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Great Contributors for Foundations and Research
Erving Goffman - Stigma- Presentation of self in everyday life/ Life is a stage
Ralph Linton - Anthropologist- Status and Role
Jane Addams - Hull House-Women’s peace movement-Women’s suffrage- Nobel
Kingsley Davis - Anna and Isabella- population explosion- zero population growth
William Goode - Family life and divorce
W.E.B. DuBois - NAACP race relations
C Wright Mills - Sociological imagination-Power Elite
Karl Marx - Society and economics- conflict theory
Herbert Spencer - Social Darwinism
Max Weber - The rise of capitalism and its effects on the world, “Verstehen”
Auguste Comte - The law of three stages-Altruism-Nature, method and scope of
Sociology - Positivism-Plan for social reconstruction
Emile Durkheim - Anomie-Deviance-suicide-religion
Robert K. Merton - Theories of deviance- self-fulfilling prophecy-role model
George H. Mead - The I and the Me, generalized others
Robin Williams - American values
Harry Edwards - Sociology and Sports/Experiences of African American athletes
Harriet Martineau - Objectivity in sociology, family, race relations, and religion
Charles H. Cooley - Looking glass self