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Jerzy Czerny, Adam Kieres, Andrzej Manecki,
Maciej Manecki, Jacek Rajchel
XX Polar Symposium
Lublin, 1993
University of Mining and Metallurgy,
Faculty of Geology, Geophysics
and Environmental Protection, Kraków
The map presented here concludes geological mapping carried out between
1985 and 1990 in the Hornsund area by teams of geologists from the University
of Mining and Metallurgy. Basic information was collected during polar
expeditions organised by the University of Mining in summer seasons of 1985,
1986, and 1988, during XII Polar Expedition of the Polish Academy of Sciences
in 1989/90, and during the summer expedition of the Norsk Polarinstitutt in
The map covers a fragment of the western coast of Spitsbergen north of the
Hornsund, among Torellbreen, Vrangpeisbreen and Hansbreen. Rocks cropping out in the area are of metamorphic origin and Precambrian age, and belong
to the Caledonian basement of Svalbard. Their map is in part uncovered, ie. the
Quaternary deposits has only been shown on Elveflya and on the foreland of
During geological mapping new data were collected what allowed to complete
and change — in some degree — former opinions on geologic structure and
development of the area under study (Birkenmajer 1975, 1981, 1990, 1992).
A substantial innovation has been made by identification of two big tectonic
units (tectonic blocks) which contain unconnected rock sequences of different
ages. The two blocks are separated by a major dislocation with the WNW-ESE
trend that displays features of a thrust. It extends from the Vimsodden towards
Different geological developments of the rock complexes situated on both
sides of the recognized dislocation make the major argument supporting the idea
presented above. In the rocks of the southern tectonic block, there are distinct
signes of two stages of metamorphic alterations, at first of progressive nature
under conditions of amphibolite and epidote-amphibolite facies but followed by
retrogressive metamorphism under conditions of greenschist facies. Only one
phase, that of progressive metamorphism (greenschist facies), has been registered
in the rocks of the northern tectonic block.
The diaphthoritic changes within the rocks of the southern block can be traced
both in the field and in thin sections. They were looked into and described in
details by Smulikowski (1965). In amphibolites of the Eimfjellet Group the
alterations cumulate in bands of chlorite and chlorite-biotite schists, containing
sometimes pseudopebbles of unchanged amphibolites. In paragneisses, mica and
carbonate-mica schists of the Isbjórnhamna Group, the diaphthoritic bands
(sericite and sericite-chlorite schists) are equally abundant and can be distinguished by their different, ie. greenish colour. Within quartzites, marbles and
metagranitoids, diaphthoresis induced cataclasis and created mylonitic zones.
The idea of two tectonic blocks is supported by another argument, namely by
lithologic correlation. Only the southernmost part of the Vimsodden sequence
(ie. quartzites, metatuffs and rhyolitic conglomerates cropping out on Pyttholmen) can be compared with similar rocks occurring on the foreland of
Werenskioldbreen and on Kvartsittsletta. The upper part of the Vimsodden
Subgroup {sensu Birkenmajer 1975), situated north of the inferred here
dislocation zone, cannot be correlated with rocks of the southern tectonic block.
Among others, the Jens Erikfjellet greenstones do not form a facial equivalent of
the Skalfjellet amphibolites what is proved by results of chemical analyses of
both volcanic rock series.
In turn, when analysing orientation of the tectonic structures in the southern
tectonic block it can be noticed that they are oblique to the direction of the
dislocation zone. Axes of the big folds follow the NW-SE trend while the strike of
the dislocation zone is close to 300° (i.e. WNW-ESE). The only area where such
a diagonal orientation of the rock strata can be directly observed in thefield was
found on the foreland of Werenskioldbreen. It should also be noted that the rocks
situated immediately north of the thrust zone display the monoclinal structure with
schistosity surfaces being parallel to the direction of the dislocation. The tectonic
structure of the area must have been coeval with and formed by thrust movements
which took place along the boundary between the two blocks.
The dislocation zone itself is, however, of the key importance to prove validity
of the idea presented here. The zone can be studied in two places: on Vimsodden
and on the foreland of Werenskioldbreen, being there relatively wide (100-300
m). It is composed of diaphthoritic schists (sericite-chlorite and chlorite-biotite
ones) containing better or worse preserved lenses of preexisting rocks, belonging
to the Eimfjellet Group and displaying more advanced metamorphism (amphibolites and metagranites, Smulikowski 1968). The strike and dip of the
diaphthorite schistosity (ca. 300°/60-807SW) reflects the current orientation of
the whole dislocation zone, but its original dip could be quite different.
Considering the significant thickness of this zone with predominace of plicative
deformations, it is quite probable that the dislocation forms a steep thrust while
shearing and thrusting movements took place under p-T conditions of greenschist facies with simultaneous diaphthoresis of rocks forming the southern
tectonic block.
In light of new data collected during geological mapping, it seems viable to
propose some changes in the lithostratigraphic division of the Precambrian part
of the Hecla Hoek Succession atHornsund (Birkenmajer 1975,1981,1990,1992)
as shown on Figure 1. The basic change results from the presence of the two
distinguished, independent tectonic units (blocks). The southern region is built of
rocks belonging to the I s b j ó r n h a m n a and Eimfjellet groups. The latter is
limited here to quartzites and metavolcanites occurring south of the dislocation
which separates the two blocks.
Within the northern tectonic block the boundary separating the whole
complex into two structural units is formed by the natural surface of unconformity (Torellian) which lies at the base of the Slyngfjellet conglomerates. A thick
sequence of metasediments occurring below this unconformity has been included
into the D e i l e g g a G r o u p and a new internal division of this group has been
based on distinguished sedimentary megacycles (metaarenites -> metapelites
-» carbonate rocks). In turn, the lithologically differentiated series of metasediments and metavolcanites of the upper structural unit has been included into the
Sofiebogen G r o u p which contains — as accepted here — all rocks resting
above the Torellian unconformity.
To the I s b j ó r n h a m n a G r o u p , there belongs a clastic-carbonaceous
sequence, metamorphosed under conditions of amphibolite facies, consisting of
mica and carbonate-mica schists, paragneisses and marbles. In the mica schists,
along with almandine there appears disthene or staurolite, and in carbonate-mica schists and Ca-rich paragneisses the presence of Ca-scapolite has been
confirmed. Rocks rich in carbonate minerals occur in the middle part of the
profile, what has enable division of the group into three formations (Skoddefjellet, Ariekammen, Revdalen). During field work, a concordant contact of
sedimentary nature was observed in many places between the Isbjórnhamna and
Eimfjellet groups (intercalation of mica schists with garnets in the lowermost
part of the feldspar quartzite sequence in the Skjerstranda Formation). Hence,
the Isbjórnhamna Formation cannot be regarded as the crystalline basement of
the remaining part of the Hecla Hoek Succession.
Extent of the E i m f j e l l e t G r o u p has been here limited to the quartzite-amphibolite series of the southern tectonic block. Detailed mapping has allowed
to present a slightly different internal division of this group. First of all, it has
been found that quartzites building the Gulliksenfjellet massif occur within a vast
syncline, so they rest both structurally and stratigraphically above metavolcanites. In turn, the position below amphibolites (and above the Revdalen
schists) occupies another metaarenite complex, lithologically definitely different
from the Gulliksenfjellet Formation. Therefore, it has been decided to include
grey quartzites rich in K-feldspars, underlying the amphibolites, into a separate
lithostratigraphic unit — the Skjerstranda Formation, and to limit the extent of
the Gulliksenfjellet Formation to the white and greenish, monomictic quartzites,
occupying the position in the upper part of the group profile.
The Skjerstranda quartzite is overlain by a schist-quartzite-amphibolite
sequence with the first metagranitoid horizon. The sequence resembles lithologically the Steinvikskardet Formation of Birkenmajer (1975) but does not
occur close to the pass of that name. Therefore, it seems necessary to define the
described here rock series with a new term—Eimfjellbreane Formation, relevant
to the position of its stratotypic profile.
Additionally, it was revealed during mapping that the lower (the Torbjórnsenfjellet Formation) and upper (the Brattegga Formation) parts of the Skalfjellet
Subgroup cannot be clearly defined. In practice, amphibolites cropping out on
the slopes of Torbjórnsenfjellet and Brattegga are indistinguishable, and — what
is more important — it is not possible to identify without ambiguity the
boundary between the two formations. The Gangpasset granitization zone is to
separate them but it does not form a single, continuous stratigraphic horizon.
Lenses of granitoid rocks occur in the lower part of the metabasites as two thin
levels. They can be characterized as enclaves, elevated from deep parts of
a magma chamber and deposited in different basalt flows. Genesis of anorthosite
metagabbro blocks with the plagioclase cummulative structure (the Angellfjellet
amphibolites) could be similar. They contain bands of ultramafic cummulates
rich in magnetite and ilmenite, and separate blocks display the presence of
irregular aplite veins.
The division of the whole metavolcanite sequence into two parts (formations)
seems to be more viable. The lower one (amphibolites with the two metagranitoid
horizons plus the discontinuous level of anorthosite metagabbros) correspond
petrographically with the Skalfjellet Subgroup and, therefore, it is proposed to
preserve that name but ranked only as a formation (the Skalfjellet Formation). In
the upper part of the metavolcanite sequence, there occur acid volcanites
(metarhyolites, feldspar-quartz felses, muscovite and biotite schists). This
bimodal volcanic series crops out mainly in the Bratteggdalen area therefore it
has been distinguished under that name (the Bratteggdalen Formation).
Withdrawal of the Werenskiold glacier made accessible many good outcrops
on its foreland what has enabled correlation of the Eimfjellet Group profile with
the lower fragment of the Vimsodden Subgroup (sensu Birkenmajer 1975). Due
to that, the series of acid pyroclastic rocks (muscovite schists and rhyolite
metaconglomerates) lying above the Gulliksenfjellet quartzites has been discerned as a separate lithostratigraphic unit with a proposed name of the Pyttholmen
When analysing spatial distribution of the distinguished formations as well as
variability of their thicknesses and lithological compositions, it has been
concluded that the Eimfjellet Group metavolcanites form a paleostructure of the
central volcano type. The metavolcanites reach their maximum thickness and
variability in the Eimfjellet area and just there a center of volcanic activity should
be localized. In peripheral areas (Skjerstranda-Gulliksenfjellet, Fugleberget) the
amount of quartzites increases in both the Skjerstranda and Gulliksenfjellet
formations. Thus, sources of clastic material for those formations should be
traced somewhere south-west or south of the paleovolcano.
The volcanic Eimfjellet series is bimodal and its metabasites are of the
continental tholeitic type. They represent differentiates of at least two primordial
magmas, formed from remelting of mantle rocks, depleted to a different degree
with incompatible elements. An intraplate, continental character of the Eimfjellet series is additionally underlined by the presence of exceptionally K-rich
rhyolite lavas and enclaves of the A-type granitoids. Differentiation of geochemical features of metabasites, the presence of numerous enclaves (granitoids
and gabbros, including anorthosite gabbro) and also bimodality of the whole
series can prove its connection with deep-seated magma sources, probably in the
lower part of the lithosphere, on its boundary with the mantle.
Rocks of the D e i l e g g a G r o u p build the lower structural stage of the
northern tectonic block and cropp out in the eastern part of the mapped area. The
group is composed of a thick series of various phyllites (metapelites) and laminated
quartzite schists (metamudstones, metasiltstones), with numerous intercalations of
quartzites (metaarenites) and with three thick intercalations of carbonate rocks.
The three horizons have just made possible not only establishing in the field the
succession of rock strata but also recognition of general features of the tectonic
structure. Thefirst horizon crops out in the Slyngfjellet, Strypegga and Solheimfjellet massifs and consists of yellow-weathered dolostones, grey and black calcite
marbles and subordinate carbonate schists. The second one is built entirely of
carbonate schists — yellow at the base with leaf-like fissibility, getting brown-weathered and plate-like upwards. The third level is made up of grey dolostones
and black and grey calcite marbles, being accompanied by characteristic black
phyllites with chloritoid and rich with metaanthracite substance.
Thick layers of quartzites border dolostones of the first and third horizons.
The quartzites in question gradually pass into layered quartzite-phyllite series in
which both the amount and thickness of metaarenite beds decrease. These
observations formed a basis of distinguishing three sedimentary cyclothems with
the following succession: metaarenites -* metapelites -» carbonate rocks within
the sequence of the Deilegga Group. Accepting this division, the lithologic
profile of the group has been constructed. Independently, among rocks of the
quartzite-phyllite series of the 2nd cyclothem (in outcrops on the western arete of
Syngfjellet), there were found relics of the cross bedding. The succession of
strata, recognized due to this bedding corresponds well with that resulting from
identification of sedimentary cyclothems. As the result, three formations have
been distinguished (Strypegga, Skilryggbreen and Deileggbreen), equivalent to
the three successive cyclothems, of which only the middle one is fully developed.
Having established the succession of strata, it must be accepted that the whole
sequence of the Deilegga Group are lying in the overturned position. Im309
mediately below the Torellian unconformity, there occur the oldest rocks, and
structurally below them follow younger and younger one. In light of that, the
Skilryggen-Vrangpeisen antiform forms a false anticline within the range of
Deilegga Group otucrops. In the northern part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land a similar
structure has been recognized (Bjornerud 1990).
The youngest rocks, lying above the Torellian unconformity, were included
into theSofiebogen G r o u p . Within the stratotype area, the group consists of
three different rock-type units: metaconglomerates -» dolostones -> phyllites.
Directly on rocks of the Deilegga Group, there rest the Slyngfjellet conglomerates, overlying in various places different lithosomes of the group in
question. In the north-western part of the studied area, the conglomerates occur
as two or three thick layers, separated by massive sequences of greenstones.
Those metavolcanites, synchronic with the Slyngfjellet Formation, have been
distinguished as an independent formation (the Jens Erikfjellet greenstones).
There are three units recognized within the profile of the greenstones. The lower
one consists mainly of greenschists of tuffogenic origin and a single layer of black
greenstones, pigmented by Fe-Ti oxides. The middle one can be distinguished by
intercalations and laminae of multicoloured metacherts and lenses of plagiophyric greenstones. In the upper unit, bedded and laminated, mostly tuffogenic
greenstones prevail, with lenses of characteristic epidotites and intercalations of
light-grey „porphyrites".
The Jens Erikfjellet greenstones occur as a prism, with a maximum thickness
in its southern part (close to the Vimsodden-Kosibapasset dislocation), wedging
out northwards. The metabasites are uncommonly unique as far as their
geochemistry is concerned, they show tholeitic differentiation trend and carry
significant traces of contamination with a material of the continental crust. They
were fractionated in a shallowseated magma chamber which was being emptied
in a sudden manner: the most differentiated lavas rest at the bottom of the
volcanic series, and rocks less differentiated can be found in its uppermost part.
The Jens Erikfjellet greenstones display features of continental basalts, associated with rifting (as inferred by the presence of conglomerates).
On the slopes of the Wernerknatten, a system of greenstone dykes has been
found; they intersect prefolded phyllites and dolostones of the Deilegga Group.
Sometimes, the dykes have both-sided thermal contacts well preserved. The
greenstones form textural and chemical analogues of the Jens Erikfjellet
metavolcanites, most probably the former acted as feeders to the latter. These
observations set indirectly the age of the Jens Erikfjellet Formation volcanites as
younger ones than the rocks of the Deilegga Group.
Above the Slyngfjellet metaconglomerates and Jens Erikfjellet greenstones,
there rest a relatively thin series of grey dolostones with intercalations of black
calcite marbles and carbonate schists. The series increases its thickness northwards and is more diversified in the same direction. Among the dolostones on the
slopes of Bratthó, there appear minute lenses of cherts and intercalations of
sedimentary breccias of several types (fragments of cherts in dolostone,
fragments of dolostones in cherts, and ordinary dolostone breccias). Despite
some differences in their lithology and thickness, the rocks can be compared with
and identified as the Hóferpynten Formation. The differences result, most
probably, from facial variability.
Above the carbonate rocks, there occurs a thick complex of dark-grey and
black phyllites, with a sequence of greenish phyllites in the middle, and with few
thin intercalations of grey and black quartzites. The complex has been included
into the Gashamna Formation, from which it differs only in lesser amount of
quartzite intercalations and in higher degree of recrystallization. In particular,
the characteristic intercalation of greenish phyllites strongly resembles the rock
cropping out in Soflebogen.
In the approach presented here, also the middle part of the Vimsodden
sequence (the Vimsodden Subgroup sensu Birkenmajer 1975) has been included
into the Soflebogen Group. This refers to the rocks situated between the belt of
diaphthoritic schists, separating the northern and southern tectonic blocks, and
greestones and metaconglomerates cropping out on the western foreland on the
Jens Erikfjellet. The basic argument supporting such an idea is seen in relics of the
cross bedding, identified in layers of metaarenites, exposed on Elveflya. The
relics indicate a reverse succession of strata (they are getting younger southwards, not northwards), contrary to the previously suggested opinion. It has also
been found that sizes of pebbles, occurring in numerous here layers of
conglomerates with fractional bedding, decrease from north to south. The
observation prove that the Vimsodden sequence lies stratigraphically above the
Syngfjellet metaconglomerates and Jens Erikfjellet greenstones, hence it is
younger than the two rock units.
The distinguished part of the Vimsodden sequence has been described as the
Elveflya Formation. It consists successively of: (1) green and black carbonate-mica schists with intercalations of yellow quartzites; (2) black muscovite-paragonite schists with chloritoid, and subordinate, thin layers of quartzites; (3)
carbonate-mica schists with intercalations of grey marbles and yellow quartzites,
and with two thick complexes of metaconglomerates at the top; (4) again black
muscovite-paragonite schists with chloritoid. The amount and thickness of
quartzites intercalations increase eastwards while the thickness of marbles
increases westwards.
In the middle part of the Elveflya Formation in the carbonate-mica schists,
there were observed singular, isolated minute pebbles — they can be interpreted
as dropstones. In such a case, at least a part of the Elveflya Formation can
correspond stratigraphically to the Kapp Lyell tillites, known from the Bellsund
area and correlated with glaciation of the Wendian age.
The Vimsodden-Kosibapasset dislocation, separating the northern and
southern tectonic blocks, represents probably a deep-seated fracture which
displayed multiphase tectonic and igneous activity. It is the matter of discussion
whether this disjunction formed a boundary between various terranes. From the
spatial distribution of the Eimfjellet and Jens Erikfjellet volcanites it can be
guessed that in two different geological periods the disjunction served as
a passage for ascending magmas.
During sedimentation of rocks of the Sofiebogen Group, the dislocation
formed a boundary between a more stable block just south-west of the
dislocation (Hóferpynten, Dunóyane, Isóyane) and a tectonically active area to
north-east of it which was being subsided (Fannytoppen, Tonedalen, Krakken).
In the area of the southern block, where the Slyngfjellet conglomerates either
does not exist or are very thin, carbonate rocks of the Hóferpynten Formation
reach great thicknesses and are developed as shallow-water facies on a stromatolitic carbonate platform. Thick series of conglomerates were deposited north-east of the dislocation having been accompanied by tholeitic lava flows (the Jens
Erikfjellet Formation). Carbonate rocks, equivalents of the Hóferpynten
Formation, are here not so thick, do not contain stromatolites, and are
characterized by numerous breccias and schist intercalations (a slope of the
carbonate platform?).
During Caledonian movements, the Vimsodden-Kosibapasset dislocation
acted as a thrust zone. Rocks of the northern block was being progressively
metamorphosed under conditions of greenschist facies while in the southern
block zones of diaphthorites, arranged parallel to the dislocation, were formed
Igneous and tectonic reactivation of the area took place in Cretaceous what
was associated with an early stage of opening of the northern Atlantic. The
following data indicate that the Vimsodden-Kosibapasset dislocation behaved as
a sinistral strike-slip fault at that time. (1) Three thick dolerite dykes with
latitudinal strikes (Hyttevika-Eimfjellet, Eimfjellet-Tuva, Flatryggen-Princessetoppen) are arranged en echelon. Such a system of tensional fractures, later
filled up by a magma, could be connected with a sinistral strike-slip zone. (2)
Dolerite dykes with longitudinal strikes on Vimsodden are intersected by faults
and displaced in a manner indicating just a sinistral strike-slip movement.
However, some segments of the dykes display also the NW-SE strikes. (3) Sets of
small faults and fractures in schists on Vimsodden (with the WNW-ESE and
SW-NE strikes), found by Birkenmajer (1986), can be interpreted as — respectively — low- and high-angle sets of shear fractures associated with a NW-SE
strike-slip zone. (4) Minute folds with axes dipping to SW at 50-70° (Birkenmajer
1986), also occurring on Vimsodden, result — most probably — from tension
characteristic of strike-slip movements. A simple compression along WSW-ENE
would create also minute folds but rather with horizontal axes.
Cretaceous dolerite dykes within the southern tectonic block are intersected
by normal faults trending NNW-SSE with fault faces dipping steeply to SW.
These faults seem to be the only signes of the Tertiary tectonic rejuvenation in the
Hornsund area. Thees disjunctions together with smaller accompanied fractures
carry mineralization of quartz and Fe-bearing carbonates with lesser pyrite and
Cu, Pb, and Zn ores. These observations contradict previously presented
opinions on the age of the carbonate-polymetallic mineralization (Birkenmajer
& Wojciechowski 1964).
Birkenmajer, K., 1975: Caledonides of Svalbard and plate tectonics. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark,
24: 1-19.
Birkenmajer, K., 1981: The geology of Svalbard, the western part of the Barents Sea and the
continental margin of Scandinavia. In: Nairn, A. E. M., Churkin, M. Jr. & Stehli, F. G. (eds.). The
Ocean Basins and Margins, 5: 265-329. Plenum Press. New York.
Birkenmajer, K., 1986: Tertiary tectonic deformations of Lower Cretaceous dolerite dykes in
a Precambrian terrane, south-west Spitsbergen. Stud. Geol. Pol., 89: 31-44.
Birkenmajer, K., 1990: Geology of the Hornsund area, Spitsbergen. Explanations to the map
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Addresses of the authors: mgr inż. Jerzy Czerny, mgr inż. Adam Kieres, prof, dr hab. Andrzej
Manecki, mgr inż. Maciej Manecki, dr hab. inż. Jacek Rajchel, University of Mining and Metallurgy,
Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, al. Mickiewicza 30,30-059 Kraków,
Prezentowana mapa stanowi końcowy efekt prac kartograficznych wykonywanych w latach
1985-1990 w rejonie Hornsundu przez zespół geologów z AGH. Mapa obejmuje fragment wybrzeża
Spitsbergenu na północ od fiordu Hornsund, pomiędzy lodowcami Torella, Vrangpeisa i Hansa.
W obszarze tym odsłaniają się skały metamorficzne wieku prekambryjskiego, należące do
kaledońskiego fundamentu Svalbardu. Podczas prac kartograficznych zebrano nowe dane pozwalające uzupełnić dotychczasowy obraz budowy i historii geologicznej badanego obszaru.
S£rkapp Land Group
K a p p Lyoll T l l l i t e s
C&shamna Phyllites
(F«. )
Deilegga Group
J e n s E r i k f j e l l e t G r e e n s t o n e s (Fm. )
< C
T u v a Carbonates
Tuva Phyllites
G u l l i k s e n f j e l l e t Q u a r t z l t e s (Fn. )
IsbJQrnhamna Group
Fig. 1. Lithostratigraphy of the Hecla Hoek Succession in Wedel Jarlsberg Land
Vlmsa Member