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Project Summary/Abstract
Company Name:
Particle Beam Lasers, Inc.
18925 Dearborn Street
Northridge, CA 91324-2807
Principal Investigator:
Project Title:
Feasibility Study of the Injection and Extraction System for Muon
Cooling Rings
Topic No: 33
Advanced Concepts and Technology for High-Energy Accelerators
Subtopic: (b)
Technology for Muon Colliders and Muon Beams
Statement of the Problem: Both a muon collider and neutrino factory represent a significant
challenge for the injection and extraction system. The challenge originates in the large magnetic
rigidity of the particles in combination with large beam aperture and short rise time.
This SBIR is to explore the feasibility of the injection and extraction system for a muon collider
or neutrino factory, an area of interest to the Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy.
This includes fast kickers (rise/fall time around 100 ns) as well as septum magnets including
suitable power supply. The first stage aims to develop a technical design, which includes
computer simulations of the magnetic elements and the required power supply (pulse forming
network for kicker system). Crucial during this phase will be the evaluation and selection of
suitable materials (ferrite for kicker/septum) and components (high voltage/current switches and
capacitors or pulse forming line). It is intended to benefit from the experience of the international
community at this stage. The most demanding components of this design could be manufactured
and tested during the 2nd phase of this SBIR, demonstrating feasibility. This step is crucial to
verify simulations, identify design flaws and estimate reliability.
We note that in the 2013 SBIR call there is an explicit subject related to the proposal made here.
We quote from page 113 #3: “Large aperture kickers for muon cooling beams.”
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits: The near-term market opportunity is
accelerators for cancer treatment using light ions such as protons and carbon ions. The next
evolution of medical accelerators, aiming to reduce treatment cost, will require fast kicker
elements to allow rapid acceleration; present design studies of future facilities call for
injection/extraction elements with specifications very similar to the ones required for muon
cooling rings. We therefore anticipate that the here-developed injection and extraction elements
could well be commercially exploitable.
Key Words: fast kickers, septum magnets, muon collider
Summary for Members of Congress: This STTR is to further the technology for an injection
and extraction system for a muon collider cooling rings. The near-term (five to ten years) market
opportunities are advanced particle injection and extraction systems for medical accelerators. In
a longer term, greater than ten years, the technology could be used to construct part of the
equipment for a muon collider.
This proposal is a preposition to the U.S. Department of Energy to fund a Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) project to investigate the feasibility of an injection and extraction
system for muon cooling rings. Muon cooling rings could be an attractive alternative to reduce
the cost of a muon collider at identical or better performance, provided the technological
challenges are manageable.
A muon collider is regarded presently as one of the most attractive options for experiments at
unprecedented center of mass energies. In comparison to other competing lepton collider
designs, for example ILC or CLIC, a muon collider is smaller (see Figure 1) while at the same
time delivering more than twice the center of mass energy. A further advantage is the much
lower required wall-power. See “The Case for a Muon Collider Higgs Factory,” FermilabConf13-284-T, submitted to the Snowmass Review 2013.
Figure 1. Relative sizes and effective available energies of High Energy Physics facilities.
However, many sub-systems of a potential future muon collider are technologically very
challenging: this primarily stems from the short lifetime of muons, which dictates fast
acceleration. At present there are various ongoing activities to demonstrate the feasibility of the
different sub-systems. We quote directly from the current SBIR Call (page 113):
“Large Aperture Kickers for Muon Cooling Rings: A significant costs savings in both
capital construction and operations could be realized if cooling rings could be employed in
the cooling chain for a Muon Collider. The injection and extraction for each ring will be
challenging in that the muon beams have large emittances especially at the beginning of the
cooling chain. Transverse emittances on the order of 1 to 5 mm-rad are expected; hence the
kicker apertures must be larger than typical. Several types of cooling rings have been
considered but all will require these technically advanced kickers. Initial studies of the
necessary kicker parameters have confirmed the basic challenge of these kickers.”
To reduce the cost of a muon collider cooling rings may be employed [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; this
proposal addresses the injection and extraction system for such a ring, which includes kicker and
septum magnets as well as suitable pulse forming networks (PFN)/pulse forming lines (PFL).
The challenge lies in the combined requirements, which are fast rise time (90 ns), aperture
(45x10 cm2), integrated field strength (0.133 T m) and repetition rate of 15 Hz [3]. Examples for
a ring cooler can be seen in Fig. 2 and Figure 3. A comparable system, to the knowledge of the
authors of this proposal, has not been built. This feasibility study will provide valuable feedback
for the lattice design in that changes for a reliable and technically possible system might be
We provide two examples of cases where powerful fast kickers can be used for muon cooling.
Case 1: The RFOFO Ring [5]
Figure 2. Layout of RFOFO ring with injection/extraction cells [1,5].
Case 2: Estimate of the parameters for the injection into “Garren” ring cooler, Ref. 2
We review the design concepts for a kicker [2] injection system for the “Garren” ring cooler
(Figure 3). As shown in Figure 4 we calculate the offset of the injected beam and the kick angle
needed 90 degrees away in betatron phase to make the beam follow the central orbit. In Table 1
we list the estimate field, current, and flux in the kicker and the voltage required to change the
field in one revolution, etc., for 3 sigma acceptance.
From the paper “6D ‘Garren’ Snake Cooler and Ring Cooler for a + Cooling of a Muon
Collider,” X. Ding, J.S> Berg, D. Cline, A. Garren, and H. Kirk, submitted to NIMA for
publication (2013). This project was funded by a DOE Phase I and II SBIR.
Figure 3. Schematic drawing of the modified racetrack achromatic four-sided ring
utilizing dipoles and solenoids [2].
Figure 4. Schematic diagram for estimation of the kicker
Table 1. The Parameters of the Kicker System (Based on 3 Sigma Acceptance)
Simulation of Injection Through the Flux Pipe
First we study the behavior of a single muon in the long straight section of our four-sided ring for
extraction (Figure 3). As shown in Figure 5, it is not enough to separate the injected beam away
form the cooling orbit in a single straight section that a kicker of K1 is located (length of
solenoids is modified from 0.25 m to 0.5 m for less hard edge focusing). We could add a second
kicker of K2 between the solenoids to obtain necessary separation between injected beam and
cooling orbit just before the second solenoid for insertion of a superconducting flux pipe. The
tube will shield the magnetic field from Sol2 and create a field-free path through the Sol2
magnetic field. We envision injection from the right to left inside this flux exclusion tube and
then merged into the cooling orbit using two kickers. The flux exclusion tube is not a direct part
of this proposal but is discussed in the NIMA paper in Reference 2 and as an example here and
was part of the previous SBIR project.
Figure 5. Layout of the injection system (K1, K2 and flux exclusion tube are required for injections (top)
and single particle simulation (bottom).
Figure 6. Simulation of 85% of the initial entire beam for injection/extraction (r-z plot).
Second, we simulate the real beam for extraction. This beam comes from our previous 6D
cooling study with normalized horizontal emittance of 1.26 cm and vertical emittance of 1.48 cm
(Reference 2). Our simulation shows that we can’t obtain necessary separation in front of the
Sol2 if this entire beam is launched. By adding aperture to impose a rectangular or elliptical
constraint on all particles transverse coordinates at this location, we can limit the Px to 0.03
GeV/c and pick out the remaining 85% from the initial beam. We found a clear separation
between this beam and the circulating orbit in Figure 5, which shows the simulating results. We
see that the beam had enough separation for inserting the flux tube using 0.26 T for K1 and
0.55T for K2.
The here-developed injection and extraction elements are not only beneficial to the high energy
physics community, but have larger applications in industry for example for charged particle
therapy using protons and carbon ions. Many of the encountered problems (large aperture kicker
and septum magnets, comparable rise/fall times) are encountered here as well, so a potential
solution could well be commercially exploitable.
Technical Objectives
The primary objective of this Phase I proposal is to investigate feasibility of an injection and
extraction system for muon cooling rings.
The aim is to demonstrate technical, theoretical feasibility by designing a suitable injection and
extraction kicker including pulse forming network (or line). We will calculate basic parameters
such as the impedance of the system, required energy, peak current at maximum field, magnetic
energy of the kicker/septum magnets and peak voltage of the PFN. Suitable components will be
selected (ferrite, capacitors, coax-wire, switches such as thyratrons) and the potential cost of such
a system will be evaluated.
An important part of this proposal is computer simulations using 2D/3D finite element analysis,
which will be used to design the magnetic elements. Coupled Multiphysics simulations
(thermal/magnetic) will allow an estimate of the heating in the magnets and therefore allow an
estimate of the required cooling. The field quality can be evaluated using 3D electromagnetic
simulations, and field maps will be generated which will be useful input for future tracking
studies. SPICE simulations will allow to fine-tuning of the PFN/PFL to the desired pulse shape.
Furthermore, an estimate of the complexity of the power supply to charge the PFN/PFL will be
Phase I Work Plan
The specific tasks are:
1. Compile list of specification for kicker and septum.
2. Perform basic 2D FEA study of kicker magnet and septum; evaluate magnetic energy,
inductance and peak current.
3. Basic System Design to evaluate possibility to employ either transmission line or lumped
4. Component Selection
a. Switch
b. Ferrite material
c. Components for PFN/PFL and Septum
d. Charger
5. Simulations
a. Employ SPICE to evaluate kicker/septum options (lumped, travelling wave,
compensation network; septum: energy recovery) and to optimize the pulse shape
b. 3D FEA simulations of kicker/septum
6. Prepare final report and Phase II STTR proposal.
A more explicit and detailed description of these tasks is presented below.
Specification for Injection/Extraction System
Some work on this has already been done, but as a first step the requirements for both kicker and
septum magnets will be updated and a list of specifications will be compiled. This is a necessary
prerequisite for the following studies.
All team members of PBL (Palmer, Souchlas) and BNL will be involved in this.
Basic 2D FEA Study of Kicker Magnet and Septum
A basic 2D FEA study will be performed to evaluate fundamental kicker and septum parameters
such as magnetic energy and required peak current to meet the specifications. The magnetic
energy of the injection/extraction system will be evaluated, which in combination with the peak
current will allow an estimate of the inductance of the elements.
The 2D FEA study of the kicker magnet will be carried out by Holger Witte (BNL); the 2D FEA
design of the septum magnet is the responsibility of Nicholas Sucholas (PBL).
Basic System Design
The previous step will allow an initial assessment of the entire system. The required magnetic
energy will allow making a decision on whether a pulse forming network or line can be used.
The impedance of the PFL/PFN can be calculated from the required current at peak field and the
desired maximum voltage, which has practical limitations due to various components (capacitors
and switches). Different types of kickers will be evaluated: one option is a travelling wave
kicker, where the kicker itself consists of individual elements with matched impedances.
However, other approaches (lumped) and more experimental types (e.g. using a compensation
network) will not be ruled out and will be investigated. Initial simulations can be carried out to
determine achievable rise and fall times of the kicker system and potentially necessary subdivision of the elements to reduce the inductance of the system or to reduce the voltage/current in
individual components such as switches.
Holger Witte (BNL) is in charge of the basic system design for the kicker magnet and Nicholas
Sucholas (PBL) is responsible for the circuit design of the septum magnet.
Component Selection
Depending on the determined frequency range suitable ferrites for the kicker system will then be
selected. Examples for this are ferrite CMD5005 from National Magnetics or 8C11 from
Ferroxcube. The BH-curves of the material can be used for further analysis in 3D finite element
Components for PFN/PFL and Septum
Depending on the previous analysis suitable components for the PFN/PFL and septum supply
can be selected. This includes coax wire, capacitors for pulse forming, potentially required
compensation capacitors and switches such as thyratrons. A particular emphasis will be on the
expected lifetime of the selected components.
Charger for PFN/PFL and Septum
Once a theoretically feasible system has been determined, the specifications of a charger
necessary to charge the pulse forming network can be determined. This will include peak
voltage, current and power. A cost estimate may be provided as well.
The component evaluation and selection will be carried out by Holger Witte (BNL) and Nicholas
Sucholas (PBL) in parallel; this will allow to exploit synergies if possible (the same components
may be selected for the different systems).
2D and 3D finite element simulations will be carried out of the kicker magnets using state-of-the
art commercial code. This will include COMSOL Multiphysics and Opera from
VectorFields/Cobham Technical Services. Coupled so-called multiphysics simulations will be
carried out to estimate the heating in the kicker magnets, including eddy-current effects and
magnetization losses.
The electrical circuits of the pulse forming networks and kicker magnets will be analyzed and
optimized using SPICE. This will allow to achieve the desired pulse shape.
The 2D FEA work and electrical circuit design on the septum magnet can be carried out using
Open Source software such as Poisson Superfish1 or SPICE2 and will be employed by Nicholas
Sucholas (PBL). The commercial software packages are required for the 3D FEA analysis and
will be employed by Holger Witte (BNL).
Final Report and Phase II Proposal
The final report and Phase II Proposal will be prepared by all members of the PBL and BNL
Phase I Performance Schedule
We envisage the following schedule:
1. Specification of injection/extraction system – month 1
2. Basic 2D FEA simulations – month 2
3. Component selection – month 3-4
4. Simulations of electrical circuit – month 5
5. 3D FEA simulations – month 6-7
6. Final report – month 8
A Gantt chart with more detailed steps is shown in the figure below (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Gantt chart of STTR project injection/extraction system for muon cooling rings.
Related Research or R&D
The proposed Phase I STTR is part of the overall strategic plan by PBL to contribute to the
magnet development of a potential future muon collider. The development of an
injection/extraction system therefore constitutes a welcome addition to the technical expertise of
PBL with some commercial potential.
This research is carried out in collaboration with the Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider
Collaboration (MAP).
Principal Investigator and Other Key Personnel
Holger Witte has more than 10 years of experience in magnet technology and pulsed power
technology. He did his PhD at Oxford University, UK, where he was working on pulsed magnets
for condensed matter physics research. In 2007 he set a new high field record with 66T. He
designed two high voltage/current capacitor bank systems for pulsed magnet applications, which
were built and tested successfully. One of these is a 30T repetitive system for neutron scattering
experiments, which features forced flow liquid nitrogen cooling and an energy recovery
mechanism. The second one is presently being commissioned by the German Space Agency
(DLR) and will be used to study Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic effects of space vessels re-entering
earth’s atmosphere. From 2007 until 2011 he was a member of the John Adams Institute for
Accelerator Science, where he was working on non-scaling FFAGs for charged particle therapy.
He was responsible for the design of the superconducting main accelerator magnets, and the
injection/extraction system. During this time he filed three patents on novel magnet technology.
He also designed the injection/extraction elements for the PRISM project and the neutrino
factory (as part of the International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory effort).
Dr. Robert Palmer is an internationally known experimental elementary particle physicist with
expertise in superconducting magnets and the science and applications of particle accelerators.
He is a winner of the APS Panofsky Prize (for experimental high energy physics) and the APS
Wilson Prize (for accelerator physics). He has led the BNL superconducting magnet group and
has served as a BNL Associate Director for High Energy Physics. He is employed 2/3 time by
BNL and part-time by PBL. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Palmer’s
participation in the project is described in the Phase I Work Plan section of this proposal.
Facilities and Equipment
Most of the work is theoretical in nature, so no lab space is required. The Phase I work described
above will be carried out in office space at Brookhaven National Laboratory and home offices of
PBL, Inc. employees. BNL owned software licenses and open source software will be used to
accomplish the work outlined above. A modest contribution to the maintenance fee of one of the
software packages used at BNL (COMSOL Multiphysics) is requested.
The facilities and personnel of the BNL Magnet group will be involved in the Phase II effort to
construct a prototype of the injection/extraction elements.
Consultants and Subcontractors
David B. Cline of UCLA is a consultant for the commercialization part of the project.
R. Palmer, V. Balbekov, J. Berg, S. Bracker, L. Cremaldi, R. Fernow, J. Gallardo, R.
Godang, G. Hanson, A. Klier, and D. Summers, “Ionization cooling ring for muons,”
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, vol. 8, no. 6, Jun. 2005.
A. Garren, J. S. Berg, D. Cline, X. Ding, and H. G. Kirk, “6D μ± cooling using a solenoiddipole ring cooler for a muon collider,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
vol. 654, no. 1, pp. 40–44, Oct. 2011.
D. Neuffer, “Injection and/or Extraction and a Ring Cooler,” Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and
Associated Equipment, vol. 503, no. 1–2, pp. 374–376, May 2003.
R.B. Palmer, J.S. Berg, R. Fernow, D. Stratakis, “6D cooling in periodic lattices,”
Advanced Accelerator Group meeting, June 6, 2013. Available at:
R.C. Fernow, J.S. Berg, J.C. Gallardo, , R.B. Palmer, “Muon cooling in the RFOFO ring
cooler,” Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC03), 2003. Available at:
X.P. Ding, D. Cline, A.A. Garren, H.G. Kirk, J.S. Berg, “Status of studies of achromatbased 6D ionization cooling rings for muons,” Proceedings of IPAC2011, San Sebastian,
Spain, available at:
X.P. Ding, D. Cline, A.A. Garren, F.E. Mills, H.G. Kirk, J.S. Berg, “Injection/extraction
of achromat-based 6D ionization cooling rings for muons,” Proceedings of IPAC2012,
New Orleans, Louisiana, available at:
K. Peach, J. Cobb, S. L. Sheehy, H. Witte, T. Yokoi, R. Fenning, A. Khan, R. Seviour, C.
Johnstone, M. Hill, B. Jones, B. Vojnovic, M. Aslaninejad, M. Easton, J. Pasternak, J. K.
Pozimski, C. Beard, N. Bliss, T. Jones, P. Mcintosh, S. Pattalwar, S. L. Smith, J. Strachan,
S. Tzenov, T. R. Edgecock, I. S. K. Gardner, D. Kelliher, S. Machida, R. J. Barlow, and
H. Owen, “PAMELA Overview and Status,” in Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan,
2010, pp. 112–114.
Commercialization plan
Market opportunity: The near-term (five to ten years) market opportunities are advanced particle
injection and extraction systems for medical accelerators. On a more long term (i.e. greater than
ten years) the federal government, in particular the DOE, may support the use of the system
developed for injection into and extraction out of muon cooling rings for a muon collider. The
DOE and the reviewer(s) of this commercialization plan must recognize that particle accelerator
injection/extraction systems whether for a medical accelerator or a muon collider are highly
specialized and extraordinarily complex. This proposal is to investigate the feasibility of a
scheme to reduce the physical layout and cost of such as system for these and other applications.
Given this, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to produce an estimate of sales revenues
and licensing revenues that have any basis at this time. Nevertheless Particle Beam Lasers Inc.
(PBL) estimates sales revenues of $-0- and licensing revenues of $500,000 during the first ten
years of commercialization. The licensing revenue estimate is a best guess at this time (i.e. not
based on market research), but based on a possible patent for the technology developed, and
subsequent manufacture of such a system for medical accelerators, which currently constitutes a
market of $1,000,000 or more per facility. Should PBL be successful in developing a compact,
low cost, injection/extraction system for medical accelerators, it is entirely plausible that two
such systems may be manufactured in the next ten years for a world market. At an estimated
system cost of $5,000,000 each, and licensing fees of 5%/system, $500,000 in licensing fees is
As an example for the near-term market opportunity is accelerators for cancer treatment using
light ions such as protons and carbon ions. Cancer treatment using protons and carbon ions is
preferable to conventional radiotherapy dues to the better dose distribution. There is also
evidence that tumors that are unresponsive to X-Ray treatment can be treated with lit ions
methodology. At present this is an emerging market, with several new centers opened every year
in Europe, Asia, and the USA.
Each facility represents an investment of more than $100,000,000 USD. The present trend in
medical accelerators is to develop smaller and more flexible machines, which allow different
treatment modalities. Most important is fast acceleration, which is seen as essential to reduce
treatment times and thus maximize patient throughput, allowing these facilities to operate more
economically and to reduce the cost per treatment.
While presently off-the-shelf solutions exist for proton therapy, treatment with carbon ions
remains a challenge. There are presently a number of new accelerator concepts trying to address
the various issues. BNL already made the first steps in building commercial medical
accelerators. The kicker system proposed here could contribute to this effort.
Most of these have in common that the requirements on the injection/extraction elements are
demanding, which is a result of the smaller accelerator (less space), faster acceleration (less
time), and higher magnetic field (magnetic rigidity of the particles). For example, the kicker
magnet of the PAMELA project (exploring the option of a non-scaling FFAG) has similar
requirements to the one developed for a muon cooling ring: the aperture for such an accelerator
is 200 x 30 mm2; the required rise time is less than 100 ns and the required integrated field
strength is 0.18 T m [3] (muon collider: 450 x 100 mm2, rise time 90 ns, integrated field strength
0.133 T m) (Figure 8) [8].
It is foreseeable that the developed kicker system could be packaged as a commercial product
that would be sold/licensed to a medical accelerator manufacturer.
Figure 8. PAMELA kicker magnet at left, test circuit of the pulse-forming network at right (courtesy Johan Fopma,
Central Electronics, Oxford University, UK).
Figure 8 shows a 3D model of the PAMELA kicker magnet for the proton lattice as well as a test
circuit developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the pulse-forming network, which features a
double-bridged T-network to allow the employment of a lumped inductance kicker.
The long-term market for this STTR work is the federal government, in particular the U.S.
Department of Energy. The DOE is highly interested in the development of technology for muon
beam colliders for use in producing intense low-energy muon beams suitable for precision muon
experiments and intense muon beams suitable for muon colliders and neutrino factories. Further
applications, for example a future muon collider Higgs factory, may arise form the recent
discovery of a Higgs-like particle at CERN on July 4, 2012.
It can therefore be anticipated that such an injection/extraction system has a significant market
opportunity. The competitive advantage of such as system is the elimination of development cost
and reduction of development time. The advantage to the scientific community is the time
advantage and reliability improvements due to synergy effects.
Should the Phase I feasibility study prove to have merit, a more refined commercialization plan
would be presented for the Phase II part of this effort.
Intellectual property (IP): Kicker and septum systems exist already and in general are not
patentable. However a specific design of a kicker/septum capable of producing short rise-times at
a high repetition rate could well be patentable and would further strengthen the
commercialization stage. PBL does not have any patents but has IP (trade secrets) that may be
marketable. The company has taken steps to discuss intellectual property issues with its attorney
and may engage an attorney specializing in intellectual property to protect its IP for
commercialization. The company also plans to file preliminary patent applications at the time the
technology is demonstrated to be viable.
Company/team: The company and the team are described below. The company, at this time,
does not plan to hire a staff member to perform in-depth market research (simply because it does
not have the financial resources), but rather to engage a part-time consultant and/or market
research company to help commercialize the technology.
Particle Beam Lasers Inc. is a small business engaged in research to design and develop
components, subsystems, and technologies for high-energy particle accelerators. The focus of the
current research effort is on developing the technology and hardware for guiding muon beams
for a muon collider. The technology developed, however, has a much wider application, not only
for high-energy and nuclear physics accelerators, but also for medical, energy storage, and
homeland security applications as well. The company has been in business for twenty-eight years
and employs two to nine employees depending upon the requirements of its projects.
PBL Inc. has some of the most experienced magnet designers, experts, and senior managers in
the world: Erich Willen (retired head of the BNL Superconducting Magnet Division), Robert
Weggel (retired assistant head of magnet design at the Francis Bitter National Magnet
Laboratory at MIT), Ronald Scanlan (retired head of the LBNL Superconducting Magnet Group)
and PBL collaborator Ramesh Gupta (HTS Magnet R&D Group head at the BNL
Superconducting Magnet Division).
Its senior scientists include Harold Kirk and Robert Palmer, both internationally recognized for
their expertise in particle physics and particle accelerator science. Dr. Kirk will join PBL parttime once funding is provided by another SBIR Phase I project. In addition, Dr. David Cline of
UCLA consults for PBL for commercial applications. Dr. Cline will provide the study of the
commercial applications, pursuing marketing opportunities with companies located primarily in
California. ____________________ will direct the Phase I effort with PBL management
providing general supervision.