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Bone Tissue and Bones Test
1. The anatomical name for kneecap is _____________.
2. The anatomical name for the heelbone is ___________.
3. The anatomical name for the collarbone is ____________.
4. The anatomical name for the shoulder blade is __________.
5. The tarsal bone that is most superior in location and articulates with the tibia and fibula is the _______.
6. The lower extremities are attached to the axial skeleton by the _________girdle.
7. The upper extremities are attached to the axial skeleton by the _________girdle.
8.9.10 The three fused bones that make up the hip bone are the _______,__________,and ________.
11. The socket on the hip bone that the head of the femur fits into is called the _________..
12. There are _____bones in the body.
13. Site of yellow bone marrow____________
The passageway through the skull for sound to enter the ear is the _______________.
29. _______________are cells that destroy bone.
30._______________are cells that build bone and therefore increase thickness of compact bone.
31._______________are mature bone cells.
Bone formation is called __________.
Bones that form from membranes, such as in the skull, have formed ____________.
Non-living, structural part of bone
Compact bone is arranged in concentric circle patterns known as ________
A femur is an example of a flat, short, long, or irregular bone?________
Carpals are examples of flat, short, long or irregular bones?________
Skull bones are examples of flat, short, long or irregular bones?__________
Osteocytes are found histologically within the ____________of bone.
The epiphyseal _____is the bony region in the bones of adults that marks the original site of growth.
The epiphysis is primarily made up of compact or spongy bone?
The diaphysis of bones is primarily made up of compact or spongy bone?
A foramen is a bone marking classified as a flat surface, depression or projection
A process is a bone marking classified as a flat surface, depression or projection.
Site of red bone marrow
Ends of long bones are covered with __________cartilage.
Bones do not have a nervous supply. T or F
Which is more distal—the humerous or the carpals?