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Chapter 20: The Solar System Study Guide
Name _______________ Period _____
Section 20-1: Observing the Solar System (pg.700)
1. What is the arrangement of planets in a geocentric system? _______________________________________
2A description of the solar system in which all the planets revolve around the sun is called a
____________________________________ system.
3-4.What 2 observations did Galileo make through his telescope that supported the heliocentric model?
__________________________________________ & _____________________________________________
Further developed heliocentric
Nicolaus Copernicus
model; worked out arrangement of
known planets.
Tycho Brahe
Late 1500s
Use a telescope to make
Johannes Kepler
discoveries that supported the
heliocentric model.
11-12. Circle the letter of each statement that Newton made about the moon’s orbit around the earth.
a. Earth pulls the moon toward it.
b. The moon keeps moving ahead because of gravity.
c. Earth curves away as the moon falls toward it.
d. Inertia keeps the moon moving ahead.
13. Astronomers still use telescopes to study the solar system, but they can make even closer observations of
planets by using ________________________________________________________________________.
Section 20-2: The Sun (pg.706)
14. The sun’s energy comes from the process called __________________________ ____________________.
15. Nuclear fusion is when ___________________________ atoms join together to form helium atoms because
of tremendous gravitational strength.
16-19. Nuclear fusion occurs in the sun’s ____________________________ (layer of the sun).Three products
of nuclear fusion are ____________________ energy, ____________________________ energy and
___________________________ (element).
20-25. The ___________________________ is the innermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere which produces
______________________. The __________________________________ is the middle layer, which is only
seen at the beginning or end of a total eclipse and is responsible for producing the sun’s
_______________________. The ____________________________ is the outer layer, which is only seen
during an eclipse or with a special telescope and sends out electrically charged particles called
__________________________ _______________________.
26. __________________ are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the surrounding area.
27. Reddish loops of gas on the sun that connect different parts of the sunspot regions are called
28. Explosions of hydrogen gas that go out into space away from the sun are called _____________________
29. When solar flares increase solar wind from the corona, it causes rippling sheets of light in the earth’s upper
atmosphere called _____________________________ (a.k.a. northern lights or aurora borealis).
Section 20-3: The Inner Planets (pg. 712)
30-32. What are three similarities among the inner planets?
33-35. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about Earth.
a. About 70% of its surface is covered with water.
b. Its atmosphere extends more than 100 km above its surface.
c. Most of the atmosphere is composed of oxygen gas.
d. No other planet in the solar system has oceans like it.
36-38. The three main layers of Earth are the _________________________, _________________________
and _____________________________.
39-40. Which two elements are found in the earth’s dense inner core? _________________________________
You will need to take detailed notes on Section 3: The Inner Planets and Section 20-4: The Outer Planets. You
will be having a Quiz over Section 3 and 4 ONLY. It will be an open-note quiz about the planets, so the better notes
you take, the better you will do on the quiz.
Section 20-5: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors (pg. 730)
Kuiper belt
and Oort cloud
Smaller than
comets or asteroids
47. ________________________ are chunks of ice and dust whose orbits are usually very long, narrow ellipses.
48-50. The three main parts of a comet are the ___________________, _________________________
51-53. A comet’s tail is formed from __________________________ and ________________________.
Solar wind pushes the gas from a comet ______________________ from the sun.
54. True or False? A comet’s tail can be hundreds of millions of kilometers long. ________________________
55. If the orbit of a comet is 500 times the distance between Pluto and the sun, it would be in the
____________________________ region.
56. Rocky objects revolving around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be called planets are called
57-58. The asteroid belt is located between ______________________ and ________________________.
59-61. Answer the following blanks with the correct word: meteor, meteoroid or meteorite.
______________________ A meteoroid that has passed through the atmosphere and hit Earth’s surface.
______________________ A chunk of rock or dust in space.
______________________ A streak of light cause by the burning up of a meteoroid in the atmosphere.
62. The craters on the moon were caused by the impact of _______________________________.
Section 20-6: Is There Life Beyond Earth? (pg. 734)
63. Life other than that on Earth would be called _________________________________ ___________.
64-66. What are the 3 “Goldilocks conditions” that Earth offers so life can exist?
b. _________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________
67. True or False? There has been some life found on Earth that suggests that life forms can exist that do not
need the “Goldilocks conditions.” _______________________________
68. _________________________ (planet) is the most obvious place to look for living things because it is so
similar to Earth.
69. A meteorite from Mars found in Antarctica in 1996 shows tiny shapes that look like __________________.
70. True or False? All scientists believe that the meteor from Mars was proof of life on that planet. _________
71. What suggests that there might be liquid water on Europa? _____________________________________
72. True or False? If there is liquid water on Europa, there might also be life.____________________