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Geometry Honors Chapter 8 Test (8.1-8.6) Study Guide
Types of questions:
 Sometimes, Always, Never
 Short answer
 Calculation problems
 Short paragraph proof (show . . . )
Topics to study from notes and homework:
 Know everything (definitions, properties, theorems, diagonals, angles, etc,) about the following:
o Convex polygons
o Quadrilaterals
o Parallelograms
o Rectangles
o Rhombuses
o Squares
o Trapezoids
o Kites
 Know the figure formed by connecting consecutive midpoints of the sides of a triangle (review question from past test
involving Midsegment Theorem) and a quadrilateral.
 Give the most descriptive name for each quadrilateral that is not drawn to scale but given enough info on the diagram.
 Give the most descriptive name for a parallelogram using the information given about its diagonals and angles formed
by its diagonals (involves some calculation).
 Find the area of a parallelogram in the coordinate plane.
 Show that a quadrilateral is a special parallelogram. Make sure you lay out all evidences and write a conclusion
statement that involves your justification statement (using a definition, a property, or a theorem).
 Know how to use all the formulas from Lesson 8.1 involving angles (interior, exterior) and diagonals of a polygon.
 Find the measure of each angle in an equiangular polygon.
 Give the most descriptive name for each polygon given information about its angles, sum of the angles, exterior angles,
or number of diagonals. Memorize the special names of polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon,
heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, 11-gon, dodecagon, n-gon)
 Find the angle formed when two sides of a regular polygon are extended.
 Find the angle formed by the two intersecting altitudes of a parallelogram given one of its angles.
 Given the length of the diagonals of a quadrilateral, find the perimeter of the quadrilateral formed by joining
consecutive midpoints (a review question from past test involving the Midsegment Theorem).
 Find the perimeter of a parallelogram involving solving a system of equations (review the Midsegment Theorem).