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Mr. Milano
Classical Greece 2000 BC – 300 BC TEXT Pgs 120 – 149(very important to read)
Cultures of the Mountains and and the Sea
*Pg 122 – Examining the Issues
Ch 5 Section 1 Pgs 120 – 126
(3 Bulleted Questions re: Art)
1 *Main Idea A - Analyzing Causes 124 - In what ways did Greece’s location by
the sea and its mountainous land affect its development?
GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER pg 124: Interpreting Maps
1. Location Where was the center of the Mycenaean Civilization located?
2. Movement Based on the map, how did Mycenaean traders conduct most of their trade?
B pg125
How did contact with the Minoans affect Mycenaean culture?
Pg 126 Section 1 Assessment
6. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS How did the physical geography of Greece cause
Greek-speaking peoples to develop separate, isolated communities?
Many names and phrases from this period of Greek history have been absorbed
into the English language. Use library resources to find examples, such as
Achilles heel, Homeric, and Trojan horse. Write a brief explanation of
each example (Google it!).
2 Warring City-States
Ch 5 Section 2 Pgs 127 – 133
DEFINE : Mycenaean - Trojan War - Dorian - Homer - epic - myth - polis - acropolis monarchy –aristocracy - oligarchy – tyrant - democracy - helot - phalanx - Persian Wars
1. Making Inferences What is the husband suggesting in his advice to his wife?
2. Synthesizing How is the husband’s advice representative of Athenian attitudes toward
Pg 130 SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Visual Sources
1. Evaluating Decisions: Do you think it was a good decision for the Greeks to add more sporting
events to the Olympics? Explain.
2. Comparing and Contrasting: How are today’s Olympics similar to and different from the
Olympics in ancient Greece?
3 Main Idea B pg 131 - How would you compare the ideals of Spartan and Athenian
Pg 132 GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps
1. Movement: By what routes did the Persians choose to attack Greece? Explain why.
2. Location: Where did most of the battles of the Persian Wars occur? How might their citizens
have been affected?
Pg 133 Section 2 Assessment
4. What contributions did Solon and Cleisthenes make to the development of Athenian
5. How did Athens benefit from victory in the Persian Wars?
6. CONTRASTING: How was living in Athens different from living in Sparta?
4 Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age Ch 5 Section 3 Pgs 134 – 139
DEFINE • direct democracy • classical art • tragedy • comedy • Peloponnesian War •
philosopher • Socrates • Plato • Aristotle • Philip II • Macedonia • Alexander the Great •
Darius III
Main Idea A pg 135 : Analyzing Primary Sources - How accurate do you consider
Pericles’ statement that Athenian democracy was in the hands of “the whole people“?
Main Idea C pg 137 Analyzing Motives - What might have been Pericles’ goals in the
Peloponnesian War?
Pg 137 GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps
1. Location: Where were most of the allies of Athens located?
2. Movement Why was the sea important to Athens during the Peloponnesian War?
Section 3 Assessment pg 139
8. FORMING AND SUPPORTING OPINIONS Do you agree with Socrates that there are
absolute standards for truth and justice? Why or why not?
5 Alexander’s Empire Ch 5 Section 4 Pgs 142 – 145
Pg 143 Main Idea A Analyzing Causes - How did the Peloponnesian War pave the way
for Philip’s conquest of Greece?
pg 144 GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps
1. Region: Onto which continents did Alexander’s empire spread?
2. Place Which kingdoms succeeded the empire of Alexander the Great after his death in 323
B .C .?
Pg 145 Section 4 Assessment
8. MAKING INFERENCES : Why do you think Alexander adopted Persian customs and
included Persians in his army?
6. FORMING AND SUPPORTING OPINIONS : Do you think that Alexander was worthy of
the title “Great”? Explain.
5. What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death?
6 The Spread of Hellenistic Culture Ch 5 Section 5 Pgs 146 – 149
Define: • Hellenistic • Alexandria • Euclid • Archimedes • Colossus of Rhodes
pg 147 SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Charts
1. Comparing: Where were Greek astronomers’ ideas most incorrect compared with modern
2. Clarifying: Which estimate is closest to modern measurements? How could the Hellenists be so
Pg 148 MAIN IDEA A Summarizing: What were some of the main achievements of the
scientists of the Hellenistic period?
7 Pg 149 Section 5 Assessment
6. SYNTHESIZING Describe how the growth of Alexander’s empire spread Greek culture.
3. How did trade contribute to cultural diversity in the Hellenistic city of Alexandria?
4.How did Euclid influence some of the developments in astronomy during the
Hellenistic period?
Critical Thinking & Writing:
8. COMPARING: How was the purpose served by architecture and sculpture in the
Hellenistic period similar to the pur- pose served by these arts in the Golden Age of
8 9