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SOC 573 - Research Project
James G. Anderson, Ph.D.
Purdue University
Planning Your Research
Choose a Topic
Specify a Specific Research Question
Do a Literature Review (Library/Internet)
State the Specific Problem You Intend to Study
Specify the population/Sample from which You
Plan to Collect Data
• Develop a Data Collection Plan
• Outline a Schedule for Your Research
• Discuss Your Research project with Me
Example 1
• Objectives/Questions: The purpose of the
research is to determine the level of public support
for prenatal genetic screening (PGS)
Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that families with a
history of genetic disorders will be more favorable
to PPGS than other families
Population: Families with and without a history of
genetic disorders
Data Collection: Surveys, Interviews
Analysis: Compare attitudes of families with and
without genetic disorders
Example 2
• Objectives/Questions: Do patients and health care
providers differ in their attitudes toward restricting
HIV-positive physicians and nurses from
performing invasive procedures?
• Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that patients will
more strongly favor restrictions than physicians and
• Population: Patients, physicians and nurses
• Data Collection: Surveys, interviews, focus groups
• Analysis: Compare attitudes of the three groups
Example 3
• Objectives/Questions: The objective is to compare
the views of Christian Scientists and state child
welfare officials on the issue of the state requiring
medical treatment for seriously ill children under 18
• Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that Christian
Scientists will be opposed to state regulations, while
state officials will strongly support regulations
• Population: A Christian Scientist family with an ill
child; state welfare officials
• Data Collection: Case study; interviews
• Analysis: Case study material , description of the
case, actions, etc.
Example 4
• Objectives/Questions: To determine whether scores
on the HIV Knowledge and Attitude Scale (HKAS)
are correlated with scores on the Johnson Job Stress
Scale (JJSS)among lab technicians who test blood
samples from patients who may be HIV+
• Hypothesis: There will be a significant negative
correlation between the two scores
• Population: Laboratory technicians
• Data Collection: Administer the two scales
• Analysis: Correlation of the two test scores
• 3rd week - Title, statement of objectives, and outline of
your research project
• 4th week - Discuss your project with the instructor
• 4th through 13th weeks - carry out your research
project and prepare a draft of your report
• Thanksgiving week - Turn in a draft of your report
• 15th-16th weeks- Class presentation of your research
• 16th week - Turn in final report with proposal and data