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Systemic Anatomy Exam III
Prepared especially for the trimester one class, Spring 2003
Please place the single best answer in the space provided (unless designated by the letters MACA, which in this
case mark all correct answers that apply) on your scantron sheet. The faculty will not answer any of your
questions (unless you find a typo) once the exam begins, as interpretation of the question is a part of the
examination. Good luck.
1) Which of the following structures are found in the sphenoid bone? (MACA)
a) jugum
b) chiasmatic groove
c) groove for the transverse sinus
d) anterior clinoid process
e) groove for the middle meningeal artery
2) Which of the following components are components of the sella turcica? (MACA)
a) hypophyseal fossa
b) posterior clinoid process
c) dorsum sella
d) jugum
e) tubeculum sella
3) The temporalis m. ____________. (MACA)
a) attaches to the zygomatic arch
b) will elevate the mandible
c) attaches to the temporal lines of the parietal bones
d) attaches to the coronoid process of the mandible
e) innervated by the nerve that travels through the foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone
4) Which of the following muscles will NOT depress the mandible? (MACA)
a) lateral pterygoid m.
b) digastric m.
c) temporalis m.
d) medial pterygoid m.
e) platysma m.
5) Which of the following components ARE NOT part of the cruciate ligament complex found in the neck?
a) transverse ligament of the atlas
b) superior longitudinal band
c) cranial crus
d) apical ligament
e) caudal crus
6) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning the joint of Luschka (uncovertebral joint).
a) AKA the uncovertebral joint
b) it is a synarthrotic joint
c) located between the uncinate process and the small indentation found on the body of the
vertebra it articulates with
d) located lateral and posterolateral to the margins of the IVD
e) degeneration can cause compression of adjacent structures
page 1, SA Exam III, Q.# 1-6
7) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning the cruciate ligaments of the knee.
a) anterior cruciate ligament attaches to the posterior and medial aspect of the lateral condyle of the
b) anterior cruciate ligament prevents anterior movement of the tibia beneath the femur
c) torn ACL results in “anterior drawer sign”
d) posterior cruciate ligament attaches to the anterior aspect of the tibial plateau
e) anterior cruciate ligament is pulled tight when the knee is extended
8) Which of the following bones touch the sphenoid bone? (MACA)
a) lacrimal bone
b) nasal bone
c) occipital bone
d) maxillary bone
e) mandible
9) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning vertebral ossification centers.
a) a typical vertebra has 5 secondary ossification centers that develop during puberty
b) typical vertebra have three initial ossification centers
c) the three primary ossification centers of a vertebra are the spinous process, the transverse process and
the centrum
d) fusion of the vertebral arch is complete by age 6 in the lumbar vertebrae
e) secondary ossification centers unite with the vertebra by age 25
10) Choose the INCORRECT match of a hole in the skull and what structures run through it.
a) superior orbital fissure – CN II, III, IV and the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
b) stylomastoid foramen – CN VII
c) internal acoustic meatus – vestibulocochlear n. and the facial n.
d) foramen ovale – branches of the trigeminal nerve that innervate the muscles of mastication
e) jugular foramen – CN IX, X and XI
11) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning the muscles of the abdominal wall.
a) there is no posterior rectus sheath inferior to the arcuate line
b) the rectus abdominis m. is a strap type of muscle with tendinous inscriptions
c) the linea alba is formed by the confluence of the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles along the
midline and extends from the xiphoid to the pubic bone
d) the cremaster muscle is derived from the inferior surface of the external abdominal oblique m.
e) the inguinal ligament attaches on the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
12) Choose the INCORRECT statement.
a) the iliocostalis lumborum m. attaches to the ilium and the inferior 6 ribs
b) the longissimus mm. is the middle column of the erector spinae group and extends from the ilium to
the skull
c) the erector spinae muscles will extend the spine, laterally flex the spine and rotate the spine
d) the semispinalis capitis m. attaches from the TP’s of C4-T6 and to the occipital bone
e) the iliocostalis thoracis m. attaches from the TP’s of T12-L4 and to ribs 8-12
13) Which of the following muscles DOES NOT attach to the mastoid process of the temporal bone?
a) digastric m.
b) longissimus capitis m.
c) splenius capitis m.
d) semispinalis capitis m.
e) sternocleidomastoid m.
page 2, SA Exam III, Q.# 7-13
14) Choose the INCORRECT statement.
a) multifidus mm. attach on the TP of one vertebra and to the spinous process of the vertebra 2-4
segments superior to its origin
b) short rotator mm. in the lumbar region attach to the TP of one vertebra and insert on the spinous
process of the vertebra directly superior to its origin
c) interspinalis mm. attach from spinous process to spinous process
d) long rotator mm. attach from the TP of one vertebra and insert on the spinous process of the vertebra
directly above
e) intertransversarii mm. attach from transverse process to transverse process
15) Which one of the following muscles DOES NOT attach to the atlas?
a) levator scapulae m.
b) rectus capitis posterior minor m.
c) rectus capitis posterior major m.
d) obliquus capitis superior m.
e) obliquus capitis inferior m.
16) Which of the following muscles will protract the scapula? (MACA)
a) latissimus dorsi m.
b) trapezius m.
c) serratus anterior m.
d) pectoralis minor m.
e) rhomboid mm.
17) Which of the following muscles will retract the scapula? (MACA)
a) latissimus dorsi m.
b) trapezius m.
c) serratus anterior m.
d) pectoralis minor m.
e) rhomboid mm.
18) Which of the following nerves innervate muscles that laterally rotate the humerus? (MACA)
a) axillary n.
b) suprascapular n.
c) lower subscapular n.
d) thoracodorsal n.
e) dorsal scapular n.
19) Which of the following muscles will medially rotate the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) latissimus dorsi m.
b) teres minor m.
c) teres major m.
d) pectoralis major m.
e) infraspinatus m.
20) Which of the following muscles will flex the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) coracobrachialis m.
b) latissimus dorsi m.
c) triceps brachii m., long head
d) pectoralis major m.
e) teres major m.
page 3, SA Exam III, Q.# 14-20
21) From superior to inferior list in order the muscles that attach to the vertebral border of the scapula.
1) teres minor m.
5) trapezius m.
2) teres major m.
6) rhomboid minor m.
3) levator scapulae m.
7) latissimus dorsi m.
4) rhomboid major m.
8) triceps brachii m., long head
a) 3,5,4,6,7
b) 3,6,4,2,7
c) 8,1,2,7
d) 3,4,6,1,7
e) 3,5,6,4,1
22) Which one of the following muscles will NOT flex the elbow?
a) biceps brachii m., long head
b) biceps brachii m., short head
c) coracobrachialis m.
d) pronator teres m.
e) brachialis m.
23) Which of the following muscles will supinate the forearm? (MACA)
a) pronator teres m.
b) brachialis m.
c) biceps brachii m.
d) coracobrachialis m.
e) supinator m.
24) The radial nerve innervates which of the following muscles? (MACA)
a) supinator m.
b) pronator teres m.
c) brachioradialis m.
d) palmaris longus m.
e) flexor carpi radialis m.
25) The musculocutaneous nerve innervates muscles that ______.
a) extend the arm
b) flex the elbow
c) flex the carpus
d) laterally rotate the humerus
e) extend the elbow
26) The radial nerve innervates muscles that ___________. (MACA)
a) flex the arm
b) extend the arm
c) extend the elbow
d) flex the elbow
e) supinate the forearm
27) The gluteus maximus m. will ___ the hip joint.
a) extend
b) flex
page 4, SA Exam III, Q.# 21-27
28) The _____ nerve innervates muscles that will pronate the forearm.
a) radial
b) musculocutaneous
c) median
d) ulnar
e) axillary
29) Which of the following muscles originate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus? (MACA)
a) flexor carpi radialis m.
b) flexor carpi ulnaris m.
c) extensor digitorum communis m.
d) flexor carpi radialis brevis m.
e) extensor carpi ulnaris m.
30) What nerve innervates the skin and muscles of the thenar eminence?
a) radial nerve
b) median nerve
c) ulnar nerve
d) musculocutaneous nerve
e) axillary nerve
31) Which of the following muscles will flex the hip joint? (MACA)
a) iliacus m.
b) gluteus maximus m.
c) psoas major m.
d) tensor fasciae latae m.
e) biceps femoris m.
32) What are the primary functions of the hamstring muscles? (MACA)
a) extend the hip joint
b) flex the hip joint
c) extend the knee joint
d) flex the knee joint
e) abduct the thigh
33) Which one of the following muscles will NOT laterally rotate the femur?
a) iliacus m.
b) piriformis m.
c) quadratus femoris m.
d) semitendinosus m.
e) biceps femoris m.
34) Which one of the following muscles will NOT adduct the femur?
a) gracilis m.
b) adductor magnus m.
c) pectineus m.
d) tensor fasciae latae m.
e) adductor brevis m.
page 5, SA Exam III, Q.# 28-34
35) Which one of the following muscles will NOT flex the knee joint?
a) sartorius m.
b) soleus m.
c) gastrocnemius m.
d) gracilis m.
e) biceps femoris m.
36) Which one of the following muscles will extend the knee joint?
a) biceps femoris m.
b) gracilis m.
c) quadriceps femoris m.
d) piriformis m.
e) tibialis anterior m.
37) If I cut the ___ nerve I could NOT extend the knee joint.
a) obturator
b) femoral
c) superior gluteal
d) inferior gluteal
e) common peroneal
38) This muscle attaches from the ASIS to Gerdy’s tubercle.
a) tibialis anterior m.
b) biceps femoris m.
c) tensor fasciae lata m.
d) rectus femoris m.
e) gracilis m.
39) This muscle attaches from the AIIS to the tibial tuberosity.
a) tensor fasciae latae m.
b) gracilis m.
c) rectus femoris m.
d) sartorius m.
e) semimembranosus m.
40) What is the common point of origin for the hamstring muscles?
c) pubic symphysis
d) ischial tuberosity
e) pecten pubis
41) Which of the following actions is NOT consistent with those of the sartorius m.?
a) flex knee
b) extend thigh
c) rotate femur laterally
d) abduct femur
e) flex hip joint
page 6, SA Exam III, Q.# 35-41
42) Which of the following muscles attach at the pes anserinus? (MACA)
a) biceps femoris m.
b) semitendinosus m.
c) gracilis m.
d) sartorius m.
e) tensor fasciae latae m.
43) Which of the following muscles will invert the foot at the ankle joint? (MACA)
a) tibialis anterior m.
b) tibialis posterior m.
c) peroneus longus m.
d) peroneus brevis m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
44) Which of the following muscles will evert the foot at the ankle joint? (MACA)
a) tibialis anterior m.
b) tibialis posterior m.
c) peroneus longus m.
d) peroneus brevis m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
45) If I cut the common peroneal nerve could I still dorsiflex the foot?
a) yes
b) no
46) Which of the following muscles attach to the base of MT 5? (MACA)
a) peroneus longus m.
b) tibialis posterior m.
c) peroneus brevis m.
d) tibialis anterior m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
47) Which of the following muscles will plantar flex the foot? (MACA)
a) gastrocnemius m.
b) peroneus longus m.
c) tibialis anterior m.
d) soleus m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
48) Which of the following nerves innervate muscles that will plantar flex the foot? (MACA)
a) superficial peroneal nerve
b) obturator nerve
c) femoral nerve
d) tibial nerve
e) deep peroneal nerve
49) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) tinnitus – a ringing sound in the ears
b) anabatic – to make worse or to exacerbate
c) anaphylaxis – without protection
d) anisocoria – the same on both sides
e) bifurcate – to split into two
page 7, SA Exam III, Q.# 42-49
50) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) bradycardia – a slow heart rate
b) claudication – to bring together
c) cynophobia – a fear of dogs
d) edentulous – loss of teeth
e) polydipsia – to have excessive thirst and to drink large amounts of fluids
page 8, SA Exam III, Q.# 50
The end of the third exam. Grades will be emailed to you by the end of the day.