any kind) who are in control of
their respective governments will always promote, and they will always establish “minority rule”:
that is, they will feed upon the existences of their “diversities” in order to justify (by God and/or
state), maintain (by force), and perpetuate (by propaganda) their privileged existences.
In summary, e-article “49” indicated (on this website) the following information about the “supermen”
of the Nazi party:
“The Nazi party was founded by Anton “the other” Drexler as a means of drawing ‘workers away from
communism’ and any other ‘far left’ groups. Initially, the Nazi party supported ‘anti-big business, anti-
bourgeois, and anti-capitalist’ causes. Its foci changed to anti-Semitic and to other rightist, extremist
causes during the 1930’s.
In 1933, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), its party leader, was appointed ‘Chancellor of Germany’ by Paul von
Hindenburg, the president of Germany and the ‘front’ person of the Germen few.
Hitler, rapidly, established a totalitarian, political structure [that is, the ‘Third Reich’] in which ‘the state
recognizes no limits to its authority’, and he attempted to control the entirety of the citizenry’s lives:
their race [Aryan], their social class, their education, and their thought patterns.
The party’s major, emotional methods of control were, fear, uncertainty, and hatred.”
The Nazis were “oligarchs”, and “oligarchs” are sometimes Nazis. An “eternality of punishment in hell”
(with the privileged experiencing the same pain and the same torment of their victims) was one of
Dante’s proofs for the existence of God: but, for the many, eternality may not be long enough.
“Oligarchs”: going to hell for eternality will be the least of the punishments waiting for you who feed
upon the existences of the helpless and the disenfranchised. And, the many will gladly help you to find
that punishment.
(To beyond hell with the “oligarchs” and with their “familiars”….)
Post Script:
Marine Cpl. Dakota “the hell I’m not” Meyer, Medal of Honor recipient, forgot that he was still in enemy
territory while he was employed within the U. S. “Big” defense industry.
(See e-article “39” on this website for more information concerning this heroic, U. S. soldier.)
Dakota’s former employer, BAE Systems OASYS, Inc, stated that Dakota was “unstable and suggested
that he had a drinking problem.” These were the reasons that were given for the termination of this
combat veteran of the Afghanistan War [2001-present]. Also, in a “reference” for a potential employer,
his supervisor, Bobby “I do what I am told” Mc Creight, stated that Dakota was “a poor worker” during
his employment (of three months).
(BAE Systems acquired OASYS Technology, LLC in September of 2010.
BAE Systems is a global defense, security, and aerospace corporation with approximately 107 thousand
employees. This “Big” defense organization offers a full range of services and products “for air, land and
naval forces.” Also, it provides advanced electronics, security, and information technology solutions. Its
Electronic Solutions sector is headquartered in Nashua, New Hampshire.
BAE Systems reported sales of 36.2 billion USD in 2009.
OASYS Technology employs over 65 people at its manufacturing plant in Manchester, New Hampshire.
According to Tom Arseneault, the president of BAE Systems at Nashua, this acquisition “offers
specialized capabilities that will enhance our ability to serve our customers and provide war fighters
with greater capability to execute their mission safely.” It brings “further expertise in the design and
manufacture of electro-optical systems and subassemblies for aerospace, defense, industrial and
commercial markets”….
And according to Arseneault, the acquisition of OASYS “strengthens our ability to compete in the night
vision sector and to provide a broader range….of soldier borne imagining systems.” Its acquisition is
consistent....with the “anticipated growth in the military electronics market”….)
Of course, “Big” defense is simply playing its usual game of “spin-doctor” in order to distract from the
real issue for Dakota’s termination: this former soldier objected, verbally and in writing, to the sale of
his company’s more advanced equipment (state of the art, thermal, optical scopes) to the Pakistani
(while his brother and his sister soldiers would receive less advanced equipment).
Instead of following his “orders” to stop talking and to stop writing, it was reported that Dakota was
heard to say: “the hell I’m not” (going to keep my mouth closed or to stop writing) for the second time
in his 23 years of life. And, of course, his company stated that the U. S. State Department (“Big”
defense’s “front” organization) makes “the decision on which defense-related products are exported”,
not BAE. Thus, BAE is blameless in the deaths of U. S. soldiers due to its actions of over supplying
Pakistani troops (with more advanced, thermal, optic systems) and under supplying American troops
(with more advanced, thermal, optic systems).
On November 28, 2011, Dakota (through his attorneys) filed suit in Texas against BAE for “defamation”:
that is, this former soldier is going back to war. Lucky for BAE and for Mc Creight that this solider is not
going home for his combat gear!
And, what did “Big” defense expect the reaction to be from a “Medal of Honor” recipient who went
against “orders” to save his combat family and 36 others in Afghanistan on September 8, 2009?
“Big” defense and its fellow “oligarchs” will never understand the bond that is “forged in battle” among
combat veterans: and, “the hell they are not going back to save “representative” democracy for the
United States of America.”
Remember: Dakota has many, many older brothers and older sisters who do not need “advanced,
thermal, optic systems” in order to win a war against the cowardly and treasonous U. S. “oligarchs” and
their cowardly and treasonous U. S. “familiars.”
(The “oligarchs” (and their “familiars”) will make war for a political “strategy” and /or for a “profit”, but
they will never, never make war for securing justice for the many: after all, is this not the purpose of
Thank you, Dakota, for a second time, for your service to the American many. For now, please keep
your combat gear at home. Let us allow Occupy America its opportunity to foster change among the
“oligarchs.” And, if that does not work, then we will all go home to fight the “injustices” occurring
around us because of these neo-Nazis (and their false creed of “American Exceptualism”: or anyone
else’s false creed of “National Exceptualism”).
And along with Occupy America (which is in its 81th day), to hell with the use of “batons” and with the
use of “pepper-spray” and with the use of “rubber” bullets and with the use of “tear gas” and with the
use of “beatings” and with the use of employment “termination” and with the use of any other form of
civil rights abuse against U. S. war veterans and upon those others who cannot simply stand by while the
American few are allowed to rule in the “representative” democracy of the American many.
To beyond hell with the “oligarchs” (the NSDAP and their “Blood Order”, the German few, and “Big”
defense [along with BAE Systems]) and their “familiars” (“the other”, the SS and non-SS leaders of
Germany between 1920 and 1945), the German many, the U. S. State Department, Arseneault, Mc
Creight, and all those others “who just follow orders” of the “supermen”),