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50 CHAPTER-4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS FOR Fe3O4 4 . 1 . X-Ray Diffraction (XRD):X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. X-rays exhibit both wave nature and particle nature. Arthur Compton confirmed the particle nature of Xrays by scattering of X-rays from electrons. The observation of X-ray diffraction in the year 1912 was a confirmation for most of the scientists that X-rays were a form of electro magnetic radiation. X-Ray diffraction is a characterization technique. The basic equation governing XRD is the Bragg Law. The Bragg’s law is given by the equation, nλ= 2dsin mathematical form where λ is the wavelength of the x-rays, d is the spacing between certain crystalline planes, and angle through which the x-ray is diffracted. of is the Incident x-rays are diffracted at different angles depending upon the d-spacing of crystal lattices. Standard data of XRD patterns of different crystals have been compiled and stored in large database so that an experimental sample can be compared to a standard on order to identify the material and/or phase. For this analysis, a standard for magnetite was obtained and plotted along with the experimentally collected data. 51 In crystals, atoms are arranged in a regular array(repeated arrangement of atoms) like structure. When X-rays are incident on these atoms, they are scattered by electrons revolving in those atoms. When an X-ray strikes the electron, secondary spherical waves are produced .These secondary spherical waves emanate from the electrons in the atoms. This phenomenon is called elastic scattering and it is clearly understood that electron pays the role of scatterer. A regular array of atoms produces a regular array of spherical waves. In most directions, these secondary waves interfere destructively. Constructive interference also takes place between these spherical waves in certain specific directions given by Bragg’s Law: Figure 4.1.1: Utilizing Bragg's law in XRD Here d is the spacing between diffracting planes, θ is the incident angle, n is any integer, and λ is the wavelength of the beam. These specific directions 52 appear as spots on the diffraction pattern called reflections. Thus, X-ray diffraction results from an electromagnetic wave (the X-ray) impinging on a regular array of scatterers (the repeating arrangement of atoms within the crystal). To observe diffraction any diffraction clearly, the wave length of the incident radiation should be comparable to the spacing between the scatterers. The wave length of visible light is too high to observe to observe diffraction of crystals. Wave length of X-rays is comparable to the unit cell spacing in the crystal. That means, crystals can be used as diffraction gratings for X-rays and there by we can understand crystal structure. Prior to the discovery of X-ray diffraction, the d-spacings between the lattice planes in various crystals were not known exactly. Sample preparation for XRD is relatively simple since is adhered to a glass slide. The particle powder was then deposited on top of the tape and spread out to cover the entire surface of the tape. Figure 4.1.2 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples at different Fuel to Oxidizer Ratio Varying from 0.25 to 2. The heating temperature for samples are 2500C. Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared under standard conditions reveals diffraction peaks at (220), (311), (400), (422), (511), (440), These peaks are consistent with the database in JCPDS file(PDF No. #19629) etc. which are the characteristic peaks of the Fe3O4 crystal with a cubic spinel structure. It is clear that only the phase of Fe3O4 is detectable for F/O Ratio 0.75, 1.25, 1.5 and 2. There are some other impurities for o/f ratio 0.25, 53 0.5,1 and 1.75. In this procedure. It could also been learned that particle size is small from the relatively wide half-peak breadth. With the XRD pattern, the average diameter which can be evaluated from Scherrer equation is obtained as 13.2 nm. Figure 4.1.2: X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples at different Fuel to Oxidizer Ratio 54 Calculation of Crystallite Size: The crystallite size of as prepared and calcinated or annealed compositions were calculated from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of all the peaks in XRD pattern using the Debye-Scherrer formula. (3.1.1) Where B is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the XRD all peaks, t is the crystallite size, λ is the wave length of the X-ray and θ is Bragg’s angle. B (FWHM) calculated by use of the Gaussian function curve non linear fitting in Origin8 software. Determine Crystal Structure and Lattice Parameters: Compare the XRD patterns of our samples with JCPDS data card and choose the matched patterns for calculating lattice parameters. Note down the plane Miller indices of each peak and crystal structure and indicate the same Miller indices corresponding peaks of our samples. And next step is the calculating lattice parameters from Bragg’s law (equation 3.2.b) and below relation between inter planar distance (d) and lattice parameters (a, b, c) and Miller indices (l, m, n) for each peak and average of those gives the lattice parameters of unit cell of that sample. 55 1/d= ((l/a)2+(m/b)2+(n/c)2)1/2 (3.1.2) For Cube a=b=c eq.3.1.2 Becomes ( 3.1.3) Crystallite sizes of Magnetite nanoparticles calculated by Deby-Scherrer formula and help of Origin8. Our Magnetite nano particles XRD pattern matched with PDF #19-629 (JCPDS card number). This samples structure is Cubic and lattice parameters are calculated from above mentioned procedure of determining lattice parameters. And those values are tabulated below. F/O(Ratio) Crystalline size (nm) Structure Lattice parameters a(0A) 0.25 21.04 Cubic 8.241 0.5 17.94 Cubic 8.274 0.75 17.40 Cubic 7.633 1 15.66 Cubic 8.955 1.25 13.20 Cubic 6.761 1.5 18.11 Cubic 7.828 1.75 20.75 Cubic 8.400 2 15.80 Cubic 8.292 Table 4.1.1. Crystallite sizes and structure and lattice parameters of Magnetite nanoparticles for different F/O ratios. 56 4.2. Thermo Gravimetric/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA): Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA or TG) is considered to be one of the five basic thermal analysis techniques. It involves the measurement of change of sample mass with change of temperature. In TGA, mass loss is observed if a thermal event involves loss of a volatile component. Chemical reactions, such as combustion, involve mass losses, whereas physical changes, such as melting, do not. The latter may be studied by differential thermal analysis (DTA) or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), both of which measure the variation of heat flux in a sample with variation of temperature. Both physical and chemical changes in a sample can be measured simultaneously by using simultaneous thermal analysis (STA or TGA-DTA), which is a combination of TGA and DTA or, less commonly, DSC (TGA-DSC). Simultaneous thermal analysis involves measurement of both mass loss and heat flux of a sample simultaneously with variation of temperature. However, thermal analysis techniques cannot be used in general for the identification or characterization of a sample. A more detailed analysis of the thermal behavior of a sample is possible if the volatile components released from a thermal decomposition can be identified. 57 Figure 4.2.1: TG/DTA Instrument. While TGA provides mass loss data related to such volatiles, DTA gives the temperature range over which such volatiles are released. As materials are heated, they can lose or gain weight by reacting with the atmosphere in the testing environment. Since weight loss and gain are disruptive process to the sample material or batch, knowledge of the magnitude and temperature of those reactions are necessary in order to design adequate thermal ramps and holds during those critical reaction periods. The gas environment is pre-selected for either thermal decomposition (inert gases such as N2, He, Ar), oxidative decompositions (air or pure O2), or thermal–oxidation. A peak of the temperature derivative of the weight dm/dt is indicate of the oxidation temperature weigh is shifted to lower temperature for chemically modified MWCNTs. 58 Features: • Comprehensive and quick analysis of thermal stability, decomposition behavior, composition, phase transitions, melting processes . • Can be easily operated because of top-loading facility, precise balance resolution (25 ng resolution at a weighing range of 5g) and highest longterm stability • Interchangeable sensors for DSC measurements with highest sensitivity and best reproducibility for reaction/transition temperatures and enthalpies as well as for measurements of specific heat • A variety of optional system enhancements for ideal system adaption to user-defined applications • Various furnaces, easily interchangeable by the user, available (optional a swiveling double hoisting device for two furnaces) • Pluggable sample carriers (TG, TG-DSC, TG-DTA, etc.) • Automatic Sample Changer (ASC) for up to 20 samples • Automatic evacuation and refilling (Autovac) • Plenty of accessories, e.g. sample crucibles in the most varied of forms and materials 59 • Unique for STA: temperature-modulated DSC (TM-DSC) • Figure 4.2.2: DTA patterns of the samples at different Fuel to Oxidizer Ratio 60 Figure 4.2.3: TG patterns of the samples at different Fuel to Oxidizer Ratio A thermo gravimetric differential thermal analysis(TGDTA) curve was obtained for determining the heating process .Then solution was dried at 400 0Cfor nearly half an hourin air and a dry powder was obtained .Fig 4.2.2 shows a typical TG_DTA curve for magnetite powder.A careful observation at TG curve reveals a weight loss step in the temperature range of 250 0C – 400 0C.An endo thermic peak can also be observed at around a temperature of 320 0C in the DTA curve.The loss of decomposed organometallic precursor is the reason behind the appearance of endo thermic peak.Above 400 0C, there is no weig ht change.that means the heating temperature should be in the range of 250 0C to 400 0C.Below 250 0C, the organic ester will not decompose.That’s why the sample was annealed in air for nearly two hours at 2500C - 3500C. 61 Experimental Procedure for Cp Calculation: The sensitivity of the DTA/DSC baseline total heat capacity can be exploited to determine the specific heat of unknowns. The procedure is outlined in Fig 3.2.4. First, an empty sample container versus an empty reference container is run. A known mass of standard material (our standard material is the α-Alumina) with a known heat capacity (1.089 J/g/K) behavior is then placed in the sample container and exposed to the identical heating rate. Finally, a known mass of the material of unknown heat capacity is placed in the sample container and exposed to the same heating rate. All three traces are superimposed to the same plot, as shown in the Fig 3.2.4. If the total heat capacities of the empty sample and reference containers were perfectly matched, then the empty sample container versus empty reference container trace should appear as a flat baseline of zero value during the entire scan. This is rarely the case (due to asymmetries in instrument construction) and is actually not necessary for this calculation. The temperature deviation from this base line (empty panels line) for other traces is a result of the extra thermal mass on the sample side, causing it to lag the reference in temperature during the heating ramp. Defining Cp as the specific heat (J/g/K), the sample specific heat is determined by the ratio; where M is mass as determined from an analytical balance, and ∆T’s 62 are measured at the same temperature. For reproducibility, the standard and reference granules should be of the same size and the sample container should be of the same size and the samplecontainer should be placed same position in the DTA cell. Above mentioned experimental procedure collected from the “Thermal analysis of materials by speyer, marcelkker” publication. From above procedure we were calculated the specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) for Magnetite nano particles at all O/F ratios. Those are shown in Table 4.2.1. Figure 4.2.4 Outlined procedure for calculation of specific heat capacity (C). 63 F/O Cp(J/g.K) 0.25 0.541 0.5 0.582 0.75 0.643 1 0.631 1.25 0.674 1.5 0.668 1.75 0.672 2 0.675 Table 4.2.1 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure for different F /O ratios. 4.3. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR): Fourier Transform is actually a mathematical algorithm.A raw data can be converted into spectrum by using a fourier transform.Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy has led to new applications in in Infrared Spectroscopy.After the invention of FTIR spectroscopy, Dispersive Infrared Spectrometers are outdated.Using FTIR infrared spectrum of spectroscopy, we can obtain obtain absorption,emission,Raman Scattering of a solid,liquid,gas.The main advantage of FTIR spectrometer is that it can collect 64 spectral data in a wide spectral range.A Dispersive Infrared spectrometer can measure intensity only over a limited range of wave lengths By looking at the above features, one can come to a conclusion that FTIR is a novel technique in Infrared Specteroscopy.The vibrational transitions of a molecule can also be detected by using FTIR.Michelson interferometer is an integral part ofFTIR spectrometer.By using Michelson interferometer all wave numbers can be measured at once. Figure 4.3.1: FTIR Instrument Michelson interferometer is the main part of FTIR spectrometer.Michelson interferometer consists of a beam splitter, a fixed mirror and a moving mirror.these two mirrors produce interference pattern. 65 Figure 4.3.2: Scheme of FTIR interferometer The beam splitter divides the incoming light beam into two beams.One beam is sent onto fixed mirror and the other beam is sent onto moving mirror.The two beams are reflected by the two mirrors and the beam splitter again collects both beams.The resulting beamis passed to the sample compartment with protein film. The interference pattern is automatically converted into infrared spectrum in accordance with the relation: B(ν)= ∫I(δ) cos 2δνπ δν, where B(ν) resulting spectrum, ν – wavenumber, I(δ) - interferogram pattern, and δ - 66 optical path difference (difference in optical path length between the paths of the two beams). The extent to which a sample absorbs light beams at each wave length , is measured in absorption spectroscopy.In Dispersive Spectroscopy a monochromatic light beam is made to incident on the sample.The amount of light energy absorbed by the sample is measured.the above process is repeated with monochromatic beams of different wave lengths. In fourier transform spectroscopy,a beam containing many different frequencies of light is made to focus on the sample.The amount of light energy absorbed by the sample is measured.In the next step, beam is modified to contain different combinations of frequencies, giving a second data point. The above process is repeated many times.All this data isfed to a computer and the computer works on this data and gives the information about absorption of light at each wave length by the sample. The light beam used in FTIR spectrometer is generated by usng a broad band light source.The broad band light source contains full spectrum ofwave lengths.The light beam is focused on to configuration of two mirrors.One mirror is fixed and the is moving mirror.this configuration is called Michelson interferometer, as already mentioned.this interferometer allows allows certain wave lengths and blocks other wave lengths.The beam is modified for each new data pont by moving one of the mirrors. 67 The data containing light absorption at different mirror positions is fed to a computer.The computer processes this data and gives the absorption of light energy for each wave length,by the sample. Features: • Inorganic compounds and organic compounds in the sample can be identified. • Components of an unknown mixture can be identified. • Analysis of solids, liquids, and gasses • In remote sensing • In measurement and analysis of Atmospheric Spectra • Solar irradiance at any point on earth • Long wave/terrestrial radiation spectra • Can also be used on satellites to probe the space Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is a nondestructive analytical technique used to identify mainly organic materials. FTIR analysis results in absorption spectra which provide information about the chemical bonds and molecular structure of a material. To realize the binding mechanism, FTIR spectra of the Fe3O4 samples at different Fuel to Oxidizer ratio Varying From 0.25 to 2. Were examined as shown in below Figures. 68 100.0 95 937.21 90 1053.77 1116.08 2065.99 85 478.91 461.18 2338.19 470.88 80 1384.36 75 70 680.90 65 60 55 50 %T 45 555.24 40 35 30 1634.21 25 20 15 10 3446.89 5 0.0 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 cm-1 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.3. FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 0.25 Fig 4.3.3.Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 0.25, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3446.89 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1634.21 cm−1 and the main peak at 555.24 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 69 100.0 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 %T 50 45 3874.35 2065.46 1384.41 40 915.43 1109.48 1053.24 728.00 474.99 471.04 695.28 35 462.96 455.10 30 25 552.02 20 1631.33 546.84 635.04 15 10 3.2 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.4. FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 0.5 Fig 4.3.4.Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4having F/O Ratio 0.5, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3440.061 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1631.33 cm−1 and the main peak at 552.02 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 70 100.0 95 829.33 937.35 901.48 808.99 920.74 865.36 848.31 90 3939.83 85 3988.84 452.96 465.61 80 3952.67 479.02 75 70 65 60 3872.90 3883.66 3864.17 3849.18 3798.233824.77 3790.19 3829.87 55 1047.80 1161.63 1021.04 1117.43 3761.19 50 %T 45 3741.35 3773.22 3779.17 1385.07 40 35 30 3721.71 3683.14 693.91 25 20 15 2922.79 10 2494.95 2310.65 3445.71 631.54 1630.72 5 554.47 -2.0 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.5. FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 0.75 Fig 4.3.5.Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having o/f Ratio 0.75, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3445.71 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1630.72 cm−1 and the main peak at 554.47 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 71 100.0 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 3884.19 929.03 780.82 730.17 693.96 %T 50 45 3851.26 40 465.95 1117.27 1045.511021.13 1419.82 35 30 25 20 15 10 1636.79 546.71 3.2 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.6. FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1 Fig 4.3.6.Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having o/f Ratio 1, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3430.51 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1636.79 cm−1 and the main peak at 546.71 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 72 100.0 95 90 85 80 75 928.78 1021.32 70 460.44 65 3995.89 60 896.98 801.15 3911.17 1116.771053.45 55 50 865.49 836.63 478.34 1412.87 %T 45 40 1384.60 35 30 25 2342.54 20 15 694.36 10 3433.27 633.93 554.99 1630.60 5 0.0 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.7. FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1.25 Fig 4.3.7.Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1.25, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3433.27 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1630.60 cm−1 and the main peak at 554.09 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 73 100.0 95 1201.74 3859.56 90 3696.58 3717.79 85 929.34 896.96 867.94 1058.01 829.35 467.07 1101.44 1353.15 1384.76 80 75 70 480.97 65 60 55 50 %T 45 40 35 30 725.95 25 1630.71 20 555.47 582.91 694.25 635.09 15 3430.06 10 5 0.0 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.8 FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1.5 Fig 4.3.8 Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4having F/O Ratio 1.5, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3430.06 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1630.71 cm−1 and the main peak at 555.47 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 74 100.0 95 90 85 80 75 893.78 865.05 837.11 924.58 698.55 947.42 70 65 60 55 1116.64 %T 50 1416.91 1385.04 45 809.34 467.59 1047.55 40 780.80 754.39 729.26 461.78 35 30 25 20 1632.84 15 539.27 10 3.2 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.9 FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1.75 Fig 4.3.9 Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 1.75, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3440.71 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1632.84 cm−1 and the main peak at 539.27 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 75 100.0 95 3702.03 870.03 90 3865.80 3718.12 463.22 85 80 1112.86 1053.71 1021.19 2064.97 2026.78 75 70 1384.52 480.45 65 60 55 50 %T 45 40 35 30 726.34 25 20 1630.51 583.73 3427.09 15 694.69 10 555.06 5 606.85 635.17 0.0 4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 cm-1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0 Figure 4.3.10 FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4having F/O Ratio 2 Fig 4.3.10 Shows FTIR Spectrum of the Sample of Fe3O4 having F/O Ratio 2, the Spectra displays broad absorption around the peak 3427.09 cm−1 observed in curves relates to the –OH Stretching. H-O-H bonding at 1630.51 cm−1 and the main peak at 555.06 cm−1 relates to Fe–O stretching. 76 4 . 4 . Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): The scanning electron microscope is capable of magnifying the sample’s surface to 1,00,000times of it’s original size.the sem consists of Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and electron back scatterer Diffraction arrangements.Both elemental and structural analysis of the sample can be performed by using SEM. Figure 4.4.1 Hitachi VP-SEM S-3400N Principle of SEM: A narrow beam of electrons is focused onto a sample.The electrons in the beam impinge on the molecules of the specimen.The impinging electrons collide with electrons in the molecules of the sample.The impinging electrons are 77 deflected by the sample’s electrons.The energy of the deflected electrons depends upon the interaction between the impinging electrons and sample’s electrons.The energies of the deflected electrons electrons are analyzed by an in built micro processor.The micro processor forms a three dimensional image of the elements present in the given sample. Figure 4.4.2 Block diagram of a typical SEM Semi conductor Radiation detector is a Radiation detector in which a semi conductor(either Silicon or Germanium crystal) acts as a detecting medium.The Semi conductor Radiation detector can perform the duty of detection and 78 measurement of X-rays by the scanning electron microscopy.the semi conductor detecting medium consists of a p-n junction.When an ionizing radiation like X-rays pass throughthrough this junction,a current starts to flow across the junction. Some times the X-ray photon is absorbed across the p-n junction and electron-hole pairs are created in the semi conducting medium.By applying suitable voltage between the opposite faces of the semi conductor block,a current can be made to flow through the block.These currents are recorded,amplified and analyzed to determine the energy energy,intensity and identity of the incident charged particle. If these detectors are operated at low temperatures, their sensivity can be increased.This is because at low temperatures,generation of charge carrriers at low temperatures(electron-hole pairs) due to thermal vibration can be suppressed. The signals produced by SEM contain back scattered electrons, characteristic X-rays,secondary electrons,specimen current and transmitted electrons.All SEMs contain secondary electron detectors.A single machine cannot have detectors for all types of signals mentioned above.Different types of signalsin SEM are due to different types of interactios between the electrons and the atoms at the surface of the sample.In almost all SEMs secondary electron imaging is the common detection mode..In the secondary electron 79 detection mode,SEM produces high resolution image of the surface of the given sample. These images reveal details about less than1 to 5nm in size.The electron beam used in SEM is very narrow.That’s why the micrographs produced by SEM have a large depth of field yielding a characteristic three dimensional image.These images are of graet help to us in understanding the surface structure of the given sample. We have performed SEM analysis for the best sample(F/O=1.25).Fig 4.4.3 shows the morphology of magnetite precursor powder without calcination at 10 µm.Fig 4.4.4 shows the morphology of magnetite precursor powder after calcinations at 3 µm.Fig 4.4.5 shows the morphology magnetite precursor powder after calcination at 1 µm. 80 Figure 4.4.3 Morphology of the Magnetite precursor powder without calcinations at 10µm Figure 4.4.4 Morphology of the Magnetite precursor powder after calcinations at 3µm Figure 4.4.5 Morphology of the Magnetite precursor powder after calcinations at 1µm 81 4.5. Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-Ray (EDAX): Energy dispersive X-ray analysis is a kind of spectroscopy used for chemical characterization of a sample. Chemical characterization means the analysis of elements present in a given sample. An X-ray beam is sent on to the given sample. These X-rays collide with electrons in the sample. As a Result, the charged particals are knocked out from their shells. Electrons from higher level jump to the vacant shell and as a result, energy is released in the form of X-rays. These X-rays are called Characteristic X-Rays. The wave length of these X-rays are dependent on the atomic number of the element. The X-Ray wave length emitted by A particular element are its characteristic By determining the wave lengths of X-rays emitted from the sample, we can identify the elements present in the sample. The X-ray emitted from the sample are fed to an energy dispersive spectrometer. The energy dispersive spectrometer measures the intensity as well as energy of the X-rays. The energy of X-ray photon is equal to the energy difference between those to shells, between which electronic Transition is taking place. This energy difference between two particular shells is the characteristic of the element. Hence by determining the wave lengths of X-rays emitted, we can identify the elements present in the sample. 82 Figure 4.5.1EDAX analysis of Magnetite nanoparticles at F/O Ratio is 1.25. Table 4.5.1 gives a list of observed chemical composition of magnetic nano particles synthesized by chemical combustion method(Fuel is Urea). Element Spectrum Type Element (%) Atomic (%) Fe ED 73.34 44.08 O ED 26.66 55.92 Table 4.5.1 EDAX analysis of Magnetite nanoparticles at F/O is 1.25. 4.6: Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) 83 Vibrating sample magnetometer was invented by Symon Foner(a Scientist of MIT) in 1956.Later VSM’s are commercialized by EGG Princeton applied research. By using VSM we can determine the magnetic properties of diamagnetic materials, paramagnetic materials, Ferro magnetic materials, Ferri magnetic materials and Anti Ferro magnetic materials Figure.4.6.1 shows the vibrating sample magnetometer It’s flexible design permits us to mount the sample and exchange the samples easily. VSM has high sensitivity. In VSM, samples can be interchanged rapidly at an operating temperature. Very small magnetic moments of the order of 10-5 emu can also be measured by using VSM. VSM cn be operated upto a maximum temperature of 1050K. using VSM magnetic properties and parameters of powders, bulk and thin films can be studied. 84 Principle: The sample of a material whose magnetic properties have to be determined is to be placed between the poles of an electro magnet. A uniform magnetic field exists between the poles. A magnetic moment will be induced in the sample. If the sample exhibits simple harmonic motion, a sinusoidal electric signal is induced in pickup coils. The signal has the same frequency of vibration as that of the vibrating sample. The amplitude of the signal is directly proportional to the magnetic moment induced in the sample. Figure.4.6.2 shows the vibrating sample magnetometer block diagram. 85 The sample is fixed to a small sample holder located at the end of a sample rod mounted in an electro mechanical transducer. A power amplifier is driven by an oscillator of frequency 90 Hz. This power amplifier interm drives the electro mechanical transiducer. The sample vibrates simple harmonically perpendicular to mangnetising field. As a rsult of this an electric signl is induced in the pickup coil system. This signal is fed to a differential amplifier. The output from differentil amplifier is sent into a tuned amplifier and an internal lock-in amplifier. The oscillator supplies reference signal to lock-in amplifier. The output of this lock-in amplifier is the output of vibrating sample magnatometr. Magnetic characterization of the nano particles was carriedout byVSM at room temperature.The applied magnetic fieldon the samplevaries from-5000 Oe to +5000 Oe.The saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercive field(Hc) of the sample are determined by using VSM.Magnetization curves of Fe3O4 particles are shown in Fig 4.6.2 .The Hc value of sample was observed to be5.2Oe.Such a small value of Hc is an indicativeof soft magnetic material.The Ms value was found to be high and equal to 92 Am2 /Kg.From the above data we can understand that these nanoparticles can be used in biological field and targeted drug delivery. 86 Figure 4.6.2 Field dependence of magnetization for Fe3O4nano particles at 10K. Figure 4.6.3 Field dependence of magnetization Fe3O4nano particles at 350K. 87 Fig 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 show hysterisis loops of Fe3O4 at 10K and 350K respectively.From these hysterisis loops it is clearly understood that they exhibit characteristic of a soft magnetic material. A little amount of hysterisis is observed at 10K, when the remenance and coercivity are very small.The hysterisis almost diappears at 350K. Figure 4.6.8 Temperature dependence of magnetization for Fe3O4 nano particles at an applied field of 5000 Oe. Gauss/Tesla-Meter The magnetic response of the product in the magnetic field was analyzed and evaluated by an electronic balance. 0.05 g Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles prepared under the standard conditions were tested. This study evaluated the magnetic response of magnetic particles through a Gauss/TeslaMeter to give more direct data for further research of targeted drug. Firstly, the 88 distance between ferromagnet and Fe3O4 powder placed on the balance dish was changed to explore its influence to magnetic response (Fig. 4.6.4). The maximum density of the ferromagnet itself was 206.5 mT which was tested at 0 cm position from ferromagnet. Figure 4.6.4.Effect of the distance between Ferro magnet and Fe3O4 powder Secondly, the number of the ferromagnets was changed to investigate the effect on magnetic response (Fig. 3.6.5). All the ferromagnets had the same magnetic performance, and the distance between ferromagnets and Fe3O4 powder was fixed at 2 cm.