* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Extra Credit Review Sheet - Living Environment Test #2 Te Yo r Kno ledge: Macromolec le of Life Biological Macromolec le , Fill in he blank: Macromolec le Carbohydrates Building Block Elemen s Presen F nc ion E amples stdy src of energy simple sugar starch N/A Lipids fatty acid stores energy N/A Proteins Amino Acids Fats Oils Phospholipids Cholesterol Grease Waxes Steroids meat N/A Nucleic Acids Genetic Information nucleotoid dna N/A 1. Which group contains sugars? a. Proteins b. Carbohydrates 3. Lipds 4. Nucleic Acids 2. The most important inorganic molecule in your body is ____________________. aminoacids 3. The function and shape of most proteins depends on the _________________________. amino acids 4. During the digestion of proteins specific enzymes break them down into ___________________. 5. What category of molecule does this structure belong to? simplesugard/carbohydrates _________________________________ 6. The molecule that stores and transmits genetic information is called ____________________. dna 7. Explain how the organic molecules of life are like beads on a string: ____________________________________________________________________________ hey connect like beads ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 part of polymer 8. What is a monomer? __________________________________________________________ mulitple molecules 9. What is a polymer? ___________________________________________________________ 10. Which category of molecules does this structure belong to? _____________________________ nucleic acids energy 11. What is stored In the chemical bonds of organic molecules? ______________________ energy 12. Carbohydrates are important to living things because they provide __________________. sotrehouse, makes cellmembrane, molecule signals 13. Name 3 reasons why lipids are important to living things: _________________________ 14. Draw the cartoon structure of a lipid molecule: y. It allows metabolic reactions to take place and 15. What are some of the functions of proteins? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ coordinates bodily functions.repairs body tissue 16. Name the process that occurs when monomers are linked together to form polymers: polymerization ________________________________________________________________________ 17. Which compound has a chemical composition most closely related to glucose? 1. Starch 2. ATP 3. Protein 5. DNA 18. A chemical digestion reaction forms when: a. b. c. d. two simpler molecules are combined and a water is removed in the reaction a complex molecule is split into simpler molecules by the addition of water one element is exchanged for another in a compound fats are formed from smaller organic compounds 19. Which category of molecules does this structure belong to? __________________________________ Two environmental factors that affect enzyme action are pH and temperature. All enzymes work best in an optimum (best) pH and temperature. Under extreme condition pH and temperatures, however, enzymes denature or change shape. When an enzyme denatures, it no longer works properly causing enzyme activity to decrease. (See the graphs below) Conclusion Questions 1. In the following equation, label the reactants and the products: 2 H2O2 à 2 H2O+ O2 product actant 2. Enzymes are also known as catalysts . protien 3. What organic compound are enzymes made of? 4. What is the function of enzymes? speeed chemical reactions 5. Explain what is meant by the phrase “lock and key” model. substate fits in enzyme like key an dlock 6. Label the following parts of the diagram: enzymes, substrate, active site, enzyme-substrate complex, products. V: active site enzzyme subtrate complex W: X: Y: Z: enzyme substrate product a. Explain how you are able to identify the enzyme: the shape of the indent of the circle b. Explain why the enzyme would not be likely to digest a different organic compound. enzyme only work on 1 molecule 7. Define the term denature. when enzyme breaks bec bad temp or ph 8. What two environmental factors can denature an enzyme? ph or tempurture 9. According to the graph below: a. what is the optimum pH for intestinal protease? 8 b. what is the optimum pH for gastric protease? 3 c. at what pH do gastric protease and intestinal protease BOTH work? 4-6 10. According to the graph below, what is the optimum temperature for this enzyme? a. What happens to the enzyme after it reaches it optimum temperature? doesnt work as well 38 Cell Transport Review Sheet 1. Identify the following statements as true or false. If false, correct the sentence. a. The cell membrane selectively regulates the passage of substances into and out of the cell. b. The cell membrane is composed of protein channels, lipids, and protein receptors. c. The cell membrane has the same permeability to all substances found inside or outside the cell. d. The cell membrane is a double protein layer with floating lipid molecules. e. The cell membrane forms a boundary that separates the cellular contents from the outside environment. f. The cell membrane is capable of receiving and recognizing chemical signals. g. The cell membrane forms a barrier that keeps all substances that might harm the cell from entering the cell. h. The cell membrane controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell. i. The cell membrane serves as a layer of protection much like human skin. 2. a. Identify molecules which are able to easily pass through the cell membrane: h2o co2 amino acids 4. Identify molecules which are unable to easily pass through the cell membrane: salt complex molecule starch protien 5. Receptors aid in cell to cell communication. Certain chemicals are able to bind to them due to their scientificshape. 6. Using the diagram below, describe how the importance of chemical messages and receptors. wont know what to do 7. List the 4 life functions that the cell membrane is involved in: transport regualtion, excretion, respiraition __________________________________________________________________