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We are Messianic Jews - Torah Jews for
To our Jewish and Gentile brethren something to consider.
Many people asks us or assume who we are through the understanding of
historical Christianity. Nothing can be further from the truth. Here is a small
sample of what we believe. You will find more details in “Our ministry and
Kehilat broshure” “Our community values” “Kehilat Etz Hayim What and How”
“Kehilat community events and lifestyle” on our Website Resources page
The unity of God: We do not believe in the trinity. God is one. Our Rabbi
Yeshua HaMashiach said: "One of the Soferim came up, hearing them
reasoning together. Thinking that Yeshua had given a good answer to the
Tzaddikim, he asked Him, "Which commandment is primary over all of them?
"This is the primary commandment," Yeshua said. " ‘Shema Yisrael HaShem
Elokenu HaShem Echad. (Hear O Yisrael, HaShem our Elokim, HaShem is
On Praying: We do not pray to any one else but to God, the God of Israel (we
do not believe in three gods, or any other). We do pray however in the merit or
in the name of our Rabbi, Yeshua HaMashiach, we do not pray to our Rabbi
Yeshua (that would be avoda zarah / idol worship). That is why many
Christians is idol worshipers becouse they do not worship God of Israel but
they worship Messyah of Israel and pray to Him. Rabbi Yeshua Himself told us
how to pray to the Father in his merit (even rabbi Nachman said the same
thing). Nowhere did Rabbi Yeshua say to pray to him.
The person of messiah: We believe that messiah was born of a woman, and
that he is a man, a righteous man. Man sinned, therefore a righteous man,
who never sinned, a tzadik had to die in our place (read Yeshayahu / Isaiah 53
in the Hebrew Scriptures, and the Targum Onkelos, and many other extra
biblical Jewish literature). We believe that our Rabbi, Teacher Yeshua is a
descendant of King David. His genealogy was never contradicted, disputed in
his time, nor was ever a point to discuss, since it was well known.
We believe that: the Jewish messiah has been revealed, and his name is
teacher Yeshua from Nazareth, Yeshua Hanotzri. We believe that he is a Rabbi
(he is not dead but hidden for now, soon to be revealed again), an orthodox
Rabbi (as understood in the context of 2000 years ago), a Pharisee, in today’s
standards, a true Jewish Israeli settler who believed that the land of Israel
belongs to the Jewish people, who lived by the same Torah given by Moshe on
mount Sinai. We believe that Rabbi Yeshua commands his followers to follow
the Torah of HaShem as a way of life.
Our Rabbi does not abolished Torah, he upholds it. He expands Torah
deeper, he does not cancels it (heaven forbid). We believe that Rabbi Yeshua
came first in the office of the suffering servant according the scriptures and
Jewish traditions (Mashiach ben Yosef), and we believe that Rabbi Yeshua will
return in the office of messiah, the conquering king (Mashiach ben David),
Kehilat Etz Hayim 5772 / 2011
according the scriptures and Jewish traditions. We believe that Rabbi Yeshua
kept the shabbat, kept kashrut laws, celebrated all of the Jewish holidays, and
commanded us to do the same as he did. Any person who does not keep any
of these commandments (like our Rabbi told us to do) and thinks that he is
following HaShem, and His messiah, that person is wrong. The messiah should
provokes us to do HaShem mitzvot (commandments) not to turn us away from
We believe that thousands of Jews believed and have believed in Rabbi
Yeshua to be the Jewish messiah throughout the generations. From Rabbis, to
doctors, from teachers and students, from farmers and workers, thousands
have come to believe that he is the Jewish messiah. We know, and
acknowledge Orthodox Rabbis, Yeshiva students, and many learned people of
today believe that he is indeed the hope of Israel, Melech HaMashiach (we do
not believe that they need to come out of their Synagogue of their choice if
they choose not to, meaning they do not have to come to a Messianic Jewish
Synagogue if they choose not to).
We believe that a Jew going to church should get out of there, and rejoin his
people Israel. A good Jew never goes to Church but to teach the people from
there to give up their paganism.
We believe the whole Torah of HaShem is for us to do. Although for lack of
Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and the present exile we can not perform some of its
mitzvot (commandments), we are to do the most, to do every mitzva that we
can at all time.
Messianic Jews practice (at least we try) their faith in a way they consider to
be authentically Torah-observant and culturally Jewish. We believe that
Messianic Jews who are ethnically Jewish continue to be Jewish, since belief in
the Jewish messiah is a Jewish biblical right / truth. We practice Judaism as we
understand it, according to our Rabbi Yeshua Meleh Hamashiah, and seek to
learn more concerning a life under the tutorship of the Torah, and Jewish
tradition (We do not reject it, but welcome it, but seek to understand it in the
light of the traditions of our messiah, his mesorah / tradition).
The Bible; The Tanach and the Besora Tova HaGeula / Good News of
Redemption (Badly called New Testament or Re-new Covenant / Brit Hadasha)
are inspired writings by Messianic Jews. Thats why we often call it “Ketuvey
HaShlihim – The writings of the Apostles” We believe that we need to
understand the Besora Tova through Jewish eyes, this book was written by
Jews to the Jews, within a Jewish cultural setting (later on given a spin away
from Judaism by anti-Semites non-Jews – the Chrurch Fathers and others),
thus we seek to redeem our Scriptures and teach them in a way that the
historical context is restored, and shed of the goyish (gentile) interpretation
that has been assigned for about 1800 years.
We believe that the Torah will be fully re-established when messiah returns.
We believe that the messiah of Israel will teach Torah from Zion (as it is
written). We strongly believe that if you seek to understand the Besora Tova in
its fullness, you need to know very well the Torah, the Jewish prophets, and
Kehilat Etz Hayim 5772 / 2011
Jewish writings of 2000 years ago.
We are Zionists. We believe that a true follower of God of Israel loves the
land of Israel, loves the God of Israel, loves the Jewish messiah of Israel, loves
the people of Israel (Jewish people). We believe that the land of Israel belongs
to the world wide Jewish community (which will make aliya soon).
We believe that the holy Temple will be re-build in its proper area, and the
Islamic structure (the abomination that causes desolation) in the temple area
will be torn down (may it happen very soon in our days).
We believe that not ONE inch of the holy land should be given to terrorists or
any one who does not stands for the interest of the Jewish people, this land is
the homeland of the Jewish people. We believe that Jerusalem is the holy city,
and Israel the center of the world. We support the government of Israel insofar
does not violates the Scriptures of Israel. We do not agree with the giving
away of Gaza, Hebron, Shechem, or any other territories to any one but those
who love and respect the people of Israel. We do believe that some non-Jews
can and should live in the land of Israel insofar they help the people of Israel
to settle the land of Israel. We believe that when messiah is revealed a second
time, he will help / inspire Jews to return to the land of Israel.
When Mashiach is fully revealed, he will bring world peace like, King Salomon
Biblical end times. Messianic Jews hold all of the following eschatological
beliefs: the End of Days, the second coming of Maran Yeshua as the
conquering messiah (according to Jewish tradition, messiah was going to be
revealed then hidden, then again revealed just like Moshe did), the regathering of Israel, a rebuilt Third Temple, a Resurrection of the Dead, and the
Millennial Sabbath, the world to come. We do not believe in the pre-tribulation
rapture (it was invented by a Catholic Jesuit named Manuel De Lacunza 1731–
We believe that because we have accepted the works of messiah on our
behalf, that our demonstration of faith is following the commandants of God.
We do not follow the commandments of God as a replacement of faith. We
have faith, therefore we do the commandments of God.
We do not uphold the idea of Benei Noach (Sons of Noach), we believe that
any one who wants to have a serious relationship with God, should learn from
Avraham, and do what he did. We believe that the idea of Benei Noach and 7
laws of Noah was invented when the Emperor Constantine forbade Jews to
convert non-Jews to Judaism under the penalty of death.
We believe that Messianic Jews follow Judaism as we understand it, and do
not and should not follow Christian practices (we should not), BUT we do
understand that it is our duty to teach Christians concerning the Jewish roots
of the faith, and reject all forms of paganism (we strongly believe that
Christians should reject all pagan roots and practices). We believe in observing
all Jewish feasts and fasts, including the Sabbath, or Yom Kippur. We believe
that when the Jewish messiah is fully revealed, he will reinforce all of this.
Kehilat Etz Hayim 5772 / 2011
We believe that Christianity as a religion have no more use. We believe that
Christianity has no future. There is not a word in the Holy Scriptures where
Chritianity survives, only Biblical Judaism.
A key difference between Messianic Jews and Reform, Conservative,
Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews (except with for the Chabad movement)
involves their beliefs about the messiah. The Chabad movement and us believe
strongly in the Mashiach. We happen to disagree in who messiah is, but we
believe that many “chabadnics” have come to believe in Rabbi Yeshua as the
Jewish messiah (We met a few, from simple people, to Rabbis).
We are not Jews for Jesus. Nor we are affiliated to that or similar
organization. We believe that a Jews who comes to believe in Yeshua, their
Jewish messiah should live a closer life to Torah. Jews should not pray to Jesus
(Heaven forbid), nor acknowledge him (the Christian Jesus is NOT the same as
the Jewish messiah). We believe that Jesus and Yeshua are two different
persons. One is anti-Torah, non-Jew (Jesus), the other one is an Israeli
Orthodox Rabbi, a Jewish settler who brings us closer to Torah, to love Israel,
and the Jewish people. We believe that Jewish people going to Church should
come out from there and learn to live a Torah life.
We reject the testimonies of thousands of people who said have believed in
the messiah of the Bible, but acted contrary to his ways (anti-semetic). We
reject anti-semitisim, forced conversions, persecutions done in his behalf (even
when they did not know him, nor the Jewish messiah ever asked them to do
so). Any one who says that he loves the God of Israel and the messiah of
Israel but hates Jewish people is deceived, rejects the rights to the Jewish
people to the Holy Land (like Nutri Karta or Cristians of different denominations
or Palestinian Christians), he has come to believe in the anti-messiah. It is
impossible to love the God of Israel, love the Jewish messiah, and yet hate the
Jewish people, and their right to the land of Israel.
We reject all possible rejection of our Bible heritage. The Scriptures of Israel
are Jewish, from Genesis to Revelations, and need to be understood within a
Jewish context to be understood correctly. Any attempt to understand the
scriptures in any other light will provoke errors (like people trying to
understand the Besorah Tova HaGeula through Western or any other eyes,
when all the writers of this amazing revelation are all Israeli Jews!).
We believe in redeeming our messiah from the hands of those who have the
wrong idea of who He is (this is why Jewish tradition says that Jesus is sitting
at the gates of Rome). We want restore our Jewsih Messayh to His proper
place: the gates of Jerusalem.
In short, we want Mashiach Jewish. We believe that he is Jewish, and he did
not created a new religion. He left to heaven an Israel Jew. After the return of
Eliyahu, and Enoch, Mashiach will return as he left, a righteous Israeli Jew who
should be listen, and followed.
Please note that this paper is a conversation paper and do not discuss every
point at length. This paper also do not reflect complex teaching on issues of
Kehilat Etz Hayim 5772 / 2011
keeping of the commandments of God for different categories of people of
God, namely Jewish and Gentile followers. This is something that will be
addressed in the future.
Etz Hayim Jewish messianic ministry
Kehilat Etz Hayim 5772 / 2011