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Amphiarthrosis- secondary cartilaginous joint; slightly moveable; symphisis pubis,
intervertebral joints
Primary cartilaginous joints are immovable joints (synchondrosis) that ossify with age
and are bone-cartilage-bone (epiphyseal plates). Secondary cartilaginous joints are bonecartilage-fibrocartilage-cartilage-bone (symphysis pubis, IVJ).
Fibrous joints are joints joined by fibrous tissue; typically formed by intramembranous
ossification (sutures of the skull).
Zygapophyseal joints are diarthrosis, synovial, plane, gliding, uniaxial.
Intervertebral joints are secondary cartilaginous, symphysis, amphiarthrosis
Ligaments of the cervical spine:
*Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane- ant arch of atlas to ant margin of foramen
*Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane- post arch of atlas to post margin of
foramen magnum
*Lateral atlanto-occipital ligament (Ant Oblique)- TP’s of atlas to jugular process
*Articular capsule (Capsular ligament)
*Membrana tectoria (occipito-axial ligament; tectorial membrane)
*Alar ligament (check ligament, odontoid ligament) - apex of dens to the medial
surface of the occipital condyles
*Apical ligament (suspensory ligament) - tip of dens to ant margin of foramen
*Cruciate ligament: transverse ligament of the atlas; cranial crus (SLB); caudal
crus (ILB)
*Accessory ligaments- medial surface of lateral masses of atlas down to posterior
surface of the body at the base of the dens.
Clinical signs of a dislocated glenohumeral joint- head of humerus is inferior and medial
to the glenoid fossa.
Joint of Luschka- uncovertebral joint- diarthrosis, synovial, plane, uniaxial
-Uncinate processes and the vertebral body of C3-C6
A syndesmosis is a fibrous joint with an interoseous ligament
TMJ is a synovial- diarthorosis-sellar-hinge-gliding-multiaxial-condyloid
An articular disc is fibrocartilage (Present in the TMJ, Sternoclavicular joint, Knee and
sometimes the acromioclavicular joint)
Sternoclavicular joint- synovial, diarthroidal, sellar, multiaxial
A synovial joint contains a joint capsule, synovial fluid, a synovial membrane, articular
cartilage, and a joint cavity
The transverse humeral retinaculum is a ligament from the greater tubercle to the lesser
tubercle of the humerus.
The subacromial and subdeltoid bursa cushion the deltoid muscle during abduction
Coxofemoral joint is a synovial, diarthroidal, spheroid, multiaxial, ball and socket
Coxofemoral ligaments:
Iliofemoral: AIIS to intertrochanteric line
Pubofemoral: pubis to intertrochanteric line
Ischiofemoral: ischium to greater trochanter
Transverse Acetabular: crosses acetabular notch to connect joint
capsule to the ligamentum capitis femoris
Round lig, lig Teres, lig capitis femoris: acetabulum and
transverse acetabular lig to fovea capitus
Stifle or Knee joint- synovial, diarthroidal, modified hinge, biaxial
Anterior cruciate ligament- anterior tibia to posterior medial aspect of lateral condyle of
femur (anterior drawer sign)
Posterior cruciate ligament- posterior tibia to lateral aspect of medial condyle of femur
(posterior drawer sign)
Retinacula and ligaments of the knee:
*Lateral and medial patellar retinacula- patella to tibial tuberosity
*Oblique popliteal ligament- posterior aspect of joint capsule
*Arcurate popliteal ligament- head of fibula to intercondylar area of tibia and
lateral epicondyle of femur
*Medial (tibial)collateral ligament
*Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament.
*Cruciate ligaments- see above
The double condyloid joint of the knee allows for lateral rotation.
Synarthrosis- joint joined together
Synchondrosis-joined with cartilage
Synostosis-joined with bone
Syndesmosis- joined with ligament
Symphysis- a joint growing together
Synovial- joined with egg
Characteristics of skeletal muscle: irritability, contractibility, extensibility, elasticity
Muscle fiber arrangements: Pennate- feather like, fibers converge on a tendon
Parallel- strap like, good endurance (sartorious, rectus
abdominus mm.)
Convergent- fan shaped, focus contraction on a single point
(gluteal mm.)
Sphincter- closes body openings (orbicularis oris)
Fusiform- spindle shaped (biceps brachii)
Flat- parallel fibers associated with aponeurosis (ext. oblique
Muscles of facial expression: CN7
Epicranius frontalis-wrinkles forehead
Orbicularis oculi- closes eyes
Nasalis- widens nostrils
Procerus- pulls eye brows medially and down
Orbicularis oris- pucker muscle
Levator labii superioris- elvis muscle
Zygomaticus-smile muscle
Risorius- draws angle of mouth laterally
Depressor anguli oris- frown muscle
Depressor labii inferioris- pout muscle
Levator palpebrae superioris- raises upper lid CN3
Muscles of mastication:
Temporalis- temporal fossa, temporal lines to coronoid process of the mandible
(elevates the mandible)
Masseter- zygomatic arch to lateral portion of the ramus of the mandible
(elevates the mandible)
Medial pterygoid- sphenoid bone to medial aspect of the mandible (elevate the mandible
and move mandible laterally, grinding motion, assist in protraction)
Lateral pterygoid- sphenoid bone to anterior side of condylar process of mandible
(protracts the mandible, also moves side to side)
Muscle that depresses the mandible:
Platysma- fascia of the neck to inferior border of the mandible
Extrinsic ocular muscles:
Superior Oblique- rotates pupil down and out- CN4
Lateral rectus- pulls pupil laterally- CN6
Inferior oblique- rotates pupil up and out- CN3
Muscles that protract and retract the tongue:
Genioglossus- mental spine of the mandible to the undersurface of the tongue (depresses
and protracts the tongue)
Styloglossus- styloid process of the temporal bone to the lateral side and undersurface of
the tongue (elevates and retracts the tongue)
The brachial plexus and the phrenic nerve both exit between the anterior and middle
scalene muscles.
The diaphragm assists in inspiration. Increases intrathoracic volume and decreases
The actions of the abdominal muscles:
Rectus abdominus- flexes vertebral column
External abdominal oblique- compresses abdominal contents, lateral rotation, draws
thorax downward
Internal abdominal oblique- same as EAO
Transverse abdominis- compresses the abdominal contents
Quadratus lumborum- lateral flexion of vert. column
Functions of the erector spinae muscles:
extension of the spine
rotation of the spine
lateral flexion of the spine
Sternocleidomastoid- from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid process of the
temporal bone. Laterally rotates and flexes the neck
Muscles that attach to the mastoid process:
Digastric, SCM, longissimus capitis
Muscles of the pes anserine:
Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus
Fibrous joints:
Synarthrosis- sutures in skull
Syndesmosis- radius and ulna, tibia and fibula, interspinous ligament
Gomphosis- tooth and alveolar socket
Cartilaginous joints:
Primary-synchondrosis- 1st rib and sternum, epiphyseal plates
Secondary- amphiarthrosis-Intervertebral joints, symphysis pubis,
manubriosternal joint
Synovial Joints:
Hinge (ginglymus) - humeroulnar (cubital), interphalangeal joints
Pivot (trochoid) – radioulnar, atlantoaxial joint
Gliding (plane) – Z-joints, intercarpal, intertarsal, sternocostal, sacroiliac,
Acromioclavicular joints
Condyloid (ellipsoidal) – radiocarpal, metacarpalphalangeal, Sternoclavicular,
Saddle (sellar)- maleolus and incus, carpometacarpo joint of the thumb
Ball and Socket (speroid)- glenohumeral, Coxofemoral
Atlanto-occipital- synovial, diarthroidal, ginglymus, condyloid, uniaxial
Occipito-axial- not a joint- called a complex
Atlantoaxial- 2 joints:
Z-joint- synovial, diarthroidal, plane, gliding, uniaxial
Dens and ant. arch- synovial, diarthroidal, trochoid, pivot, uniaxial
Joint of Luschka (uncovertebral)- synovial diarthroidal, uniaxial, plane
Intervertebral joint- secondary cartilaginous, symphysis, amphiarthrosis
Spinous process articulation- fibrous, syndesmosis
Sacroilliac- synovial, diarthroidal, gliding, plane, multiaxial
Temporomandibular- synovial, diarthroidal, condylar, gliding, hinge, multiaxial
(Fibrocartilage instead of hyaline)
Sternoclavicular joint- synovial, diarthroidal, sellar, multiaxial
Costochondral joints-synchondrosis
Costosternal joints (ribs 2-7)- synovial
Costovertebral- synovial, diarthroidal, plane, uniaxial
Costotransverse joints- synovial, diarthroidal, plane, uniaxial
Manubriosternal joint- symphysis
Xiphisternal- Synchondrosis
Glenohumeral- synovial, diarthroidal, ball and socket, spheroid,multiaxial
Acromioclavicular- synovial, diarthroidal, plane, gliding, uniaxial
Humeroulnar (humeroradial, elbow, cubital)- synovial, diarthroidal, hinge, ginglymus,
Proximal Radioulnar- synovial, diarthroidal, trochoid, pivot, uniaxial
Metacarpalphalangeal- synovial, diarthroidal, condylar, biaxial
Interphalangeal- synovial, diarthroidal, hinge, ginglymus, uniaxial
Tibiofemoral- synovial, diarthroidal, modified hinge, double condyloid, biaxial
Talocrural (ankle)- synovial, diarthroidal, hinge, uniaxial