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Sven Wiklund
Barnneurolog Barnkliniken KRYH
Systematic clinical evaluation of children with Sydenham’s chorea suggested that specific clinical characteristics
might define a homogeneous subgroup of patients with OCD and tic disorders, including Tourette’s disorder.
1.Presence of a tic and/or OCD disorder.
2.Pediatric onset.
3.Episodic course of symptom severity.
4.Association with GAHS infection.
5.Association with neurological abnormalities.
184 träffar i PubMed
Fem kriterier, enligt Archelos och Hartung, för att faställa ett samband mellan antikroppar och neurologisk sjukdom
1.Identifierade antikroppar
11 studier talar för en koppling och 10 studier emot.
2.Autoantikroppar identifierade i CNS hos människa.
0 studier.
3.Autoantigen inducerar symtom hos försöksdjur.
1 studie, som talar för.
4.Autoantkroppar inducerar symtom hos försöksdjur
2 studier talar för och 1 emot.
5.Postitivt svar på immunmodulerande behandling
3 case studies med sammanlagt 6 patienter
What is the mechanism behind this phenomenon? At present, it is unknown
The children usually have dramatic, "overnight" onset of symptoms, including motor or vocal tics, obsessions, and/or compulsions.
Is there a test for PANDAS?
No. The diagnosis of PANDAS is a clinical diagnosis, which means that there are no lab tests
that can diagnose PANDAS
The treatments for children with PANDAS are the same as if they had other types of OCD or tic disorders.
Children with OCD, regardless of whether or not their illness is strep triggered, benefit from cognitive
behavioral therapy and/or anti-obsessional medications.
At this time, however, there isn't enough evidence to recommend the long-term use of antibiotics.