* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
LESSON PLAN Teacher’s name: KWISANGA Jean Baptiste School Name: TTC RUBENGERA Term I Date …… /……/ 20…… Subject Chemistry Class Y1 SME Unit N 4 o Lesson No 2 of 3 Duration 40mins Class size 35 Type of Special Educational Needs to be catered for in this lesson and number of learners in each category Unit title Solutions and titration Key Unit Competence By the end of unit, student-teacher will be able to prepare standard solutions and use them to determine concentration of other 0 Title of the lesson Instructional Objective Plan for this Class (location: in / outside) Learning Materials (for all learners) References Timing for each step solutions by titration. Properties of a standard primary solution. By the end of this lesson, student-teachers will be able to explain the properties of a standard primary solution effectively. Inside Books Integrated Science SB SME Year1 Description of teaching and learning activity Using student’s books, learners wwill follow the teacher and respond to the questions by recalling, some notes will be taken in 6/10 minutes and evaluation activities will be done in groups of 4 individuals. Teacher activities Introduction Asks learners what they know about the concept Learner activities o Learners answer the question, by recalling. “primary standard solution” 10min Generic competences and Cross cutting issues to be addressed + a short explanation Asks the learners examples of primary standard solution o Learners provide several examples of primary standard solution. Finally, the teacher will ask students to think wisely and provide some properties that all the mentioned solutions share in common. o Scarcely, some of properties will be discovered…like readily soluble in water, and high stability Critical thinking and communication skills will be developed through recalling what definition of primary standard solution and talking to the whole classroom after recalling it respectively. Development of the lesson 20min Linking with the above question in introduction, teacher explains every property of primary standard solution and giving clear examples. While explaining these properties, before the teacher mention the property, firstly ask the learners a question linked to that property to see if the learners can mention that property before he does. PROPERTIES OF STANDARD PRIMARY SOLUTIONS THAT WILL BE TAUGHT ARE: Follow the teacher and takes some explanations, • High level of purity • High stability • Be readily soluble in water • High equivalent weight (to reduce error from mass measurements) • Not hygroscopic (to reduce changes in mass in Attentively, some learners mention some properties humid versus dry environments) before the teacher mentions them from the asked • Non-toxic question linked to that property. • Inexpensive and readily available • React instantaneously, stoichiometrically and irreversibly with other substances i.e., should not have interfering products during titration. • It should not get affected by carbon dioxide in air Evaluation Put learners in groups of 4, and ask Give at least 5 properties of standard primary solution rather than readily soluble in water. 2. Explain why standard primary solution is readily insoluble in water. Help learners to answer and coordinate them to correct each other in their respective groups. In their respective groups, learners answer the asked questions in 6/7 minutes 1. 10 min Teacher selfevaluation In 3/4 minutes, one group marks another group after getting the marking guide obtained by answering facilitated by the teacher Critical thinking will be developed through finding out answers t be given to the teacher. Gender equality will be addressed via formation of groups and correction of given activities.