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Your name: Denise Orozco
TEKS Standard: 10(D)
(10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their
parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their
environments. The student is expected to:
(D) observe changes that are part of a simple life cycle of a plant: seed, seedling,
plant, flower, and fruit.
ELPS Standard: 3(H)
(3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking
(H) narrate, describe, and explain with increasing specificity and detail as more
English is acquired.
Topic: Life Cycle of a Plant
Grade: Kindergarten
ELP Level: Intermediate
Key Vocabulary: life cycle, plant, seed, seedling, flower, fruit, identify, explain, water, soil,
Materials (Including Supplemental and Adapted): Video clips, pictures, vocabulary words
with pictures, seeds, pot, soil, water, foldable, crayons, glue, scissors, pencil, journal.
Higher Order Thinking Questions:
Who knows how plants grow?
What does “life cycle of a plant” mean?
What is the beginning stage of a plant’s life cycle?
What does the seed need in order to grow to a plant?
What is the last stage of the life cycle of a plant?
Connections to Prior Knowledge/Building Background (link to experience/past learning):
refer to the butterfly cycle or explain how kids (them) started from being a little “bean” (embryo)
to where they are right now to being teenagers, then young adults, and so on.
Content Objectives (Write out a statement in language appropriate for ELL level of
students): Students will be able to identify the stages of the life cycle of plant using vocabulary
words with pictures.
Listening and Speaking- Meaningful Activities: Students will listen to a video on the
life of a plant and respond to “what is the life cycle of a plant?” and “what is the
beginning stage of a plant’s life cycle?”
Listening and Speaking-Review/Assessment: Students will help me put vocabulary
words with pictures in order starting from seed to fruit.
Reading and Writing-Meaningful Activities: Students will identify the order of the life
cycle of a plant by cutting pictures and gluing them in a foldable.
and Writing-Review/Assessment: Students will plant their own seed and write the
growth of their plant and what they see.
Language Objectives (Write out a statement in language appropriate for ELL level of
students): Students will explain the process of how a plant grows to their partner and share what
stage they like more.
Integration of Content with Language: Meaningful Activities: Students will be able to
be able to list things that a plant needs to grow and the stages.
Integration of Content with Language: Review/Assessment: Students will explain,
identify and understand the meaning of vocabulary words that are used with the life cycle
of a plant: life cycle, plant, seed, seedling, flower, fruit, water, soil, sunlight.
Review and Assessment (Check All That Apply):
Individual ____ Group_____ Written____ Oral _____