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 Adaptogens: Plant-based materials capable of increasing an organism’s
resistance to stressors of differing origin. Adaptogens are believed to reinforce
(increase) the non-specific power of resistance of the body against physical,
chemical or biological noxious agents. By definition, they must have a
normalizing influence independent of the physical condition of the organism,
must be innocuous, and must not influence normal body functions more than
required to achieve a stable condition.
 Adaptogen Blend: Proprietary blend of Eleutherococcus senticosus (leaf, stem,
root), Schisandra chinensis (seed), Aralia mandshurica (flower), Crataegus
oxyacantha (leaf), Viburnum sargenti (leaf, berry) , Glycyrrhiza uralensis
(root), Rhaponticum carthamoides (root), Rhodiola rosea (flower), Sorbus
aucuparia (whole plant), and Iconotus obliquus (root).
 Alpha-ketoglutarate: A dicarboxylic acid component in energy production and
glucose formation via the citric acid cycle as well as oxidation and synthesis of
the amino acids L-glutamine, L-glutamate, L-arginine and L-proline.
 Alpha-Lipoic acid: An important cellular component, which is required for
critical energy production steps inside the body’s cells. It can work in concert
with Vitamins C and E and is an important antioxidant.
 Amla: Emblica officinalis is a shrub that sometimes grows into a deciduous
tree with feathery leaves and green fleshy fruit, indigenous and cultivated in
the forests and seacoasts of India and Kashmir. The fruit which is also called
Indian gooseberry, has been used as a food and in traditional Ayurvedic
medicine for thousands of years. Amla fruit is rich in antioxidants including
vitamin C, and is a potent scavenger of free radicals.
 Apple extract – Standardized to phloridizin. (fruit – Malus domestica):
Contains alpha-D-glucosidase inhibitors that act primarily by decreasing
disaccharide hydrolysis thereby reducing the amount of free monosaccharides
available for absorption in the intestine. Phloridzin, an alpha-D-glucosidase
inhibitor, also acts directly on free glucose absorption in the jejunum, helping
to reduce postprandial serum glucose.
 L-Arabinose: A natural pentose (5-carbon sugar), which is poorly absorbed,
and is an uncompetitive selective inhibitor of intestinal sucrase activity.
Contributes to the suppression of glycemic response after ingestion of
sucrose. The enzyme sucrase is responsible for the digestion of sucrose (table
sugar), which is derived from sugar beets and sugar cane.
 L-Arginine: A conditionally essential amino acid necessary for protein
synthesis, precursor to nitric oxide, a compound responsible for multiple
functions within the body including supporting the immune system and
increasing blood flow (vasodilation). Participates in the maintenance of
muscle and lean tissue throughout the body. The body can produce this
amino acid. However, in the young, production may not meet requirements.
 Artichoke leaf extract – Standardized to cynarin. (leaf – Cynara scolymus): An
herbal extract containing phenolic acids, lactones and flavonoids that has
shown the ability to encourage bile flow in studies. May also exhibit
antiemetic, spasmolytic and carminative effects as well as hepatoprotective
 Astaxanthin: A carotenoid found in the microaglae Haematococcus pluvialis.
Astaxanthin gives pink and red color to salmon, shrimp and lobster. It is a
powerful lipid soluble antioxidant and has a unique role in protecting cell
membranes because of its chemical structure and its ability to span the
double layer cell membrane. Astaxanthin can protect the cell from the inside
out. Astaxanthin can also act as a bridge for transporting free radicals to
other antioxidants. It protects against oxidative damage to cell membranes
and tissues.
 Astragalus extract (root – Astragalus membranaceus): The flowering plant
genus Astragalus L. contains upwards of 2500 mostly perennial species, is
found growing on a global scale, and is distributed primarily around the
northern hemisphere and South America. Astragalus is an important herb
containing bioactive constituents such as astragalosides, beta-sitosterol and
isoflavones. The roots of this herb have been traditionally used to strengthen
the immune system. Evidence indicates that the roots possess
immunopotentiating properties by activating immune cells such as the B
(lymphocyte) cells and stimulating the proliferation of splenic lymphocytes
involved in immune enhancement.
 Ashwagandha extract – Standardized to withanolides. (root - Withania
somnifera): A low-lying perennial shrub found growing in Africa, the
Mediterranean and India. Ashwagandha has been widely used in the
traditional Indian Ayurvedic medical system for a variety of musculoskeletal
conditions and to facilitate overall health and longevity. Some animal studies
have indicated positive antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress effects.
The extract contains withanolides, chlorogenic acid, seopoletin and beta
 Bacopa extract – Standardized to bacosides. (leaf/stem - Bacopa monniera):
Bacopa is also known as brahmi. It is a well-known herb traditionally
employed in the Ayurvedic system, used for supporting memory and brain
function. The extract has potent antioxidant properties and can inhibit lipid
peroxidation as well as improve brain and nervous system function. The
active constituents of Bacopa monniera, called bacosides, enhance mental
retention capacity. It facilitates acquisition, consolidation, and retention of
newly acquired behaviors.
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 Barley malt extract: Is a grain syrup made from sprouting barley seeds,
which are then toasted and ground. This means of reducing a complex
carbohydrate to a simple sugar results in a subtle sweetener and flavoring
 Beet powder (root – Beta vulgaris): The familiar plant Beta vulgaris is known
as sugar beets and it is commonly used as food. It is commonly used as a red
colorant in various products. Traditionally used as a liver protectant and in
response to liver damage.
 Betaine: Also known as trimethylglycine. This ingredient plays a role in
metabolic processes through donation of a methyl group (one carbon
metabolism) as for example the conversion of homocysteine to the amino acid
 Beta-carotene: A powerful carotenoid antioxidant that acts through direct
quenching or modification of oxidative free radical reactions. It is a precursor
of vitamin A. May help in cell function and prevention of some forms of
 Beta-glucan: Soluble fiber known as beta-D-glucan. These compounds are
usually referred to as beta-glucans, and they comprise a class of nondigestible polysaccharides widely found in nature in such sources as oats,
barley, yeast, bacteria, algae and mushrooms. Oat beta-glucan is a soluble
fiber located mainly in cell walls that is a viscous polysaccharide made up of
units of the sugar D-glucose. Studies have shown that a healthy diet that
includes beta-glucan can aid in maintaining normal levels of blood cholesterol
and glucose.
 The exact mechanism of beta-glucan's possible hypocholesterolemic effect is
not clear. It appears to promote increased excretion of bile acids, which could
help explain its possible cholesterol moderating activity. Beta-glucan may also
promote cholesterol clearance from the plasma via reverse cholesterol
 The mechanism of the glucose-regulatory activity of beta-glucan is also not
well understood. Beta-glucan may delay gastric emptying time and
consequently affect the rate of uptake of D-glucose from the small intestine.
The high viscosity of beta-glucan may delay absorption of glucose. Some
studies have indicated that beta-glucan may have immunomodulatory
 Beta-phenyl-Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (phenibut): Beta-phenylGamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (phenibut) is a phenyl derivative of the
naturally occurring inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA). Since its discovery in the 1960s, Phenibut has been used for stress,
anxiety and insomnia. It is a GABA receptor agonist, demonstrated to have a
calming effect. Phenibut may potentiate the actions of selected prescription
medications including MAO inhibitors, tranquilizers, narcotics as well as
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alcohol. It may modulate the function of some epilepsy prescription
 Beta-sitosterol: Is a plant-derived sterol, also known as a phytosterol. Plant
sterols or phytosterols are common components of plant foods, especially
plant oils, seeds and nuts, cereals and legumes. Scientific evidence suggests
that plant phytosterols may help to maintain cholesterol levels already within
the normal range by inhibiting absorption of dietary cholesterol when
consumed as part of a low cholesterol dietary program. Stigmasterol and
campesterol are also phytosterols commonly found associated with betasitosterol.
 Bilberry extract – Standardized to anthocyanosides (fruit - Vaccinium
myrtillus): An extract standardized to contain bioflavonoids known as
anthocyanosides, which may support eye health, by acting as antioxidants.
Evidence suggests they may also improve microvascular blood flow and
provide gastroprotective effects.
 Black cohosh extract (root - Cimicifuga racemosa): An American wildflower
from the buttercup family. Black cohosh extract has been used since the early
1900's as a “woman's tonic” and can help reduce menopausal symptoms such
as hot flashes. It may also act as an anti-inflammatory.
 Black currant: The small, shrubby perennial tree, Ribes nigrum, native to
central and northern Europe, northern Asia and New Zealand, produces this
dark purple to almost black edible berry. Black currants, also called cassis
berries, have been consumed as a food and used in traditional herbal
medicine for centuries. Black currant berries have very high levels of
anthocyanins, compounds that possess high levels of antioxidant capacity,
and that are also responsible for the berry’s dark purple-black color. Black
currants are also high in polyphenolics and vitamin C.
 Biotin: A water-soluble B vitamin that plays a role in carbohydrate utilization
and the production of important fatty acids. Biotin assists in metabolism of
fatty acids and utilization of B vitamins. It is also important in energy
producing steps during metabolism in the cells of the body.
 Bitter orange extract – Standardized to synephrine. (pericarp - Citrus
aurantium): An extract of the fruit, bitter orange (also known as Seville or
sour orange), with the rind. Over the centuries bitter oranges have been
highly valued for their food and medicinal properties. Bitter orange contains
important neuroactive amines such as synephrine, octopamine and tyramine.
Synephrine and octopamine are similar to the catecholamines, noradrenaline
and adrenaline found in the sympathetic nerve fibers. The most active
constituent of Citrus aurantium L. is synephrine.
 Studies show that in human subjects bitter orange extracts, along with other
constituents, stimulate lipolysis, and enhance metabolic rate and fat oxidation
through increased thermogenesis by stimulating beta-3-adreno receptors thus
contributing to weight loss. Synephrine is believed to act on adrenergic
receptors and activate thermogenesis.
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 Boswellia extract – Standardized to boswellic acids. (gum resin – Boswellia
serrata): Obtained from the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in the dry hills
of India. The active compound found is boswellia are boswellic acids, which
may reduce intestinal inflammation.
 Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA): [L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine]:
Essential amino acids that may be limiting in muscle repair and synthesis
regardless of age. Also used by the muscles for fuel and tissue repair
especially during injury or during strenuous exercise when carbohydrate
stores are depleted. Of these three amino acids, L-leucine is most important
for prevention of muscle mass loss with aging (sarcopenia), maintenance of
exercise quality and intensity and faster recovery from workouts.
 Boron: Found in a variety of similar minerals all related to borax, sodium
tetraborate (Na2B4O7·10H2O). It is a relatively rare element in the earth's
crust, representing only 0.001%. Borax is necessary in small amounts for
plant growth, and is considered an essential nutrient. This trace element is
thought to support the activity of vitamin D in enhancing calcium and
estrogen metabolism.
 Burdock extract (root – Arctium lappa): This biennial plant grows in open
spaces and along roadsides around the world. Burdock grows from a fleshy
taproot and produces large, heart-shaped, hairy leaves and red-violet flower
heads surrounded by numerous hooked bracts that form a bur-like cup.
Traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal complaints and skin conditions, and
is thought to have immunological and anti-inflammatory activity. May help
protect the liver against harmful metabolic by-products.
 Caffeine: A trimethylxanthine alkaloid derived primarily from coffee and tea.
It exhibits stimulatory actions in the central nervous system and muscles, and
enhances mental energy and focus. Caffeine promotes alertness and focus by
increasing norepinephrine excretion and enhancing neural activity. Many of its
effects are due to its competitive antagonism of adenosine receptors.
 Calcium: A major mineral for bone health along with calcium, phosphorus,
magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Calcium is essential for developing and
maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It also assists in blood clotting, muscle
contraction and nerve transmission. Calcium is a cofactor for many enzymatic
 Calcium caseinate: A high protein, high calcium nutrient derived from milk.
Caseinates aggregate in the stomach so that the protein peptides and amino
acids pass more slowly through the gut, which enhances a feeling of satiety
while prolonging the supply of nitrogen to the muscle tissue.
 Carrageenan: Carrageenan is the name given to a family of hydrocolloid
polysaccharides obtained from the red seaweeds. This plant based gum
serves as both a thickener and an aid in moisture retention.
 Carbohydrates: The basic building block of a carbohydrate is a sugar
molecule, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates are an
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important part of a healthy diet. They provide the body with the fuel it needs
for physical activity and for proper organ function. Carbohydrates come in a
variety of forms. The most common and abundant are sugars, fibers, and
 L-Carnitine: Is essential for the transport of fatty acids into the cellular
organelle, mitochondrion, for conversion into energy by oxidation. It has a
structure similar to that of amino acids and is formed from L-lysine and Lmethionine.
 L-Carnosine: L-Carnosine is a dipeptide consisting of of ß-alanine linked at its
carboxyl terminus to the amino group of L-histidine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine). It
is synthesized by the enzyme carnosine synthetase, and broken down by
carnosinase. It is widely distributed in tissues, and is present at particularly
high concentrations in skeletal muscle and the olfactory lobe of the brain.
Carnosine has a number of important properties, including antioxidant
activity, ability to chelate divalent cations such as copper, neutralization of
acids (such as lactic acid), and the inhibition of nonenzymic glycosylation of
proteins. It is found in long-lived tissues in surprisingly high amounts (up to
20 mM in human muscle) and has been shown to delay aging in cultured
cells. When added to cultures of human lung and foreskin fibroblasts, the
dipeptide extended cell survival and increased maximal cell division potential
while also inducing a more juvenile phenotype in senescent human and
rodent cells. This suggests that other properties of the dipeptide are involved.
There are suggestions that the concentration of tissue-associated L-carnosine
declines with age. L-Carnosine and related dipeptides have been shown to
prevent peroxidation of model membrane systems, suggesting that they
represent water-soluble counterparts to lipid-soluble antioxidants such as atocopherol in protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage. Other roles
ascribed to this dipeptide include acting as a neurotransmitter in the
modulation of enzyme activities.
 L-Carnosine significantly reduces the formation of 8-hydroxy deoxyguanosine
(8-OH dG) in cultured cells, thus demonstrating protection of DNA. The
presumptive anti-senescent effect of L-carnosine may be related to this
inhibition. L-Carnosine also inhibits protein carbonyl formation. A common
molecular indication of cellular aging is the accumulation of aberrant proteins,
especially polypeptides bearing carbonyl (CO) groups.
 Casein (Modified): A well-defined group of proteins found in milk, constituting
about 80% of the proteins in cow's milk, but only 40% in human milk. Casein
is an efficient nutrient, supplying not only essential amino acids, but also
some carbohydrates and the inorganic elements calcium and phosphorus.
 Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa): This extract is a traditional medicine from the
Amazon rainforest. Historically it is a vine whose bark is brewed into a tea for
treating various inflammatory disorders. Cat's claw balances immune function
and is an excellent adaptogen.
 Chamomile (flower - Matricaria chamomilla): German chamomile is a sweetscented, smooth, branched annual growing to 2 1/2 ft. in height. It is native
to Europe and Western Asia, and has become widely naturalized in the U.S.
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Chamomiles have been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep
aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an antiinflammatory, to name only a few therapeutic uses.
 Chaste tree extract – Standardized to agnusides. (berry - Vitex agnuscastus): Indigenous to the Mediterranean, chaste tree now grows throughout
the world in subtropical climates. Chaste tree berry extract helps normalize
hormones levels, which eases the effects of menopausal symptoms such as
hot flashes and sweating.
 Chitosan: Is derived from chitin, a polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons
of crustaceans. Chitosan is produced by grinding shells from shellfish such as
shrimp, lobster and crabs into a very fine powder. This powder is then
deacetylated, or stripped of specific chemical groups that allow the compound
to have polar binding sites and high absorbability. Chitosan is known for its
ability to bind fats, oils and bile acids and increase excretion of these
 Cholecalciferol:( See Vitamin D)
 Choline: Chemically is trimethylethanolamine. Aids in the formation of a
number of important substances in the body essential for nerve function and
protection, muscle control, memory, and many other functions. Utilized for
producing important constituents (phospholipids) involved in brain and heart
functions and energy utilization. A building block for acetylcholine, a key brain
chemical involved in memory, mental processes and nerve as well as muscle
functions. Serves as a methyl donor in one carbon metabolism.
 Chokeberry (Aronia): Two to three species of Aronia, deciduous shrubs
commonly found in woodlands and swamps, are native to eastern Europe and
eastern North America. Chokeberries, the fruit produced by these shrubs,
range in color from red to purple to black, have an astringent flavor and are
high in anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and vitamin C.
 Chromium: An essential trace element involved in the metabolism of
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. It primarily increases the efficiency of
insulin. Supplemental chromium administered to individuals with impaired
glucose tolerance leads to improved blood glucose, insulin, and lipid variables.
It appears to improve lean muscle mass in humans. Response to chromium is
dependent upon the form and the amount of supplemental chromium. Human
studies suggest that certain forms of chromium decrease insulin levels and
improve glucose disposal in obese populations. In one study, a high
chromium supplementation with exercise decreased total cholesterol in
human volunteers.
 Citrus flavonoids: Flavonoids comprise a large group of low molecular weight
polyphenolic phytochemicals found in plants. They have been categorized into
six families based on their chemical structures. These families are chalcones,
flavones, flavonols, flavanones, anthocyanins and isoflavonoids. Flavonoids
from citrus fruits include rutin, hesperidin, quercetin, and naringin. These
flavonoid compounds have shown antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory
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activity, vitamin C sparing action, beneficial effects on blood flow and antiallergenic interactions with immune cells.
 L-Citrulline: An amino acid that is not normally present in protein. L-Citrulline
is created in the body as an intermediate in the conversion of the amino acid
L-ornithine to L-arginine in a metabolic pathway called the urea cycle. LCitrulline was first isolated from watermelon. The term citrulline was coined
from citrullus, the Latin name of the watermelon.
 Cocoa: Cocoa is a fine-textured chocolate powder that is made from ground
roasted cocoa beans with most of the fat removed.
 Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10): A quinone coenzyme with an isoprenoid tail. Also
known as ubiquinone. Found virtually in all body cell membranes and energy
compartments. The conversion of energy from carbohydrates and fats to ATP,
the form of energy used by cells in the body, requires the presence of
coenzyme Q. By functioning as an antioxidant, may protect tissue
components by neutralizing free radicals and reactive oxygen species
produced during the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.
 Coleus extract – Standardized to forskohlin. (root - Coleus forskohlii): The
active ingredient found in coleus extract is forskohlin. Forskohlin may help
increase lean body mass and help reduce body fat during periods of exercise.
This ingredient also helps support lipolysis. Lipolysis is breakdown of fats to
be used as fuel in the body. Forskohlin stimulates and activates the enzyme
adenylate cyclase resulting in production of cyclic AMP.
 Copper: Copper is an essential mineral that is an integral part of numerous
enzyme systems involved in health. Plays a role in iron metabolism, melanin
synthesis, and central nervous system function, the synthesis and crosslinking of elastin and collagen, bone formation, and skeletal mineralization.
 Cranberry juice powder (fruit – Vaccinium macrocarpon): Traditionally used to
ease effects of and prevent urinary tract infections. Contains
proanthocyanidins that interfere with the bacterial adherence to the urinary
tract that causes urinary tract infections. Other properties included acting as a
mild diuretic and urinary deodorizer.
 Creatine: A nitrogenous organic acid synthesized from the amino acids
glycine, L-arginine, and L-methionine that is found in the muscle tissue of
vertebrates mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and which supplies energy
for muscle contraction. Plays a very important part in cell energy production
and increases both total and fat-free body mass.
 Crataegus oxyacantha (leaf and fruit): Also known as Hawthorn, Crataegus is
a thorny shrub or small tree which is a member of the Rosaceae family, and is
native to temperate areas of North America, Europe and Asia. The shrub
produces small red berries and has been used in traditional herbal and
Chinese medicine. The primary groups of bioactive constituents of this shrub
are flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidins.
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 Cyanocobalamin:( See Vitamin B-12)
 DHA: Docosahexaenoic acid, as well as EPA and other long chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids, is an important structural component of cell
membranes. DHA is selectively incorporated into retinal cell membranes in
very high concentrations, and scientific data indicates it is required for normal
development and function of the retina. Phospholipids of the brain's gray
matter also contain high proportions of DHA indicating its importance to
central nervous system function. Animal studies have shown that depletion of
DHA in the brain can result in learning deficits. Studies have also indicated
that some fatty acids including omega-3s, can modulate the expression of
genes involved with fatty acid metabolism and inflammation.
 Digestive Enzymes: Include pancreatic enzymes, plant-derived enzymes, and
fungal-derived enzymes, which comprise three classes of enzymes:
proteolytic enzymes needed to digest protein, lipases needed to digest fat,
and amylases needed to digest carbohydrates. Digestive enzymes improve
absorption of food and facilitate digestive processes. Examples of plant based
digestive enzymes include:
 Papain:An enzyme extracted from the unripe fruit of the papaya ( Carica
papaya) that catalyzes the lysis of proteins, and is used as a digestive aid.
 Bromelain:Found most commonly in the stem of the pineapple plant ( Ananas
comosus). It is a mixture of sulfur-containing proteolytic enzymes or
proteases. It also contains several other substances in smaller quantities,
including perioxidase, acid phosphatase, protease inhibitors, and calcium.
 d-Limonene: A naturally occurring terpene found in orange peel and citrus
fruits. It is a major aroma component of essential oils obtained from orange,
grape fruit, lemon, dried fruits of black pepper, and white and black pepper. It
is considered to possess relaxation effects based on experimental animal
studies. It inhibits the production of cholesterol and improves immune
response in experimental animals. d-Limonene has been shown in clinical
studies to possess antineoplastic activity.
 Dong quai extract (root - Angelica polymorpha): An aromatic, perennial
flowering plant found growing at high altitudes in the mountains of Japan,
Korea and China. It has been used in Asia for thousands of years to help with
a woman's overall health and feeling of well-being. Shown to support urinary
tract health, as well as easing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.
 Dry bean extract – Standardized to phaseolamin. (seed – Phaseolus vulgaris):
A source of the pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitor, alpha AI found in many
types of beans such as the Great White Northern Kidney Bean. Alpha amylase
is an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starch. This product is
therefore useful in slowing the metabolism of starch to glucose and thus helps
moderate blood sugar levels in the normal range.
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 Echinacea extract – Standardized to phenols. (aerial - Echinacea purpurea): a
member of the sunflower family (Compositae or Asteraceae). Nine species are
found exclusively in the U.S. and Canada. The genus name is derived from
the Greek echinos (hedgehog or sea urchin), referring to the prickly scales of
the dried seed head. Echinaecea has a long history of medicinal use, both in
the United States and Europe. Much of the research has focused on the use of
Echinacea as a non-specific stimulant to the immune defense system. Active
constituents include high molecular weight polysaccharides such as
hetroxylan and arabinoglactan as well as the lower molecular weight
compounds chicoric acid and echinacosides.
 Elderberry: This berry is the small blue-black berry of a deciduous tree,
Sambucus nigra L., native to Europe, Northern Africa and Western and
Central Asia. Elderberry has a long history of traditional use among Native
Americans and in traditional European medicine, with antioxidant, antiviral
and anti-inflammatory actions among the reported historical and traditional
benefits. Elderberries are rich in flavonoids, vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6, lectins
and anthocyanins, and the berries are also incorporated into food and
condiments for coloring and flavor.
 Eleuthero extract – Standardized to eleutherosides. (root - Eleutherococcus
senticosus):Also known as Siberian ginseng. A plant indigenous to China,
Japan, Korea, and Siberia. One of the first plants known as adaptogens to be
studied by the Russian scientist Dr. I. I. Brekhman for its restorative
properties. ( See Adaptogens)
 Enzyme hydrolyzed whey proteins: Whey protein is a pure, natural, high
quality protein from cow's milk. It is a rich source of the essential amino acids
needed on a daily basis by the body. Whey protein is an excellent protein
choice for individuals of all ages. It provides a number of benefits in areas
including sports nutrition, weight management, immune support, bone health,
and general wellness. Whey protein provides an excellent source of glutamine
and amino acids that are essential for muscle building, enhancing endurance
and supporting the immune system. Enzyme hydrolyzed whey proteins have
had their molecular chains partially disassembled by enzyme actions as a part
of the manufacturing process prior to use as an ingredient. This added
manufacturing step greatly facilitates digestion of the whey proteins after
consumption, speeding up their availability to the body's metabolic processes.
 EpiCor®: EpiCor is a complex, natural fermentation product comprised of
vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. EpiCor supports immune
health by promoting efficient activity of humoral responses and by
suppressing inappropriate adaptive responses, thereby helping balance the
immune system and maintain wellness. Research demonstrates that EpiCor
increases levels of secretory IgA which supports the mucosal barrier, and
activates the immune components, natural killer cells and B cells. EpiCor has
also demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
 Fiber: Basically the portions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains that the
human digestive system cannot break down so they pass through the system.
Chemically, fibers are non-digestible carbohydrate and carbohydrate-related
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substances. Fiber by itself provides no nutrients, but its passage through the
digestive tract is greatly beneficial because it helps push along other waste
and helps maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining. Fiber aids regularity,
promotes weight management, helps slow glucose absorption from the small
intestine, inhibits absorption of cholesterol and bile acid from the small
intestine, and is believed to play a role in lowering risk of heart disease.
 Fiber blend:
Gums (gum arabic & guar gum) – mostly soluble fiber
Celluloses (cellulose powder & oat bran) – mostly insoluble fiber
Fruit pectins (apple & citrus pectin) – mostly soluble fiber
Psyllium seed – mostly soluble fiber
 Figs (fruit - Ficus carica): Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Ficus
native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated around the world for
its edible fruit.
 Flaxseed (seed – Linum usitatissimum): The seed of flax, the source of
linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations. Though the most universal
function of flax seed is to produce linseed oil (commonly used in paints,
varnishes, linoleums and inks), this tiny seed contains several essential
nutrients including calcium, iron, niacin, phosphorus and vitamin E. It's also a
rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. It has a mild nutty
flavor and is often used simply sprinkled over hot dishes such as cooked
cereal or stir-fries.
 Folic acid: Is a B complex vitamin, which is necessary to optimize
physiological function and health. Folic acid is important in the utilization of
proteins (amino acids). It is also involved in one carbon metabolism including
the methylation of homocysteine to L-methionine and DNA synthesis. Folic
acid also plays an important role in pregnancy.
 Fructooligosaccharides (FOS): Refer to short-chain oligosaccharides
comprised of D-fructose and D-glucose, containing from three to five
monosaccharide units. FOS are resistant to digestion in the upper
gastrointestinal tract. They act to stimulate the growth of Bifidobacterium
species in the large intestine and thereby facilitate digestion and intestinal
function. FOS are marketed in the United States in combination with probiotic
bacteria and in some functional food products. They are also referred to as
 Fructose: A simple sugar found in honey and in the fruit and other parts of
plants. It is much sweeter than sucrose (cane sugar). Chemically it is a
monosaccharide (see carbohydrate) with the empirical formula C6H12O6. It
has the same formula as glucose but differs from it in structure (see isomer).
Fructose is often recommended for, and consumed by, people with diabetes
mellitus or hypoglycemia because it has a very low Glycemic Index (GI 32)
relative to sucrose. The low GI is due to the unique and lengthy metabolic
pathway of fructose, which involves phosphorylation and a multi-step
enzymatic process in the liver.
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 GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid): A neurotransmitter within the central
nervous system that supports mental energy and focus.
 Gamma Oryzanol: A natural component of rice bran, corn, and barley oils. It
is a naturally occurring mixture of plant chemicals called sterols and ferulic
acid esters. Some evidence suggests that gamma oryzanol increases
testosterone levels, stimulates the release of endorphins (pain-relieving
substances made in the body), and promotes the growth of lean muscle
 Garcinia extract – Standardized to hydroxycitric acid. (fruit - Garcinia
cambogia): Its active ingredient, (-)-hydroxycitrate (HCA), is an inhibitor of
ATP-citrate-lyase, a cytosolic (extramitochondrial) enzyme that catalyzes the
cleavage of citrate to oxaloactetate and acetyl-CoA. HCA is believed to reduce
the pool of acetyl CoA, limiting the bioavailability of 2-carbon groups required
for the synthesis of lipids and cholesterol. In view of this, HCA might promote
weight maintenance by inhibiting or limiting the capacity for de novo
lipogenesis. Administration of HCA reduces energy intake in humans in shortterm studies. Some human studies have claimed that extracts containing HCA
increase fat oxidation and decrease appetite in short-term studies. Other
studies have indicated that the ingestion of a Garcinia cambogia, HCA
containing extract and a form of chromium helps weight management in
human subjects.
 Garlic powder, odorless (bulb - Allium sativum): Garlic has been used as a
medicine and health-promoter for 5,000 years. It was widely used in ancient
Assyria, Egypt, India, Greece and China. The chemistry of garlic is extremely
complex, but research indicates that it is the unusual organosulfur compounds
relatively unique to garlic that promote a broad range of lipid lowering,
antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects.
 GenoPause™ herbal blend: Is a unique, clinically studied blend of four nonestrogenic herbal extracts, Tinospora cordifolia, Asparagus racemosus,
Withania somnifera and Commiphora mukul.
 Tinospora cordifolia, also called Guduchi, is a common deciduous climbing
perennial shrub native to tropical India, Burma and Ceylon. Extracts of the
stem of this herb yield diterpenoids and glycosides. Guduchi has long been
used in Ayurvedic medicine and is thought to exert anti-tumor, analgesic,
antipyretic, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory,
antioxidant and adaptogenic effects.
 Asparagus racemosus, also known as Shatavari, is a creeping plant common
throughout tropical and subtropical India, Ceylon, Sri Lanka, parts of
Australia, tropical Africa, and up to 4,000 feet altitude in the Himalayas. An
extract of the root yields saponins and asparagosides. It has had wide use in
Ayurvedic medicine as an adaptogen and as a female tonic for overall health
and vitality. It is reported to have antitumor, antimutagenic, antioxidant and
antibacterial effects.
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 Withania somnifera, also called Ashwaganda, is a tall evergreen shrub that
grows prolifically in drier parts of India, Nepal, Pakistan, Ceylon, Sri Lanka,
Iraq and Bangladesh, and is commercially cultivated in the Madhya Pradesh
province of India. Root and leaf extracts are reported to have antibacterial,
immunomodulatory, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and
antioxidant effects. It is also valued as an adaptogen. Ashwaganda is a source
of alkaloids, withanolides, glycosides and a falconoid.
 Commiphora mukul, also called Guggul, is a flowering shrub or small tree
native to northern India, but is also found from northern Africa to central
Asia. An extract known as gugulipid, from the resin of the tree, contains
diterpenoids and sesamin among other compounds and has been used for
cardiovascular health in Ayurvedic medicine in India for approximately 3,000
years. Guggul has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects as
well as hypolipidemic, antioxidant and some anti-arthritic effects.
 Ginkgo biloba extract – Standardized to gingo flavoneglycosides and terpene
lactones. (leaf - Ginkgo biloba): The ginkgo tree is the world's oldest living
species of tree. Individual trees can grow for as long as 1,000 years in the
southern and eastern United States, southern France, China and Korea. The
leaf is used for extracts standardized to 25% ginkgo flavone glycosides and
6% terpene lactones. Ginkgo leaf extract has been used in Chinese Traditional
Medicine for 5,000 years. Ginkgo extract has been shown to have a whole
host of benefits, but perhaps the two most notable are its antioxidant activity
and its ability to increased blood flow to the brain. Acute administration of
extracts improved performance in tests of attention and memory. Some
studies have suggested positive effects of the extract, EGb 761, on the
subjective emotional well-being of healthy elderly persons.
 Glucosamine: Glucosamine is a form of amino sugar that plays a role in
cartilage formation and repair. It is an essential building block used as an
intermediate substrate (proteoglycans) in the production of cartilage. In
addition to serving as a building block for the synthesis of proteoglycans, the
presence of glucosamine acts as a stimulus to the cells that produce
 Glycine: One of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins. Glycine is
structurally the simplest of the a-amino acids, having merely a hydrogen
atom for a side chain, and is thus very unreactive when incorporated into
proteins. Glycine participates in several important reactions, including the
biosynthesis of heme, an important constituent of hemoglobin, and the
biosynthesis of L-serine (another amino acid), purines (constituents of genetic
material), and glutathione (a coenzyme and antioxidant).
 Glycerin (Glycerol): A clear, sweet syrupy liquid extracted from animal fats
and vegetable oils. It is used in small amounts in some cake, bar, pastry, and
icing mixtures to keep these products moist and to extend their shelf life.
 Ginger – Standardized to gingerols. (root - Zingiber officinale): A large
tuberous perennial plant native to southern Asia, now cultivated extensively
in almost all tropical and subtropical countries, especially China, India,
Nigeria, Australia, Jamaica, and Haiti. Ginger has been used as a medicine
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since ancient times and is official in the national pharmacopoeias of Austria,
China, Egypt, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, and Switzerland. Modern human
studies have investigated ginger as an anti-emetic, anti-nausea treatment, a
prophylactic against motion sickness and/or seasickness and for its effect on
human platelet function. Studies also show it supports digestion and acid
production necessary for calcium absorption.
 L-Glutamine: The most abundant amino acid in plasma. It helps enhance
immune function, is important in the preservation of muscle mass, and is a
neuroactive precursor needed for optimal mental functioning. It may also help
reduce cravings for sweets. It is an important fuel source for muscle and
rapidly dividing cells such as the cells of the immune and gastrointestinal
systems. L-glutamine is important in the synthesis of glutathione, and the
amino acids, L-citrulline and L-arginine.
 Glucomannan (tuber – Amorphophallus konjac): The Western name for
vegetable fibers derived from an Asiatic plant family known as Konjac.
Glucomannan soluble non-absorbable dietary fiber swells in the stomach to
help create a feeling of fullness. When we feel full, appetite typically
decreases. Flour made from the Konjac root and the root itself is used in a
variety of foods in Asia. Chemically it is a polysaccharide composed of
partially acetylated D-glucose and D-mannose sugars.
 Golden root – Standardized to glycosides. (root - Rhodiola rosea): Rhodiola is
a perennial plant with a thick rhizome, fragrant when cut, that grows
primarily in dry sandy ground at high altitudes in arctic areas of mountainous
regions in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. For centuries,
rhodiola has been used in the traditional medicine of Russia, Scandinavia, and
other countries. Rhodiola has been extensively studied as an adaptogen with
various health-promoting effects, including increasing a body's resistance to
stress, enhancing immunity, facilitating oxygen transport, increasing capacity
for exertion and for serving as an antioxidant. (See Adaptogens)
 Goldenseal – Standardized to total alkaloids. (root - Hydrastis Canadensis):
One of the most widely sold American medicinal plants in North American
herb markets. Widely thought to have the potential for supporting the body's
respiratory defense systems in conjunction with common cold, upper
respiratory tract infections, allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion. The active
constituents are the alkaloids berberine, hydrastine, canadine and canadaline.
 Gotu kola – Standardized to triterpenoids. (leaf/stem/flower - Centella
asiatica): A slender, creeping plant that grows commonly in swampy areas of
India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, South Africa and the tropics. Studies indicate
that it exhibits properties of immune system support, anti-inflammatory
properties and antioxidant activity as well as providing support for production
of collagen and cartilage. Gotu kola is traditionally employed as a brain tonic
for promoting memory, cognitive function, and mental well-being. Studies
have demonstrated that the extract is helpful in relieving anxiety, promoting
relaxation and a positive mood and exhibiting positive results on learning and
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 Graminex? flower pollen extract – Standardized to water and lipid portions.
(pollen - Secale cereale, Zea mays, Phleum pratence): An extract prepared
from the pollen of rye grass, maize and timothy grass. It comprises a watersoluble and a lipid-soluble fraction. The latter fraction contains phytosterols.
In vitro studies suggest that pollen extracts may have anti-androgenic effects,
may inhibit 5α-reductase activity, relax urethral smooth muscle tone and
increase bladder muscle contraction, act on the alpha-adrenergic receptors
and relax the internal and external sphincter muscles, and inhibit the
production of cytokines. Clinical studies suggest that the extracts improve
urinary health.
 Grape extract – Standardized to phenols (seed/skin - Vitis vinifera) and Grape
seed extract: The extract contains polyphenols, which consist of (+)-catechin
monomers, procyanidin oligomers and polymers, and is particularly rich in
proanthocyanidins. These are short chains of catechins or flavanols, which
exert profound effects of gene expression and are powerful antioxidants. The
proanthocyanidins and associated flavanols are shown to induce endothelium
dependent vasodilation and displays heart protective activity in experimental
animals. There are numerous research reports documenting benefits in
various states of inflammation.
 Guarana extract – Standardized to caffeine. (seed – Paullinia cupana): The
extract is standardized for caffeine. Paullinia cupana is a berry, which grows
in Venezuela and Brazil. Guarana is used in South America to prepare an
energy-stimulating beverage similar to coffee or tea. Caffeine is the primary
ingredient in guarana responsible for energy stimulation. Caffeine is a
trimethylxanthine alkaloid derived primarily from coffee, tea and kola nut.
 Caffeine modulates adenosine receptors and increases the turnover of several
monoamine neurotransmitters in body cells, including serotonin, dopamine,
and noradrenaline, vital for brain function. In addition, this purine derivative
also augments CNS activity, lipolysis and respiration. Caffeine stimulates
thermogenesis and increases energy expenditure dose dependently in human
subjects. Single-dose oral administration of caffeine increases the resting
metabolic rate of both lean and post-obese human volunteers, and improves
diet-induced thermogenesis observed in the post-obese subjects. Caffeine at
commonly consumed doses can have a significant influence on energy
balance and may promote thermogenesis. Studies show that caffeine
stimulates catecholamine release in vivo. Catecholamines activate betaadrenergic receptors, which trigger increased rate of fat mobilization from
body stores and hydrolysis to fatty acids (lipolysis), and enhanced resting
metabolic rate (thermogenesis). Caffeine inhibits phosphodiesterase activity
in vitro, an action with implications for raising the levels of cyclic AMP in body
 Guar gum:A soluble fiber extracted from the seed of the leguminous shrub
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, where it acts as a food and water store. Guar gum
is a natural high molecular weight polysaccharide composed of galactan and
mannan units. Polysaccharides are complex sugar molecules with nine or
more simple sugars (monosaccharides) linked together. Several studies have
found significant decreases in cholesterol levels after administration of guar
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gum in humans. These decreases are thought to be a function of the high
soluble fiber content of guar. It is used as a binding, thickening, suspending
and stabilizing agent in foods, beverages, lotions and creams.
 Gymnema extract – Standardized to gymnemic acids. (leaf – Gymnema
sylvestre):A woody climbing plant that grows in the tropical forests of central
and southern India. An extract of this plant appears to aid in promoting
weight management by its ability to reduce the cravings for sweets and to
control blood sugar levels. A particular study showed that a peptide isolated
from Gymnema sylvestre, gurmarin, was able to block the sweet taste of
glucose and sucrose in animal models. Gurmarin temporarily binds to the
sweet and bitter taste receptors on the tongue, thereby blocking the taste
sensation and reducing sweet cravings. Some studies reported that the
ingestion of an extract of Gymnema sylvestre resulted a significant lowering
of cholesterol in hypertensive rats fed a high sucrose diet. Gymnema is a
source of gymnemic acid, a mixture of triterpene glycosides known to inhibit
the intestinal absorption of glucose. Gymnemic acid also has an inhibitory
effect on the intestinal absorption of oleic acid.
 Hawthorn extract – Standardized to vitexin-rhamnoside (leaf/flower Crataegus laevigata): A common, thorny shrub that grows on hillsides and in
sunny wooded areas of North America, Europe, western Asia, and North
Africa. The leaves, flowers and berries of hawthorn contain bioflavonoids such
as oligomeric procyanidins, vitexin, quercetin and hyperoside that are thought
to be responsible for the herbs positive health benefits. Hawthorn is known
for providing numerous cardiac benefits including improved coronary blood
flow, blood flow in the extremities and supporting cardiac muscle. It may also
have a positive effect in helping maintain blood pressure already in the
normal range.
 Hibiscus extract (flower – Hibiscus sabdariffa): An extract of the hibiscus
flower that contains inhibitors of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that is
responsible for the breakdown of starch. This extract may also help produce a
reduction in blood pressure.
 High fructose corn syrup: A portion of the glucose in ordinary corn syrup is
converted to fructose through the incubation with the enzyme glucose
isomerase. This process, invented by Japanese researchers in the 1970s,
increases the fructose content of corn syrup to 42%. Because fructose is a
much sweeter monosaccharide than glucose, the sweetness of the syrup
increases relative to corn syrup.
 Honey: Honey is a sweet, viscid fluid produced by honeybees from the nectar
of flowers. The nectar is taken from the flower by the worker bee and is
carried in the honey sac back to the hive. It is transformed into honey by
enzymes produced in the honey sac, which convert the natural sucrose (a
complex sugar) in the nectar into fructose and glucose (simple sugars). From
earliest times until cane sugar became commercially important, honey was a
major sweetening agent. Honey is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. It
contains about 70% to 80% sugar; the rest is water, minerals and traces of
protein, acids, and other substances.
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 Hops (flower - Humulus lupulus): A perennial herbaceous vine native to
Europe and western Asia that is now cultivated in North and South America,
Africa, Asia and Australia. Although portions of this plant have been used in
making beverages for centuries, hops also has a long history of folk medicine
applications such as calming and sleep promoting activity. Various flavonoids
are believed to be responsible for the beneficial effects.
 ß-Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB): A metabolite of the essential amino acid Lleucine (one of the essential branched-chain amino acids). Small amounts of
HMB are found in a variety of plant and animal sources, which include alfalfa
and catfish. As with other amino acid-related substances, HMB appears to
play a role in the synthesis of protein—including the protein that builds new
muscle tissue.
 It is hypothesized that HMB supplements may signal the body to slow down
destruction of muscle tissue. Although the evidence is limited, HMB may
enhance strength and muscle mass in response to weight training and may
help prevent muscle damage during prolonged exercise.
 5-Hydroxytryptophan: An intermediate formed from the essential aromatic
amino acid, L-tryptophan. The production of 5-hydroxytryptophan is the first
step in the synthesis of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), which functions
primarily as a neurotransmitter, and melatonin, the principal hormone
secreted by the pineal gland. These substances are believed to have effects
on mood and performance. 5-Hydroxytryptophan gives rise to serotonin (5hydroxytryptamine) in the tissues by a decarboxylase enzyme.
 ID-alG™: ID-alG is an extract of brown seaweed harvested off the coast of
Brittany which contains naturally concentrated minerals and trace elements.
The extract is also rich in marine polyphenols, and antioxidants. Studies show
ID-alG inhibits the digestive enzymes, lipase and amylase. By decreasing the
body’s fat and carbohydrate assimilation, ID-alG may help control caloric
intake and reduce fat storage.
 Inosine: A nucleoside involved in the formation of purines and a compound
with possible roles in energy metabolism. Inosine supports regeneration of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Muscle activity is fueled in part by ATP. When
the body's reserve of ATP is depleted, it loses energy and strength. Inosine
appears to work by making ATP last longer. Inosine provides a safe and
effective way to enable the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently. The result
is greater strength, energy and stamina and simultaneous promotion of lean
body weight.
 Inulin: Inulin is a natural storage carbohydrate found in numerous edible
plant species including chicory, artichoke, leek, onion, asparagus, wheat,
barley, rye, garlic, and bananas. It has a mildly sweet taste and filling in a
manner similar to starches but is not absorbed by the body so it does not
have an effect on blood sugar levels. It resists digestion in the upper
gastrointestinal tract and is fermented by microflora, primarily lactic acid
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bacteria, in the large intestine. For that reason, it provides the same positive
effects of soluble fiber in the diet.
 Iodine: A trace element associated primarily with the thyroid gland where it
participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones that are involved in
regulating, growth, development, and metabolism.
 Iron: A mineral that plays an important role in immune function, cognitive
development, temperature regulation and energy metabolism; a component
of various proteins which are involved in the transport and metabolism of
oxygen; plays a role in alcohol metabolism, drug detoxification and
carcinogen excretion; involved in the breakdown of toxic oxygen species;
functions as a cofactor for some enzymes including those involved in the
synthesis of collagen and various neurotransmitters including dopamine,
epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin.
 Kola nut extract – Standardized to caffeine. (fruit - Cola acuminata): Kola
(Cola) is cultivated in Western Africa, West Indies and Brazil. Caffeine is the
most notable active ingredient in kola nut extract. (See Caffeine for more
 Lemon Balm Extract (Melissa officinalis): Lemon Balm is a member of the
mint family, is native to Southern Europe and middle Asia, particularly in
mountainous areas of Turkey. Historically lemon balm was used for insomnia,
stress, anxiety and for its antiviral and relaxation effects. Active compounds
include monoterpenoid aldehydes, flavonoids, polyphenols and monoterpene
 LeptiCore®: LeptiCore is a nutraceutical blend of plant polysaccharides,
esterified fatty acids, pomegranate extract, beta-carotene and blue-green
algae. This proprietary blend helps protect against oxidative stress, helps
support healthy cardiovascular function and promotes healthy weight
management and metabolic wellness. (LeptiCore® is a trademark of Gateway
Health Alliance Inc., and is protected under US Patent 6,899,892 and patents
 Leuzea extract – Standardized to piperidine. (root – Rhaponticum
carthamoides): Rhaponticum carthamoides is an herbaceous perennial
growing between 4,500 -6,000 feet above sea level. The plant can be found
growing wild as well as cultivated in Southern Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Russia
and Eastern Europe. Rhaponticum root contains antioxidant catechins,
flavonols, flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. Rhaponticum is an adaptogenic
plant that may exert a beneficial effect on memory and learning, as well as
increase working capacity of tired skeletal muscles.
 α-Lipoic acid: An important cellular component that is required for critical
energy production steps taking place inside cells. The metabolic antioxidant,
alpha-lipoic acid (LA), is a disulfide compound found naturally in plants and
animals. It is the only antioxidant that is water and fat-soluble. It is easily
transported across cell membranes. The disulfide form of LA is reduced in
mitochondria by specific dehydrogenases and its supplementation thus
targets an antioxidant to the mitochondria, the major site of free radical
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production. Supplementation with LA may also boost mitochondrial function
because it is a co-factor for pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and
as such, may be useful in increasing overall mitochondrial metabolism. LA
crosses the blood–brain barrier in animals and is readily incorporated into the
cells. It is reduced to a potent antioxidant, dihydrolipoic acid, which can
reduce oxidized vitamin C and glutathione, which may in turn recycle vitamin
E. As a form of lipoyllysine, LA is found in vegetables (spinach, broccoli and
tomatoes) and in animal tissues (kidney, heart and liver). LA can decrease
oxidative damage in the brains of older rats and partly restore age-related
declines in nervous functions. LA plays a fundamental role in mitochondrial
metabolism. It is also a substrate for the NADPH dependent enzyme,
glutathione reductase. The reduced form of LA reacts with oxidants such as
superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, peroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen.
Animal studies show that the administration of lipoic acid is beneficial for
nerve function, and insulin response, as well as eye and heart health.
 Licorice extract – Standardized to glycyrrhizic acid. (root – Glycyrrhiza
glabra): An herbal extract containing numerous active constituents attributed
with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-ulcer, anti-hepatotoxic, expectorant,
anti-tussive and anti-allergic activities. The anti-allergic activity is ascribed
mainly to the action of the aglycone, beta-glycyrrhetinic acid. Glycyrrhizic acid
(GA), a triterpene, has demonstrated anti-viral activity by inhibiting the
growth and cytopathology of unrelated DNA and RNA viruses in vitro. GA has
also shown anti-inflammatory activity similar to hydrocortisone and has
reduced inflammatory levels of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT),
indicative of liver damage, and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
(SGOT), representative of cellular damage.
 Lutein and zeaxanthin: Carotenoids found in green vegetables such as
spinach, kale and broccoli. In the eye, lutein is found within the macula of the
retina. The body does not make lutein or zeaxanthin and they must be
obtained by food sources or through supplementation. Lutein and zeaxanthin
are associated with normal functioning of the retina, which is responsible for
sharp and detailed vision. These carotenoids work in the eye by filtering out
damaging ultraviolet blue light and working as antioxidants against free
radicals in the eye.
 Lycopene: Lycopene is a red carotenoid pigment and is one of the most
potent antioxidants among dietary carotenoids. Supplementation of lycopene
helps maintain heart, prostate, immune and cellular health. Studies indicate
that it also diminishes the level of bone resorption in postmenopausal women.
Tomatoes and tomato products are the richest dietary sources of lycopene.
Other sources include pink grapefruit, watermelon, rosehip, pink guava,
papaya and apricots.
 L-Lysine: An essential amino acid necessary for producing carnitine, an
antioxidant, necessary for transporting long chain fatty acids into the
mitochondrion for energy production and utilization. L-Lysine is necessary for
protein and collagen synthesis.
 Maca (Lepidium meyenii or Lepidium peruvianum): Is a cruciferous root
vegetable native to the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia, belonging to the same
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family as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radish and turnip. It is the only edible
plant with the ability to grow at altitudes of 9,000 to 14,500 feet and survive
the harsh weather conditions, rocky soil and thin air. Maca has been
cultivated for over a thousand years and has historically been used by
indigenous Andean inhabitants as an adaptogen to improve stamina,
endurance and energy, alleviate the effects of stress, balance hormones,
improve mood, reduce menopausal and premenstrual symptoms and increase
virility. Maca is a source of approximately 60 phytonutrients including
alkaloids, tannins, saponins and glucosinolates.
 Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa): Maitake mushroom is an edible
mushroom containing beta-glucans and glycosides which possess immune
enhancing effects including activating immunocompetent cells and enhancing
both innate and adaptive immune responses in experimental animals.
Evidence indicates immunomodulatory effects in humans. Maitake is used as
a food in Japan.
 Manganese: An essential trace mineral found in mostly in whole grains, green
leafy vegetables, dried fruits and nuts. There are several manganese
depended enzymes, one of which is necessary for glycosaminoglycan
synthesis. Glycosaminoglycans are components that surround collagen, elastic
fibers and cells and are important for connective tissue synthesis such as
collagen. Manganese is also necessary for the activation of enzymes
associated with fat, protein, carbohydrate and urea metabolism.
 Magnesium: An essential mineral vital in more than 300 enzyme-catalyzed
reactions including ATP, DNA and RNA synthesis and metabolism. It is
important for bone development, an important contributor in nerve and heart
function and involved in the release of insulin from the pancreas and the
action of insulin on cells. It is vital for cardiovascular and muscle function,
helps regulate insulin and blood sugar, and is essential for energy production
and cell division.
 Magnolia extract – Standardized to honokiol. (bark - Magnolia officinalis): A
widely used herb. One of the active constituents of this extract, honokiol, is a
lignan (plant phenol) derivative that has potent antioxidant activity. It has
also been found to exhibit a relaxation and anxiolytic, effect and to increase
acetylcholine in the hippocampus of experimental animals.
 Maltodextrin: Maltodextrin is a moderately sweet polysaccharide produced
from cornstarch and used as a food additive. Being absorbed as rapidly as
glucose, it is easily digestible and is a good source of rapid energy.
 Maqui berry: This berry is the small purple-black fruit of a small evergreen
tree, Aristotelia chilensis, native to the temperate rainforests of Chile and
adjacent regions of southern Argentina. Commonly known as Chilean
Wineberry or Maqui, the berry has been traditionally used as a food and in the
native herbal medicine of the Mapuche Indians of Chile. The berries are a
source of polyphenols, principally anthocyanins.
 MariPlex-PG: A proprietary blend consisting of:
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 Chondroitin sulfate – a glycosaminoglycan found primarily in the bones,
cartilage and connective tissue that may help support the re-forming of
cartilage; Shark cartilage concentrate – obtained from the skeletal structure
of sharks, contains glycosaminoglycans;
 N-acetylglucosamine – a derivative of the amino sugar glucosamine found as
structural component of cell walls.
 Medium chain triglycerides: Edible C8 – C12 fatty acids esterfied with glycerol
which are rapidly absorbed and rapidly oxidized. They provide rapid energy
 Melatonin: A derivative of L-tryptophan naturally produced in the brain that
plays a central role in sleep and regulates the body's circadian rhythms. A
number of studies report that supplementation with low doses of melatonin
may exert immediate sleep-inducing effects. It also functions as an
antioxidant and may play a role in immune function.
 Metabolically balanced protein blend: A special protein blend consisting of
whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, milk protein concentrate and
branched-chain amino acids (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine). It is an
important energy source, crucial in functions such as formation of muscles,
bones, skin and organs, blood clotting, maintenance of fluid balance,
regulation of pH balance in the blood, hormone and enzyme production,
immune function, formation of visual pigments and cell repair.
 Milk thistle extract – Standardized to silymarin. (fruit - Silybum marianum): A
plant native to the Mediterranean which grows wild throughout Europe, North
America and Australia. Silymarin, a potent hepatoprotectant and antioxidant
is a primary component of the plant extract. Following an oral administration
of silymarin, the three pharmacologically active flavones of silymarin, namely,
silybin, silydianin, and silychristin, can be detected in the plasma. Oral
administration of silymarin has been reported to increase superoxide
dismutase activity in the erythrocytes and lymphocytes of certain human
subjects. The hepatoprotective properties of silymarin are considered to be
partly due to its inhibition of lipid peroxidation.
 Moomiyo – Standardized to polyphenols: A humic adaptogen that is a
complex mixture of minerals, amino acids, polyphenolic resins, fatty acids,
vitamins and plant sterols. It supports epithelial cell health and helps maintain
the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier. Selected studies have
demonstrated adaptogenic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiinflammatory, antiulcerogenic, anxiolytic, nootropic and antihistaminic
 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): The oxidized form of dimethyl-sulfoxide
(DMSO), MSM is an organic sulfur-containing compound that occurs naturally
in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and animals including humans. It
provides support for the immune system and aids in sulfur metabolism,
particularly in connective tissue.
 MycoFusions® Maitake, Reishi and Shiitake mushroom Purple Corn mycelial
biomass: MycoFusions® mushroom Purple Corn mycelial biomass are
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
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nutraceutical ingredients produced from several species of medicinal
mushrooms grown naturally on deeply pigmented purple corn kernels. Key
nutrients from the corn are absorbed by the mushrooms through a novel
fermentation process. This patented process results in mushroom superfoods
which not only contain glyconutrients such as beta-glycan normally found in
mushrooms, but also powerful phytonutrients from the purple corn including
anthocyanins and antioxidants. The merging of the health supporting
properties of both plants produces nutraceutical products with unique blends
of properties and benefits.
 see Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa)
 see Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
 see Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)
 N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): The acetylated form of the amino acid L-cysteine.
NAC is a precursor to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant present in all cells.
Glutathione itself is not well absorbed, however, N-acetylcysteine is well
absorbed and is incorporated into glutathione once in the cells. NAC is able to
raise glutathione levels better than glutathione supplementation by itself.
Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of three amino acids, glycine, L-cysteine
and L-glutamate. It functions as a coenzyme in many biochemical reactions.
 Naringin extract: Naringin is one of the citrus bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are
colorful pigments found in plants, which belong to a larger group of
phytochemicals called polyphenols. Naringin appears to influence lipid
metabolism by helping activate fatty acid oxidation and helping inhibit
synthesis of triglycerides and fatty acids in the liver.
 Nettles extract (leaf - Urtica dioica): Nettle, or stinging nettle, is a perennial
plant growing in temperate and tropical areas around the world. Nettle has a
well-known reputation for giving a painful sting when skin come in contact
with the hairs and bristles on the leaves and stems. It is a common ingredient
in herbal products produced in Germany for rheumatic complaints and
inflammatory conditions, especially for urinary tract and prostate. Nettle's
main chemicals include acetylcholine, agglutinins, alkaloids, astragalin,
butyric acid, caffeic acids, carbonic acid, chlorogenic acid, chlorophyll, choline,
coumaric acid, folacin, formic acid, histamine, lectins, lecithin, lignans, linoleic
acid, palmitic acid, pantothenic acid, quercetin, serotonin, sitosterols, succinic
acid, and terpenes.
 Niacin: B vitamin important in all steps essential for energy production and
utilization, tissue and organ function. Niacin is involved in making important
tissue and body components. Niacin also promotes release of energy from
foods and proper nervous system functioning.
 Oatgrass extract (leaf/stem - Avena sativa): The well-known cereal grass
from which the grain oats are obtained. Besides utilizing the grain of this
grass as food, the leaves and stalks of the exhibit beneficial properties. Oat
grasses are used to assist in managing stress and anxiety and contain many
nutrients the body requires to build itself including manganese, zinc, silicon,
calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B-1, B-2 and E.
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 Olive Leaf: Olea europaea L., an evergreen tree characterized by gray-green
leaves and small, dark purple oval fruit, is cultivated throughout the
Mediterranean basin. The olive tree has been esteemed throughout history
and documentation of traditional medicinal uses abound. Primary constituents
are secoindoids including oleuropein, as well as hydroxytyrosol and various
polyphenols, triterpenes and flavonoids. Olive leaves have been demonstrated
to have antimicrobial-particularly antiviral, antioxidant, vasodilatory,
hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic and cardiovascular benefits.
 Omega-3 fatty acids: Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids essential to the
maintenance of health.
 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – an omega-3 fatty acid (C20:5) and
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – an omega-3 fatty acid (C22:6) present in large
amounts in fish oils. Both are inefficiently synthesized in the body from alphalinolenic acid and are metabolized to eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are hormonelike compounds such as thromboxane, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, that
are important regulators of vital body functions such as blood pressure,
smooth muscle contraction (e.g., labor and heart rhythm), blood clotting,
immune response inflammation and secretions of the stomach. DHA is
especially present in the retina and brain.
 Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B-5: A B vitamin involved in the metabolism and
efficient utilization of fats, hormones, and components necessary for immune
function. Involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, and the formation and
breakdown of fatty acids in the body.
 Passionflower (herb/flower - Passiflora incarnata): Passionflower is a
perennial creeping vine, native to the tropical and semi-tropical southern
United States, Mexico, and Central and South America. It is now cultivated in
tropical and subtropical regions, including Florida, Guatemala, and India.
Studies have pointed to the flavonoids in passionflower as the primary
constituents responsible for its relaxing and anxiolytic effects.
 Peanuts (seed - Arachis hypogaea): Widely cultivated in tropical and warm
temperate regions around the world, having yellow flowers on stalks that
bend over so that the seed pods ripen underground. The edible, nutlike, oily
seed of this plant is used for food and as a source of oil. Peanut flour
(partially defatted) is made by removing much of the oil and grinding the defatted residue into a fine powder. This powder is available in a range of roast
levels, imparting upon products anything from bland to extremely strong
peanut flavor. This ingredient provides a good source of protein to be used in
formulations having a peanut flavor with reduced oil and fat content.
 L-Phenylalanine: An essential amino acid involved in protein synthesis and the
synthesis of L-tyrosine that serves as a precursor of epinephrine and
thyroxine. Helps improve mental energy and focus.
 Phase 2®: Phase 2 is a natural extract of white kidney bean, Phaseolus
vulgaris, clinically demonstrated to delay the digestion and absorption of
starchy carbohydrates without affecting the digestion of healthy carbs such as
fruit and whole grains. Studies have shown that Phase 2 inhibits the activity
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
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of the digestive enzyme, alpha amylase, and allows a portion of ingested
carbohydrates to pass through the digestive system without being broken
down into a form the body can readily utilize. This inhibitory process may help
lower the glycemic index and reduce the caloric impact of ingested
carbohydrate foods. Phase 2 may assist in weight control when used in
conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program.
 PhosphoLean™: PhosphoLean is a proprietary complex of N-oleoylphosphatidyl-ethanolamine (NOPE) derived from soy phospholipid and
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from standardized green tea extract. This
patented blend is associated with decreased appetite and satiety, increased
fat oxidation and supports metabolic efficiency. (PhosphoLean™ is a
registered trademark of Chemi Nutra and is protected under US Patent No.
20100179107 and other patents pending.)
 Phosphorus: An essential mineral that participates in pH balance and is a
component of many enzyme systems. It is essential for energy metabolism,
enhances use of other nutrients, is an important component in phospholipids
in cell membranes, is critical for bone and tooth enamel development and
helps regulate fluid balance.
 Phytosterols: Plants produce sterols similar to cholesterol in the animal world
to stabilize their cell walls. While structurally similar to cholesterol,
phytosterols reduce the serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol, which is associated with atherosclerosis. They presumably act by
blocking cholesterol absorption. Phytosterols are found in a variety of plants
including canola, sunflower, cotton and corn as well as others. Examples of
phytosterols include beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol.
 Polydextrose: Polydextrose is a polysaccharide synthesized by random
polymerization of glucose, sorbitol, and a suitable acid catalyst at a high
temperature and partial vacuum. It is used widely in many countries as a
bulking agent and as a lower-energy ingredient in a variety of foods.
Polydextrose is not digested or absorbed in the small intestine, and a large
portion is excreted in the feces. Studies with polydextrose show physiologic
effects consistent with those of dietary fiber. Polydextrose is partially
fermented in the large intestine, leading to increased fecal bulk, reduced
transit time, softer stools, and lower fecal pH (4–9). Fermentation of
polydextrose also leads to the growth of favorable microflora, diminished
putrefactive microflora, and enhanced production of short-chain fatty acids.
 Potassium: A vital mineral element that helps maintain fluid balance in the
body and supports metabolic processes leading to energy production.
Potassium is the principal positive ion inside of cells of the body and is
involved in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and normal kidney function.
A deficiency of potassium causes weakness, fatigue, heart arrhythmias,
paralysis, and kidney malfunctions.
 Potassium bicarbonate: The potassium salt of bicarbonate. It produces
improved mineral balance, reduces bone resorption and increases the rate of
bone formation.
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 Probiotic culture: A blend of seven kinds of beneficial bacterial
microorganisms of human origin consisting of Lactobacillus rhamnosus,
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactococcus lactis ssp.
lactis, Bifidobacterium bificum, Bifidobacterium longum, and Lactobacillus
delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, This probiotic culture provides strains for the
entire intestinal tract (large and small intestines), has natural gastric and bile
resistence and is freeze dried for further shelf stability. Clinical studies have
demonstrated pathogen inhibition profiles for strains in this culture.
 Protein and peptide concentrate: A special protein blend consisting of whey
protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate, L-glutamine, Llysine, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine. It is an important energy source,
crucial in functions such as formation of muscles, bones, skin and organs,
blood clotting, maintenance of fluid balance, regulation of pH balance in the
blood, hormone and enzyme production, immune function, formation of visual
pigments and cell repair
 Protein: Protein is made from building blocks called amino acids linked
together in a chain. Of the 20 amino acids found in the body, nine are
"essential" because they have to be consumed in the diet (the body cannot
make them). Proteins perform myriad essential functions for the body
including supplying energy and building and repairing tissues. They are highly
complex organic compounds found in all living cells and comprising the most
abundant class of all biological molecules. Protein comprises approximately
50% of cellular dry weight.
 Psyllium husk powder:Psyllium is the common name used for several
members of the plant genus Plantago whose seeds are used commercially as
a 100 percent natural fiber that helps restore regularity. Psyllium is highly
absorbent and has a high viscosity.
 Pyridoxine HCL: (See Vitamin B-6)
 Quercetin: A flavonoid found almost ubiquitously in food plants. It possesses
intrinsic features to function as a natural antioxidant. It exhibits cellular
properties that may be involved in interactions with immune cells and support
of the immune system.
 Red clover – Standardized to isoflavones. (flower/leaf - Trifolium pratense):
An herb containing a class of phytochemicals known as isoflavones. The
principal isoflavones found in red clover are biochanin A and formononetin
which are metabolized to the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, respectively,
and are thought to demonstrate weak estrogenic activity.
 Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma
lucidum) is an edible mushroom. Scientific investigations have repeatedly
confirmed this mushroom’s beneficial effects on health in general. Active
components in Reishi selectively stimulate the production of cytokines
involved in the activation of immune cells and immune responses.
 Resveratrol: A phytoalexin polyphenolic compound found in various plants,
including grapes, berries, and peanuts. It is a potent antioxidant that
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modulates cell signaling and exhibits properties beneficial for neurological,
hepatic, and cardiovascular systems. It also modifies eicosanoid synthesis,
inhibits activated immune cells, and inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase
(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) via its inhibitory effects on nuclear
factor B (NF- B) or the activator protein-1 (AP-1). Resveratrol is reported to
slow aging in simple eukaryotes and has been suggested as a potential calorie
restriction mimetic. Resveratrol mimics the beneficial effects of caloric
restriction and extends longevity in yeast, nematodes, and flies. Resveratrol
has been reported to be a sirtuin agonist, and this property has been
proposed to account for its anti-aging effects.
 Trans-Resveratrol: Polygonum cuspidatum root (also known as Japanese
knotweed) is the trans- isomer of resveratrol. Resveratrol appears to be wellabsorbed by humans, but its bioavailability is low because it is rapidly
metabolized and eliminated. Of the two resveratrol isomers, cis- and trans-,
the trans- configuration is the more biologically active isomer.
 Riboflavin, Vitamin B-2: Is an important component in coenzymes
participating in many enzyme reactions; important for the metabolism of fat
and carbohydrate; helps in red blood cell formation; promotes the release of
energy from foods; essential in nervous system function
 D-Ribose (related compound deoxyribose): D-ribose is classified as a group of
monosaccharides, aldoses, pentoses and reducing sugars that are building
blocks of nucleic acid RNA (Ribose). It allows cells to greatly increase adenine
nucleotide salvage and de novo synthesis while preserving nucleotide pools
and increasing concentrations of ADP and ATP. D-Ribose is rapidly
metabolized and converted into body glucose via the pentose phosphate
pathway. D-ribose aids in restoring energy and supports cardiovascular
 Rice flour: A flour made from ground rice (Oryza sativa), containing little to
no fat, no cholesterol, and minimal sodium. Rice contains all essential amino
acids, and is a good source of B-complex vitamins and essential minerals.
 Rice bran: A thin brown outer layer milled from rice (Oryza sativa), when
white rice is made, which serves as a source of fiber. Research has shown
positive effects of rice bran on laxation, cholesterol reduction, and renal
calcium reduction. Research also indicates that rice bran and rice bran oil
reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL), often referred to as the "bad
 Rice syrup: Rice syrup is an extremely versatile and relatively healthy
sweetener which is derived by culturing rice with enzymes to break down the
starches, then straining off the liquid and cooking it until the desired
consistency is reached. The final product is roughly 50% soluble complex
carbohydrates, 45% maltose, and 3% glucose. The glucose is absorbed into
the bloodstream immediately, the maltose takes up to one and a half hours to
be digested, and the complex carbohydrates take from two to three hours to
be digested and absorbed, providing a steady supply of energy.
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 Rolled oats: The familiar form of the cereal oats of the genus Avena of the
family Gramineae (grass family) sold at the market as oatmeal. Rolled oats
are steamed and pressed flat with steel rollers to shorten cooking time. They
are a prime source of the complex carbohydrates that help to sustain energy.
They contain about 50% more protein than bulgur and twice as much as
brown rice. They contain selenium, thiamine, phosphorus, and manganese, as
well as copper, folic acid, vitamin E and zinc. Oat bran is the outer casing of
the oat and is particularly high in soluble fiber.
 Sage extract - Standardized to polyphenols, (leaf - Salvia officinalis): Sage is
a widely used herb and its extracts contain a variety of polyphenols, some of
which are also found in tea. The polyphenols in combination with caffeine
promote energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Sage constituents possess
immunomodulatory effects and its polyphenols exhibit antioxidant effects. The
components of sage extracts affect brain cell receptors, which has
implications for modulating appetite and food intake.
 Sage possesses liver protective effects and stimulates the digestive tract as
well as containing substances with cardioprotective properties. Sage extract
has been used as a stimulant and diuretic. Components of sage extracts
reduce body weight gain and the accumulation of epididymal fat weight. They
suppress pancreatic lipase activity and fat (triglyceride) accretion, which aid
in body weight reduction. They also reduce NF-kappaB (nuclear factorkappaB), a transcription factor involved in obesity. Sage also possesses antidiabetic and insulin-like activities.
 Sage has a long history of use as a memory-enhancing agent coupled with
cholinergic properties and its extract is reputed to produce cognitive
enhancement. Clinical studies show the efficacy of sage extract in improving
cognitive function and performance, ascribed to its inhibition of the enzyme
acetylcholinestrase. Its effects in increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain
might have implications for appetite and food intake modulation, since the
interactions between acetylcholine and several other neurotransmitters
ultimately determine and regulate food intake. Sage extracts influence GABA
(gamma-aminobutyric acid, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the
brain), receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites in these receptors, which
modulate appetite and food intake. GABA plays an important role in
controlling energy balance within the central nervous system.
 Saw palmetto extract – Standardized to fatty acids. (berry - Serenoa repens):
An extract of the dried ripe fruit from the American dwarf palm tree, which is
found in the coastal areas of Florida and southeastern United States. Fatty
acid and sterol constituents of saw palmetto berries are believed to be the
biologically active factors. Clinical studies suggest that the extracts improve
functional urinary flow. Some of the suggested mechanisms of action include
5α-reductase inhibition, intraprostatic androgen receptor blockade, alphaadrenergic receptor antagonism, interference with the action of prolactin,
diminution of androgen-binding globulin, and modulation of prostate
cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase activities (arachidonic acid cascade). Alphaadrenoceptor and calcium channel blocking activities are believed to reduce
the smooth muscle contractions of the bladder sphincter.
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 Schisandra extract – Standardized to schisandrins. (fruit – Schisandra
chinensis): A member of the Magnoliaceae family, a woody climbing vine with
numerous clusters of bright red berries. It is distributed throughout northern
and northeast China and the adjacent regions of Russia and Korea. The major
constituents in schisandra are lignans. Schisandra is an adaptogenic plant
used for increasing resistance to stress, increasing energy levels, physical
performance and endurance. It improves liver function and is also used as a
liver protectant. Schisandra has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties. (See Adaptogen)
 Selenium: An essential mineral involved in factors mediating the formation of
thyroid hormone. Selenium is also part of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione
peroxidase that serves to protect proteins, cell membranes, lipids, and nucleic
acids from oxidative stress in tissues and cells.
 Senna extract – Standardized to sennosides. (leaf – Cassia angustifolia):
Contains the anthroquinones, sennosides A & B, that appear during the drying
process of the extract. Sennosides cause contraction of the colon lining,
providing a laxative effect. Senna should only be consumed occasionally, not
on a daily basis.
 Shave grass extract – Standardized to silica. (aerial – Equisetum arvense):
Also known as the horsetail plant, this member of the fern family grows in
wet to moderately dry areas mostly in the Northern hemisphere. The high
levels of silicon and other minerals found in this plant help support the use of
calcium in the body and play a role in the production of skin and connective
 Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes): Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula
edodes) is an edible mushroom rich in vitamins, fiber and amino acids and
low in fat. This mushroom contains a large variety of biologically active
polysaccharides with immunostimulatory properties. Polysaccharides enhance
cell-mediated immune responses in vivo and in vitro, and act as biological
response modifiers. The polysaccharides are believed to induce gene
expression of various immunomodulatory cytokines and cytokine receptors.
 Silicon: A trace mineral. In the body silicon is associated with growth and
development of bone, connective tissue and cartilage. Silicon is required for
synthesis of L-proline and L-hydroxyproline, which are a part of the primary
structure of collagen. It is also needed for the production of
 Skullcap extract – Standardized to baicalin. (root - Scutellaria baicalensis): A
traditional herb used extensively in China that contains a pharmacologically
active ingredient, baicalein, in a sugar-bound form, baicalin. The components
of this extract are believed to possess immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory properties.
 Sodium: One of the most abundant minerals in the body. Sodium chloride or
salt is important in many ways. It is an essential part of the diet of both
humans and animals and is a part of most bodily fluids, such as blood, sweat,
and tears. It aids digestion by providing chlorine for hydrochloric acid, a small
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but essential part of human digestive fluid. Sodium chloride is essential to life
on Earth. Most biological tissues and body fluids contain a varying amount of
salt. The concentration of sodium ions in the blood is directly related to the
regulation of safe body-fluid levels. Propagation of nerve impulses by signal
transduction is regulated by sodium ions.
 Soybeans (Roasted) / Soy protein isolate: The soybean is an annual
leguminous plant (Glycine max), widely cultivated for forage and soil
improvement and for its nutritious seeds. Soybeans are used to produce a
wide variety of products including tofu (soybean curd), soybean oil, soy flour,
soymilk and soy sauce. The soybean provides what is considered a complete
protein because it includes all nine essential amino acids. Soybeans are rich in
many naturally occurring phytonutrients including isoflavones and saponins.
 Soy lecithin: Lecithin plays a number of roles in heart health, including the
lowering of total and LDL cholesterol levels. The choline delivered by lecithin
can help reduce high homocysteine levels in the blood - which can be
associated with artery damage, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and bone fracture.
 Sucralose: Sucralose is a potent non-caloric sweetener that is a heat stable
derivative of sucrose. It is also known by the trade name Splenda. It is 500700 times sweeter than sucrose and has been extensively researched to
establish its safety profile. It was first approved for use in Canada (where it
has sometimes been marketed as Splendar) in 1991. Subsequent approvals
came in Australia in 1993, in New Zealand in 1996, in the United States in
1998, and in the European Union in 2004. The safety of sucralose has been
confirmed by leading medical, scientific and regulatory authorities around the
world including; the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Joint (Food
and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization) Expert Committee
on Food Additives, European Commission's Scientific Committee on Food,
Health Canada and Food Standards Australia/New Zealand. As of 2005, it has
been approved in over 40 countries, including Canada, Brazil, China, and
 Sugar: A sweet crystalline or powdered substance, white when pure, most
commonly consisting of sucrose obtained mainly from sugar cane and sugar
beets and used in many foods, drinks, and medicines to improve their taste.
Also called table sugar. In addition, sugar can be defined as any of a class of
water-soluble crystalline carbohydrates, including glucose, fructose, maltose
sucrose and lactose, having a characteristically sweet taste and classified as
monosaccharides, disaccharides, and trisaccharides.
 Sugar alcohols (also known as a polyol, polyhydric alcohol, or polyalcohol):
are carbohydrates with a chemical structure that partially resembles sugar
and partially resembles alcohol, but they do not contain ethanol as alcoholic
beverages do. While they provide a sweetness like sucrose they are slowly
and incompletely absorbed and metabolized by the body, and consequently
contribute fewer calories. Some sugar alcohols used by AdvoCare include
maltitol and lactitol.
 Suma extract – Standardized to saponins. (root – Pfaffia paniculata): Suma is
a large ground vine with a deep root system that has a propensity to spread.
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It can be found in various tropical locations such as the Amazon Basin in
Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Three principle
active ingredients have been identified in Suma: pfaffic acid, phytosterols
(mainly beta-ecdysone), and pfaffosides (saponins). Beta-ecdysone is a plant
phytosteroid hormone found to enhance protein biosynthesis and other
anabolic (rebuilding) activities in animals. In addition beta-Ecdysone has
shown analgesic and anti-diabetic activities in human studies
 Sustamine™ (L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine): Sustamine is a dipeptide of the amino
acids, L-alanine and L-glutamine. This dipeptide enhances electrolyte and
water absorption resulting in higher serum bioavailability and absorption of Lglutamine, compared to L-glutamine alone. It plays an important role in
enhancing the immune system, muscle protein synthesis and energy
production through gluconeogenesis. (Sustamine™ is a registered trademark
of Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd.)
 Svetol®: Svetol is a non-roasted extract of select decaffeinated green coffee
beans (fruit – Coffea canephora robusta P.), a variety which contains a high
level and specific ratio of more than twelve cholorgenic acids, the components
responsible for the bitterness of coffee. Chlorogenic acids in coffee, especially
5-caffeoylquinic acid mainly found in green coffee beans, inhibits glucose-6phosphatase (Glc-6-Pase), a hepatic enzyme involved in the release of
glucose from the liver into blood circulation, thereby helping regulate glucose
metabolism and support the body’s breakdown of fat reserves for energy. The
Coffea canephora robusta P. variety of coffee typically grows in Central and
West Africa, South-East Asia and Brazil.
 Svetol® is property of Naturex
 Tapioca starch: Tapioca starch is an easily digested starchy polysaccharide
extracted from the root of the cassava (Manihot esculenta) plant. Tapioca is
often used in pudding and as a thickener/stabilizer in food products. It can
withstand long cooking times without breaking down. Tapioca becomes clear
and gel-like when cooked and dissolves completely when used as a thickener.
 Taurine: An amino acid found primarily in the brain and the eye. It may aid in
stabilizing cells and tissues through its antioxidative properties, and in
protecting the nervous system. It may a play a role in physiologic functions
involved in detoxification in the cells of the body as well as helps maintain
blood lipid levels and stabilizing blood platelets. It provides energy, and aids
in mental focus.
 Black tea extract - See: Tea (leaf - Camellia sinensis)
 Green tea extract - See: Tea (leaf - Camellia sinensis)
 Oolong tea extract - See: Tea (leaf - Camellia sinensis)
 White tea extract - See: Tea (leaf - Camellia sinensis)
 Tea (leaf - Camellia sinensis): There are three principal types of
manufactured tea, namely black (fully fermented), green (unfermented), and
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oolong (partially fermented). The term "fermentation" refers to the oxidative
transformations undergone by tea phenolics involving natural browning
reactions induced by oxidizing enzymes (polyphenol oxidases) within the plant
cell. The manufacture of black tea ensues oxidation of fresh tea leaf
components, due to the activation of polyphenol oxidases, which oxidize
susceptible tea leaf polyphenol moieties culminating in the formation of brown
pigments, and this process develops the color and aroma of the liquid. The
production of green tea comprises the rolling and steaming of tender tea
leaves, a process that minimizes the activation of enzymes and consequently
oxidation. Oolong tea is a partially fermented product having components
common to both green and black teas. It contains both native and oxidized
catechins, its composition reflecting an intermediate range between that of
green and black teas.
 Black tea extract - Standardized for theaflavin, (leaf - Camellia sinensis):
Black tea is a fully fermented preparation of tea leaves. During the
manufacture of black tea, a major proportion of monomeric free catechins in
the fresh green tea leaf undergoes oxidative changes culminating in the
generation of a series of compounds, including bisflavanols, theaflavins,
epitheaflavic acids, and thearubigins, which impart the characteristic taste
and color properties of black tea. This extract is a source of theaflavins and
other ingredients, which are oxidized catechins. The theaflavins exhibit a
number of pharmacological actions in cells, which have implications for
enhancing metabolic rate. Black tea also contains some native (unoxidized)
 Black tea extracts exhibits anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects in animals.
The oral administration of a black tea extract resulted in a decrease in body
and liver weight gain and food intake in rats. The administration of a black tea
extract as a drink attenuated plasma triacylglycerol levels and induced
reduction in weight gain in sucrose fed rats. Pu-Erh black tea (products of
Yunnan district, China) consumption caused a reduction in plasma
triacylglycerol levels in rats ingesting this tea extract. This tea appears to
stimulate lipolysis in the adipose tissue, and thus could have an effect in
inducing weight loss. Black tea enhances vasodilation and blood flow in
human subjects, an action with implications for lipolysis. Studies have
documented that black tea ingestion reduces triacylglycerol in human subjects
carrying specific alleles. Gallic acid present in black tea extract suppresses
food intake in animals. Black tea components such as theaflavins, modulates
AP1 (activator protein 1), a nuclear binding protein (transcription factor), an
action relevant to weight loss. They also inhibit IkappaB kinase (IKK), an
enzyme activity implicated in the promotion of obesity.
 Green tea extract - Standardized to polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate
(EGCG). (leaf - Camellia sinensis): Green tea is an herb that differs from
black and oolong teas because it is not fermented. Steaming fresh leaves at
high temperatures produces the extract. It is rich in polyphenols, flavanols
and catechins, the most widely studied is EGCG. This extract is a source of
one of the highest levels of organically bound fluorine, a key mineral for bone
health. Green tea serves as an antioxidant by reducing oxidative DNA
damage, lipid peroxidation and free radical generation. It also provides a
source of energy. There is a vast array of studies documenting the effects of
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green tea extracts, especially EGCG and other catechins, on gene expression
leading to a restoration and maintenance of health. Joint health, heart health,
cognitive and mental functions and chemoprevention are some of the
attributes of dietary supplementation with these catechins.
 Oolong tea extract - Standardized to polyphenols. (leaf - Camellia sinensis):
The characteristic that separates oolong tea from green tea and black tea is
that it is partially fermented. Green tea is unfermented and black tea is fully
fermented. Because oolong tea is partially fermented it contains unique levels
of tea flavanols commonly referred to as catechins. During the partial
fermentation processes, small amounts of polyphenols are formed such as
theaflavin. Oolong tea has both the active catechin components of
unfermented green tea and the fermented black tea polyphenols.
 Oolong tea is able to support energy levels, support lipolysis and provide
antioxidant activity through its unique combination of catechins and
polyphenols. Oolong tea increases energy expenditure and fat oxidation. It
appears to suppress food intake and weight gain based on experimental
animal studies.
 A water extract of oolong tea prevented the obesity and fatty liver induced by
a high-fat diet in mice. This extract of oolong tea, in concert with caffeine,
accentuated norepinephrine-induced lipolysis in isolated fat cells. The
consumption of oolong tea over a 6-week period resulted in significant weight
loss in women, thus exemplifying the clinical efficacy of oolong tea. The
consumption of oolong tea promoted energy expenditure and fat oxidation in
human subjects. Tea polyphenols inhibit the activity of catechol-O-methyl
transferase, which inactivates catecholamines.
 White tea extract - Standardized to polyphenols. (leaf - Camellia sinensis):
White tea extract is derived from unfermented tea leaves and young and
tender tea buds. It is a source of flavan compounds, which are known as tea
catechins. The principal catechin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and other
tea catechins are potent antioxidants and display immunomodulatory effects
in experimental animals. The oral administration of tea catechins and caffeine
to human subjects stimulated energy expenditure and fat oxidation, thus
indicating the potential of tea components to influence body weight and body
composition. Human studies report that ingestion of a mixture of tea
catechins in the absence of caffeine promotes weight reduction. Tea
polyphenols inhibit the activities of gastric and pancreatic lipases, an action
with possible implications for attenuating fat accretion. Evidence indicates
that EGCG is an immune enhancer. Tea components activate lymphocytes (Tcells) associated with immune function enhancement and stimulate their
proliferation, both in vitro and in vivo. Tea catechins induce apoptosis,
modulate cell signaling and regulate cell cycle events. Tea polyphenols inhibit
the activity of catechol-O-methyl transferase, which inactivates
 L-Theanine: It is the most prominent amino acid present in tea leaves. It is
an amino acid unique to tea. L-Theanine is derived from the amino acid Lglutamic acid. It is believed to confer a relaxation effect on humans and has
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antioxidant activity. L-Theanine is a precursor of ethylamine, an antigen,
considered to have a beneficial immune effect.
 Thiamine, Vitamin B-1: Essential for converting carbohydrates from the diet
to energy. Needed for normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles,
including heart muscle.
 Tulsi extract - Standardized for ursolic acid (leaf - Ocimum sanctum): Tulsi is
native to India, where it is grown as an aromatic perennial flowering shrub,
and it has been used for thousands of years in treating a wide range of
health-related conditions. Tulsi is also grown as an annual herb in temperate
climates. The fragrance of the leaves is spicy and complex, similar to clove,
and after drying, the leaves are often made into a tea. Tulsi is an adaptogenic
herb having properties in common with polyphenol containing plants such as
ginseng and eleuthero. The results of some studies indicate that O. sanctum
induces a state of non-specific increased resistance against a variety of
stress-induced biological changes in animals. A limited number of studies
have shown that the herb also has a normalizing influence on blood pressure
and blood sugar imbalances. Eugenol is one of the active constituents present
in O. sanctum and may be responsible for many of the reported beneficial
 Turmeric extract – Standardized to curcumin. (root - Curcuma longa): A
spice, which contains curcuminoids, a group of bioactive phenolic compounds.
The major bioactive curcuminoid, curcumin, is a yellow pigment containing a
diferulic acid (diferuloyl methane) derivative. Ferulic acid is ubiquitous in
plants and arises from the metabolism of the aromatic amino acids, Lphenylalanine and L-tyrosine. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant. Evidence
indicates that curcumin exhibits a variety of effects beneficial for health and
for events that help in potentiating immune function. Curcumin is a modulator
of the ubiquitous transcription factor, nuclear factor kappa B which is involved
in immune regulation.
 L-Tyrosine: A non-essential, sparing amino acid* found in dietary proteins. It
is synthesized in the body from L-phenylalanine, and is believed to improve
mental energy & focus by serving as a precursor for the neurotransmitters
epinephrine, norepinephrine and thyroid hormones.
 *Non-essential unless a person has PKU (phenylketonuria), then this amino
acid becomes essential.
 Valerian – Standardized to valerenic acids. (root - Valeriana officinalis): A
perennial herb native to North America, Asia and Europe that has been used
traditionally to help produce a calming and relaxing (anxiolytic) effect. The
chemical composition of valerian includes sesquiterpenes (including valeric
acid), iridoids (valepotriates), alkaloids, furanofuran lignans, and free amino
acids such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), L-tyrosine, L-arginine, and
L-glutamine. Valepotriates are known to have sedative, hypnotic and
spasmolytic effects. Studies suggest that valerian must be consumed
repeatedly for one to two weeks before a benefit is noticed.
 Vanadium (Vanadyl sulfate): Vanadium is an ultra-trace mineral found in the
human diet and the human body. It is essential for some animals and thought
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to be essential in humans. Deficiency symptoms in these animals include
growth retardation, bone deformities, and infertility. Vanadium may play a
role in building bones and teeth. It has strong glucose lowering (antihyperglycemic) effects, and is a common supplement used to enhance weight
 Vitamin A: It is commonly known as the anti-infective vitamin, because it is
required for normal functioning of the immune system. It is required for the
production of blood components (red blood cell production). Vitamin A is
necessary for a broad range of bodily functions including production of visual
pigments, and maintenance of health in many cells of the body.
 Vitamin B-vitamin complex: Refers to the combination of water soluble (B)
vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and
pantothenic acid. (See individual vitamins). The B vitamins as well as folic
acid, in addition to providing a non-caffeinated source of energy, are also
highly effective agents that provide positive support to the epigenome.
Animal studies have indicated that diets supplemented with these nutrients
can reverse the genetic disposition to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular
disease in the Agouti mouse model. Molecular tags on the agouti gene
responsible for controlling satiety were corrected by these nutrients.
 Vitamin B1:( See Thiamine)
 Vitamin B2:( See Riboflavin)
 Vitamin B-5:( See Pantothenic acid)
 Vitamin B-6, Pyridoxine HCL: This water-soluble vitamin is essential for
protein metabolism, nervous system and immune functions. It is necessary
for the synthesis of hormones and red blood cells. There are six active forms
of vitamin B-6. The first step in coenzyme Q10 biosynthesis (the conversion
of tyrosine to 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid) requires vitamin B-6 in the form
of pyridoxal-5'-phospate (PLP). Vitamin B-6 supplementation was found to be
effective in lowering blood homocysteine levels after an oral dose of
methionine (methionine load test) was given, suggesting that it may play a
role in the metabolism of homocysteine. Managing the blood levels of
homocysteine is important for maintaining cardiovascular health. PLP plays a
vital role in the function of approximately 100 enzymes that catalyze essential
biochemical reactions in the human body. PLP functions as a coenzyme for
glycogen phosphorylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the release of glucose
stored in the muscle as glycogen.
 Vitamin B-12, Cyanocobalamin: Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin
necessary for processing carbohydrates, proteins and fats and which is vital
for blood (red blood cell) formation as well as a healthy nervous system.
Vitamin B-12 cannot be absorbed or used by the body until it combines with a
special protein produced in the stomach called intrinsic factor. As individuals
age they are less able to produce intrinsic factor and consequently there is
less vitamin B-12 available to participate in metabolic processes. Vitamin B12 acts as a coenzyme in the synthesis and repair of DNA. It also works with
folic acid in utilizing amino acids and plays a role in one carbon metabolism.
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 Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid): Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of the
catecholamine neurotransmitters. Catecholamines play a role in mobilizing
lipids for oxidation. In addition, vitamin C is required for the production of
carnitine, which is essential for the transport of fat to the cellular organelle,
mitochondrion, for conversion into energy. Vitamin C is required for the
synthesis and activation of various cellular constituents, including enzymes
involved in energy metabolism. It also plays a role in the conversion of
cholesterol into bile acids.
 Vitamin C promotes healthy cell function. It is required for the synthesis of
collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels, bone, tendons
and ligaments. It is vital for the proper functioning of the immune system,
especially for the activity of the white blood cells, which influence metabolism.
It is required for synthesis and activation of some hormones. One of these
hormones is the thyroid hormone, thyroxin, which regulates the body’s
metabolic rate, and consequently body mass.
 Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol: Several structurally related forms exist including
cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). It is essential for
effective and optimal calcium absorption from the intestine, the efficient
utilization of calcium by the body, and maintaining calcium balance. It helps
build and regulate bone mass and maintain bone health, and helps maintain
blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Regulation of blood calcium levels is
vital for bone growth, and maintenance of bone density. Vitamin D can be
made in the skin on exposure to sunlight.
 Vitamin E: A family of eight naturally occurring compounds-four tocopherols
(alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma,
delta) with widely varying degrees of biological activity. The most active form
is the “d” isomer of alpha-tocopherol. Recent research shows that other
forms, such as gamma-tocopherol may also be important to the body. It acts
as a powerful antioxidant, particularly protecting polyunsaturated fatty acids
within cell membrane phospholipids and in plasma lipoproteins from oxidative
damage. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for cell and tissue health, which
may have a role in blood flow, immune function and blood cell functioning and
in protecting against cellular stress. The succinate form of d-alpha tocopherol
as well as mixed tocotrienols and gamma tocopherol are used in some
AdvoCare products.
 Vitamin K: This essential vitamin exists in several structurally related forms
including phytonadione, menaquinone and menadione. It is a cofactor that
activates at least three proteins involved in bone mineralization, formation,
repair and health. Vitamin K is also essential for synthesizing the liver protein
that controls blood clotting. There are some indications that vitamin K may
decrease the incidence or severity of osteoporosis and slow bone loss. In the
intestines it also assists in converting glucose to glycogen, which can then be
stored in the liver.
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 White Willow extract – Standardized to salicin. (bark - Salix alba): A
deciduous shrub native to Britain, Central and Southern Europe, Asia and
North America. Willow bark was used in the Middle Ages to relieve fevers and
pain. The glycosidic constituent salicylic acid is related to acetylsalicylic acid
and is similar in biological activities, exerting analgesic, anti-inflammatory
and antipyretic effects.
 Wild yam extract – Standardized to diosgenin. (root - Dioscorea villosa): A
twining vine native to the central southeastern US and found less frequently
in the Appalachian region. Wild yams are a rich source of saponins including
diosgenin that have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects and which may
reduce exercise-induced fatigue. They may also exhibit weak hormonal
 Xanthan gum (gum – Xanthomonas campestris): A high molecular weight
polysaccharide possessing a high viscosity at low concentrations with very low
caloric value and excellent binding properties. Exhibits laxative and
cholesterol and glucose lowering properties. It is widely used in foods as a
thickening, suspending and emulsifying agent.
 Zinc: An essential mineral that serves as a micronutrient thought to be
essential in maintaining the integrity of the immune system. It plays a role in
immune cell functions and immune responses and confers
immunocompetence. Zinc is required for the activity of the thymic hormone,
thymulin, produced by the thymus gland, involved in immune function. It is
found in high concentrations within the eye, especially in the retina. Zinc
deficiency has been shown to have negative effects in vision. Zinc
supplementation helps support healthy eye function, acting as an indirect
antioxidant in the retina. May improve glucose tolerance by increasing insulin
like growth factor.
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