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April 14, 2015
Opioid Sedation Scale (POSS) is a standardized tool that can be used to
screen patients for risk factors associated with sedation, such respiratory
depression. This tool will be implemented on April 21, 2015.
POSS Highlights
POSS will be tasked every 4 hours for patients
receiving PCA/PCEA, methadone, and fentanyl via
any route.
Patients with risk factors for over sedation such as
a high STOP-BANG score or concurrent sedating
medications regardless of opioid tolerance should
have a POSS completed.
Nurses have the autonomy to task the POSS if
they deem the patient is at risk for over sedation.
Exclusions from POSS include end of life/palliative
care, critical care patients with purposeful
sedation, and pediatric patients.
POSS will be available at the bottom of the Pain
Assess/Reassess form. It is not mandatory. It may
be used if patient condition warrants. ED, Urgent
Care, and Behavior Health Pain forms will not have
POSS available.
POSS score should be communicated during hand
off reports from PACU and shift to shift bedside
A new question will be added to admission
profiles to capture if a patient takes opioids daily
(opioid tolerant) or not at all (opioid naïve).
EtCO2 Monitoring Highlights
On April 21, 2015 EtCO2 monitoring will be
implemented on all units (except Maternity).
EtCO2/SpO2 will be tasked every 4
hours while patients are on PCA/PCEA.
Nurses may use discretion based on
assessment of patient to initiate
Use EtCO2 if a patient is opioid naïve
or new or increased doses of opioids
are started.
Standard EtCO2 setting parameters
(alarms) cannot be adjusted without a
physician order.
EtCO2 monitor will be delivered to unit
from CPD or VAST.
On March 17, 2015 the
Narcan Protocol and new
STOP-BANG sleep apnea
tool went live.
-Please remember to use the
communication type of POE
Co-Sign when ordering the
Narcan Protocol.
-The STOP-BANG form
replaced the OSA tool to
evaluate for sleep apnea.
-Below are the steps for
retrieving the education in
PCA/PCEA Highlights
PCA/PCEA task will be every 4 hours
instead of every 8 hours.
The POSS form will task every 4 hours
while the patient in on PCA/PCEA.
A thorough respiratory assessment
should be completed and charted at
minimum every 4 hours.
Reference text for the narcan protocol
and EtCO2/SpO2 will be available within
the order or the form.
Kristi Noble MSN
Clinical EHR
Ext. 56386
For a reference or other information about the EHR,
PowerChart, or FirstNet go to:
[email protected]