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Policy of Appeasement
How Appeasement Worked
– The Sudetenland Crisis
Policy of Appeasement
How Appeasement Worked
Reasons for Hitler wanting to control Czechoslovakia:
– An ally of Britain and France
– Despised the Czech people who were Slavs
– Rich in resources
– Wanted Sudetenland to be part of his ‘Greater
 Over three million Germans lived here
 Heavy industries and military defences of
Czechoslovakia were located here
Policy of Appeasement
How Appeasement Worked
• Czech President, Edvard Benes believed
that Britain and France would stop
German invasion
• But British PM, Neville Chamberlain
wanted to avoid war and was a firm
believer in appeasement
• In Sept 1938, Chamberlain met with
Hitler, hoping to defuse the threat of war
First meeting (15th Sept) …
I only want those parts
of the Sudetenland
where more than half
of the population is
German. Germans
should be ruled by
Germans. I’m sure you
understand me, Mr
Prime Minister?
I think your request
is reasonable. I will
convey your
message to the
Czechs. Hopefully,
they will agree to it.
19th Sept …
Yes, it is
unfortunate but
we see no other
way to preserve
the peace.
Besides, he is
asking for only
the portions
where his
German people
(French PM)
Perhaps Europe is
asking too much of
the Czech people. But
for the sake of peace
in Europe, there is a
need for this. Please
agree, Benes. We will
stand by your
I can’t believe you are
asking me to give away
part of my country to a
war-monger. But since
you think there is no
other way out, I will
just have to agree to
Hitler’s request. Sigh…
Second meeting (22th Sept) …
Mr Prime Minister,
you got to
understand that the
Czech government
has not been
treating the
Germans well.
Hence it is
necessary for all of
the Sudetenland to
be under Germany
to stop the illtreatment.
Hey! You go back
on your word,
Chancellor Hitler.
I need to go back
and discuss with
the rest first.
Third meeting (29th Sept) …
The Munich Conference (by invitation)
That is great! I give
you my word that
Germany will make
no further territorial
demands once the
Sudetenland is
given to us.
We’ve decided we
will not stop you
from taking the
Sudetenland. But
you have to promise
that Germany will not
take any more land
in Europe.
Policy of Appeasement
The Munich
Agreement was
signed by Britain,
France, Italy and
and the USSR
were not invited
to the Munich
“Here is the piece of paper that
bears the signature of Adolf Hitler
and mine, which means we have
achieved peace for our time!”
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
1. Britain ended the policy of appeasement
• Hitler did not keep the promises made at
the Munich Conference
– Invaded Czechoslovakia in March
 Aim was to conquer lands east of
Germany to create lebensraum
 Policy of appeasement ended as
Hitler could not be trusted
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
1. Britain ended the policy of appeasement
Hitler’s next target was Poland
– Aim was to take control of the Polish
Corridor in order to reunite East
Prussia with the rest of Germany
– Britain and France promised to help
Poland if Germany invaded her
The Polish
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
2. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Stalin feared that Germany might
invade Russia
– Hitler was anti-Communist and
wanted to create lebensraum in
lands east of Germany
– Felt that LON could not protect
Russia from Germany
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
2. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Stalin felt that Britain and France
would not form an alliance with Russia
to fight Germany
– Britain and France allowed
Germany to rearm so as to destroy
– Russia was not invited to the 1938
Munich Conference
“What, no chair for me?” (30th September 1938)
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
2. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Germany and Russia decided to form an
• The Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed on 23
August 1939
– Both parties agreed not to attack each
– Russia agreed to remain neutral if
Germany were to attack Poland
– Germany and Russia agreed to divide
Poland between themselves
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
2. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Both parties stood to gain from the
– For Germany: avoid fighting the war
on two fronts
– For Russia: need not have to fear
about German invasion, land in
Poland, time to rebuild military
Marriage of Convenience
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
2. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Significance of the Pact:
– Enabled Hitler to fight the war in
Europe on only one front
– Increased his desire to also attack
Western Europe, leading to the
outbreak of WWII
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
3. Hitler’s invasion of Poland
The Nazi-Soviet Pact enabled Hitler to
attack Poland
– Russia would remain neutral
– Hitler believed Britain and France
would not go to war over Poland
– Need to fight the war on only one
Immediate Causes of WWII in Europe
3. Hitler’s invasion of Poland
1 September 1939: Hitler invaded
3 September 1939: Britain and France
declared war on Germany
This led to WWII in Europe