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Jesse Cannone
Simple, Little-Known,
and Proven Cures
for 7 of the Most
Dangerous Diseases
The information in this book is provided for informational purposes only and is not
a substitute for professional medical advice. The author and publisher make no legal
claims, express or implied, and the material is not intended to replace the services of
a physician.
The author, publisher and/or copyright holder assume no responsibility for any
loss or damage caused, or allegedly caused, directly or indirectly by the use of the
information contained in this book. The author and publisher specifically disclaim
any liability incurred from the use or application of the contents of this book.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
This book shares and interprets the research and discoveries of several medical
professionals. This information was gathered through interviews and articles written
for the Healthy Back Institute and Live Pain Free newsletter or from publicly available
sources. Credit has been given to those experts for their intellectual property, and this
book is simply relaying the information shared by them with readers, making no
claims contrary to the existing copyrighted works of these experts.
Throughout this book, trademarked names are referenced. Rather than putting a
trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state that we are
using the names in an editorial fashion only and to the benefit of the trademark
owner with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
Copyright © 2014 Jesse Cannone
All Rights Reserved
ISBN Print
ISBN Kindle/EBook
Published by the Healthy Back Institute
141 E. Mercer Street, Suite E
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
1 (800) 216-4908
The End of All Disease
This book is for you. You are tired of giving control of your health and happiness
to someone else. You know that you deserve better than the medical treatment
and lies that still leave you suffering. This book will show you a better way—a
way to bring yourself out of the depths of your pain and suffering, to the light
at the end of the tunnel. A future of wellness is within your reach.

This book is the culmination of years of my personal quest to find the real,
proven cures for the world’s common ailments. You may be reading my
words, but I am forever in the debt of the answers I found, and the experts
who shared those answers with me. I could not have put this book together
without the support, guidance, information, help, and honest feedback of
countless others.
I’d like to thank the dozens of doctors and experts I interviewed, or whose
work I studied, for their time and information as I researched the various
aspects of the diseases and cures in this book. These experts include: Kathleen
Barnes, Dr. David Berceli, Dr. Hal Blatman, John G. Bruhn, Dr. Stanislaw
Burzynski, Dr. Ignacio Chamorro Balda, Dr. Hulda Clark, Amber Davies,
Dr. Greg Fors, Vivian Goldschmidt, Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, Dr. Frank
Lawlis, Dr. Dwight Lundell, Dr. Jim Maas, Dr. Jim Oschman, Dr. Maggie
Phillips, Dr. John Sarno, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, Dr. Robert Thompson, Dr.
Mark Wiley, and Stewart Wolf.
In addition to these pioneers and experts, many others have contributed to
my knowledge of the body, mind, and diet. I’ve done my best to pass as much
of the information they taught me on to you.
This book could not have come together without the tireless efforts of Helen
Chang, Kristine Serio, and the Author Bridge Media team. They spent
countless hours assisting me with planning and editing the contents of this
book into the polished form you see today.
The End of All Disease
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Path to Wellness........................................................................ 1
Part I: The Foundation of Healthy, Pain-Free Living
Chapter 1: The Wellness Model of Health....................................................... 7
The Mind and Health
Chapter 2: The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease................................... 23
Chapter 3: Hidden Beneath the Surface........................................................ 37
Chapter 4: Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing... 49
Chapter 5: Happiness: The Heart of Health.................................................. 63
The Body and Health
Chapter 6: Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites................................... 73
Chapter 7: Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain...................... 85
Chapter 8: Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain.... 95
Chapter 9: Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health........................... 109
Chapter 10: Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?................ 121
The Diet and Health
Chapter 11: The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food............................ 135
Chapter 12: Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation ............. 151
Chapter 13: Are Your Insides Like a Dried-Out Sponge? ............................ 165
Chapter 14: What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing................... 173
Chapter 15: When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?................... 191
Part II: The End of All Disease
Chapter 16: The End of Migraines.............................................................. 203
Chapter 17: The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain ........................................ 209
Chapter 18: The End of Chronic Back Pain................................................ 225
Chapter 19: The End of Osteoporosis ........................................................ 241
Chapter 20: The End of Fibromyalgia ........................................................ 249
Chapter 21: The End of Heart Disease........................................................ 259
Chapter 22: The End of Cancer.................................................................. 269
Part III: The Future of Healthy, Pain-Free Living
Chapter 23: Your Roadmap to Optimal Health and Wellness...................... 281
Recommended Products..................................................................................... 289
Table of Contents
The Path to Wellness
The Crisis of Modern Health
Good health is one of the most precious things we have. Without our
health, the rest of life slips away from us. We can’t do the things we want
to do or appreciate the opportunities that come our way each day. Vitality,
productivity, strength, joy—all of these and more are built on a foundation
of good health.
Health is so fundamental to our well-being that you would think the health
system in the United States—one of the most advanced countries in the
world—would be top notch. On the surface, that even seems to be the case.
The US spent approximately $3.8 trillion on health care in 2013, according to
one estimate by Forbes—almost twice as much per capita as the next-highest
spender on the list. Yet the Commonwealth Fund ranked us last in a health
care study of eleven developed countries. How can that be possible?
It’s possible because medicine in the US isn’t about health. It’s about disease.
Think about this for a minute. What happens when you get sick? You go to
your primary care physician, and you present your signs and symptoms: “I
have a pain in my head,” or “I’ve been getting a lot of cramps.” Your physician
then takes that information and diagnoses it. “You have chronic migraines,”
or “You have irritable bowel syndrome.”
Then, once your symptoms have a label, the physician treats that label. And
the treatment most always involves at least one kind of drug, and sometimes
This is a failed model of treatment. It’s also a sad reality.
Most physicians are looking at and trying to treat your disease itself. They’re
not looking at the underlying cause of the disease. By treating the signs
and symptoms of the disease—the pain, the discomfort, the sweating, the
The Path to Wellness
nausea—they are just fixing the results. They rarely step back and evaluate
you and your symptoms as an entire person.
By zooming in and focusing only on the effects of the problem, they miss the
bigger picture. They don’t consider that your mind, your body, and your diet
all work together to bring you sickness or health.
They’re not focused on bringing your body back to wellness. And they’re even
less focused on helping you understand how you can avoid the same situation
in the future.
The average person trusts their doctor to know how to diagnose health
problems, and how to prescribe medicines and procedures to fix them. But the
scary truth is that, much of the time, even doctors are basing their diagnosis
and treatment at least as much on medical belief as medical knowledge. That’s
what they were taught to do in medical school and during their internships
and residencies. And that’s what they’ll probably keep learning to do. Why?
Because the professors and doctors writing the medical textbooks don’t know,
don’t believe, or don’t want to believe the truth about whole-body balance.
They just want to look for a simple cause-and-effect scenario, where one
symptom is treated by one drug. And it just doesn’t work that way.
Beyond all that, an equally if not more serious problem complicating why the
medical establishment hasn’t yet embraced new, cutting-edge therapies is this:
simple economics.
The medical profession is a business. And like people in any business, all
parties involved have a major stake in protecting their incomes: doctors,
insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies—everyone except you, the
patient. For years, drug companies have been one of the biggest sources of
money pouring into this industry. So why is there an incentive to research
natural products? Why is there an incentive to find a cure or treatment that
doesn’t involve a drug?
There is no incentive. And the sad fact is that the more sick people there are,
the more business this so-called “health care” model generates.
Not everyone in the medical profession is out to put profits above all else.
Many people are caught in the system and just can’t break out. Others aren’t
The End of All Disease
fully aware of the situation. And some people are even fighting to break
the mold. But at the end of the day, profits and corporate concerns are still
dominating the industry, while the health of the nation suffers.
Medicine is sacrificing its sense of compassion in the name of corporate greed.
Something needs to change. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of modern
wellness pioneers, the revolution has already begun.
Wellness Pioneer
What if I told you that 80 percent of what people believe about good health
is wrong, and the 20 percent of people who are called “quacks” and “crazy”
are actually right?
My name is Jesse Cannone, and I have helped hundreds of thousands of
people to reclaim a high quality of life based on the fundamental wellness
methods I’ll share with you in this book. I am the cofounder of the Healthy
Back Institute and one of the leading back pain experts in the world. I’ve
helped people in more than 120 countries to relieve or eliminate debilitating
back pain, and that number grows every day.
I’ve been featured as an expert in dozens of newspapers and magazines,
including Men’s Fitness, Balance, The Washington Examiner, and Women’s
World. I have also appeared numerous times on television and radio programs,
including NBC and MSNBC, and I am the author of The 7 Day Back Pain
Cure, as well as the editor-in-chief of the Live Pain Free subscription newsletter.
I’ve spent my career searching out the world’s leading medical and wellness
pioneers to expand my knowledge of alternative and holistic health methods
that mainstream Western medicine is trying to keep under the rug. In this
book, I’ll share that knowledge with you and show you how to take your
health into your own hands, where it truly belongs.
Your Health, in Your Hands
We’re at a point in time where our entire body of scientific knowledge and
technology is revolutionized every two to three years. And yet it takes the
medical establishment closer to seventeen years to embrace and adopt new
findings, and to implement these findings into standardized care.
The Path to Wellness
Traditional medicine is failing to keep up with the pace of scientific
advancement. That means that if you are suffering from pain or disease, you
are missing out on solutions that can restore your health and transform your
The End of All Disease is designed to change all that. This book pulls together
my decades of expertise and the combined research of the most knowledgeable
health experts on the front lines of health and wellness today. The information
and strategies in these pages will revolutionize the way you approach your
health. They will change your understanding of how wellness works and show
you how you can use these simple yet powerful principles to end your pain
and disease for good.
If you are looking for the path to true wellness, you’ve found it.
You and I will take this journey together. We’ll uncover the little-known
secrets to health and wellness; then we’ll use them to create new balance in
your health and in your life. From this foundation, you’ll learn the cures to
seven of the worst diseases in the world today. More than that, you’ll also gain
the knowledge and power to take control of your health, regardless of your
situation, symptoms, or conditions.
The time to take your health into your own hands is now. Your true path to
wellness starts in one place: with the Wellness Model of Health™. I’ll take you
on the first step of this revolutionary system in chapter 1.
Your journey to health starts now.
The End of All Disease
The Foundation of Healthy,
Pain-Free Living
The Foundation of Healthy, Pain-Free Living
The Wellness Model of Health
The Wellness Model of Health™
When was the last time you saw your doctor because you felt well?
For most of us, the answer to that question is probably “never.” That’s because
mainstream Western medicine is based on a disease model of health.
Our health care system is focused on treating the symptoms of disease.
Think about it. How many doctors have you seen who asked you what your
symptoms were, wrote you a prescription for a drug, and sent you on your
way? Unless you’re in the extreme minority, you’ve probably never met a
doctor who handled your problem any other way.
Now imagine that something else happened when you went in for your
doctor’s visit. It starts in the usual way. Your doctor asks you all the common
questions about your symptoms, when they started, and if it’s happened before.
But then, instead of pulling out the prescription pad . . . the conversation
You’re asked about what foods you eat regularly, how much water you drink,
and if you take supplements. You find yourself answering questions about
how you deal with stressful situations and if you take enough time to recharge
your emotions. You start to tell your doctor about more than just your body’s
symptoms; you answer questions about your mind and diet as well.
By the time you walk out of that office, instead of a prescription for a liverkilling pain drug in your hand, you leave with a strategy to eliminate certain
foods from your diet, an exercise plan, and a set of recommendations to
restore balance to your overall health. Instead of being told to eliminate salt
from your diet and swallow a statin drug every morning, you have a plan to
improve your health without taking a single drug.
The Wellness Model of Health
This is what a visit to the doctor should be like. When doctors and patients
have the knowledge to identify the true causes behind disease and come up
with solutions that treat the entire person, that person can get on a path to
Unfortunately, most of us will never get that level of treatment. Doctors can’t
give what they aren’t taught, professors can’t teach what they don’t know, and
drug companies won’t share what they can’t sell.
We can’t continue on with this destructive pattern. Too much of our happiness
and joy in life depends on good health. Not the Band-Aid of suppressed
disease symptoms, but real health that comes from the inside out. Our
disease-focused health paradigm needs to change. And the way to change it is
with the Wellness Model of Health™.
The Wellness Model of Health™ treats the cause of your pain or illness. It’s a
completely different approach than what you’re used to. In this model, you do
look at the physical signs and symptoms you have, but you don’t stop there.
You take it deeper. You figure out why your body is out of balance in the first
place, and you look into how to reestablish your overall balance to restore
optimal health.
True health is about free flow. It’s about returning yourself to your natural
state of peak physical and mental harmony. This is the Wellness Model of
Health™, and right here, right now, it is within your reach, starting with its
foundation: the Complete Healing Formula™.
The Complete Healing Formula™: Mind, Body, Diet
Your health has three key areas: mind, body, and diet. If you want to achieve
true wellness, then you need to address all three of these. When you create
balance in all three areas, you have achieved what I call the Complete Healing
The Complete Healing Formula™ is the engine of the Wellness Model of
Health™. Understanding how your mind, body, and diet work together to
bring you true health is the starting point for real recovery. Let’s look at each
of these in detail.
The End of All Disease
Your Mind
Your mind is the first piece of the Complete Healing Formula™, and it plays
a powerful role in your health.
First, I want to assure you that when I talk about the mind, I’m not saying
that “the pain is all in your head.” Your physical pain is real. But your beliefs
and your attitude toward your condition can have a huge impact on your
body’s ability to recover and heal. Your mental willingness to participate in
any particular treatment can help you achieve the level of wellness you’re
looking for.
And it doesn’t stop there. Your mindset about your life and the world in
general can also have a big impact on your overall health. People with positive
states of mind tend to overcome obstacles, injuries, and diseases much faster
than people who have negative states of mind.
No one argues that the mind can have an impact on our physical bodies. Just
recall a time you were frightened and the speed of your breathing increased,
or you started sweating. Or maybe you were watching a tragic movie and
before you knew it, you found yourself crying. In both of these examples,
your mind triggered a physical response in your body. In a similar way, your
health is affected by your emotions, beliefs, and levels of stress.
For example, Dr. John E. Sarno, a pioneer in the treatment of back pain,
talks about the concept of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), or mindbody syndrome. When something in your life causes you to feel a negative
emotion, you experience mild oxygen deprivation in your body. This oxygen
deprivation can lead to muscle spasms, swelling joints, and aches. Your mental
stress creates a physical problem. Best-selling author Louise Hay has also been
showing us the correlation between physical problems and mental thought
patterns for over thirty years, beginning with her book, Heal Your Body.
Our minds and our bodies are undeniably connected. The sooner we can get
them to work in harmony together, the healthier we’ll be. I’ll talk more about
the power of your mind in later chapters.
The Wellness Model of Health
Your Body
The second of the three areas of health is your body, and it of course also plays
a critical role in the Complete Healing Formula™.
The body is the main thing people look at when they’re ill or in pain. Earlier,
I talked about how the modern health paradigm runs into problems because
it focuses so exclusively on the body. But the problem runs deeper than that.
Even when they look at the body, most modern health professionals only
consider a specific part of it when they target a problem. Let’s say that you
have back pain. You go to your doctor, who gives you a prescription for an
anti-inflammatory drug. You take the drug, and it gives you temporary relief
by masking the pain—but at a price. Beyond failing to address the underlying
cause of the problem, that drug is dangerous to other parts of your body.
Or you visit your chiropractor, and he says that your spine is out of alignment.
He manipulates the spine back into place, but again, the results are only
temporary. That’s why most people have to go back to their chiropractor
one or two times a week. The chiropractor is only targeting one specific part
of your body. The spinal misalignment you have isn’t isolated. It’s caused by
muscle imbalances. Your bones go where your muscles pull them. If you don’t
address why your bones are out of alignment in the first place, you’re going to
find yourself going around in circles.
High cholesterol is another example. Doctors commonly advise you to reduce
your cholesterol by prescribing a statin drug. The drug alters the way the
body naturally functions in order to knock down your cholesterol number—
something in itself that most doctors are misinformed about and that can
actually be dangerous, as I’ll cover later. Regardless, when you isolate your
cholesterol from other important health factors and neglect the reasons that
your cholesterol is high to begin with, you won’t see any lasting change to
your health.
To be clear, I’m not saying you should stop going to the doctor. I’m not saying
you should stop doing chiropractic care. What I want you to do is look at all
the pieces of the puzzle so that you can get the best results from your different
The End of All Disease
When you’re looking at your body, you have to be aware of all aspects of it,
and how they work together to support your health.
Your Diet
The third key part of the three areas of health and the Complete Healing
Formula™ is your diet. Most people don’t realize that your diet plays an
enormous role not just in how much you weigh or how you feel, but also in
whether you have pain and are able to heal quickly.
Most of us don’t eat very well to begin with. And even when we do, we don’t
get enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. We get too much junk,
chemicals, preservatives, and toxins in our food and water. Even if you do eat
well, there are still certain things you need to be healthy that you won’t get in
your diet. I’ll go into detail about how you can begin to build a healthy diet
in later chapters.
Diet is just as important to the Complete Healing Formula™ as mind and
body, but again, it won’t take care of your pain and illness on its own. You
have to address all three areas. The three of them come together to form your
health as a whole person. For example, when your mind and body are under
stress, you need more caloric energy from quality vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients to help you heal and repair.
It’s critical to be aware of your diet and the way it works with your mind and
body to play its part in your pain and healing.
The Three Hidden Causes of All Health Conditions
The Complete Healing Formula™ gives you the foundation you need to
rebuild your wellness. Next, I want to introduce to you to the second half
of the Wellness Model of Health™; the tools that will make that rebuilding
There are three hidden causes of all health conditions: excess, deficiencies,
and stagnation. This model was pioneered and developed by Dr. Mark Wiley
in the late 1990s while he was traveling around Asia meeting with shamans,
healers, bonesetters, herbalists and other traditional medicine men in search
of the key to optimal wellness, and it makes a lot of sense.
The Wellness Model of Health
I’ll begin with terms that are slightly technical, and then explain what they
mean in plain English. Once you understand these key concepts, you’ll
probably never look at your own pain or illness the same way again.
Let’s start where your health should be: at homeostasis. As Dr. Wiley points
out in his book, Arthritis Reversed, homeostasis is the body’s baseline of health
and well-being. It is the state where you feel good—not too stressed, tired,
or excited. You are in a state where your digestion is working properly, your
body is absorbing proper amounts of nutrients, and oxygen and is expelling
toxins through the skin, lungs, and intestines. Your sleep and wake cycle is
set, you work and exercise, you have a balanced home-work-social life. Things
are good.
But life often gets in the way and we don’t feel as good anymore. Poor health,
pain, and disease are all felt in the body (or mind) when it is off balance or
is no longer functioning at homeostasis. In that case, what is the bottom line
of health?
All pain and disease is ultimately caused by one (or more) of the following
three issues:
1. Excess (“too much”)
2. Deficiency (“too little”)
3. Stagnation (“too slow”)
All these terms revolve around one idea: that to live in optimal health, free
from pain, you need to maintain a delicate balance in your body, mind, and
Beyond Your Body
When you address your excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations across all three
facets of mind, body, and diet, you create your personal Wellness Model of
Health™, fueled by the Complete Healing Formula™.
This is a key concept. It’s not just about your mental outlook. It’s not just
about physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. It’s not just about
what you eat every day. All of those things are critically important, and they
all need to be addressed as key factors on your journey to optimal wellness.
The End of All Disease
You need to keep an eye out for excess, deficiency, and stagnation—not just
in your body, but in your mind and diet as well. It’s important to avoid
too much (i.e., excess) of anything that causes you pain, or too little (i.e.,
deficiency) of something in order to prevent pain or illness from occurring.
Excess, deficiency, or stagnation in even one of these three key areas can harm
your health and overall wellness.
In fact, most if not all health problems are the direct result of imbalances
in your body, mind, and diet. So let’s look at the three concepts of excess,
deficiency, and stagnation in more detail to help you figure out where you
could be going wrong.
Excess: Too Much of Something
When I talk about excess, I’m talking about too much of something. Often
we think of our diet when we consider excesses related to poor health, such
as too much sugar, too much cholesterol, or too much salt (two of which
are actually myths, by the way, as I’ll cover in later chapters). We can also
have excesses in our bodies or minds, such as inflammation or stress. In all
cases, excessive amounts of something will lead to problems. Here are a few
If you drink too much soda, coffee, or caffeinated drinks, you’ll have too
much caffeine (excess) in your system (as well as other junk). Since caffeine
is a diuretic that causes you to urinate a lot, you’ll have too little water
(deficiency) left in your body. Water is a critical part of health in your body,
and dehydration can lead to kidney problems, migraines, spinal compression,
and cardiovascular problems. I’ll talk more about hydration in chapter 13.
If you eat too much of the wrong kinds of fats—such as hydrogenated (partially
or fully) vegetable oils, fried foods, and foods such as chips, crackers, and the
like—you’ll likely carry too much fat on your body, potentially straining your
muscles and putting extra pressure on your back. In addition, since the body
requires a delicate balance of different kinds of fats to avoid inflammation,
too much of these “bad” fats will tip the scales in favor of inflammation, pain,
and illness—not to mention the other common problems that accompany
obesity, such as heart disease and diabetes.
The Wellness Model of Health
We can have too much of just about anything in any area of our lives. I’ve
touched on diet, but what about the physical body? Too much running,
cycling, or weightlifting—without cross-training with other types of exercise,
sports, or activities—can lead to uneven muscle strength and flexibility
(muscle imbalances).
Too much sitting at the computer can lead to shortened muscles in the
backs of the legs, which creates pain. Too much stretching, without strength
training, can lead to weak and flabby muscles that no longer support the body
properly, poor posture, and eventual injury.
We can expand this concept to our mental lives. Too much stress can weaken
the body’s defenses and lead to sickness. Too much anxiety can lead to tension
headaches and irritable bowels—even panic attacks. Too much self-judgment
can lead to depression and low self-esteem, which decreases blood flow in the
body and robs the tissues of adequate oxygen supply.
All these excesses throw the body and mind out of balance, tipping the scales
toward pain and other kinds of disease.
Deficiency: Too Little of Something
When I talk about deficiency, I’m talking about too little of something. Like
excesses, deficiencies can cause problems in your mind, body, and diet as well.
If you drink too little water, you run the risk of dehydration and toxic
buildup in the body, as well as constipation and pain. Eat too little fruits and
vegetables, and your body doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals
it needs to stay healthy, fight off stress, and lower your risk of experiencing
As with “too much,” we can have “too little” of just about anything in any area
of our lives. If we consider the physical body, the first deficiency that comes
to mind is too little exercise. In America, we’re suffering from an obesity
epidemic. I talked about too much of the same kind of exercise a moment
ago, but for many people, the problem is too little exercise. We’re moving
around a lot less than we used to and performing far fewer manual tasks,
which is creating all kinds of aches and pains, to say nothing of the increase
in such weight-related disorders as diabetes and heart disease.
The End of All Disease
If we consider our emotional lives, we can see how an insufficient amount
of quiet time is a problem for many of us. We’re bombarded by stimulation
from all corners of our existence—televisions, cell phones, traffic noises, loud
voices, radios, stereos, text messages, e-mails, and more. Rarely do we take
the time to go to a quiet place and reflect. This constant stimulation leaves us
anxious and unable to relax, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the
muscles and creating blood circulation that’s too slow.
These deficiencies create imbalances in the mind, body, and diet—again,
setting us up to suffer because of some upcoming disorder or pain condition.
Stagnation: Something Is Moving Too Slow
You’ve probably noticed that some of the examples of deficiency are the
opposites of the examples of excesses. This is because of the balance—or
homeostasis—our bodies require for optimal health. When the natural flow
of things stops moving the way it should, it’s called a stagnation.
Stagnation can be caused by too much or too little of something in your life—
or by both. Simply put, it’s the slowdown of the body’s natural processes—
whether that means blood flow, muscular movement, tissue regeneration,
digestion, hormone production, or anything else.
In a healthy body, the blood flows freely throughout the veins and arteries,
supplying all organs and tissues with the oxygen and nutrients they need,
while carrying waste away. However, if that blood flow is restricted somehow,
say by a buildup of calcium or deposits in the arteries, it slows down and
clogs up the system. As your blood flow slows, your organs don’t get what
they need, and the resulting stagnation can have harmful, lasting effects on
your health.
Imagine one side of a two-lane highway. As long as those two lanes stay open,
traffic flows freely (usually). However, during times of construction, for
instance, one lane is often closed, which narrows the passageway and forces all
the cars into the remaining lane. The flow slows down. Now, picture this with
blood flow, digestion, or breathing. Suddenly, the stagnation is no longer an
annoying traffic jam, but a life-shortening problem that can’t be ignored.
The Wellness Model of Health
There are many causes of stagnation. Too much anxiety, tension, and fear all
restrict blood vessels, as evidenced by the feeling of “cold hands.” Too much
sitting for long periods of time, whether at the computer or on an airplane,
restricts the blood flow in your legs, and can even result in a clot. Too much
“bad fat” in your diet can slow down blood flow and leave you fatigued. Too
much strain on a muscle can cause a muscle spasm, which can restrict blood
flow. Too little activity, too little stress relief, too little water, and too little
stretching to elongate the muscle fibers all can lead to low (slow) energy and
poor circulation. And poor circulation can lead to muscle soreness, toxin
buildup, pain, and illness.
Every aspect of the body, mind, and diet can be adversely affected by
stagnation. Take a look at the following two charts, first presented by Dr.
Wiley in his book, Arthritis Reversed. The first shows how the three causes of
all pain and illness are likely the root of your condition, and how they affect
it. The second shows how the symptoms you experience are also related to
excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations.
The End of All Disease
Every 10 lbs over
weight = 30 lbs
extra compressive
force on joints
Underweight =
more nutrition
needed to help
repair and reverse
arthritic damage
Remaining over
or underweight
pounds can
worsen condition,
prevent it from
repairing and
To much glucose,
foods, diuretic
Not enough
spices, antiinflammatory
foods, healthy fats
and supplements
Unchanged diet
= unchanged
condition and
contributes to
worsening of
Too vigorous,
jumping and high
impact = tough
on joints
couch potato,
unfit, atrophied
muscles, loss of
bone density
Buildup of lactic
acid, muscle
spasms, loss of
Over 8 hours
daily can lead
to lethargy,
over tiredness,
malaise and
Less than 8
hours daily =
insufficient repair,
lower production
of serotonin,
cramps, achiness
and stiffness
Sleeping too long
in poor posture
can increase pain
The Wellness Model of Health
Stress, anxiety,
worry, obsessing
over your
condition can
lead to depression
and feeling that
nothing can be
Poor mental
outlook can lead
to unwillingness
to help yourself,
lack of dietary
laziness, loss of
Lack of passion
for life, desires,
loss of interest in
things, activities
and what life has
to offer
Range of Motion
Pain, inflammation
caused by flaccid
ligaments, too
much space
between joints
Inability to move
freely, bend joints
fully, stand or
walk without pain
Extreme limited
causing frozen
hips, knees,
shoulder, fingers
Pain and
Reach for
NSAIDs, muscle
relaxers and
invasive surgical
Trigger points,
muscle spasms,
throbbing pain in
fixed location
Doing nothing
to help yourself,
potential for
endless suffering
A Dangerous Cycle
It’s easy to understand how these three points—too much, too little, and
too slow—can all interact with and feed off of each other. You can see how
too much of one thing often prompts too little of something else—with the
entire chain of too much and too little resulting in energy and blood flow that
is too slow, creating pain and illness.
Suddenly it becomes clear why the more common approaches to treating pain
and disease—those that focus strictly on the problem itself—don’t address the
underlying conditions. When you visit the doctor for migraine headaches,
you don’t have a deficiency of pharmaceutical chemicals. Yet you leave with a
prescription for those chemicals.
With a little digging, your doctor—or better yet, you yourself—can explore
the cause of your imbalance and find a cure. In other words, what do you
The End of All Disease
Make a List
One great exercise you can do to practice the Wellness Model of
Health™ and create balance between your mind, body, and diet is
to simply make a list. Take a piece of paper and draw three columns
marked “excess,” “deficiency,” and “stagnation.” Then start filling
those columns with things that you think you’re getting too much
of, things you might not be getting enough of, and areas of your life
where things are moving too slowly or not at all.
Think about the mental, physical, and diet aspects of health as you’re
filling the columns, and just start rattling things off. Remember, the
little things do matter: they add up to big changes in your health.
One thing will lead to another. Before you know it, you’ll have a
page full of things that you can start to work on balancing right away.
Just keep in mind that while this is a very powerful exercise, it’s also
a starting point. Several important health factors can’t be seen on
the surface. Throughout this book, I’ll recommend different health
screenings and tests that you can use to make your list more complete.
have too much of, what do you have too little of, or what is not moving freely
enough that is causing your headaches?
It would be a mistake to assume that only one of these three causes is the root
of any health condition. In fact, it is usually a combination of all three of
them that make a simple problem become chronic and seemingly complex.
The first “cause” of an issue could be singular (i.e., an excess), but when not
approached with the Wellness Model of Health™ (i.e., restoring balance), it
snowballs and becomes multi-faceted.
The way to alleviate your pain or illness is to consider it from this three-part
perspective. If you can categorize where you are in excess, you can then make
changes to decrease and balance these. If you are able to list areas of deficiency,
The Wellness Model of Health
you can then take steps to improve these. Where you find stagnations, you
can look for ways to “move them along.”
Returning the body to homeostasis can be difficult and challenging. Without
the understanding of excess, deficiency, and stagnation and how those items
work within the mind, body, and diet, it’s difficult if not impossible to return
yourself to overall health. You may have been polluting your body with toxins
found in foods, beverages, and the air, and then aggravating all of this even
further with stress, tension, poor sleep, and bad lifestyle choices for quite
some time.
It’s a dangerous and self-reinforcing cycle.
How to Get Out of the Pain and Disease Cycle
To get out of the pain and disease cycle, you need to return your body, mind,
and diet to a state of homeostasis. That’s not always an easy task. The problem
didn’t appear overnight, and it probably won’t be cured overnight either. But
that doesn’t mean you can’t cure it at all.
To help you understand how you can finally take your health into your own
hands and start working toward true wellness, this book will look in more
detail at the mind-body-diet areas of your life that are impacted by the “too
much, too little, too slow” causes of pain and illness. I’ll also cover some of the
worst specific problems and diseases that arise from the excesses, deficiencies,
and stagnations in your life.
It does not matter what condition you have been diagnosed with, or what
pain you may be in. The topics and strategies in this book can work for any
pain, and any illness. When you strike the right balance within and between
your body, your mind, and your diet, you restore yourself to homeostasis, and
you regain your health from the inside out.
The secret to overcoming pain and illness lies in understanding where that
balance begins. And a lot of the time, it begins in our minds. In the next
chapter, I’ll walk you through the impact that your mind has on your overall
wellness, and show you how to turn your thoughts into a powerhouse of
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Mainstream Western medicine is based on a disease model
of health; it treats the symptoms of illness rather than the
causes of your condition.
To achieve true wellness, three areas of health need to be
addressed: body, mind, and diet. These are the foundation
of the Complete Healing Formula™.
All pain and disease is caused by one or more of the following
three issues: excess, deficiency, and stagnation. Using these
red flags to create balance in your mind, body, and diet is
called the Wellness Model of Health™.
An “excess” is defined as “too much of something.”
A “deficiency” is defined as “too little of something.”
A “stagnation” appears when the natural flow of processes in
your body, mind, or diet stops moving the way it should.
Excess, deficiency, and stagnation can become a dangerous
cycle. To get out of this cycle, you need to return yourself to
a state of balance, or homeostasis.
No matter what condition you have, it can be improved or
reversed by returning your body, mind, and diet to a state of
The Wellness Model of Health
Recommended Resources
The Complete Healing Formula™
This two-CD set covers even more information about The Complete Healing
Formula™: how the balance of mind, body, and diet impacts your overall
health. To request a free copy, visit
The End of All Disease
The #1 Cause of Poor Health
and Disease
Last Hope
I’ve spent a lot of time seeking answers to how healing can be found in the
mind. One expert who knows a lot about this and who has a very powerful
mental treatment plan is clinical psychologist Dr. Maggie Phillips, a friend of
mine. She told me a story that demonstrates just how big a role the mind can
play in the healing process.
Dr. Phillips once worked with a patient who had been through a series of
terrible car accidents. Her patient, let’s call her Laura, suffered from all kinds
of pain: lower-back pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, neck pain. On top of that,
she couldn’t sleep. She had tried everything she could think of to relieve it.
By the time she found Dr. Phillips, she had been through traditional physical
therapy, ultrasounds, pain clinics, massage therapy, Reiki, and acupuncture.
“How did those approaches work for you?” Dr. Phillips asked her.
“Well, . . . ” Laura admitted, “they all helped a little bit. But the pain still
won’t go away.”
“What if I told you that you could heal your pain yourself?” said Dr. Phillips.
Laura was skeptical. She had been going from one specialist to another for a
long time, looking for a magic bullet—one that didn’t exist. She had very little
confidence that she could heal her own pain. To her it sounded mysterious—
like something she couldn’t really learn how to do.
In that first meeting, she and Dr. Phillips talked about how Laura tended to
let her mind get ahead of her body. Laura’s self-talk ran along the lines of,
“Oh, you should be doing so much better than you are,” or “You know, it’s
really okay to sit in this position a little longer than you think you can.” As
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
a result, her body went into spasms, and she wasn’t working productively on
her own behalf.
Dr. Phillips helped Laura figure out how to put her mind and body back on
the same page. Laura began practicing simple mind-body exercises. Within a
few days, she was feeling better. Her confidence in herself grew. Soon she was
sleeping through the night again.
Before long, Laura had achieved a much better quality of life and was no
longer in the level of pain she had experienced previously. She had discovered
the power of her mind as medicine, and it transformed her entire relationship
with her health.
Mind Medicine
You know from chapter 1 that true long-term wellness has three cornerstones:
mind, body, and diet. The cornerstone that Laura learned from Dr. Phillips
was the “mind” piece of the Complete Healing Formula™, or what Dr. Phillips
likes to call “mind medicine.”
Mind medicine is a key part of finding healing. It’s also the most overlooked
solution to many problems. I define mind medicine as the way the mind
works with the body in order to affect health. A lot of people refer to this as
the “mind-body connection.”
Mind medicine puts your mind and your body back on the same page. It
gives you better sleep, better relaxation, and better confidence. It helps you
understand where you are in your recovery process as you return to a natural
state of homeostasis. Once you accept that and bring all of your energy to
bear on the mind-body skill, there is no limit to what you can do for your
Try It to Believe It
We live in a society where the phrase “too good to be true” sometimes comes
into play. So much hype is thrown at us that we don’t always know whom
to trust. Because of that, many people don’t believe that mind medicine is
possible. They don’t believe that they can use their minds to control their
The End of All Disease
But very few people these days would disagree that the body and the mind
are strongly connected. The body and the mind have a natural partnership.
People have even reported using “hypnotic anesthesia”—hypnosis or mental
relaxation—during major surgery. If that’s not proof that our mind is an
incredible tool, I don’t know what is. All we need to do is figure out how to
use it.
One of the biggest hurdles of mind medicine is getting yourself to accept the
concept that you really can use your mind in conjunction with your body to
heal yourself. This is a learnable skill. My clients realize quickly that mind
medicine is a behavior they can understand and use. Better, it’s simple, it’s
easy, and you can take it with you anywhere you go. And better still, it builds
on itself. Once you get started, you see more and more success with every day
you practice.
In this chapter, I’ll show you how to conquer the biggest mental health hurdle
we face: stress. I’ll also dispel the old idea that your mind is on one track,
your body is on the other, and the two will seldom meet. Finally, I’ll walk you
through the “pain gateway” and show you some simple exercises you can use
right now to connect your body to your mind.
Stress: Is It All in Your Mind?
When you think of mental wellness, the first word that probably comes to
mind is “stress.”
All of us deal with stress in our daily lives, and we’ve heard—rightly—that
stress takes a toll on our health. But many of us don’t realize exactly how big
that toll can be.
Stress starts as a mental issue, but it doesn’t stay that way. Once it starts, it
quickly turns into an emotional and physical syndrome. Negative thoughts
and an inability to effectively deal with stress are the root of almost every
illness we have. So it’s no surprise that, when you quiet down your worry and
anxiety, not only do you feel better mentally, you also see an improvement in
your physical health.
Dealing with stress plays a key role in the success of the Complete Healing
Formula™. In fact, the biggest roadblock for most people when it comes to
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
relieving pain or eliminating disease is overcoming emotional hurdles, and
stress is a huge part of that emotional landscape.
I have clients who are willing to do everything right physically. They’ll
radically change their diets, they’ll do inversion therapy to decompress their
spines, they’ll do stretches and exercises to balance their muscles, but they
won’t deal with their emotions. So even though they feel some improvement,
they rarely see complete relief. You have to be willing to engage with all areas
of your health, and that includes your mind.
So what are the facts about stress? And how can you listen to your body’s
signals to help you turn stress on and off?
The “Off” Switch for Stress
How does stress cause pain? And how can you turn it off?
Let’s start with some basic biological facts. Stress inhibits our body’s internal
system for pain control. This system is run by neurotransmitters that we call
endorphins. When you’re stressed, your endorphins can’t work the way they’re
supposed to. In other words, stress lowers your immune system’s ability to
fight pain and illness.
Headache, anxiety, insomnia, and irritable bowel syndrome are all common
physical symptoms associated with mental stress. However, that said, the
negative effects of stress are also specific to the individual. Under stress, the
weakest system in the body will be the first to break down. For one person,
that might be the liver. For another, it could be the gallbladder or the heart.
In every case, when mental stress strikes, you’re not going to like the physical
So where’s the “off” switch?
We can turn mental stress on and off by listening to our body signals. The
only problem is this: we’ve trained ourselves not to hear them. Over the years,
we’ve conditioned ourselves to override our natural responses to our emotions.
A common example of this is crying. As children, when we were tired, scared,
or angry, we cried. But as adults, a lot of us don’t do that anymore—especially
men. We hold back the fatigue, fear, or anger that wants to express itself. We
The End of All Disease
keep it inside, and when we do that, we deactivate our body’s natural signals
and ratchet up our mental stress.
Our challenge is to learn how to mentally pay attention to the body signals
we’ve been ignoring for years. When you’re stressed, your body will send you
signals saying, “Okay, I’m tired now. I need to slow down or turn off.”
A lot of us don’t want to hear that message. We’re engrossed in what we’re
doing. Our egos kick in and we say, “No, I want to stay with this. I want to
get it done. Just one more hour.” This is the conflict between our minds and
our bodies. We don’t want to listen to our body’s basic stress signals, so we
override the body’s command to the brain. Obviously, the results are going
to be negative.
When your body sends you clear signals of fatigue, heed them. If you do, you
can avoid overstressing yourself, and you can begin to bring your overall state
of wellness back into balance.
Relax, Max
When we’re stressed, our bodies hold on to tension. To release that tension
and return ourselves to a state of balance, we need to learn how to relax.
A lot of us have forgotten how to relax. Here are a few tips you can use to
train your mind to eliminate stress through relaxation.
- Relaxation Tip 1: Breathe. Breathing is the easiest and most convenient tool
we have when it comes to teaching our bodies to relax. Slow down. Focus
on your breath. Breathe deeply and feel the breath travel through your body.
In many cases, stress-related pain will disappear just as a result of breathing
- Relaxation Tip 2: Music. In some cases, listening to music can be a way
to soothe your nerves and get your body to relax. Set some quiet time aside
to listen to your favorite calming music. Music can be a quick and effective
way to relax physically, and again, some people have found that this alone
immediately relieves their physical pain.
- Relaxation Tip 3: Train Your Brain. Just as we taught ourselves to suppress
our body signals, we can teach ourselves to acknowledge them again. This is
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
done by “training your brain” through things like sound therapy and positive
self-talk. Replace your negative self-talk with positive messages. Tell yourself
“it’s inevitable that I’m going to feel better.” When you replace criticism
with these kinds of thoughts and feelings, you encourage a natural state of
relaxation and you empower yourself to bounce back from stress-related pain
and illness.
Keep in mind that, just like you would with any new habits, it helps to take
action to remind yourself to practice these techniques. To ensure your success,
write these relaxation tips down on Post-It notes. Put them on your desk, in
your car, on your bathroom mirror. Schedule time each day to breathe, listen
to music, and train your brain. Then watch your stress slowly melt away.
Everyone has heard a story like this one: Someone is diagnosed with a fatal
disease and told she has three months to live. She completely changes her life.
She stops working the job she hated, gets out of her bad relationship, and
goes traveling around the world. She does all the things she’s always wanted
to do, and then suddenly—miraculously—she’s better. The stress is gone, and
the pain and illness have left with it.
Stress is part of life. Everybody goes through ordeals that are painful
psychologically, physically, and spiritually. But when you work to eliminate
or release your stress, you free yourself from the shackles that are causing you
pain, so that you can live a fuller, healthier life.
Stress plays a big role in our overall health and wellness. But it isn’t the only
thing that connects your mind to your body. Your mind can have an amazing
impact on your ability to deal with pain. Next, let’s look at that connection—
the “pain gateway.”
The “Pain Gateway”
“Mind medicine” can do more than treat your stress. It can also treat your
pain. Understanding how pain works in the body is the first step on the path
to effective mind medicine.
The pain mechanism in your body is known as “gate control theory,” or the
“pain gateway.”
The End of All Disease
The pain gateway was discovered by researchers Ronald Melzack and Patrick
Wall, who first published their findings in Science Magazine in 1965. You can
think of the pain gateway as a component of your nervous system that turns
pain on and off. There are nerve receptors along the periphery of your body,
close to the surface of your skin. These nerve endings pick up signals from a
variety of sources—such as pressure, burns, cuts, and even emotional pain—
and relay them to the brain.
Say you touch something that is burning hot with your fingertip. That signal
travels up your arm through the sensory nerves in your central nervous system
until it reaches the brain. Then brain processes the signal and sends a message
back down through your central nervous system and out to your fingertip,
and you have the sensation of pain.
The catch in the system is that on the way to the brain, pain signals are relayed
to part of your spinal cord. When the pain signal arrives at the spinal cord,
it either gets a green light and is relayed on to the brain instantly, or it gets a
red light and doesn’t go anywhere. This is the pain gateway: it regulates which
signals are sent to the brain and which ones are not, thereby controlling the
pain you feel.
The pain gateway has been thoroughly researched, and all the experts in this
field agree that Melzack and Wall are correct in their conclusions. If you learn
to control your pain gateway, you learn to control your pain. But how do you
give those pain signals a red light the natural way, without medications? How
do you close the gates on pain so that you don’t even register it as a problem?
This is where the mind comes into play.
Connect Your Mind and Body
There are a few very simple things you can do to build a bridge between
your physical experience and your consciousness, motivation, awareness, and
intention. Once that bridge is built, you have a powerful pathway for healing
pain and living a balanced life of long-term wellness.
The following techniques, taught by Dr. Maggie Phillips, are basic tools you
can use to help you start to harness the power of your mind-body connection.
Try to practice them when you feel worried or when you’re aware that your
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
pain has increased. And remember, don’t just do these exercises once. Repeat
them over and over again. You are laying down new pathways in your brain
that will bring your mind and body together. That takes practice!
Before You Start
First, make yourself comfortable. Clear away anything that might disrupt
or distract you for the next ten to fifteen minutes. Unplug or turn off your
phone. Put yourself in a place in your home or office where you can minimize
the knocks at your door; you don’t want people coming to find you. Also
make sure you are in a safe place. Don’t try to practice these exercises when
you are driving.
Find a Comfortable Position
Put yourself in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. If you lie
down, make sure that you are not lying down in such a way that you could
easily drift off to sleep. Going back to the mind-body partnership, if your
mind is asleep, you won’t be able to gain the full benefits of these exercises.
You should feel that your body is supported. Some people need pillows to
support certain parts of their bodies, such as their neck, shoulders, arms,
back, or legs. Do everything you can to make yourself comfortable, and listen
to the feedback you get from your body. It will tell you what you can do to
make yourself just a little bit more comfortable than you are already.
Exercise 1: Conscious Breathing
Breathing is a fantastic way to start to experience the mind-body connection,
and you can do it in under ten seconds. The idea is to follow the path that
your breath takes through your body. Start by breathing in through your nose.
Notice the flow of air, and pay attention to the way your muscles expand. As
you exhale, again through your nose, notice how your muscles shift again in
a different way.
Take a moment to really feel the experience of breathing in and breathing
out. This is your own rhythm—the most basic rhythm of your life. When you
inhale, you may feel a pleasant sensation of floating. An inhalation followed
by an exhalation makes up one breath cycle.
The End of All Disease
Follow your breathing like this for three to four breath cycles. At the end
of these, you will have effectively brought your mind and body together:
your mind is noticing your body moving as you breathe in and out, and you
should experience just a little bit more comfort with each breath cycle.
This breathing exercise is completely portable. It goes with you wherever you
go. If you can make your breathing more intentional, you can reap a lot of
Exercise 2: Conscious Relaxation
The second simple mind-body exercise you can do is conscious relaxation.
This is simply giving your body permission to relax from your head to your
feet. Muscles, tissues, tendons, fascia, organs—everything works together, and
everything is interconnected. The idea behind this exercise is to consciously
relax them one by one.
Begin with three or four breath cycles, following your breath just as you did
in the first exercise. Then, begin to relax your body, beginning with the top
of your head. Be aware of any tension in your scalp. Then move down to
your temples, your jaw, and your mouth. Really give each of those things full
permission to release tension and relax.
As your head begins to feel a little more comfortable, you can move down
to your neck and shoulders. Continue breathing as you give your neck and
shoulders permission to relax, letting go of stress and tension.
Now you can begin to move down through your upper and mid-back. Give
those muscles permission to let go. After that, come down the front of your
body, giving the same permission to the muscles in your chest and around
your collarbone. Spend some time on your stomach and abdomen, as well
as the ribs on both sides of your body. Let those muscles become loose and
pleasantly heavy. Remember to include your arms, hands, and fingers.
Then move your awareness down to your lower back, into the lumbar area.
Each time you breathe, feel those muscles loosening up a little bit more.
Next, move on to your upper legs, your thighs, and your pelvis. Then travel
down farther toward your knees, your calf muscles, and your shins. Include
your feet and your toes. All the while, think of your breath as a stream that is
carrying relaxation throughout your body to where you need it.
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
As you practice this second mind-body exercise, you may start to receive
signals from your body that let you know that you really are entering a state
of true relaxation. Some people experience tingling; others feel a softening.
You may feel light or pleasantly limp. Whatever that feeling is for you,
acknowledge it. This will strengthen your mind-body connection.
Exercise 3: Tense and Release
The third simple technique you can practice to start building your mindbody connection is tense and release. This time, instead of just moving your
awareness through your body, you’re going to create tension in your body on
purpose, and then let it go. For many people, this creates a deepening effect.
However, if this increases your pain in any way, do not do it; simply go back
to what you were practicing in the first two exercises.
Begin as you did with the first two exercises, with three or four conscious
breathing cycles. Then, when you’re ready, start creating tension in different
parts of your body. Some people find it helpful to create a fist. Bring your
tension, stress, pain, or discomfort into your fists, letting these sensations
gather there. Make your fists as tight as you can. Then make them even
tighter. Hold your breath for a moment, and then when the moment is right,
let it all go as you exhale.
If the fists are not quite right for you, practice tensing a different part of your
body. You can try this exercise with your legs, feet, or anywhere else you want.
Exercise Your Mind Medicine
Practice these exercises for whatever length of time feels comfortable for you,
whether that means seconds or minutes. Then go back and do them again.
Each time you practice them, you will increase the benefits.
Mind medicine like hypnosis and the techniques above can be incredibly
powerful. In fact, they are so effective that you have to be careful not to ignore
the potential underlying causes that may be causing your pain in the first
place. Remember the Wellness Model of Health™, and keep an eye out for
excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations even as you practice mind medicine.
These mind-body exercises work, and they work every time. Although they
are simple and take very little effort, they are mobile and they are effective. All
The End of All Disease
they require from you is a willingness to open up to the possibility that they
can work, and then to give them a try. The more time you spend practicing
them, the less pain you will have, and the closer you will be to a life of longterm wellness.
Want to learn more?
You can listen directly to Dr. Phillips as she shares more information
about mind medicine online. All members of my Live Pain Free
family have access to every interview I’ve done, and my conversations
with her are some of the resources members appreciate most.
I’ve distilled much of what Dr. Phillips had to share here. But I can’t
condense an hour of conversation into a single chapter. To hear it all,
along with other interviews I’ve done on subjects like hypnosis and
guided relaxation, join my Live Pain Free family. You can get instant
access by visiting:
Your Mind Is Your Medicine
Physical therapy teaches modalities like hot and cold packs, ultrasound, and
electrical stimulation. All of these techniques are used to accomplish the same
thing: getting rid of pain. When you learn to use your mind as your medicine,
you tap into the Complete Healing Formula™, and you no longer need any of
those things to achieve the same success rate that these homeostasis-seeking
modalities offer.
Take the time to educate yourself about mind medicine. Be open-minded
about trying something new and different, and really reaping the rewards of
it for your health. We can create so much more with our conscious intention
than any medication can give us.
Mind medicine puts the power of wellness back in your hands. And that’s not
the only tool you have at your disposal. In the next chapter, I’ll show you how
sleep can revitalize your health and take your overall wellness to the next level.
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
Chapter Review
• The body and mind are strongly connected and have a
natural partnership.
“Mind medicine” is the way the mind works with the body
to control pain.
Stress isn’t just a mental issue; it’s an emotional and physical
Stress inhibits the body’s internal system for pain control
and lowers your immune system’s ability to fight pain and
You can turn stress on and off by listening to your body’s
Pain in your body is controlled by the “pain gateway,” a
component of the nervous system that turns pain on and
off. You can control this pain gateway with your mind.
You can build a bridge between your mind and body
using simple exercises like conscious breathing, conscious
relaxation, and tense-and-release practices.
Mind-body exercises can be simple, mobile, and effective.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Gary Craig, the founder of EFT (also called “Tapping”), provides a
comprehensive free tutorial of his tapping technique on his website. You can
give EFT a try to reverse negative emotions. Learn more at www.emofree.
Live Pain Free Membership
Stay current on information related to stress and the other mental components
of health and healing as a member of the Live Pain Free family. You’ll gain
access to more information from the experts discussed in this book, while
also getting updates about the latest information and developments in health
and wellness. You can learn more at
Dr. Maggie Phillips
Dr. Phillips has written several books on the emotional aspects of healing,
hypnosis, and using the mind to aid healing. You can learn more at www.
Dr. Frank Lawlis
Dr. Lawlis is a prolific author, and has a wealth of information available if you
want to learn more about a specific area of his focus. You can learn more at
Berceli Foundation
Founded by Dr. Berceli, the Berceli Foundation teaches his healing method
of Tension and Trauma Release Exercises around the world. You can learn
more at
The #1 Cause of Poor Health and Disease
Hidden Beneath the Surface
Look Deeper: Physical Pain, Emotional Origins
We are conditioned to believe that if we feel pain, something is wrong with
our bodies. While that may be true, what we don’t realize is that sometimes
physical pain can have hidden, emotional origins.
Emotions are a natural and important part of life. However, according to Dr.
Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed, in excess, emotions can be damaging
to the body.
Here’s one example. As I mentioned earlier, negative emotions lead to stress.
Considering that we all have stress in our lives, it comes as no surprise that
66 percent of all signs and symptoms presented in doctors’ offices in the US
are stress-induced.
Let me repeat that. A full 66 percent of visits to physicians who typically treat
physical ailments are the result of emotional stress. In fact, some estimates from
the National Institutes of Health even claim that as much as 75 percent of
doctor’s office visits are related to stress in some form.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine what we could do for our health if
we sought emotional cures for our emotional problems, rather than physical
cures for bodily issues that are caused by our emotions. You know from
chapter 2 that your mind and emotions play key roles in how you experience
pain, as well as in the outcome of any program you undertake for pain relief.
It all comes back to excess, deficiency, and stagnation. Your emotions need
the balance of the Wellness Model of Health™ just like your body and diet
do, and your emotional balance affects those other two areas. Understanding
this connection and getting on top of managing your emotions is a key
component of finding relief and achieving a better quality of life.
This chapter will explore the connection between our mind and body in
more depth, explain how we handle various destructive emotions, describe
Hidden Beneath the Surface
the vicious cycle of emotional distress, and detail the power that positive
thinking can have on our bodies.
Follow the Signs: Your Mind-Body Connection
As you learned in chapter 2, there is an undeniable connection between your
mind and your body. Our thoughts can actually create physical sensations.
Don’t believe me? Close your eyes and imagine yourself stepping off a tall
bridge. Your muscles tense up. You can feel your stomach fly up into your
throat—all just from thinking about taking this action, without ever getting
close to an actual bridge. A mere thought can trigger an entire chain of
physical reactions, including dramatic fluctuations in your blood pressure,
breathing rate, oxygen levels, and more.
Knowing this, you can begin to see the effect your mind can have on
your body, particularly if you’re in the habit of thinking stressful thoughts
throughout your day. Your muscles tighten, causing problems like constricted
blood flow—a stagnation. That stagnation can lead to oxygen deprivation in
your body’s cells—a deficiency. And that deficiency can in turn lead to the
buildup of toxins and waste in certain parts of your body, which can then lead
to painful knots and muscle spasms.
And the effects of negative emotions like stress on the body don’t stop at
muscle or joint pain. These stress-induced stagnations and deficiencies—not
to mention excesses like cortisol, anxiety, and pain—are the direct cause of
problems like migraines, high blood pressure, and other chronic ailments.
Another example of how the mind affects the body is how stress alters your
breathing. Typically, when you’re anxious or upset, your breath becomes
shallow, reducing oxygen flow to your entire body. Stress can also release
hormones, such as adrenaline, which can trigger chronic tension and
inflammation in your muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to imbalance,
and thus to pain and discomfort.
The bottom line is that stress erodes your health and undermines your quality
of life. It is a psychosomatic response to what is happening around you.
In decades past, the term psychosomatic was primarily used by psychologists
to identify pain or illnesses that were assumed to be “all in the mind” of the
The End of All Disease
patient and, therefore, “not real.” This outlook is dated and false. The seed of
the physical condition is in the thoughts and emotions of the person affected
by them. Indeed, they exist in very real forms, like inflammation, swelling,
spasms, pain, and depression.
But how does mental and emotional stress begin to physically affect our
What happens when you are under stress—whether real or perceived—is that
your body moves through a mechanism called a stress response. Through
this physiological mechanism of stress, your muscles tighten, which inhibits
circulation and restricts blood vessels, causing stiffness, inflammation, limited
range of motion, and pain.
Other effects of negative emotions like stress include nail biting, anxiety, a
racing mind, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, unending worry,
muscle tension and spasm, poor appetite, overeating, digestive disorders,
constipation, insomnia, belabored breathing, neck pain, and shoulder
tension, to name a few.
More than that, stress can cause us to adopt bad habits in an attempt to
cope with the effects of our negative emotions. These bad habits can
include dependence on alcohol, drugs, or painkillers, as well as the excessive
consumption of food and caffeine. These misguided coping strategies then
either cause or further complicate even greater negative effects on the body.
We have all the proof we need that what’s happening in our mind manifests
in our physical selves.
Take Control
Once you understand the power of the mind-body connection, you begin
to see that our thoughts and emotions, and how we handle them, all have
a profound effect on our everyday health and well-being. This means that
during periods of excess stress, the mind-body connection can lead to new or
worsening physical discomfort or injury.
It’s unfortunate that as children we’re rarely taught how to deal with our
feelings. Generally, while we were learning all about reading, writing, math,
Hidden Beneath the Surface
and science, we learned very little about the art of mastering our own
If we were angry and blew up, most likely we were sent to our rooms, or if we
were in school, to the principal’s office. If we were depressed, many of us were
told to snap out of it or to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.
As teens, we were more likely to get lectures and lose privileges than to
have honest conversations about how we were feeling. However, those of us
fortunate enough to have received some instruction along the way may have
avoided the aches and pains that come from raging emotions.
Psychology has shown us that, by far, the most dangerous way to handle
emotions is to deny or repress them. If we don’t learn to express what we feel
in a healthy way, those negative emotions stay in our bodies, sometimes for
years, steadily wearing away our resistance to their destructive powers.
Learning to properly express and deal with our emotions is one of the best
things we can do for our overall health, and especially for chronic pain.
Destructive Emotions
I talked about the damaging impact of stress in chapter 2. Now let’s break it
down even further. When we consider the effects emotions can have on our
systems, we can imagine four different levels of severity.
Level 1: Everyday Stress
Level one is the everyday stress we’re all subjected to, especially with today’s
fast-paced lifestyle. The morning commute, the demands of the job, watching
over our children, managing our relationships, and dealing with daily crises
like no milk, flat tires, forgotten lunches, scraped knees, visiting relatives,
broken sinks, unpaid bills, and sick cats.
Most of us handle these types of stressors fairly well, but there’s no doubt that
unless we are consciously aware of the tension they can cause, they can still
affect our bodies negatively. Without realizing they’re doing it, many people
“hold” tension in their shoulders by clenching those muscles, forgetting to
“let go” of their stress by physically relaxing their bodies.
The End of All Disease
When these muscles are locked up for long periods of time, blood flow slows
down and the unlocking mechanism stops working. The resulting trigger
point or knot can be the beginning of muscle pain. If we don’t take the time
to unwind, burn off stress through exercise, or relax when the day is over, we
may carry that tension to bed, where it will disrupt sleep and interrupt the
healing process the body normally conducts at night.
The negative impact of prolonged stress goes well beyond slow blood flow
and pain-causing tension. Numerous studies have shown a direct connection
between prolonged, high stress levels and a decline in adrenal and thyroid
function, which lie at the roots of several chronic ailments.
The bottom line is this: little stresses can pile up until the body reaches a
tipping point, and that’s when the serious problems start.
Level 2: Stressful Occurrences
In addition to the stress in our everyday lives, we can sometimes experience
events that aren’t necessarily out of the ordinary, but that ratchet up our stress
levels nonetheless.
A car accident, even if we’re not hurt, can rattle us and cause tension that lasts
for hours. A promotion or demotion at work can create weeks of anxiety as
we adapt to the new position. If one of our children is struggling in school,
we may spend hours worrying, contacting teachers, and trying to set up help
for the child.
Unexpected expenses, such as a house repair when we don’t have the money
for it, can elevate our stress levels. Strained relationships with our spouses or
other relatives can stir our stomachs for months.
These events could all be considered “level two” stressors—those that aren’t
part of our normal day-to-day existence, but that can disrupt our regular
routines. Again, how we deal with these events is more important than the
events themselves. If we feel confident that we can handle them and take
gradual steps to do so, we’ll feel much better than if we feel victimized (“Why
me?”) or incapable of solving such problems.
Like level one stressors, level two stressors can constrict blood flow (so it
moves “too slowly” through the body), creating trigger points or knots and,
Hidden Beneath the Surface
ultimately, pain and illness. The difference is that level two stressors can
accelerate the process so that pain results much more quickly and/or becomes
more severe.
Level 3: Major Life Events
As I mentioned earlier, we also have to deal with the “top five” stressors in life:
death, job changes, marriage, divorce, and personal injury.
Experiencing any of these events puts a heavy load on your system. This is
when you must call on all your resources for help: family and friends, support
groups, counselors, doctors, massage therapists, personal trainers, and more.
No matter how you look at it, these events are going to affect you both
physically and emotionally. The key is to put in place all the support you can
so that you can recover as quickly as possible.
Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and talking or journaling
about your feelings all can help you cope.
One thing we often run up against in these situations is the resistance to
taking care of ourselves. It’s not that we’re incapable of self-care, but that
self-care has a negative connotation for us. It’s difficult to admit that we need
some time off, a vacation, someone to talk to, and someone to help us. Too
often, we dive right back into our usual routines without taking the time to
process and reflect on the situation that has just affected us so profoundly.
If you suffer a personal injury, such as a broken leg, severed limb, or heart
attack, you’re forced to remain in the hospital for a certain length of time.
Your body requires that you be still and rest in order to properly recover. We
accept this without question.
Yet, we’re reluctant to believe that our minds and emotions need similar
recovery time after, say, a death in the family or a divorce. This doesn’t make
any sense. Rest and recovery is necessary after any trauma—whether the
trauma is physical or emotional in nature.
In these instances, taking time to get away for a while, to reflect, to journal,
and to provide ourselves proper care goes a long way toward helping us avoid
physical pain in the future.
The End of All Disease
Level 4: Buried Emotions—The Most Destructive Kind
At level four, we encounter the most destructive emotions of all: those that
are repressed or buried.
Most often, these come about as a result of trauma, either in our childhood or
adulthood, which we never completely understood or processed. Childhood
abuse and abandonment, rape, and being witness to a murder or other
violence are all examples of this type of trauma. Wartime events fall under
this category; such incidents can haunt soldiers for years.
These experiences have huge, catastrophic effects on our minds and our
bodies and, if not processed thoroughly, can lodge themselves inside us where
they will continue to hurt us for years to come.
Repressed emotions, like anger, anxiety, and fear, can tighten muscles,
reducing blood flow to areas such as the back and the neck—leading to pain
and illness. Many times, this is an unconscious reaction to the old trauma,
and the person is not even aware of the emotion causing the pain.
As I mentioned in chapter 1, in the 1970s, Dr. John Sarno, a professor at the
New York University School of Medicine, first identified this emotionally
caused form of pain, called Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS). According to
Dr. Sarno, TMS doesn’t respond to normal pain treatments; instead, it keeps
coming back because the underlying cause is untreated, repressed emotions.
The key to solving this type of pain is for the patient to become aware of the
sometimes “hidden” emotions causing it. Dr. Sarno and other doctors advise
patients to “think psychological.”
For individuals who have gone through the usual tests and found no physical
problems causing their pain, the technique of reflecting on one’s emotional
state can be especially helpful. In other words, when the pain strikes, instead
of thinking about the part of the body that must be damaged (“Oh, there
goes my herniated disc” or “Ouch, that muscle is getting me again”), the
patient is told to understand that the body is perfectly fine and to think about
what emotion could be at the root of the pain.
Taking the time to do some thinking about the emotions that might be causing
your pain could be the key to your cure. Oftentimes, simply acknowledging
Hidden Beneath the Surface
the psychological aspect of the pain and identifying the problematic emotion
can diminish its power within days.
The Vicious Cycle
Acknowledging the true source of your discomfort and poor health is crucial
for your recovery. Even if pain and illness are caused by physical factors,
emotions can delay recovery when we ignore them. For example, many people
who suffer from pain caused by physical factors often feel very frustrated by
the experience.
Frustration is an emotional stressor—which, as you may have guessed, can
slow blood flow and make pre-existing pain and illness even worse. This then
doubles the frustration level and the whole cycle repeats itself. Eventually, you
may even start to feel helpless—like there’s no hope for your health or your
quality of life.
Negative emotions feed into pain and illness. This is another reason why it’s
so important to solve your health challenge as quickly as possible—so the
pain or illness will not become chronic. If we try to go about “life as usual,”
we’ll probably fail to give our bodies (and minds) the attention they need
to heal properly, and then we’ll be saddled with pain and disease for weeks,
months, or even years.
This is a dangerous situation because it can be much harder to fix chronic
pain and illness than it is to fix pain and sickness that has existed for only a
short time. Once chronic pain and disease takes hold, it becomes much more
difficult to fend off emotions like frustration and anxiety, which only make
the problem hang around longer.
It doesn’t help that so often our medical community suggests drugs or surgery
for pain and illness symptoms. These “solutions” can cause people stress,
anxiety, and fear, and when they don’t cure the problem, they’ve actually made
it worse by ratcheting up the anxiety surrounding the whole situation—not
to mention all kinds of dangerous and sometimes even deadly side effects.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that we are helpless and only someone else
can heal us, instead of believing the truth: that we have the power to fight
back within ourselves.
The End of All Disease
The effect of such prolonged or recurring stress is that is keeps the autonomic
nervous system from balancing itself, which can lead to problems with the
gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the
neuroendocrine system.
The Power of Positivity
Just as your mind has the power to cause you physical pain and illness, it also
has the power to offer you relief and true health.
A lot has been written lately about the Law of Attraction. The works of
Abraham-Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Eckhart Tolle have given
people a better understanding of the way in which our minds not only affect
but also create our perceptions and our lives. If perception is reality, then what
you think (the content of your mind) forms your belief system. Your belief
system affects how you then see the world and how, in turn, you respond to it.
If you want to be healthy and happy instead of sick and in pain, you have to
readjust your attitude toward health. Healthy people are happy people. And
shifting your attitude from “nothing helps” to “I can make better choices” is
often the key step that offers optimal wellness and emotional fulfillment.
Health and happiness represent a frame of mind that influences your choices.
Making better lifestyle choices leads to wellness and a better quality of life.
It is therefore necessary—and actually, vital—that you work toward thinking
positively about yourself, your life, and your condition. Let your emotions be
your guide in self-regulating stress and its mind-body cycle.
When you feel bad, reframe your mind. Return to the Complete Healing
Formula™ and pay attention to your excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations.
Give yourself credit for the progress you’ve made so far. Looking for and
finding the positive in all aspects of your life will attract more positive
thoughts and feelings, ease your pain, and improve your health.
In the next two chapters, I’ll take you to the opposite end of the emotional
spectrum and show you how much power sleep and happiness can have over
not just your mental health, but your physical health as well.
Hidden Beneath the Surface
Chapter Review
• Although emotions are a natural part of life, in excess, they
can be damaging to your body.
The effects of negative emotions like stress include: nail
biting, anxiety, a racing mind, obsessive thoughts, compulsive
behavior, unending worry, muscle tension and spasm, poor
appetite, overeating, digestive disorders, constipation,
insomnia, poor blood flow, belabored breathing, neck pain,
and shoulder tension, to name a few.
The most dangerous way to handle emotions is to deny or
repress them.
The levels of destructive emotions include: everyday stress,
stressful occurrences, major life events, and buried emotions.
Acknowledging the true source of your emotional discomfort
is crucial for your physical recovery back to optimal health.
Just as a negative mind can cause pain and illness, a positive
mind has the power to offer you relief and healing.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
BrainSync is one of many companies that offers binaural beat audio programs.
You can try their Deep Stress Relief audio program at
The Sedona Method Course
The Sedona Method is a program that aids you with improvement in all areas
of life, including pain relief and recovery. You can find out more about it at
Dr. John Sarno
As he was one of the first to connect the dots between the mental and physical
aspects of back pain, I highly recommend John Sarno’s books. You can learn
more at
Hidden Beneath the Surface
Everything You Need to Know
About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
The Sensational Power of Sleep
Consider this: 71 percent of us don’t get as much sleep as we should. The
ideal number varies from person to person, but on average, most of us need
seven and a half to eight hours of sleep each night. Even if you think you’re
sleeping enough, chances are you’re overestimating how much you’re getting.
And some of us need more than we think.
Sometimes, the problem isn’t about getting into bed; it’s about what happens
when we’re there. Three-quarters of Americans experience insomnia at least
three times a week. And the problem is growing. Nearly fifty-seven million
prescriptions were written last year for people with sleep issues, a 56 percent
increase in the last six years. The number of diagnosable sleep disorders has
grown to eighty-nine, and there are more than two thousand sleep labs in the
US alone.
The consequences of not getting enough sleep (deficiency) may be direr than
you think. Sleep is a fundamental factor in the Wellness Model of Health™,
and sleep deprivation increases your risk of hypertension, heart attacks, and
stroke. It can worsen type 2 diabetes, and there are links between lack of sleep
and certain cancers, periodontal disease, skin problems, and obesity. A lack of
sleep throws your body, your mind, and even your diet out of balance.
It’s obvious that there is a problem here, but luckily, there are also solutions.
As a society, we need to stop treating sleep as a luxury and start viewing it as
a necessity.
This chapter will discuss the different stages of sleep, touch on a few common
sleep disorders, explore the consequences of sleep deprivation, and discuss
ways to tell if you’re sleep deprived. It will also help you figure out what’s
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
keeping you awake, offer tips to get your sleeping schedule on track, and help
you determine when you should get professional help.
The Stages of Sleep: World Sleep Expert Explains
Dr. Jim Maas, one of the leading sleep experts in the world and author of
Sleep for Success, says there are five brainwave stages in the architecture of a
healthy night’s sleep. The first two stages occur in what is known as “sleep
onset.” The third and fourth stages take place in what is referred to as “delta”
sleep. Finally, the fifth and most commonly known stage is called “REM”
Stages 1 and 2: Sleep Onset
This first period of the sleep cycle, known as sleep onset, includes the first two
stages of sleep.
The first stage of sleep is where the sleep cycle begins, and some argue that
it’s not even sleep yet. Here, the transition between wakefulness and sleep
begins. The brain begins to slow down, producing “theta waves,” or slow brain
waves. Generally, sleep onset lasts around ten minutes, and when someone is
awakened during this phase, the individual may not even believe that he or
she was asleep.
In the second stage of sleep, the brain and body undergo more changes. As
the mind continues to slow down, the body begins to produce more rapid
and rhythmic brain waves. At this point, body temperature decreases and the
heart rate typically decreases.
These two stages combined are what many people consider “falling asleep.”
They normally take place in the first fifteen to twenty minutes after you doze
Stages 3 and 4: Delta
The next two stages of sleep are also sometimes perceived as single stage, and
they are characterized by the onset of delta waves. Delta waves are slow brain
waves, which begin to emerge during stage three. The transition from stage
three to stage four takes place when delta waves reach their peak.
The End of All Disease
At the Delta stage, the sleeping person stops responding to noises, activities,
or other things in the environment. This is the stage when people are generally
difficult to wake. At this point, your body and brain cells are restoring
Dr. Maas says that most of us stay in the delta stage of sleep for approximately
one hour. Exceptions are senior citizens or people who take medication for
things like rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, or diabetes. These drugs,
and others, often interfere with your sleep. Maas also notes that type A
personalities generally don’t get enough Delta sleep.
Dr. Maas says this cycle repeats itself every ninety minutes, driven by the
individual’s biological clock. It is important to note, however, that the stages
do not always cycle through in order.
Stage 5: REM
Rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, is when 85 percent of dreams take place.
This is the most well-known stage of sleep. The brain becomes more active at
this point, making it the most likely culprit for the increase in dreaming and
recalled dreams that people experience in this stage.
During REM sleep, voluntary muscles become essentially paralyzed, which
forces them to relax. At the same time, several internal processes speed up.
Respiration increases, as does the brain activity noted above. Eye movement
likewise increases, which is where this stage of sleep gets its name.
For most people, stage 2 sleep precedes and follows stage 3 before progressing
on to stage 4. The most critical thing is to have a full sleep cycle, including
the restorative delta stages, before you wake up again.
Sleep Apnea
I’ve mentioned that there are many different sleep disorders. One of the most
common of these is sleep apnea.
With a staggering 95 percent of cases going undiagnosed and more than
eighteen million American sufferers, sleep apnea is a very dangerous disorder.
In fact, Dr. Maas says that if you take sleeping pills or drink too much alcohol,
you could literally die in your sleep.
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
We define sleep apnea as heavy snoring that causes repetitive pauses in
breathing. This heavy snoring is caused by an obstruction in the airway
passage. Sufferers hold their breath for thirty, sixty, even ninety seconds and
then they gasp for air. This disruption of homeostasis can happen from six
to seven hundred times a night, and you wake for a microsecond to resume
breathing each time.
Those with sleep apnea find themselves exhausted during the day, but they
don’t know why. Those who live with someone who has sleep apnea can suffer
because of the loud and continuous snoring that often the snorer isn’t even
aware of. The problem even goes beyond fatigue and lack of sleep, because
sleep apnea can also lead to heart disease.
Danger comes in when alcohol and sleeping pills are involved because sufferers
can be rendered unable to wake themselves up to breathe.
Weight also plays a factor in sleep apnea. Dr. Maas says that what happens is
usually the affected person, typically (though not exclusively) an overweight
male, has his upper airway obstructed. This causes the throat muscles to
collapse, blocking the lungs from getting air until he wakes up.
One step toward relief is to lose weight. Another step is to outfit the sufferer
with a CPAP, or a continuous positive airway pressure machine. A CPAP
sends a steady stream of air pressure through the nasal cavity with a small
mask that is worn through the night to keep the airway passage open.
If left untreated, the heavy breathing, gasping, and snoring can build up
heart muscle around the left ventricle by squeezing it, reducing its size and
increasing your blood pressure. This makes fatal heart attacks and strokes
more likely, in addition to the everyday dangers of sleeplessness.
Because many are in denial about their sleep apnea, or they have apprehension
about using a CPAP, they choose not to get treatment. If someone you care
about doesn’t want to get help for whatever reason, remind him or her that
the treatment is crucial for their longevity and that it is noninvasive. Be sure
to add that following treatment they will experience energy levels that they
didn’t know were possible.
The End of All Disease
Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
No matter what’s causing your sleeplessness, the consequences of this serious
deficiency are both numerous and dangerous. One danger is becoming
drowsy at inappropriate times. In an interview I had with him, Dr. Maas
cited the example of micro-sleeping while you’re behind the wheel. You can
fall asleep for thirty to sixty seconds with your eyes wide open; meanwhile,
your brain is fully asleep.
I mentioned earlier that sleep deprivation can be a factor in hypertension,
heart attacks, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, periodontal disease, skin
problems, and obesity. But as bad as those are, the list doesn’t stop there.
There are also consequences to lack of sleep that don’t manifest themselves
physically. Losing your sense of humor, not wanting to socialize, and not
liking to perform teamwork are all possible side effects of sleep deprivation
that impact the quality of your daily life.
Dr. Maas says that basically anything that requires motor skills will suffer
from sleep deprivation. For example, your golf game or piano playing will
not be at your usual level.
Decreased cognitive performance is another risk. You may have a reduced
ability to process material, concentrate, remember, communicate, write or
speak well, multitask, and be creative when you haven’t gotten enough sleep.
Your decision-making can also be affected by inadequate sleep, which can
make for bad calls whether it concerns your stocks or your behind-the-wheel
Something else to consider is your workplace performance. This is a time
when less does not equal more. Dr. Maas talks about a person up for hire or a
promotion at work. When the boss asks the person how many hours of sleep
they get each night, they might answer that they only need six, thinking that
it makes them sound tough and efficient. In reality, if you hire someone who
only sleeps six hours a night, you’re hiring someone who potentially suffers
from the above-mentioned consequences.
Dr. Maas, who is also a professor, says it’s no coincidence that when he’s
giving final exams, everybody is coughing and sneezing. Long hours spent
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
cramming and fewer hours spent asleep make students especially susceptible
to sickness.
How to Tell If You’re Sleep Deprived
Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow? If you’re on a flight,
are your eyes closed before the cabin door shuts? Do you boast that you can
sleep anytime, anywhere?
If so, Dr. Maas says you are pathologically sleep deprived. He likens it to
having someone place a fifteen-course French meal in front of you. If you eat
it in two minutes, it isn’t good nutrition—it just means you are starving. So
for those of you who fall asleep right away, you are starved for sleep.
There are five questions Dr. Maas asks to determine whether people are sleep
1. Do warm rooms, boring meetings, heavy meals, or lots of alcohol
make you drowsy?
2. Are you asleep within five minutes of getting into bed?
3. Do you rely on an alarm clock to wake up?
4. Are you constantly hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock?
5. Do you sleep more on your days off?
According to Dr. Maas, if you answer yes to two or more of these questions,
you may be pathologically sleep deprived and you should make a change
in order to live a long, active, healthy, and energetic life. However, if you
answered “yes” to two or more of the questions and feel that you are getting
enough sleep, your hormones may be off; your adrenal glands may be fatigued
and your cortisol levels may be high or low. Look into it, and figure out where
you have an excess, deficiency, or stagnation in your health.
What’s Keeping You Awake?
Sleep is often considered a luxury when, in actuality, it is anything but.
Maybe you think you only need six or six-and-a-half hours of sleep. Chances
are, if you were to get that extra hour, you would say, “I never knew what it
The End of All Disease
was like to be awake before.” Rather than consider a full eight hours of sleep
as indulgent, we need to view it as necessary and plan accordingly.
Kids typically need nine and a quarter hours of sleep in order to be fully
alert the next day. Many kids are getting six hours, which is three less than
they need. Homework, sports, social life, and stress about college are all
contributing factors. But the biggest culprit by far, Dr. Maas says, is Facebook.
He said that kids are spending four to five hours nightly online.
And it’s not just kids. A recent survey said that 95 percent of Americans
watch TV, play computer games, or are online within one hour of going to
bed. There are many reasons why this is not good. One reason is that these
activities can get your adrenaline going. But the worst thing is that our TVs,
monitors, iPads and the like emit bright daylight spectrum blue light, which
is an alerting mechanism. He likens it to going out into the bright daylight
for an hour or two and then trying to go right to sleep.
Dr. Maas adds that the blue light is what drives our biological clock and our
circadian rhythm. If you must use your devices close to bedtime, he suggests
an app that cuts out the blue light or daylight spectrum blocking glasses.
In addition to the physical stimulants that disrupt our sleep patterns, society
can play a part as well.
Some people have trouble saying no. They have a hard time reconciling that
they have limitations and they end up compensating for this by sleeping less.
But this compromises your health, and you have to realize that it isn’t possible
to go to school, then go to work, then go to practice, do homework, and
expect to get a full night’s sleep. Realistically, something has to give, but it
shouldn’t be your sleep.
I believe most people are spending way too much time on devices, and not
nearly enough time resting. Resting includes sleep, and even goes beyond
it: being alone, being out in nature, having time to think. Our go-go-go
lifestyles are one of the biggest causes of disease.
If you have an addiction to technology, try to wean yourself off of it. Start by
taking short periods of time to yourself. Even an hour will help. Then increase
the amount of time until you can go days without cell phones, iPads, laptops,
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
TVs, and radios in your space. Just be alone with yourself, and you’ll start to
see the restorative effects of true rest.
How to Get Your Sleep Schedule on Track
Once you admit that you need a full night of rest, there are a few basic
guidelines you can follow to ensure it.
Dr. Maas says that you should keep your room quiet and dark, and that you
should set the temperature to be about sixty-seven degrees, though your best
bet is to find the temperature that feels comfortable to you. Keep no clocks,
TVs, or other devices nearby.
I personally recommend avoiding caffeine completely. We don’t need it, and
most people overuse it and burn out their adrenal glands in the process,
forcing themselves to power through when their bodies are really asking to
rest and recharge. But if you absolutely have to have that cup of coffee, stop
your caffeine intake after two o’clock in the afternoon. Also, consider spacing
out your coffee and drinking two ounces per hour rather than a single giant
serving in the morning.
You should also avoid alcohol within three hours of bedtime, as it is a
stimulant. While you may think that you slept great following drinking
alcohol, Dr. Maas says that though you may have fallen right asleep, you were
up every ninety minutes after that in REM sleep.
This next tip might come as a surprise: that early morning workout routine
that has you up before the sun could be damaging you. Dr. Maas says that
anyone who gets up early and exercises first thing is actually doing themselves
harm. He cautions that it is dangerous to be running on a treadmill when
what you should be doing is sleeping.
Even if you are getting your full eight hours of sleep, avoid the temptation
to immediately begin pounding the pavement, unless that feels very natural
to you. Try stretching for at least thirty minutes first, because overnight fluid
builds between the discs in your spinal cord, and if you don’t release the
pressure prior to exercising, this can lead to lower back problems and possibly
a herniated disc.
The End of All Disease
Plan your workouts for the time of day when you feel the most energized.
Many people find that exercising between five and seven o’clock in the
evening. or at lunchtime gives them optimal results.
A hot bath right before bed and some easy stretching will increase your body
temperature, and then it will plummet when you get into bed, which will lull
you into a deep sleep faster and for longer.
For type A personalities, set aside a “brain-dump time” to write down all of
your concerns before you go to sleep so that they don’t wake you in the night.
Dr. Maas also cautions against going to bed too early, which can induce
inefficient sleep. You can try staying up late for a few nights and then slowly
pulling back your bedtime by fifteen to twenty minutes a week until you’re
going to bed in time to get eight hours of sleep.
Ultimately, you need to determine what your own sleep need is and aim for
that every night. You also need a regular sleep-wake schedule, meaning you
go to bed and wake up at the same time every single day. Our body has one
biological clock, not one for the work week and one for the weekend, and it’s
vital that you adjust yours for your optimum health.
Your Bed and Pillows
Many people ignore the importance of a good bed and a good pillow. I
suggest a pillow that keeps your head, neck and spine in alignment as if you
are standing up.
People tend to keep pillows for ten or more years, in which time they gather
dust mites and begin to sag. One test to see if your pillow is good is to fold it
in half, and if it doesn’t spring forward, it’s time for a new one.
Your mattress might also need replacing. It’s been said that, typically, the
weight of a mattress doubles over ten years because of the accumulation of dust
mites. The next time you carry an old mattress, notice that it wasn’t nearly as
heavy as it is now back when you bought it. You can find my suggestions for
great mattresses in the Recommended Resources at the end of this chapter.
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
Test Your Rest
Though you might feel you’re being efficient by putting in an extra-long
workday, Dr. Maas says anything you do after being awake for sixteen hours
is worthless.
Try doing an experiment over two or three weeks in which you go to bed in
time to get eight hours of sleep regardless of whether your work is finished.
You will find that you are so much more efficient during your daytime hours
that you’ll actually have time left over at the end of your day.
Are Sleeping Pills an Option?
Many sleeping pills can induce a deep sleep, but with these, you won’t get
the ninety-minute cycle you need. Instead, you stay in Delta sleep (stages 3
and 4), and Dr. Maas says that is bad because stages 1 and 2 and REM sleep
are crucial for memory consolidation and transferring the day’s short-term
memory information into permanent long-term memory.
This is where information connects with other concepts called mental
memory traces, which boost performance. Your organs also can’t heal and
repair themselves if you skip out on your normal sleep cycle.
Dr. Maas says this is the origin of the expression “sleep on it.” While you are
asleep, your brain works hard to find a solution for any problems it couldn’t
solve during the day.
When to Get Help
I’ve covered several aspects of how your mind and emotions can have a positive
or negative impact on your health. A rested mind is more able to deal with the
stress of daily life or a painful, frightening medical situation. And more than
that, it bridges the gap between mind and body, giving you a gateway into the
Complete Healing Formula™.
Sleep is essential to the body’s ability to heal itself. Earlier in this chapter, I
discussed the link between sleep and heart disease, hypertension, and more.
Many studies show that these ailments result from the inflammation that
develops in the body from a deficiency of sleep.
The End of All Disease
If you have a sleep problem that persists for more than three weeks, Dr. Maas
says you should visit an accredited sleep disorder center rather than your
doctor. A primary care physician might offer you a sleeping pill, tell you it’s
part of life, or tell you to “suck it up.”
This is why visiting an accredited sleep disorder center is so important. Even
if your doctor is trained in sleep apnea, they might not be knowledgeable
about the other eighty-eight sleep disorders known to exist. For instance, they
might not know how to treat sleepwalking or sleep talking.
So when it comes to sleep issues, it’s important to realize when to get help and
where to get it. I recommend that you find a very experienced naturopathic
doctor for this. You want someone who can look at everything that affects
your sleep and your health as a whole, identifying excesses, deficiencies, and
stagnations in your sleeping habits.
The right kind of sleep in the right amounts can seriously boost your health
and quality of life. So if you’re thinking that sleep isn’t important or that you
don’t need it, you should put those thoughts to bed.
As important as sleep is, however, we can’t stay in bed 24/7. The next chapter
will demonstrate the connection between families and communities, and
show you how you can use that connection to improve your health and
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
Chapter Review
• A full 71 percent of Americans don’t get as much sleep as
they should.
Sleep deprivation can increase your chances of hypertension,
heart attacks, and stroke. It can also worsen type 2 diabetes,
and it may be connected to periodontal disease, skin
problems, obesity, and certain cancers.
The stages of sleep include sleep onset, delta, and REM
sleep, all of which are important for restoring homeostasis
in the body.
Sleep apnea—heavy snoring caused by an obstruction in the
airway passage—is one of the most common sleep disorders,
and 95 percent of cases go undiagnosed.
It’s possible that you may be sleep deprived if you experience
two or more of the following five symptoms:
o Warm rooms, boring meetings, heavy meals, or lots
of alcohol make you drowsy.
o You are asleep within five minutes of getting into
o You rely on an alarm clock to wake you up.
o You constantly hit the snooze button on your alarm
o You sleep more on your days off.
Blue light from TVs, monitors, iPads, and similar devices
stimulate our systems and interfere with sleep if used within
one hour of going to bed.
To improve your quality of sleep, keep your room quiet
and dark, set the temperature to one that’s comfortable for
you, do not keep electronic devices nearby, stop drinking
caffeine, avoid alcohol within three hours of bedtime, and
don’t go to bed too early.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Natural Sleep Kit
The Natural Sleep Kit offers a comprehensive natural approach to improving
your sleep. You can learn more at
Dr. Jim Maas
As one of the world’s leading sleep experts, Dr. Maas’s work has been crucial
to our understanding of sleep. You can learn more at
Recommended Mattresses
Looking for a mattress that supports great sleep? I personally use and
recommend all-natural rubber and latex mattresses. You can learn
more about great mattresses approved by the Healthy Back Institute at
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep, but Aren’t Hearing
Happiness: The Heart of Health
Heart-Healthy Happiness
Imagine this. You have two neighboring US towns. They’re awfully similar—
same mix of occupations and socio-economic statuses, same type of
neighborhoods, same income level ranges, races, and even the same water
and food supplies. But there’s one big difference.
Town A suffers from the same staggering rates of heart disease and incidence
of heart attacks as the rest of the county. And Town B is quite the opposite.
The residents of Town B enjoy unparalleled good heart health compared to
just about everywhere else—even Town A, their nearest neighbors.
We’ve established that the people in these two towns eat the same foods,
drink the same water, and work the same kinds of jobs. Many of them even
work at the same places. So what’s different for the residents of Town B that’s
keeping them heart healthy?
In a word: happiness.
Happiness is a powerful part of the mental aspect of true health, and we see
that clearly in this example. The people in Town B enjoy strong family and
cultural ties—so strong that no single person ever feels that they must face
life’s inevitable difficulties alone. There is always someone to turn to, someone
to help them through hard times. As for the most immediate effect of this
strongly woven community on its inhabitants, they are markedly happier
than the average American.
What if I were to tell you that Town B was a real place? Believe it or not, this
is true.
The real life Town B was Roseto, Pennsylvania, a charming but otherwise
unremarkable village in the eastern part of the state. Two doctors in the
area noticed this difference in the incidence of heart disease and coronary
Happiness: The Heart of Health
infarctions between Roseto and neighboring towns. On a quest for greater
understanding, they teamed up with researchers to find out why—and just
in time.
Before 1962, heart disease was rare in Roseto. The researchers started their
work around the time that the US’s heart health crisis was finally beginning
to catch up with the people of Roseto. These investigators arrived in the town
armed with the knowledge that this was a markedly healthier place to live,
determined to root out the cause.
These investigators stayed in Roseto for many years, and their findings were
published in the book, The Power of Clan: The Influence of Human Relationships
on Heart Disease, by Stewart Wolf and John G. Bruhn. In this chapter, I’ll share
what these researchers learned about how being happier made the Rosetans
healthier, and how we can apply the same principles to our own lives today to
achieve the same results, using the Complete Healing Formula™.
What’s Their Secret?
Since the 1960s, American consumers have been bombarded with information
telling us one of the best and most important ways to avoid coronary heart
disease is to reduce our intake of animal fats like butter, eggs, and lard.
So imagine our researchers’ surprise when they found out that the normal diet
of nearly half of all Rosetans, who had the lowest comparative rates of heart
disease in the entire country, included frying much of their food in lard!
In fact, the time period during which the incidence of heart disease and heart
attacks began to rise to meet the national average in Roseto came only after
its residents began to change their diet in response to the national panic about
the dangers of fat and cholesterol and their relationship to coronary disease.
That’s right. After they started cutting out lard and eggs, the Rosetans started
seeing higher rates of heart problems. This certainly flies in the face of the
conventional wisdom.
Researchers have known for years that cholesterol concentration in the
body is worse during marked periods of emotional stress. Indeed, multiple
groups of researchers have found higher values of cholesterol during stressful
The End of All Disease
periods than otherwise. But for some reasons, this understanding has failed to
penetrate the national consciousness.
The Rosetan study revealed an even more important finding related to the
Rosetans’ diet and their hearth health. The Rosetans who were starting to
develop heart disease consistently showed significant shifts in their eating
patterns before the onset of the disease. And the number one related factor in
the equation was stress.
During times of stress, Rosetans were found to eat much more or much less
food than usual. A subsequent ten-year study of patients who had suffered
documented, serious heart attacks showed a clear and highly predictive
pattern of eating either more or less when anxious or depressed.
So what does all this mean?
Taken together, what these studies show is that patterns of stress are a better
predictor of coronary heart disease than diet. Or put another way: happiness
literally makes us healthier.
The Right Focus
Another major finding in the Rosetan study was the relationship between
the happiness and health of the people to their attitudes about wealth and
Regardless of their income or educational levels, Rosetans showed a remarkable
tendency to avoid displays of ostentation or flaunting money. In fact, this was
considered a pretty serious taboo within their community, flying in the face
of the burgeoning consumer culture that had taken hold of much of the rest
of the country at that time.
Instead of shopping in the bigger stores in other, nearby towns, Rosetans
preferred—almost exclusively—to patronize local small businesses. And when
times were hard, the close-knit families and groups of extended family and
friends in town knew they could rely on one another for mutually understood
assistance offered in a friendly spirit of service.
In short, Rosetans looked out for one another—in both good times and
bad. They treated each other with respect and knew they could count on
Happiness: The Heart of Health
one another. And while they lived this way, they were among the healthiest
people in the country.
But as time wore on, outside cultural influences became more prominent
in the town. Educational levels were on the rise, as were outside business
contacts. Gradually, people in the town became less family-centered, and less
willing to make economic sacrifices for the common good of the family or
the broader community.
At first, Rosetans who enjoyed greater wealth than average were discrete
in their enjoyment of this advantage. Weekend trips to places like Atlantic
City for pleasure and entertainment were not uncommon, but when the
vacationers returned home, their behavior was modest and circumspect.
In other words, wealth was fine, and having goals was fine too. But over time,
the lure of consumer culture made its way into town.
People began to obsess over money, and they started working too much. A
handful of luxury cars began to appear in driveways across Roseto. People
who could afford to began to join country clubs. Short trips to Atlantic City
were abandoned for longer vacations in Las Vegas and tropical cruises.
Soon, new estate-style houses began to spring up on the edges of town, far
away from its tightly connected epicenter, where neighbors who’d known
each other all their lives congregated in each other’s kitchens and garages,
keeping each other company from day to day. Life for families who moved
outside of town was more luxurious to be sure, but it was also lonelier.
In the study, this loneliness (a deficiency) that accompanied the abandonment
of the traditional, interconnected way of life of the town for a more modern,
consumer-oriented lifestyle was shown to be connected to greater excesses
of stress, anxiety, and depression, and higher incidence of heart disease and
heart attacks.
Ruminating on the effect of this influx of materialism to the town during a
visit to Roseto in 1974, reporter Robert Oppedisano wrote:
What they gave up was the protective culture of peasant Italy . . .
What they got in return was the chance to become Americans—
rich ones, troubled ones, real ones . . . The past lingers in Roseto,
The End of All Disease
where rootedness and continuity are almost mythic qualities . . .
The present, for all its rewards—and Roseto is a prosperous
town—never fully satisfied” (IAM Magazine).
He got that last bit especially right. When we focus on materialistic desires,
we are never fully satisfied. But when we focus on people, the benefits to our
happiness and health are undeniable.
The Science of Community
One of the single biggest factors in the greater heart health once enjoyed
by the people of Roseto has been shown to be the extent to which each and
every person who lived there felt that they were an important part of a larger
community—a community that cared about them, that would always be
there to support them if and when they needed help.
Regular gatherings of community and local groups—combined with a
significantly higher number of three-generation families—made Roseto
a shining beacon of community support. Being part of a thriving, closely
connected community made the Rosetans happier, and thus, healthier.
Our understanding of how the brain works has evolved to the point that
new light can be shed on the direct health benefits of this kind of human
Here is what we’ve learned. Our brains process sensory input from the outside
world in a way that makes use of stored memory to interpret that sensory
information. While most of this process occurs, presumably, in the frontal
cortex of the brain, the behavioral decisions that result from this informational
processing are thought to open the electrochemical pathways known to act on
the heart, blood vessels, and other organs of the body.
In other words, our perceptions of our environment—and particularly of our
relationship to other people within that environment—not only strongly shape
how we think and behave, but also the messages that our brains send to our
bodies along the pathways of our nervous systems about how we feel physically.
The supportive social environment found in Roseto before the rise of
consumer culture there fostered a sense among its residents that they were
being nourished emotionally, which resulted in increased heart health. Over
Happiness: The Heart of Health
the years, as this sense of community gradually deteriorated, the rate of heart
disease steadily increased.
This goes to show how powerful the positive, restful social time we spend
with friends and family can really be.
Happiness and the Mind-Body Connection
As discussed in chapter 2, it’s well-documented that how we feel emotionally
and spiritually has a direct correlation with our physical health.
The productivity of workers is known to be higher when they’re shown that
their superiors are concerned about their comfort and well-being. Similarly,
babies who are cuddled and shown loving affection are known to be healthier
than those who aren’t.
So it should come as no surprise that when we feel lonely, isolated, or uncared
for, rates of illness and disease skyrocket.
What this means, literally, is that paying attention to our relative happiness
and connectedness to other people is as important to our health as getting
enough sleep, exercise, and nutrients.
One place where this can especially be seen to be true is in the elderly
“Keep busy and stay active” is the common advice given to older people
who want to stay healthy. This is of course in response to the phenomenon
of elderly adults who see a rapid deterioration in health accompanied by
higher rates of stress, anxiety, and depression after retirement and during the
declining years—which are accompanied by the increasingly frequent deaths
of friends, family and loved ones.
The stark truth is that when we cease to feel useful and wanted—or when
we feel disconnected from our family, friends, and life purpose—our broken
spirits result in quickly declining health, and all too often, accelerated death.
The Power of Gratitude
Renowned sociologist Georg Simmel once said that gratitude is “the moral
memory of mankind.” He went on to explain that if the sensation of gratitude
The End of All Disease
and the actions we take in response to it were to suddenly disappear from
human society, civilization itself would fall apart.
He is correct. Not only is gratitude the glue that holds our society together,
but it may just be the ultimate key to living a happier, healthier life.
Social science research over the last decade has found that if we ignore the
power of gratitude as a force for good in our lives, we do so at our own peril.
Studies show that, unsurprisingly, gratitude is a key contributing factor to
human health, happiness, and social connection.
One particular study, carried out by researchers at the University of Miami,
sought to shed new light on the role that gratitude plays in human happiness.
Three groups of participants were sought out for their first experiment: the
first group would be encouraged to feel gratitude, the second, to be negative
and irritable, and the third would be a neutral control group.
For ten weeks, all participants kept a short journal, with entries listing five
things that had happened during each week. At the end of the ten weeks,
participants who had been prompted to focus on what they were grateful for
in these journal entries reported feeling 25 percent more optimistic about the
future than participants in the other two conditions.
This in itself is astounding. But what’s more, the gratitude group also reported
experiencing fewer symptoms of physical illness than their counterparts in
the other two groups.
In a follow-up study, a group of adults with neuromuscular disorders—
including symptoms of fatigue, progressive muscle weakness, muscle and
joint pain, and muscular atrophy—were put to a similar test. This time,
participants in the gratitude group showed significantly more positive
emotions and general contentment than the control group, and showed fewer
negative emotions as well.
Also commonly reported: participants in the gratitude group felt more
optimistic, and closer and more connected to other people. This was true
even for many participants who lived alone and did not actually increase the
amount of time they spent with other people.
Happiness: The Heart of Health
What is truly remarkable about this study’s results is that the change seen in
the gratitude group was noticed not only by the participants themselves, but
also by their loved ones. Reports the researchers received from the spouses
of study participants showed that those in the gratitude group had begun to
behave in a way demonstrating increased outward happiness compared to
people in the control group.
Participants in the gratitude condition even reported sleeping more hours
each night, falling asleep more quickly, and feeling better rested in the
morning. Given that—as previously discussed—poor sleeping habits are one
of the key predictors of poor overall health, this finding of the study gains
added importance.
Cultivating a sense of gratitude in our lives is important not only because it
makes us more likely to support and help others, but also because it has been
proven to make us happier and healthier.
Live Happier and Healthier
In this chapter, we’ve seen that how happy you are directly affects your physical
health, and that your happiness is strongly affected by important factors like
how connected you feel to other people—particularly to your community
and your loved ones—and how conscious you are of feeling grateful for the
good in your life.
For this reason, tending to excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in our
emotional health and well-being is just as important to the Wellness Model
of Health™ as caring for our physical needs. We need to take time to restore
our minds, either through our positive relationships, quiet hours alone with
ourselves, or both. Keep this firmly in mind as you continue along your
personal path to improved health and holistic wellness through homeostasis.
I’ve taken you through several mental dimensions of how your mind can
impact your health and well-being in the previous chapters. But as I noted
in chapter 1, the Complete Healing Formula™ relies on three core principles:
mind, body, and diet. In the next few chapters, I’ll take you through the
physical aspects of your health, starting with two key factors that most people
overlook: toxins and parasites.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Patterns of stress are a better predictor of coronary heart
disease than diet.
When we focus on materialistic desires, we are never fully
satisfied, but when we focus on people, we experience
emotional and physical health benefits.
Paying attention to our happiness is as important to our
health as getting enough sleep, exercise, and nutrients.
Gratitude is a major key to leading a happy, healthy life.
Happiness makes us healthier!
Happiness: The Heart of Health
Recommended Resources
The Power of Clan: The Influence of Human Relationships on Heart Disease by
Stewart Wolf and John G. Bruhn
Learn more about the Rosetan community in this book.
The End of All Disease
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins
and Parasites
Own Your Health
I am a big proponent of a fundamental wellness philosophy known as “self
health.” I believe, along with many pioneering clinicians and researchers, that
you can take responsibility for your own health and well-being, rather than
simply relying on others to maintain these things for you.
That’s why a big part of the Wellness Model of Health™ is learning to
understand your own excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations—so that you can
correct them.
So many people are not used to taking care of their own health. Instead, they
depend solely on the advice and treatment of outside sources such as doctors
and other experts. And even though this paradigm is beginning to change,
the misinformation out there sometimes comes with negative consequences.
For example, many individuals are beginning to taking control of their health
through diet, though this sometimes leads to ill effects, given the various
fad-diets currently on the market. Nonetheless, one big opportunity for
everyone to practice “self health” lies in what we allow into our bodies—with
or without food.
I am primarily talking about two things here: toxins and parasites. Toxins
and parasites assault almost everyone on a daily and even an hourly basis,
throwing off our natural state of homeostasis between body, mind, and diet.
Most people are aware that many of the modern conveniences we enjoy come
with a price: exposure to toxic chemicals used in the manufacture of many
products and articles we use every day.
However, less is commonly known about the extent to which we’re exposed
these toxic pollutants, their sources in our lives, and the specific health issues
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
associated with them. Dr. Hulda Clark’s work has been instrumental in
shedding light on these topics, as I will explore in detail shortly.
But while most people understand that there are toxins in our environment,
fewer of us are aware of the prevalence of parasites that also assault our health
almost as regularly. Many are surprised to hear that there is a connection
between parasites and illness. And yet clinical research exists that points to a
connection between parasites like flatworms and illnesses as varied as diabetes,
cancer, asthma, and multiple sclerosis.
This chapter will cover the dangers associated with exposure to toxins and
invasive parasites, and how we can eliminate them from our bodies.
A Lesser-Known Cause of Infection, Illness, and Disease
Sick people want to get well. But historically speaking, in order to even have
a hope of achieving this, they’ve had to rely on doctors, and on paying those
doctors huge sums of money for treatment and medicines to get themselves
What if I told you that two of the leading causes of infection, illness, and
disease were things you could diagnose and treat yourself, cheaply and
relatively easily?
Dr. Clark’s work on the root causes of all types of illnesses has yielded two
ground-breaking discoveries. First, that the real cause of a number of illnesses
can be traced to toxic pollutants and parasites. And second, that toxins can be
avoided and parasites can be killed with electricity. In other words, if you’re
struggling to reclaim your health even after addressing the excess, deficiencies
and stagnations you can identify, you should consider getting tested for
parasites and toxins.
To be clear, killing parasites that have invaded your body and are making
you sick will not make you well overnight. But it can jumpstart your body’s
natural ability to heal itself. Likewise, it can make the traditional medicines
and treatments you receive from your doctors, pharmacists, and other medical
experts far more effective—or even totally unnecessary—by eliminating the
source of your health problems rather than just disguising your symptoms.
The End of All Disease
This life-changing information could revolutionize the way we understand
and treat diseases and other illnesses. Imagine a world without diabetes, high
blood pressure, cancer, migraines, lupus, and a host of other chronic illnesses
that sap our health, energy, time, and resources, or even lead directly to the
deaths of ourselves and our loved ones.
A world free of these diseases is possible if we educate ourselves about the
effects of toxins and parasites on our health, and if we work to eliminate them
from our lives and our bodies. Let’s look at each of these two invaders one at
a time, beginning with toxins.
Toxins and Your Health
It comes as no surprise that exposure to toxic chemicals and substances
present in the world around us promote ill health.
Toxic pollutants are all the non-living things around us that don’t belong in
your body because they interfere with its ability to work the way it’s supposed
to. As long as they stay outside of your body, they don’t pose a problem. This is
why you can safely wear plastic eyeglasses and clothing. Unfortunately, these
pollutants make it into our bodies far more often—and far more easily—than
we’d like to imagine.
Our bodies react to invaders, large or small. You can probably recall a time
when you had something stuck in your eye. Beyond just being an annoyance,
your body increased tear production to try to flush out the invader. Eventually,
the tears and your hands worked together to expel the foreign object.
Your body will do the same thing with toxins, whether the invasive toxic
intruder is large or small, deadly or not. Like a militia defending its home turf
against an invading force, your immune system will rush to do battle with
this invader. Even at the microscopic level, this fact remains true.
In the form of environmental pollutants, toxins can invade your body through
the air you breathe, the foods and beverages you consume, and the products
you use on your hair and skin. These things come from places we’re told are
safe and non-toxic. And once the toxins are in your system, they start causing
trouble for your health.
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
Types of Toxins
Many people are familiar with some of the basic sources of these kinds of
toxins, such as commercial products used for cleaning, personal hygiene, and
beauty. Likewise, most people are aware of things to look out for such as
mercury in the water we drink and the fish we eat, heavy metals from old
dental fillings, and fluoride in our water supply.
What is lesser known is that similar toxins are also present in our clothing,
jewelry, and furniture. For instance, some types of clothing are treated with
fire retardant chemicals. Some cookware is coated in chemicals that makes
metal surfaces nonstick or scratch resistant. And certain mattresses—like any
foam product—are manufactured using formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
Exposure to these things can make you sick.
The sad reality is that we are bombarded every day with toxic substances that
can harm our health, and many people are unaware of the negative effect of
this kind of exposure. Below is a list of the types of toxins we’re exposed to
every day, along with some of the effects they can have on our bodies.
Solvents are compounds that work to dissolve other substances, and not all
of them are unhealthy. In fact, water—which makes up a huge percentage of
our bodies—is a solvent.
However, many solvents dissolve fats, which can make them very dangerous
to our health. This is because fats form the membrane of every cell wall in our
bodies, especially our nerve cells.
Solvents like benzene can enter our bodies through the air we breathe—
especially if we’re around a lot of cigarette smoke or gas fumes—and compromise
the immune system. Other solvents that can harm our health include xylene,
toluene, wood alcohol, methylene chloride, and trichloroethane (TCE).
Likewise, sodas can contain solvents such as methanol and isopropyl alcohol,
which are known to attract parasites in the body. Commercially bottled water
is usually packaged using plastics, which can allow chemicals that include
solvents to leech into the liquids they contain. If you need to buy bottled
water, look for companies that use glass or, at minimum, BPA-free plastic.
The End of All Disease
Even tap water is treated with numerous chemicals like fluoride. Spring water
is the safest water you can drink, followed by well water, and even those
should be filtered.
Our bodies need some metals to survive. For instance, the copper we get from
consuming meat and vegetables is essential to our health. Inorganic copper,
on the other hand—that finds its way into our bodies from water boiled in a
copper-bottomed kettle or transported through the copper plumbing found
in many older homes—is carcinogenic.
Mercury amalgam dental fillings, while deemed safe by the American Dental
Association, should not be used due to safety issues. Even worse, sometimes
the mercury used in this procedure is contaminated with thallium, which is
even more toxic than mercury.
Pure metals present in the body spell trouble for our health.
Physical Toxins
Physical toxins are often breathed into the body in dust form. Our bodies
typically react to breathing in dust by sneezing or coughing the dust out.
You would never intentionally swallow a broken piece of glass, but if the
insulation in your home or office building is left improperly sealed, that is
exactly what you’re doing—breathing in microscopic particles of fiberglass.
This means that any hole made in your ceiling or wall, however small, lets
this in as well. Chronic exposure to fiberglass inhalation can lead to cyst
formation—and cysts are a perfect place for parasites and bacteria to settle in
the body and multiply. Fiberglass or asbestos—the latter of which has been
mostly eliminated from construction materials at this point, but can still get
onto your clothing via your clothes dryer’s air belt—are often found in cancer
patients with solid tumors.
Chemical Toxins
Some of the most common toxins in this category are the chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) or Freon that enter our homes and workplaces via air conditioners
and refrigerator coils. It’s fairly well-known that CFCs are believed to have
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
caused the ozone hole above the South Pole. What is less known is that cancer
patients test positive for CFCs in their cancerous organs.
In her research into the link between toxins and poor health, Dr. Clark found
preliminary evidence that CFCs attract other pollutants, such as fiberglass
and metals, and encourage tumor-growth instead of allowing the body to
naturally excrete these substances.
Other chemical toxins we’re regularly exposed to include arsenic used in
pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which although banned
from industrial use, are commonly found in most commercial soaps and
The bottom line is that if you’re not really paying attention to your immediate
environment or the things you’re putting on and in your body, you can be
exposed to a variety of toxic substances that can have a negative effect on your
How to Avoid Toxins
At this point, you might be a little shocked. You might even be thinking,
“How can you live a civilized life if you can’t use all these products?”
The good news is that, over the last twenty years, there has been an enormous
growth in awareness about these kinds of issues. This has resulted in a variety
of solutions to the problem of toxins in the products we use to make our lives
better and easier.
This could be as easy as buying natural fabrics or pans made of a different
metal. Or it could just mean using improved products for your household
that are designed to be natural and non-toxic.
More and more companies are developing products that can get the job
done without exposing you and your family to dangerous toxins. And with
the rise of the internet and online product reviews, information about these
products, as well as the products themselves, are available to just about
anyone, anywhere.
Some people will balk at healthier alternative products and foods, complaining
that they’re too expensive. “I can’t shop at the organic market. I can’t afford
The End of All Disease
that,” they say. But meanwhile, they’re watching TV, they’re eating out all the
time, and they’ve got cellphones. Essentially, they’re investing in conveniences
and entertainment, but they’re not willing to invest in their own health.
Think of it this way. Sure, you can save money now by eating terrible foods,
but you will pay the price for that decision later—even if “later” means decades
from now. When you’re seventy years old, do you want to be sick, hunched
over, and barely alive? Or do you want to be strong, flexible, energetic, and
healthy? That’s what you’re really buying when you invest in healthy foods
and products.
It’s true that it might take a little work on your part to do this kind of research
and to hunt down these healthy products. Likewise, it’s true that some of
them are expensive, although this factor can often be circumvented using DIY
versions that you can make at home yourself using inexpensive ingredients.
The bottom line is, if it means the difference between a safer and healthier
home environment and lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones, isn’t it
worth a little extra work or even a little sacrifice on your part? What is better
health—for you and for your family—worth to you?
The average American pays between $6,000 and $7,000 per year for
healthcare. That’s a lot of money, and it’s sure to climb even higher as costs
continue to skyrocket. Plus, as I discussed earlier, the current system isn’t
really health care; it’s disease care.
Make an investment in your health by being more selective about which
toxins you allow into your home and your body. You’ll find that this particular
investment yields far more return than a cell-phone contract or a new car
Types of Parasites
The average person’s understanding of what constitutes a “parasite” is
somewhat misleading. Often, we tend to think of parasites only as larger
creatures such as pests known to prey on our family pets, like worms, fleas,
and ticks.
But smaller invaders like amoebae, bacteria, and viruses—whose presence on
or in our bodies can powerfully impact our health—must also be considered.
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
We’re used to the idea that we can be infected with a virus or bacteria, but
we tend to forget that these are parasites—“things” living inside of us. Many
people are shocked to learn what types of parasites (good and bad) live in or
on us on a regular basis.
In short, everything living on or inside of us that takes its sustenance from
our bodies can be considered an invading parasite—regardless of its size.
The most common larger parasites found in the human body, whose presence
is known to be associated with diseases as serious as cancer and AIDS/HIV,
are parasitic worms. As Dr. Clark’s research shows, parasites in this category
are divided into roundworms and flatworms.
Don’t let the word “worm” give you the impression that these creatures are
large and easy to spot. They’re actually difficult to locate with traditional
methods, but the damage they wreak on our health is easy to see.
Of roundworms and flatworms, flatworms are the most dangerous. Functioning
much like leeches, these parasites (also sometimes called flukes) physically attach
themselves in some way to their host, sometimes with tiny, sucker-like appendages.
Parasites and Your Health
What is still not commonly understood by the medical establishment or the
general public, but has been shown in the work of researchers like Dr. Clark,
is that the presence of larger parasites like flatworms in the human body often
serves to pave the way for smaller parasites like bacteria and viruses to cause
infection and illness.
Bacteria and viruses can wreck your health in and of themselves, and they
typically bring other “companion” viruses and bacteria with them. These
companions are what most traditional medical practitioners identify as the
cause of an ailment. But in fact, the companion bacteria are simply the
symptom of the true cause: the presence of the parasite.
What this means, in essence, is that if, unbeknownst to us, our bodies are
harboring these larger types of parasites, then we are far more likely to contract
illnesses and diseases than we otherwise would be.
The End of All Disease
How to Kill Parasites Naturally
Remember, parasites and their pathogens are living things and, much like us,
overexposure to electrical current can kill them. Because of that, many parasites
and pathogens can be eliminated using a small amount of electricity (as little
as 5 volts). This can be done by “zapping” your body with a commercial
frequency generator, a device that not only kills parasites, but will allow you
to identify if they are present in your body in the first place, and if so, what
kind or parasites you’re dealing with.
Dr. Clark’s book, The Cure for All Diseases, gives specific instructions for how
to go about identifying and eliminating parasites through electrical zapping.
The good news is that these electrical zappers described by Clark are not
harmful to you. In fact, they are barely noticeable. But the impact on the
offending parasites and parasite companions in your body is deadly.
Be advised that it takes three treatments of electricity to kill most small
parasites. The reason for this is that the first zapping kills smaller parasites like
viruses and bacteria. But only a few minutes later, other bacteria and viruses
that were being suppressed by the dominant ones that have now been killed
will be released and seek to gain a foothold in your body.
The second zapping kills the newly released bacteria and viruses, and starts
this cycle one more time. But by the third round of zapping, the cycle is
stopped—at this point, the harmful viruses and bacteria that you identified
as being present in your body will have been eliminated.
To kill flatworms, roundworms, protozoa, and even bacteria and viruses, a
combination of zapping and herbal therapy is recommended, using black
walnut hull tincture, wormwood, and cloves. For specific dosages and
recommended sources for top quality herbal products, again, see Dr. Clark’s
Live Toxin and Parasite Free
As Dr. Clark’s work shows, avoiding toxins and eliminating parasites from our
bodies can have an enormous positive impact on our health—even helping
our bodies rid themselves of serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS,
and lupus. But it’s up to each of us to educate ourselves about the dangers
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
associated with toxins and parasites and how to rid our bodies of them, and
to take action to make this happen.
While medical expertise is certainly important, and I am not advocating that
you stop going to or listening to your doctor, it is equally as important to
take ownership of your health by paying attention to and listening to your
own body, engaging with the Complete Healing Formula™, and advocating
for your own care.
It’s your body, and your health. The only expert on the experience of the
excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations going on in your body is you. Embrace
a philosophy of self-health, and use it to eliminate toxins and parasites from
your daily life.
Then, take it a step further. While toxins and parasites play an immense role
in our health, they are far from the only physical factor we need to take into
consideration. The next item on the Wellness Model of Health™ checklist is
muscle imbalance, learning about which can very well revolutionize the way
you approach your health.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Toxins and parasites assault almost everyone on a daily basis.
A number of illnesses can be traced to toxic pollutants and
parasites in our environments.
Toxins can invade your body through your air, water, food,
and personal products—even when these things are said to
be safe and non-toxic.
Some common sources of toxins include: solvents, metals,
physical toxins, and chemical toxins.
You can avoid many toxins by making simple changes in
what you buy and what you eat.
The most common parasites found in the human body are
parasitic worms. Of them, flatworms are the most dangerous.
You can kill parasites and pathogens yourself using a
commercial frequency generator.
Unexpected Invaders: Toxins and Parasites
Recommended Resources
This tool, developed with the Dr. Clark Research Association, is crucial to
harnessing the healing of many major medical disorders. You can find out
more about it at
Dr. Clark Research Association
You can learn more about the available tools that you can use to clear toxins
from your system from the Dr. Clark Research Association at www.drclark.
Clark Therapy by Ignacio Chamorro Balda
You can also find more information about Dr. Clark’s tools and methods in
this book.
The End of All Disease
Muscle Imbalances: The #1
Physical Cause of Pain
Living with Muscle and Joint Pain
As humans, we can suffer from many different ailments, caused by any
number of things. One of the top causes of suffering among American adults
is muscle and joint pain.
Literally millions of people suffer from chronic muscle and joint pain, which
can last for years, growing worse over time. In fact, according to researchers
from the American Chiropractic Association, over thirty-one million
Americans are experiencing back pain symptoms this very minute. What’s
more, researchers from the Mayo Clinic estimate that a whopping 80 percent
of the population will experience back problems at some point in their lives.
Pinpointing the source of this kind of pain can be difficult, and all too often,
finding actual, working solutions for ridding ourselves of this pain is even
harder to do. If you’re like most folks, you’ve probably been told by your
health care practitioner that overuse of your muscles, poor posture, and even
your genetic history are the primary causes of your muscle and joint pain.
Unfortunately, most doctors are dead wrong about this, because they are
unfamiliar with the excess, deficiency, and stagnation framework of the
Wellness Model of Health™. Health experts and back care specialists have
found that the real, underlying cause of your problems is actually not your
posture, the amount you exercise, or your genetic history at all.
The real reason you have pain is because your body and spine have been
pulled out of their normal positions and into what are called physical
dysfunctions. In other words, you’re experiencing a lack of homeostasis.
Physical dysfunctions are abnormalities in how your body operates. And
they’re caused by imbalances between various muscle groups—called “muscle
Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain
If you have joint or muscle pain, there is an 80 percent or greater chance that
muscle imbalances are one of its primary causes. These muscle imbalances are
the hidden cause of nearly every case of pain experienced by the majority of
people who suffer from back problems and other ailments. You don’t need
to go to the doctor to fix them. In fact, this is a great area to practice “self
In this chapter, I’ll examine what muscle imbalances are, what they do to our
bodies, what causes them, and how to fix them by paying attention to excess,
deficiency, and stagnation in your muscular network.
Why Traditional Muscle and Joint Pain Treatments Fail
When it comes to pain, knowledge is power. It’s important to learn all you
can about your particular condition because informed people get better care
and faster results.
A basic fact about pain is that most treatments fail because they begin at the
end— that is, they merely focus on the pain, which is just a symptom of a
larger problem. They don’t look at your excesses, deficiencies, or stagnations.
A word of caution: if you feel even minor pain, you should take it very seriously.
Your body is telling you that something is not right. Failing to address this
situation now will likely result in a higher level of pain and having to work
much harder and much longer to get yourself back to a pain-free state.
Whether your goal is to stay healthy or to get lasting relief from your pain,
you should know that pain—or any disease, for that matter—develops as
a process. Muscle Balance Therapy™, which I will cover later, addresses the
underlying cause of your condition while at the same time bringing relief
from your symptoms.
In essence, it attempts to reverse the process that brought you pain and bring
your body back to a more neutral state.
The Greeks understood these principles as far back as two thousand five
hundred years ago, but somehow this simple, sensible approach was replaced
by today’s medical treatments that merely focus on symptoms rather than the
source of your pain.
The End of All Disease
What Is a Muscle Imbalance?
Chances are, you have never heard of muscle imbalances, and worse, you
don’t even know that your own muscles are out of balance. But the reality is
that everyone has muscle imbalances to some degree—regardless of age, sex,
or level of fitness. No one is perfect. And even if you did manage to achieve
perfection, you could not stay there for long.
In simple terms, a muscle imbalance occurs when you have overdeveloped
and tight muscles in one area of your body while the opposing muscles
are weak and stretched out of their normal position. These imbalances can
happen anywhere on the body and often develop as the result of the routine
things you do while on the job, playing sports, or engaging in other activities
you enjoy.
IT band syndrome, SI joint syndrome, sciatica, frozen shoulder, knee pain,
hip pain, and all forms of back pain are just a few conditions that can develop
as a result of muscle imbalances.
Why People Have Muscle and Joint Pain
As your muscles get more and more out of balance, you end up pulling
yourself out of proper alignment, thus producing even more stress and
causing additional wear and tear on muscles, ligaments, joints, and even the
spine. This deficiency of alignment and excess of wear and tear results in a
lack of homeostasis in your body and mind, which means they can’t function
the way they should.
Almost all of us live our lives with chronic unrecognized muscular imbalances.
And while it does take time for muscle imbalances to cause a symptomatic
condition, the first signs of trouble are evident in our bodies in the form of
“postural dysfunctions.” Postural dysfunction can be seen in the abnormal
position on the pelvis, head, neck, shoulder, knee, and even in the curvature
of the spine.
Once a postural dysfunction has developed, your body cannot go on for
long this way before you will begin to experience problems. That is why you
should never just cover up the pain or put off addressing your condition. In
other words, if you are in your forties, don’t wait until you’re in your sixties to
decide you have a problem.
Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain
Try this analogy. If you drive your car with the wheels out of alignment, the
tread on your tires is going to wear unevenly. If you don’t get an alignment,
eventually you’re going to have a blowout. The same principle holds true for
your back and other areas of your body.
What is Muscle Balance Therapy™?
Muscle Balance Therapy™ is an innovative approach to eliminating most
forms of musculoskeletal pain, and most notably, back pain, once and for
all. It starts with a careful yet simple assessment of all the muscles that affect
the stability of your hips, pelvis, and spine—from the perspective of both
strength and flexibility.
Before getting started on any stretching or exercise meant to alleviate these
muscle imbalances, it is critical to understand where those imbalances lie. The
good news is that muscle imbalances can be diagnosed simply and easily by
you in your own home.
It’s important to note that, in the absence of these assessments, any exercise
you might try is going to put you at risk of strengthening a muscle that does
not need to be strengthened, which can make your condition worse. The
same is true for stretching – if you stretch a muscle that does not need to be
stretched, you could be doing more harm than good.
Once your assessments are done, you will have proved to yourself that you do
have muscle imbalances and that you have one or more postural dysfunctions.
You also will have learned the root cause of your condition. Best of all, you
will know exactly how to correct the problem using the Complete Healing
How to Use Muscle Balance Therapy™ to Finally Get Lasting Relief
Properly diagnosing your muscle imbalances requires a step-by-step
process that is known only to a small number of health care practitioners.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find out which practitioners understand the
principles behind this method.
You’ve probably heard your doctor, chiropractor, or other health care
professional tell you to stretch or strengthen some part of the body. Perhaps
The End of All Disease
he or she even diagnosed you with a condition like scoliosis or a raised hip/
shortened leg, then gave you some stretches or a heal lift.
Stretches work—if you’re stretching the right part of your body. However,
you probably received a pre-made sheet of stretches with all or most of them
“checked” for you to go home and do yourself. But have you ever wondered
how the same stretches can work for everyone, regardless of the cause of their
If you haven’t, then this is the time to ask. The answer is simple: they can’t!
Rather than relying on pre-set stretches and a “one-size-fits-all” approach,
The Healthy Back Institute has created a program to allow you to understand
where you need flexibility and where you need strength. It all starts with
understanding your own situation—the same “self health” approach I
discussed earlier.
Here is what you need to know about this Muscle Balance Therapy selftreatment kit that I developed years ago. This kit includes a video training
program that shows you how your body should be moving when it’s wellbalanced. It includes reference photographs of how every major part of your
body should look when sitting, standing, and walking.
This allows you to compare your muscle-balance levels to those displayed on
the videos and in the photographs—making it easy to isolate what’s causing
your back pain.
Several videos show you exactly what the different postural dysfunctions look
like in action. Unfortunately, video material can’t be conveyed very easily
in the written format of a book. Once you see the various dysfunctions and
compare them to how your body stands, sits, and walks, you’ll be able to
accurately assess your own condition.
The other critical thing that the videos show you is the proper way to
implement the corrective stretches and exercises. This allows you to see what
an imbalanced body looks like, how to fix it, and what your body should look
like after you’re done.
Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain
The key here is simple: if you understand what postural imbalances you have,
then you can understand how to correct them. I myself was diagnosed with
scoliosis, but with no surgery, no doctor visits, and no expense, I’m “cured.”
It is only rare cases where a misalignment of the spine (or any body part) is a
true skeletal abnormality. Far more commonly, we discover that our muscles
are pulling our skeletons in directions that they don’t want to go. Fix that, and
you’ve fixed the cause of the problem.
This same muscle balance therapy applies to any joint pain you have, from
your toes to your fingers to your skull. Plus, strength imbalances in the legs
and arms are usually a contributing factor in arthritis, tendonitis, and more.
Again, the message here is simple: understand your anatomy, observe where
it is not balanced (excess strength, deficient flexibility, or stagnant motion),
and you can improve and heal these problems.
Take Your Situation Seriously
Once you’ve determined your muscle imbalances and started the targeted
exercises to address them, you’ll start to feel better quickly. Within days, you’ll
probably notice some relief, and if you continue the corrective exercises, you’ll
find your body making steady progress and your pain fading as you return to
a natural state of homeostasis.
Free Yourself from Muscular, Skeletal, and Nerve Pain
Returning homeostasis to your postures, as well as your muscle strength
and flexibility, will help with movement and reduce pain levels throughout
your body. When you address the real cause of your pain according to your
excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations, you can experience a cascade of healing
through the Wellness Model of Health™.
A life free of muscle and joint pain means different things for different
sufferers of this kind of pain. It could mean getting a full night’s rest without
waking up sore, or being able to work in the garden, clean the house, wash the
car, or lift your grandkids without hurting for days afterwards.
You can start curing yourself of muscle and joint pain today. The Healthy Back
Institute’s Lose the Back Pain® System™ has been used by more than seventy
The End of All Disease
thousand people in more than one hundred and twenty countries. You can
learn more about this proven system by visiting
I’ll go into far more detail with some of the common conditions caused in
part by muscle and joint pain in later chapters. It may sound too good to be
true, but if you educate yourself about the real causes of your pain and try
these proven therapies, you—like so many other people before you—will be
astounded by the results.
Muscle imbalances are one of the biggest causes of pain. However, there’s
another little-known cause of pain that plays a big part in your physical health
as well: trigger points. In the next chapter, I’ll introduce you to what trigger
points are, how they develop, and why they cause pain.
Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain
Chapter Review
• Muscle and back pain are one of the top causes of suffering
among American adults. Approximately 80 percent of the
population will experience back problems at some point in
their lives.
Muscle imbalances are imbalances between the various
muscle groups in your body, and are the hidden cause of
nearly every case of pain.
Everyone has muscle imbalances to some degree, regardless
of age, sex, or level of fitness.
Muscle Balance Therapy™ assesses all the muscles that
affect your overall stability from a strength and flexibility
perspective so that you can work toward homeostasis.
When you begin to address muscle imbalances, you can
start to feel pain relief within days.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Lose the Back Pain® System™
I developed a system you can use to get rid of your back pain for good. The
Lose the Back Pain® System™ gives you the tools you need to assess the real
cause of your pain, along with simple steps to treat and cure the pain yourself.
You can find out more at
Lose the Neck Pain® System™
Developed after the monumental success of the Lose the Back Pain® System™,
here you’ll find the treatment and relief you need for your persistent neck and
shoulder pain. Learn more at
Muscle Imbalances: The #1 Physical Cause of Pain
Trigger Points: The “Mystery
Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
Behind the Scenes of Muscle Health
In recent years, the medical community has learned more about how our
anatomy is really put together, and more and more fingers keep pointing in
the direction of trigger points.
It’s long been understood that our muscles are composed of tiny, microscopic
fibers. These fibers connect to one another and to the body, allowing for
movement and motion. What has only more recently been accepted by the
slow-to-move medical community is that muscles are covered in something
called the fascia—thin, fibrous tissue that connects the entire body structure
from head to toe.
The fascia and muscles work together to allow us to move our limbs and feel
various sensations. Truly understanding how this relates to pain begins with
exploring the muscle fibers, which are then directly connected all along their
structure to the fascia.
In a healthy muscle, all the fibers are long and even, like dry spaghetti, or like
the hairs on the bow of a violin. They flow smoothly when you move them,
just like spaghetti strands when they slide out of the package.
What Is a Trigger Point?
A trigger point is essentially a small, painful, hard knot within a muscle,
which many people refer to as a muscle “knot” or “cramp.” Trigger points are
commonly known to be a cause of neck or shoulder pain, but they are lesscommonly known for the role they play in fibromyalgia and other chronic
pain disorders.
A trigger point causes an unhealthy contraction, so that some of those muscle
fibers twist or seize up into a knot. Imagine a crooked piece of dry spaghetti,
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
or a snag in the package: some pieces move and some do not. When we apply
that image to a muscle, the implications are pretty clear. Some muscles move
and others do not, leading to a trigger point or knot, and that causes pain.
When a knot appears in a muscle, it causes pain for two reasons. First,
the muscle loses access to the nutrients in the blood, and second, without
healthy circulation passing through, toxins tend to build up in the contracted
area. The usual result of these problems is inflammation as the body tries to
quarantine and heal itself.
Not only does this affect the muscle itself, but it also impacts other parts of
the body that fall along the pathway of the muscle and the fascia. So although
pain can manifest in the trigger point itself, you feel it even more often in
places that are connected to it in the muscles or fascia.
In addition to twisting fibers, the muscle typically shortens as well, just
like a strand of rope shortens when you tie a few knots in the middle of it.
Because the muscle can’t move as freely as it should, the rest of the muscle and
surrounding fascia put extra strain on the area. This deficiency of movement
and excess strain often restricts the range of motion and flexibility in the
affected area.
The good news is that these trigger points aren’t hidden or undetectable.
Anyone can feel a trigger point. In fact, you’ve probably felt many on yourself
or someone else many times. If you massage another person, when your
fingers run over hard knots under the skin, those knots are usually trigger
points. Or if you rub your own tight shoulders or neck, trigger points are the
areas that may be more sensitive to touch.
Because trigger points usually show up as a noticeable tight spot, and touching
or pressing this spot leads to a painful or sensitive reaction, you’ll have no
trouble finding them. The surefire way to know if you’ve located a trigger
point is to apply firm pressure in a small, localized point. If you press on it
and yelp, you can bet you’ve hit a trigger point.
Trigger points also can cause general pain, tightness or restriction of
movement, false heart pain, headaches, neck and jaw pain, tennis elbow, joint
pain, restless legs, numbness in the hands and feet, and even what’s known
The End of All Disease
as “referred” pain—pain that shows up in a completely different part of the
body from the trigger point causing it.
Trigger the Path to Health
When you have a trigger point, your muscle cells and your brain develop
communication issues.
Amber Davies, a trigger point specialist and author, describes trigger points
as knots in the muscle where the motor nerve enters the belly of the muscle
fiber, telling it what to do. The muscle cells are constantly contracted, so
they get tired. When this happens, they send a message to the brain saying
they are running out of energy and they need some help. But with a trigger
point, rather than telling the muscle to relax, the brain just tells it to contract
Eventually, the knot becomes so tight that it starts sending pain messages—
pain that is often referred to another area of the body.
Trigger points and pain go hand in hand. Returning your muscles to a state of
homeostasis is yet another aspect of the Wellness Model of Health™. So let’s
explore the true negative influence of trigger points and the dramatic impact
they can have on your health.
This chapter will discuss trigger points and other problems that result from
them, what causes trigger points and their different types, referred pain,
trigger point therapy, and how to take your health into your own hands.
Trigger Points Lead to Other Problems
Trigger points, as the name suggests, set a pain cycle in motion. Once you
have a trigger point, or several of them, this disrupts your natural state of
homeostasis. You will likely alter the way you move, sit, or stand to instinctively
protect yourself, just as the muscle is contracting to protect itself. Moving a
certain way causes you pain, so you try to avoid it.
Unfortunately, this makes the problem worse. Your body begins to adopt
crooked postures that tighten other muscles, leading to additional or
worsening existing muscle imbalances. This is one reason some people have
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
both nerve-based back pain caused by muscle imbalances and tissue-based
back pain caused by a knot or trigger point within a single muscle.
Bad postures then put pressure on joints and ligaments, further restricting
your activities and worsening your overall health. This vicious cycle can come
full circle, creating more trigger points and starting the process all over again.
You can see how this quickly leads to lower back pain if you have trigger
points anywhere around the lower body. But even more than that, imbalanced
postures have implications for the body as a whole.
Remember that, because the fascia connects the entire body, trigger points
in one area can cause pain somewhere else. It’s not uncommon for a sore
neck to be the result of trigger points in the shoulder. In much the same way,
fibromyalgia pain—which is noted as pervasive pain throughout the body—
is often rooted in a prevalence of trigger points.
To be certain that you’re dealing with a trigger point, check for the same hard
point on the opposite side of the body. If you find one near the right shoulder
blade, for instance, check near the left shoulder blade. If you find a similar
hard spot, it’s probably a bone, but if you don’t, that first one was probably a
trigger point.
Trigger point pain in the upper back, shoulders, and neck often can lead
to headaches and other ailments as well. To live a healthy, pain-free life, it’s
critical to treat and relieve trigger points as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
What Causes Trigger Points?
Now you know what’s happening, but you still need to know why. While
many factors contribute to the development of trigger points, one of the most
common is blood circulation that’s too slow or restricted—in other words, a
deficiency in blood flow.
One major cause of this restricted blood circulation is stress. When you’re
experiencing an excess of stress, you tend to tense your muscles (reducing
blood circulation in those muscles), drink too little water (a deficiency that
reduces the blood volume available to clear out toxins in the muscles), eat
too much unhealthy food (an excess that causes inflammation that makes
The End of All Disease
trigger points swell), and forget to move around and stretch (a stagnation that
reduces blood circulation in your muscles).
These behaviors lead to shallow breathing, which delivers too little oxygen
to your muscles—another deficiency. Your excess tension and anxiety lead to
decreased blood flow—a stagnation. You can see how all of this ties back to
the Wellness Model of Health™.
Without adequate blood flow, the muscle cells in the trigger point areas of
your body are unable to activate the relaxation response that makes the trigger
point disappear or at least go dormant. This is because the mechanism that
allows muscle cells to “let go” requires the oxygen and energy provided by
good blood circulation.
Amber Davies told me in an interview that another cause of trigger points is
when the muscle is suddenly overloaded. She uses an example of slipping on
ice or on water that has spilled on the floor. When you start to slip, suddenly
all of your muscles contract. Your arms flail, and your inner thigh muscles
and abdominal muscles contract. Those muscles are all working overtime to
keep you from falling.
Trigger points also can occur as a result of muscle trauma, muscle strain from
repetitive movements or strenuous exercise, muscle imbalances, sitting for
long periods, nutritional deficiencies, and more. Unfortunately, once you
have a trigger point, it tends to undergo a self-reinforcing cycle—which
means it sticks around for a while.
Active and Inactive Trigger Points
Most of us are walking around with trigger points. Just the stresses of living
can create them in our bodies over time. Whether or not they cause us pain
hinges on whether or not they are “active” at any particular time.
Active trigger points are the ones that feel painful. Dr. Greg Fors, DC, a
certified neurologist and author of Why We Hurt, calls these active primary
trigger points, and describes them as the ones you can find easily, such
as by reaching back onto your shoulder blade. These are often treated by
practitioners or through self-treatment products, due to their ability to be
identified, but it doesn’t get rid of the problem completely.
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
Inactive trigger points, or as Dr. Fors calls them secondary trigger points,
don’t radiate pain, but may still exist as knots and feel painful if you apply
pressure to them. These are formed as a result of the primary trigger points.
When they are not removed, they tend to kick off the primary trigger points
again and a painful cycle ensues.
After a trigger point has healed, that area of the muscle tends to have a good
memory. The trigger point has “branded” it, so to speak, so the next time you
experience stress, overwork certain muscles, or fail to drink enough water,
that muscle can contract again in the same place, activating the same trigger
point as before.
Imagine a ceramic coffee cup. Let’s say that one day you accidentally drop it
and break the handle. No worries; you use some superglue and seal the handle
back on. But that handle now has an old injury. You can bet that if were you
to drop the cup again, the handle would break in the very same place.
Trigger points act the same way, particularly if they aren’t healed completely.
They tend to return again and again, whenever the body is under stress. The
best approach is to adopt healing solutions and lifestyle habits that keep
trigger points relaxed and dormant—and keep new ones from developing.
Trigger Points and “Referred” Pain
Trigger points can also cause pain in other parts of the body. This is known
as “referred” pain. It’s as if the trigger point “refers” its pain to some other
muscle or area of the body, saying, “Here, you take this message to the brain.”
For example, you could be feeling pain in your hips, buttocks, or down your
legs, when the actual trigger point is located in your lower back. Trigger points
also can refer pain to other trigger points along the same nerve pathways.
So if your health practitioner is not educated in seeking out the cause of the
pain, he or she may simply focus on the location of that pain—your legs, for
example—while ignoring the fact that the trigger point in your lower back is
causing it. That’s unfortunate, because then any treatments your practitioner
implements will only partially (if at all) help the condition.
Another example is pain in your arm, mid-back, or neck. All of these could be
caused by a trigger point in your shoulder. Any treatment that fails to address
The End of All Disease
your shoulder problem is going to be unsuccessful. Therefore, it’s important
to find the trigger points, wherever they are, and heal them, one by one.
What is Trigger Point Therapy?
What can you do about trigger point pain? Luckily, procedures and devices
have been developed to help treat it.
Trigger point therapy is a method by which steady, sustained pressure is
applied to the “knotted” area. Such pressure gradually encourages the muscle
fibers to relax and release, loosening the twisted places. Since muscles that
have trigger points are typically too tight and too short, trigger point therapy
encourages elongation and relaxation.
As the fibers return to a more healthy shape, they release all the pent-up
toxins that had been trapped there, returning these to the bloodstream where
they can be washed away. Blood flow increases through the area, encouraging
healing and further waste removal through a return to homeostasis. Eventually,
muscle spasms disappear, tension goes away, and the muscle returns to a more
normal level of functioning.
This process also creates an overall body release, or “sigh of relief,” reducing
the pain signals to the brain and alerting your system to restore itself.
This kind of therapy is helpful for any type of pain or illness that originates
in trigger points, which can include lower back pain, upper back pain, neck
pain, any muscle-based pain, and fibromyalgia—and even some nerve-based
pain like sciatica and herniated discs, if the muscles around the nerves are
knotted up in trigger points.
Water: Essential to Healing
When you’re undergoing treatment for trigger points, it’s essential to drink
a lot of water. Pressure on the knots in your muscles releases toxin buildup,
which means those toxins then become more plentiful in your bloodstream.
You need water to flush them out of the body.
Imagine hard water buildup in a humidifier or copper pipe. Once that
buildup is broken down into smaller pieces, you need extra water to wash
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
it away. Otherwise, it will continue to linger, and perhaps even build up to
become an unhealthy excess in other locations.
If you have a very severe case of trigger point back pain, don’t be surprised
if, after your first one or two treatments, you feel a little ill. If you had a lot
of toxin buildup in your muscles, those toxins will flood your body once
released, which can have a physical effect on you. You’re essentially releasing
months’ worth of garbage from your muscles into your bloodstream—
ultimately allowing your kidneys to convert the waste into urine.
Drink plenty of water to ensure that these toxin levels don’t get so high they
make you feel sick.
Three Trigger Point Solutions
The following are three solutions to trigger points and the pros and cons of
each: 1) the handheld pressuring device, 2) trigger point massage therapy, and
3) the self-treatment platform.
1. The Handheld Pressuring Device
A popular item on the market is the handheld self-massager, usually a plastic
device shaped like a hook or cane, with rounded “balls” on either end and on
additional “steps” along the straight edge. These rounded sections are meant
to be used to apply pressure to your trigger points. Two examples of this are
the “Theracane” and the “Backnobber.”
Similar to a back scratcher, this device requires you to do your own work on
the areas that are causing you pain. Essentially, you hold the device in your
hand, maneuver it to reach the trigger point (usually in your back), and apply
pressure, typically in an area no larger than a quarter. The shape of the device
gives you some leverage, but you’re using your muscles to do the work. You
move the ball back and forth across the trigger point, wiggling it a bit to get
deeper into the muscle.
The idea is that, after several repeated applications of pressure with the device,
your trigger points will loosen up, release toxins, and gradually relieve you of
The End of All Disease
The good thing about this solution is that it puts you in charge of your
own relief. You have the device in your home, where you can use it at your
convenience. It’s fairly economical—a one-time purchase—and can be used
as often as you need without additional cost.
However, these devices can sometimes make your situation worse. Basically,
unless you’re using the device on your legs, you’re asking the same muscles
that may be experiencing pain to fix the problem.
For example, if you have a trigger point in the muscle behind your shoulder
blade, you have to use that same muscle to maneuver the device and apply
pressure to the trigger point. It’s like asking a person with a sprained ankle to
walk himself to the hospital.
Using this device on any trigger point in any area of your back is going to
require the same (or nearby) back muscles to work. If you’re not careful, you
could be creating more trigger points in muscles that are already overworked,
shortened, and inflamed.
Keeping the above in mind, I recommend that you try using a device like this
and see how it works for you. While I personally find it to be a great tool, it
does require effort to keep your upper-body muscles as relaxed as possible.
2. Trigger Point Massage Therapy
Trigger point massage can be a very effective therapy. It’s a form of massage in
which the practitioner applies deep pressure to isolated areas of your body—
your trigger points.
Trigger point massage is different than regular massage. Instead of
implementing longer, sloping movements that lightly pressure the length of
your muscles, the therapist will apply targeted, firm, and sustained pressure
(about seven to ten seconds) directly on the trigger point. At first, this probably
won’t feel very good. The trigger point is painful, and pressure will activate
that pain—as well as release toxins—both of which can be uncomfortable.
However, if proper pressure is applied on a regular basis, eventually the
trigger points will relax and release, and your pain will go away. The pressure
physically forces blood circulation into the trigger point area, giving the
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
muscle cells in the trigger point the oxygen and fuel needed to activate the
relaxation mechanism.
Trigger point massage is a great solution. The only drawbacks are that it can
get very expensive and can take up a considerable amount of your time. One
treatment isn’t going to do the trick. You need to go back several times to
completely release or heal the trigger points—often at least weekly—and
since this type of specialty massage typically costs from sixty to a hundred
dollars per hour, it can add up in a hurry.
However, there are other solutions that work well, are more convenient, and
cost much less.
3. Trigger Point Self-Treatment Platform
There is also a platform that allows you to self-treat your trigger points while
keeping your muscles completely relaxed. With these, you simply lie down
on a platform that has a number of soft, rubber-tipped “digits” (like fingers)
on top, which you can adjust to various positions in order to apply the right
amount of pressure in the right place.
You configure this platform to match the trigger points on your back. For
example, if you have a trigger point just under your right shoulder blade,
you place a pressure bump on the platform in the position where your right
shoulder will be when you lie down.
The idea is not to apply pressure to every part of your back, but only to the
parts that have trigger points. You position the rubber-tipped pressure bumps
where you need them and then lie down on top of them. Gravity takes over.
Because the platform comes with pressure providers of different heights,
you can choose the intensity of the pressure. Shorter providers give lighter
pressure; longer ones, more intense pressure. This allows you to configure the
platform to mirror the location and severity of the trigger points in your back.
There are several advantages to this sort of device. First, it doesn’t require sore,
irritated muscles to work harder in an effort to gain relief. Second, you’re
investing once in a device you can use for the rest of your life, so you’re saving
a significant amount of money. Third, you’re putting yourself in charge of
The End of All Disease
your relief, which means you can use the device when it’s most convenient for
you, and as often as you need it, with minimal hassle.
Finally, it’s the sort of solution that gives you immediate feedback. When you
lie on a trigger point, you’ll know it, because of the sore, numb, or slightly
painful reaction in the muscle. If you don’t feel that reaction, you can adjust
your position on the platform or adjust the pressure providers to a location
that will be more effective. It’s a very intuitive process that’s easy to perform.
Be Your Own Advocate
When it comes to caring for your body, you should always have a hand in
your own healing.
Trigger points are problems that we may be able to live with for now, but
if we don’t address them, they will become much bigger. You need to take
responsibility for yourself, because you are your own best advocate, and
you are the one who best understands your own excesses, deficiencies, and
stagnations. As Amber Davies says, you are the only one who has access to
your complete medical file; the only central database is in your own head.
If you can’t be your own advocate, then find someone who can. Take a trusted
person with you to your appointments to take notes and make sure your
questions are answered.
Keeping a pictorial journal is another way to keep on top of your medical
issues. Write down a description of your pain. This will help you to track your
progress and determine which treatments are working and which aren’t as you
reestablish a healthy balance. This journaling technique is useful not only in
tracking your trigger point pain, but also for any other ailments you might
have. Taking this extra step towards self-health can document and establish
patterns that you and your doctors wouldn’t otherwise see.
Once you’ve decided to pull the trigger on your own pain relief, you will
have one of the most important tools that you need to return your body to
homeostasis. But there are even more physical wellness tools at your disposal,
and the next one I want to share with you has helped countless people relieve
and eliminate severe pain: spinal decompression.
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
Chapter Review
• Pain and trigger points go hand in hand, and can have a
dramatic impact on your health.
Trigger points can alter the way you move, sit, or stand,
which can cause additional imbalance and pain.
In the upper back, shoulders, and neck, trigger points often
lead to headaches and other ailments.
Stress can cause trigger points by restricting blood circulation
to the muscles.
Trigger points can occur as a result of muscle trauma or
strain, repetitive movements, muscle imbalances, sitting for
long periods of time, and nutritional deficiencies.
Active trigger points feel painful; inactive trigger points don’t
radiate pain, but may still exist as knots and feel painful
when you apply pressure to them.
Trigger points can cause “referred pain” in other parts of the
You can easily “self-treat” your trigger points using
inexpensive tools (or even just your bare hands).
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic
Pain by Dr. Gregory Fors. Dr. Fors’s book offers more detailed information
on pain and trigger points.
Trigger Point Self-Treatment System
The Healthy Back Institute recommends a few different trigger point selftreatment systems. Using these systems is one of the easiest ways to get
deep-pressure massage in the comfort of your own home. Learn more at
Trigger Points: The “Mystery Cause” of Muscle and Joint Pain
Spinal Compression: The
Backbone of Health
The Backbone of Your Health
I’ve told you how muscle imbalances can lead to pain, and how pain caused
by trigger points can cascade throughout your entire body. Another common
source of pain and other health problems stems from the spine.
Our spines are part of the big picture when it comes to managing excess,
deficiency, and stagnation. They support the weight of our entire body. They
also house and protect our nerves, allowing for the free flow of communication
and information throughout the body. Unfortunately, with so many moving
pieces that have the potential to disrupt our overall state of homeostasis,
many problems can result from spinal misalignment or an inflamed spine.
I’ve already covered the impact that muscle imbalances and trigger points can
have on your spinal alignment, as well as the influence they can have on your
overall health. What I haven’t discussed yet is how the health of the spine,
specifically the discs between the bones, can likewise have a huge impact on
your health as a whole.
So here is a trivia question for you: How is your spine like a balloon?
The spine is made up of a series of bones called vertebrae that are stacked one
on top of the other. In between these bones are doughnut-shapes discs—gellike structures that are filled mostly with water that serve as the body’s shock
Now imagine a water balloon. If you were to squish one side with your fist, all
the water in the balloon would form a bulge at the other side. Keep pressing
and eventually you could force the other end of the balloon to burst.
The discs in your spine operate much the same way as that water balloon.
As muscle imbalances—and gravity—apply uneven pressure on a disc, the
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
disc bulges to one side. As you go about your day, gravity presses down on
your discs, causing the water inside them to slowly squeeze out. In fact,
measurements taken have shown that most people are slightly shorter at the
end of the day than they were at the beginning—by as much as three-quarters
of an inch!
When your disc bulges like that water balloon, it develops a herniation. This
bulge then often comes in contact with a nerve, which is what many doctors
believe causes the sharp, radiating pain of this condition. Eventually, if the
problem is not corrected, the disc can burst, losing its water content and its
ability to absorb any shock at all. Moreover, spinal problems like compression
can lead to a host of chronic illnesses.
Even if we don’t have muscle imbalances adding to the issue, which we all do,
gravity by itself creates a daily compression on our spines. Fortunately, the
spinal discs reabsorb water while we sleep (as long as we’re not dehydrated),
so we start the day again at close to our regular height. However, over the
years, our discs lose their ability to “re-inflate,” so we grow a little shorter by
the time we become seniors.
Luckily, there are options to help combat spinal compression, such as
inversion therapy. In addition to helping reverse the excess compression
caused by gravity, inversion therapy has many added benefits. It’s important
to note that in order for it to be a successful and safe option for you, certain
guidelines must be followed.
This chapter will discuss spinal compression, inversion therapy and its various
benefits, and when you need to do it, as well as how to use it to find relief
from back pain caused by spinal compression.
What Is Inversion Therapy?
As the name states, inversion therapy actually “inverts” the body to an upside
down position. There are several ways this can be performed, but the most
common is by using what’s called an inversion table.
An inversion table sits on a swivel and is made for you to lie on. Think of a
seesaw with a bed on it—only the midpoint of the seesaw is much higher, so
The End of All Disease
if you lean all the way forward, you’re fully upright, and if you lean all the
way back, you’re upside down.
The idea behind inversion therapy is to reverse the effects of gravity. Since
we live on Earth, we’re all subjected to the force of gravity on a day-to-day
basis. Our muscles and bones help us stand up against it, but over the years,
it tends to wear us down a bit—particularly the spine, which is the center of
our upright posture.
How Does It Help?
Inversion therapy reverses the excess compression caused by gravity—and
in part, by muscle imbalances. In essence, it reverses the pressure on the
spine. Instead of compressing your discs and making you shorter, inversion
therapy—by allowing you to hang upside down—actually stretches out the
spine and the muscles that support both it and torso, giving the discs room
to reabsorb fluids and move back into their proper positions, eliminating
pressure on nearby nerves.
With the increased spaces between the vertebrae that inversion therapy
creates, discs are suddenly relieved of pressure and have room to breathe, so to
speak. Even the slightest increase in spacing can create a mild suction, which
can encourage a bulging disc to return to its normal position. In essence,
creating this space gives the disc the room it needs to heal.
If you picture that balloon again, it’s like taking your fist off one end and
allowing the air inside to fill up the entire area once again.
What does this mean to you? Pain relief. If a disc is pressing on a nerve,
inversion therapy will often relieve that pressure, easing pain almost
According to many clinical studies, inversion therapy is one of the most
effective and fastest ways to increase space between your vertebrae. Participants
have reported that their back pain, pain that had plagued them for decades,
totally disappeared with just a few minutes of inversion therapy.
Other cases completely reversed themselves after just a week of inversion
therapy—ten minutes a day of hanging upside down. If you need to get back
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
to work and you suspect a herniated disc could be the source of your pain,
inversion therapy may be the best way to recover.
And in case you doubt the effectiveness of inversion therapy, a study conducted
by Newcastle University found that sufferers of back pain who underwent
inversion therapy were 75 percent less likely to require back surgery!
Benefits beyond the Back
Though increasing space between the vertebrae is one of the biggest benefits
of inversion therapy, it’s definitely not the only one. Let’s take a look at several
other benefits.
Improves circulation. Turning the body upside down, for your blood, is
like taking a road that normally climbs uphill and making it go downhill. In
other words, where the blood usually had to travel up, it now heads down,
and vice versa. Suddenly it’s easier for the blood to get to certain areas that are
usually a challenge to reach—particularly the upper back, neck, and head.
This makes it easier for parts of the body to have easier access to the nutrients
and oxygen they need.
Lengthens muscles and ligaments. Inverting the body has a natural stretching
effect on many of your muscles and ligaments. You can feel this while it’s
happening. Pitch yourself upside down for even a moment and you’ll feel
some of the muscles in your back, legs, and hips pulling toward the ground.
Since these muscles are usually pulled in the opposite direction by gravity,
inversion therapy helps counteract this, pulling your muscles in the other
direction and increasing flexibility.
Relieves joints. Point your head toward the ground and, instantly, knee, hip,
ankle, and other joints experience a gentle “opening.” Similar to the way
inversion therapy eases pressure on the spine, it does the same to weightbearing joints that are typically loaded all the time, every day. With the
absence of pressure, the joints get momentary relief, during which they, like
the discs in the spine, gradually open up and “breathe.” This effect can be felt
for hours after the therapy, in joints that feel more springy and supple.
Improves posture. Though inversion therapy will not correct muscle
imbalances, it may help a crooked spine to realign itself. By using the power
The End of All Disease
of gravity to pull in the opposite direction, inversion therapy encourages the
spine to resume its normal posture.
It’s like pulling on the bottom of a wrinkled shirt to straighten it out. Gravity
pulls the spine toward your head. Given enough time (through repeat
treatments), the vertebrae can line back up. When you stand upright again,
you’ll feel the effects and enjoy better posture. If you combine this therapy
with muscle balance therapy, you’ll be more likely to maintain that improved
body position.
Maintains your height. We would all like to maintain our stature as we get
older. Inversion therapy helps counteract the typical wearing down of the
spine over the years, helping us avoid the shrinkage associated with old age.
Discs that have been ground down over time get a “breather” and a chance
to reabsorb fluid so they can regain their shock-absorbing capacity. It’s these
same discs that, when worn down, contribute to that hunched-back posture
that plagues many older people.
Increases mental alertness. Some authorities believe that increasing oxygen
and blood flow to the brain can help maintain mental sharpness. Since this is
such an important goal for seniors—as evidenced by all the sales of mentalsupport supplements—such a benefit could be very welcome.
Helps in workout recovery. Running, cycling, and other aerobic activities
can actively compress the spine, oftentimes in uneven ways. One-sided sports
like tennis, racquetball, and golf can pull the spine out of alignment because
of the repeated twisting motions associated with these activities. With regular
inversion therapy, any misalignments between the vertebrae often are selfcorrected.
Is It Safe?
Some people may have heard that inversion therapy can increase the chance
of having a stroke. I think this is the unfortunate result of misinformation.
Yes, there was a study published in 1983 by Dr. Steven A. Goldman in which
he observed that inverted patients experienced an increase in blood pressure.
The media jumped on the story, warning people that inversion therapy could
lead to stroke.
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
What they didn’t report as widely was that two years later Dr. Goldman
recanted his position, stating, “New research shows that you are at no more
of a stroke risk hanging upside down than if you are exercising right-side
up.” He said that the media’s warnings about inversion therapy were “grossly
Further research actually discovered that the body has built-in ways to
prevent any damage from hanging upside down. Unfortunately, this news
wasn’t as exciting, so few people ever heard it, and many remained concerned
about using this very beneficial treatment.
Of course, you should be in basic good health if you’re going to try inversion
therapy. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, an eye condition,
are pregnant, or have had fusion surgery or a knee or hip replacement, you
should check with your doctor before trying inversion therapy. Additionally,
if you have bone weakness, recent fractures or skeletal implants, are using
anti-coagulants, or are obese, you will also want to check with your doctor
prior to seeking this kind of treatment.
That said, research shows that this therapy is as safe as most daily activities.
What Is the Best Way to Do It?
Though “gravity boots” were popular in the 1980s, the most common way to
invert today is by using an inversion table. There are a wide variety of these
on the market. So what do you need to look for?
First, you should invest in a quality inversion table—one that’s going to last
and that has the proper safety features. There are a lot of companies who
make these, and many of them skimp on quality to bring their prices down.
If you’re hanging upside down, you want something that’s going to support
you, time after time. You don’t want to save a few bucks just to land on your
head! Look for a table that’s adjustable, safe, durable, and convenient for
using in your home.
A process that includes a gradual increase of the angle of inversion, as well as
a gradual increase of time spent upside down, is best for relieving back pain.
A good user’s manual or video guide can help you set up such a process for
yourself, increasing your odds of success.
The End of All Disease
Equipment Specifics
When you’re in pain, you don’t want to contort your body to get inverted.
Look for an extended handle on the table that will let you lock your ankles
securely in place without having to “touch your toes” and injure your back in
your quest to help your back.
When inverted, your weight will be supported by your ankles. So for comfort’s
sake, make sure you get a table with foam-based ankle grips. These reduce the
amount of pressure on your ankles while ensuring that you’re still secure and
safe. And your ankles will thank you for not using a hard molded variety.
Those who are new to inversion almost universally have the same two
questions. A good inversion table will answer both of those questions for you.
How can I control how far (upside) down I go?
Your inversion table should have a simple mechanism to allow you to set the
maximum angle you want to invert before you start. Usually, this comes in
the form of a tether strap that allows you to select a particular angle.
Remember—you do not need to go completely upside down to get the full
benefit of inversion! Between twenty and thirty degrees is enough to gently
stretch and relax tight muscles, while sixty degrees takes the entire load of
gravity off your spine.
How can I make sure I can get back up?
Getting back up from an inverted position is super easy once you know how.
But the first time or two might be a little nerve wracking if you forget the
“trick” to it. So for ease of mind, make sure to get a table with big, easy to
reach handles you can use to help yourself up if you ever need them.
If your table doesn’t come with at least a one-year warranty, keep looking.
That simply means the manufacturer knows they’re selling junk that will
break in less than a year if you use it every day.
Besides the regular warranty, look for a satisfaction guarantee that allows you
to try the table out at home and return it if you’re not satisfied. There’s no
point in getting stuck with a piece of equipment that won’t work for you.
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
Don’t Want to Hang Upside Down?
If you have reservations about this type of therapy, there are other spinal
decompression options available that can help you realize similar results.
Unless you are made of money, you will likely want to skip the expensive
spinal decompression machines found at chiropractic offices. They will
produce a similar result, but the pain in your wallet may overcome the pain
relief in your back.
There are other innovations on the market that can give most of the benefits
of inversion without the full, upside down posture.
At the Healthy Back Institute, I’ve heard from a number of customers that
they need something that accommodates their lessened range of motion. To
this end, we now supply an inversion table that allows the user to start in
a seated position. This becomes more like starting in a recliner, and then
continuing back until the benefits of inverted decompression are realized. Of
course, this still turns you on your head!
Getting Started
I suggest inverting for one to three minutes, one to three times per day at only
a slight inversion for the first week or two. As you become more comfortable
with inverting, gradually adjust the amount of time and degree of inversion
you use.
Remember this rule of thumb: always listen to your body. If you feel
uncomfortable, simply stop inverting and try again later. Remember that
even too much of a healthy practice is still an excess under the Wellness
Model of Health™.
The degree of inversion you choose affects how long you need to invert for the
same results. For example, the shallower the degree, the longer the inversion
time needed. The higher the degree of inversion, the shorter the inversion
time needed.
Try oscillating, or slowly rocking back and forth to and from the inverted
position. During this movement you’ll invert for twenty to thirty seconds,
then return upright for twenty to thirty seconds and repeat the rhythm.
The End of All Disease
Many doctors recommend this movement pattern during inversion as it helps
stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph for faster healing.
Again, you do not need to fully invert to start to capture the health benefits of
inversion. Take your time and work up to sixty degrees for maximum benefit.
After you are comfortable at sixty degrees of inversion for a few weeks, go
ahead and try a full inversion if you want—but start out for only thirty
seconds. My experience is that 95 percent of all discomfort comes from trying
to invert too much, too fast, for too long. Again, listen to your body and take
your time.
Inversion Exercises
Movement while inverted is particularly helpful for decompressing the spine
while increasing your mobility and flexibility. Once you’re comfortable
inverting, try introducing these gentle stretches and exercises to your inversion
Lower Back
You may perform gentle stretching exercises to help move the muscles and
connective tissues in your lower back area.
In partial inversion, try rotating gently from side-to-side or slowly rocking
your pelvis forward and backward.
If you have worked up to full inversion, abdominal exercises (sit-ups, crunches)
can be beneficial for your lower back, since strong abdominal muscles are
important for proper posture. Also try a gentle back extension by placing
your hands behind your head on the bed frame and pushing your body in an
arch away from the table.
Upper Back
Many people experience upper back pain as a result of stress and muscle
tension. The key to relieving this pain is to totally relax while inverting. Try
deep breathing exercises while inverted. Partner work can be very helpful—
nothing is more relaxing than an inverted back and shoulder massage!
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
Movement is also very beneficial. Try rounding your shoulders forward and
pushing them back. Then stretch one arm at a time across your torso to
extend those upper back muscles for a gentle stretch.
Similar to your upper back, movement can be beneficial for neck pain. Try
rotating your head from one side to the other. Partner massages to the base of
your head and back of your neck are very relaxing (do not apply pressure to
the front of the neck).
Try adding gentle inverted traction to your neck by resting your arms behind
your head at the base of your skull (don’t pull, just add the weight of your
Spinal Relief
The bottom line is that your normal day-to-day living puts stress on your
spine, and that plays a big role in the excess, deficiency, and stagnation of
many other things in your health. The good news is that you can incorporate
inversion therapy into your routine and get relief—along with many other
additional benefits—when you work toward physical balance in the Complete
Healing Formula™.
Remember, the positive impact of spinal decompression stretches far
beyond your spine itself. You’ll also experience all kinds of cardiovascular
improvements, joint pain relief, and the other benefits mentioned in this
Once you know the basics, inversion therapy is a safe and simple solution. If
it’s done properly, your back and your whole body will thank you.
Both the physical and mental tools I’ve shown you as part of the Wellness
Model of Health™ over the past several chapters can be summed up under a
single nature: energy. When you understand how both of these frequencies
work, you can use them to enhance health and wellness in your life. The next
chapter will cover the different modalities of these energy pathways.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Our spines support the weight of our entire body, and they
house and protect our nerves. The health of your spine can
have a huge impact on your overall health.
Spinal compression is caused by gravity and muscle
imbalances, and it can lead to a host of chronic illnesses.
Inversion therapy inverts the body to an upside down
position, relieving spinal compression.
The benefits of spinal decompression include: improved
circulation, lengthened muscles and ligaments, joint relief,
improved posture, height maintenance, increased mental
alertness, and improved workout recovery.
When beginning inversion therapy, start by inverting for one
to three minutes, one to three times per day at only a slight
inversion for the first week or two. As you become more
comfortable with inverting, gradually adjust the amount of
time and degree of inversion you use.
Spinal Compression: The Backbone of Health
Recommended Resources
Inversion Therapy
You can learn more about inversion therapy, and find out more about
which tools will best suit your needs, at
The End of All Disease
Energy Medicine: Health Secret
or New-Age Hoax?
A Force for Health
You are already an energy expert. You might not realize it, but you are.
As you go about your day, you constantly use and sense energy within yourself
and in the world around you. What you might not realize is that if you take
the time to harness those energies to restore homeostasis to your mind, body,
and diet, they can have a powerful and positive impact on your health and
We’re all accustomed to the fact that we need to consume food to generate the
energy to move. That’s why food is measured in calories. Calories are simply
a measurement of energy. But the importance and presence of energy aren’t
limited to the food we eat and the activities we practice.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy, and this energy exists in
many varieties and vibrates at specific frequencies. There is dense energy,
loose energy, erratic energy, and calm energy, as well as both high and low
The human body, too, is nothing if not a physical body constructed of
energetic vibrations. Considering this, you can see how energy encompasses
the physical, mental, and dietary components of the Complete Healing
Formula™ combined: all three of these things deal in different frequencies of
All aspects of health and well-being are tied to energetic frequencies. If we
think of energy in the form of frequencies, like a radio, we can start to see
a big piece of our problem—especially as it relates to pain. Most of us who
suffer chronic pain and illness only get the “pain and sickness channel” and
keep ourselves “tuned in” to it 24/7. In this way, we get stuck on the “pain and
sickness frequency,” and our suffering becomes needlessly prolonged.
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
But a radio doesn’t have to stay on just one channel, and neither do our bodies.
It just depends on what we dial into. If you tune in to an opera channel on
your radio, you will get opera, not country music. If you dial your mother on
the cell phone, you won’t get cousin Betty. If you say bad things about people,
you will lose friends. “You reap what you sow,” is a good example of the power
of attraction, the power of like energy meeting like energy.
You’ve probably noticed how some people are more upbeat and happy than
others, and how that attitude can be infectious. The mental energy of these
individuals creates a mood or atmosphere that, if you let it, can rub off on
you a bit. Or consider the effect of the energy frequencies you feel when you
walk into a funeral parlour. The mood there is far different than it is at, for
instance, a sporting event.
To make this a little more concrete, think about a time when you were very
tired. You may have had trouble thinking, remembering names, or enjoying a
usually pleasant experience. The literal lack of physical energy caused by poor
sleep created a lack of mental energy, so your mind was vibrating at a lower
frequency during that experience—a perfect example of how the mental and
physical unite under the concept of energy.
Similarly, if your physical energy is blocked or sluggish, you will experience
aches and pains such as sciatica, headaches, fibromyalgia, and other things.
In short, low frequency equals low function and poor health; high frequency
equals high function and good health. These excesses, deficiencies, and
stagnations need to be addressed with the Wellness Model of Health™.
You must change your energetic frequency to feel better and live better. This
chapter will show you how.
Your “Energetic” Body
Traditional cultures around the world built their healing models on correcting
energetic imbalances—excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations—in the body.
Dr. Wiley investigated these cultures in detail during his research around the
globe. He found that the role of Shamans in Siberia, Alaska, and Southeast
Asia was to eradicate “bad spirits” (i.e., negative energy) from the body to
restore physical or mental health in those suffering.
The End of All Disease
The entire foundation of Chinese and Indian healing practices was built on
the premise of energy systems and pathways in the body that, when blocked,
cause pain and disease. Clearing these channels or centers of blocked energy
(e.g., toxins, spasms) is what restores health to the ill and offers relief to the
pain sufferer.
The most common term used to describe human energy is an “aura.” This is a
general term used to describe the color, mood, or quality of five overlapping
energy layers. These layers of energy (or energy bodies) refer to the spiritual,
mental, emotional, etheric, and physical energies that make up humans.
Energy is developed, stored, and moved in the body through the adrenals,
organs, chakra centers, and meridian pathways. There is a saying in Traditional
Chinese Medicine that speaks to why we experience pain: “Where there is
energy blockage, there is pain. Where energy moves freely, there is no pain.”
The key to pain relief and lasting health, then, is to open the energy channels,
raise your vibration frequency, and keep your energy moving at a constant
rate of homeostasis at all times. There are a number of alternative therapies
that Dr. Wiley unearthed in his book, Arthritis Reversed, whose primary
function is to do just that. With his permission, I have listed these therapies
for you below.
Energy Therapies
Polarity Therapy
Like several other energy medicine methodologies, polarity therapy views the
human body as comprising “life energy.” However, polarity therapy takes the
view that the energy body is in a state of constant “pulsation,” with positive
and negative poles and a neutral position.
These poles and position form a kind of energetic “template” along the body.
A practitioner can apply touch and pressure to this energetic template to alter
the pulsations and encourage pain relief and better general states of health.
While it shares common ideas with acupressure and QiGong, Dr. Wiley
found that polarity therapy is more aligned with Indian Ayurvedic medicine
and modern osteopathic and chiropractic theories of the body.
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
When people have gone through the complete series of acupuncture or
QiGong treatments recommended by their practitioner, and have not found
substantial relief, polarity therapy may be the next best modality to embrace.
Oftentimes, a person’s polarity (positive/negative energy poles) is reversed,
and one or more polarity sessions can correct this.
Quantum Touch®
In terms of hands-on energy work, the new kid on the block is Quantum
Touch®. It is both a method for individuals to work on themselves and for
practitioners to work on those in need of its healing potential. It does this
through simple methods that amplify and appropriately channel life force
energy. This process helps the body facilitate its own healing process.
Quantum Touch®’s claim to relieve chronic pain was put to the test through
an eight-week pilot study where the investigators used twelve volunteer
adult patients (men and women, ranging in age from eighteen to sixty-four)
who were randomly selected and assigned to an experimental and control
group of six volunteers in each group. Both groups were blindfolded and
received hands-on touch; however, only the experimental group was given the
Quantum Touch® energy.
As Dr. Wiley reports, what was made very clear through this research is that
Quantum Touch® healing is effective and has a positive impact on clients in
the area of chronic musculoskeletal pain. This holistic modality, like others
before it, can now offer itself to the world of health and wellness as a viable
method of pain management, with documented evidence of its impact and
Reiki is a Japanese energy practice used to reduce stress and induce relaxation
to help promote the free-flow of energy in the body. To share the benefits of
Reiki, practitioners use both non-touch and “laying on of hands” techniques.
Reiki practitioners lay their hands on or near patients in various configurations
modeled on powerful, ancient Tibetan and Chinese healing symbols. It is
believed that recreating these symbols on the body will allow “God’s energy”
to flow from the Universe, through the practitioner, and into the patient.
The End of All Disease
Because this energy vibrates at a high frequency, it will lift the low energy of
the sufferer to relieve pain and illness.
Reiki has become a popular healing modality among nurses in hospitals. The
patient does not have to be awake for them to administer a few minutes of
healing touch. It may be the easiest of the energy healing systems to find a
practitioner, and it also feels really good.
However, Reiki seems to have the least corrective benefits. It’s good for
relaxation and acute symptomatic relief, but not as effective for long-term
relief based on being a truly corrective body therapy.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Similar to its Chinese cousins, Jin Shin Jyutsu aims to balance the physical
and mental energies in the body. It views the body as being composed of a
trinity of energy pathways that, when functioning properly, harmonize mind,
body and spirit.
Jin Shin Jyutsu’s healing ability is rooted in manipulating and opening twentysix energy points, known as the “safety energy factors.” When activated
through finger pressure, these points unblock stagnant energy, relieve tension
and allow energy to flow freely in the body. Like acupressure, patients can
both receive treatment from a practitioner, or they can learn self-pressure
methods to use in regulating their own energy centers.
QiGong Therapy
QiGong refers to specific health exercises or techniques for regulating the
body, mind, and breath. These involve visualization, movement, posture, and
self-massage to effect interior balance and, in turn, positive changes in health.
Dr. Wiley found that regular practice of QiGong aids in regulating the
functions of the central nervous system. Along with exercising and controlling
one’s mind and body, QiGong influences one’s physical states and pathological
At the same time, the practice of QiGong produces latent energy within the
human body, enabling the practitioner to use this to their fullest potential.
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
Regular practice increases the body’s ability to adapt to and defend against the
natural and physical environment that we live in.
The primary use of QiGong today is to improve one’s health, thus extending
life. This is known as medical or healing QiGong and has three subdivisions:
1) Applied clinical therapy, where a Chinese doctor emits (projects) his own
qi into a patient’s body to effect a cure;
2) Self-regulating exercises, performed by a person who chooses a QiGong
program and practices the exercises over a period of at least one hundred days
to improve his or her own health;
3) A combination of clinical QiGong treatments from a doctor and an
individual’s personal self-regulating QiGong training program. Within
the self-practice method, exercises are done in any combination of three
techniques: static postures, slow movements, and meditation and breathing
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture is no longer the backroom healing art it was once thought to
be. On the contrary, not only is it a household word, but it is extremely
popular among sports competitors and women in their forties and fifties.
What’s more, mainstream medical doctors are increasingly expanding their
own practices to offer acupuncture in their offices.
Still, many people are still leery of this five-thousand-year-old tradition. They
wonder if it is real or just new-age hype. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has vetted this ancient Chinese healing tradition and announced
that acupuncture is suitable for treating the following conditions:
Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders: toothaches, pain after tooth extraction,
gingivitis, acute or chronic otitis, acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, nasal
catarrh, and acute tonsillitis.
Respiratory Disorders: asthma, bronchitis, colds, and allergies.
Gastrointestinal Disorders: esophageal and cardio spasm, hiccup,
gastroptosis, acute or chronic gastritis, sour stomach, chronic
duodenal ulcers, acute or chronic colitis, acute bacillary dysentery,
constipation, diarrhea, and paralytic ileus.
The End of All Disease
Eye Disorders: acute conjunctivitis, central retinitis, nearsightedness
(in children), and cataracts.
Neurological and Muscular Disorders: headaches, migraines, trigeminal
neuralgia, facial paralysis (within the first three to six months), poststroke paresis, peripheral neuritis, neurological bladder dysfunction,
bed wetting, intercostal neuralgia, cervical syndrome, frozen
shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica, low back pain, and osteoarthritis.
In other words, acupuncture is an effective treatment for a whole host of
medical conditions.
Acupressure is the non-invasive and non-needle-using offspring of
acupuncture, the therapy where thin needles are inserted into the skin to
correct energetic imbalances. Both work on the same theory, and in both
cases, the practitioner will either “needle” or apply finger pressure to specific
points (acupoints) on the body. Using a correct “prescription” of points, the
practitioner can in effect change the energy in a patient, open their channels,
and help their energy move more freely.
Acupuncture and acupressure are both widely practiced today and worth
looking into. They have been around for five thousand years and have
helped millions of people. Acupuncture needles work like antennae, pulling
bioelectric energy from the atmosphere into the body to correct energy
imbalances within the body’s meridian channels.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Therapy
Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) therapy treats myofascial neuropathic
pain, reducing inflammatory cytokines (polypeptide regulators). In other
words, it helps reduce trigger points and fascial constrictions that cause pain,
as well as reducing sensations like “pins and needles,” coldness or burning,
and numbness or itching caused by a damaged or diseased sensory system, as
is common in arthritis.
Dr. Wiley explains that FSM is a non-invasive therapy that requires the use of
a two-channel microamperage current device that can be purchased online.
This treatment requires two separate channels of voltage (13Hz and 396Hz)
to be connected to the patient while attempting to move their affected limbs
to their utmost range of motion. Clinical studies show that these specific
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
frequencies, when used simultaneously, can effectively treat nerve and muscle
pain, reduce inflammation, and clear scar tissue.
Other frequencies help reduce the pain associated with kidney stones, and aid
in the healing of asthma, liver dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
and other conditions.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) Therapy
For many, the idea that we are influenced by such a thing as harmful
electromagnetic frequency (EMF) smog has never crossed their minds. If you
can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right?
Wrong. This smog is all around us, every day, everywhere we go. It originates
from the frequencies of cell towers, cell and cordless phones, high-definition
televisions, laptop computers, microwaves, electrical appliances, computers,
fluorescent lighting, Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi installations, more than two
thousand satellites used for GPS, TV, and radio communications, and
especially in our vehicles.
EMFs are making us sick and, worse, slowly killing us by breaking down the
very structure of our cells. There is no escaping it.
Martin Blank, PhD, of Columbia University says, “Cells in the body react
to low level EMFs and produce a biochemical stress response. Our safety
standards are inadequate. People need to sit up and pay attention . . . New
research is suggesting that nearly all of the human plagues which emerged in
the twentieth century, including leukemia in children, female breast cancer,
malignant melanomas, immune system disorders, asthma, and others, can be
tied in some way to our use of electricity.”
How does that affect us from a biological standpoint? As Dr. Wiley explains,
in a nutshell, each of our cells is surrounded by a cell membrane. Embedded
in the cell membrane are numerous proteins that act as receptors for various
molecules, including enzymes. These receptors translate the positive and
negative signals on the cell’s exterior into its interior, and these signals then
trigger various biological processes.
When we’re affected by external electromagnetic fields, the high-speed
positive/negative polarity switching within these fields, from hundreds
The End of All Disease
to millions of times per second, interferes with our cells’ internal signalling
process. Basically, it confuses them and they become paralyzed.
Fortunately, a product recently permitted into the United States claims it can
reverse this damage in only eight minutes, if used two to three times a day. It’s
called the MRS2000, and it’s a German-engineered medical device that uses
pulsed, healthy EMFs to counter the debilitating effects of today’s EMF smog
and help bring people to optimal health.
It turns out that, much like the discovery of both good and bad cholesterol,
certain EMFs are actually good for us. In fact, we can’t live without them. As
a result, much research has gone into refining pulsed EMF therapy and the
results are impressive.
Paul Rosch, MD, of New York Medical College, described it like this: “While
EMFs are responsible for quite a bit of damage, don’t throw the baby out
with the bathwater. Pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) therapies have
been shown to be beneficial for stress related disorders, for anxiety, insomnia,
arthritis, depression and more. They also may be safer and more effective than
Thousands of clinical studies are proving its value, and PEMF therapy is
beginning to get the recognition it deserves. In some ways, it sounds similar
to the zapping discovered by Dr. Clark that I addressed in an earlier chapter.
While experts may not all agree on what EMF exposure levels cause what
health issues, the evidence out there suggests we would be foolish not to
apply the precautionary principle and reduce our exposure.
Earthing and Grounding
Another energy pathway that is gaining ground is earthing and grounding. Dr.
Jim Oschman, author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, has worked for
nearly a decade on earthing or grounding, a technique that seeks to connect
the body to the earth. He has learned that humans need to make conductive
contact with the surface of the earth.
It turns out that the development of plastic and rubber shoe soles has resulted
in a major disconnect between us and Mother Nature. It’s Dr. Oschman’s view
that this has had serious consequences for our health. He says that people are
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
rediscovering the healing energies of the earth by simply putting their feet in
seawater and walking barefoot on the grass.
According to Dr. Oschman, various technologies are being developed that
bring the benefit of the earth’s surface right into your home. There are
conductive sheets you can buy that have silver fibers. You can put these
sheets on your mattress and then connect them to a wire on a rod stuck in
the ground outside your bedroom. Dr. Oschman says this helps those with
insomnia sleep better. They have less pain because the electrons from the
earth are great antioxidants and relieve inflammation in the body.
There is also footwear specifically designed with a small conductive plug at
the ball of your foot. When you’re walking outside, this conductive plug
connects you to the earth. Even if you’re walking on cement, it acts as a
good conductor and you will feel a difference. Not only can your pain and
inflammation be dramatically reduced, this will happen immediately.
Solutions like these are simple and don’t require any extra time and effort on
your part, but the results can be life-changing.
Energy Medicine
As Dr. Wiley points out in Arthritis Reversed, healing and pain relief do not
have one-size-fits-all solutions. Energy medicine, like other treatments and
therapies discussed in this book, is about addressing excesses, deficiencies,
and stagnations. It’s about helping the body to heal and not just masking
the symptoms. If you view pain as your body’s way of telling you something
needs to be done, by taking away the pain, you also take away the chance to
get to the root of it.
Energy medicine treatments are mild and don’t come with the unpleasant
side effects that result from many traditional treatments. Add this lack of side
effects to their high effectiveness, and this makes energy medicine treatments
a winning combination.
The individualistic approach to medicine that most alternative healthcare
practitioners use is more effective. This is because they are taking the time to
get all the information from you, the patient, so they can help you make the
The End of All Disease
best decisions. They’re looking at the big picture. The other bonus here is that
you don’t have treatments—especially prescriptions—forced on you.
While once thought to be mystical, the science behind energy medicine makes
sense if you really think about it. Tap into natural resources, both your own
and the earth’s, to restore your energy balance and free yourself from pain.
You are now thoroughly equipped to handle both the mental and physical
components of the Complete Healing Formula™. But I still have one more
key piece of the health puzzle to cover: diet. The next few chapters will take
you through everything you need to know about what you put into your
body, starting with toxic and moldy foods.
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
Chapter Review
• You are constantly using and sensing energy within yourself
and in the world around you.
All aspects of health are tied to energetic frequencies. Lowfrequency energy results in low function and poor health;
high-frequency energy creates high function and good
Energy is developed, stored, and moved in the body through
the adrenals, organs, chakra centers, and meridian pathways.
Different types of energy therapies include: polarity
therapy, Quantum Touch®, Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu,
QiGong, acupuncture and acupressure, frequency specific
microcurrent (FSM) therapy, pulsed electromagnetic
frequency (PEMF) therapy, and earthing and grounding.
Energy treatments can be more effective than traditional
treatments and have fewer side effects.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley
You can get a detailed explanation of many of the energy therapies covered
in this chapter in Dr. Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed at www.
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by Dr. Jim Oschman
To learn more about energy pathways, I recommend Dr. Jim Oshman’s book,
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. You can learn more about his work at
Live Pain Free Membership
Energy therapies rarely get a fair shake in modern media coverage. I share
details and new developments about this important subject regularly with
my Live Pain Free family. Join and keep up to speed at
Energy Medicine: Health Secret or New-Age Hoax?
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In
Your Food
Raise the Red Flag
People are beginning to understand that the quality of their food impacts
the quality of their lives awakening to the dangers in many of the foods and
drinks that comprise our modern diet. However, this knowledge, while it
helps form the foundation of a better way of eating, doesn’t go far enough.
It’s not enough to simply avoid fast food and other clearly “unhealthy” foods.
We must be vigilant about what we are consuming and where it came from
to truly find the balance we need within our diets. In the upcoming chapters,
I’ll cover several aspects of the health dangers in our food and water. Here,
I’ll explore the toxic invaders in our food and water supply that are crippling
modern health.
Lurking in the Water
Few doubt the positive impact that water treatment has brought to the
modern world. In developed areas, with access to clean water, diseases such
as cholera and dysentery are a thing of the past—an accomplishment of
great importance for sure! Yet this development owes much of its success to
chemicals that are posing an entirely new threat to modern society.
Dr. Clark’s research raised my awareness to the presence of certain chemicals
in water that are flooding our bodies with new, toxic invaders. The addition
of chlorine and other chemicals to most public water supplies puts five
immunosuppressants directly into our bodies. These toxins—azo dyes,
asbestos, benzene, heavy metals, and PCBs—were found in every one of her
cancer patients. To avoid these toxins, you need to know a little more about
them and how they end up in our food and water supplies.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
As I touched in a previous chapter, heavy metals include substances such
as mercury, cadmium, lead, and nickel, along with a few other toxic lighter
metals like aluminum and titanium. These make a regular appearance in
our drinking water. Additionally, they commonly appear in soft drinks,
toothpastes, and even in dental fillings and cutlery. Consumption of these
immunosuppressants is common for most of us unless we take specific care
to avoid them.
Azo dyes, although carcinogenic, are also frequently found in our water supply
due to the chlorination process. In addition, they are included in pesticides,
and therefore regularly ride along on commercially sprayed vegetables.
Although we have been told that asbestos has been removed from our
environment, that is far from the truth. This substance is still frequently used
in conveyor and packaging machinery, where this carcinogen can fly right
into our water or onto our food during production.
While benzene is a chemical that our bodies can handle in small amounts,
it nonetheless wreaks havoc on our systems when we take in too much of it.
Benzene is present in coffee, petroleum jellies, lubricants, and even untested
supplements. Since it impedes blood cell development, its impact on our
health and ability to heal is self-evident.
Least surprising of all is the presence of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
in chlorinated water, as the chlorination process directly adds these toxins to
the water. It is also found in most water bottles as a part of the plastic itself.
Unless plastic packaging specifically notes that it is made of “high density
polyethylene 2 (HDPE 2),” it is filled with this carcinogenic toxin.
Dr. Clark’s research showed her that there were different types of chlorine
present in her cancer patients and her non-cancer patients alike. The chlorine
approved by the US National Science Foundation contains ferricyanide,
which has been shown by Dr. Clark’s research to cause other serious diseases,
but not cancer.
Yet the chlorine that Dr. Clark says develops cancer does contain potassium
ferrocyanide. The difference between these two chemicals may look minor,
but that single letter of difference between the two names has dangerous
repercussions. People often get confused when presented with safety
The End of All Disease
information on these toxins; ferrocyanide and ferricyanide are two different
components, even though they both cause serious diseases.
Where you live is a determining factor in how much toxicity these chlorines
contain. For example, in Europe, cancer sufferers have higher amounts of
polonium from chlorine, but they also have lower quantities of benzene and
PCBs than those living elsewhere.
Dr. Clark says that all of the chlorines used have traces of polonium and
cerium (a lathanide element), which are the first two components to forming
cancer. The third component, which she says determines who will suffer from
cancer, is whether it contains ferrocyanide or ferricyanide. She also discovered
alpha radiation, antimony, arsenic, asbestos, azo dyes, barium, benzene,
boron, and cadmium in the carcinogenic chlorine.
Are You Using Toxic Water?
Even if you are using mineral waters instead of commercially cleaned and
supplied water, there are still risks to your safety and the proper function of
your immune system that you need to be aware of.
During processing, mineral waters are introduced to toxins. Dr. Clark
conducted examinations with a device she invented called the Syncrometer.
Using this Syncrometer, a variety of water brands were tested, and it was
found that immunosuppressants were present in many of them. In other
words, even when the water itself is not dangerous, the bottling machines or
the bottles themselves can be.
Water that is sold distilled can contain the same toxins as bottled mineral
water and should also be avoided. As it is distilled, the water loses its toxins
and passes through a charcoal filter that converts it into pure water containing
no inorganic minerals. Because our bodies can’t absorb these toxins, distilling
water prevents them from depositing themselves on the walls of our intestines,
arteries, joints, kidneys, etc.
Heavy metals are a big part of the problem when it comes to toxic foods,
mostly because they can be so pervasive in our water and food supply. That
said, according to Dr. Clark, there are several steps you can take to eliminate
your exposure to heavy metals.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
Your best bet is to distill your water yourself. If you must buy plastic packaging,
Dr. Clark advises using an HDPE 2 plastic—mentioned above as the only
safe form of plastic packaging—to avoid contamination. A glass container is
also a safe and viable option.
You should also stay away from swordfish, tuna, bonito, shellfish, sea bass,
eel, halibut, monkfish, salmon, sea bream, manta ray, and grouper. Dr. Clark
advises sticking with varieties of fish that have a lower amount of mercury,
like hake, whiting, blue whiting, sardine, herring, anchovy, and trout. These
varieties give your body the much-needed nutrition without the high levels
of heavy metal toxicity.
Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide should be avoided, as should
tobacco, which is a dangerous source of cadmium.
In the kitchen, dishes made out of clay and aluminum should be avoided,
as should aluminum foil or tin. Relating to aluminum, pay attention to the
packaging as well. Chocolate bars, chocolate eggs, and any food packaged in
aluminum often can have unseen particles of aluminum attached to it.
Dr. Clark also cautions against vaccinations, as they are high in mercury and,
though often recommended for various populations of people for different
things (i.e., flu shots for the elderly, tetanus shots for farm workers), she says
they are “frankly harmful.”
Like all things, this is an area where we must strive for balance. Be aware of
what is in the vaccinations, seek out all the necessary information, and come
to an informed decision weighing the risks and benefits.
Put Your Body to Work
As you’ve seen from the frightening information above, fully avoiding toxins
can be difficult—if not impossible—in today’s world. The good news,
however, is that our bodies contain several mechanisms to deal with certain
levels of toxins in a healthy way. Namely, our white blood cells are the body’s
natural way of battling invaders.
But is conventional medicine right about the way white blood cells really
The End of All Disease
A familiar saying goes, “quality not quantity.” That’s true of our white blood
cells. It’s not how many white blood cells we have that’s important. Rather,
it’s how well those cells are functioning that really matters when we look at
health from the perspective of balance.
Just because our white blood cell count is within a normal range doesn’t
necessarily mean that the cells are functioning as they should in a natural
state of homeostasis. For the many victims of disease, their white blood cell
count isn’t an issue, but the state of the cells is.
Traditional medicine has the ability to count our white blood cells, but not
to evaluate their toxicity. This problem was remedied by Dr. Clark, who—as
much discussed in this and previous chapters—is the author of several wellknown books on the topic of self-health. Dr. Clark also used her Syncrometer
device, discussed in one of the above sections, to see what she called “the five
basic immunosuppressants” in her patients’ white blood cells.
The “five basics” are not the only threatening toxins we consume, but
according to Dr. Clark, they are the most relevant to our immune systems,
as they are found in each and every person with degenerative diseases and
infectious conditions. These immunosuppressants are PCBs (polychlorinated
biphenyls), benzene, asbestos, azo dyes, and heavy metals, all of which we
covered earlier in this chapter.
In a healthy state, our white blood cells can identify and react to invaders
and disease. When they are “under the influence” of toxins, however, they are
unable to perform primary functions like detecting and eliminating pathogens
and toxins in the organs. The white blood cells are suddenly south polarized,
rather than north polarized as they should be, thanks to the transportation of
things like heavy metals for elimination.
Dr. Clark says that, because of this, when they can’t eliminate toxins, white
blood cells are not able to function, disrupting homeostasis in our bodies.
The obvious fix, then, is to detoxify the white blood cells so that our immune
systems can work properly. Our white blood cells need to be prepared to
release toxins into the bladder and excrete them through urine. In order to do
this, Dr. Clark says we need to get our immune system strong so that it can
eliminate any toxins that enter the body altogether.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
To go up against pathogens and toxins, our white blood cells need one
important thing from us: non-toxic nourishment, a critical part of creating
homeostasis in our diet.
Detoxify Your Diet
Small and simple changes can have a significant effect on your body’s ability
to rid itself of toxins and return to a state of homeostasis. The foods you eat
and the water you drink are two simple dietary needs you can control with
minimal effort and maximum effect.
In order to cleanse our bodies of toxins, we need to have white blood cells
that are doing their job for us. Eliminating heavy metals from our lives and
making educated choices when it comes to the food we eat and the water we
use will help our bodies complete their natural toxin-fighting duties, restoring
balance and returning us to the Wellness Model of Health™.
But toxic foods aren’t the only things we need to be on the lookout for when
it comes to our diets. Next, I’ll show you how you may be consuming mold
without knowing it, and how you can eliminate it from your food intake to
improve your health.
The Truth about Mold
While it is easy to grasp the concept of toxins in our food and water, you may
be less aware of another factor in your environment that can have serious
repercussions for your health and wellness: molds.
Molds are a form of fungus, usually microscopic, that live and reproduce on
organic matter such as plants or animals. While the word “mold” tends to
have a negative connotation, it actually describes a diverse group of organisms,
some beneficial and some harmful.
Most of us are aware that mold plays a critical role in our ecosystem. When
living things die, mold sets in and makes them biodegradable. Without it, our
land and oceans would be bursting with all of the dead plants and animals
from years gone by. Mold works in a miraculous way to get rid of filth.
Mold consumption impacts the diet aspect of the Complete Healing
Formula™. That’s not to say that all molds are bad for you. Some of them are
The End of All Disease
actually beneficial. Many delicious and healthy cheeses owe their existence to
healthy molds. The species Penicillium roqueforti is the key mold that gives
Gorgonzola, Stilton, and the aptly named Roquefort cheeses their distinct
flavors and appearances. Beyond these three, many other cheeses likewise
require other safe, edible kinds of molds in the mix to craft their appealing
But not all molds are beneficial to your dietary balance. On the contrary, we
also encounter several toxic and dangerous forms of mold in our daily lives.
Your food pantry, your bread, your fruit basket, the rind of your orange,
and the walls of your kitchen themselves are just a few places where these
toxic molds can grow—with dangerous and sometimes even life-threatening
repercussions for your health.
Estimates suggest that there are anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds
of thousands of mold species. Covering them all in this chapter is simply
impossible. Fortunately, it’s also unnecessary. The most valuable things to
understand are why certain molds are dangerous and how you can identify
Some molds are visible; others are invisible. Some are helpful; others are
extremely dangerous. Regardless of the mold, however, most require certain
conditions to spread and thrive. Once you know those conditions, you can
avoid them and work toward greater balance in your diet.
The next few pages will explain how molds form, cover the different types of
molds that can adversely affect your health, and show you how to manage
mold consumption in your diet.
The Dangers of Mold
What are molds, how do they spread, and why are they harmful to our overall
Molds are composed of pervasive roots—specifically, from stalks rising out of
those roots that are capped off with spores. We can see these spores with the
naked eye. The spores are what give molds their individual appearances and
colors, and they are also the source of the molds’ dangerous effects.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
Mold spores spread through the environment through the air. Certain molds,
such as those found in some buildings, give off spores that cause allergic
reactions and respiratory problems. The presence of mold in a home is rightly
a cause for grave concern. Until the molds are eliminated, and their spores
cleared from the atmosphere, the environment is toxic.
Many molds have a more pervasive and dangerous effect on our health than
simple allergies. Several types of molds produce “mycotoxins,” which, as
their name suggests, are extremely toxic. Worse, many molds have extremely
intricate root systems, which allow mycotoxins to penetrate far deeper into a
substance than the visible spores lead us to believe.
Each grain, fruit, tea and coffee plant, herb, and vegetable has its molds—
and, odds are, you’re eating them.
Aflatoxin is one of the more pervasive and toxic molds out there. This is
no surprise given the conditions in which it thrives best. Aflatoxin is found
primarily on corn and peanuts, both of which are staples of the modern
American diet.
This mold is recognized by the USDA as a cancer-causing poison. So it comes
as no surprise that Dr. Hulda Clark’s research uncovered aflatoxin in virtually
all of her cancer patients. Aflatoxin also appeared in all of Dr. Clark’s cases of
hepatitis and cirrhosis. This mold attacks the body’s immune system, leaving
the gates of our defenses wide open to pathogens.
Aflatoxin is not easily cleared from the body because it weakens and kills
portions of the liver—the organ that is meant to detoxify our systems. Large
doses or continued exposure to this mold will harm your health through its
detrimental effects on the liver. That said, it can take weeks for aflatoxin’s
effects to be realized, and it is both tasteless and scentless. So how can you
know if your food is moldy?
In addition to thriving on corn and peanuts, aflatoxin is also found in your
cereal, bread, pasta, nuts, maple syrup, orange juice, and other foods. The good
news is that it is not found in dairy, fresh-washed produce, or water. Goods
The End of All Disease
produced in bakeries that are left open to air also don’t contain aflatoxin, and
the same is true for products made with carefully screened, deseeded wheat.
In short, given the common American diet, the possibility that you are
consuming foods riddled with aflatoxin is very likely unless you take the
proper steps to avoid this moldy invader. Dr. Clark advises preparing your
own food, testing the foods you can’t prepare yourself, treating foods for
molds whenever you can, and getting rid of the rest of it.
One of the most important things to understand is that you can’t kill molds
through the basic heating or reheating of food. Foods containing aflatoxin
must be boiled for several minutes—at a temperature much higher than the
boiling point—or else be baked at an even higher temperature in order to
kill this mold. So if your food can’t be heated to an elevated temperature, this
method will not kill the aflatoxin.
Some industrial research journals suggest treating food ingredients with
hydrogen peroxide or metabisulfite, a reducing agent. While the introduction
of these chemicals may kill the mold, however, that’s not their only effect.
They also damage the nutritional value of your food—not to mention its
The only natural way to ensure that your food isn’t infested with aflatoxin,
as Dr. Clark suggests, is through the use of vitamin C. Be advised that you
should use whole-food vitamin C for this, not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is
not true vitamin C, but rather a chemical compound, as I will discuss later
in this book. Only real vitamin C will have the purifying effect on your food
that Dr. Clark identifies.
When baking your own bread, Dr. Clark advises adding a bit of vitamin C
to the dough to keep it free of mold for a longer time. In both powdered and
liquid forms, vitamin C is an easy way to quickly ensure the safety of your
food. Still, be sure to consume the bread quickly, or slice and freeze it to
prevent the resurgence of the aflatoxin.
Purchasing commercially available bread is dangerous, since vitamin C can’t
be added before baking, and you can’t be sure how long the bread has been
sitting on the shelves in a store or bakery since it was made.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
Other foods are also easy to treat with vitamin C. Rice and pasta can be
cleansed of aflatoxin simply be adding vitamin C during or immediately after
cooking. Vinegar can be detoxified as well simply by adding some vitamin C
before refrigerating it. You can even rid honey of mold if you heat it slightly
and add a few tablespoons of vitamin C to the container.
Some foods, like nuts, need a slightly different treatment. Simply sprinkling
vitamin C on nuts or corn will not remove the aflatoxin from these foods
because they have already been penetrated by molds. Nuts have to be washed
and covered with water that has been mixed with vitamin C powder. After
five minutes, the vitamin C has detoxed the nuts and they can be dried in the
oven using low heat.
Interestingly, many cultures traditionally treat corn in a way that naturally clears
it of aflatoxin. The process that these cultures use is called “nixtamalization,”
which involves soaking and cooking corn in a limewater solution. This
alkalizes the corn, and the presence of vitamin C in the limewater rids it of
Avoid the harmful effects of aflatoxin by steering clear of the common foods
where this mold appears whenever you can, to ensure it doesn’t enter your
system. However, keep in mind that, because the foods on which aflatoxin
thrives are so common, a preventative treatment cleanse is also necessary to
avoid ingesting this cancer-causing organism. I’ll talk more about cleanses in
chapter 15.
Zearalenone, or “zear” is another common and dangerous mold to avoid.
Like its cousin aflatoxin, zear is often found in commercial cereal grains and
processed foods such as popcorn, corn chips, and brown rice.
Zear can lower your immunity, just as aflatoxin does. It furthermore keeps
your body from being able to detoxify benzene, which Dr. Clark says is
common in AIDS sufferers. In addition, this mold is linked with estrogendependent diseases, including breast cancer.
Another mycotoxin, zear is an anabolic and estrogenic metabolite. The mold
appears as extra estrogen in animals’ bodies. Many animal studies have shown
The End of All Disease
this mold to have negative impacts on reproductive health, such as infertility
and in-utero death.
But such negative effects are not limited to animals. Even beyond breast
cancer, Dr. Clark found in her research that zear speeds up the maturing
process in females, and could cause PMS, ovarian cysts, and infertility. In
males, even small amounts of zear ingested daily could dramatically affect
maturation. Whether the toxin stimulates additional estrogen to develop or
functions just like estrogen is not yet clear.
High heat is not effective when it comes to purging foods of zear. If your
immunity is compromised or you experience any of the other effects noted
above, Dr. Clark advises going off moldy food suspects that may contain zear
right away.
Ergot is a mold whose effects are unusual and felt very fast. It is immune to
heat and highly toxic to children. At any age, however, erratic behavior can
be a consequence of ingesting ergot. Irrational thoughts, surreal ideas, and
unusual emotions are significant red flags. Those who are commonly sick
may also be experiencing high levels of this toxin. According to Dr. Clark,
the effects of ergot also include paranoia, hearing voices, and even seizures.
If you notice any of these erratic behaviors in yourself or someone you are
close to, it would be a good idea to make dietary changes to reduce your
intake of ergot.
For example, erratic behavior in children is often written off as allergies, when
in truth ergot toxicity could be to blame. If you find your child behaving like
“Jekyll and Hyde,” Dr. Clark suggests eliminating cold cereals, nuts and nut
butters, store-bought baked goods, soy, honey, and syrups for three weeks.
Replace those foods with hot cereals, home-baked goods, potatoes, and honey
with added vitamin C.
Because alcohol together with ergot is more toxic than each is on its own,
alcohol heightens the negative effects of ergot. It appears that alcohol also
drives ergot deeper into the tissues. Dr. Clark has found ergot and aflatoxin
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
in beer and wine, and suggests that perhaps some inebriated behaviors are the
result of this mold and alcohol combination.
If you intend to consume foods that may contain ergot, Dr. Clark notes
that you can detoxify this dangerous mold easily in about ten minutes using
Vitamin C. She also notes that honey should be detoxified right away before
Other Molds to Avoid
Aflatoxin, zearalenone, and ergot are only a few of the toxic molds we need
to reduce or eliminate in our diets. There are several other molds to be aware
of as well.
Cytochalasin B
Cytochalasin B, or “cyto B,” is another fungus that lowers immunity, which
it does by impeding cell division. For example, portions of the liver that are
dead are unable to regenerate as they normally would in the event of a toxic
encounter. Cyto B it is found mainly in pasta.
Kojic Acid
Kojic acid prevents the body from being able to detoxify wood alcohol, which
results in damage to the pancreas, pancreatic fluke infestation, and even
diabetes. Dr. Clark advises against eating potato skins and points out that
this mold is also found in regular coffee.
T-2 Toxin
Dr. Clark has found T-2 toxin in every case of high blood pressure and
kidney disease. She notes that it is found in dried peas and beans, but that
this dangerous mold can be detoxified by adding vitamin C to the soaking
water for these foods for five minutes. She adds that you should discard the
imperfect peas and beans first, as an extra safety measure.
Sorghum Molds
Sorghum molds are found in sorghum and millet. Elderly people are more
susceptible to these mold toxins, which cause hemorrhaging and appetite
loss, and make it hard to swallow. Dr. Clark advises against buying sorghum
The End of All Disease
syrup, and says that you should rinse millet in water with vitamin C or add
vitamin C to the water before cooking.
Patulin is the major fruit mold toxin. It is dangerous because the mold that
produces it can grow in patches in your intestine. According to Dr. Clark, E.
coli and shigella can permeate the colon wall and begin to invade your body,
spreading to areas of injury and tumor sites.
Patulin is found in many common fruits when they are bruised. Those with
bowel disease or cancer should not consume fresh fruit besides bananas and
lemons for a few weeks. After that, all fruit should be carefully inspected for
bruising, and Dr. Clark warns to be thorough in the inspection: even a single
soft grape can reinfect you.
Mold and Your Diet
The following are foods Dr. Clark says should be carefully considered prior
to consumption:
Crackers: Children should not be fed crackers ever as they are
notoriously moldy. Make your own treats in the oven.
Dried fruits: These are highly moldy and should be soaked in vitamin
C water and refrigerated or frozen. Overripe fruit should not be
baked or preserved.
Peanut butter: Nut butters bought in a store can’t be detoxified, so
you should make your own.
Tea: Tea sold in bags is very moldy, so it is better to buy tea in bulk.
Store tea in the double plastic bag it comes in, which will also prevent
antiseptics in the bag itself. When using fresh herbs, only half as
much is required to make tea, which should be done using a sterile
bamboo strainer.
Maple syrup: Pure maple syrup contains aflatoxin and other molds
that you can often see. The aflatoxin can be removed with vitamin
C, but the other molds need to be exposed to high heat too. You can
bring the syrup to a near boil in its original jar without the lid and
then refrigerate.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
Hot cereal: It is easy to spot the mold here and remove all of the dark
shriveled pieces. By adding salt and honey while cooking, you can
detoxify your hot cereal grains further. Grains shouldn’t sit in your
cupboard for more than six months, and should not be refrigerated
(only frozen) if not kept in the cupboard.
Against the Grains
According to Dr. Clark, our grain consumption should be very limited. Many
molds in pastas, breads, and cold cereals can’t be seen or smelled. Potatoes are
a preferable option, as you eat them just the way they were harvested. When
grains are processed, it opens them to a variety of molds. Potatoes should be
scrubbed prior to eating, and all eyes should be removed.
Coexisting with Mold
Mold could be called a necessary evil. While it is vital to the balance of the
environment, if not carefully monitored, it can make us very sick in a variety
of ways. It is not complicated to co-exist with mold, but it does require
diligence on our parts to make sure that what we put into our bodies is as safe
as it can be.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to go to extremes with this all at once.
The first step is knowledge and awareness. Once you have that, you can start
taking small steps to reduce your exposure to molds, then build on it over
time. This is only one part of the bigger picture when it comes to managing
excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in your diet.
Now you’re aware of the serious threats that toxic and moldy foods pose to
our dietary balance, and how they can undermine the Wellness Model of
Health™. But there is one more culprit when it comes to sabotaging health
through diet: inflammatory foods. The next chapter will take you through
everything you need to know about these foods, and show you how you can
eliminate them from your diet to promote greater wellness.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Toxic foods harm our white blood cells and weaken our
immune systems.
Five common immunosuppressants you should try to
avoid most in foods are: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
benzene, asbestos, azo dyes, and heavy metals.
Molds are a form of fungus, usually microscopic, that live
and reproduce on organic matter such as plants or animals.
Some forms of mold are toxic and dangerous, and can be
found in common foods we eat.
Mold spores spread through the environment through the
Some foods that commonly contain mold include: crackers,
dried fruits, peanut butter, tea, maple syrup, and hot cereal,
as well as pastas, breads, cold cereals, grains, and potatoes.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Food
Recommended Resources
Developed by the Dr. Clark Research Association, the ElectroCleanse is
a powerful tool that can aid you in the recovery of many major medical
disorders. Find out more at
Dr. Clark Research Association
You can learn more about the tools available to clear toxins from your system
from the Dr. Clark Research Association at
Clark Therapy by Ignacio Chamorro Balda
You can get even more information about the tools and methods that have
arisen from Dr. Clark’s work in the book Clark Therapy by Ignacio Chamorro
The End of All Disease
Everyday Foods that Fan the
Flames of Inflammation
Inflammation Station
I spent a lot of time in the last chapter giving you the rundown of what
dangerous things may be coming along with your food. But if you’re like
most people, some of the foods you eat may be harmful for your health in
and of themselves.
In today’s fad diet world, it’s probably no surprise to hear that what you eat
is important to creating homeostasis in the Wellness Model of Health™. The
food you consume has far more of an impact on you than just the weight
it may add to your frame. Beyond the obvious, certain foods can create an
excess of inflammation within the body, triggering pain and ill-health.
The impact of inflammation on the body is enormous. For example,
inflammation in joints causes stiffness and pain. Inflammation in the back and
muscles results in trigger points. Arterial inflammation is associated with heart
disease, and fascia-related inflammation is linked strongly to fibromyalgia. In
fact, multiple studies have proven that inflammation is connected to nearly
every major disease we suffer from today. And it starts with the food you eat
every single day—the third cornerstone of the Complete Healing Formula™,
your diet.
By now, you know that diet has an impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. No matter what kind of pain or illness you’re suffering from, you’re
going to make your whole situation and state of homeostasis better by
improving your diet. There are specific conditions that many people suffer
from—like chronic joint pain—that can be alleviated by following simple
dietary guidelines.
An obvious example, as Dr. Mark Wiley cites in his book, Arthritis Reversed, is
that if you are carrying around excess weight, it places a compressive load on
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
your joints that is three times the actual weight. That means for every fifteen
pounds you are overweight, your hips and knees are under stress to move a
forty-five-pound load. If you are thirty to forty pounds or more overweight,
the effects can be staggering.
Changing the way you eat to reduce your level of chronic inflammation will
most likely lead to weight loss, which will in turn result in the relief of excess
pressure on your body. And this is only one superficial way that inflammation
impacts our larger health ecosystem.
In addition to eating well, there are specific foods you can avoid and others
you can consume to preserve and improve your body’s defense against
inflammation, your natural state of homeostasis, and consequently, your
health conditions.
This chapter will review how food causes pain and inflammation, which foods
affect inflammation, and how you can ease pain and discomfort with a diet
of healthy whole foods.
How Food Causes Pain and Inflammation
When it comes to pain and inflammation, the food you consume plays a key
role. Food is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to controlling energydraining health symptoms.
Unfortunately, the typical American diet consists of excess fat, tons of sugar,
loads of factory-farmed red meat, and a frightening amount of processed
foods. Is it any wonder there are so many people suffering from chronic pain
and illness? These foods cause inflammation, block the bowels, drain the
immune system, and deplete the blood of dense nutrients.
“Bad” Foods
When it comes to pain and illness, several categories of food should be
avoided, including nightshades, dairy-based products, and high-fructose corn
syrup. Dr. Wiley covers a number of these in his book.
Excess nightshade fruits and vegetables are particularly troublesome for
those suffering from conditions like chronic joint pain. This family of
food includes white potatoes, eggplant, sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes,
The End of All Disease
tomatillos, tamarillos, pepinos, pimentos, goji berries, ground cherries, Cape
gooseberries, garden huckleberries, and paprika.
These foods can cause calcification, bone spurs, and inflammation. Such side
effects are harmful to those suffering pain and illness because they amplify
the existing inflammation and joint problems rather than alleviating them.
In cases of people who are sensitive or allergic to nightshades, they can even
cause nerve damage, muscle tremors, and impeded digestion.
Excess dairy products are also troublesome for those suffering from chronic
ailments. They are often high in cholesterol and saturated fat, and can
contribute to obesity. And as we learned, being overweight by even fifteen
pounds can have disastrous effects on arthritic joints. But the problem with
dairy goes a lot deeper than weight issues.
Products like milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese, and various
sauces can contribute to an increase in phlegm-rheum. Phlegm-rheum is a
classification of thick, sticky fluids in the body that include mucus. These
thick and sticky fluids pool around joints and collect toxins and bacteria,
and become either damp or hot, depending on other factors. This increases
inflammation, swelling, bone degeneration, loss of range of motion, and pain.
The sweetener known as high-fructose corn syrup (HFC) has been called the
main culprit in the rise in youth obesity in the United States, and obesity is
one of the key risks for chronic health issues. High-fructose corn syrup is corn
syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert its glucose into
fructose. This fructose has then been mixed with regular corn syrup, which is
100 percent glucose, and the result is a sweet liquid known as high-fructose.
This liquid is the sweetener found in just about every cold beverage in your
local convenience store, including iced tea, sodas, and energy drinks. Not
only that, but it is also found in so-called healthy foods like tomato soup and
yogurt, as well as less healthful items such as salad dressings and cookies.
The FDA did a thirty-year study and found a correlation between HFC and
obesity, stating that it is worse for your health than plain sugar—which isn’t
good for those with pain and inflammation either. Worst of all, even as the
public begins to awaken to the dangers of HFC, the food industry is now
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
peddling equally dangerous chemical sugar substitutes and all the additional
toxins that come with them.
Excess processed or refined grains are also to be avoided. These are found in
flour, cereals, breads, baked goods, and snack foods. Usually they’re listed as
“enriched” flour or anything other than “whole” grains. In essence, refined
grains have been broken down for you, so your body doesn’t have to do the
Since the grain then breaks down too quickly in the body and the intestines,
it releases hormones that promote inflammation. Even eating “whole” grains
can still be problematic for many people. Not only are those whole grains
still processed, but many grains—especially wheat—trigger inflammatory
responses in the body.
Acidic Foods
Other foods that negatively affect our health include those that are acidic. As
strange as it may sound, your body, its fluids, and your blood can become
excessively acidic. Just as acidic fruits like lemons can “eat” the enamel off
your teeth, and acid can corrode a battery casing, your body can become
overly acidic when your natural pH is off kilter.
Even the conventional medical community agrees that the human body was
not designed to withstand chronic acidic states. When the body is off-kilter
long enough, out of its natural state of homeostasis, it starts to break down.
Signs and symptoms of an excessively acidic body can be seen and/
or felt externally, with the onset of headaches, body pain, and skin rashes.
In the acidic range, the immune system is compromised, leading to easily
contracted sinus infections, allergies, colds, and the flu, and placing you at
risk for progressing autoimmune diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.
Moreover, an excessively acidic interior environment can lead to muscle
contraction that can restrict the free flow of blood and inhibit the exchange
of nutrients and waste products from muscle cells. This can cause soreness,
cramping, fatigue, degenerative cellular diseases, and even cellular death. Dr.
Wiley offers a pH balance guide in his book, reproduced here.
The End of All Disease
Chart 12.1: pH Balance Guide
Battery Acid
Stomach Acid
Lemon Juice, Vinegar
Orange Juice, Soda
Tomato Juice, Beer
Black Coffee
Saliva, Cow’s Milk
Pure Water
Sea Water
Baking Soda
Soapy Water
Bleach, Oven Cleaner
Drain Cleaner
Chronic pain is related to pH imbalance and the accumulation of acid deposits
in the joints of the neck, hips, wrists, and hands. It is this accumulated acid
that damages cartilage. When the cells that produce lubricating synovial
fluids and bursa fluids are acidic, this condition causes a dryness that irritates
and swells the joints. When uric acid builds up, it tends to deposit in the form
of crystals that can feel like broken glass in the feet, hands, knees, and back.
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about this when your body is kept within
the alkaline range of 7.0 - 7.4. In fact, while in this range it is impossible
for disease to sustain itself, because the immune system is strong and the
acidic environment necessary for diseases like cancer, gout, and arthritis no
longer exists. Chart 12.1 will help you see just how the foods you eat and the
beverages you drink contribute to an unhealthy internal environment.
Acidity and Stress
An imbalanced pH or acid/alkaline interior environment is one of the
hidden causes of disease and one of the states that makes our existing health
symptoms worse.
So how does the body become too acidic (and thus, unhealthy) and place you
at risk for negative health symptoms? Well, excess stress is a big one.
As I discussed in chapter 2, stress, or the effects of being in the “fight or flight”
response for too long a period of time, releases stress hormones into the body,
flooding the blood stream with protective chemicals. These chemicals, like
cortisol, were necessary during the times of our ancestors who had to run for
their lives from wild beasts or rival tribes.
These days, this stress response is caused by different types of stressors,
like emotional upset, physically demanding work, and overwhelming
psychological issues that we deal with at home and at work. There are too
many of these happening throughout the day. It is no wonder we are under
chronic states of stress, are not well, and are in a constant acidic state.
Our modern diet is also a huge contributor to our chronic acidic interior
environment. When food reaches your digestive tract, it is broken down and
either leaves an alkaline or an acidic residue behind. If you eat foods that are
organic, whole, and fresh, and drink plenty of pure water, the body can easily
maintain an alkaline state.
However, consuming excess sugar, refined grains, preservatives, pesticides,
dairy products (like cow’s milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream), red meat,
chocolate, coffee, soda and alcohol turns the body acidic. One of the main
effects of a poor diet is inflammation, which is also the main symptom of
chronic pain and illness.
The End of All Disease
pH is a measure of the potential hydrogen or residue a food leaves behind,
as being either alkaline or acidic. And this is not directly related to the acidic
nature of a food before it is digested. Lemons, for example, are highly acidic.
If you squeeze the juice of a lemon on an open wound, it will burn. However,
when ingested and digested, lemon is very alkalizing for the body, and lemon
juice can help reduce acidic levels. A diet that is low in acidic foods and
packed full of nutrient-dense alkalizing foods will make you healthier, while
also reducing the symptoms of your chronic pain or illness.
If you have pain or chronic disease, you more than likely have a predisposition
to infection, and it is likely that a pH imbalance is present in your body. To
be sure, you can purchase pH testing strips or rolls in your local drug store.
These are thin paper items that gauge your pH level when dipped either into
your saliva or urine stream, first thing in the morning before anything is eaten
or drunk. You should strive to have your pH in in the alkaline range, and if
you aren’t at that level, you should try to move closer to it each day.
Good Foods
Now for the good news. There are plenty of foods that you can add to your
daily diet to make you strong and keep you in homeostatic balance. A diet
high in fiber and whole foods, low in preservatives and unhealthy fat, and
infused with blood-invigorating aromatic spices can help reduce pain and
It is essential to any healthful diet that you consume as many fresh, organic,
whole foods as possible. Eating foods in or close to their original state is one of
the keys to being healthy, preventing self-induced diet-based inflammation,
and reducing the inflammation you are experiencing as a result of your pain
or illness.
Dr. Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed, gives a concise list of the best foods
known to prevent and help reduce inflammation and pain. These should be
eaten throughout the day as part of balanced wholesome meals.
Wild fish (example: Alaskan salmon)
Fresh whole fruits
Bright colored vegetables (except nightshades)
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
Green and white tea
Purified and distilled water
Healthy oils (coconut, olive, flax, hemp, safflower, hazelnut)
Beef and poultry that is certified organic, grass fed, soy free, and free
Nuts, legumes, and seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables
Organic oatmeal (regular, not instant)
Aromatic spices (turmeric, ginger, cloves, garlic, onion, coriander,
and ground mustard seed)
I want to stress the importance of making sure your meat comes from animals
that are grass fed, soy free, free range, and certified organic. It is a sad truth
that a lot of the meat that is commercially available today comes from sick
animals, who are kept in awful, unhealthy, and cruel conditions.
These animals are usually stuffed and packed into barns so tightly they can
barely move and they get little to no natural light. They are also often given
growth hormones and overfed with foods they wouldn’t eat normally, like
corn for cows and, in some cases, even dead, sick animals. These conditions
obviously make the animals sick, and then they need antibiotics. At the end
of this cycle, the unhealthy, antibiotic-ridden, hormone-laced meat from a
sick animal finds its way into our bodies. That’s why it’s so important to
choose your meat with care.
As you can see, a diet high in whole foods and low in preservatives and
unhealthy fat is an essential part of any pain and illness relief plan. Not only
do the above-listed foods actually work to reduce pain and inflammation, but
they also support proper nerve function, and muscle and bone health.
Remember, the acid/alkaline or pH level of your body (which can cause or
prevent inflammation), is related to the foods you consume. Using the chart
reproduced from Dr. Wiley’s Arthritis Reversed below, see how what you
consume on a daily or monthly basis may be contributing to the worsening
of your chronic health condition.
The End of All Disease
Chart 12.2: pH Spectrum
Green Tea
Dr. Wiley did a significant amount of research on green tea. He found that
green tea, like all true tea, comes from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis
tree, and 90 percent of the world’s tea supply is produced in China. What
makes green tea so powerful is a chemical compound called polyphenol,
which occurs naturally in plants and works as an antioxidant.
Polyphenols work to protect the body from the oxidative stress that causes
diseases. Specifically, the polyphenol Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is an
extremely powerful antioxidant. In fact, EGCG antioxidant activity is more
powerful than the antioxidants found in vitamins C and E.
After fifteen years of working with green tea in his cancer research, Dr.
Hasan Mukhtar started looking at the possible benefits this drink could
have for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Realizing that both disorders were
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
inflammatory in nature, his team began testing to see if green tea would
have the same healing effect on rheumatoid arthritis as it does on cancer and
cardiovascular disease.
His first paper, “Prevention of Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice by a
Polyphenolic Fraction of Green Tea,” was presented to the National Academy
of Sciences in April 2005. The results were astounding. Out of the eighteen
mice that were given green tea extract, ten never developed any arthritic
symptoms. What’s more, symptoms in the remaining eight showed that
they developed a much milder form of arthritis. The amount given was the
equivalent of drinking just four cups of green tea a day!
Lead author of the paper, Dr. Tariq M. Haqqi said, “Taken together, our
studies suggest that a polyphenolic fraction from green tea that is rich in
antioxidants may be useful in the prevention and onset and severity of
Three independent and controlled experiments were conducted. Using a
widely accepted animal model that is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis, the
mice were injected with collagen to induce arthritis. Two groups were studied
for forty days, while a third was examined for eighty-five days to verify that
the green tea did not simply delay the onset of the disease.
Green tea, unlike the more widely used black version, is not fermented.
Instead of crushing the tea leaves, thereby removing the polyphenols, green
tea is first dried, and then heated. One teaspoon steeped in hot (not boiling)
water contains anywhere from 100 to 200mg of EGCG. Milk should not
be added, as it negates the tea’s beneficial properties. According to this study
and others that were done for other diseases, two to four cups a day is usually
Human trials are currently being developed. In the meantime, however,.Drs.
Mukhtar and Haqqi both strongly encourage people to start drinking green
tea. Nobody has shown any form of toxicity associated with tea, and with the
tremendous amount of data showing its many beneficial qualities, it is a wise
and wholesome preventive measure.
The End of All Disease
Mushrooms should also be a part of your daily diet, as they are full of nutrients
and are power immune boosters.
There are many reasons that mushrooms are so powerful and essential to our
health. They are an excellent dietary staple and health booster, containing
nine of the essential amino acids our bodies need, along with 30 percent of
the high-quality proteins we require. Plus, with virtually no unsaturated fat,
they include more minerals than most meat and vegetables.
Even more important than their nutritional content, mushrooms are rich in
enzymes that are critical to reducing inflammation throughout the body. For
this reason, mushrooms are known to be useful in alleviating rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms, hypertension and heart disease, diabetes, and even some
With so much going for them, and all their amazing health benefits, what’s
not to love? So go ahead and give mushrooms a big welcome in your home.
Add them to your meals where you can. You will feel a whole lot better
because of it.
In cultures that are thousands of years old, such as in India, there are deep
traditions of cooking daily meals with medicinal roots and herbs. These herbs
act as preventive measures for sustaining good health, and prevention is the
cornerstone of India’s traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric is one such
medicinal root that has made its way into a vast number of Indian recipes.
Aside from your standard chicken or goat curries, there is a whole list of
Indian dishes that contain flavorful thermogenic ingredients like cardamom,
coriander, ginger, cloves, and turmeric. Not only are these recipes tasty,
the ones containing turmeric are especially healthful because of one of its
components, called curcumin.
Research conducted by Sarker et al. notes the powerful anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antioxidant properties of curcumin. Moreover, the US National
Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health say: “Laboratory
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
and animal research has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and
anti-cancer properties of turmeric and its constituent curcumin.”
Unlike aspirin or ibuprofen, turmeric’s curcumin reduces inflammation
naturally, without damaging the liver or kidneys. It has been found especially
helpful in treating conditions like arthritis, sports injuries, irritable bowel
syndrome, Crohn’s disease, tendonitis, and various autoimmune diseases.
Some research even suggests that curcumin may also help those suffering
asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and yes, even cancer.
Since curcumin is an anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant, it is used
for treating arthritis, wounds, digestive disorders, liver issues, and in the
prevention of cancer. It also helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Statistics show that Asian children experience less incidence of leukemia than
their Western counterparts, and a diet rich in turmeric may be the reason
With no negative effects, there’s no reason not to include more turmeric
in your diet. You can try to eat more Indian and Malaysian food or buy
the ground powder and use it in your own cooking. Since the flavor can be
strong, some people prefer to purchase a high-quality curcumin supplement.
In any case, make turmeric and curcumin part of your diet and start reducing
your body’s inflammation.
Inflammation Free
Being aware of what you’re eating and how it affects your body. Think about
this in the larger context of the Wellness Model of Health™. This is the first
step toward becoming free of inflammation. By tweaking your diet to avoid
certain foods and adding some new ones, you can live an overall healthier and
happier life.
And good food isn’t the only tool you have at your disposal when it comes
to building better wellness. In the next chapter, I’ll talk about the power of
hydration and show you how simple water has the power to change your life.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Inflammation is associated with nearly every major disease
we suffer from today.
The typical American diet is filled with foods that cause
Acidic foods are another cause of inflammation. Stress can
cause additional acidity in the body.
A diet high in fiber and whole foods, low in preservatives
and unhealthy fat, and infused with blood-invigorating
aromatic spices can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Green tea, mushrooms, and turmeric are extra-strong foods
for battling inflammation.
Everyday Foods that Fan the Flames of Inflammation
Recommended Resources
Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley
You can get a detailed list of the best and worst foods for inflammation in Dr.
Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed at
The End of All Disease
Are Your Insides Like a
Dried-Out Sponge?
Raise a Glass to Your Health
Here’s a question that a lot of people ask me: Is water really that important?
Yes, it really is. For those suffering from chronic pain and illness, water is an
absolutely critical element on the journey back optimal wellness.
Getting enough water every day is essential to the diet aspect of the Complete
Healing Formula™, and it is vital to your health and well-being. In fact, one
of the first things you can do at home when you’re not feeling well is to take
a look at how much water you’ve consumed so far that day. As a chronically
dehydrated society, we’d all do well to “drink to our health.”
Since water makes up roughly 75 percent of the human body (and 85 percent
of the brain), it makes sense that no tissue, organ, or gland can function
properly without ample supply of this natural fluid. Just as we use water
to douse the flames of a house fire, we can use it to help cool our body’s
inflammation. Water is the primary tool for cleaning stains and dirt from our
homes, and it is critical for washing toxins from our bodies as well.
To put it simply: we humans would cease to exist without the water. And it’s
no wonder that hydration plays such a major role in creating homeostasis in
the Wellness Model of Health™.
This chapter will discuss why hydration is important for our bodies, how it
relates to pain, and how you can hydrate properly.
Why Hydration Is Important
When talking about diet, water often is ignored. Yet it should be the first item
on the list.
Are Your Insides Like a Dried-Out Sponge?
Water is the lifeblood of our existence, second only to air. Without it, we
wouldn’t survive much longer than three or so days. It cleans out toxins,
hydrates tissues and organs, regulates body temperature, and supplies oxygen,
which is involved in nearly all chemical processes in the body.
The mere consumption of water can help restore the body to its natural state
of homeostasis (balance) by clearing toxins, cleansing the colon, flushing the
liver and kidneys, and emptying the bowels.
As the water content of our tissues falls to a certain point because of dehydration
(deficiency), the bi-layer membranes that surround cells contract, forming
a barrier that prevents further water loss. This self-preservation tactic also
obstructs the free movement of molecules, so metabolism and elimination
are limited.
Once the cells have constricted themselves to preserve water, our metabolism
slows and waste products in and around the cells are not eliminated, creating
a stagnation of toxins in the blood. This toxic build-up in the blood often
manifests as chemically-induced headaches, fibromyalgia, and the pain and
inflammation associated with arthritis.
Pain or discomfort is usually the body’s warning sign to drink more water
before more serious problems begin to spread. In other words, a deficiency of
water causes the body’s natural cleaning processes to slow, building up toxins
that create all sorts of illnesses and pain, which can get out of control if we
chronically ignore them.
Most of us can easily understand why water is necessary to keep our blood
cleansing processes flowing smoothly. The importance of water to particular
organ systems, however, is less understood by most people.
Research indicates that a thorough flushing of the mucus folds in the colonic
tract (where toxins and wastes generally remain) will clean the system, and
keep the body healthy and the immune system strong—which is essential in
preventing and treating chronic pain and disease.
When you drink ample quantities of water, the colon becomes more effective,
thus increasing the quantity and supply of fresh blood that can then move
throughout your body, reducing toxic buildup while increasing pain relief.
The End of All Disease
By the same token, quantities of water are known to revitalize the kidneys and
liver. I have already discussed the kidneys’ functions relative to removing waste
from the blood. To successfully remove that waste, the kidneys require water,
which they use to properly filter toxins. Without enough water, the kidneys
are not able to filter toxins from the bloodstream the way they should, leading
to a host of health problems.
The kidneys are really the primary organs that regulate water balance within
the body. As long as they have an ample supply of water, the kidneys manage
this balance efficiently: excess water in the body is simply excreted as urine,
easily returning to the body to proper balance.
When the body is dehydrated, however, the kidneys have a much harder job
to do. They continue to try to filter the blood, but they have less water to use
for the task. As a result, the kidneys generate more concentrated urine. This
puts more stress and strain on the kidneys, which will harm kidney function
over time.
Furthermore, as the dehydrated kidneys take on more strain, the liver takes
over some of the kidney’s functions, and normal liver functions—including
metabolizing fat—suffer as a result.
How Hydration Affects Pain
Unfortunately, we rarely attribute the pain we feel to something as simple as a
water shortage. But think about it. How much water are you really drinking
during the day? And I mean water, not some other drink like soda, coffee, or
juice that the body has to filter first. When was the last time you drank a full
glass of water?
A deficiency of water affects the muscles and joints. Without adequate
hydration, the natural lubrication within our joints begins to decrease. That’s
important, because as joints move, the bones are protected by the cushioning
of cartilage, which itself requires adequate hydration. To use an analogy, just
like an engine without adequate oil, joints that rub together without adequate
lubrication will begin to deteriorate. Thankfully, this is fairly easy to avoid by
simply drinking more water.
Are Your Insides Like a Dried-Out Sponge?
Our muscles, and really our entire bodies, are affected negatively by deficiencies
in water. As our body’s water supply declines, our skin and muscles begin to
shrink, much like a dried-out grape. The dehydrated muscle fibers not only
cause pain by straining the joints, but the shortened muscles affect movement,
breed trigger points, and can send pain throughout the body.
Water is also one of the key factors in maintaining a healthy spine. As
previously mentioned, between every vertebrae in our spine lies a disc, and
these are our natural shock absorbers. This water-filled inner ring of discs
holds about 75 percent of the spine’s load, really bearing the weight of the
body itself.
When there’s not enough water in the body, this inner ring begins to contract,
shifting the load to the weak outer ring. When this happens, the bulk of the
load is supported by the spine and the vertebrae themselves. This can cause
swelling, compressed nerves, and possibly disc rupture.
Headaches are another ailment that can often be fixed by drinking more water.
Most people are conditioned to grab an over-the-counter pain medicine at
the onset of a headache.
I’ll go into far more detail on headaches and migraines in a later chapter, but
one thing bears mentioning now. If you grab a full glass of water to down
your pain pill, you may actually be doing as much to relieve your headache
with the water itself as you are with the pill. Try drinking a tall glass of water
and skipping the drug, and see how you feel.
How to Hydrate Properly
Water is the only substance that can properly hydrate the body. Note that
I am talking about pure, clean, straight from the filtered source water here.
Coffees and teas, carbonated sodas, or sugar-filled fruit drinks will not take
care of your needs in the same way. Think of it this way: you don’t take a bath
in dirty water and expect to come out clean.
Only pure and simple water will keep you healthy and help the body eliminate
many of the underlying triggers affecting your health daily.
So how much water is enough?
The End of All Disease
Much is written about the specific quantities of water needed for the body
to function properly. Certainly, drinking a single glass of water at lunch or
dinner will not do the job, even though that may actually be more pure water
than many drink in today’s society. While the FDA recommends six eightounce glasses of water per day, other experts suggest consuming eight ounces
of water per twenty pounds of body weight.
While the exact recommendations vary, two things are clear. First, we’re a
chronically dehydrated culture, so everyone likely needs to drink more water.
And second, having too much water will only lead you to the bathroom a few
more times, so err on the side of too much rather than too little.
Many people believe that if we don’t feel thirsty, we don’t need more water.
Nothing could be further from the truth. First, by the time we feel thirst,
we’re already quite dehydrated. Second, to some extent, our bodies adapt
to the amount of water we consume, and therefore, they may be used to
functioning at a chronically dehydrated level. So for someone who is
chronically dehydrated, by the time they feel thirsty, they have needed more
water for quite some time.
We also know that a few factors do require certain people to drink more than
others. As mentioned above, someone who weighs more should be drinking
more water. People with a higher activity level also require more water to
replace fluids that are lost during exercise.
Many of us find ourselves sitting inactively at our desks for most of the day
as a simple side effect of our jobs. It’s easy to become dehydrated in this
environment, so here’s a tip I live by: if you sit at a computer several hours a
day, make it a point to get up every hour and get another glass of water.
Sex, age, and location also play a role in how much water you need each
day. For example, men typically require more water per day than women.
As we get older, our bodies are less able to determine when we need more
water, so older people should drink on a regular schedule, even if they’re
not particularly thirsty. People living in warm climates should likewise drink
water more often.
Try drinking a full glass before you start your day in the morning and a full
glass with dinner at night. Replace sugary soft drinks with water to reduce
Are Your Insides Like a Dried-Out Sponge?
your calorie intake and to keep caffeine from emptying your body of the
water it already has.
Get in the habit of taking water with you wherever you go. Try drinking it
more often, and see how much it helps. It’s a ridiculously simple solution
and can quickly reduce certain types of chronic pain, as well as many other
ailments, including headaches and muscle cramps.
One way to gauge your water intake is in the color of your urine. When the
urine stream is clear, you are properly hydrated. The more yellow it is, the
more water your body needs. When urine is dark orange, you are in great
need of liquids and it may take a day or two to replenish the water to a point
where the urine is again clear.
The caveat here is that certain supplements will change the color of your
urine. So bear in mind, when taking supplements, that the first or second
pass of urine afterward may be discolored. You should, therefore, space your
supplements out (discussed later) to ensure a good gauge of hydration if you
decide to use the “urine color” indicator, as opposed to drinking water based
on weight.
Easy, Healthy, Free
When you are properly hydrated, your body actually feels light and clean. But
more than that, you’re flushing out a good part of the toxins that may very
well be at the root of your pain or illness.
Consuming healthy amounts of water may not completely eliminate your
condition, but when you do this in combination with the rest of the strategies
covered in this book, it’s very likely to help.
Water is easy, healthy, and free, so why not try it? It’s nothing more than a
habit. If you spend a week drinking more water, you will very likely find your
body feeling better and craving the higher water intake. You have nothing to
lose—and a lot of wellness to gain.
Another excellent way to gain wellness through diet is by supplementing with
vitamins and minerals. But not all supplements are created equal. In the next
chapter, I’ll take you through the positive impact of healthy supplementation
and show you how to tell the health-boosters apart from the frauds.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Water makes up roughly 75 percent of the human body (and
85 percent of the brain), and getting enough water every day
is vital to your health and well-being.
Water cleans out toxins, hydrates tissues and organs,
regulates body temperature, and supplies oxygen, which is
involved in nearly all chemical processes in the body.
Lack of water affects the muscles and joints, causing them to
rub together more closely, which can cause chronic pain and
Only pure and simple water will keep you healthy and help
the body eliminate many of the underlying triggers affecting
your health daily.
While the FDA recommends six eight-ounce glasses of
water per day, other experts suggest consuming eight ounces
of water per twenty pounds of body weight.
Are Your Insides Like a Dried-Out Sponge?
Recommended Resources
Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley
You can get more information on the importance of hydration for joint
pain and more in Dr. Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed at www.
The 7-Day Back Pain Cure
I cover hydration as it relates specifically to back pain in more detail in my
first book. You can get a free copy at
The End of All Disease
What Even the Healthiest
Foods Are Still Missing
The Problem with Our Food Supply Today
One of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone experiencing health
problems is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. For many people, however,
this seems to be a tall order. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be, as
you’ll see here in this chapter.
These days, we see a lot of people making a greater effort to eat healthy. One
common strategy there is to cut out fast food. But is this really helpful?
On the surface, yes. Fast food is loaded with unhealthy fats and excess sugars
that should certainly be avoided. But what if I were to tell you that the actual
nutritional value of your average fast food meal is not much different than
that of a less-processed, home-cooked meal?
We often don’t have time to cook homemade meals because we’re on the
go all the time. Even if we do take the time to slow things down and eat a
home-cooked meal filled with a good amount of fruits and vegetables, unless
they are organic or we grow them ourselves, we can never be sure of their
nutritional content. And even then, most produce is grown in nutritionally
depleted soil. This means that no matter how healthy you eat, you are still
likely to have nutritional deficiencies.
This is scary, but true. Our food today lacks the mineral content that is needed
for us to remain healthy. One reason for this is that the fruits and vegetables
sold in stores aren’t picked ripe. As a result, they lose up to 80 percent of the
minerals that are absorbed during the ripening phase.
Mineral depletion in the food we eat is worsened by our current farming
system, which often involves farming the same soil repeatedly without resting
it every seven years, as our ancestors learned to do.
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
Instead of caring for the soil and replenishing its minerals, big business farms
pour more and more fertilizers into their soil to get things to grow bigger and
faster. And they build dams and levees to stop the natural flooding that has
historically restored mineral content to the soil. These disastrous practices
have been commonplace on US farms since the 1930s.
Think for a moment about what that means for the food we grow and consume
today on US soil, which has become increasingly depleted of minerals over all
that time. While we may be growing and eating something that looks like an
ear of corn, its nutritional value is a far cry from what it used to be. Vegetables
and fruits don’t manufacture their own minerals. They get them from the soil.
As soil loses minerals, so does the food grown from it.
The bottom line is simply this: current farming practices lead to mineral
deficiencies in our soil, which leads to mineral deficiencies in the foods that
we eat, and in turn, in our bodies.
That means we need to supplement our diets with the vitamins and
minerals that are missing from our foods. This is a sad but true fact of life,
and there is no way around it.
To best supplement your diet, at minimum, a high-quality multivitamin
and a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme should be incorporated into your
daily routine. In addition, we must ingest far more minerals in order to
replace what has been lost from the soil and our modern foods.
Ideally, you should find out exactly what minerals your body is deficient
in, and you should tailor a supplement plan that will bring you back to
optimal health and homeostasis. We’ll learn about this, and the rampant lies
surrounding these key aspects of our health, in this chapter.
The Rise of Mineral Deficiencies
Unsurprisingly, given what we’ve just learned about the cause of mineral
deficiency in our food supply, many of the diseases that we’ve come to think
of as being a normal part of our lives did not even exist one hundred years
ago. But the problem doesn’t stop with the soil.
I have interviewed Dr. Robert Thompson, author of The Calcium Lie and
The Calcium Lie II on several occasions, and he makes a very strong point
The End of All Disease
regarding minerals. He reminds us that prior to the rise of refrigeration, the
most common method of preserving meat, fish, and even vegetables, was to
use sea salt.
Sea salt is 15 percent minerals. If we use sea salt all our lives, we’re continually
putting minerals back into our bodies. Since we’re preserving food with
refrigeration instead of sea salt, most of us consume far too little sea salt. Plus,
due to the lies we’ve been told about salt intake, most of us do not consume
enough salt, and rarely get the salt containing these needed minerals.
Sea salt not only contains the minerals we need, but is naturally iodized.
Compare this to common table salt that has much of its natural mineral
content removed, and is then iodized to replace just one of its missing
minerals. Don’t be taken in by the wrong-headed conventional “wisdom” that
tells us we’re all eating too much salt. The truth is, we’re not eating enough of
the right salt: sea salt.
Quality Multivitamins Are Critical
To give the body the nutrients it needs, everyone should take a high-quality
multivitamin. I put a lot of emphasis on “high quality,” because there are a
lot of pills out there that aren’t going to do you much good. Many companies
manufacture products that are highly compressed and glued together into
hard tablets that can be very difficult for the body to digest.
You can visualize this process. Imagine if you took a bunch of different
vitamins in powder form and pressed them all together, slammed them flat,
processed them through a bunch of machines, added binding ingredients to
keep them together, sprinkled in preservatives so they would last for months
on the shelf, and then spit this out as this hardened, rock-like pill.
That’s how most multivitamins and supplements are produced. The less
processing they go through, the better. The problem is, most people just look
at the price and go for the cheapest brand. But in the world of supplements,
you often get what you pay for.
Do you really want to pay for glue instead of vitamins and minerals in your
supplement? If you want something that’s actually going to help your body
stay healthy, invest in a product that’s highly digestible.
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
There are several ways to identify a highly digestible supplement. Most
capsules—which are soft containers filled with the supplement itself—are
easily digestible, especially those made from plant-based products that come
from a reputable supplier. Soft-gel caplets are usually a good option as well,
as they do not suffer from the squeeze and glue processing mentioned above.
Many manufacturers of high-quality supplements for single or small
combinations of vitamins and minerals will also produce a pure liquid form
of the supplement, which is also a very good option. And even though it’s
rare, there are a small handful of companies out there that actually do offer
high-quality tablet-based supplements. However, because these exceptions to
the rule are difficult to find, it’s best to stick with capsules, caplets, or liquid
forms of supplements when you can.
Because higher-quality, more easily digestible forms of supplements aren’t
made with high compression, you’re probably going to have to take more pills
to get a full dose. For example, if you don’t smash and press all the nutrients
together, they take up more volume, and so a full dose will have to be spread
across multiple pills.
Keep in mind that in these cases, your vitamin dosage isn’t necessarily higher,
it’s just uncompressed, which makes it much easier to digest. The vitamins
are much more likely to be absorbed by your body. Remember, it’s not how
many vitamins you ingest that matters, it’s how many your body can actually
absorb and use.
Look for a quality multivitamin that exceeds the recommended daily allowance
(RDA) of vitamins and minerals, as the RDA is severely inadequate for optimal
heath. Also, be sure to understand the label, as the various regulations of the
industry leave the door open for a lot of deception in the quest for greater
profit at the expense of your health.
Vitamin Label Lies
Reading the supplement facts on vitamins can seem a little like a puzzle. This
is in part because most “ingredients” are followed by some form of qualifier
in parentheses. It’s almost like they’re listing two names for the same thing—
only they’re not.
The End of All Disease
When a vitamin label lists a vitamin or mineral followed by a parenthesis and
the word “as,” it’s really telling you that it’s not a real vitamin or mineral. This
is the sneaky way that manufacturers are legally telling you that you’re getting
a synthetic attempt at recreating that vitamin or mineral. Another name for
a synthetic, chemical compound designed to make us feel better is “a drug.”
Be careful to avoid products with these ingredients when purchasing
supplements. Not only will the body be unable to synthesize and use them as
it would an actual vitamin or mineral, but you will also be exposing yourself
to drug-like side effects.
The most common vitamin label lie that many fall victim to is that of vitamin
C. We’re all instructed, quite rightly, that vitamin C is a necessary supplement
we should all be taking. However, since most products promoted as vitamin
C are actually ascorbic acid, most of us aren’t actually getting what we need.
Dr. Robert Thompson is very concerned about this and speaks out about it in
his books and lectures across the country. He stresses how negligent it is that
medical professionals continue to tout the importance of vitamin C, but then
give patients the recommendation to take their “vitamin C (as ascorbic acid).”
He is adamant, and I agree, that you must take vitamin C that comes
completely from whole food sources, such as organic fruits or vegetables.
Taking any fake forms will not only leave you deficient, but may also cause
other side effects like any other drug.
Be careful and informed when purchasing supplements. Make sure you read
the label, and that you are really getting exactly what you need—not some
lab’s attempt to create a fake version of it.
Commonly Believed Nutrition Lies
Unfortunately, the current medical paradigm often lacks good awareness about
supplements and their effects on our health. That means that even doctors
who do try to address mineral deficiency by incorporating supplements into
their practice are often guilty of misunderstanding and misusing them. Even
worse, they pass along this bad information to their patients.
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
In turn, some of this bad information has become entrenched “medical
wisdom” that the average person believes to be true—sometimes with dire
The Calcium Lie
Perhaps the biggest mistruth about supplements that most people in the US
believe today is what medical practitioner and renowned author Dr. Robert
Thompson refers to in his books as “the Calcium Lie.”
In a nutshell, for years, consumers—especially women—have been led to
believe calcium supplementation is an essential part of staying well as we age,
and avoiding the mineral loss that leads to osteoporosis.
In truth, 90 percent of the US population actually has an excess of calcium
relative to the amounts of other helpful minerals that are needed to make
calcium useful to our bodies.
This excess calcium can have serious implications for our health, and has
been associated with the shrinking of the brain, dementia, poisoned memory
cells, higher rates of hyperthyroidism, weight gain, obesity and heart disease.
In fact, we now know through meta-analysis that calcium supplementation
increases the risk of heart disease by over 30 percent.
Clearly, supplementing with calcium alone can be dangerous. Yet this
dangerous “medical wisdom” is still promoted, and many people believe it
to be true. Countless Americans are still taking calcium supplements, or
purchasing food fortified with calcium they don’t need.
It’s important to take the time to research and understand the other minerals
that should be taken concurrently with calcium in order to avoid negative
health risks. I’ll talk more about this later in this chapter.
The Salt and Cholesterol Lie
Dr. Thompson warns us that another commonly believed mistruth is that
we all ought to be watching our salt intake. In fact, this is among the most
popular advice people get from their doctors. In truth, the vast majority of
people need more salt, not less.
The End of All Disease
If you research the physiology of how sodium functions in the human body,
you’ll see that it plays an essential role in digesting protein and getting glucose
and amino acid into every one of our cells—except for fat cells. In fact,
hypertension is actually caused by low salt.
Still another example of a common nutritional belief that is wholly unfounded
in science is this: How many people have been told by their doctors or other
experts that if you’re watching your cholesterol, you should avoid eating
eggs? Just about everybody has heard this advice. In fact, egg yolk is the most
similar to human protein of anything else we eat. That yolk is pure HDL
(commonly termed “good”) cholesterol, the same substance that makes up
25 percent of our brains.
There is no “bad” cholesterol or fat in eggs. That said, how you cook your
eggs does make a difference, health-wise. What is the correct way to cook
them? Never scramble your eggs. Scrambling causes the egg to become toxic,
creating lipid peroxide fat. But as long as you’re eating intact cooked egg
yolk—over easy, or over hard—with that membrane still around it, then that
egg is 100 percent healthy eating. If anything, most people should eat more
These are the most commonly believed nutritional lies that we’ve been fooled
into believing. The so-called experts who taught us these things, even when
they meant well, were simply mistaken.
Meanwhile, forward-thinking practitioners like Dr. Robert Thompson can
tell you that—contrary to the conventional wisdom—their sickest patients
often have an excess of calcium and a deficiency of salt.
This combination can be devastating for your health, causing problems like
hypertension and worse.
The Truth about Calcium and Osteoporosis
I’ve established in this chapter that most of us have fallen prey to what Dr.
Thompson terms “the calcium lie”—the idea that we’re calcium deficient,
when in truth, most of us have an excess of calcium in our bodies.
But what is the effect of this excess calcium? And if not through calcium
supplementation, how do we avoid health concerns like osteoporosis?
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
First, let’s turn to the numerous health problems associated with excess
calcium. These include kidney stones, gall stones, bone spurs, plaque, calcium
deposits, cataracts, brain shrinkage and dysfunction, as well as heart disease,
hardening of the arteries, dementia, cancer, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and
over 90 percent of hypertension. In particular, it is believed by experts who
study these issues that the combination of low sodium and high calcium may
be a leading cause of hypertension.
Several large-scale studies have shown a direct connection between calcium
supplementation and its impact on heart health. In 2010, meta-analysis of
multiple large studies encompassing over eight thousand people showed a 31
percent increase in the incidence of heart attacks for those who took 500 mg
of calcium per day. Since this amount of calcium is actually lower than the
average bottle sold in stores, the dangers of calcium supplementation should
be very clear.
Unfortunately, the dangers extend beyond heart attacks. Eleven other studies
all found a 20 percent increase in strokes linked with calcium supplementation,
and strokes and sudden death taken together increased 18 percent.
Yet in spite of this information, well-meaning but uninformed doctors and
media outlets are still telling people to increase their calcium intake.
Dr. Thompson has established that “make sure you get your calcium” does
not work as a means of avoiding osteoporosis. Not only that, but clearly
taking too much calcium comes with the added risk of a variety of serious
health problems. Calcium doesn’t help your bones, nor does it “do a body
good.” On the contrary, as you’ve just seen, excess calcium and calcium
supplementation actually lead to heart attack, stroke, and other deadly and
debilitating illnesses for most people.
We cannot replace the minerals our bodies need by calcium alone, because
it is only one of several needed for bone health. Instead, we must find other
methods of doing this, such as consuming sea salt, as covered in the previous
It is unfortunate, but the medical industry’s current approach to detecting
and treating osteoporosis is all wrong. Their mistake lies in accepting the idea
The End of All Disease
that it is normal or expected for there to be a decline in the mineral levels in
our bodies as we advance in age.
The established medical “wisdom” has, to date, chiefly concerned itself with
merely measuring and documenting the mineral deficiency across the entire
aging population when in fact, osteoporosis is a completely preventable
nutritional disease—and a modern one at that. I’ll talk more about
osteoporosis in chapter 19.
Protecting Your Bones and Joints
A common worry for many of us, both young and old, is the continued
strength of our bones and joints. Eating the best, wholesome foods and staying
hydrated will go a long way toward maintaining healthy bones. But first, here
are the specific supplements you should look into in order to support your
bone and joint health, first covered by Dr. Mark Wiley in his book, Arthritis
Reversed, and reproduced with permission below.
Rebuilding Bone and Cartilage
Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU)
ASU is a vegetable extract made from the oil of avocados and soybeans that is
said to slow the progression of osteoarthritis. It does this by slowing down the
production of inflammatory chemicals in the body and thus the breakdown
of cartilage in the joints. It has also been found to spur new cartilage cell
growth. ASU is available in capsule form at a recommended 300 mg daily.
Chondroitin Sulfate
Within the cartilage around your joints is a chemical known as chondroitin.
Chondroitin is naturally produced by the body, but as you age, your natural
supply starts to plummet. A loss of chondroitin from the cartilage is linked
to a major cause of joint pain. What’s more, through wear and tear, this can
lead joint cartilage to break down, resulting in the condition of osteoarthritis.
We can’t regenerate cartilage on our own, but we can take a supplement called
chondroitin sulfate that has been shown by studies to help slow down this
degenerative process and reduce arthritic pain. Chondroitin sulfate is made
from the cartilage of cows and other animals, and is often used in combination
with other products, including glucosamine and manganese.
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
Hydrolyzed Collagen Type 2
Collagen—particularly type 2 collagen—is the main structural building block
of joint cartilage. The human body is made up of 60 percent type 2 collagen,
and hydrolyzed type 2 collagen contains the amino acids found in human
cartilage. Your body uses these amino acids to create new collagen, and to
repair the cartilage and connective tissue throughout your body. Hydrolyzed
collagen type 2 also contains hyaluronic acid, which lubricates your joints.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes calcium absorption
and enables normal mineralization and growth of the bones. Deficiency of
vitamin D3 (the active source of vitamin D) can lead to loss of bone density
and brittle or misshapen bones. Ample levels can help prevent osteoporosis.
It is important that you ask your healthcare provider to test your vitamin D
blood levels, to ensure you do not get too much.
Lubricating Joints
Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO)
Cetyl myristoleate (CMO) is an ethylated esterified fatty acid derived from
bovine tallow oil. Though it is similar to fish oil, it is made specifically to help
joints through its action as a cellular lubricant. Clinical studies show CMO
to be an effective anti-inflammatory compound that promotes healthy joint
function. It increases joint flexibility and range of motion by lubricating the
joint at a cellular level.
CMO works to decrease inflammation in the joints and to lubricate their
movement. In other words, it increases the fluids that cushion the space
between the bones in your joints. CMO is reported to effect change at the
cellular level, within the cell membranes themselves. It assists in the reduction
and prevention of breakdown in joint cartilage.
Methylsulfonlylmethane (MSM)
MSM is a potent sulfur naturally found in plants, animals, and humans, and
it helps rebuild the connective tissue in your joints. What’s more, MSM has
the unique ability to improve cell permeability. This allows harmful toxins
to flow out, and health-boosting nutrients to flow in to feed your joints,
cartilage, and connective tissue.
The End of All Disease
MSM is used for hundreds of symptoms related to a myriad of health
diseases and conditions, and is especially effective at relieving inflammation
for improved joint function, and pain associated with joint inflammation,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and tendonitis. One study
published in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine found that MSM provides an
80 percent greater reduction in pain compared to a placebo.
Fish Oil and Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in fish oil derived from cod,
trout, herring, salmon, and other cold-water fish are proven to reduce
inflammation. Research from Cardiff University in Great Britain found
that cod liver oil not only relieves pain, but also stops and even reverses the
damage caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3s help
morning stiffness, regenerate joint tissue, and have been shown to also aid in
autoimmune disease like RA, lupus, and psoriasis.
According to recommendations of the Arthritis Foundation, when treating
conditions related to arthritis it is best to use “fish oil capsules with at least 30
percent EPA/ DHA, the active ingredients. For lupus and psoriasis, 2 grams
EPA/DHA three times a day. For Raynaud’s phenomenon, 1 gram four times
a day. For rheumatoid arthritis, up to 2.6 grams fish oil (1.6 grams EPA)
twice a day.”
Natural Anti-Inflammatory Enzymes
Our modern-day diet, full of processed and nutritionally void foods, triggers
an increase of inflammation in our bodies, until we’re overloaded with it—an
excess. Inflammation creates pain in our muscles, nerves, and joints, and is
always a big factor in all kinds of chronic pain and illness.
What we need is more of the nutrients that cool inflammation down
(found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish) and more of our own natural
anti-inflammatories—the proteolytic enzymes that stop inflammation and
clear out scar tissue. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t eating enough antiinflammatory nutrients, and as we get older, our bodies make fewer antiinflammatory enzymes.
Enzymes are basically the main line of defense against inflammation.
Enzymes are not anti-inflammatory drugs, but they reduce inflammation by
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
neutralizing the bio-chemicals of inflammation to levels where the creation,
repair, and regeneration of injured tissues can take place.
Reducing inflammation can have an immediate impact on improved heart
health, cancer prevention and recovery, and Alzheimer’s prevention. It also
helps speed up recovery from sprains, strains, fractures, bruises, contusions,
surgery, and arthritis. Systemic enzymes work to reduce inflammation and
promote healing without any side effects. Plus, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has
found great success in treating cancer using these enzymes, which we’ll cover
in a later chapter.
So, first, as mentioned, you need to eat a healthy diet and take a quality
multivitamin in order to give your body the nutrients needed to counteract
the inflammation response. Second, you need to replenish the body with more
of its own natural anti-inflammatory enzymes. When you do this, two things
happen: You cool inflammation and you clear out the stiffened scar tissue that
it leaves behind. That means less pain and more fluidity in movement, since
scar tissue is what makes us feel stiff in the first place.
It’s best to find a supplement that combines enzymes and herbs in a formula
targeted to reduce inflammation and pain. Look at the “other ingredients”
listed below the supplement facts and avoid animal derivatives, preservatives,
or artificial things like titanium dioxide. Finally, as with multivitamins, look
for capsules or gel tabs.
If you suffer from any sort of aches or pain, or if you just want to get and
stay as healthy as possible, you should consider systemic enzymes. They have
been used to safely and effectively eliminate pain and inflammation from all
sorts of conditions like arthritis, colitis, back pain, sciatica, joint pain, heart
disease, cancer, and more.
The enzyme formula I recommend is Heal-n-Soothe, which contains the
highest concentration of enzymes and several other pain-relieving herbs, and
can be found at
The ingredients in this formula have tons of clinical studies behind them, as
well as hundreds of years of use, so it’s a safer bet than a lot of others on the
market. It also has numerous other herbs, vitamins, and nutrients that have
The End of All Disease
been proven to have anti-inflammatory effects and, together, they make an
extremely effective combination.
Supplement Your Life
In your quest for a healthy life, adding supplements to a wholesome diet is
just plain smart. Again, make sure you know how to read supplement labels
so you can verify that what you’re taking is natural and effective. By finding
the right multivitamin and helping your body replenish its natural antiinflammatory enzymes, you can rebuild your natural state of homeostasis and
ensure that your body is getting all of its needs met.
While a quality multivitamin makes a great start to a healthy supplementation
regimen, it’s an even stronger choice to create a supplement program that is
specifically tailored to your own body’s needs.
How to Correctly Use Supplements
Before you start taking mineral supplements, it’s important to understand a
few key strategies and truths. First on this list is understanding whether or
not you actually need some or all of the minerals available as supplements.
Second, you must identify what types of minerals you do need, how each
mineral was derived, and which ones are the best for you.
Let’s start with identifying quality mineral supplements. There are three types
of minerals available to supplement our diets. They are ionic, chelate, and
colloidal minerals, and are summarized nicely by Dr. Thompson in his book,
The Calcium Lie II.
Ionic minerals are those in salt form that your body can actually use. In fact,
sea salt has every mineral that humans need for optimal health. The fact
that they come in ionic form means that they are natural, unprocessed, and
readily available for effective absorption. Chemically, they conduct electricity,
can dissolve completely in water, and most importantly, they can cross cell
membranes and donate electrons.
This is important because electrons are needed to fuel all of the chemical
reactions that take place in the body to keep it working. Adding ionic
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
minerals to your supplement regime—even with something as simple as pure
sea salt—will unquestionably take your health to the next level.
Unlike ionic minerals, chelated minerals are not pure. This is because they
basically come in rock form, which means they have amino acids attached.
Because of their structure, if your body actually needs a particular chelated
mineral, these can be beneficial. However, unless you are certain you need a
particular mineral, taking them unnecessarily can contribute to imbalance in
the body, causing harm rather than a benefit to your health.
In the past, there was a lot of talk about colloidal minerals, with little public
understanding of what they actually were. Colloidal minerals are essentially
worthless, and in fact, they can even be dangerous. This is because they do not
conduct electricity and can’t cross cell membranes, and both of these missing
qualities are needed if a mineral is to have any impact on the body’s health.
What’s more, since they can’t enter cells, colloidal minerals stay between cells,
where they accumulate over time, leading to a whole host of other problems.
Osteoporosis is typically thought of as being caused by loss of calcium from
our bones, but this is an oversimplification that totally misses the mark.
In truth, it’s the loss of many needed minerals from our bones—not just
calcium. Common treatments for osteoporosis include weight-burning
exercise, calcium, vitamin D, hormone, estrogen, calcitonin, bisphosphonate
drugs, and other drugs. But what patients really need to do is to make sure
they’re getting their minerals.
I commonly hear from people who think they don’t need to supplement with
additional minerals because there are minerals present in their daily vitamins.
What they often don’t realize is that these minerals are generally chelated.
Plus, in a one-size-fits-all daily vitamin, you are likely getting minerals you
are not actually deficient in along with the ones you need, which causes
imbalance in your body.
This truth that one size does not fit all is perhaps the most important thing
to understand here. Your approach to mineral supplements should never be
“all or none.” In the same way that eating excess food when you’re not hungry
can lead to pain and weight gain, excesses of unnecessary minerals will lead to
The End of All Disease
imbalances and health problems. Find out what your body is actually deficient
in before taking supplements you don’t need, which can harm your health.
Know Your Mineral Levels, Know Better Health
The best way to get an analysis of what the mineral levels in your body are
is to use micro mass spectrometry. A better-known name for this type of
testing is hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). Unfortunately, many medical
professionals look down their noses at this method because they are ignorant
of its benefits.
This technology is reliable. It is used by every chemistry lab in the world and
has even been used to determine the mineral content of the soil on Mars. It
can help you figure out if your body is in mineral imbalance, and it can show
you the path back to homeostasis. Seek out this testing on your own. There
are many reputable, expert labs that offer it around the country.
Once you know what you’re deficient in, and conversely, have an excess of,
you’ll know which supplements to take and which to avoid. This is the key to
using supplements smartly and safely.
Now you know how increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals can
take your health to a completely new level of homeostasis. But how do you
get rid of the toxins in your system that have built up over time, so that
those minerals can have their greatest impact? The next chapter will walk you
through the importance of cleanses as the final piece in this diet pillar of the
Complete Healing Formula™.
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
Chapter Review
• We need to supplement our diets with the vitamins and
minerals that are missing from our foods.
To best supplement your diet, at minimum, a high-quality
multivitamin and a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme
should be incorporated into your daily routine.
Your multivitamin should be of high quality, or it will not
give you the benefits you need.
When a vitamin label lists a vitamin or mineral followed by
a parenthesis and the word “as,” it’s really telling you that it’s
not a real vitamin or mineral.
You can and should replenish the body with more of its own
natural anti-inflammatory enzymes.
About 90 percent of the US population actually has too
much calcium relative to the amounts of other helpful
minerals that are needed to make calcium useful to our
Numerous health problems are associated with excess
calcium, including kidney stones, gall stones, bone spurs,
plaque, calcium deposits, cataracts, brain shrinkage and
dysfunction, heart disease, hardening of the arteries,
dementia, cancer, diabetes, and hypothyroidism.
The foods we eat today are depleted of minerals as a result
of the current farming system, which often involves farming
the same soil repeatedly without resting it every seven years.
To get the greatest health benefits, find out what your body
is actually deficient in before taking supplements.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Dr. Robert Thompson, author of The Calcium Lie, recommends this noninvasive lab test to determine your mineral levels before taking any vitamin
or mineral supplement.
Learn more at
The Calcium Lie II by Dr. Robert Thompson
Get a free copy of Dr. Thompson’s book, The Calcium Lie II, to learn more
about your vitamin and mineral needs and what you can do about them. This
book is my gift to you. Just visit
What Even the Healthiest Foods Are Still Missing
When Was the Last Time You
Changed Your Oil?
An “Oil Change” for Your Health
Your body’s process of maintaining the purity of your internal liquids is one
its main functions. Picture the fluids in your body as a sewer system that
collects the waste that your trillions of cells generate. Not only are millions
of dead cells discarded into the blood and lymph system daily, so are several
toxins that enter the body via the respiratory paths, digestive system, and
In previous chapters, I discussed the importance of hydration as one of the
ways the body keeps itself clean. But there’s more to achieving and maintaining
a clean system than just drinking water—especially after months and years of
toxin buildup.
Cleansing is a critical part of the Wellness Model of Health™ because of the
role it plays in balancing our systems. Several of our organs are designed
specifically to cleanse our bodies. The intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, lungs,
and lymphatic system are known as the emunctories, or detoxification organs.
During normal function, the amount of waste isn’t more than the body can
process, and the body stays clean. However, if the volume of waste is more
than the emunctories can process, the organs aren’t able to function as well
and, slowly, the body becomes filled with toxins.
Undergoing a significant cleanse can have a tremendous impact on your
chronic pain or illness, and can move you closer to achieving homeostasis
by leaps and bounds. The number of cleanses needed will vary depending on
your age, as well as several other conditions.
Dr. Hulda Clark has developed a number of protocols for kidney, liver,
and intestine cleanses. Her books outline in detail cleanses that will help
When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?
your organs return to their normal, homeostatic functions of cleansing and
detoxifying your system of excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations.
I highly recommend that you locate a copy of one of Clark’s books for
the specific cleanse recipes, as this information is invaluable, yet far too
lengthy for me to reproduce here. In this chapter, I’ll focus on discussing
the fundamentals of kidney, liver, and colon cleanses and how they work to
restore your body to its most efficient state.
Cleanse Your Kidneys
We’re all familiar with the body’s most common form of toxic removal—
urination. Our white blood cells are normally purged of toxins in the kidneys,
sending those toxins downstream to the bladder. Much of this toxicity is
then expelled in the urine. However, since the detoxification process starts
at the kidneys, the kidneys themselves must be able to function properly—
something that can’t happen if they are already loaded with toxins in the first
Our white blood cells can’t discard their load of toxins if our kidneys are
loaded with toxins to begin with, which will keep our immune systems out of
balance and suppressed. Dr. Clark recommends a kidney cleanse a minimum
of once per year for three weeks for immune system recovery. Just like a dirty
furnace filter will stop cleaning the air by just continuing to circulate the same
pollutants we’re looking to remove, the same is true with the kidneys. Clean
kidneys can clean our systems; dirty kidneys make our systems dirty.
As you know, white blood cells are a critical part of our immune systems.
For many individuals, and especially for those suffering from degenerative or
chronic illnesses, the white blood cells are diseased with immunosuppressive
agents including radioactivity, heavy metals, benzene, asbestos, PCBs, and
azo dyes. The kidneys must be able to remove these agents from the blood in
order for the afflicted individual to have hope of recovery.
In chapter 11, I detailed how these agents surround us in our daily lives.
They are in our food, our water—even our cosmetics. That means that even
those of us who have the normal amount of white blood cells should cleanse,
because though the number of cells might be right, the quality of them might
The End of All Disease
not. If our white blood cells are poisoned, they can’t function and they can’t
combat viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens found in disease.
The kidneys also play an important role in regulating arterial pressure. They
are a part of the hormonal process that regulates blood pressure and longterm extracellular volume. So you can look at a kidney cleanse as a step to
regulate your blood pressure.
In its early stages, it is easy not to notice if your kidneys aren’t functioning
properly. A number of disorders result from your kidneys losing their
function, such as skin, rheumatic, and circulatory disorders. Yet, as Dr. Clark
points out, it is not common for doctors to consider kidney function when
prescribing treatment. Again, most doctors are addressing the symptoms, not
seeking the root cause of the illnesses, which very often lies in the kidneys.
One example is cardiovascular health, which isn’t possible if the kidneys aren’t
functioning at a maximum. In their exposure to toxic substances, the kidneys
are very susceptible to illness. Our entire body’s health relies on a toxin-free
system, which depends greatly on the kidneys.
A massive mobilization of toxins is often the result of cleansing and regularly
prescribed parasite treatments. This can overload the kidney with many
undesirable results. Dr. Clark says it is crucial to follow a kidney cleanse
protocol to get the kidneys strong enough to accommodate the detoxifying
and excretory capacity. Full details on the best way to begin and follow a
kidney cleanse can be found in her book, or you can research the specifics
Cleanse Your Liver
While kidney function is very important, no organ has more functions in the
body than the liver. So it’s no surprise that your liver is your largest organ,
weighing up to four pounds. The portal vein connects the liver to the digestive
tract. During digestion, both nutrients and the toxins make their way to the
liver via the portal vein. The liver functions to protect the rest of our organs
by acting as a barrier and retaining dangerous elements.
The following are a few functions of the liver:
When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?
It acts as a tank for our nutrients like iron, copper, and vitamins A
and B12.
It offers endless glucose to dependent tissues like the nervous system,
erythrocytes, bone marrow, retina, and lymphocytes. It also has a
nonstop capacity to synthesize glucose. While glycogen deposits in
our muscles can greatly exceed those deposits in the liver, they are
used solely as fuel for muscular contractions.
It transforms the hemoglobin from our dead or dying red blood cells
into bilirubin, and stores any excess iron to be used later.
It produces bile, which is vital for proper digestion and absorption
of fats. Bile contains acids that protect the intestinal mucosa
so that if the bile doesn’t flow as it should, the intestinal mucosa
deteriorates, allowing bacteria to pass on to other organs. Bile
functions as a laxative, excreting toxins, medicines, hormones,
cholesterol, and more. It neutralizes toxins, and regulates cholesterol
and steroid hormones. It also synthesizes nonessential amino acids
and coagulation factors. This indicates that excessive bleeding could
indicate liver impairment.
Dr. Clark recommends the following steps for improving liver function:
1. Do a bowel cleanse to eliminate parasites and correct dysbiosis and
excess intestinal permeability.
2. The Ascaris Parasite Program. (See The Cure for All Diseases by Dr.
Hulda Clark.)
3. Do a complete kidney cleanse.
4. Continue to do liver cleanses until no stones are yielded following
three cleanses.
Our liver is like a lab, processing thousands of substances every second.
It neutralizes a number of toxins so that the body can easily excrete them
through urine or stool following digestion. Our enzyme system enables it
to process endless toxins with a variety of substrates. When the liver can’t
detoxify properly, the rest of our organs suffer. Dr. Clark says that the only
diseases that can’t be relieved by liver function stimulation are congenital
The End of All Disease
Why Does the Liver Need Cleansing?
I’ve covered what the liver does, and we know that its purpose is to absorb
harmful elements in the body. If that’s the case, why does it need to be
The biggest motive for cleansing the liver is to replenish its ability to clean
and detoxify our bodies. This protocol also rids the gallbladder of gallstones,
which contain pathogens that make them continuously susceptible to
reinfection. While our blood tests might show normal levels of transaminases,
this only is an indication of liver destruction rather than liver cleanliness or
functionality. Throughout our lives, we commonly overwhelm our livers with
residue and pathogens.
Bile doesn’t just emulsify fat in the intestine, it also prevents bacteria growth
in the digestive tract and stimulates peristalsis—the body’s natural process
to move digestive waste through our systems. This is why people who suffer
from liver issues or a lazy gallbladder are overly gassy or constipated.
If not drained adequately every day, the bile ducts and gallbladder will hold
onto cholesterol and form stones. This in turn results in a hindrance of further
drainage, creating a vicious cycle. This leads to the production of cholestasis
and the stagnation of bile flow, creating hepatic congestion that disturbs
proper venous circulation, digestion, and excretion of toxins.
A congested liver is the cause of many instances of dermatitis, fatigue, joint
pain, headaches, depression, indigestion, sinusitis, bleeding gums, forehead
wrinkles, and more.
Stones don’t just form in the gallbladder, they also form in the liver ducts.
The liver is comprised of several ducts, so when a stone gets trapped in one of
them, the hepatic lobes can’t drain and the whole body feels the impacts. Dr.
Clark advises ingesting olive oil and grapefruit juice to help discharge bile by
releasing these stones.
Epsom salts are used in Dr. Clark’s liver cleanse to help relax the liver and
intestine while dehydrating parasites.
Many of the stones that accumulate in our liver go undetected by traditional
medicine because their density is similar to our tissues. They must be calcified
When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?
to be seen, and thus aren’t detectable in MRIs, ultrasounds, or X-rays.
However, the stones in the gallbladder are calcified and can be seen with
those tests.
Dr. Clark recommends the following tips prior to doing a liver cleanse:
If you have impaired kidney function, you should not do a liver
cleanse. If you are unsure, there are home kits you can use to test
your urinary albumin, which are useful for early kidney dysfunction
You also should not do a cleanse if it doesn’t help excrete gallstones
and gallbladder sludge.
You need to fast for fourteen hours prior to the cleanse so that there
are no intestinal obstructions.
For ultimate effectiveness, avoid consuming fats on the day of the
Put your feet up between five o’clock and nine o’clock in the evening,
or massage them to help detoxify the lymphatic system.
If possible, ozonate the oil for twenty minutes.
Only do the cleanse if you are in good health, as you will need energy.
Following the cleanse, Dr. Clark advises to continue regular waste excretion
by emptying your bowels.
Cleanse Your Colon
Although the term “colon cleanse” suggests a focus on just the colon, most
effective colon cleanses really target your digestive system as a whole. They
address the excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in that whole area of your
body’s system.
When food is not fully digested, it becomes stagnant in your digestive
tract—most often in the colon. This creates an atmosphere that invites the
accumulation of toxins, parasites, and inflammation. But while the undigested
food is a problem that must be cleared, the bigger problem actually starts
earlier in the chain of digestion.
The End of All Disease
Many of our digestive problems start in our stomachs. Many people today are
deficient in hydrochloric acid (HCl), which is an essential part of digestion.
Not only does this acid begin to break down our food, it also is critical in
eliminating many of the parasites and pathogens that may enter our bodies
along with our food. Unfortunately, much of the medical and pharmaceutical
community seems to be on a mission to remove HCl from our bodies.
Dr. Thompson showed in his book, The Calcium Lie II, that the steady climb
in indigestion and heartburn that we’ve been experiencing as a culture are a
direct result of the recommendations to limit our salt intake. Our bodies are
unable to generate the appropriate levels of stomach acid when minerals like
salt are deficient. As a result, we do not have enough HCl to digest properly.
Worse, the deficiency of HCl in the stomach allows bacteria and other
invaders to flourish in our stomachs. Dr. Clark explained that this results
in acidity or reflux in the esophagus. Rather than battling the cause of the
reflux by allowing the stomach acid to increase, modern medicine douses all
HCl through the use of antacids, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Deficiencies of stomach acid then feed the excess of bacteria, which ultimately
leads to stagnation—a clogged colon.
That clogged colon then leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
causing a condition that’s known as ”leaky gut.” This condition allows toxins
from the waste in your bowel to leak into your blood stream. Not only can
the colon become clogged with anywhere between five to twenty pounds of
hardened fecal matter, it can also reduce your gastrointestinal tract’s ability
to synthesize and absorb key nutrients into your blood stream to promote
healthy brain and organ function.
You can stop this problem from happening by managing your diet, keeping
toxins to a minimum, and ingesting enough sea salt. But most people also
need to conduct regular colon cleanses to ensure a properly functioning
Cleaning House
Think of cleanses the way you think about your normal housekeeping
schedule. Cleanses are necessary to keep things running smoothly, and the
more often you clean, the easier it is to achieve homeostasis. Following Dr.
When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?
Clark’s advice for cleansing your vital organs will ensure that they continue to
work hard and smart for you, giving you a long, healthy, and clean life.
I’ve shown you all the building blocks you need to construct your health from
a mental, physical, and diet standpoint. But what if you or someone you
love is already suffering from an ailment caused by the lack of homeostasis
in any of these three key areas? The next several chapters will provide specific
recommendations for some of the most prevalent ailments in the US today,
including migraines, arthritis, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia,
heart disease, and cancer.
The End of All Disease
Chapter Review
• Cleansing is a critical part of our health, helping to remove
millions of dead cells discarded into the blood and lymph
system daily along with toxins.
The intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and lymphatic
system are known as the emunctories, or detoxification
Undergoing a significant cleanse can have a tremendous
impact on your chronic pain or illness.
Kidney and liver cleanses are excellent ways to improve your
health and wellness.
Colon cleanses are essential to proper digestion, improved
nutrition, and avoiding chronic illnesses.
The more often you cleanse, the easier it will be to keep your
systems running smoothly.
When Was the Last Time You Changed Your Oil?
Recommended Resources
Dr. Clark Research Association
Learn more about the tools available to clear these toxins from your system
from the Dr. Clark Research Association at
Clark Therapy by Ignacio Chamorro Balda
You can also get more information and details on the tools and methods based
on Dr. Clark’s work in the book Clark Therapy by Ignacio Chamorro Balda.
Natural Cleanse
A product I strongly recommend to keep your colon health regular is called
Natural Cleanse. You can get it from Living Well Nutraceuticals at http://
The End of All Disease
The End of All Disease
The End of All Disease
The End of Migraines
What Are Migraines?
Have you ever made up a headache as an excuse to get out of something? Next
time, try using a migraine instead. Migraines will get you out of anything—
whether you want to go or not. Not only are migraines debilitating to many
who suffer from them, but these—and their evil twin, the chronic headache—
can result in considerable suffering and a loss of productivity.
Dr. Mark Wiley studied migraines extensively in his book, Outwitting
Headaches, which he wrote after struggling with migraines himself for years.
Think of the migraine as an angrier, more severe, and more persistent version
of an average headache. More than that, Dr. Wiley notes that migraines often
come with a host of other symptoms, such as dizziness and vomiting. Those
who suffer from migraines know that they can take a terrible toll on your
daily life, undermining your natural homeostasis and the entire Wellness
Model of Health™.
Migraine headaches are caused by both vasoconstriction and dilation, which
means the blood vessels are either constricting or they are expanding. This is
that throbbing sensation you feel sometimes if you have a headache, more like
a drum beat versus a tight, squeezing feeling.
This chapter will cover the myths, lies, and truths about migraines, as well as
effective treatment and prevention methods.
The Myths and Lies of Migraines
Migraines are powerful and painful occurrences that can severely disrupt your
daily life. When it comes to this serious condition, it’s best to be able to
discern what’s true and what isn’t about your suffering.
The End of Migraines
Myth: Medicine Will Fix the Problem
One common misperception about migraines is that you can treat it with
a pill. But as Dr. Wiley points out, you will never win the migraine war by
dealing with the pain once you already feel it or by taking a pill to prevent it.
You are only putting off the pain and creating a diversion.
The only way to be victorious against migraines is prevention. You need to
learn what the causes are and change your lifestyle accordingly.
When a migraine occurs, there are a lot of negative things happening to your
body that you aren’t aware of. Taking medication, both over-the-counter and
prescribed, just masks the pain and prevents you from feeling the migraine.
Whatever triggered it is still there, however, and could, unbeknown to you,
even be affecting your health. Remember, pain is the body’s way of alerting us
to a problem, and masking it only hides the real cause of the issue—it doesn’t
make it go away.
There are negative consequences to medication as well, and the best way to
become migraine-free is to get to the root of your pain and make changes to
your life to prevent them from returning.
Myth: Coffee Is a Cure
Another myth is that a cup of coffee is a great fix for a migraine. Coffee is a
diuretic, which causes you to urinate and sweat. Caffeine also has toxins in it,
not to mention the sugar, cream, and artificial sweeteners often added to your
morning cup. As Dr. Wiley explains, all of these things lead to dehydration
and elevated sugar levels, which makes coffee a poor choice for someone
looking to avoid migraines.
In fact, many people who suffer headaches don’t know that their caffeine
consumption is actually causing their migraines in the first place. I learned
this in my own personal experience back in the day, when I drank too much
coffee each day at the office.
Once I stopped drinking coffee and tea, I started to realize that I always got
a headache after I got home from work. At first I thought it was the kids, but
no: I discovered that I was actually suffering from caffeine withdrawal. After
The End of All Disease
this realization, I switched to decaffeinated tea, and my consistent headaches
were gone in days.
True Causes of Migraines
There are many reasons why we get migraines. Genetics and environmental
factors are some of the causes. The other causes are more like triggers. The
good news is that triggers can be avoided by making simple adjustments to
your lifestyle so a migraine-free existence is not out of your reach.
As I mentioned previously, your body is 75 percent water and your brain is
over 85 percent water. Water is the fluid of blood, ridding the body of toxins
through breathing, sweating, and urinating. In your kidneys, impure fluids
present in the body get separated out from the pure fluids, and the filtered
toxins get sent to your bladder.
I’ve covered the importance of water as it relates to removing toxins from our
systems, but it also has a direct impact on the constriction, or lack thereof,
in our blood vessels. When you become dehydrated, the body can’t supply
the vital organs with the quality cleansing and fortifying blood it needs—a
deficiency that is marked by telltale headaches. That means that inadequate
hydration can and will prime your system for a migraine.
As I mentioned earlier, you can easily tell if you’re dehydrated by paying
attention to your urine. It should be pale yellow, and if it’s a darker yellow
or orange, you are very dehydrated. Migraine sufferers should be especially
vigilant in checking their urine, as hydration is necessary for prevention.
Oxygen Deprivation
Blood carries oxygen through your body. People tend to breathe from the
top of their lungs, only getting 60 percent of the oxygen they need. This also
means they are likely exhaling less, which could lead to a 60 percent increase
in carbon dioxide in the body.
According to Dr. Wiley, a lack of proper oxygen to the brain creates poor bodily
function—something we’ve all experienced in the feeling of lightheadedness.
The End of Migraines
But it also can lead to migraines for those who are more prone to suffer from
Sleep Deprivation
As I discussed in chapter 4, sleep is a time for your body to repair itself, and
we produce serotonin while we sleep. Dr. Wiley found that one of the causes
of migraines is a deficiency of serotonin, so it’s logical that not getting enough
sleep contributes to migraines.
Not only is your body repairing itself during sleep, but it is also detoxing.
While you breathe and sweat overnight, your body’s cells reproduce and your
liver cleans your blood. Then, when you take your morning shower, you clean
off the detoxed materials you’ve sweated out. Without a good night’s sleep,
you are robbing your body of its ability to detox. The more toxins you have,
the more migraines you get.
So what’s the first thing you probably do when you’re tired? You reach for
caffeine. Coffee, soda, black tea, even pills. As I mentioned earlier, Dr. Wiley
clearly states that coffee and caffeine can lead to dehydration, which has
already been discussed as a trigger. The cure for a deficiency of sleep is sleep,
pure and simple.
According to Dr. Wiley, a proper exercise routine is very important for
migraine sufferers. If you have a headache, the last thing you want to do is hit
the treadmill. However, if you don’t exercise, you aren’t reducing your stress,
increasing your blood flow, or increasing your oxygen intake. All three of
these factors have been identified as migraine triggers.
Migraine sufferers should establish an exercise routine. Start by walking and
gently swinging your arms to get your limbs moving and the oxygen and
heart pumping. Gentle yoga, tai chi, and QiGong are all good options for
you to exercise and stretch.
Dr. Wiley’s research also found that diet is a main offender when it comes to
migraines. Foods like hamburgers, cheese, pizza, lunchmeats, and milk are
The End of All Disease
all staples for many American households. Unfortunately, these foods have
a high concentration of nitrates, which can trigger a migraine immediately.
Let’s say you eat chicken parmagiana for dinner. To start with, the chicken is
breaded and fried. Even if you use olive oil, too much concentration of any oil
can obstruct the channels where the blood moves, affecting your breathing,
and in turn, leading to possible oxygen deprivation, another trigger. The
sugar in the breading can raise your blood sugar and blood fat levels, which
can ultimately lead to migraines. Plus, the cheese in this dish, like any dairy
animal milk product, can cause headaches and affect your fat levels, which
also leads to headaches.
Other foods to avoid include anything fermented, such as pickles or other
pickled foods. While fermented foods are excellent for your health under
normal circumstances, if you suffer from migraines, removing them from
your diet may offer you relief.
As I identified at the start of this book, imbalances in the body that stem from
excesses, deficiencies, or stagnation can cause headaches, and these imbalances
can become apparent in the mind, body, and diet. With so many migraine
triggers permeating the common American diet, combined with the stressors
of our modern life, it’s no wonder that so many people suffer from migraines.
Effective Treatment and Prevention for Migraines
Try this technique of Dr. Wiley’s to give yourself some pain relief from
For a pounding migraine, fill up your sink all the way with hot water. Stick
your hands into the water, which should be as hot as possible without scalding
your hands. Because of the heat being generated there, a message is sent inside
your body causing blood to shoot down to the hand area. By pulling the
blood out of your head and into your hands, the pounding pressure of your
migraine is relieved.
With migraines, Dr. Wiley insists that prevention is the key. A full 86 percent
of headaches are unrelated to serious conditions. What this mean is that the
majority of migraines can be prevented. By removing their triggers from our
lives, we can easily live migraine-free.
The End of Migraines
Since dehydration is a main trigger, the simplest solution to prevent migraines
is to stay hydrated throughout the day. It’s estimated that most people are
about two quarts short of their needed water intake each day, especially in
the morning. Dr. Wiley suggests drinking two glasses of room-temperature
water first thing in the morning to rehydrate from the sweating and breathing
you’ve done overnight.
Another preventative measure you can take is to make sure you are on a
solid sleep cycle. For migraine sufferers, it has been shown that the best sleep
schedule is from ten o’clock in the evening to six o’clock in the morning. As
mentioned previously, a good night’s sleep will keep your serotonin levels up
and allow your body to detox properly, fighting off migraines.
With a good night’s sleep, you should be able to add a regular exercise routine
to your schedule. This will keep your blood moving, increase your oxygen
intake, and combat stress all in one fell swoop. A return to homeostasis is
possible, and with it, a return to a migraine-free life under the Wellness
Model of Health™.
Recommended Resources
Outwitting Headaches by Dr. Mark V. Wiley
The Live Pain Free Migraine Relief Kit
Learn more at
The End of All Disease
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
What Is Arthritis?
Many people wonder whether their chronic joint pain is arthritis or just a
natural part of getting older. I want to be clear about one thing: most joint
pain—regardless of the cause—is in fact arthritis.
I say this because, according to Dr. Mark Wiley in his best-selling book,
Arthritis Reversed, arthritis is a term used to define a symptom, rather than a
Dr. Wiley says that the majority of people with arthritis don’t have actual
arthritic diseases, such as juvenile or rheumatoid arthritis. Rather, they suffer
from a series of symptoms that are classified as arthritis pain. For that reason,
I’ll use the term “arthritis” to refer to chronic joint pain in this chapter,
whether you’ve seen a doctor and been “diagnosed” with arthritis or not.
In his research, Dr. Wiley learned that arthritis is believed to be the oldest
discovered human ailment. Scientists have found this disease in the joints
of some dinosaurs and even in mummies. He explains that the symptoms of
arthritis are often universal and are largely experienced as stiffness, soreness,
inflammation, and pain.
Over time, the cartilage between the joints can begin to wear down, exposing
the joint to friction. When two bones rub together, inflammation and pain
can take place. Redness and swelling of the joints and loss of joint function
soon follow.
Arthritis includes more than one hundred different diseases or conditions
that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage, and other connective tissues,
hampering or halting physical movement and causing pain. More than fifty
million Americans have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis. And it’s
getting worse. Scientists project that by the year 2030, more than sixty-seven
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
million Americans over the age of eighteen will be diagnosed with some form
of arthritis.
But past, present, or future, one thing about arthritis remains constant: it
has a debilitating impact on our simple, day-to-day activities, and it can
keep us from living full, satisfying lives. The good news is that, as with the
vast majority of ailments, it can be addressed from the ground up using the
Wellness Model of Health™.
This chapter will discuss the misconceptions about arthritis. It will also tell
you the true underlying causes of this condition, and what you can do to
combat it.
The Myths and Lies of Arthritis
Arthritis is quite common and widespread, as are the myths and lies that
surround it. It’s important to distinguish what is true and what isn’t so that
you can find relief. Much of the information below comes from Dr. Mark
Wiley, who was gracious enough to allow me to distill it for you in this chapter.
Arthritis Is a Part of Aging and Only Affects the Elderly
If you look around, it is easy to see how this myth formed and took hold.
There are plenty of elderly people afflicted with arthritic conditions. And
since many of the elderly show visible signs of arthritis (i.e., misshapen hands,
walkers, and wheelchairs), one might conclude that it is a normal part of the
aging process. However, this is not the case anymore.
By keeping the immune system strong and stable, eating right, exercising
right, and taking care of bone and joint health, the onset and debilitating
effects of arthritis need not be part of your aging process. And with better
diagnosis and natural treatment remedies and therapies available, if you
find you have the condition, you can stop it and reduce or even reverse its
symptoms, so they will not progress into your senior years.
If You Have Arthritis, You Should Not Exercise
This is a myth most believed by those suffering the symptoms of arthritic pain
and inflammation. Decades ago, patients were told not to exercise because
it would rub the joints and make things worse. This is incorrect. While it is
The End of All Disease
true that depending on your type of arthritis and other conditions, certain
exercises should be avoided, this is not a blanket statement about all forms
of exercise.
A certain amount of exercise can in fact greatly help reduce the symptoms of
arthritis. Most often, those with arthritis in the hips and hands feel pain in
the joints and inflammation and/or contraction in the muscles and tissues
around those joints. However, part of what is contributing to the pain and
stiffness is the limited range of motion within the joint structure that has
happened as a result of not exercising.
The first step is to begin exercising slowly, lightly, and with limits, so as not
to worsen or aggravate the conditions. Moving each joint slowly at first helps
lubricate the joints and stretch the muscles. Strengthening exercises can
help stabilize arthritic joint structures. This in turn helps bring fresh blood,
and thus oxygen and nutrients, to the area, which decreases inflammation,
stiffness, and pain. Then, as you are able, you can increase the time and rigor
of your exercise.
Different Climates Have No Effect on Arthritis
The important issue here is that both cold and warm weather can affect
arthritis in negative or positive ways. Climate does play a role in how you
experience the symptoms of your condition.
Cold weather constricts muscles, tendons, and blood vessels, causing
constriction around the joints, and thus pain and limited range of motion.
Heat, on the other hand, allows muscles to expand and blood to flow, and
so relieves compression around joints and helps move fresh blood into the
arthritic area. This reduces pain and stiffness, and increases range of motion.
Damp environments (whether warm or cold) cause inflammation around
joints, and thus restrict movement and cause pain.
So while cold weather does not cause arthritis and warm weather does not
cure it, it’s clear that climate does play a role in how you experience your
condition and its symptoms. This means that temperature and climate should
not be ignored when putting an arthritis relief action plan into place.
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis Sufferers Have to Live in Pain
This is a huge myth that is widely believed. Why? Because many arthritis
sufferers do live in pain, with daily stiffness and inflammation. They are
suffering greatly, yet needlessly, because they don’t yet know all of the pieces
of the puzzle that create homeostasis in our bodies. Once you are armed with
this knowledge, you’ll have the motivation and power to improve your health.
There are several methods for prevention and effective treatment that I will
explain later in this chapter. Will there be a certain level of pain associated
with your arthritis, even after mindfully doing all of the steps and taking all
of the advice in this chapter? Perhaps. But it should be nowhere near the levels
you feel today.
True Causes of Arthritis
Since true recovery means correcting the underlying cause rather than merely
managing symptoms, we must first have at least a basic understanding of why
our joints hurt.
Arthritis pain can almost always be traced back to some combination of these
four primary causes: cartilage breakdown, bone degeneration, excess scar
tissue, and muscle imbalances.
Even in cases of direct trauma or a damaging autoimmune disorder like
rheumatoid arthritis, corrective action for one or more of these root causes
can help your joint pain.
Cartilage Breakdown
Over time, your joint cartilage breaks down through sheer stress of use. That’s
normal. What’s not normal is your body failing to repair and replace worn
cartilage and leaving remnants of broken cartilage inside your joint—leaving
you in pain.
If you participate in extreme sports, are overweight, or place your joints under
other undue stress like repetitive, limited-range motion, your cartilage will
break down even faster. This makes implementing the recovery strategies in
this guide even more important if you wish to remain active and pain free.
So what prevents your joints from rebuilding?
The End of All Disease
First, inadequate hydration. As we’ve learned, well over half of your body is
composed of water. As little as a 2 percent deficit can result in fatigue, reduced
blood flow, and increased oxidative stress. Your body also needs enough fluids
to flush away toxins. When dehydrated, toxin buildup can lead to painful
trigger points and interfere with the healing process.
The second factor here is inadequate nutrition. As we covered in a previous
chapter, most foods are grown in soil largely depleted of the key nutrients
your body needs. Likewise, animals raised for food purposes are typically fed
an unnatural diet, which affects the nutritional profile of the meat you eat.
Without proper nutrition, our joints are unable to repair themselves.
Bone Degeneration
The second primary cause of arthritis is nearby bone degeneration. Yet the
two main contributors to bone weakness may surprise you.
In the first place, you’re far more likely to have a mineral imbalance than
a calcium deficiency. Many foods have supplemental calcium and you may
take additional calcium supplements, too. But your bones are made of many
minerals, not just calcium.
As with cartilage breakdown, lacking the right balance of essential minerals
can lead to bone degeneration. Again, increasing your calcium intake without
maintaining a proper balance of other key nutrients is a recipe for painful
bone spurs and bone weakness.
The other major contributor to bone weakness is lack of stimulation. Like
muscle strength, bone strength is a matter of “use it or lose it.” Inactivity leads
to both lower bone density and decreased muscle strength, making you more
likely to suffer injury and pain.
Joint Restriction
The third primary cause of joint pain is joint restriction. When your joint is
restricted from moving smoothly, the resulting friction creates pain.
Whenever your body is injured, scar tissue is formed to seal and repair the
damage. This is the scar tissue you see when your skin heals from a cut. But
this also occurs internally.
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
However, your body’s ability to shut down the inflammation and healing
process decreases as you age. Over time, recovery from any injury takes longer
than it used to. It’s why you might twist your ankle as a child and be out
bounding around the yard again in hours while the same injury may leave a
senior citizen hobbled for weeks.
Underlying this age-related problem is a reduction in the body’s production
of systemic proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes are what tell your body to
turn off the fires of inflammation when healing is complete. Then they help
break down and carry away waste like the excess fibrin used to create scar
Without adequate levels of systemic proteolytic enzymes, even a minor
injury like a twisted ankle or knee can lead to excess fibrin buildup. This
creates an overgrown web of scar tissue, causing painful friction and restricted
movement in the joint. Excess fibrin also clogs your arteries, hampering the
blood flow that brings the oxygen and nutrients needed to repair the injury.
Muscle Imbalances
Muscle imbalances are one of the biggest causes of arthritis.
I discussed this topic in detail in chapter 7. In a nutshell, a muscle imbalance
is formed when one muscle or a set of muscles is overused compared to
an opposing muscle or set of muscles. The stronger muscles then pull the
opposing muscles, along with nearby bones and joints, out of their normal
positions. Once out of position, the joints are worn unevenly, leading to the
breakdown and pain of arthritis.
When dealing with muscle imbalances, weight matters. Every pound of extra
weight is equivalent to three pounds of compressive force on your joints.
Since muscle imbalances pull your body off-center, carrying an extra ten
pounds is like adding a thirty-pound weight to your already stressed joint.
The Mind Component
This final primary cause of joint pain may surprise you, but the mental
component of pain cannot be overemphasized. Stress, emotions, and
expectations all play a critical role in your pain and recovery, as I discussed
in earlier chapters.
The End of All Disease
Persistent stress causes stress hormones like cortisol to soar, contributing to
health issues throughout your body such as heart disease, increased fat buildup around your midsection, and widespread inflammation throughout your
body—including painful joint inflammation.
Stress and negative emotions cause the muscles to tighten, constricting blood
vessels. These tight muscles increase compressive pressure on your joints,
while decreased blood circulation allows toxins to build up and inhibit the
flow of oxygen and nutrients needed to repair damaged cartilage and bone.
The outcome of this is restricted motion and pain.
Aside from the physical effects of stress, your own expectations directly
influence your ability to recover. If you believe you will get better, you likely
will. But the opposite is just as true; if you believe you won’t get better, you
likely won’t.
Effective Treatment and Prevention for Arthritis
True recovery requires treating the root causes of your joint pain. Finding
these causes will be a matter of exploration and discovery, and chances are
you’ll need to take two, three, or more of the approaches discussed here to get
complete relief, because different solutions address different causes.
In this section, I’ll start with the most basic steps everyone with joint pain
should consider first.
Drink More Water
Replace at least some of your inflammatory sugary drinks like soda with
water. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day—or more if you need it,
due to a high activity level or other factors.
Dehydration really is one of the big, overlooked causes of joint pain. Moving
on to the rest of these joint pain solutions before taking care of hydration
would be a major mistake. Drink more water!
Replace Inflammatory Foods
Joint pain is usually a symptom of joint inflammation. And if you eat the
standard Western diet, the very foods you eat are contributing to your pain.
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
Poor food choices will make your pain worse. Eat less (or preferably none)
of the acidic, inflammatory foods listed in table 17.1—originally found in
Dr. Wiley’s book—for one week. Replace them with the more alkaline, antiinflammatory options listed and notice the difference.
Table 17.1
Animal milk products (milk, cream, ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt)
Hydrogenated oils (non-dairy creamer, crackers, cookies, chips, snack bars)
Nitrates (hot dogs, cold cuts, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, liverwurst)
Processed sugars (candy, soda, bread, bottled fruit juice, cookies, snack bars)
Nightshades (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, paprika)
Convenience and fast foods (french fries, onion rings, loaded baked potatoes,
fatty burgers, Mexican food, pizza, calzones, stromboli)
Processed white flour products (flour, bread, pasta, pizza, crackers, preteens,
Animal milk products (milk, cream, ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt)
Hydrogenated oils (non-dairy creamer, crackers, cookies, chips, snack bars)
Nitrates (hot dogs, cold cuts, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, liverwurst)
Processed sugars (candy, soda, bread, bottled fruit juice, cookies, snack bars)
Nightshades (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, paprika)
Convenience and fast foods (french fries, onion rings, loaded baked potatoes,
fatty burgers, Mexican food, pizza, calzones, stromboli)
Processed white flour products (flour, bread, pasta, pizza, crackers, preteens,
The End of All Disease
Wild Alaskan salmon
Fresh whole fruits
Bright colored vegetables (except nightshades)
Green and white tea
Purified and distilled water
Healthy oils (olive, flax, hemp, safflower, hazelnut, coconut)
Certified organic beef and poultry
Nuts, legumes, and seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables
Organic oatmeal (regular, not instant)
Aromatic spices (turmeric, ginger, cloves, garlic, onion, coriander, ground
mustard seed)
Correct Mineral Levels
While taking a quality vitamin and mineral supplement is a good idea, there’s
also a risk you’re getting an excess of some minerals and a deficiency of others.
As I discussed in great detail in chapter 14, proper nutrition requires a correct
balance of key minerals.
Earlier, I covered the surprising fact that, for many concerned about bone
strength, supplementing with too much calcium can be worse than not
supplementing at all. Although your body requires calcium for strong bones,
an excess of calcium in your system can signal your body to stop using it to
strengthen your bones, or to use that excess to create painful bone spurs.
Remember, your bones are made of many minerals, not just calcium. The
only way to know for sure which minerals your body needs is to have your
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
mineral levels tested as a baseline. This is best performed before starting any
new vitamin and mineral supplements. Your doctor or an independent lab
can check your mineral levels using a simple hair analysis or blood work.
Then supplement with the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Exercise and Increased Activity
Fear of injury leads many joint pain sufferers to lead an inactive life. However,
your bones and muscles require regular stimulation to remain strong.
Inactivity puts you at more risk of injury, not less.
Consider introducing a regular exercise routine into your day. Below are brief
descriptions of some exercises from Dr. Wiley’s Arthritis Reversed you can
incorporate into your routine to offer you some relief.
Mindful walking
Start slow by walking for twenty minutes a day. This will get the heart, lungs,
muscles, and joints moving. This low-impact activity will keep you in balance,
increase heart and lung function and blood and oxygen flow, burn off blood
sugars and fats, and remove toxins and wastes through sweat.
QiGong standing pole exercises
QiGong is a system of exercising the body and internal organs to stretch,
open the energy lines, release tension, clear the mind, balance respiration,
and improve the circulation of energy, blood, and body fluids.
QiGong standing pole postures are a great way to begin exercising the body
and connecting your body with your mind. In times when you are in too
much pain to exercise or even walk, the standing pole exercises will help you
to rehabilitate yourself and start feeling better, and can be a jumping-off
point for next-level exercises.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi helps develop balance and prevent falls and fractures common in
those with arthritis. It also helps build bone density and keeps muscles
toned, while reducing stress by clearing the mind and regulating the heart
and lungs. Through tai chi, you can also burn calories without taxing the
joints. Additionally, it helps restore range of motion.
The End of All Disease
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice of health and well-being that involves
holding and moving between various postures, specified breathing methods,
and achieving altered states of consciousness through meditation.
With extended practice of yoga, a level of fitness is achieved and weight
loss experienced, which in turn further lower blood pressure and reduce the
effects of daily stress. This reduction of stress, lowering of blood pressure,
increased calmness of mind, and slowed breathing that yoga fosters are all
useful tools in helping to reduce pain, along with the other symptoms and
negative effects of arthritis.
Bodywork Therapies
Bodywork therapies are those that utilize the hands of a practitioner on your
body to effect change in a positive way. Sometimes the hands-on approach
is physical (like with massage) and breaks up connective tissue and relieves
trigger points. At other times, the therapy may be interior via injection (such
as in Prolozone™ therapy). In each case, you are relying on the healing hands
of a trained practitioner to help correct imbalances in your body.
Many who suffer with arthritis find it difficult to exercise because they are
either too weak, in too much pain, or have lost too much range of motion.
In such cases, attending a series of hands-on bodywork sessions can really
help loosen the body, align the system, free the nerves, and awaken the
Energy Medicine
Energy medicine is another effective form of treatment for joint pain. I
explored this concept in full in chapter 10 of this book.
The Mental Component
Mental stress and a negative outlook can sabotage your best efforts at beating
joint pain.
Just as negative thoughts can keep you in pain, changing your mindset
to a positive outlook can help you make dramatic improvements almost
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
overnight. Best of all, there are numerous proven ways to do so without
resorting to mind-numbing antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals.
Here are some of natural ways to boost your spirit and eliminate the negative
mental blocks that may be keeping you in pain: adequate sleep, light therapy,
meditation and hypnosis, binaural beats and brainwave training, the Sedona
Method, and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). For more on these
methods, see the Recommended Resources section at the end of the chapter.
You can mask joint pain with drugs, and continue to suffer. Or you can give
your body the building blocks it needs to repair joint damage, strengthen
weak bones, and stop the runaway inflammation that’s causing your pain in
the first place. That’s the role these supplements play in your health.
In each of these supplements, potency matters. Look for good manufacturing
control to ensure the supplement’s ingredients are delivered in the correct
particle size at the stated (preferably high) dose, so your body can absorb
and use the ingredient in sufficient quantity to make a difference. I discussed
supplements in detail in chapter 14.
Finally, these specific supplements are recommended because they’re generally
safer than many vitamins and minerals, with minimal or no side effects even
when taken in high doses over time.
Topical Creams, Gels, and Oils
When searching for relief from pain, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness,
many reach for some form of topical cream, gel, or ointment. Dr. Wiley
points out that these products are found in abundance in American
drugstores and Asian markets. Though the Eastern and Western versions of
these products have some comparatively different ingredients, they serve the
same purpose: instant relief for acute symptoms of arthritis.
Topical pain products are mostly used for short-term relief, as once their
active ingredients have metabolized in the body, their value is greatly
diminished. For effectiveness over the long term, they should be applied
three times per day, and be part of an overall program for arthritis relief. On
their own, these products can provide almost instant relief on some level to
The End of All Disease
Natural supplements for chronic joint pain:
Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU): slows down
production of inflammatory chemicals in the body
Boswellia Serrata: provides anti-inflammatory activity in
areas of chronic inflammation
Burdock Root: purifies blood and clears congestion from
the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, and urinary system.
Cetyl Myristoleate: promotes healthy joint function
Chondroitin Sulfate: slows down joint cartilage breakdown
Citrus Bioflavonoids: inhibits breakdown of connective
Devils Claw: has powerful NSAID-like properties
Fish Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids: relieves pain and stiffness
Glucosamine Sulfate: supports joint mobility and pain relief
Hydrolyzed Collagen Type 2: lubricates the joints
Ionic Minerals: helps cells absorb nutrients
L-glutathione: strengthens the immune system
Methylsulfonlylmethane: improves cell permeability
Paractin: helps correct imbalanced immune system
Proteolytic Enzymes: helps control systemic inflammation
Rutin: powerful antioxidant
SAMe: relieves pain
Thunder God Vine: regulates the immune system and
reduces inflammation
White Willow Bark: reduces inflammation and pain
Vitamins: aids in growth, repair, bone density, pH balance,
and hormone regulation
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
one or more symptoms and can be used to help you get through your day
or night.
When shopping for a topical pain product, be sure to look for items that are
made with few unnatural ingredients, and that include the following:
Camphor oil: calms nerve pain, reduces inflammation, and is used as
an anesthetic, disinfectant, and sedative
Capsaicin: diminishes the chemical in the body known as substance
P, which is involved in transmitting pain signals to the brain
Menthol: numbs, expands blood vessels, cools the heat of
Wintergreen: a counterirritant
Be sure to use these treatments carefully and as directed.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy
Research has found that injured tissues in your body emit different electrical
frequencies than healthy tissues. By counteracting the electrical frequencies
emitted by injured tissue, you can get fast pain relief and as much as a threefold reduction in healing time.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is a painless therapy that applies
these counteracting frequencies to your body using extremely low power
electric current through electrodes and conductive gloves.
FSM technology has been around for nearly a century, but was blocked by
the traditional medical establishment for much of that time. It has only come
into widespread use over the past fifteen years.
Prolozone™ Therapy
Prolozone™ combines concepts of neural therapy, prolotherapy, and ozone
therapy into a single treatment that typically results in immediate pain relief
and rapid healing of degenerated joints.
The key to its clinical success is the use of injected medical-quality ozone into
the injured joint. Even healthy ligaments and joints typically get only one
The End of All Disease
tenth of the oxygen of nearby tissue. Injured and inflamed joints get even
less oxygen as circulation is further impaired—reducing oxygen utilization.
Your cells need oxygen to produce energy. But in situations where oxygen
utilization is impaired, more oxygen is converted to free radical molecules—
increasing the deterioration rate of your joint. Ozone has an unstable third
oxygen atom, which when injected in your joint, can be utilized by cells to
overcome this oxygen utilization deficit with dramatic results.
Prolozone™ also includes procaine for fast numbing pain relief, antiinflammatory medicines, vitamins, minerals and proliferative agents, and
so stimulates regeneration. While this therapy is slightly invasive with the
injection and may not be 100 percent all natural depending on the antiinflammatory and proliferative agents used, it has a highly safe track record
and such an astounding impact on joints that I felt it necessary to share it
here as an advanced joint pain solution.
You Have a Choice
Arthritis is one of the most common ailments out there, affecting nearly
one in five Americans. It can be debilitating, but when you work from the
Wellness Model of Health™, there are many steps you can take to find relief.
Making the right choices in your diet and exercise, as well as having a positive
mental attitude, can make the difference between resigning yourself to a life
of pain and working toward a pain-free existence.
Recommended Resources
Comprehensive Information about Arthritis
Get a free copy of Dr. Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed: Groundbreaking
30 Day Arthritis Relief Action Plan for only the cost of shipping at http://
Effective, All Natural Joint Supplement
Protect and rebuild your joints using the most effective, all-natural joint
supplement on the market, Super Joint Support™ at www.losethebackpain.
The End of Arthritis and Joint Pain
The End of Chronic Back Pain
What Is Chronic Back Pain?
We often use the expression “pain in the neck” to describe someone who just
won’t go away.
For so many people, “pain in the back” would be more accurate. For those
suffering from chronic back pain, persistent pain is a common experience. It
might be constant, or it might come and go at the worst times. In either case,
it’s just not going away.
I literally wrote the book on chronic back pain, The 7 Day Back Pain Cure.
Whether it’s a dull lower back pain, or radiating upper back pain that moves
to the arms and shoulders, one thing is for sure: chronic back pain can be
debilitating and it can affect every area of your life, until you take your health
into your own hands by following the Wellness Model of Health™. When
your natural state of homeostasis moves back in, the chronic back pain moves
There are two major types of chronic back pain: lower and upper pain.
Lower Back Pain
People suffering from general lower-back pain usually complain of one of
two types of discomfort. The first is a dull, aching feeling, a tight, “locked up”
sensation that limits movement. The second is a sharp pain. Sometimes these
sensations are accompanied by radiating pain in the legs and/or feet. All these
symptoms can be caused by imbalances (a lack of homeostasis) within your
physical body, mind (e.g., stress), and/or diet.
Upper Back Pain
If you’re suffering from general upper back pain, you’re probably having a
hard time doing daily activities like driving a car, working at the computer,
The End of Chronic Back Pain
or even brushing your teeth. You may be experiencing headaches or radiated
pain into the arms and/or the shoulder blades.
You may have had muscles “lock up,” making it nearly impossible to move
your head or arms. All these symptoms can also be caused by problems with
your body (usually muscle trauma or imbalances), mind (e.g., stress), and/or
diet—and most likely, they’ve been building up for quite some time.
This region of our back is quite complex due to the fact that it contains many
joints. When working properly, you can perform everyday tasks with ease—
but when pain strikes in the upper back, even the simplest activities can be
The Myths and Lies of Chronic Back Pain
In order to effectively put an end to chronic back pain, we first have look
beyond the symptoms of the pain itself. Instead, we must turn our attention
to figuring out and fixing the underlying problem causing the pain.
However, before I get to these causes, let’s look at some of the most enduring
and popular myths about back pain.
Myth #1: You “Throw Out” Your Back
Oftentimes, back pain is preceded by some physical activity, like picking up
a heavy object, sneezing, or bending over. The usual thinking goes, “Well,
since I didn’t have back pain before doing this activity, the activity must have
caused the back pain.” The actual answer is usually much more complicated
than that. True, physical activity can trigger a pain episode, but by itself, it
isn’t the underlying cause.
Myth #2: Back Pain Means There’s Something Wrong with Your Back
It’s understandable that many people would assume that, if they have back
pain, then something must be wrong mechanically with their back. And
indeed, this may be part of the problem, but it is rarely the sole cause of the
Other factors often come into play, originating from the mind (i.e., stress or
emotional distress) or from your diet (i.e., unhealthy foods) that can cause
The End of All Disease
severe back pain episodes even when nothing is physically wrong with your
spine, discs, joints, muscles, or ligaments. These factors can also exacerbate
physical issues, making existing back pain worse.
Myth #3: My Current Back Pain Isn’t Related to Previous Bouts
For most people, the trigger that causes their back pain episode is different
on different occasions, which leads to the thinking that today’s back pain
has nothing to do with the back pain experienced two months ago. In fact,
multiple back pain episodes are usually caused by the same underlying
problem—even if the apparent trigger for different episodes appears to vary.
Myth #4: Being Overweight Is a Major Cause of Back Pain
While it’s true that being overweight can contribute to back pain, in most
instances, it’s only a minor cause of this. Bottom line, our spines are designed
to support the weight of the body, whether we’re carrying around extra pounds
or not. Being overweight can, though, create an extra burden for those who
already have back problems, making it more difficult to move around and get
exercise when pain strikes.
Myth #5: People Who Are Not Active Are More Likely to Have Back Pain
Because active people are believed to be stronger than those who are inactive,
it’s thought that active people are less likely to suffer from back pain. In fact,
the opposite is true. Active people put themselves at higher risk of back pain
because they place greater strain on their muscles and exert themselves more
often. Back pain isn’t caused by weakness; as we’ll learn in the next section,
it’s caused by muscle imbalances, injuries, or illness.
Myth #6: The Best Thing for Back Pain Is Bed Rest
While severe back pain may constitute a need for limited mobility and bed
rest, in the long run, prolonged bed rest can actually cause more pain and
problems. Faster healing occurs when you take measures to treat the cause,
including exercise and activities to increase your blood flow, range of motion,
and flexibility. Too much time in bed can prolong your pain and healing
time, and can also cause muscle attrition and weakness, which in turn makes
your body more susceptible to injury.
The End of Chronic Back Pain
Now that I’ve debunked some of the most common myths about back pain,
let’s take a closer look at what really causes it.
True Causes of Chronic Back Pain
Depending on the type of chronic back pain you are suffering from, the
causes can vary. Some of the causes are easy to pinpoint, while others can be
a consequence of an action that you aren’t even aware of.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be caused by a number of different things. Ranking at
the top of the list are pulled muscles, disc problems (herniated, bulging discs),
arthritic conditions, or joint dysfunction. In addition, trigger points, pinched
nerves, spinal compression, or torsion can be common causes, though many
people don’t recognize this connection. Still other causes can lie in stress
and negative emotions, as I covered in earlier chapters. Trauma (injury) and
muscle imbalances are the most common causes of lower back pain.
While you would know if a precise trauma caused your pain, you probably
wouldn’t be aware of a muscle imbalance until it resulted in pain. That’s
because it happens slowly over a period of time. Muscle imbalances affect
your posture, causing “postural dysfunctions,” which may include abnormal
alignment of the pelvis and abnormal curvature of the spine.
This misalignment causes increased wear and tear on the joints, muscles, and
ligaments—even the discs.
Upper Back Pain
The three most common reasons for upper back pain are trauma, trigger
points, and muscle imbalances. With trauma, it’s easy to determine what
caused the pain; however, in case of trigger points or muscle imbalances, a
person may not be able to pinpoint any one thing that triggered it. That’s
because postural dysfunctions, as referred to above, are often the culprit.
It’s important to understand that while upper back pain caused by postural
dysfunctions or muscle imbalance can introduce itself suddenly, it probably
took a long time to develop before any pain was perceived. This is also true
The End of All Disease
of trigger points, which can occur after toxins build up in tissues, muscles,
tendons, or ligaments for a period of time.
All Back Pain
For some people, the cause of chronic back pain is not related to a traumatic
injury. For these people, no matter what they try and no matter what type
of practitioner they see for their pain, they still suffer. The problem could
very well be psychosomatic, meaning the issue is related to both mind and
body and how they interact.
Negative thought patterns, especially stress, can keep you from recovering
and make your condition worse by amplifying the pain and other symptoms.
As I discussed in chapter 2, stress is an interesting phenomenon. It means
different things to different people. What we each individually consider to
be stressful is largely a matter of our perception. Our perceptions are our
realities, and so what we think poses a threat actually does so by virtue
of our established belief system. What’s more, there are many kinds of
stressors—physical (the response to being frightened), emotional (loss of a
loved one), psychological (obsessive thoughts), spiritual (loss of faith), and
psychosomatic (the need for attention).
The effect of such prolonged or recurring stress is that it keeps the
autonomic nervous system from balancing, or achieving your natural state
of homeostasis. Stress can also lead to depression, anxiety, muscle tension,
insomnia, and body pain. All of these are known triggers of various mental
and physical (mind/body) illnesses and diseases, including chronic back
Effective Treatments and Prevention for Chronic Back Pain
Traditional treatments offered by physicians for chronic back pain include
cortisone injections, muscle relaxants, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs. In some instances, surgery is suggested, but it should always be your
last option.
Traditional treatment from chiropractors and physical therapists may include
spinal mobilization, hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and
The End of Chronic Back Pain
therapeutic exercises. Sometimes these can be helpful, but only when they
are actually needed.
Note that I said “traditional treatments” above and not “effective treatments.”
In most cases, these treatments, while common, do not address the cause
of the pain. Instead, they only mask or delay its recurrence. For example, if
you need a spinal adjustment, a chiropractor can be very helpful. However,
if your pain comes from trigger points, a spinal adjustment will not give you
any relief. That’s why it’s so important to understand that the treatment has
to address the cause of the pain. The cause should dictate where, how, and
from whom you seek help.
As I covered in previous chapters, many causes of back pain come from
muscle imbalances. Lower back pain caused by muscles imbalances cannot be
treated effectively through most of the above treatments. In order to reduce or
eliminate the pain, you first have to correct what caused it. The most effective
treatment is to correct the muscle imbalance and restore postural balance.
This treatment works in relieving lower back pain and in preventing future
incidences of it.
The following action plan covers two areas: 1) short-term and temporary pain
relief, and 2) long-term solutions.
For each category of pain relief (temporary versus long term), the solutions
below have been arranged in order, with the step likely to help you the most
listed first. Start with the solution at the top of the list, and then work your
way down only if the pain improves but doesn’t completely disappear.
Temporary Pain Relief—Action Plan
Temporary pain relief for chronic back pain can be obtained from quality
pain-relief creams, natural anti-inflammatories, and far infrared heat therapy.
The same topical creams, gels, and oils used for arthritis, as discussed in
chapter 17, can also be applied to ease chronic back pain. For suggestions on
natural anti-inflammatory supplements, see chapter 14 for more information.
Far infrared heat therapy is another excellent option for temporary pain relief.
If you ever reach for a heating pad to try to relax and soothe painful and tight
muscles, then you’re already familiar with standard heat therapy. However,
The End of All Disease
few people experience true relief from a regular heating pad. This is because
typical heating pads simply warm the skin. They don’t penetrate into the
tissues and muscles where your pain thrives, and that’s why they rarely give
you lasting relief.
Far infrared heat therapy solves that problem by sinking deep into your
tissues for longer-lasting, healing relief. Think of how good it feels to soak
in the sun—that delicious, bone-deep warmth you feel from its rays. That
feeling comes from the sun’s infrared rays. Infrared waves are different from
the ultraviolet waves that can contribute to sunburn. They don’t harm your
skin and they make your muscles feel great. You can’t see them, because they
have a longer wavelength than visible light, but you can feel them.
Infrared light that is farthest from visible light is called “far infrared,” and it
has been used to promote healing for years. For example, a 2010 study by
the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine of patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome found that participants experienced considerable
relief from symptoms with daily far infrared treatment. Numerous other
studies have also found that far infrared heat helps everything from burning
fat effectively to killing cancer cells.
Regular (non-infrared) heating pads use high-temperature heat to attempt
to deliver heat deep into your muscles, but those near-burning temperatures
cause too much pain for most people. In comparison, far infrared heating
pads use moderate-temperature heat at a particular wavelength (the far
infrared wavelength) that penetrates deeply into your muscles naturally.
Again, that deep penetration is the reason far infrared heat is so effective at
soothing pain, relaxing muscles, improving circulation, and reducing fatigue.
Just like those invisible sun rays, far infrared heat has been shown in scientific
studies to actually sink two to three inches into muscles and ligaments. As it
does this, it transforms light energy into heat energy, expanding blood vessels,
improving circulation, and encouraging the healing process.
And that’s only the beginning. There are even more health benefits to far
infrared heat. As blood circulation improves, toxins break down and flush
out of the body. Things like uric acid, sodium, metals, and fat-soluble toxins
all vacate the muscles and tissues, freeing the body to heal itself with its own
strength and abilities.
The End of Chronic Back Pain
Blood pressure decreases, muscle cramps relax, oxygen transport increases,
and fatigue melts away. Even better, because the heat goes so deep into the
tissues, these beneficial effects can last for up to six hours, depending on how
long you soak in the heat.
So how do you take advantage of this deep-penetrating pain reliever? There
are several far infrared devices out there, from small pads to four-person
saunas. You can learn more about far infrared therapy and see which devices
I recommend at
Long-Term Relief—Action Plan
Long-term relief for chronic back pain should be a combination of the
following: muscle-balance therapy, trigger-point therapy, inversion therapy,
emotional troubleshooting, and dietary adjustments.
Most of you will experience welcome relief using the first five long-term relief
steps described below. You’ll probably be surprised at how quickly your pain
goes away. But for those few who have battled with back pain for a long time,
the “layered” approach may be the only way to go.
This is usually because your back pain is caused by a multitude of factors and
perhaps has become so “normal” for your body that it will take a longer, more
comprehensive approach to break the cycle.
The key is to use the treatments suggested, in the order suggested, and at the
same time until you can figure out the right combination that works for you.
Once you have this figured out, you can stop using the treatments that you
suspect aren’t as effective, thereby arriving at the simplest possible solution.
Step 1: Hydrate
I have already covered the importance of water and adequate hydration in
past chapters. It should go without saying that one of the most important
things you can do for your health is to drink more water.
Earlier, I mentioned how the discs in your spine are made up mostly of water.
When you drink more, you re-inflate those discs, which have probably been
depleted of fluids throughout the day. Water helps eliminate toxins from your
The End of All Disease
body, and constant cleansing can prevent trigger points from forming and
reduce the severity of any trigger points already present in the muscle tissues.
Drinking water helps joints function more smoothly, because it cushions the
muscles and provides more support for the body’s movement. It also fills the
stomach, which can deter us from eating too much, and helps to keep our
energy levels high.
Step 2: Reduce Stress and Negative Emotions
If you’ve used the combination of muscle-balance therapy, trigger point
therapy, and inversion therapy for several weeks and you’re still experiencing
pain, it may be time to evaluate your emotional state of mind.
The following recommendations for reducing stress are taken from
Dr. Mark Wiley’s book, Arthritis Reversed.
Tips for stress busting:
1. Walk outside for at least twenty continuous minutes every
2. Quiet the mind and calm the nerves with meditation.
3. Take ten deep belly breaths every hour.
4. Drink plenty of pure water.
5. Avoid sugar in all forms and limit caffeine.
6. Regulate sleep and wake cycles to a consistent daily routine.
Prioritize your life, work, family, and personal time and
8. Do six shoulder shrugs whenever you are tense.
9. Realize that when people criticize and judge, they are labeling
an “image” of you and not you personally.
10. Realize that you are worth so much more than the sum of
your titles, money, and belongings.
The End of Chronic Back Pain
In most cases, if someone is not feeling a lot better by the time they’ve adopted
these three therapies—particularly if the person is doing them diligently on a
daily basis—the problem is often a case of severe stress and, in some extreme
cases, lingering anger from some emotional trauma (e.g., divorce, abuse,
More often than not, the stresses are job pressures, relationship issues, health
concerns (if the person is dealing with a serious disease or troubling diagnosis),
significant losses, career confusion, or family troubles.
Evaluate the stresses in your life and see if you can reduce some of them. If
you suspect an old trauma may be affecting you, consider an appointment
with a licensed therapist. At the very least, carve out some personal time to
reflect and record your thoughts, talk to a trusted friend, or purchase some
helpful books—anything that might help you get to the core of your pain.
Step 3: Muscle-Balance Therapy
As I talked about earlier, muscle-balance therapy is an approach that works
for everyone—regardless of the condition your doctor may have diagnosed—
because we all have muscle imbalances.
For many people, muscle-balance therapy is all that’s needed. For others,
additional treatments may be necessary. As mentioned earlier, very rarely
is chronic back pain caused by one thing; instead, it’s often the result of
a combination of causes. Therefore, your treatment plan should include a
combination of treatments.
Muscle-balance therapy is an innovative approach to eliminating back pain
(and just about any other ailment) by addressing the imbalances in your
muscles. In essence, it attempts to reverse the process that created the pain in
the first place and bring your body back to a more neutral, properly aligned
or “balanced” state.
The muscle-balance therapy approach begins by assessing the strength and
flexibility of your muscle pairs—in your hips, pelvis, spine, and throughout
the body. The idea is to find out which muscles are strong and which are weak,
which are tight and which are more flexible, and which may be overworked
or shortened.
The End of All Disease
Since these various imbalances stress joints, other muscles, and ligaments,
the goal of the therapy is to rebalance the muscles so that each muscle pair is
as close to “normal” as possible. By evening out the muscle tension between
the left and right sides of the body or between the front and back, the body
supports the spine more evenly, automatically improving posture, allowing
vertebrae to move back into position, and taking pressure off irritated nerves
and muscles—thereby eliminating chronic back pain.
Step 4: Trigger Point Therapy
After one to two weeks of using muscle-balance therapy, if you’re still
experiencing pain, it’s time to add trigger point therapy to your routine.
Trigger point therapy can help eliminate muscle pain and spasms that
muscle-balance therapy may not have been able to address. However, don’t
stop the muscle-balance therapy, as it does many things for you that trigger
point therapy can’t. These benefits include strengthening weak muscles,
lengthening short and tight muscles, working to correct imbalances, and
most importantly, eliminating the dysfunction.
Remember that trigger points can be persistent points of pain, and because
of their position in the muscle fibers, they can keep you feeling stiff and sore.
For a detailed description of trigger point therapy, see Chapter 8.
Step 5: Spinal Decompression
After two weeks of combined muscle-balance therapy and trigger point
therapy, if you still aren’t completely pain free, it’s time to add spinal
decompression therapy to your routine.
I discussed this method in detail in chapter 9. Combining spinal
decompression therapy with muscle-balance therapy is a very effective way
to relieve all kinds of back pain. Often, when muscle-balance therapy and
trigger point therapy aren’t enough to get you to 100 percent, the problem
is a disc that’s still bulging enough to put pressure on a nerve somewhere in
the spine.
Muscle-balance therapy rebalances the muscles so they no longer pull the
spine out of alignment, but that alone may not be enough to allow the discs
The End of Chronic Back Pain
to “pop” back into place or provide enough of an increase in blood flow to
promote healing. In other words, your muscles are probably closer to properly
supporting your back, but the vertebrae may need some assistance in getting
back to their ideal position, where they’ll no longer impact the nerves.
This is where spinal decompression therapy can be extremely effective. Since
the human body is upright most of the time, gravity is constantly placing
downward pressure on the spine, which is referred to as “compression.”
Turning the body upside down allows gravity to pull the spine in the
opposite direction, opening up the spaces between the vertebrae. This often
encourages the discs to return to a healthy position and, if torn, to heal
Again, a few minutes a day of this therapy can be enough to help you start
experiencing significant relief. And with literally millions of success stories,
it’s definitely something you’ll want to consider.
Step 6: Dietary Adjustments
If you’ve gotten to this point and you’re still experiencing pain, don’t lose
hope. Your diet could have a lot to do with it.
First, you should continue with the steps outlined above. Some people with
particularly stubborn chronic back pain just need to hang in there a little
longer to see results. Remember, your back pain took a long time to develop
and it may just need more time to right itself—especially if you have a very
stubborn case.
This is particularly true if you have a lot of causes contributing to the pain,
such as muscle imbalances, trigger points, bulging discs, and emotional
stressors. And don’t be surprised if that’s the case, as it’s actually very common
to have numerous causes, some of which require a lot of digging to uncover.
Continue with the previous steps and, in addition, start adjusting your diet.
Though diet usually doesn’t cause back pain all by itself, it can certainly make
existing back pain worse or create conditions in the body that make it harder
to heal. Sometimes, diet is what pushes your pain level “over the edge” to the
point where you can really feel it.
You may be eating a lot of things that could be increasing the inflammation
in your muscles and nerves. If you’re overweight, the extra pounds could be
The End of All Disease
making it more difficult to rebalance your muscles. Your diet also could be
increasing the toxins in your system, contributing to trigger points.
While I discussed inflammatory foods at length in chapter 12, it’s worth
covering them here again in brief. Here are seven categories of foods that
should be avoided if you’re experiencing severe pain and inflammation:
1. Animal milk products
2. Hydrogenated oils
3. Nitrates
4. Processed sugars
5. Nightshades
6. Convenience foods
7. Processed white flour products
Are you surprised? As you can see, most of the items on this list are actually
the staple American diet. Is it any wonder Americans are among the most
obese and pain suffering peoples in the world?
Even if you’re doing trigger point therapy every night, if you’re still eating
foods like the ones listed above that put more toxins back into your body
during the day, you’ll just be maintaining your current condition rather than
improving it. Likewise, you may not be drinking enough water, which could
be depriving your discs of the shock absorption they need or contributing to
toxic buildup in your muscles.
Changing your diet could be the one thing you need to tip the scales in
favor of your recovery. Your body needs good, wholesome food to give it the
strength and power it needs to heal. And just like with emotional changes,
you can implement dietary changes at the very beginning of your treatment
program and continue choosing more healthful foods as you work on the
physical treatments.
Additional Treatment Options
There are various additional treatments you can try to eliminate your chronic
back pain. As I mentioned earlier, a layered approach often works best. It is
The End of Chronic Back Pain
important to note, however, that none of these should be tried until after
you’ve worked your way through the six steps we just covered.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy
In combination with a proper diagnosis, Frequency Specific Microcurrent
(FSM) therapy delivers currents to the afflicted area, sending energy that
renews cells and reduces pain. FSM works on biophysics principles, actually
altering or changing tissue and reducing inflammation and scarring. Some
find immediate relief upon the first treatment, and over time, the pain is
eliminated altogether.
FSM is usually delivered in a series of treatments performed on a regular
basis. After the desired pain relief has been achieved, the patient can be
prescribed a home unit where they can continue self-treatment if necessary.
Of those who have tried FSM therapy, some have received relief—others
have not. One good thing about the treatment is that even if it doesn’t help,
it doesn’t hurt. So there is relatively little or no danger or any risky side effects
to FSM therapy.
Stem cell treatment
Another treatment alternative for those suffering with chronic back pain
from degenerated, damaged, or herniated intervertebral discs uses stem cells
to regenerate the discs. This option does more than remove the pain—it also
cures the problem that caused it.
An alternative to risky back surgery, stem cell regeneration was developed in
the United Kingdom by Dr. Stephen Richardson. A relatively new procedure,
it was discovered in 2006. Among its many benefits is the fact that the body
cannot reject the stem cells, because they come from the patient, not a donor.
How does it work? The patient’s own mesenchyme stem cells (MSC) are
combined with a collagen gel that is surgically implanted into the area. It’s
safer and less invasive than traditional back surgery and has fewer side effects.
This stem cell treatment does what your body would optimally do on its
own, if conditions were right. Those conditions include drinking plenty of
The End of All Disease
water, maintaining a healthy diet with the proper amount of vitamins and
minerals, and avoiding stress and negativity.
Prolozone™ therapy
Dr. Frank Shallenberger pioneered Prolozone™ therapy, a technique that
injects oxygen into damaged tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons. As
discussed previously, this technique is based on the circulation of blood
throughout the body, which transports vitamins, minerals, and oxygen. Low
levels of oxygen can create pain. When oxygen is reintroduced into those
areas, healing begins.
Prolozone™ involves three specific techniques. Injected first are homeopathic
anti-inflammatory medications, which reduce inflammation and swelling,
thus increasing circulation in the area. Then, specific vitamins and minerals
are added to promote healing. The last step is injecting ozone into the afflicted
area. The average person needs three to five treatments.
Prolozone™ has seen success in treating musculoskeletal and joint pain,
including chronic neck and back pain, degenerated discs, and shoulder pain,
as well as other pain not related to the back or neck. Its effects have been
permanent for some—because it corrects what causes the pain in the first
place. Those with chronic back pain have a 75 percent chance of being pain
free forever.
It’s Not a Life Sentence
If you suffer from chronic back pain, chances are you don’t even remember
what life was like before your pain. You probably find that things you do in
your day-to-day life bring you pain that prevents you from accomplishing
tasks and even finding joy.
Remember, no matter how you feel right now, chronic back pain is not a life
sentence. Using the Complete Healing Formula™, you have the power to
bring balance back to the way you handle emotions like stress, coupled with
the short-term and long-term solutions discussed here. You have the power
to return your back to a state of natural homeostasis. And that could be the
key to you getting your life back.
The End of Chronic Back Pain
Recommended Resources
Dr. Stephen Richardson
To learn more about stem cell therapy and Dr. Richardson’s work, visit www.
Ozone Practitioners List
Dr. Frank Shallenberger, the creator of Prolozone™ Therapy, trains doctors in
the use of Prolozone™ and other related ozone therapies. You can find a local
doctor trained in the medical use of ozone on this list ozone
Muscle Imbalances
To learn more about muscle imbalances and how to address them to eliminate
back pain, visit
Far Infrared Heat
To learn about the healing powers of far infrared heat, and how you can
benefit from them, visit
The 7-Day Back Pain Cure
For the most comprehensive book on eliminating back pain, request a
free copy of my book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure at www.losethebackpain.
The Lose the Back Pain® System™
Identify pain-causing muscle imbalances and use the exercise routines
included in The Healthy Back Institute’s Lose the Back Pain® System™ to
eliminate imbalances in your body. To get started, visit www.losethebackpain.
The End of All Disease
The End of Osteoporosis
What Is Osteoporosis?
Admit it: the first thing you think about when you hear the word “osteoporosis”
is milk.
But, as I covered earlier, this is a flawed assumption. The truth is that milk
is only good for you if you’re a baby cow. Not only does drinking milk not
help with osteoporosis, it actually causes inflammation and pain. To make
matters worse, when the milk comes from sick, factory-raised cows, filled
with antibiotics and hormones, it can be even more harmful.
Osteoporosis is a condition that decreases the density and quality of our
bones, increasing the risk for fracture. And it affects a huge number of people.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the numbers
surrounding osteoporosis are staggering. Estimated to affect two hundred
million women worldwide, and resulting in more than 8.9 million annual
bone fractures, this ailment is one of the most prevalent causes of pain and
suffering on the world stage today.
And these figures are just for women. In the US alone, the National
Osteoporosis Foundation counts forty-four million more people who
either have osteoporosis or are at high risk for it due to low bone density.
Furthermore, projections suggest that by 2020, half of all Americans over the
age of fifty will show signs of low bone density.
The Wellness Model of Health™ hold the keys to stopping and even reversing
osteoporosis. In this chapter, I’ll cover the truths and untruths about
osteoporosis, as well as the actions you can take to combat this disease at its
The End of Osteoporosis
The Myths and Lies of Osteoporosis
It’s a common general misconception that drinking milk will prevent you
from getting osteoporosis and possibly even reverse its effects. I covered
this myth briefly when sharing Dr. Thompson’s work on minerals and The
Calcium Lie.
In addition, Vivian Goldschmidt, MA, has studied osteoporosis extensively,
and she says that if a calcium deficiency was the cause of osteoporosis, then it
would cease to exist. All anyone would need to do is take calcium supplements,
which she says is clearly not the solution.
I spoke to Goldschmidt in an interview for my Live Pain Free newsletter.
According to her, another myth about this ailment is that drugs are necessary
to cure osteoporosis. The reality is that this is far from the case. The drugs
actually create a greater imbalance, which in turn creates a vicious cycle of
drugs and doctor visits, pushing you further and further away from a state of
homeostasis and true health.
The mainstream media ignores the true causes of osteoporosis because, if
sufferers knew the truth, they would realize that they don’t need the drugs.
And as I discussed before, pharmaceuticals are a multi-million dollar industry.
Nearly all health conditions are typically treated with a drug, but it is not
a deficiency of the drug in your body that is causing the problem. The real
problem is biochemical imbalance, which I will explore later in this chapter.
The True Causes of Osteoporosis
You’ve heard it before: “You are what you eat.” In Goldschmidt’s Save Our
Bones program, she says that modern diseases are caused by modern diets.
People just aren’t eating the way that they should be.
I covered the dietary implications of mineral deficiency earlier in this book,
but a key fact bears repeating. Bones are a critical storehouse for at least
twelve of the body’s critical minerals. Our bodies rely on our bones to store
and release particular minerals to perform different functions.
When we fuel the body with the nutrients and minerals it needs, our bones
have an ample supply of minerals to keep up with the body’s needs. Almost
The End of All Disease
like a checking account, as long as we’re depositing enough minerals to keep
up with what we spend, all remains well.
However, deficiencies in our modern diet force our bones to bear the weight
of our nutritional problems. Rather than keeping an even flow of input and
output, our bones give more minerals to the body’s functions than they are
able to accumulate. Over time, this depletes the bones of their minerals—just
like an overdrawn checking account.
Beyond mineral intake alone, a little knowledge of the body’s chemistry brings
an even greater truth to light about osteoporosis: the role of pH balance. The
pH balance in your blood should be at a certain level to keep you healthy. But
our modern diets, stress levels, and environments are wreaking havoc on the
body’s the pH level, which leads to a biochemical imbalance.
What does this have to do with osteoporosis? When our pH level swings
out of balance—usually by becoming too acidic—the body reacts to correct
this balance. In the case of too much acidity, the body looks for ways to
restore balance using alkalizing agents. Calcium is one of the body’s most
high-powered alkalizing agents, and it is therefore drained out of our bones
in the body’s attempt to alkalize our acidic blood levels.
Nutrition is not the only culprit when it comes to your pH level. When
it comes to too much acidity in our bodies, stress—which you will now
recognize as a running theme in this book—strikes again. Stress causes the
body to release acidic cortisol. The chronic state of stress leads to a continued
buildup of cortisol in the bloodstream, which has an acidifying effect in our
Toxins can also affect your pH level. And we’re not just talking about the
toxins you ingest, but also the ones that you put on your skin. There are
creams full of chemicals that people slather on their skin—the largest organ
in the body. These toxins are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, where
they have an acidifying effect.
Your environment could also be toxic. Paints, new cars, mattresses, and
chemical stain-resistant sprays on furniture can all be highly toxic. Chlorinated
water is another offender. And these are things you come into contact with
The End of Osteoporosis
every day. Each of these toxins does further damage to your body’s pH
balance, driving the acidity to an even higher level.
Goldschmidt’s work explores pH levels at length as a key factor in bone
health. She explains that once your pH level is acidified, your body does
everything it can to rebalance it to a more alkaline level—including leaching
calcium from your bones, as I explained. While the body does hold reserves
of alkalizing agents to keep up with occasional acidic foods, these reserves are
insufficient to sustain extended periods of acidity. Without making changes,
your alkaline reserves can be depleted over time.
As I mentioned, to correct an excess of acidity in the blood, the bones will
release alkaline calcium, depleting their calcium stores. Although calcium is
only one of the minerals critical to bone strength, expending it to correct the
blood’s pH level has a compounding effect over time. Goldschmidt notes that
your body will make any sacrifice to restore your pH level—even at the cost
of its own structural integrity.
Effective Treatment and Prevention for Osteoporosis
Now you know how acidic foods affect your bones. So how should you adjust
your diet?
Calcium supplementation is often the first question that comes up when
we talk about osteoporosis. But as I discussed before, and as Dr. Robert
Thompson reveals in his books, The Calcium Lie and The Calcium Lie II,
increased calcium supplementation is actually linked to increases in bone
fractures. Not only does an excess of calcium in the diet cause various heart
and health problems, it doesn’t even effectively address bone strength.
Instead of blindly taking calcium supplements, Dr. Thompson reports that
trace minerals—like those found in sea salt—are helpful when it comes to
stopping and reversing the loss of bone density. These mineral supplements
do include calcium, but in a proper balance with other minerals. Additionally,
a mineral analysis will reveal what foods you should add or remove from your
diet to find a proper balance of minerals, which will take you a long way
toward true homeostasis and recovery.
The End of All Disease
The key to preventing and reversing osteoporosis resides in a balanced diet.
To be clear, I’m not talking about the balanced diet we all learned in school,
with the USDA’s ever-changing groups of food plates and food pyramids. I’m
referring to managing the excesses and deficiencies in our diets, so that we can
maintain a healthy, balanced pH level in our bodies.
Goldschmidt outlines a clear path to addressing osteoporosis in her Save Our
Bones program. A pH-friendly diet isn’t a situation where you should never
eat one thing or always eat another. The goal is to balance out your diet so
that your alkaline reserves never get depleted.
We’re all called to understand how to eat for ourselves, rather than getting a
list from someone else of what to eat and when. In this way, we learn to make
simple decisions on our own, which makes such lifestyle changes easier for us
to sustain. By now, you know a lot about acidic and alkalizing foods from the
chapters on arthritis and chronic back pain. This is a great place to put that
knowledge to work.
Once people take control of their food choices, they start to feel better and
more energized. And when they do go to eat something unhealthy, like a
Twinkie for example, their bodies tell them right away that it is not a good
food to eat. In short, the guidelines for eating when it comes to osteoporosis
can have added benefits for your overall health.
Once you’ve found a balanced diet, you can start to manage your stress. As
mentioned earlier, stress produces cortisol, which acidifies your pH level.
Often, when people realize that their stress level is affecting their bones, they
find it easier to take action to try to control this.
As I discussed earlier, activities like meditation, tai chi, and yoga are very
helpful for dealing with stress. Listening to different types of music and
brainwave audio recordings are also helpful. There have been many sections
in this book that discuss stress-related issues and how to handle stress. It’s
important to find a way to force negativity from your life that works for you.
This will help you with osteoporosis and just about every other aspect of your
As for calcium supplements as an effective treatment, the myth about their
powers has already been dispelled here, as well as in earlier chapters. It doesn’t
The End of Osteoporosis
matter how much calcium you take if you still have that imbalance. If you
continue to eat a highly acidic diet and live with too much stress, calcium will
not even slightly relieve your bone loss.
For the rare few in our population who are in actual need of calcium, be aware
that the body doesn’t recognize inorganic materials, which are common in
many calcium supplements. As with all supplements, if you are supplementing
with calcium, be sure to consume organic calcium and avoid synthetics, and
make sure that you consume ionic trace minerals.
Your activity level also plays a key role in the prevention and reversal of bone
density loss. Remaining active with weight-bearing exercise is important not
only for joint health, as I discussed earlier, but also for bone strength. Some
examples of valuable exercises include things like walking and gardening, as
well as more rigorous exercise.
Knowledge Is Power
Put down the prescription. You don’t need it. The only thing you need to do
is educate yourself about what you’re doing to acidify your pH level, and then
stop doing it.
Always keep the big picture in mind by following the Complete Healing
Formula™. Some tweaks to your diet, a little stress relief, and a few less
toxins in your environment can mean the difference between brittle bones
and brawny bones. Don’t sit idly by, assuming you just have to continue to
suffer with increasing pain and bone loss. It doesn’t have to be that way, and
understanding this simple fact is the most important thing of all.
Recommended Resources
Save Our Bones
Get access to more information, research, and tips for bone density loss
prevention and treatment from Vivian Goldschmidt’s Save Our Bones program
The End of All Disease
The Calcium Lie and The Calcium Lie II by Dr. Robert Thompson
Dr. Robert Thompson’s books, The Calcium Lie and The Calcium Lie II,
also go into great depth on the subject of bone strength and all the minerals
needed for healthy bones. Learn more at .
The End of Osteoporosis
The End of Fibromyalgia
What Is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is more than an illness of the body.
When you have fibromyalgia, you suffer from fatigue and pain, but you also
experience a tremendous loss of vitality. You can’t do the things you want to
do and live the life you want to live. Everyone wants a life full of creativity
and abundance, but unless we have the energy to make that happen, it’s out
of reach. Fibromyalgia robs us of that energy.
Because fibromyalgia seems to be on the rise, I have interviewed several
experts on this topic. As usual, by understanding the cause of the disease, we
can better find solutions. Among the experts whose research and guidance
I have found useful are Dr. Greg Fors, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, and Dr. Hal
Blatman. Much of the information you’ll read below comes from these three
Dr. Greg Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical and Spiritual Guide
to Healing Your Chronic Pain, gave me an excellent analogy to understand
fibromyalgia. Imagine the way you feel when you are tired, listless, nauseated,
and have a headache. Now imagine living that way every day, all the time. Or
imagine that you worked yourself to a place of complete physical and mental
exhaustion to the point where you couldn’t see or think straight.
That’s what fibromyalgia feels like—a total a loss of vitality.
Fibromyalgia is more common than most of us think. It is a widespread pain
syndrome affecting approximately ten million diagnosed Americans as of
2014. Fibromyalgia is ten to twenty times more likely to affect women of
child-bearing age. However, it can occur in individuals of both sexes in all
age groups.
Fibromyalgia is not a simple disease. It’s a syndrome that presents complex
symptoms. Beyond chronic pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia sufferers also
The End of Fibromyalgia
commonly experience headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, numbness,
tingling, restlessness, Lake’s syndrome, painful menstruation, depression,
anxiety, memory cognitive problems, morning stiffness, and many other
things. All of these issues drain vitality and keep us from living life to the
Fibromyalgia may have certain triggers, but it doesn’t set in all at once. Many
people first start to register it as chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders.
That pain then snowballs into a widespread pain syndrome until it eventually
becomes the serious and debilitating disorder of fibromyalgia. Worse, the
same pattern can lead to other degenerative diseases down the line. That’s why
it’s critical to start addressing your fibromyalgia at its root as soon as possible.
What are the myths and lies of fibromyalgia? What are its true causes? And
what can you do to resolve the issue from the ground up, using the Complete
Healing Formula™ and the concepts of homeostasis, excess, deficiency, and
stagnation? This chapter will cover all of these things and more.
The Myths and Lies of Fibromyalgia
One big “lie” regarding fibromyalgia is that it is oftentimes a “trashcan
The term “trashcan diagnosis” has two different meanings, both of which are
applicable here. One meaning suggests that there is clearly something wrong,
but the doctor can’t identify a clear medical problem, and therefore suggests
a diagnosis to alleviate the patient’s concerns before prescribing something—
usually anti-depressants and anti-inflammatories in the case of fibromyalgia.
The second interpretation of the term “trashcan diagnosis” has a more
negative connotation. In this line of thought, some believe—incorrectly—
that fibromyalgia is a diagnosis given to a set of symptoms stemming from a
condition that isn’t able to be addressed.
Any way you look at it, however, a “trashcan diagnosis” of fibromyalgia is
neither helpful nor accurate. This ailment is real, and it is treatable.
Unfortunately, except for the rare exception of a better-informed doctor,
patients with fibromyalgia often receive sub-par help and are left with a
feeling of helplessness on top of the already severe symptoms of their illness.
The End of All Disease
People visit their doctors and say that they’re aching and tired. The first things
those doctors hand their patients are prescriptions for anti-depressants and
anti-inflammatory drugs.
Do these drugs address the problem? No. On the contrary, they make the true
causes of fibromyalgia a deeper issue.
Another myth about this illness is that it was once considered a sleep disorder.
When you are sore all over, generally you feel more fatigued. However,
research now shows that fibromyalgia is not a sleep disorder, and to call it
one is a terrible misnomer. Sleep medications have been proven not to be the
In that case, where does the real answer lie?
The True Causes of Fibromyalgia
The real underlying causes of fibromyalgia are nutritional, metabolic, chemical,
and emotional. It is important to understand where in the body fibromyalgia
pain originates as a result of excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in these
As I have discussed in earlier chapters, the body is composed of fibroblast
cells that form the fascia, connecting and surrounding every muscle fiber
and bone in the body. Your fascia in turn forms a communication network
throughout your body that integrates your muscles, bones, nervous system,
endocrine system, and immune system. Those suffering from fibromyalgia
pain are experiencing injury to the fascia, inflammation from food, and a
body that is essentially decompensating in many ways.
As we move into the twenty-first century, fibromyalgia is on the rise. I
mentioned earlier that at least ten million people were diagnosed with this
condition as of 2014, while more than ninety million people with chronic
pain and myofascial pain were also estimated to be affected.
According to Dr. Fors, a big part of the reason for the huge numbers and rise
in the condition is that our diets have changed drastically in the past several
decades. We eat a diet of overconsumption (excess) and under-nutrition
(deficiency). In short, we consume more calories than we need, but they are
The End of Fibromyalgia
empty calories. This effectively creates a whole population of what Fors calls
“the walking wounded.”
What’s more, our exposure to dangerous chemicals has gone through the roof.
The EPA’s multi-year studies found traces of some of the deadliest known
chemicals in every human being it tested, including dioxin and styrene.
Dioxin alone is a chemical used to break down petro chemicals in pesticides
and herbicides, and it’s estimated that a thimble full of it would kill off New
York City. As a neuroendocrine disruptor, dioxin interrupts the functioning
of the nervous system and the endocrine system, disrupting the natural flow
of our bodies.
These chemicals are ubiquitous. We are eating, drinking, and breathing these
very potent toxins. And that does some terrible damage to our tissues and our
neuro-immune endocrine systems.
In addition to our terrible diets and exposure to chemicals, Dr. Fors cites two
other key causes of fibromyalgia in his research: excess chronic inflammation
and oxidative stress.
Why You Feel Pain: Chronic Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
As I explained in previous chapters, inflammation alone is not the problem.
Acute inflammation—such as spraining your ankle or getting an infection
from a cut—is actually a healing process. Inflammation increases blood flow
to the tissue, introducing white blood cells to repair the damage, whether that
damage is whiplash, injury, or infection. Without this kind of inflammation,
you and I would die.
However, chronic inflammation is a different story. This occurs when the
body is unable to turn off its inflammation response. When this happens, it
leads to a host of pain and other health issues. Chronic inflammation is what
leads to oxidative stress.
Oxidation is like inflammation: we don’t want to shut it down completely,
because that’s how we produce energy. It comes to us through very simple
things like exercising and eating healthy foods. However, when taken beyond
their natural limits, pro-oxidants in your tissues can damage the body.
Oxidative stress may be internal, or it may come from external sources such
as pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and other chemicals.
The End of All Disease
The question you may be asking now is, “Why do I have pain from these
As Dr. Fors explains, the chemicals that your body produces during the
inflammatory process stimulate something in your body called “nociceptors,”
more commonly known as pain receptors. Whenever they feel stress,
nociceptors are responsible for firing pain signals up your spinal cord, to your
brain, and finally, to your cortex. When those signals reach your cortex, you
feel the pain.
Again, nociceptors are a protective response: if you are stressing your tissues,
you want to know about it before you damage them. It’s when you stress
those tissues over and over again that you start to experience problems. The
more you activate your nociceptors, the more pain they expect to feel. This
causes a physiological change in your spinal cord that makes it more sensitive
to detecting pain over time.
Both chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are metabolic issues, and they
are strongly interconnected. You can’t have one without the other. They are two
of the major underpinnings of chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia. And
eventually, they lead to the true cause of the loss of vitality that fibromyalgia
sufferers experience: mitochondrial decline.
Mitochondria: Power Plants of the Cell
Mitochondria are fascinating little organelles. They are the power plants of our
cells, and each cell needs thousands of mitochondria to function optimally.
Mitochondria produce something called ATP, which Dr. Fors refers to as
the “energy currency” we use on a daily basis, whether we are hugging our
families, thinking a thought, or eating lunch. Whatever we do, we have to
buy that action with ATP. Each of us produces our body weight in ATP each
day, and we use it up immediately.
Now imagine if your mitochondria aren’t producing as much ATP as they
should. Nutrient-deficient diets, exposure to chemicals, and simple genetics
can all prevent our mitochondria for getting what they need to produce ATP.
Without ATP, we have no energy currency. And without energy, we lose our
vitality. This is the scenario that takes place in the case of fibromyalgia.
The End of Fibromyalgia
Trigger Mechanism
Another true cause of fibromyalgia is that it is often kicked off by some kind
of trigger mechanism.
In one piece of literature on the subject, 42 percent of women with fibromyalgia
had first suffered a whiplash injury. That injury was not corrected properly
up front, and the result was excess chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.
Moreover, their tissues were stressed to begin with because they had been
eating nutrient-deficient diets. They had inadvertently set themselves up for
metabolic dysfunction, and so the stage was set for chronic pain.
You may not even be aware of your trigger mechanism, because it wasn’t
something that you realized would result in a lifetime of pain. Even powerful
emotions—such as those caused by the death of a spouse—can play a major
role in triggering fibromyalgia.
Still another cause of fibromyalgia is dysbiosis, an imbalance of microbes in
the body.
In his research on the disease, Mark Pimentel measured a group of fibromyalgia
patients for the amount of bad bacteria growing in their guts. He discovered
that 100 percent of fibromyalgia patients contained these bad microbes.
Dysbiosis is one of the largest reservoirs for pro-oxidants and chronic
inflammation, and those who suffer from it should take probiotics,
magnesium, and other supplements to rectify the issue.
Negative Emotions
Finally, as with all other physical ailments, there is a strong connection
between emotions and chronic pain like fibromyalgia.
As I discussed earlier, emotions affect the area of your brain called the amygdala
that regulates things like fear, anger, rage, and pain. This is the center of your
emotional brain, or limbic system. When your amygdala communicates with
the conscious part of your brain—the pre-frontal cortex—and the message
between them is “Oh my gosh, this is terrible,” the part of your brain that
helps to govern pain is activated.
The End of All Disease
This can become a vicious cycle. Negative thoughts and emotions release
peptides that cause us to become addicted to our own negativity. As a result,
we continue with the same negative patterns, just because we are comfortable
with the way we are feeling.
Nutrition-deficient diets, exposure to chemicals, mitochondrial degeneration,
trigger mechanisms, dysbiosis, and negative emotions all come together to
form the true causes of fibromyalgia. With that in mind, how do we go about
treating this degenerative illness?
Effective Treatments for Fibromyalgia
Now you understand that fibromyalgia is a huge syndrome that needs to
be addressed in a systematic way on many different fronts. You need to
take a holistic, comprehensive approach to this problem. There are many
different ways to climb the mountain to recovery, and all of these will help
you experience a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in your
feeling of vitality.
What can you do to start feeling better today?
Clean Up Your Diet
In his book, Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical Instruction Guide to Healing
Your Chronic Pain, Dr. Fors advocates a five-step cleanup program. He
suggests beginning with a change in diet, passing on unhealthy foods in favor
of vegetables and whole grains. Err on the side of a Mediterranean diet. Move
toward organic foods as much as possible to reduce your intake of pesticides
and herbicides. Filter your water and clean up your personal environment to
further minimize your intake of chemicals.
Change Your Body’s Oil
Dr. Fors’s book also suggests doing an “oil change” to get rid of the
hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, many animal fats, and trans fatty acids
that promote chronic inflammation. Increase your intake of fish oils, which
contain anti-inflammatory omega 3s. This will tune up your cellular engine:
your mitochondria. Magnesium, vitamin B complex, thiamine/ginger root
and cumin extracts, and turmeric are also great support for the mitochondria.
The End of Fibromyalgia
Get Regular
Maintaining excellent excretory function is another important part of a
cleanup program. Two bowel movements a day are ideal in order to remove
the toxins from your body. Without proper excretion, toxins back up in your
system, which makes fibromyalgia worse. Overcome any issues with dysbiosis
by replacing the bad microbes with probiotics.
Eliminate Trigger Points
Dr. Hal Blatman, author of The Art of Body Maintenance: Winners’ Guide to
Pain Relief, emphasizes the treatment of trigger points as a critical part of
resolving fibromyalgia and chronic pain. As I discussed in chapter 8, trigger
points are knots in your muscle tissue. Trigger points can even alter your
nervous system itself along with your muscle tissue. It is critical to address
trigger points in addition to metabolic dysfunctions, or you will not get far
with resolving your fibromyalgia symptoms.
Trigger points need to be physically removed. Because fibromyalgia sufferers
are so sensitive to pain, they need to take this slow and easy. However, working
through it yourself is better than having someone treat your pain for you.
Seeking treatment from medical professionals is costly and time-consuming:
doctors and chiropractors need to be reimbursed for their care, and most
insurance companies do not reimburse you for treatment.
By contrast, you can change the underlying physiology of your muscle tissue
yourself simply by applying mechanical pressure to the tissue over time.
When you apply pressure to a trigger point for up to one minute, the tissue
softens, allowing better oxygen and nutrients to flow through it. This washes
out toxins and allows your mitochondria to function better, relieving the
tight muscle.
Experts agree that anyone can use passive pressure rather than active pressure
to treat their trigger points, since the latter puts more strain on the muscles
you are trying to relax. You can do this by simply lying down on a hard, raised
object, such as a small tennis ball, or by using one of the devices mentioned
in chapter 8. When using this type of device, be sure to relax as much as
possible by making yourself comfortable: find a pillow or a cushion, put on
your favorite TV show, and let the trigger points treat themselves.
The End of All Disease
If you have fibromyalgia throughout your whole body, treat the upper body
one night and the lower body the next. Perform the treatment for around
fifteen minutes at a time. It takes about one minute to treat each trigger
point, so you can cover a lot of trigger points in a fifteen-minute period. Start
with light pressure and move slowly. This form of treatment is not difficult,
but it does require discipline to do it with consistency.
By catching trigger points early, you may be able to prevent the spread of pain
to the different quadrants of your body. Pay particular attention to this if you
have experienced a trigger event like whiplash. Cases of fibromyalgia can arise
in as little as six months to a year after such an event.
Change Your Inner Dialogue
Finally, as I have shown from the testimony of many experts on pain earlier
in this book, treating the emotional aspect of fibromyalgia by engaging in
positive self-talk is critical. If your amygdala is overstimulated from negative
emotions, you have the power to change that pattern. Begin to talk to yourself
in soothing ways. We can promote a more peaceful state of mind simply by
paying attention to how our inner dialogue is going.
Inner dialogue is a powerful self-care therapy device. Tell yourself that you can
make a difference to your health, and open yourself up to healing emotions
such as forgiveness and gratitude. If you are an individual who is holding on
to an injustice or wound from an earlier time in your life, find a way to let it
go. Dr. Fors shared a quote with me that I must repeat to you: “forgiveness is
giving up all hope of a better past to build a bridge to a better future.”
When it comes to treating fibromyalgia, you have to be complete, you have
to give it time, and you have to stay disciplined. You can’t just throw a little
bit of effort at it and expect to come out the other side completely cured.
Fibromyalgia treatment requires commitment. When you really commit, you
put yourself once more on the path to health.
Fibro Fix
Fibromyalgia may feel like a curse. But it can also be a great blessing if we take
the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and how we work. Ask yourself:
How did I get here? Look at the excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in the
The End of Fibromyalgia
Wellness Model of Health™ and say, “What can I do to turn this around?”
You may find more vitality and a more fulfilling life than the one you used to
live, filled with health and a new appreciation for your abilities.
Recovery from fibromyalgia begins with personal responsibility. Self-care is
our best hope. We need to take responsibility for healing ourselves from pain,
and our earth from chemicals.
Don’t try to relieve the symptoms of your fibromyalgia alone. Heal your pain
now, from the source, to prevent more symptoms and other diseases later
down the line. Develop the “warrior spirit,” love yourself, and overcome this
challenge from the inside out. I have seen people achieve this hundreds and
thousands of times. You have the power to be next.
Recommended Resources
Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical and Spiritual Guide to Healing Your
Chronic Pain by Dr. Greg Fors. Learn more at
Trigger Point Self-Treatment System
For more information, visit
The Art of Body Maintenance: Winners’ Guide to Pain Relief
by Dr. Hal Blatman, MD, and Brad Ekvall, BFA
The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution
Learn more at
The End of All Disease
The End of Heart Disease
What Is Heart Disease?
Every year in the United States, about six hundred thousand people die of
heart disease. That means that heart disease is the leading cause of death in
this country, responsible for 25 percent of its total deaths. Our health care
system spends over $108 billion a year on heart disease-related costs, yet the
problem is still enormous.
The Mayo Clinic broadly defines heart disease as a wide range of diseases that
affect the heart, including blood vessel disease, coronary artery disease, and
heart rhythm problems. It is often used synonymously with “cardiovascular
disease,” which refers only to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. But
however you define it, the end result takes you to the same destination: one
where serious complications—and possibly, death—result from the failure of
the circulatory system.
As with other conditions, American medicine is built around treating the
symptoms of heart disease rather than targeting its underlying causes. I’ve
said it before, and I’ll say it again here: it may be called the health care system,
but it is really the “sick-care system.” While it may be gratifying to know that
the United States has the top technology for state-of-the-art treatments, there
is almost no economic benefit built anywhere in our system to prevent heart
disease. That’s where practicing self-health comes into play.
In this chapter, I’ll take you through the myths, lies, and truths about heart
disease, and show you how you can resolve this disease using the Wellness
Model of Health™.
The Myths and Lies of Heart Disease
There is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there when it comes
to heart disease. According to Dr. Dwight Lundell, a heart health pioneer
who has performed over five thousand heart surgeries and the author of The
The End of Heart Disease
Cholesterol Lie, much of the generally accepted paradigm for heart disease
over the past few decades was scientifically incorrect.
When Dr. Lundell began his career as a heart surgeon in the 1970s, the
accepted cause of heart disease was an excess amount of cholesterol in the
blood that slowly built up inside the arteries, much like corrosion builds
up in the plumbing lines of your house. The solution to the problem was
mechanical: detour around the blockages. That was how heart operations
came to be known as “bypass surgery.”
For some time, surgeons performed angioplasties in which they inserted the
equivalent of a little balloon into the artery to squeeze plaque material out
of the way. However, after angioplasties began to fail and the artery began
to narrow again, the medical community was forced to take a second look
at what was really going on. They next inserted a piece of metal into the
artery called a stent, which was designed to reduce the failure rate of the
Nevertheless, ten years later, the same people who had heart surgery would
be back on the operating table for additional work. One famous example is
former president Bill Clinton, who had quadruple coronary bypass surgery in
2004. Shortly after this, he had to have another surgery to fix a complication.
And less than six years after that, he was once again back in the hospital to
address and resolve more heart issues.
Clinton’s life was extended and his symptoms were reduced as a result of
the surgeries he underwent, but with him—as with many other heart-disease
sufferers—the illness was not cured. Now a well-known vegan, Clinton
appears to have had enough surgery and decided to address his health through
diet and lifestyle changes—another example of improving health and wellness
through restoring homeostasis to the mind, body, and diet.
Perhaps the biggest myth about heart disease is its supposed connection to
high cholesterol. Lundell and others have discovered this connection to be
inaccurate. In fact, in a study of 137,000 people admitted to US hospitals
for heart-related problems in 2008, 75 percent of them demonstrated normal
levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
The End of All Disease
Another big lie about heart disease is its relationship to saturated and animal
fats. For many years, these fats were assumed to contribute to heart disease
based on the fact that they might raise cholesterol. However, in Dr. Lundell’s
research, he reviewed several big population studies on the subject and
discovered that there wasn’t a single shred of evidence connecting saturated
fat to heart disease.
In fact, ironically, if you don’t get enough saturated fats, you can end up
having a stroke. Recall the Rosetans in Pennsylvania. Their heart problems
were non-existent when they were eating animal fats, and only began to climb
when they changed their diets to follow the myths of the accepted “hearthealthy” diet.
With the accepted medical paradigm of heart disease falling apart in the face
of new science, what are the true causes of this illness?
The True Causes of Heart Disease
The truth about cholesterol and what it takes to have a healthy heart may
surprise you.
According to Dr. Lundell, as a result of failing angioplasties and coronary
bypasses, people began to take a second look at what was really going on
inside our arteries. They discovered that, rather than particles of cholesterol
collecting in our arteries, that cholesterol—along with other matter like
calcium and scar tissue—were actually within the wall of the blood vessel,
comprising what we call “plaque.” Furthermore, the place where cholesterol
collected first was inside our white blood cells.
The question then arose, why would cholesterol be inside of white blood cells?
Researchers realized that cholesterol was in those white blood cells because of
inflammation. Anti-inflammatory chemicals called cytokines were activating
them. Without inflammation, the white blood cells would never accumulate
cholesterol, and it would never gather in the walls of our blood vessels at all.
From this we can see that the quantity of cholesterol is not really the issue, as
we previously thought. Cholesterol only becomes a problem when it is either
oxidized or has a sugar molecule attached to it. Under those circumstances,
our white blood cells perceive the cholesterol as abnormal and try to consume
The End of Heart Disease
it. However, they can’t dissolve the cholesterol after they’ve absorbed it. This
is the real root cause of plaque.
We can also see how chronic inflammation is such an important factor when
understanding the true source of heart disease. Inside of our blood vessels is a
very thin, delicate single-cell layer of tissue called the endothelium. If we were
to spread this endothelium out, it would cover between eight and ten tennis
courts of surface area.
Blood circulates through our systems very rapidly: our whole blood volume
travels through our bodies three or four times per minute, depending on our
activity level. Because of this, any chemical that’s consumed by one part of our
body rapidly spreads to the other areas. In other words, if we have a chronic
injury somewhere in a blood vessel, the inflammatory response quickly
becomes widespread, and this marks the beginnings of plaque buildup.
We do physical damage to our blood vessels in any number of ways. Smoking
is one example. The chemicals we inhale from smoking quickly circulate
through the rest of our bodies, causing chronic injury to the blood vessels.
This is why people who smoke cigarettes end up with lots of plaque disease
in their arteries, in addition to lung cancer. The smoke causes a chronic
inflammatory response.
What we need to do, then, is look at what causes excessive injury to our
blood vessels on a repeated and regular basis. What makes our cholesterol
appear abnormal to our white blood cells, causing those cells to consume
them and resulting in chronic inflammation and plaque buildup? What in
our environments is causing this injury on a consistent basis?
When I interviewed Dr. Lundell for my Live Pain Free newsletter, he shared
with me the four primary sources of chronic inflammation that adversely
affect our heart health: sugar, soybean oil, a lack of Omega-3 fatty acids, and
oxidative stress.
A century ago, the average American consumed very little sugar. Less than
one hundred years later, we now consume seventeen times the amount of
sugar that people did back then. In America, the average consumption of
The End of All Disease
sugar has skyrocketed to 170 pounds a year—almost half a pound a day. We
simply don’t think about it, but sugar is a major excess in our diets.
Consider this: one can of soda contains nine teaspoons of sugar. No
parent would allow his or her child to sit down with a sugar bowl and eat
nine teaspoons of sugar. Yet most of us have all bought our children and
grandchildren Cokes or Pepsis at some time or another without a second
Our sugar consumption extends to our carbohydrates. Most Americans
consume a high-carbohydrate diet, because since the 1970s we have been
encouraged to reduce fat in our diets and replace them with carbs. Pastas,
breakfast cereals, and other carbohydrates all contribute to our consumption
of sugar.
What happens in our bodies when we consume excessive sugar? Picture the
keyboard on your computer. Now imagine that you dump syrup over it. This
causes it to become sticky and difficult to use. The same thing happens inside
us when we inundate our bodies with sugar: we get sticky, and things don’t
work as well as they should. Our excess calories create oxidative stress that
damages our proteins and needs to be cleaned up.
There is no question that our high intake of carbohydrates is a leading cause
of heart disease and premature death.
Soybean Oil
The next major culprit of chronic inflammation on Dr. Lundell’s list is the
excess consumption of soybean oil.
Soybean oil was never part of the human diet until the middle of the twentieth
century. When people first began to grow concerned about heart disease,
they were intimidated by the idea that animal fat raised cholesterol, and that
cholesterol was responsible for the illness. The Department of Agriculture
and the original Food Pyramid therefore recommended avoiding all animal
fats and suggest replacing those animal fats with plant oils.
This gave rise to soybean and corn oils, which now permeate grocery store
shelves and are found in a multitude of pre-packaged and processed foods.
The End of Heart Disease
Originally, they were intended to make us healthier. However, we later
discovered that these oils contain large amounts of Omega-6 free fatty acids.
Omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized into pro-inflammatory cytokines. The
result is that they start pouring chemicals into our circulation that get our
bodies more geared up for an inflammatory result than they should be. This
in turn activates excessive white blood cells, which begin consuming the bad
LDL cholesterol and forming plaque.
I’ll borrow a great analogy from my interview with Dr. Lundell to explain
this: consuming soybean oil is like throwing sand into part of your motor.
No matter how fast you rev the motor, the inflammation is going to continue
destroying your regular tissues, and they will never have a chance to heal.
Fried things, baked goods, and many other things with long shelf lives often
contain soybean oils. In fact, as of 2014, it was estimated that teenagers could
be getting as many as 20 percent of their daily calories from soybean oil
simply because of their consumption of french fries.
To make matters worse, taxpayers subsidize the production of soybeans,
which makes soybean oil cheap and easy to purchase. It is everywhere, and
it is in everything, making it difficult to avoid. This is one of the big reasons
why soybean oil is such an insidious invader of our health.
Lack of Omega-3s
The third major cause of inflammation affecting heart disease is a deficiency
of Omega-3 essential free fatty acids in our bodies. The term “essential” means
that we don’t produce these fatty acids naturally; we need to get them from
our diets. The Omega-6 free fatty acids that I discussed in the last section
are not essential; our bodies already produce them, which is why we need to
consume a small amount of Omega-6 to supplement that natural production.
Historically, many years ago, our consumption of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty
acids had a ratio of about one to one. As of 2014, that dietary ratio had become
almost one to twenty, Omega-6 over Omega-3. The reason this is important
is that Omega-3 fatty acids are metabolized into anti-inflammatory chemicals
in our bodies. Once metabolized, they compete with enzymes against proinflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. Without adequate Omega-3 intake to
balance the influence of Omega-6, the stage is set for inflammation.
The End of All Disease
About 80 percent of the US population is deficient in Omega-3s. While
we get a few more Omega-3s from grass-fed, free-range animals and animal
products like milk and eggs, these still aren’t enough. This is why getting
enough high-quality fish oil, either from a good supplement or from eating
fish, is such an important factor when it comes to reducing inflammation in
the body.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids affect more than just heart health. They also
affect our brains. These oils are fats, and the human brain is composed of
about 60 percent fat. Omega-3s make up the cell membranes of our brain
cells, which means that making sure we get enough of this important fatty
acid can only help our state of health.
What’s more, Omega-3s have proven behavioral implications. For example, in
one prison population in England, the addition of an Omega-3 supplement
to the inmates reduced violence by 60 percent. In schools, children who
consume more Omega-3s in their diets experience fewer behavior and
attention-deficit problems.
The powerful influence of Omega-3s extends to many ailments. Dr. Lundell
shared a study with me showing that patients with rheumatoid arthritis were
able to cut their medication doses in half simply by consuming reasonable
doses of fish oil supplements.
Post-partum depression was reduced to almost zero when mothers
supplemented their pregnancies with fish oils, and the children of these
mothers showed higher intelligence levels and motor skills than children
whose mothers did not take fish oil. Other kinds of depression can also be
alleviated by adding the proper amount of Omega-3s to our diets.
With a list of benefits like this, we can see why the lack of Omega-3 essential
fatty acids in our bodies would result in poor heart health, among other
Oxidative Stress
The fourth major cause of inflammation that affects heart disease is an excess
of oxidative stress.
The End of Heart Disease
I talked a little bit about oxidative stress and its relationship to chronic
inflammation in the last chapter. We are creatures that need oxygen to live,
and as a consequence of this, we produce free radicals. Free radicals are
molecules that have lost an electron. That molecule then becomes unstable
and goes out to steal an electron from its neighbor. When too many of these
unstable molecules come together in our tissues, we develop oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is strongly connected to injury and inflammation. The
more chronic injury and inflammation we have, the more free radicals and
oxidative stress we produce, and this is a major cause of chronic illness such
as heart disease.
This is why we need to get more antioxidants in our diets. To balance our
production of free radicals, our bodies also produce antioxidants to combat
them. However, we need to get the building blocks to produce antioxidants
in the first place, or we can’t keep up that balance. We get the building blocks
for antioxidants from an amino acid called cysteine, which we find in foods
like milk and meat. Populations that eat a lot of vegetables also have less
overall oxidative stress.
What causes excess oxidative stress? According to Dr. Lundell, a number
of things contribute to this problem. Excess calorie intake is a big culprit,
particularly when we consume too much sugar. Irritations like cigarette
smoking are also big contributors. Chemicals in the body that we take in from
our environment and insufficient exercise are also factors. But the biggest
source of oxidative stress is dietary deficiency—not getting the building
blocks we need to produce the antioxidants we need to combat this kind of
Emotional Components
The body and diet alone aren’t the only things that lead to heart disease. As
we saw in tight-knit communities like that of the Rosetans, where family and
community support are strong, lower levels of stress directly correlate with
low levels of heart disease and coronary infarctions. We’re back to the third
component of the Complete Healing Formula™: the mind. And it makes a
lot of sense.
The End of All Disease
As we feel more stress, especially chronic stress, our blood vessels tighten and
our breathing becomes rapid and shallow. You’ve already seen the impact of
this in earlier chapters. The bottom line is that the same emotional stress
that constricts our blood vessels, when left unchecked for a long time, will
inevitably lead to a greater incidence of heart-related diseases.
Forging strong bonds of support with family and the community will go
a long way toward improved heart health. In addition, developing healthy
emotional habits to deal with stress and planning for regular relaxation will
further aid you in your quest for better heart health.
Effective Treatment and Prevention for Heart Disease
There comes a time when heart disease progresses to the point that emergency
measures must be taken. Even Dr. Lundell admits that heart surgeries are
sometimes necessary; he is, after all, a heart surgeon. However, remember that
unless you are in the middle of a heart attack, you can take action to begin to
reverse the damage inflicted on your heart right away.
It’s important to note that many things classified as heart disease are really risk
factors or causes of major, catastrophic health events. By making preventative
changes and adjusting your diet, lifestyle, and emotional habits, damage to
your heart can be stopped and reversed many times over.
We can work to prevent heart disease by following Dr. Lundell’s
recommendations for avoiding chronic inflammation. Consume less sugar
in your diet. Avoid products made with soybean oils. Increase your intake
of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, whether from high-quality supplements or
from consuming more healthy fish. Reduce your levels of oxidative stress by
upping your antioxidants. Increase your intake of vitamin C. And don’t forget
to relax.
So often, it takes a very long time to uncover the true underlying causes of an
illness and to address those true causes, rather than just managing symptoms.
Heart disease is no exception. When you follow the guidelines outlined
above, you can finally begin to heal your heart disease in a real and lasting
sense, using the Wellness Model of Health™.
The End of Heart Disease
Recommended Resources
The Great Cholesterol Lie by Dwight Lundell
Learn more at
The Power of Clan: The Influence of Human Relationships on Heart Disease by
Stewart Wolf and John G. Bruhn
The Calcium Lie II by Dr. Robert Thompson
Learn more at
The End of All Disease
The End of Cancer
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is the second largest cause of death in the United States. The
American Cancer Society estimated that over 1.6 million new cancer cases
would be diagnosed and over 580,000 people would die of this disease in
2014. According to the National Institute of Health, as a nation, we spent an
estimated $216.6 billion on this disease alone in 2009.
The American Cancer Society defines cancer as “a group of diseases
characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.”
What is less well-known among the general public is that organs and
tissues in the body produce these abnormal cells all the time, and the body
usually suppresses, quarantines, or kills them. In the case of cancer, however,
something prevents the body’s natural defense mechanisms from eliminating
these abnormal cells.
Why, then, doesn’t the general medical community seek out natural
alternatives to toxic treatments like chemotherapy? Unfortunately, it’s not
due to a lack of success with natural treatments. The groups earning billions
of dollars to research chemical and radioactive agents don’t want to lose that
money. The same health care economy that pushes drugs that merely treat
symptoms keeps this failed model moving forward.
As I said before, health care in the United States has become a business of
astounding proportions. Big pharmaceutical companies have an enormous
financial interest in preserving current cancer treatments, despite the fact that
those treatments entail chemicals and radiation that are themselves proven
carcinogens. They’re so focused on protecting their turf economically that
they turn a blind eye—and even actively fight against—other opportunities
and options that are emerging for the treatment of cancer.
This chapter will take you through the current myths and lies about cancer.
It will also give you fascinating information regarding the true underlying
The End of Cancer
causes of this disease, along with actions you can take to start fighting cancer
using the Wellness Model of Health™ today.
The Myths and Lies of Cancer
Even though we know the statistics, there is a lot of misinformation out there
about the true causes of cancer.
The first myth relates to what many people believe to be the cause or start of
cancer. This myth states that normal cells become cancer cells when there is
damage to the DNA in the cell. Unlike other cells that die, these damaged
cells remain alive and reproduce. Over time, the damaged or genetically
mutated cells form a tumor, which then spreads throughout the body via the
However, the truth is that there is no explanation of how a cell’s DNA
becomes mutated in the first place, except in cases where there is a genetic
mutation already present. Building on the work of Dr. John Beard and Dr.
William Donald Kelley, Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez offers an amazing discovery
that is not widely publicized by the medical community. According to Dr.
Gonzalez, rather than forming from a mutation in the cells of the tissue (or
mature cells), cancer begins from primitive, undifferentiated cells—what we
now know as “stem cells.”
Another common misconception about cancer is rooted in truth, but then
strays from an effective treatment of the causes. Modern science gives us a
long list of cancer causes, including infectious organisms, tobacco, hormones,
immune conditions, chemicals, radiation, and both inherited and metabolic
mutations. This list of causes is actually quite accurate. As I discussed in earlier
chapters, the presence of toxins can indeed lead to diseases, and tobacco,
chemicals, and radiation surely fit the bill as toxins. I also reviewed the impact
of parasites on ill-health.
The “myth” element comes into play when we look at the medical community’s
proposed “solutions” to the cancer caused by these toxins.
Common treatments for cancer involve surgically removing the tumor, or
blasting the tumor (and all surrounding healthy tissues) with toxins such
as chemicals and radiation. If cancer cells were “good guys gone bad,”
The End of All Disease
blasting them to dust would solve the problem, albeit with some collateral
damage. However, this treatment fails to account for the fact that the cancer
doesn’t develop from the tissue’s differentiated cells, but rather from natural,
omnipresent stem cells.
Therefore, the accepted treatments simply eliminate the symptoms of
cancer—the tumors—without addressing its cause: why the stem cells weren’t
kept in check to begin with, as is normally the case. Many people have had
firsthand experience of a loved one whose cancer went into remission, only to
suddenly return at a later date.
Thankfully, pioneering doctors have identified more than just the toxins
and parasites involved in cancer development. They have also discovered the
mechanisms we can use to keep the growth of cancer in check.
The True Causes of Cancer
Most experts agree that we all produce cancer cells every day, and these cells
can be the origin of cancer as we know it. In recent years, three pioneering
researchers have made groundbreaking discoveries that have shed new light on
the true causes of cancer. Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski,
and Dr. Hulda Clark each bring to the table a unique understanding of the
causes and—ultimately—the cures for cancer.
Through both his own research and reviewing the work of Dr. John Beard
from the early 1900s, Dr. Gonzalez realized that the cells that eventually
form cancer aren’t what the medical community has believed them to be.
As mentioned above, Gonzalez asserts that cancers do not develop from
mutations in normal tissue cells. Rather, they develop from the lack of control
of primitive, undifferentiated stem cells.
These stem cells, which have been all the rage in medical headlines in recent
years, exist and work throughout the body all the time. For example, your
skin heals after a cut because the body activates—or more accurately, sets
free—stem cells to rebuild the damaged tissue and skin. The scab, essentially
an overgrowth, is then cleaned away by the body, leaving hopefully unscarred
new skin behind.
The End of Cancer
It is this fact that really sets the stage for understanding the true causes of
cancer. Something has to set the stem cells free, and something has to stop
them from acting normally when the time comes. It is along this line of
thinking that the groundbreaking work of Dr. Burzynski and Dr. Clark sheds
some light.
In the 1970s, after obtaining his PhD from Lublin Medical University at the
age of twenty-four, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski made a fascinating observation:
individuals with cancer were deficient in a certain strain of peptides in their
blood and urine that healthy people had in abundance.
Dr. Burzynski found a way to extract the missing peptides from healthy donors
and began treating terminally ill cancer patients with these. In this way, he
began working toward restoring homeostasis in the cancer patients’ body
systems. He called his method “gene-targeted therapy,” because his approach
targeted cancer-causing genes in the human body using antineoplastons.
Gene-targeted therapy works by “switching on” a higher level of genes in the
body that work to suppress cancer cells. Essentially, he found a mechanism
that activated and deactivated the stem cells, keeping them dormant when
they were not needed.
Dr. Burzynski’s innovative approach was entirely new way to treat cancer, and
the results were impressive. In 2005, a clinical trial using traditional radiation
and chemotherapy techniques reported that only five out of fifty-four
participants ended up cancer-free—a success rate of 9 percent. By contrast, a
2008 trial using Burzynski’s antineoplastons reported that five out of twentyfive participants emerged cancer-free from the treatment—a success rate of
25 percent.
In other words, standard cancer treatment protocol was over 60 percent less
successful than Burzynski’s treatment. What’s more, the second group of
participants experienced no negative side effects from their treatment. It’s
no surprise that the medical community, funded by expensive radiation and
chemotherapy drugs, didn’t latch onto a treatment that uses something that
occurs naturally, and therefore can’t be sold for a big profit.
Another major breakthrough into the true underlying causes of cancer was
discovered by Dr. Hulda Clark, whose research I discussed in detail in earlier
The End of All Disease
chapters. In her book, The Cure for All Cancers, Dr. Clark asserts that cancer is
actually caused by parasites—in particular, flatworms. Flatworms commonly
live in the intestines of humans and other species. Clark states that when
these flatworms lay eggs that are not passed out of the body through bowel
movements, the groundwork for cancer is laid.
Cancer itself then appears when these eggs are exposed to propyl alcohol, a
common ingredient in many of our household items, including shampoos,
cosmetics, mouthwash, rubbing alcohol, shaving supplies, white sugar, and
even bottled water. The slightest exposure to propyl alcohol in any form acts
as a catalyst for flatworm eggs to develop, and a few batches of larvae multiply
into hundreds more within a short period of time.
According to Dr. Clark, different types of cancer are simply a question of
location. If the parasite eggs develop in the breast, the result is breast cancer.
If they develop in the prostate, this becomes prostate cancer, and so forth.
Carcinogens, which are commonly thought to cause cancer, actually act like
magnets for cancer, drawing the parasites to different areas of the body. In her
book, Clark gives the example that nickel causes prostate cancer by attracting
parasites to that organ of the body. In addition to nickel, she also strongly
cautions against exposure to Freon, copper, fiberglass or asbestos, mercury,
lead, and formaldehyde.
Clark’s approach agrees that some toxins and carcinogens facilitate cancer, and
she asserts that they do so by drawing the offending parasites to a particular
area in the body, setting off a chain of events that allows the cancer to spread.
In light of the true causes of this widespread disease, what can we do to
effectively treat and prevent cancer?
Effective Treatment and Prevention for Cancer
While specialized treatment methods such as those performed by Dr. Stanislaw
Burzynski can be effective, they are also time consuming and expensive, and
they require a specialist who is willing to perform the procedure, which can
be difficult if not impossible to find.
The End of Cancer
Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Clark, however, offer several effective points of advice
that you can follow in order to play an active role in your own cancer treatment
and prevention.
Gonzalez Protocol
Dr. Gonzalez’s therapy basically involves three components: diet, aggressive
supplementation with nutrients and pancreas product (containing naturally
occurring enzymes), and detoxification.
These protocols are individualized on a case-by-case basis. Following Dr.
Gonzalez’s analysis, each patient receives a diet plan that is designed for his or
her specific needs. The diets are quite variable, ranging from a pure vegetarian
program to a diet requiring fatty red meat two to three times a day.
Gonzalez’s intense supplement regimens are also individualized: each cancer
patient consumes between 130 and 175 capsules daily. Non-cancer patients
require considerably fewer supplements per day. The supplement regimens
include a range of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, anti-oxidants, and
animal glandular products, prescribed according to the particular patient’s
needs and cancer type.
The nutrients from the supplement regimens are not believed to have a direct
anti-cancer effect. Rather, they serve to improve overall metabolic function
to help the body fight the good fight. This aligns perfectly with the concept
of achieving homeostasis between mind, body, and diet. In addition to these
supplements, every cancer patient takes large quantities of pancreas product
in capsule form, which is believed to contribute the main anti-cancer action.
The third component of Dr. Gonzalez’s protocol involves detoxification
routines. Dr. Gonzalez found that as patients repaired and rebuilt their
systems, large amounts of metabolic waste and stored toxins were released. As
a result, patients routinely developed a variety of symptoms, most commonly
described as “flu-like,” such as low grade fevers, muscle aches and pains, and
even rashes. Detoxification works to ease and prevent these negative effects
from stored toxins.
You can learn more about Dr. Gonzalez’s methods in the Recommended
Resources section at the end of this chapter.
The End of All Disease
Clark Protocol
Dr. Clark points out that the appearance of cancer is a recipe with two
ingredients: intestinal fluke parasites and propyl alcohol. Without both of
these components, cancer cannot develop.
Therefore, even if you have parasites like flatworms in your system, the onset
of cancer will not commence as long as you avoid exposure to propyl alcohol.
Once you stop your intake of propyl alcohol, Clark says that all traces of the
substance will be gone from your body in three days or less.
In addition to avoiding propyl alcohol, Dr. Clark recommends ridding
yourself of the parasites themselves using herbal treatments and the “zapping”
method, as covered earlier. Clark asserts that you can stop cancer malignancy
by using a frequency generator on your body for three-minute intervals at
several different frequencies, which are listed in her book. Once the parasite
growth factors have been eliminated in this manner, she says, they will not
return unless you reintroduce new parasites into your system.
Even after you eliminate the root of the cancer, Dr. Clark points out that
you may still have to address any effects that it had on the rest of your body
while it was active in order to fully return your system to its natural state
of homeostasis. Dr. Clark recommends removing toxins from the affected
organs and then allowing the body to take its natural course in repairing the
damage done by the cancer.
Because cancer is caused by parasites, Dr. Clark cautions that you need
to stay vigilant against picking up parasites from a wide range of sources.
Undercooked meats and dairy products, pets, and even other people—
including family members—all make an appearance on Dr. Clark’s list of
potential carriers. According to Dr. Clark, you can reinfect yourself with
parasites even through something as seemingly simple and innocent as a kiss.
Avoid infecting yourself with new fluke parasites by making sure that all
of your meat and dairy products are thoroughly cooked. You can remove
parasites from your pets using the natural pet parasite program outlined in
Clark’s book. Also work to eliminate toxins from your environment to your
maximum ability.
The End of Cancer
Dr. Clark cautions that if you are suffering from cancer, the rest of your
family is very likely carrying the same fluke parasites in their intestines. Those
recovering from cancer should ask their family members to undergo the same
herbal and zapping treatments they perform on themselves in order to reduce
the risk of reinfection.
Finally, Dr. Clark strongly encourages a high consumption of vitamin C
in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Refer back to chapters 11 and
15 to read more about toxins and cleanses. Although propyl alcohol is the
catalyst for cancer, our bodies are designed to detoxify it. Those who develop
cancer bypass this natural detoxification system because of the presence of
aflatoxin—a mold that is found in common foods such as fruit and bread.
Vitamin C destroys aflatoxin, and because of that it can be a powerful tool in
the prevention of cancer. Dr. Clark recommends taking 500 mg of vitamin
C with each meal. Other experts, including Dr. Thompson, encourage even
higher doses of vitamin C in your diet.
The combination of parasites, toxins, and aflatoxin building up in our systems
over the years is the platform from which cancer takes flight.
It’s no coincidence that all three of these experts—Drs. Gonzalez, Burzynski,
and Clark—approach cancer from the angle of restoring homeostasis to
the body. This just goes to show that the Wellness Model of Health™ is the
solution that lies beneath even the most serious diseases we face as a nation.
When we work to remove the causes of cancer, we can treat and prevent this
terrible condition at its source.
The End of All Disease
Recommended Resources
The Cure for All Diseases by Dr. Hulda Clark
Cancer Is a Dangerous Business, a documentary by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski
Enzymes and Cancer (DVD):
For more information, visit
What Went Wrong: The Truth behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment
of Cancer by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin
The End of Cancer
The Future of Healthy,
Pain-Free Living
The Future of Healthy, Pain-Free Living
Your Roadmap to Optimal
Health and Wellness
The Truth about Wellness
Now you know the truth about wellness. By understanding the real causes
of pain and illness, and by taking action to rectify them using the Wellness
Model of Health™ and the Complete Healing Formula™, you can overcome
even the gravest health conditions. You can eliminate pain, prevent and
cure diseases, reinstate happiness, and embrace each day with optimism and
You can reclaim a healthy, vibrant life.
The health plagues on our society are real—but so are their cures. No one has
more stake in your health than you. When you take responsibility for and
control of your own wellness outcomes, you empower yourself to find the
healing answers you have been searching for.
The journey back to health is rewarding, though in some cases it may also
be a long and challenging road. You don’t have to travel that road alone. The
Healthy Back Institute and Live Pain Free are committed to giving you the
information and tools you need to relieve your pain, cure your disease, and
rediscover a life of fullness and enrichment.
In this chapter, I have gathered together a wealth of resources to jumpstart
your journey to wellness.
Your Diet, Your Health
As I demonstrated in this book, the old cliché that “you are what you eat” has
some truth to it. Our diets have a significant impact on our overall health.
While foods that cause chronic inflammation in our bodies lead to more
pain, foods that are rich in minerals have the power to prevent pain, illness,
Your Roadmap to Optimal Health and Wellness
and the common maladies of aging. Quality supplements can likewise play a
vital role in boosting our state of health.
Many diseases are caused or made worse by what we bring into our bodies.
Neglecting nutrition and hydration create deficiencies in the body’s natural
levels of health. Excesses of toxins and unhealthy inflammatory foods create
an environment for disease to develop and spread. The choices we make
about our food, our water, our supplements, and even the packaging that all
of these things come in are important and essential to our health. Correcting
our diets to create the proper balance will restore the health and homeostasis
we need to get better.
Making the right changes isn’t always easy. Remaining set in our bad nutrition
habits is the body’s biggest obstacle to health. Nevertheless, you have the
power to overcome this hurdle, and you have already taken the first step: by
reading this book, you have given yourself the knowledge you need to set
off on that road to recovery. Simply understanding which aspects of your
eating habits need improvement is the foundation you need to develop your
personal wellness diet.
When you give your body the proper nutrition, you give it the power to heal.
Whether you are combating a disease or simply seeking out a higher plateau
of wellness, the following resources will help you achieve your healthy diet
The End of All Disease
The Healthy Back Institute’s website contains a wealth of information on how
to use a good diet to maintain your health. Here you will find the latest news,
breakthroughs, myth-busting secrets, and time-tested truths when it comes
to healing yourself through the food you eat, the liquids you drink, and the
supplements you take.
For access to the best information on nutritional supplements that will
help your body heal and keep it healthy, visit
supplementation. This page offers a wealth of supplement reviews and tips on
how to leverage your supplements most effectively.
The End of All Disease
In my quest to find the best supplements for pain and inflammation, the
products available on the market fell short of expectations. For that reason,
the Healthy Back Institute spent years developing its own supplements, all
of which take into account the knowledge, science, and philosophies of true
healing detailed in this book. More information about these breakthrough
supplements can be found at
Additionally, in my years as editor-in-chief of Live Pain Free, I have interviewed
hundreds of experts about various aspects of diet, fitness, medicine, and
health. You can access the best of these groundbreaking and enlightening
interviews when you become a member of my Live Pain Free family, where
you’ll hear from experts like Dr. Jessica Black, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Sally Fallon
Morell, and other industry pioneers. Learn more at www.losethebackpain.
Your Body, Your Health
It’s no surprise that what we do with our bodies—not to mention what
invades our bodies even when we least expect it—has a direct impact on how
we feel physically.
You now know how you can make changes in your body to create a more
positive outlook for your health, whether through addressing muscle
imbalances and trigger points, improving circulation, or eliminating toxins
and parasites. This is “self-health” at its best, and when you use the complete
healing formula, the outcome really is in your hands.
While it isn’t the only factor, your physical body is a critical part of the mindbody-diet Complete Healing Formula™. Treating the causes within your
body through the approaches outlined in this book will lead you to the better
health you want, and the rich way of life you deserve.
Because the body is the first (and usually the only) part of the mind-body-diet
connection the modern medical establishment treats, there’s no shortage of
information on the topic at your disposal. However, in your quest for health,
be sure to keep two things in mind. First, your body is just one part of the
puzzle, and can’t be addressed in isolation. Second, don’t accept a treatment
that only addresses your physical symptoms. Keep digging for the source of
the problem so that you can achieve lasting wellness.
Your Roadmap to Optimal Health and Wellness
I can’t stress enough how important it is to be informed about the real
causes of your pain or illness. With so much misinformation on the market,
researching the true root of the problem can be overwhelming. You’ve got
to find sources of health information that aren’t funded by pharmaceutical
companies and that don’t rely on selling ads or commercial airtime.
I stand behind the following health sources with my full trust and guarantee.
To get regular news, tips, and condition-specific information online, visit
these websites regularly:
You can also stay current on the latest breakthroughs in pain, health, and
wellness by joining the Live Pain Free family. With membership in this
community, you’ll receive monthly newsletters, a CD each month featuring
groundbreaking interviews with health experts like the ones you’ve read about
in this book, access to exclusive one-on-one time with me, and much more.
It’s the best investment you can make in your health and wellness. To learn
more, visit
Your Mind, Your Health
I hope I’ve thoroughly debunked the myth that our minds are disconnected
from our health. My in-depth review of how our mental outlook, stress, and
happiness can have an impact on how our bodies react to the environment
should leave you with no doubt in the matter. I’ve given you the tools to
take control of your emotional state and bring your body and mind into
alignment—a union that will ultimately improve your overall health.
Our minds are intricately connected to the health of our bodies. Your
emotional health has a tremendous impact on your physical health, and your
state of mind has the power to either exacerbate your pain and illness or help
you climb back to a level of health that will allow you to embrace life to the
fullest again.
Beyond the information I’ve already given you in this book, I’ve compiled
a list of resources to help you take your emotional balance to the next level
The End of All Disease
to help you bring yourself closer to the true wellness you deserve. You can
locate the Healthy Back Institute’s expansive online resources on this subject
for free, and we add to them all the time. Visit
healthy-mind for the complete list.
I’ve also spent time speaking with experts on the mind-health connection, and
these discussions are included in my archives for my Live Pain Free members
to enjoy. Learn more about this rewarding program, where you’ll access more
than five years’ worth of groundbreaking mind, body, and diet healing tips at
All three areas of the Complete Healing Formula™—mind, body, and diet—
are critical to your relief from pain and disease, as well as the level of health
you enjoy overall. Now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and embark on
your own journey of discovery and self-healing.
Additional Ailment Solutions
I’ve given you a wealth of information on the true causes of and solutions
for various ailments in the previous chapters. But the pages of any book are
limited, and more resources and support are available for migraines, arthritis,
chronic back pain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, heart disease, and cancer from
the following sources:
Additional tips, news, support, and migraine-related posts are available
anytime at Or if you are
suffering and haven’t yet found a solution that works for you, you can contact
us directly at the Healthy Back Institute. We are committed to giving you the
guidance you need to find your way to a headache-free life.
I cited the work of Dr. Mark Wiley throughout these chapters, and he has
literally written the book on the subject of arthritis. You can get a free copy of
Arthritis Reversed at; just pay shipping costs. Dr.
Wiley’s book contains more in-depth information about arthritis, along with
a thirty-day action plan to put a stop to this condition and regenerate your
Your Roadmap to Optimal Health and Wellness
joints. If you’re suffering from arthritis, this is a must-have resource on your
journey to relief.
You can also get the joint support you need with what I consider to be the
best joint supplement on the market. Endorsed not only by the Healthy
Back Institute and Live Pain Free, Dr. Robert Thompson and thousands of
customers also stand behind this supplement. Learn more about Super Joint
Support ™ at
Chronic Back Pain
The Healthy Back Institute offers an endless supply of resources to help
you eliminate chronic back pain from your life once and for all. Access my
extensive knowledge about back pain by signing up for the Live Pain Free
newsletter at
You can also access the Healthy Back Institute’s full Lose the Back Pain®
System™ and our safe and effective pain-relief products via our website. Visit
the following links for more details:
For more information about putting an end to osteoporosis once and for
all, I highly recommend The Calcium Lie and The Calcium Lie II, by Dr.
Robert Thompson. You can access a copy of Dr. Thompson’s book at www.
You can also get more osteoporosis support at
If you do nothing else for your health in this area, there’s one thing I can’t
stress enough. Stop taking calcium supplements until you know for certain
The End of All Disease
that you need them—and make sure you’re getting all the other minerals you
need to support true bone health.
As one of the most nebulous and misunderstood conditions I’ve covered, it’s
difficult to give a single set of recommendations for fibromyalgia. But I’ve
given you more than enough tools to begin your quest for healing in the
preceding chapters. Additionally, I’ve compiled more resources about how
you can eradicate fibromyalgia pain from your body and bring exuberance
and vitality back into your life. You can access more information at www.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. If you
or someone you love is suffering from heart disease, you don’t have to face it
alone. A wealth of additional information is available to you in the Healthy
Back Institute’s 4-CD set, including The Heart Disease Hoax, available at
As the second-biggest cause of death in the nation, cancer is getting a lot
of attention right now. Not all the information out there is correct. I am
always on the hunt for new cancer cures, and have several recent features
and interviews available to my Live Pain Free members. Learn more at www.
A Future of Wellness
The time to take control of your health is now. Remember, to return your
body and mind to a state of true wellness, action is key. You can read every
book under the sun, but books are only as useful as your willingness to apply
what you’ve read to your day-to-day life after the last page has been turned.
Use what I’ve shared with you in these pages about the Wellness Model of
Health™ to make a fresh start with your body, mind, and diet. Take the first
steps down the path to health and pain-free living. Give yourself permission
Your Roadmap to Optimal Health and Wellness
to feel pain so that you can understand why it’s happening and end it
completely. Try new things, and trust that you will begin to feel better.
Literally tens of thousands of people have used the information in this book
to drive pain and illness out of their lives forever. There is no reason why you
can’t do the same. Your return to health requires a commitment from you to
apply focused, consistent action to the challenges ahead. Once you make that
commitment, you will never go back to helplessness and suffering. Your life is
your own, and so is your health.
A future of wellness is within your reach.
The End of All Disease
Heal-n-Soothe® combines the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and
pain-relieving ingredients known to man that have been scientifically proven
to work. Plus, unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
Heal-n-Soothe® has no dangerous side effects. This powerful pain-reliever was
even referred to by one user as “God in a bottle.”
Rub on Relief®
Rub on Relief® is the only 100 percent all-natural topical pain cream designed
to relieve every type of pain your body throws at you—and help you heal
at the same time. This advanced topical analgesic anti-inflammatory cream
delivers fast, penetrating pain relief of sore muscles and joints associated with
arthritis, backache, strains, sprains, or any other type of pain.
Super Joint Support™
Super Joint Support™ combines a unique, synergistic blend of cartilagebuilding, joint-lubricating, pain-relieving ingredients that deliver
unprecedented relief. If you suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis, or fear
they’re in your future, this is a must-have supplement to protect your bones
and joints.
Lose the Back Pain® System™
Get rid of your back pain for good. Join over 175,000 people who have erased
back pain from their lives. The Lose the Back Pain® System™ gives you the
tools you need to assess the real cause of your pain, along with simple steps to
treat and cure the pain yourself.
Recommended Products
Lose the Neck Pain® System
Get rid of your neck pain once and for all with the Lose the Neck Pain®
System. Developed after the monumental success of the Lose the Back Pain
System, here you’ll find the treatment and relief you need for your persistent
neck and shoulder pain.
Healthy Back Institute’s Premium Inversion Table
Undo the damage gravity has done to your entire body. Inversion therapy
has been proven to reduce or eliminate various types of back and neck pain,
not to mention improve circulation and brain function. With a money-back
guarantee and backing from the Healthy Back Institute, there’s no reason not
to try inversion therapy.
Far Infrared Heating Pad
Harness the healing power of the sun’s rays in the comfort of your bed,
recliner, or car. This twenty-first century heating pad offers the ultimate in
deep, penetrating heat relief. Your pain will melt away as the penetrating heat
delivers more oxygen-rich blood to painful areas and speeds up your body’s
natural healing process.
Begin ridding your body of parasites with this small-yet-effective device. The
ElectroCleanse® uses precise electrical frequencies to exterminate harmful
parasites from your body—parasites that are wreaking havoc on your health.
Developed with the Dr. Clark Research Association, this tool is crucial to
harnessing the healing of many major medical disorders.
The End of All Disease
Sleep soundly with the help of Mother Nature’s ten most powerful sleep aids,
all combined in Sleepzyme®. Effective sleep allows your body to heal itself
while you rest and is a key to feeling more relaxed. This supplement is a musthave for anyone who feels stressed, tired, or simply wants to fall asleep faster
and stay asleep longer.
Recommended Products
Take Back Your Health Today
“Pioneer of Pain Relief”
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Establishment - Again!
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FULL access to exclusive interviews with the world’s
most cutting-edge health experts
INCREDIBLE stories of awe-inspiring healing directly
from members just like you
DVDs, CDs, access to a treasure trove of archives, new
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When you become a member of the family, you’ll take control of
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The End of All Disease
We live in exciting times. Just a few decades ago, we believed you
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stuck with what you got.
Today we know better.
You have more freedom of choice than you ever dreamed of.
You can give your body the right solutions to heal once and for all
when you become a part of the Live Pain Free family.
As a reader of this book, I’m giving you four CDs, absolutely free,
when you try my membership program today:
Audio CD #1: How to Reverse Osteoporosis Naturally,
with Vivian Goldschmidt, MA
Audio CD #2: Once Illegal, Now FDA Approved: The
Little-Known Treatment That Reverses Pain in Minutes,
with Dr. Carol McMakin
Audio CD #3: The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor
Doesn’t Know Could Kill You, with Dr. Robert
Audio CD #4: The Heart Disease Hoax: What Really
Causes Heart Disease and How to Prevent and Reverse
It, with Dr. Lundell
Plus, you’ll have access to more than five years of interviews, special
reports, newsletters, and more. Give yourself a break and try Live
Pain Free today.
You CAN Reclaim a Healthy, Vibrant Life
Youuve spent countless hours of worry and thousands of dollars on your pain
or illness, and you still havennt found relief. You no longer remember what it
was like to feel well, and youuve lost hope that your condition will ever get
Itts time for that to change.
Break free from the false hope promised by toxic drugs, failed treatments, and
modern medicinees disease-based model of health. You can find health and
happiness without the big-business puppeteers behind the modern-day medical industry. The END of All Disease: Simple, Little-Known, and Proven Cures
for 7 of the Most Dangerous Diseases puts the power to take control of your
health in your hands.
In this book, youull discover:
• The three real causes of all disease, and what you can do about them.
• Secrets to your health that are found in your mental and emotional
• Simple ways to harness your bodyys power to heal itself.
• The truth about how modern diets have filled us with toxins and robbed
us of our health.
• Little-known cures from real doctors for cancer, heart disease,
osteoporosis, and more.
• A proven roadmap to health that puts the power to get better back in
your hands.
The END of All Disease gives you the truths about your body, mind, and diet
you need to give yourself the future of wellness you deserve. Leave the failed
paradigms behind. The time to take control of your health is now.
The Healthy Back Institute
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