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Week of February 8th-12th. Chapters 16 & 17 Responses due to by 11:59pm, 2-21-15
World History Concepts for the Week:
 Enlightenment ideas from thinkers such as Locke, Rousseau, as well as the ideas of advocates of the social
gospel influenced many people to challenge existing notions of social relations, which contributed to the
expansion of rights as seen in expanded suffrage, the abolition of slavery, and the end of serfdom.
 Beginning in the 18th century, peoples around the world such as Germany and Italy, developed a new sense of
commonality based on language, religion, social customs, and territory called nationalism. These newly
imagined national communities linked this identity with the borders of the state, while governments used this
idea to unite diverse populations.
 Demand for women’s suffrage and an emergent feminism challenged political and gender hierarchies, reflected
in documents such as Olympe De Gouges’s “Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen”.
 Industrialization, which resulted from several factors such as geographic distribution of resources, accumulation
of capital, and improved agricultural productivity, fundamentally changed how goods and services were
 The development and spread of global capitalism led to a variety of responses as workers in industrialized states
organized to improve working conditions, limit hours, and gain higher wages while some promoted alternative
visions of society such as Marxism.
 The ways in which people organized themselves into societies also underwent changes in industrialized states
due to the restructuring of the global economy including new social classes, family dynamics, and gender roles.
 Migration in many cases was influenced by changes in demography in both industrialized and unindustrialized
societies that presented challenges to existing patterns of living.
Vocabulary for 3x5 Cards: Abolition, Social Gospel, nationalism, Olympe de Gouges, industrialization, Royal Navy,
Proletariat, Marxism, settler colonies, trans-Siberian railroad
Monday, February 8th. Read from “The Abolition of Slavery” on page 798 to “Nations and Nationalism” on page 801.
Prompt: Analyze three causes of the abolition of slavery, explaining how each cause contributed to the end of the
slave trade.
Use and underline the following terms in your answer: Abolition, Social Gospel, Enlightenment
Tuesday, February 9th. Read from “Nations and Nationalism” on page 801 to 811.
Prompt: Compare and contrast nationalism versus feminism using three analytical categories.
Use and underline the following terms in your answer: nationalism, Olympe de Gouges
Wednesday, February 10th. Read from page 827 to “The First Industrial Society” on page 835.
Prompt: Analyze three causes explaining why Europe (starting with Britain) was the first area to industrialize.
Use and underline the following terms in your answer: industrialization, Royal Navy
Thursday, February 11th. Read from “The First Industrial Society” on page 835 to “Europeans in Motion” on page 844.
Prompt: In what ways did Marxism represent a reaction to the social changes the resulted from industrialization?
Use and underline the following terms in your answer: Bourgeoisie, Proletariat, Marxism
Friday, February 12th. Read from “Europeans in Motion on page 844 to “Variations on a theme: Industrialization in the
United States and Russia”.
Prompt: Analyze three causes of European migration during the period 1750-1900.
Use and underline the following terms in your answer: settler colonies, trans-Siberian railroad
Abolition: Movement within European-influenced “Western” nations advocating for the freeing of existing slaves along
with eliminating the global slave trade.
Social Gospel: Movement among protestant churches, mostly in the northern states of the United States, to apply
Christian humanist values to the issues of the time including abolition of slavery.
Nationalism: A shared belief in and identification with a society or group who share a common language, religion, social
customs, or territory.
Olympe de Gouges: Thinker and political activist who, during the French Revolution, asserted that women deserved
equal rights as men in her “Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen”. Executed during the radical
phase of the revolution by the Committee for Public Safety led by Maximilian Robespierre for being a counterrevolutionary.
Industrialization: Process by which an economy increased manufacturing through mechanization, banking practices that
provide capital, and organization of national or imperial resources to provide raw materials for production.
Royal Navy: British royal Navy used to protect British merchant ships, facilitate migration within the empire, and enforce
British law (e.g. the 1809 prohibition of maritime slave trade).
Proletariat: The working class in cities who provided the labor for factories. Marx believed the proletariat would
violently revolt against the factory owners (and bourgeoisie class as a whole) and establish a socialist utopia.
Marxism: Ideology first articulated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which interprets the history of human civilization
as the exploitation of the poor and powerless by the elite and powerful. Posits an inevitable revolution following
industrialization resulting in the overthrow of the bourgeoisies and establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Settler colonies: Colonies within empires that became destination for permanent immigration from imperial core
countries, e.g. Australia and New Zealand.
Trans-Siberian railroad: Railway established by the Russian monarchy which allowed for quick movement of people and
goods from Moscow to the Eastern borders of the empire and facilitated Eastward Expansion.