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Originalartiklar VGR 2007, Sjöström et al.
Aring E, Andersson S, Hard AL, Hellstrom A, Persson EK, Uvebrant P, Ygge J,
Hellstrom A. Strabismus, binocular functions and ocular motility in children with
hydrocephalus. Strabismus. 2007 Apr-Jun;15(2):79-88.
Aring E, Gronlund MA, Hellstrom A, Ygge J. Visual fixation development in children.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007 Apr 24; [Epub ahead of print]
Andersson S, Persson EK, Aring E, Lindquist B, Dutton GN, Hellstrom A.
Vision in children with hydrocephalus. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006 Oct;48(10):83641.
Gronlund MA, Andersson S, Aring E, Hard AL, Hellstrom A.
Ophthalmological findings in a sample of Swedish children aged 4-15 years. Acta
Ophthalmol Scand. 2006 Apr;84(2):169-76.
Gronlund MA, Aring E, Landgren M, Hellstrom A. Visual function and ocular features
in children and adolescents with attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, with and without treatment with stimulants.
Eye. 2007 Apr;21(4):494-502. Epub 2006 Mar 3.
Sadeghi AM, Eriksson K, Kimberling WJ, Sjostrom A, Moller C.
Longterm visual prognosis in Usher syndrome types 1 and 2.
Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2006 Aug;84(4):537-44.
Sterner B, Gellerstedt M, Sjostrom A. Accommodation and the relationship to
subjective symptoms with near work for
young school children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2006 Mar;26(2):148-55.
Aring E, Gronlund MA, Andersson S, Hard AL, Ygge J, Hellstrom A.
Strabismus and binocular functions in a sample of Swedish children aged 4-15 years.
Strabismus. 2005 Jun;13(2):55-61.
Ygge J, Aring E, Han Y, Bolzani R, Hellstrom A. Fixation stability in normal children.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Apr;1039:480-3.
Hard AL, Aring E, Hellstrom A. Subnormal visual perception in school-aged expreterm patients in a paediatric eye clinic.
Eye. 2004 Jun;18(6):628-34.
Sterner B, Gellerstedt M, Sjostrom A. The amplitude of accommodation in 6-10-yearold children - not as good as expected!
Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2004 May;24(3):246-51.
Sjostrom A, Kraemer M, Ohlsson J, Garay-Cerro G, Abrahamsson M, Villarreal G.
Subnormal visual acuity (SVAS) and albinism in Mexican 12-13-year-old children.
Doc Ophthalmol. 2004 Jan;108(1):9-15.
Jaderlund KH, Hansson K, Berg AL, Sjostrom A, Narfstrom K.
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Ohlsson J, Villarreal G, Sjostrom A, Cavazos H, Abrahamsson M, Sjostrand J. Visual
acuity, amblyopia, and ocular pathology in 12- to 13-year-old children in Northern
Mexico. J AAPOS. 2003 Feb;7(1):47-53.
Kristjansdottir R, Sjostrom A, Uvebrant P. Ophthalmological abnormalities in children
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Ohlsson J, Villarreal G, Sjostrom A, Abrahamsson M, Sjostrand J.
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Ohlsson J, Villarreal G, Sjostrom A, Abrahamsson M, Sjostrand J. Visual acuity,
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Sterner B, Abrahamsson M, Sjostrom A. The effects of accommodative facility
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Doc Ophthalmol. 2001 Jul;103(1):35-46. Corrected and republished in: Doc
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Ohlsson J, Villarreal G, Abrahamsson M, Cavazos H, Sjostrom A, Sjostrand J.
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Akademiska avhandlingar
Aring, Eva. Orthoptic findings and visual fixation in children in general and in children
with surgically treated hydrocephalus. Doktorsavhandling. Göteborgs universitet
2007. ISBN: 978-91-628-7147-5.
Sterner B. OCULAR ACCOMMODATION - Studies of amplitude, insufficiency, and
facility training in young school children. Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs universitet
2004. ISBN 91-628-5989-7.
Ohlsson J. Amblyopia and subnormal visual acuity. A clinical and epidemiological study.
Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs universitet 2004.
Sterner B. Accommodative facility training. Licentiatuppsats, Göteborgs universitet
Ohlsson J. Amblyopia and SVAS (subnormal visual acuity syndromes).
Licentiatuppsats, Göteborgs universitet 2001.
Sjöström A. Functional development of the visual system in normal and protein
deprived rats. Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs universitet 1985.
Gustafsson E. Polyfocal VEP –en metod för att undersöka synfältet hos spädbarn. 2003.
Examinator Abrahamsson M
Åkerman K. Psykologiska konsekvenser för barn med hereditär ögonsjukdom. Lebers
Congenitala Amauros. 2000. Examinator A Sjöström, M Abrahamsson.
Sterner B. Ackommodationsstörningar hos barn - en litteraturstudie över några
tillstånd och syndrom som kan medföra direkta eller indirekta störningar i
ackommodationsfunktionen. Studentuppsats, Göteborgs universitet, 1998. Examinator
A Sjöström, M Abrahamsson
Ekström AB, Hakenäs-Plate L, Samuelsson L, Tulinius M, Wentz E. Autism spectrum
disorders in myotonic dystrophy type 1. A study on 57 individuals with congenital and
childhood forms. Submitted AM J Med Genet part B
Eva Aring CO, Ann Hellström,MD, PhD, Jan Ygge, MD, PhD. Visual fixation
development in children with hydrocephalus. Manucsript.
Aring E, Ekström A, Tulinius M, Sjöström A. Strabismus and refraction in children
with Dystrophia Myotonica. Manucsript.
Ekström A, Aring E, Tulinius M, Sjöström A. Light flash VEP and Ophthalmological
findings in children with Dystrophia Myotonica. Manucsript.
Sterner B, MacLean U, Jonasson F, Svahn J. Study of the relability parameters in
accommodation measurments. Manuscript.
Mohammadi M, Sargisian N, Arnljot H, Gustafsson E, Kraemer M, Sjöström A. The
pediatric opthalmology panorama in a small Swedish country side hospital.
Gustafsson E, and Sjöström A. Polyfocal ERG and VEP in childen. A new method.
Sterner B, Sjöström A. Dynamic retinoscopy in children with cerebral palsy (CP
Syndrome). Manuscript.
Kraemer M, Sjöström A. The light flash evoked blink response in infants. Manuscript.