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Study Guide for 7th Grade Science Final Exam
Chapter 3 – Earth’s Structure and Materials
1. Geologists have learned about Earth’s interior through:
2. The deeper down inside the Earth’s interior the greater the __________________ and _________________.
3. Earth’s interior consists of 4 main parts:
a. Crust: outermost layer consisting of solid rock; most commonly found rocks in the crust are
______________ and ______________________.
b. Mantle: very _____________ but________________ rock
c. Outer Core: consists of molten_______________ and _______________
d. Inner core: consists of _________________ iron and nickel
4. Scientists believe convection currents inside the Earth are caused by heat from the ____________ and
5. There are 3 main types of rock: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
a. Igneous rock: forms from__________ and are called__________________ rocks, or from _______________
and are called intrusive rocks.
b. Metamorphic rock : forms when ____________ and _________________ change one type of rock into
c. Sedimentary rock: forms from small pieces or ___________or other living material.
6. The most common intrusive igneous rock is _____________.
7. The most common extrusive igneous rock is ________________.
8. __________________ and _____________________ are two common metamorphic rocks.
9. The ________________ __________________ is a series of processes that occur both on the Earth’s surface and
below in the crust and mantle that change one type of rock into another.
Chapter 4 – Earth’s History
10. Fossils are the __________________ ____________________ of an organism.
11. There are 6 types of fossils:
a. ________________ : hollow area of sediment in shape of an organism.
b. ________________: a solid copy of the shape of an organism.
c. ____________________________: minerals replace all or part of an organism
d. ___________________________: thin coating of carbon on a rock
e. __________________________: evidence of the activities of an organism (footprints)
f. __________________________: the entire organism is preserved in ice, tar, or amber.
12. Fossils provide evidence of:
a. how past _______________have changed
b. how _________ _______________ have changed over time
c. the ________________of some rocks.
13. The _______________ _______________ of a rock is its age compared to the ages of other rocks.
14. The _________________ ________ of a rock is the number of years since the rock formed.
15. The _________ ______ _________________________________ states that in undisturbed horizontal
sedimentary rock layers the oldest layers are on the bottom.
16. The ______________ ________________ of a rock is determined through radioactive dating.
17. The geological time scale is record of __________________ _________________ and the
______________ ___ _____________ forms as shown in the fossil record.
18. Early Earth was very hot and had very little ____________________ in the atmosphere.
19. Evolution is the _______________ __________________ of living things over long periods of time.
Chapter 5 - Plate Tectonics
20. Alfred Wegener proposed that all of the continents were once joined into one large _________ ____________
and then drifted apart.
21. This giant supercontinent was called _________________.
22. Evidence for Pangaea includes similar______________, climate, and _______________-.
23. Mid-ocean ridges form long chains of ______________________ on the seafloor.
24. Seafloor spreading occurs along __________________ _________ and adds more ________to the ocean floor.
25. Subduction occurs at ________ ___________ ________________ where ocean floor ________ ___________
into the ________________.
26. Today scientists believe that the Earth’s lithosphere (outer shell) is broken into separate pieces called
27. _________________________ __________________ are where two plates move away from each other and
form rift valleys.
28. ______________________ ______________ are where two plates move toward each other and form
29. ____________________ _________________ are where two plates slip past each other and often cause
30. The theory of plate tectonics states that Earth’s plates are in __________, ______________ motion because of
_____________________ _______________________ in the Earth’s mantle.
Chapter 6 – Volcanoes
31. Most volcanoes occur along _______________ _________________ and over ___________ ______________.
32. The __________ ____ ____________________ is a major volcanic belt found in the Pacific Ocean
33. Parts of a volcano include:
a. _____________ ________________: collects magma
b. ___________: long tube that connects the magma chamber to Earth’s surface.
c. ___________: opening that allows gas and molten rock to escape
d. ________ __________: spread of lava as it leaves the volcano
e. ________________: bowl-shaped area that may form at the top of the volcano around the central vent.
34. Gases trapped in the magma provide the force for volcanic eruptions.
a. ____________eruptions form from magma that is ___________in silica and is thin and runny.
b. ________________ eruptions form from magma that is ___________in silica and is thick and sticky with
lots of trapped gases.
c. _________ is dust sized particles of explosive lava.
d. ______________are pebble-sized lava pieces.
e. ______________are large pieces of explosive lava.
35. Volcanic activity is classified as:
a. ___________________: volcano is sleeping, but expected to erupt in the future
b. __________________: volcano that is erupting or expected to erupt in near future
c. __________________: dead volcano, not expected to ever erupt again
36. Three types of volcanoes:
a. Cinder cone: steep cone shaped hill, ____________________ eruptions with ash, cinders, and bombs
b. Shield volcano: _________________ eruptions with slow lava flows, gentle slopes
c. Composite volcano: alternates _____________ and ___________________ eruptions, alternating layers
of lava and ash
Chapter 7 - Earthquakes
37. Earthquakes are caused when stress in the Earth’s crust is released.
a. ________________: stress that pulls two plates ________________
b. ____________________: stress that __________________ two plates together.
c. ____________________: stress that occurs where two plates _______ __________ each other.
38. A _____________________ forms when stress causes the rock to break.
39. Seismic waves are vibrations similar to ___________ _______________ that carry ______________ released
form an earthquake through the Earth.
40. The ______________ _______________ is a rating system that estimates the total energy released by an
41. A ___________________________is an instrument that records seismic waves.
42. _______ ___________allows certain materials into and out of the cell.
43. _________________stores water, waste, and food in the cell.
44. ________________breaks down waste, food molecules and worn out cell parts.
45. A gelatin- like substance that fills cells, constantly flows inside cell membrane is called_______________.
46. The ______________ controls all cell activities, contains DNA and chromatin.
47. The part that transports materials around in the cell is called the________________ _________.
48. The__________ _______________packages substances in the cell.
49. _______________are the parts in the cell that manufacture proteins.
50. Organelles that release energy in the cell are called____________________.
Human body
52. System that provides shape and support, makes blood, and protects vital organs is ____________________.
53. System that regulates body temperature, eliminates wastes, makes vitamin D is the____________________.
54. System that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients and water is the__________________________.
55. This system delivers needed substances to the cells and helps fight disease _____________________________
56. This system moves air in and out of lungs and removes carbon dioxide from the body____________.
57. This system is responsible for collecting wastes produced by cells and removing the wastes from
the body_____________________________.
58. This system receives information from inside and outside of the body_____________________________.
60. The breakdown of food into building blocks (nutrients) is called ________________.
61. The taking up of nutrients into the blood stream is called __________________.
Chapter 11 – Change Over Time
62. Change over time is also known as the theory of ____________________.
63. Scientists infer that species with similar body structures and development patterns had a common _________.
64. Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are called
65. The different shapes of bird beaks are examples of____________________.
66. From the evidence he collected, Darwin concluded that organisms on the Galapagos Islands ___________.
67. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is called a(n) ___________.
68. When all members of a species disappear from Earth, it is called________________.
69. The number of different species in an area is referred to as its _______________.
70. The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce than other members in a species is called_______________ _____.
71. What factors did Darwin identify as affecting natural selection?
____________________,_____________________, and__________________________
Chapter 12 – Genetics and DNA: The Science of Heredity
72. ______________is when DNA makes a copy of itself.
73. DNA would be found in the __________________ of the cell.
74. In DNA, adenine always pairs with _________________and guanine always pairs up with ________________.
75. A section of the DNA molecule that codes for a protein is a __________________.
76. Proteins are made up of ____________ ______________.
77. _______________ is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.
78. The alleles for a heterozygous tall pea plant, when T and t are used for the alleles is represented
as________________ while the homozygous alleles would be_____________.
79. In cell division, ________________is the division that forms body cells and_______________ is
the division that forms sex cells.
80. The _________________of an organism is its physical appearance while the _________________of
an organism is its genetic make-up or allele combination.
82. A _________________ organism is the offspring of many generations that have the same form of a
83. Humans have 46 pairs of _______________ in their body cells.
84. Each different form of a gene is called a(n) ___________________.
85. An allele whose trait is hidden in the presence of a dominant allele is ________________.
86. Gregor Mendel’s discoveries formed the foundation of ___________________.
87. When DNA replicates, the new strand is ___________________to the original strand.
88. Mitosis results in ________________cells at its conclusion where meiosis results in_____________cells at its
89. Genes are carried from parents to offspring on________________.
90. The________________allele when present with the recessive allele will cover up the recessive allele.
91. Proteins are made in the______________of cells.