Download Class Syllabus - Sunnyside LEARN

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Welcome to Sunnyside High School and to the Freshman Academy World History Class!
I’m very excited to begin our new school year and to begin our trek throughout history
together! Our adventures in history will take us from the Mystical lands of the Greek
gods to the trenches of WWI and beyond. By the end of the first quarter you will be able
to construct graphs, tables, timelines, charts, and interpret historical data through
research. Below is a brief overview of class topics and criteria we will cover throughout
the year.
World History State Standard (Common Core) Topics:
1st Semester:
1. Research Skills: Evaluating primary and secondary sources for authors’ main points,
purpose and perspective and facts vs. opinions.
2. Early Civilizations: Prehistoric people! Hinduism,
Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Greeks, Romans
and Chinese.
3. World in transition: Plagues, Empires and the fall of Rome.
4. Renaissance and Reformation: Scientific approach to
the natural world, Middle Eastern contributions (e.g.,
mathematics, science) and innovations in the arts and
5. Encounters and Exchange: Early conquests, colonization, disease and the slave
trade.6. Age of Revolution: Political change, Role of women and overthrow of
traditional governments.
2nd Semester:
7. Age of Imperialism: Established nations exerted political, economic, and social
control over less developed areas of the world.
8. World at War: WWI, WWII, Korean War, Cold War, dictators, Holocaust, genocide.
9. Contemporary World: Current events, developments, and issues that continue to
shape the global community.
Your laptops will serve as invaluable tools in your learning, and
you are expected to bring them to class every day. You will
use several online resources on a daily basis. These include
Sunnyside LEARN, Google Docs and our online textbook
adopted from Discovery Education.
Classroom Rules/Expectations: 3 main components
1. Cell phones and Electronic Devices: All cell phones must be shut off and stored in
personal backpacks. School protocol contains zero tolerance concerning misuse of
electronics during class time.
2. Behavior: All students are expected to keep hands, objects and inappropriate
comments to themselves. Students are expected to speak in a professional and polite
manner while in the classroom. Inappropriate and vulgar language will not be
3. Promptness: Students will be expected to be in their seat by the time the last bell has
rung. Every minute in class is valuable and I will begin the day’s lesson promptly every
day. If tardies become a problem it will factor into your grade for participation.
4. Organization: Students must come to class ready to learn by being adequately
prepared. My expectation is for students to be ready at the beginning of class with their
school provided laptop, a sharpened pencil, paper and class folder ready.
5. Drinks/Food: All drinks and food must be stored away in backpacks/bags while in the
“Be the 3”
All students will be encouraged/expected to follow Sunnyside High School’s motto of,
“Be the 3”:
Respectful: Treat everyone with kind regard and compassion. Keep your speech
appropriate at all times.
Responsible: Stay focused and on task. Do it right the first time. Take care of
school and personal property.
Reliable: Be truthful=Integrity
Pull through=Effort
Team 3 discipline plan:
1. Verbal warning
2. Private conversation with written warning
3. Call home/ Possible redirection outside classroom/ written warning
4. Write an office discipline referral.
School Website(s): All links below are hyperlinked – Sunnyside School
District’s main website. Students and
parents will have access to:
Bus Routes
Bus Schedules
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
Graduation Requirements
Parent Connect
School boundary maps
School calendar
School hours
School libraries
School lunch menus
Summer School
Sunnyside LEARN
SUSD12.ORG en Español
PowerSchool Parent/Student Login - Students
will be able to receive and
submit assignments through this
link. Miss a day? Check the
learn site to see the day/week
Freshman Academy website:
Grading Policy: Your grade will be weighted as follows –
Class categories
All in class work to be completed either during
class or given as homework.
Unit Assessments (tests) and Quizzes.
Research projects, skits, posters, rap songs,
group work.
Grading Scale: A=(100-89.9%)
NC= No credit (59%-0)
Make up work: As young adults it is your responsibility to ask and gather missing work.
The LEARN site will help in gathering missed information and work. Otherwise, just ask
and I’ll be happy to gather any missing work for you by the end of the day.
*Please refer to the Sunnyside High School Student Handbook for late work policies.
Contact information: Need to contact me? Please email me with any
Celina Zamora
World History/AVID Teacher, Sunnyside High School
Freshman Academy Room 907
Parents: [email protected]
Classroom: 520-545-5523 – Please call before class 7:00am-7:15am and after school
beginning at 2:00pm.
Students: [email protected]
Ms. Zamora
Student (printed) name and signature:
I, _________________________, received a copy of Ms. Zamora’s class syllabus, and I had ample time
to read it and ask questions. I understand that success in this class requires dedication to excellence and
commitment to follow rules and expectations.
Student signature
Parent/Guardian name and signature:
I, _________________________, reviewed Ms. Zamora’s class syllabus with my son/daughter. I
understand that I can contact Ms. Zamora with any questions or concerns during the school year
Parent/Guardian signature
If there is anything you would like me to know or any questions you may have, please list
them below. Thank you.