Download Your Take On Science Technology

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Your Take On Science Technology
For the past several years, technological advances in science have been
occurring at a phenomenal rate. If this trend continues, you may witness
advances in science that you would never imagine possible. Regardless of the
impact that technological advances in science can bring to the lives of many
people, these advances are also very controversial. Depending on the
specific advancement, the controversy surrounding each issue may originate
from various areas ranging from religious beliefs to moral values.
Your task is to write an editorial paper that could be published in the school
newspaper or the local newspaper. The editorial should be a persuasive piece
on a specific advancement in science that has been implemented into
practice during your lifetime, or one that is currently being researched and
will have an impact on society within your lifetime. Research the
advancement of your choice, exploring as much information as possible about
the topic, including the pros and cons contributing to the controversy
surrounding the topic. The editorial should raise awareness of the issue
that you have chosen by presenting detailed information so that the reader
fully understands the topic, and in a manner which persuades the reader
toward your position on the topic.
Possible Topics:
 gene therapy
 human cloning
 cloning
 genomics
 cryonics
 stem cell research
 human genetic engineering
Persuasive Essay : Science Technology Persuasive Editorial
4321CATEGORY Above Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Score
The position statement
provides a clear, strong
statement of the
author's position on the
The position statement A position statement is present, There is no position
provides a clear
but does not make the author's statement.
statement of the
position clear.
author's position on
the topic.
All of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and
explanations are given
that show how each
piece of evidence
supports the author's
Most of the evidence
and examples are
specific, relevant and
explanations are given
that show how each
piece of evidence
supports the author's
At least one of the pieces of
evidence and examples is
relevant and has an explanation
that shows how that piece of
evidence supports the author's
Evidence and
examples are NOT
relevant AND/OR are
not explained.
Arguments and
support are provided
in a fairly logical order
that makes it
reasonably easy to
follow the author's
train of thought.
A few of the support details or
arguments are not in an
expected or logical order,
distracting the reader and
making the essay seem a little
Many of the support
details or arguments
are not in an expected
or logical order,
distracting the reader
and making the essay
seem very confusing.
Sequencing Arguments and
support are provided in
a logical order that
makes it easy and
interesting to follow the
author's train of
The conclusion is
strong and leaves the
reader solidly
understanding the
writer's position. Makes
a clear personal
appeal to the reader.
Effective restatement
of the position.
The conclusion is
recognizable. Makes
an adequate personal
appeal to the reader.
The author's position
is restated adequately.
The conclusion is insufficient. A There is no conclusion
poor personal appeal is made. - the paper just ends.
The author's position is
insufficiently restated.
Science content used
is correct and provides
strong support for the
position taken on the
Science content is
correct and
adequately supports
the position of the
Minor problems or
misconceptions of the science
content used in the writing. The
science content is related to the
position of the author.
Science content used
in the writing is wrong
and/or is not related to
the position of the
Author makes 1-2
errors in grammar or
spelling that distracts
the reader from the
Author makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distracts the reader from the
Author makes more
than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distracs the reader
from the content.
Grammar & Author makes no
errors in grammar or
spelling that distracts
the reader from the
4 = 50 points
3 =40 points
2 = 25 points
1 = 10 points
Total: _____________