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lOMoARcPSD|9600176 Chapter 3 Discussion Questions Intro To Sociology (University of Alabama) StuDocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by elizabbeth ojo ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|9600176 Chapter 3 Discussion Questions Laura Smith SOC 101-001 23 January 2013 1. A status is a social category that is distinct from other groups whose individuals are expected to act/think/speak a certain way, while roles are the behaviors that members of a certain status are expected to maintain. This system creates predictability in our society by ensuring that people from certain categories act in a way that is predictable to members of other groups. In this way people have a general idea of what to expect from the “generalized other”. 2. The adoption of a role or identity also usually means the adoption of a certain set of behaviors to go along with it. People who have been labeled with a certain role are generally expected to act similarly to other members of society that also have that role. For example, if someone is charged with a crime and is sent to jail, they are more likely to act like criminals, even if the crime they committed was unusual to their normal identity. 3. “The Rhetoric and Reality of ‘Opting Out’” describes the conflict of many welleducated, successful women between their roes of mother and full-time worker. Because of their high-paying, fulfilling jobs and the pressure put on them by their bosses and husbands, these women are reluctant to give up their role of breadwinner in their household, but the instinct and intense desire to care for their children often overpowers their reluctance to leave their jobs. Those close to the conflicted mother often only make things worse by not allowing much job flexibility (bosses) and lacking any meaningful advice or input on the matter (significant others). 4. The women in Stone’s research decided that staying at home full-time with their children was the only way to truly feel as if they were fulfilling their roles. When at work, these moms would miss their children terribly and could only think about leaving early to see them, but when at home they would be plagued by guilt because of the work that they left undone at their job. Switching to part-time is another option that some of these women could have chosen, as long as they could work out the details with their bosses, but the overall choice is clear: new mothers can choose to either care for their child or maintain a fulfilling, progressing career. These options reveal that our society is expecting parents to perform these roles separately and completely, even in the face of the role conflict that is imminent. Downloaded by elizabbeth ojo ([email protected])