Download Organisms are highly organized, and other

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Study of Life
Chapter 1
AP Bio
Pre Assessment
Name the kingdoms of life.
Name 3 types of cells. Contrast these cells.
What are the 3 domains of all living things.
Name 1 scientist whose research led to the
development of the cell theory.
What scientists led to the development of the DNA
Name 5 characteristics that all living things posess.
Who is the father of evolution?
What is the purpose of a control group?
What are protein catalysts?
1. Briefly describe unifying themes that pervade the science of biology.
2. Diagram the hierarchy of structural levels in biology.
3. Explain how the properties of life emerge from complex organization.
4. Describe seven emergent properties associated with life.
5. Distinguish between holism and reductionism.
6. Explain how technological breakthroughs contributed to the formulation of the
cell theory and our current knowledge of the cell.
7. Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
8. Explain, in their own words, what is meant by "form fits function."
9. List the five kingdoms of life and distinguish among them.
10. Briefly describe how Charles Darwin's ideas contributed to the conceptual
framework of biology.
11. Outline the scientific method.
12. Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.
13. Explain how science and technology are interdependent
Why study themes of Biology?
• Biology is an ever expanding body of knowledge
– too much to memorize it all
– need to _____________ ________________________________________
– create a framework upon which to organize new knowledge
– _____________________________________________________ are the key to
understanding the nature of living organisms
Unifying Themes
Emergent Properties~ hierarchy of life
The Cell~ all organism’s basic structure
Heritable Information~ DNA
Structure & Function~ form and function
Environmental Interaction~ organisms are open systems
Regulation~ feedback mechanisms
Unity & Diversity~ universal genetic code
Evolution~ biology’s core theme; differential reproductive success
Scientific Inquiry~ observation; testing; repeatability
Science, Technology & Society~ functions of our world
Emergent Properties/Characteristics of Life
___________________________________. Organisms are highly organized, and
other characteristics of life emerge from this complex organization.
___________________________________. All living organisms are made of cells
Reproduction. Organisms reproduce; life comes only from life (biogenesis).
___________________________________. and Development.
6. ______________________________ Utilization. Organisms take in and transform energy to do work,
including the maintenance of their ordered state.
7. ______________________________ to Environment. Organisms respond to stimuli from their
8. ______________________________. Organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain a steadystate, even in the face of a fluctuating external environment.
9. ______________________________ Adaptation. Life evolves in response to interactions between
organisms and their environment.
I. Life’s Hierarchical Order
• The living world is a hierarchy, with each level of
biological structure building on the level below it
I. Hierarchy of Organization
Levels of organization beyond the individual organism:
•______________________________ Localized group of
organisms belonging to the same species
•Populations of species living in the same area
An energy-processing system ofi community interactions
that include abiotic environmental factors
•The sum of all the planet's ecosystems
AP Bio
Check Point
• Diagram the hierarchy of structural levels in
biology beginning with an Atom.
Form follows function
• The alignment of ______________________________________ &
______________________________________ is seen at all levels of
II. Cells are an organism’s basic units of structure and function
Lowest level of structure capable of performing all activities of life.
All organisms are composed of cells.
– unicellular or multi cellular
The invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell and the formulation
of the cell theory.
– Robert ______________________________________(1665) examination of cork- tiny
boxes which he called "cells" (really cell walls).
Anton van ______________________________________(1600's) used the microscope to
observe living organisms
Matthias ______________________________________ and Theodor
______________________________________(1839) ~all living things are made of cells.
– This formed the basis for the ______________________________________.
Two major kinds of cells
______________________________________ cell = Cell lacking membrane-bound
organelles and a membrane-enclosed nucleus.
– ______________________________________ and
– Generally much smaller than eukaryotic cells
– Contains DNA that is not separated from the rest of the cell, as there is no
membrane-bound nucleus
– Most have tough external ______________________________________
Two major kinds of cells
______________________________________ cell = Cell with a membrane-enclosed nucleus and
– ______________________________________, plants,
______________________________________, and animals
DNA is segregated from the rest of the cell within the nucleus
Some cells have a tough cell wall outside the plasma membrane (e.g., plant
cells). ______________________________________ cells lack cell walls.
Check Point
• Explain how technological breakthroughs
contributed to the formulation of the cell
theory and our current knowledge of the cell.
Check Point
• Distinguish between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
III. Reproduction
Binary Fission~ bacteria
Fruiting Bodies
• ______________________________________
IV. Growth and Development
V. Heredity
______________________________________ in the form of DNA
– ______________________________________– the genetic
material – carries biological information from one generation
to the next
can make more,
a lot like you!
• _____________________________________
• _____________________________________
• Role of DNA
VI. Energy Transfer
Life is an open system
– need input of energy
• ______________________________________ flows through
• energy comes in,
energy goes out
• need a constant input
– need input of materials
• ______________________________________ are recycled
around & around
Check Point
• What type of energy enters the atmosphere?
• What type of energy leaves the atmosphere?
Energy utilization
You think
they’re eating…
They’re harvesting
Organisms are open systems that interact continuously
with their Environments
• Organisms interact with their environment, which includes other
organisms as well as ______________________________________ factors.
• Both organism and environment are affected by the interaction between them.
• Ecosystem dynamics include two major processes:
• 1. ______________________________________ cycling
• 2. ______________________________________ flow
VII. Responsiveness
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Electrical Impulses
VIII. Homeostasis
Organisms need to maintain a “steady state” in the face of changing conditions
– maintain ______________________________________
– achieve this through ______________________________________
• monitor the body like a thermostat
• turn on when it’s needed, off when its not
______________________________________ feedback speeds a process _____________
______________________________________ feedback slows a process
• Organisms and cells also use chemical mediators to help regulate processes
Feedback Regulation: Negative
• Accumulation of an end product
of a process
that process
• Example: sugar breakdown
generates ATP; excess ATP
inhibits an enzyme near the
beginning of the pathway
Feedback Regulation: Positive
• An end product speeds
___________its production
• Example: blood clotting in
response to injury
Examples of Regulation
• The hormone insulin, for example, signals cells in
vertebrate organisms to take up glucose. As a
result, blood glucose levels go down.
• In certain forms of diabetes mellitus, insulin is
deficient and cells do not take up glucose as they
should, and as a result, blood glucose levels
remain high.
Provide an example of positive and
negative feedback processes.
• Ex. Positive~ During pregnancy contractions
increase until the baby is delivered.
Sum of all ______________________________________
__________________________________in an organism
Activation energy
Anabolism- ______________________________________
Catabolism- ______________________________________ down
IX. Evolution
• Core theme of biology
Charles Darwin
Evolution explains unity & diversity
• Unity
– what do organisms have in common & why do
similarities exist?
• common biochemistry & physiology
– evolutionary relationships
– connected through common ancestor
• Diversity
– but why are there
• natural selection
• adaptations allow different
individuals to survive
in different environments
"Nothing in biology
makes sense except in
the light of evolution."
-- Theodosius Dobzhansky
March 1973
Geneticist, Columbia University
AP Bio
• Bacterial resistance to
• Peppered Moths
Need for a universal system
Three Domains
most inclusive
3 Domains of Life- 6 Kingdoms
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
Organizing systems
• Making sense out of the diversity
• Hierarchical
Eastern gray squirrel
Sciurus carolinensis
Scientific Name
• Binomial Nomenclature
• Scientific Name
• System is based on
• ___________________-___________________
– _______________________________________________
Science as a process of inquiry
Science as a process of inquiry
• Built on repeatable observations & testable,
_________________________________ hypotheses
Scientific Method
• Process which outlines a series of steps used to answer questions.
– Not a rigid procedure.
– Based on the conviction that natural phenomena have natural
– Requires evidence to logically solve problems.
• The key ingredient of the scientific process is the
_________________________________ method
– Involves:
1. Asking a question and formulating a tentative answer or
hypothesis by _________________________________ reasoning.
2. Using _________________________________ reasoning to make
predictions from the hypothesis and then testing the validity of those
Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning = Making an inference from a set of specific
________________________________________________________________to reach a general
Deductive reasoning = Making an
________________________________________________________________ from
________________________________________________________________ premises to specific
Usually takes the form of If...then logic.
– Usually involves predicting experimental results that are expected if the hypothesis is true
Provide an example of Inductive &
Deductive reasoning
• Ex. Deductive reasoning- If I step on the gas and
turn the ignition, the car will start.
– Predicting results from a hypothesis
• Ex. Inductive-observations lead to generalizations
Holism vs Reductionism
• The principle that a higher level of
order cannot be meaningfully
explained by examining component
parts in isolation.
• An organism is a living whole greater
than the sum of its parts.
• Ex- A cell dismantled to its chemical
ingredients is no longer a cell.
• It is also difficult to analyze a complex
process without taking it apart.
• A complex system can be
understood by studying its
component parts.
• Ex- Watson and Crick deduced the
role of DNA in inheritance by
studying its molecular structure.
Provide an Example of Reductionism
• Ex. In order to understand inheritance, one
must understand the molecular structure of
Science, technology & society
• Science & technology must function within the rules of society
– _____________________________________
We have a love-hate relationship
with technology.
• Pros
– Improved our standard of living.
• Cons
– Creation of new problems
• Ie. Increased population growth, acid rain,
deforestation, global warming, nuclear accidents, ozone
holes, toxic wastes, and endangered species.
Branching tree of life.
Species that are very similar share a common ancestor at a recent branch point on
the ___________________________________________________ tree.
• Less closely related organisms share a more ancient common ancestor
Where all life began…….
All life is connected and can be traced back to primeval
________________________________________________________________ that existed more
than __________ billion years ago.
In 1859, ________________________________________________________________ published
On the Origin of Species in which he made two major points:
1. Species change, and contemporary species arose from a succession of ancestors through a process
of "descent with modification."
2. A mechanism of evolutionary change is
Natural selection
don’t adapt;
Organisms have
Requirements for Natural Selection
Requirements for Natural Selection
__________________________traits live
All species have the potential to
longer and reproduce more often
(differential reproduction)
the earth.
Many must die at an early age.
exists within the members of a species.
Those with better
Traits are inheritable.
Process can account for new species and
AP Bio
Post Assessment
• Describe seven emergent properties associated with life.
• Distinguish between holism and reductionism.
• Explain how technological breakthroughs contributed to the
formulation of the
• cell theory and our current knowledge of the cell.
• Explain, in their own words, what is meant by "form fits function.“
• List the five kingdoms of life and distinguish among them.
• Briefly describe how Charles Darwin's ideas contributed to the
conceptual framework of biology.
• Outline the scientific method.
• Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Post Assessment Answers