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Guided Overview Ch. 5 (and some 28)
Atomic Structure
Early Models of the atom (pg 107-112)
Democritus (450 BC) Dalton (1800) used Lavoisier, Proust and others to come up with a atomic theory
4 postulates of Dalton's theory
At this point atomic theory was shaped by some famous experiments
J.J. Thomson and his cathode ray tubes
Robert Millikan and his oil drops
These two helped formulate the "plum pudding" model of the atom
Rutherford and the gold foil experiment
Modern Atomic Structure (pg 109-121)
-these experiments led to the nuclear atom we have today
- the modern atom:
- fundamental subatomic particles (table 5.1 pg 111)
-Atomic number:
-mass number:
**-Finding the numbers of electrons, protons and neutrons from atomic numbers and masses
**- Average atomic mass and its calculation
The Modern Periodic Table (pg 123-126)
-Dmitri Mendeleev’s contributions:
-why were his ideas accepted?
-periodic law:
*-group names and numbers:
Nuclear Chemistry (Chapter 28 841-849, 853-856)
-3 types of radiation, their symbols and properties
*-Using nuclear equations to show each type of radiation
*-half life and half life calculations
-nuclear fission and fusion…descriptions, similarities, differences)