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Trap densities in amorphous- In Ga Zn O 4 thin-film transistors
Mutsumi Kimura, Takashi Nakanishi, Kenji Nomura, Toshio Kamiya, and Hideo Hosono
Citation: Applied Physics Letters 92, 133512 (2008); doi: 10.1063/1.2904704
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Trap densities in amorphous-InGaZnO4 thin-film transistors
Mutsumi Kimura,1,a兲 Takashi Nakanishi,1 Kenji Nomura,2 Toshio Kamiya,2 and
Hideo Hosono2
Department of Electronics and Informatics, Ryukoku University, Seta, Otsu 520-2194, Japan
Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori,
Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
共Received 30 December 2007; accepted 12 March 2008; published online 3 April 2008兲
Trap densities in amorphous-InGaZnO4 共␣-IGZO兲 are extracted directly from the
capacitance-voltage characteristics of thin-film transistors at low frequencies. It is found that the trap
densities are flat in the energy gap, and are 1.7⫻ 1016 cm−3 eV−1 in the deep energy far from the
conduction band edge 共Ec兲, but become larger near Ec. Moreover, postannealing reduces the trap
density near Ec, which is associated with the reduction of the hysteresis in the current-voltage
characteristics. The annealed ␣-IGZO does not have a Gaussian-type state and has fewer tail states
than amorphous Si. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2904704兴
Oxide conductors and semiconductors are promising as
transparent electronic components in various applications
such as flat-panel displays, optical sensors, and solar cells.1–4
In particular, because amorphous-InGaZnO4 共␣-IGZO兲 thinfilm transistors 共TFTs兲 exhibit high performances even when
fabricated on plastic substrates at low temperatures, they
have been extensively studied.5–11 However, the electrical
properties of ␣-IGZO, which are important for designing device structures and circuit configurations, are not thoroughly
understood. Although the fundamental carrier-transport properties and electronic structures of ␣-IGZO have been studied
using Hall measurements5,12,13 and ab initio calculations,14,15
the trap densities in ␣-IGZO, which determine the transistor
characteristics especially when fabricated on large substrates
at low temperatures, are not yet reported.
Several methods have been developed to experimentally
detect the trap densities, including electron paramagnetic
resonance, deep-level transient spectroscopy, isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy,16 constant photocurrent
methods,17 device simulation fitting,18 field-effect 共FE兲
methods,19,20 and capacitance-voltage 共C-V兲 methods.21,22
However, these methods often give different results because
each method has a different detectability for different types
of trap states. Moreover, because some of these methods require varying the measurement temperature over a wide
range, it is difficult to evaluate temperature-sensitive materials. Furthermore, because device simulation fitting and FE
methods require a mobility model in order to fit the currentvoltage 共I–V兲 characteristics, the results depend on the mobility model. On the other hand, C-V methods do not have
these drawbacks because they do not require varying the
measurement temperature and the mobility model. Therefore,
C-V methods are useful for ␣-IGZO because it is known that
the transistor characteristics are changed by thermal annealing and that the carrier mobility depends on the carrier
In the case of the usual metal-oxide-semiconductor FE
transistors 共MOSFETs兲, actual devices have a vertical
“metal/insulator/semiconductor” 共MIS兲 structure. Because
the semiconductor is connected to the bulk terminal at a
Electronic mail: [email protected].
certain fixed voltage, the boundary condition at the back side
is the fixed potential. Because the charging current is quickly
supplied from the bulk terminal, the frequency dependence is
consequently determined by the trap and detrap rates of the
trap states. Accordingly, some conventional C-V methods for
the usual MOSFETs can extract the trap densities by evaluating the frequency dependence.21,22 The other C-V methods
are also based on these structure and boundary condition and
formularized. In the case of TFTs, actual devices have a
“metal/insulator/semiconductor/insulator” structure. It is
preferable to extract the trap densities from the actual structure because the fabrication and existence of the bulk terminal may influence electrical properties of the semiconductor.
Because the semiconductor is connected to the source and
drain regions far from the center of the semiconductor, the
boundary condition is the floating potential. Because the
charging current is slowly supplied through the source and
drain regions, the frequency dependence is mainly influenced
by the supplying speed of the charging current. Accordingly,
the conventional C-V methods cannot extract the trap densities. Therefore, we have developed a novel method to extract
the trap densities directly from the C-V characteristics of
TFTs at low frequencies.23–25 This method numerically calculates the Poisson equation and the charge density and extract the trap densities by fitting the measured and calculated
C-V characteristics. The applied frequency must be extremely low in order to maintain the equilibrium condition
due to the above explanation. An outstanding advantage of
this method is that the trap densities extracted from the C-V
characteristics can be directly related to the I-V characteristics of the TFTs.
Figure 1 shows the cross-sectional structure of an
␣-IGZO TFT. A heavily doped n+-Si substrate was used as
the gate terminal. An SiO2 film, which was used as the gate
insulator, was grown by thermal oxidation. After the necessary areas were patterned by photolithography, an ␣-IGZO
FIG. 1. Cross-sectional structure of an ␣-IGZO TFT.
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92, 133512-1
© 2008 American Institute of Physics On: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 06:50:15
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 133512 共2008兲
Kimura et al.
FIG. 2. Measurement system for the C-V characteristics.
film, which was used as the channel layer, was deposited by
pulsed laser deposition 共PLD兲 at room temperature in oxygen
gas at 6.2 Pa and was patterned by a lift-off technique. Select
samples were annealed at 300 ° C in air for 1 h 共postannealing兲. It was confirmed that the annealed ␣-IGZO remained
amorphous.13 After the necessary areas were patterned by
photolithography, indium tin oxide and Au films, which were
used as the source and drain terminals, were sequentially
deposited by PLD, and were patterned by a lift-off technique.
The channel width 共W兲 and length 共L兲 were 300 and 50 ␮m,
respectively. It was confirmed that the electron concentration
in ␣-IGZO without an applied voltage was about 1016 cm−3
using Hall measurements.13
Figure 2 shows the measurement system for the C-V
characteristics.24 A small ac voltage generated by a lock-in
amplifier was superimposed on the dc offset voltage 共Vgs兲
generated by a voltage source, and it was applied to the gate
terminal of the TFT on a probe station in a shield box. The
charging and discharging currents through the source and
drain terminals were amplified by a current amplifier. The
signal amplitude and the phase shift were measured by the
lock-in amplifier, and the capacitance 关Cg共s+d兲兴 and conductance components were separated.
Figure 3 shows the measured results of the C-V and I-V
characteristics of the unannealed and annealed TFTs. Here,
the C-V characteristics at applied frequencies of 0.1 and
0.5 Hz are plotted. Because these C-V characteristics completely overlap, it is guaranteed that the applied frequencies
are sufficiently low in order to maintain the equilibrium condition. It is observed that Cg共s+d兲 becomes small at a negative
Vgs because the electrons are depleted in the ␣-IGZO film.
Cg共s+d兲 becomes larger as Vgs increases because the electrons
are accumulated at the surface of the ␣-IGZO film. Cg共s+d兲 is
saturated at the geometrical capacitance of the gate insulator
at a positive Vg共s+d兲 because a parallel-plate capacitor is
formed across the gate insulator. The energy profile of the
trap density is extracted from the transition curve from the
depletion region to the accumulation region. Moreover, the
FIG. 4. Calculated results of the potential profiles of the annealed ␣-IGZO
I-V characteristics for the forward and reverse scans are also
plotted. The swing parameter 共S兲 is 0.26 V decade−1, the
field effect mobility 共␮兲 is 9.0 cm2 V−1 s−1, and the hysteresis is large for the unannealed TFT. On the other hand, S is
0.15 V decade−1, ␮ is 12.3 cm2 V−1 s−1, and the hysteresis
disappears for the annealed TFT, which imply that postannealing dramatically improves transistor performances.
The trap densities were extracted using the following
algorithm. First, the surface potential 共␾s兲 is calculated from
the C-V characteristic. By applying Q = CV to the gate insulator, differentiating it by Vgs, and transforming it, Eqs. 共1兲
and 共2兲 are acquired. Moreover, by integrating Eq. 共2兲 by Vgs,
Eq. 共3兲 is acquired. Here, Ci is the geometrical capacitance of
the gate insulator, Cg共s+d兲 is the measured capacitance in the
C-V characteristic, and Vfb is the flatband voltage, which
corresponds to Vgs where Cg共s+d兲 begins to increase,
Q = Ci共Vgs − ␾s兲,
␾s =
Ci = 1 − Cg共s+d兲/Ci ,
共1 − Cg共s+d兲/Ci兲dVgs .
By substituting Cg共s+d兲 into Eq. 共3兲, ␾s is calculated as a
function of Vgs. Figure 4 shows the calculated results of the
surface potentials of the annealed TFT. It is found that ␾s is
saturated for high Vgs − Vfb, which indicates that the electrons
are accumulated at the surface of the ␣-IGZO film and that
the conduction band edge approaches the Fermi level. Furthermore, by applying Gauss’s law to the surface of the channel layer, Eq. 共4兲 is acquired. Here, 共⳵␾ / ⳵x兲s is the surface
potential gradient in the channel layer, ␧i is the dielectric
constant of the gate insulator, ␧s is that of the channel layer,
and ti is the thickness of the gate insulator,
冉 冊
= 共␧i/␧s兲共Vgs − ␾s兲/ti .
By substituting ␾s into Eq. 共4兲, 共⳵␾ / ⳵x兲s is also calculated as
a function of Vgs.
Next, so that ␾s and 共⳵␾ / ⳵x兲s calculated from Eqs. 共3兲
and 共4兲 are consistent, the potential profile in the channel
unanThis article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP:
layer 共␾兲 is calculated for each Vgs. By applying the Poisson
nealed and 共b兲 annealed ␣-IGZO TFTs. On: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 06:50:15
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 133512 共2008兲
Kimura et al.
trap density near Ec. The annealed ␣-IGZO does not have a
Gaussian-type state, which is often observed in the ␣-Si
TFTs, and has fewer tail states than ␣-Si.
The hysteresis is large in the I-V characteristic for the
unannealed TFT, while the hysteresis disappears for the annealed TFT, as shown in Fig. 3. This change can be qualitatively explained using the change in the trap densities of the
unannealed and annealed TFTs. However, it cannot be quantitatively explained. The voltage shift of the hysterisis is as
large as 4 V, but the voltage shift estimated from the change
in the trap densities is as small as 1 V. Moreover, such shallow states at 0.1– 0.3 eV from Ec are usually fast states and
do not cause a hysteresis in these slow measurements. Therefore, it is suggested that other reasons cause the hysteresis.
FIG. 5. Extracted results of the trap densities of the unannealed and annealed ␣-IGZO TFTs and ␣-Si TFT 共Ref. 26兲.
equation to the channel layer and supposing that the charge
density in the channel layer 共␳兲 is caused by the density of
states, Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲 are acquired. Here, x is the axis along
the depth, and N is the density of state,
⳵ 2␾
= − ␳/␧S ,
The authors would like to thank Dr. Simon W.-B Tam of
Cambridge Research Laboratory of Epson. This research is
partially supported by a Grant for Industrial Technology Research from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization 共NEDO兲, and a Research Project of
the Joint Research Center for Science and Technology at
Ryukoku University.
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