Download Rubric genetic disorders

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Needs Improvement
Student fully provides
detailed, factual medical
information about their
Including symptoms,
treatments, statistics,
cures, research and
technologies from the
doctor’s perspective. (15)
Student mostly provides
detailed and factual
medical information, but
may be missing one or two
items on the required list.
The information is
presented from a doctor’s
perspective. (14-10)
Student does not provide
factual or detailed medical
information and is missing
more than 4 items on the
required list. The
information is not
presented from a doctor’s
perspective. (4-0)
Student fully provides
detailed and factual
information about their
disease/disorder including
inheritance pattern,
probability, Punnett
square and pedigree.
From the perspective of a
genetic counselor (15)
Student mostly provides
detailed and factual
genetic information, but
may be missing one or two
items off the required list.
The information is
presented from genetic
counselor’s perspective
Student provides
thoughtful reflections
describing their thoughts
and feelings about their
child. The student fully
reflects on changes to
accommodations, medical
cost, and emotional
considerations (15)
Student provides detailed
and factual information
about about local support
groups, national
organizations, and local
treatment centers. A
minimum of one resource
is found for each type
listed. (15)
Student includes at least 5
references in APA
formatting. At least one
source is not from a
website (10)
Student provides mostly
thoughtful reelection
through describing their
thoughts and feelings
about their child. The
student reflects on most
of the items but is missing
one or two perspectives or
considerations. (14-10)
Student somewhat
provides detailed and
factual medical
information, but is missing
3 or 4 items off the
required list. The
information may or may
not be presented from a
doctor’s point of view. (95)
Student somewhat
provides detailed and
factual genetic
information, but is missing
3 or 4 items off the
required list. The
information may or may
not be presented from a
genetic counselor’s
prospective. (9-5)
Student provides
somewhat thoughtful
reflections describing their
thoughts and feeling of
their child. The student
reflects on some items but
is missing 3 to 4
perspectives or
considerations. (9-5)
Student provides detailed
and factual information
about local support groups
and treatment centers
along with national
organizations, but is
missing one of the
resources listed. (14-10)
Student provides
information about local
support groups or
treatment centers, and
national organizations but
is missing 2 or the
resources listed. (9-5)
Student provides little to
no information about
community resouces
available or the
information is not
accurate. (4-0)
Student includes 4
references in APA
formatting or has 5
sources but they are all
from a website (7)
Student includes 3 or
fewer references. Or the
references are not in APA
formatting or not credible
sources (5)
Student includes no
references (0)
Project and presentation
are neat, creative,
organized. All 4 main
topics are covered
extensively. Student
includes 6 or more
relevent pictures. Student
clearly put in extra effort.
Project and presentation
is still neat and organized.
The 4 main topics are still
covered. Student includes
4 or 5 pictures. Average
effort is evident. (29-20)
Project and presentation
are disorganized. The 4
main topics are only
briefly covered. Student is
missing 3 or more
pictures. Some evidence
of effort. (19-10)
There are very few parts
of the project or
presentation present.
Much of the main topics is
missing. Project and
presentation are messy,
disorganized, and
rambling. Minimal
evidence of effort (9-0)
Student does not provide
detailed or factual genetic
information and is missing
4 or more items from the
required list. Information
is not presented from a
genetic counselor’s
perspective (4-0)
Student does not provide
thoughtful reflections on
their feelings or emotions
of their child. Student
does not reflect on the
required list items at all.