* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
lskandhar School Grade I Physics Current. El_eetricity Circuit: the conducting path through the bulbs, wires and battery is called a circuit. The diagram has been drawn using symbols. Ammeter bulb Current charges' For any neutral obiect, there will be no net charges as it contains equal number of positive and negative charges. moving from positive to negative and they marked arrows in this \,r/ay on their circuit diagrams. should remember that, in a circuit, the electrons are really moving in the opposite direction to the conventional current. Conventional Electron flow current flow phVstcs *v2an Notes/ Term2,2O3.Z Page L of 6 Grade 8 Physics lskandhar School F .The more is' the charges passing through the wire in one second, the bigger the current o I =L , where I is current in AmPeres t Q is the charge in Coulombs T is the time is seconds An Ammeter is an instrument used to measure electric current (rate of flow of electric charges). It is to be connected in series with the circuit. The unit is amperes A' Circuit symbol current flows The ammeter has red (positlve) and a black (negative) terminal, Note that the in to the ammeter through the red terminal and leaves through the black terminal. So positive pole of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of the ammeter and negative pole of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of the ammeter. below lf the connections are interchanged, the pointer on the ammeter will deflect slightly the zero mark. ln figure left, three ammeters have been included in the circuit. The ammeters measure the current at different points around the circuit but all three read the same' The current is sarne at all points in a simple'circuit' Notes/ Term?,?0a2 Page 2 of 6 Grade 8 PhYsics lskandhar School like resistance, lamP or heater of circuit.Whenthechargeflowsthroughthelampsin a a circuit, their energy is converted to other forms such as heat and light' points can be defined as the amount of work Potential difference (p'd) between two from a place of lower potential to a place of done in bringing one coulomb of charge higher Potential. Or potential difference (p'd), across the component' potential difference (P.d) = V =Y where enersv converted to other forms i'th999*99191!- V is potentialdifference (p'd)' 0 W is work done & Q is charge Measurine potential difference {pdl Voltmeter is an instrument used to measure potential difference between two points' out through must frow into the positive terminar and simirarry to the ammeter the current thenegativeterminal.Sopositivepoleofthebatteryshouldbeconnectedtothepositive pole of the bqttery should be connected to the terminal of the voltmeter and negative positive terminal of the voltmeter' Circuit sYmbol ---&is Volt (V) The Sl unit of Potential difference Page 3 NotePJ TermZ,2Ot2 of 6 lskandhar School Grade 8 Physics Electro motive force ( or {gl The e.m.f of a cell can be measured by a voltmeter connected directiy across the terminal of the cell. E.m.f is the amount of energy carried by one couiomb of charge rrvhen pass through the power supply. The e'm.f of the power suppiy must be equal to the sum of potential difference across all circuit components. For example, in the circuit shown e.m.f {e} = V1 + V2 Some of the circuit symbols: Symbo! ln- Name Symbol Name Bulb (old symbol) ---f-_l-_-- resistor cell -,gr-_.-_ voltmeter I Switch (open) bulb Notes/ Terrn2,2O1,2 ammeter -l'jF battery Page 6 of6 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School RESISTANCE Students should be oble to.. * .t # ,[- * f f .l I . . . . . . o . State that resistanss = p.d/current and use the equation resistance= voltage/current in calculations describe an experiment to measure the resistance of a metallic conductor using a voltmeter and an ammeter and make the necessary calculations discuss the temperature limitation on Ohm's law use quantitatively the proportionality between resistance and the length and the cross-sectional area of a wire. Calculate the net effect of a number of resistors in series and in parallel Describe the effect of temperature increase on the resistance of a resistor and a filament lamp and draw the respective sketch graph of current/voltage Draw circuit diagrams with power sources (cell, battery or a.c mains), switches (closed and open), resistors (fixed and variable), lamps, ammeters, and voltmeters State that the current from the source is the sum of the currents in the separate branches of parallel circuit no calculations on the whole circuit, recalling and using formula including R = V/l and those for p.d in series, resistors in series and resistors in parallel cl potential Iltu)L be us a LiletE must d conductor, LUiluuLLUr, there t[c]w through LIltuugil a currenL flow maKe a current To lo make PULE,rLrar difference or vottage across it. Copper connecting wire is a good conductor and a current passes through it easity where as a similar piece of nichrome wire is not so good and less current ftows for the same potentiaI difference i.€., nichrome wire has more resistance than the copper wire. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons. unit of resistance is Ohm (O) Larger units are Kilo ohm (kO) and Mega ohm (MCI) Sl 1kC)=1000f) 1MQ = 106Q The resistance of a wire depends on its dimensions as wetl as on the conducting abitity of the material from which it is made. Page 1 Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Factors affectinq resistance Length: Doubting the length of a wire doubtes its resistance, CfOSS-SeCtiOna[ afea: resistance I R". R."L Doubting the 'end on' area of a wire hatves it A L ROC 7 The fitament of the butb is made of very thin tungsten wire because tungsten has a higher metting point than a copper wire. So heating etements are normatty made of nichrorne. Higher resistance offers higher heating effect Whenever a current ftows through a resistance, heating effect occurs. This principte is used in heating etements and atso in the fitaments of butbs. Material: A nichrome wire has more resistance The heating effect occurs because electrons collide with atoms as they pass through a conductor. The electrons lose energy and atoms gain energy and vibrate faster. Faster vibrations mean higher temperature. Connecting wires used in circuits have a low resistance as possible so that energy wasted as heat is kept to a minimum TempefatUfe: { For metal conductors, resistance increases with temPerature For semiconductors, resistance decreases with temPerature ln metals conductors, as temperature increases atoms gain energy and viUraie faster. This opposes the free movement of etectrons. 5o resistance increases Constantan and manqanin, both copper-based attoys, is often used in standard resjstors because their resistances change very littte unless they are heated strongty. f Semiconductors tike siticon and germanium are ihsulators at room temperature. As temperature increases more and more etectrons become free to move. So it conducts as its resistance decreases ThefmiStOIS have a high resistance when cotd but a much [ower resistance when hot. They contain semi conducting materiats. Some etectricat thermometers use a thermistor to detect a temperature change. Carbon is not ctassed as a semi conductor, but its resistance decreases with temperature Page 2 Notes/Term 212013 lskandhar School Physics Grade 9 RESISTORS Devices speciaity made to provide resistance are calted rc51lt!_tE_. curren6 and p.d at the levets for other circuit components to function property. . . A length of thin nichrome wire makes a simple resistor. ln some, the resistance is provided by a thin layer of carbon, white other contains a tong thin attoy wire coited to take up less space. Circuit svmbols resistor variable resistor Variable resistors {Rheostats} It is used for varying current. The resistance of the resistor can be changed. ln hi-fi equipment, rotary (circutar) variabte resistors are used as votume controts. siid tng contaol .<---.--> resrstance coii oi resistance wii"e ,rJ:;:;;;;,. Above figure resisror used to contror the brighrness of a butb lf the connections are between A and C it acts as a fixed resistor and lf connected between A and B, resistance can be varied Moving the sliding control of the voriable resistor to the right increases the tength of resistance wire in the circuit. This increases the resistance in the circuit which reduces the current in the circuit and dims the bulb Page 3 Notes/Term 212A13 Physics Grade lskandhar School I ln 1826, Georq Ohm carried out experiments with different metal wires to discover how the current through each depended on the potentiat difference apptied across its ends. These can be summed up in a law known as Ohm's law which states The current flowing through a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its terminals, provided temperature and other physical conditions remain constant. Materiats',if,tct', obeys Ohm's taw is catted Ohmic conductor. Materials which does not obeys Ohm's law is catled Non-ohmic conductor. " Resistance is catculated using the equation Resistance (R) = V R=7 Resistance of a metal conductor is defined as the ratio bet\ /een the potential difference across the conductor to the current through the conductor lf potentiat difference is expressed in Vott($ and current in Amper-e(A), then resistance is expressed in Ohm { A ) '{rok(V} i.e., Ohrn {er) = Ampere(A) A conductor has a resistance of 1O if a current of 1A flows through when a potential difference of tY is applied dlcross its ends. Page 4 it Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School E.AI'E.KIMtrN I I U' F rnr ^ -r nrclcT '\NEA)UI(tr A \l/^r ]I.trJIJ I AI'(LL rl. eos i.r t resrsianctl ,t? Connect the circuit as shown in the above diagram. Keep the variabte resistor at high yatue and ctose the switch. Artirrcr rha rrerialrla rpcictnr lrheostat) and keeo .'--r . vsr tsvle Llrv \','-_-_*-/ -'_- nuJvJL the ammetgf feadinq tO a constant vatue and note the ammeter reading (l) and voltmeter reading (V) Then R is calcutated using the formuta R- voltmeterreading ammeterreading Repeat the experiment for different I vatues and the corresponding V is noted. For each trial find R Draw a graph of current against potentiat difference is ptotted as shown betow. The vatue of xly gives the unknown resistance R C 0-) O pd The circujt shown is not suitabte for measuring high resistances- lf the resistance is high, the current through the resistor is smatt, and the smatl current drawn by the vottmeter adds its effect to the reading on the meter Page 5 Notes/Term 212A13 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School lilamenl of bulb is varied by adjusting the The current through the fil.ament of the tight butb temperature of rheostat. As the current is increased from a low vatue,- the is at a temperature of the fiLament rises. when white hot, the fitament more than 30000C given in the figure {a} Typicat potentiaL diffei-ence and cui'rent values are ril grapl.l in figure (b) shows that current is not proportional to the potentia[ difference current p.d. j --- 30 I 60 90 'i2 14 p,d. current () 21. I i l1 ,tr. 26 an A 40 -^^l^.^^= ie5lSld - -:i1---= Fig (a) : a o f () 1 68 pdiv Fig (b) of the filament The catculations of p.d/current show that the resistance becomes qreater as the temperaturg rises' Page 6 Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Voltaee-cu rr.ent grap h V Resistance increases as Obeys Ohm's law-Resistance Resistance decreases as temperature temperature increases remaining Constant (Filament lamp) {Fixed resistor) (Thermistor) increases Resistprs in series and Parallel Combined Resistances o of resistofs in series tf two ar mare resistars are connected in series, they give a higher resistance than any of the resistors by itself. The effect is the same as joining several tengths of resistance wire to form longer tength lf resistors in series, their combined resistance Rr and R2 dre the equation R is given by ft.-Rr+R, For three of more resistors, the above equation can be extended by adding R:.... and so on. equivalent resistance rt r , I R1 Rz Al-. lr rtl ltl v1 v" v3 total potential difference '= V Page 7 Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Combined Resistances of resistars in parallel . lf twa or more resistors are connected in parollel, they give a lower itself. resistance than any of the resisfors by The effect is the same as using a thick piece of resistance wire instead of a thin one. There is a wider conducting path than before" lf two resistors Rr and Rz are in parattet, their combined resistance R is given by the equation I RRr I R2 For three or more resistors, the equation can be extended by adding 1/R3, ...and so on. lf the above equation for two resistors is rearranged, it becomes RrxR, R R1+R2 equivalent resistance ft I -n _ {*"-':7, I potential Page I difference:v -+!.-;_ \*____ri : f.-7r ..1 'l-+ -:. \;1-V I Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Bulbs in Series and Parallel ln series voltmeter reads 1.5 V threel5Vbulbs three 1.5 V cells voltmeter reads 4.5 V The butbs are connected in series. o o The butbs share the potential difference (vottage) from the battery, so each gtows dimty lf one butb is removed, the other goes out because the circuit is broken ln parallel A C The butbs are connected in paral[el. . o the futt PD from the battery because each is connected directty to it. So each gtows brightty lf one butb is removed, the other keeps working because it is stitt part of an unbroken circuit Each gets Page 9 Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Circuits and Switches lf two or more butbs are to be powered by one battery, as in a car lighting system, they are normatty connected in paratle[. Each butb gets the futt battery p.d. Also, each can be switched ON and OFF independently Buibs ai'ranged in paraliel can have inCepenceni sv/iiches These two show two atternative ways of drawing exactty the same circuit as that shown in the first figure Basic circuit ruies There are some basjc rutes for a[[ series and parattel circuits. The particutar current vatues depend on the resistances and potential differences. The equation V = lR atways appties to every resistor. When resistors or other cornponents are When resistors or other components are in in series: . The current through each of the components is the same . The total PD (vottage) across alt the components is the sum of the PDs across each of them parallel: Page 10 . . The PD (vottage) across each component is the same The total current in the mains circuit is the sum of the currents in the branches Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade lskandhar School 9 Resistor cotour codes The colour code You 'r'ead' lhe flngs ct.l the resistor like this Each coiour stands lor a i5L number: Black Brown Fed Orange Yellolv Green Blue Violet Grey White ligure number of 2nd rigure 0 1 Z 3 A 5 6 7 B I orange 000 reC 2 resistance vaiue = 27 000 () = 27 kA The lourth ring givgs:he tolerance This tells you by how much the resistance may ciiler f rom the marked value: Golci 5% Silver 10%' Nc colour 20% \{rhen onc of the lights on a Christmas ree breaks, the others go out as rvell. \Vhat cjoes this tell you about the rvay the lights are connected? 2 Give ra,o a<ivantages of connecting bulbs to a batter-v in parallel. 3 Redrarv either of the circuits on the risntso that it has a single switch which rurns Ljoth bulbs on and off t!)gether. ;4 'I-his quesrion is about dre circuit on right: 1 reaclings on two of the ammeters are shorvn. What are the readings on i a)'fhe : ammetcrs X and Y'i b) iltne IrD across the bamcry is 6\i rvhat is the PD i i across each of the bulbs? (Note: ,r,ou can neglect the PI) scross an amlneter.) In circuit A on the righr: a) \\rhat does the arnmeter reacl? b) Wlrat is tlrc PD across each of thc rcsistrlrsl In circuir I) on the right: a) What docs Lhe arnnleter rcail rvhcn thc >',i jlch is opcn ( OI:Ir\ ) b) Whar is lhe cltrrent through cach oi tlle '1 o rcsistors u'hen the slvitch is closerl (ON)? c) What does the arrurreter reaci rvhen thc srvitch is ckrsccl? is^ the combined resistatrce oi'dre trvtl rvhcn thc switch is closcd?' resistors Wl'rich resistor arrangement, C or 11. on the right ha-s tbe lc.r,ver resistancc? C-heck your answer b1: d) What c ___-.t:--.--r-1012 caiculation. Page 990 11 I 10 () Notes/Term 212013 Physics Grade 9 lskandhar School Catcutate the effective resistance in each of the fottowing 4. # 20 4() a 5. Calcutate the ammeter reading in each of the foltowing circu'its a) ln Fig (a) (i) what is the vatue of current ftowing when the switch is open? (ii) What current ftows when the switch is ctosed? b) ln Fig (b) (ii What current flows through the ammeter when.the switch is ctosed and the variabte resistor set to zero? (ii) What current ftows when the switch is ctosed and the variable resistor set at 20 ohm? c) Using fig (c) exptain why no current witt ftow when the switch is ctosed? What effect witt there be on the circuit if the switch remains open but A is joined to B? What effect witt there be on the circuit with the switch ctosed with A joined to Page 12 B? Notes/Term 212A13 6 For Teach er's (c) Determine the number of compressions produced in one second* Use (d) calculate the speed of the wave when the wavelength of the wave is 2 cm. Speed = ...........................t2I 5. Fig.5.1 showsanelectricalcircuitcontaining a12V powersupplyandanumberof resistors. 12V rl .. t' la 't' 6A .t (l - - L i.-&' 2A I Fig 5.1- . ,,,, (a) Calculate the combined resistance of (i) the 2O and 4O resistors in series, a*, &t* *L (ii) the 3O and 6O resistors in paraltel. ;: ., .' ;:. . ,l i t (,',' ' l ,.' g ---t'-t*' r,_ resistance = .......3...: -rL ......................... t2I (b) Calculate the reading of the ammeter in Fig. 5.1. 'T - 'Y L - -1: *t-. _J )' l€ .i-) d- j\ ammeter reading = .............'. :. :....:.......,................ l2l (c) Determine the potential difference across the 4O resistor. ,.) j- {-., olsK 2014 ,* lskandhar School Grade 9 Physics PRACT!CAL ELECTRCITY 4.!@---.. _ -, , r 1s$d*# +,.@. . w&, Students should be able to * Describe the use of electricity in heating, lighting and motors Do calculations using the equations power = voltage x current, and energy = voltage x current x time 'i' * * Calculate the cost of using electricat appliances where the energy unit is kWh State the hazards of damaged insulation, overheating of cables and damp conditions * Explain settings the use of fuses and circuit breakers and fuse ratings and circuit breaker 'i. Explain the need for earthing the metal cases and for double insulation * State the meaning of the terms live, neutral and earth + Describe how to wire a mains plug * Explain why switches, fuses and circuit breakers are wired into the live conductor Electrical Power Electrical power is the rate of electrical energy conversion. An electric fire is more powerful than a light bulb because [t converts electrical energy into heat energy more quickly. Power = energy canuerted tinte Unit of power is Watt (W) = Joules/second {J/s) Larger unit is kilowatt (kW) Notes - Term 2,2A13 Page 1 of 8 Grade 9 Physics lskandhar School A power of 1 watt means that 1 ioule of energV is being chanEed every second. Electrical power is also calculated using the equation Power = voltage x current P=Vxl A higher voltage gives more power because each electron carries more energy A higher current gives more power because there are more electrons to lose their energy every second. More equations to calculate Power Alternative equations for calculating power can be found by substituting V = lR and I = V/R in turn the equation P = Vl The formula connecting Power, voitage, current and resistance ai'e given below. P=lV P=l2R P = V2/R Mains electricitv Electric current that reverses its direction constantly with respect alternating current (AC). to time is called The current from the main socket is pushed and pulled backwards and forwards through the circuit 50 times every second. This current is called a.c. The current we are using in our houses is a.c. current or * voltage 0 I _l Notes - Term 2,20L3 Page 2 of .8 Grade 9 Physics lskandhar School Direct current (DC) The unidirectional current from a battery is l<nourn as direct current. i.e, the current flows only in one direction. ln power stations, AC is easier to generate than one-way direct current {DC) like that from a battery. The rJiagram below shows an electric kettle connected into a mains socket. plug with luse I switch luse rnar r s ;: Supply ineuiated cable lated healing elernent in su Iive wrre 2S0 V a.c. 50 Hz neutral wire ?L: -*gP5*--6 earfh wrre Live wire * lt carries current from the rnain socket through the circuit. The potential of this t'rire changes alternately negative and positive, making the current flow backwards and forwards through the circuit. f' * wire is at a potential of 230 V or 240 V The colour of the live wire is red or: btown Live Neutralwire * lt is a safe wire which completes the clrcuit. The electricity board earths the neutral wire by connecting it to a metal plate buried in the ground' * Even though current passes through this wire, it is kept at zei'o voltage, so accidental touching of this wire does not give electric shock. .1. lt carries the same current as that in the live wire. * The colour of the neutral wire is black or blue' Page 3 of 8 Notes * Term 2,1:013 lskandhar School Grade 9 Physics Earth wire * This is a safety wire which connects the metal body of the appliance to earth and prevents it becoming live if a fault develops. .1. i.e, if the live wire happens to touch the metal casing of the appliance, the current would * immediately flow to earth and would blow the fuse. lf there were no earth wire, the metal casing of the appliance would remain live and possibly lethal current would flow through anyone who happened to touch it. of the earth wire is vellow and green (or iust green). .i. The colour Switch r lt is a simple ON and OFF key fitted in the live wire. lt [s used turn ON and OFF the current in the circuit. lt would work equally well in the neutral wire, but wire in the flex would then still be live when the switch was turned OFF. This may cause hazards. Fuse r This is short piece of thin wire which overheats and melts if current is too high. lt is placed in the live wire often as a cartridge inside the plug. lf a fault develops and the current gets too high, the fuse blows and breaks the circuit before the cable can overheat and catch fire. "'{ Fuse values r The plug is usually fitted with a 1A, 2A, 34, 54, LOA or 13A fuse. The value tells the current needed to blow the fuse. Fuse value should be slightly greater than the normal current through the appliance, but as close to it as possible. So that the fuse will blow as soon as the current exceeds the rated value. Double insulation o Some appliances-radio for example-do not have an earth wire. This is because their outer case is made of plastic rather than metal. The plastic acts as an extra layer of insulation around the wires. Notes-Term 2,203-3 Page 4 of 8 Grade 9 Physics lskandhar School Three-pin Plugs o Ptugs are safe and simple way of connecting appliances to the mains. The diagram below shows a fused three Pin Plug' Live wire Fuso Outer .lnsulation Five staees in wirine a Plug 1 wires Remove the insulating plastic from the three 2. that the outer insulation wrap the wires clockwise round the studs, and ensure is firmly griPPed. 3. Tighten the studs 4. for the appliance Replace the fuse: check it is of the right rating 5. Checktherearenoloosestrandsanywhereintheplugbeforereplacingthecover. Notes - Term 2,201'3 Page 5.of 8 Grade 9 Physics lskandhar School Circuits around the house I rxia U':,): Il-.=.-*) rrurLt1lsif'n i hil:lteI H \._ t* ')1 -f i t 1rrLf - \1i.rjf i,i:'*tr! contains a live and a neutralwire' At The electricity supply company's cable into each house several parallel circuits for the the consumer unit or 'fuse box', these wires branch into an earth wire' various appliances. The cable for each circuit also contains or a circuit breaker' ln the consumer unit, each circuit passes through a fuse A circuit breaker is obove the specilied volue. Notes - switch which 'trips' (tury off) when the current rises pressing o button' can be reset by turning the switch on or an outomatic Term 2,7A13 lt Page 6 of 8 Grade 9 Physics lskandhar School Mains sockets Each main socket is protected by its own fuse or circuit breaker in the consumer unit. The plugs in the sockets are unfused. The mains sockets are connected to a ring main. This is a cable which begins and ends at the consumer unit with the live, neutral and earth wire each forming a long loop or'ring' around the house. Advontoge is that there ore two conducting poths, sa thinner cobles con be used. socket is domaged, ihe other socket con still function. lf one The ring main is protected with a 30A fuse or circuit breaker in the consumer unit. Each plug connected to the ring has its own fuse. Dangers of \v electricitv Main electricity can becorne dangerous if we do not use it properly. Possible hazards include fires, shocks, burns or even death. broken strands of wire can mean that a cable has high resistance at one point. So heat is given off when current flows through. lt may be enough to melt the insulation and cause a fire Dirty plug pins give a high resistance where they connect with the socket. When the * ln old, frayed wiring, * * .!. current flows through, the plug may overheat. Too many appliances connected to one socket. lf all the appliances are switched on at one, the supply cable may become overloaded. A large amount of heat generated can melt the insulation and start fire. The wires of electrical appliances are insulated with insulating material such as a rubber. Due to wear and tear, the rubber can become damaged and the wires exposed. lf not replace with new cable, the exposed wires can cause electric shock when touching them accidentlY. Notes - Term 2,2OL3 Page 7 of I \_./ ;l Grade 9 Physics 'gv calculati0ns ie convenient way of delivering energy. ln the home, that energy is delivered rms using many appliances. EnergY=Fowerxtime Uoules) (watt)(second) The units on an electricity bills are units of energy called kilowatt hour {kWh). To calculate electrical energy in kilowatt hour EnergY=Fowerxtime (kwh) (kw) (hour) TkWh is the arnount of electricol enerav that is used bv \J' s 7000 W gtr pliances in 7 hour. The electricity meter in a house is an energy meter. The reading on the meter gives the total energy supplieei in units. The unit is another name for kilowatt hour. Notes - Term 2,2A13 Page 8 of 8 Physics - Grade 10 lskandhar School ACTION AND lrsE OF CIRCUIT COMPONFNTS are pure, especiallY at low Semiconductors like Silicon and Germanium are insulators if they ! temPeratures' temperatures as more and Their conductivity increases or its resistance decreases at higher r more electrons are made free to move' increases due to But, in the case of metals, as temperature increases, its resistance r increased vibrations of the atoms making electron flow more difficult' , adding tiny but controlled The conductivity of the semi conductors can be increased by 'doping' amouflts of certain substances called "impurities" by a process called , \-/ This can be then used as diodes, transistors and integrated circuits. DloDEs pass through it in one direction Diode is a two terminal, one way device which lets current r onlY' end is the Anode' The wire nearest to the band is lathode and the one at the other r l, I fl ,1 ii I I i ."af,oO" , I --] ,-t\ I ffi /+L__ \.+\l circJe aptianal \--l I I I uno,i..- -'-i i n n it is made of a semi conductor like Silicon or Germanium' lt conducts when the Anode is connected to the positlve terminal and cathode to the negative terminal of the suPPIY' r passes lrr tite lt is then forward biased, its resistance is smaliand conventionalcurrent clirection ol the errow on its symbol. ; l\otes ferm L, 20 14 Page 1 of 11 Physics - lskandhar 1icho.,:l Grrile iC y''.--.. -tf+ :.-- --t t\ t'-*-t I rrrao{ .]_ -I-r,ll r 5'l I i A';^ '.-. ), i l.>v' {ii;6 , , 1'l I I _--_.*__l Fr,rwqrd bioserJ Reverse. biased lf the connections are other way round, it does not conduct, its resistance is large and it is rev€rse biased. Diodes are used to convert alternating current (a.c) to direct current (d.c), a process called Rectification. LTGHT EMTTT|NG p"lgpEs (LEp) I It is a diode made from the semiconductor Gallium arsenide phosphide. , When forward biased, the current through it make it emit red, yellow or green light. F coloured transl'.,rcent plartic case - ---I--J L--___J - tl ' i ,,'ld .1.!/ r / rJ,\ i+/LED ,t '-11 v "anodc A I rtl lL L__---_-l T No light is ernitted in the reversed biased conciition, if it exceeds 5V, may cause damage. I ln use, LED rnust have a suitable resistor in series with it. (e.9.300 O resistor on a 5V supply) ro limit the current. other electronic equipment. a LEDs are used as irrdicator lamps on computers, radios and I Many clocks, caiculators, video recorders and measuring instrurnent have seven segnleirl red or green numerical displays. Each segment is an LED and depending on ,,^,rhich have a voltage across them, the display lights up the numbers 0 to 9. a LEDs are sm.:ll, reliable and have a icng iife" I Their i";peratirig speecl is high anrJ iheii'current requirernents are very low. l{otes - i'erm 1, 2'J14 Pagr: 2 of 11 Physics - Grade 10 lskandhar School LrsHT pEPENDENT RESTSTOR (rDR) The action of an LDR depends on the fact that the resistance of the semiconductor Cadmium Sulphide dereases as the intensity of the light falling on it increases, An LDR and a circuit showing its action are shown below. LDR a.\ \,--. /-\ I }---".r l\_, ---{-t AI 6vl d.c. Yl I I lz.-I L--J't, /t I k:_ i, 6V 0.06A b LDR LDR demonstration circr.rit When the light from a lamp falls on the 'window' of the LDR, its resistance decreases and the increased current lights the larnp. LDRs are used in photographic exposure meters and in series with a resistor to provide an input signal for a transistor. The l-V graph for an LDR is shown below. t+ I I I .-.,.".} 0 fuotes - Ierm 1, 101"4 V Page 3 of t1 Physics - Grade 10 lskandhar School THERMISTOR r when the lt contains a semi conducting metallic oxides whose resistance decreases passing a current through temperature rises either due to heating the thermistor directly or it. . r its action. Heating The diagram below shows a thermistor and a circuit which demonstrates a thermistor with a match lights the bulb' A oC thermistor in series with a meter marked in can measure temperatures' therrntstrlr r--'*- t t--/--i*l :t il GVI d.c ol a ffi Tl rernt istor I 'r K--r ,_-_r."zi--J t /\ <_ I I )' / 6V 0.064 b Thernristor demonstration circuit the lf a resistor and thermistor are connected as a potential divider, thevoltage across resistor increases as the temperature of the thermistor increases' radiator' The circuit can be used to monitor temperature, for example in a car /t -*- thernristor' 0 -*-**-----l- V I -V 6roph for o l'hermistor flotes - Term 1, 2014 Page 4 cf X.J. Physics - Grade lskandhar Schcol 1"0 POTENTI4t-DlvlDER produces an output A potential divider is a simple circuit with resistors connected in series. lt voltage (v out) that is a fraction of the output voltage, r I Vt I 1 Vz I I t . . o ln the above circuit two resistors Rr and Rz are connected in series with a supply of voltage V The potential differences across the resistors are in the ratio of their resistances. The current in the circuit is , ' Supply voltage Total resistance V (R1 + R2) So the voltage across Rr is And the voltage across Vr = \r x Rr I x Rr = (R1 + R?) Rz is Vout 111 x *j--- (Rr + R2) Ratio of the voltage across each resistor is vt: ni vz R2 f'lotes - Term 1, .1S14 Page 5 of 11 Phyi,ics - lskandhar School Grltje li) ELECTRONIC SYSTEM An electronic system can be considered to consist of the three parts as shown in the block diagram. or A transducer is a device for converting a anon electrical input into an electrical signal vice-versa lnput sensor detects changes in the environment and converts them from their present form of energy into electrical energy lnput sensors or transducers include LDRs, thermisters, microphones and switches which respond, for instance, to pressure changes' Proces,sor It is the part of an electronic system, which receives electrical signals from the input sensor and decides an action like amplification, timing, storing or counting. Output device lamPs, It converts the electrical energy supplied by the processor into attother form. These include LEDs, [oudspeakers, motors, heaters, relays and CRO etc. lJotes - Term 1, .1014 Pag,e 6 of 11 lskandhar School Physics - Grade 1.0 Feedback ln many systems, all or part of the output (energy or information) is fed back to the input. This process of returning the output energy of a device to the input is called Feedback Feedback is positive if it acts in the same direction as the input and increases the output. r lt is used to produce a.c in electricaloscillators and in bistables (basic memory elements in computer) . Too much positive feedback can cause instability in a system (lf sound from the speaker is picked up by microphone and fed back to amplifier, the speaker will produce 'howls') n . . Feedback is negative if it acts opposite to the input and reduces the output. ln the amplifier, it decreases the gain and makes it more stable, better controlled and less distorted Applications . . r Controlof body temperature Control ofa heater Control of a car exhaust ijotes - Ierm i,1014 Page 7 of L1 Physics - Grade 10 lskandhar School CAPACITORS They cannot conduct charge in the way capacitors are devices connected in electronic circuits. to store charge for a short interval of resistors and other components do., but it has the ability time. lts ability to store charge is called capacitance ' . r lts Sl unit is farad (F) have much smaller value ln practical terms a farad is a very Iarge unit and most capacitors than 1 farad. r Common sizes of capacitors are made in small units' Capacitance of a capacitor depend on ,/ ,/ ,/ Area of the Plates Separation between the Plates lnsulating medium between the plates CaPacitance t.t =;ffi The circuit symbol for a capacitor is given below iF of charge on one plate produces capacitors do not allow electron to flow through it, but any change plate' an equalcharge in the induced charge on the opposite ruotes - Term L, 20i4 Page 8 of 11 Physics -Grade 10 lskandhar School CharginE a caPacitor insulator' called dielectric' parallel metal plates separated by an A capacitor consist$ of two co(to*cll(rrl$ to Plntlls m$llr! Pllrlgo tal P'rrallel'Ptatr'r e:aPacttor as polyesters and oxide, Mylar, mica and plastic such Dielectric material includes aluminum polYProPYlene' a cell or battery' is to connect its two leads to The simplest way of charging capacitor negative terminal onto two prates, erectrons frow from the when the battery is connected to the the battery at its leave the other plate and flow onto one plate, making it negative. Electrons plates depends on the positive' The amount of charge on the positive terminal.'Ihis plate becomes vottage of the batterY' rr !fltiil 7' jrlille X €, rn CJ E a) t {} Ll) (s E #--*-_- slsctran lltrrv (irr wire) (a| Cltarglng Charging Durtngthecharging,thereisabriefflowofelectronsrounrlthecircuitfromXtoYibutnotthrough by sensitive meter' i,voul6 be detected at any point in the circuit current brief a and the dielectric) Charging stop when tr"ro Y and opposes the battery voltage' The voltage build up between X and so the charging current is zero' flow ln the clrcuit voltage are equal and no electrons i;1gg g i:f 11 I'lctes - Ierrn l, 2014' Physir.s - lskandhar School Gtadt l0 Disclrarging a capacitors Removing the charge form the capacitor plates is called discharging. When a conductor is connected across a charged capacitor, there ls a brief flow of electrons form the negatively charged plate to the positively charged plate. {i.e.) form Y or X. the charge stored by the capacitors falls to zero, as does the voltage across it. e (tr E o B o tinls slsctron llovtr Io discharge caPacilor {bi Discharging DischargJng D*emonstrq$on ln the circuit below, a two way switch charges the capacitor, C in position 1 and discharges it in position 2 100kil lf the'ralue of R and C i-q iarger, capacitor wiil take ionger tirne to charge and discharge. The direction of Centre zero rnilli ammeter reverse for each process. Notes --fernr 1, ,?014 Page L0 of tr1 Physics - Grade lskandhar School 1.0 Effect of capacitors in d.c and a.c circuits Direct current ln the circuit shown below, the supply is d.c but the lamp does not light because capacitors block d.c I 000p F 2.5V 0.34 Alternating current ln the circuit below, the supply is a.c and the lamp lights, suggesting that a capacitor passes a.c 0O0p.F 2V ll.c. ?.5V o.3A No current actually passes through the capacitor since its plats are separated by an insulator. As the a.c reverse direction, the capacitors charge and discharge causing electrons to flow to and fro rapidly in the wires joining the plates. So a.c flows the circuit lighting the lamp. f{otes - Term 1, 201-4 P,rge 11 i-rf 11