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ChGHECon affiliate profile Joelle Brown, May 31, 2013
Joelle M. Brown, PhD, MPH
Global Health Sciences, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dr. Brown’s research interests are focused on the implementation and evaluation of
interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. This includes
cost-effectiveness analysis with a focus on settings in the developing world. She has
been conducting research in sub-Saharan Africa for the past 15 years, and has lived in
Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Tanzania for 5 of those years. Her technical background includes
epidemiology, reproductive health, and implementation science.
 Evaluate interventions to improve reproductive health and prevent sexually
transmitted infections
 Design interventions that can translate efficacious interventions to large-scale
 SAFER: Impact and cost-effectiveness of combination safer conception strategies to
prevent HIV transmission in Kenya (NIH/NIMH funded; PI: Brown)
 TOOLKIT: Development and Evaluation of a Safer Conception Training and Education
Toolkit for the Empowerment of HIV-Affected Women, Couples and Healthcare
Providers (UCGHI funded; PI: Brown)
 Economists: JG Kahn (UCSF)
 Clinical & epidemiology researchers: G. Rutherford (UCSF), C. Cohen (UCSF), M.
Handley (UCSF), S. Shiboski (UCSF), L. Darbes (UCSF).
 Program implementers: FACES study Kenya (UCSF-KEMRI Collaboration)
 Brown JM, Wald A, Hubbard A, et al. Incident and prevalent herpes simplex virus
type 2 infection increases risk of HIV acquisition among women in Uganda and
Zimbabwe. AIDS July 2007; 21(12):1515-1523.
 Brown JM, Poynten M, Sovero M, Millwood IY, Kaldor J. Microbicide safety and
effectiveness: an overview of recent clinical trials. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS
September 2008;3(5):574-580.
 Low N, Chersich MF, Schmidlin K, et al. Intravaginal practices, bacterial vaginosis and
HIV infection in women: individual woman data meta-analysis. PLoS Med 2011 Feb
 Salif Sow P, Watson-Jones D., Kiviat, N, Changalucha J, Diallo Mbaye, K, Brown JM, et
al. Safety and Immunogenicity of Human Papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted
Vaccine: a Randomised Trial in 10-25 year old HIV-seronegative African Females.
Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012 December 13
 Brown JM, Hess K, Brown S, et al. Intravaginal Practices and risk of bacterial vaginosis
and candidiasis among a cohort of women in the United States. Obstetrics and
Gynecology. 2013 Apr;121(4):773-80
Epidemiologic methods, mentoring, tutoring
Study design, field epidemiology, clinical trials, observational studies
Reproductive health, behavioral and biomedical prevention of sexually transmitted
disease and HIV (e.g. vaccines, microbicides, therapeutics), intravaginal practices
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