* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
TYPES OF TRANSLATION Interpretation * Consecutive * Simultaneous (conference) Translation • Literary (artistic) • Technical (law, medicine, military, etc) Diachronical LITERARY TRANSLATION The impossibility of literal translation A collection of words and phrases can sometimes take on completely unexpected meanings. Moreover, literary translation also has the problem of having a lot of words that may not be translated at all, and therefore the translator has to select suitable combinations of words in the target language. A translator performing literary translation should be aware of the peculiarities and problems of literary translation and know the ways to solve them. Moreover, the translator must have a quick wit, a broad outlook, a large vocabulary and some literary talent. TRANSLATION STRATEGIES Domestication Foreignization Доместикация и форенизация — это переводческие стратегии, определяемые на основании того, в какой степени переводчик стремится приблизить текст к нормам принимающей культуры. Сближение текста с реципирующей культурой и реальностью Передача самобытности оригинала во всей ее полноте Локальная стратегия Глобальная стратегия Транскрипция/транслитерация Полукалькирование/калькирование Форенизация Экспликация (Описательный перевод) Родовидовая замена Приближенный перевод (уподобление) Опущение Доместикация TRANSLATION TRANSFORMATIONS Добавления (additions) I saw a face… Я увидел лицо человека…. Опущения (omissions) He opened his eyes Он открыл глаза Конкретизация (сужение) (concretization)There was a vase …(стояла) Генерализация (расширение) (generalization) He ordered a daiquiri (коктейль) Смысловое развитие (модуляция) (meaning extension) She answered the phone (подняла трубку) Метонимическая замена (metonymic translation) …Moscow (правительство) Антонимический перевод (antonymic translation) It’s not very good. Плохо Экспликация (описательный перевод) (descriptive translation) Компенсация (loss-of-meaning compensation) Грамматические замены (transpositions) …a poor swimmer (плохо плавает Объединение предложений (sentence integration) Членение предложений (sentence fragmentation) Целостное преобразование (integral transformation) Well done! Молодец! FIGURES OF SPEECH Эпитет (epithet [ˈepɪθet]) silvery laugh Сравнение (simile [ˈsɪməli]) I wandered lonely as a cloud Гипербола (hyperbole [haɪˈpɜː(r)bəli]) I’ve told you it a thousand times Литота (litotes [ˈlaɪtəʊtiːz]) a cat-sized horse Перифраз (periphrasis [pəˈrɪfrəsɪs]) The big man upstairs hears your prayers. Эвфемизм (euphemism [ˈjuːfəˌmɪzəm]) Speech and hearing impaired Оксюморон (oxymoron [ˌɒksiˈmɔːrɒn]) The suffering was sweet! Зевгма (zeugma [ˈzjuːɡmə]) She lost her bag and mind. Метафора (metaphor [ˈmetəfɔː(r)]) A shadow of a smile Метонимия (metonymy [meˈtɒnəmi]) The hall applauded. Синекдоха (synecdoche [sɪnˈekdəki]) The buyer chooses the qualitative products. Антономазия (antonomasia [ˌantənəˈmeɪzɪə]) The Iron Lady FIGURES OF SPEECH Инверсия (inversion [ɪnˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]) Rude am I in my speech. Повторение (repetition [ˌrepəˈtɪʃ(ə)n]) I don't want to hear this! I don't want to hear what you've come for. Анадиплоcис (anadiplosis [ˌænədəˈpləʊsɪs]) I was climbing the tower and the stairs were trembling. And the stairs were trembling under my feet. Эпифора (epiphora [ɪˈpɪf(ə)rə]) Strength is given to me by fate. Luck is given to me by fate. And failures are given by fate. Анафора/Единоначатие (anaphora [əˈnaf(ə)rə]) What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? Полисиндетон/Многосоюзие (polysyndeton [ˌpɒli:ˈsɪndɪtɒn]) By the time he had got all the bottles and dishes and knives and forks and glasses and plates and spoons and things piled up on big trays, he was getting very hot Антитеза/Противопоставление (antithesis [ænˈtɪθəsɪs] Youth is lovely, age is lonely, youth is fiery, age is frosty. TECHNICAL TRANSLATION Specific use of terms truss, fairy, scud (подсед), grain break (отдушистость), prune, chain, longitudinal beam, yoke, ferroprobe Abbreviations EC, SPTA, УПК, GP, ENT, MRI Professional slang реглонить, sandwich panels Neologisms anti-masker, covidiot, workation The main task of a translator of technical documentation is to convey the meaning of the original as accurately as possible. Legal or technical documentation contains a lot of nuances that affect the lexical meaning. They cannot be omitted or distorted. Just one mistake in terminology and concepts can completely change the meaning of the text.