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Smart Cities
and the Ageing Population
Sustainable smart cities: from vision to reality
13 October 2014. ITU, Geneva
Knud Erik Skouby, CMI/ Aalborg University-Cph
Presentation based on work within WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum) WGA
Per Lynggaard, Assistant Professor, CMI
Iwona Windekilde, Associate Professor, CMI
Anri Kivimäki, Program Manager, International Business
Lotta Haukipuro, PhD Fellow
Management and International Business,
Oulu Business School, University of Oulu, Finland
• Due to a growing number of elderly people, it is a necessity to
create cities that are aware of the special needs of all their
citizens including the needs of aging populations.
• This paper shows that by combining smart homes with smart
cities, we are able to provide an ICT infrastructure that
exploits the entangled connections between the ambient
assisted living, the smart homes, and the smart cities
Elderly people 65+ represent a
growing share of the world
25 percent of all Europeans will be
over 60 by 2030
Globally, 40 per cent of older
persons aged 60 +live
Population aging presents social,
economic and political challenges
for societies
Figure 1: Number of people aged 60 or over:
Source: World, developed and developing
countries, 1950-2050, UDESA 2012
Distribution of population aged 60 years or over by
broad age group,
Source: World Population Ageing, Profiles of Ageing, 19502050 , UNDESA, 2011
The needs of elderly persons for continued well-being
Assisted living environments can help an ageing population to remain
active and independent for longer period by taking into consideration their
individual needs
Figure. A multi-factor model
displaying the needs of
elderly persons for
continued well-being
Source: I. Iakovidis, “ICT for
Health and Ageing,” European
Commission, 2013.
Smart cities need to address elderly people needs
across such as housing, social participations health
care, and community support services, leisure, and
culture, in order to make smart city environment
more elderly friendly.
Idea - Smart Cities and Smart Homes
• A smart city concept must include the smart homes to
support the citizens entangled society lifestyle.
• To make the smart city the engine of transformation a
modern ICT based infrastructure, which integrates the
smart homes into a smart city, is needed
Internet of Things (IoT)
• The connected IoT’s is
the next big step in the
evolution of the
• A combination of
Internet , wireless
communication, and
embedded wireless
sensors transform
everyday objects into
intelligent and
context-aware IoTs.
Smart homes
• Smart homes have their roots
in the intelligent buildings and
the home automation areas.
• They offer:
– Remote and timer control of
systems and embedded devices.
– The smart homes add context
sensing and autonomous
IoTs in smart homes
• Most user actions are
performed in a limited
– User actions are
processed locally by IoTs
that are positioned close
to the sensors and
With AI IoTs are able to learn and predict user
AI in smart homes
• Future smart homes implement context-aware services
• Context-aware services are added to smart homes using
AI-based systems.
• The AI systems learn from users’ behaviors with a high
degree of probability and are able to perform the
learned actions autonomously.
• Smart home AI systems must be able to interface with
hundreds or even thousands of sensors.
Clouds of Things (CoT)
• CoT is a pool of resources and calculation
capabilities that offers IoT based services through
the Internet
Emerging smart home services
Cloud computing
Sensors enhance home’s security
Washer and dryer
controlled by load
dirt level, time-of-day
energy rates
The suggested concept
• The smart homes are
equipped with an
advanced AI system that
organizes and controls the
smart home services.
– It performs processing of
events from the IoT devices
with limited processing
• The smart city ICT based
infrastructure combines
the smart home AI systems
with the CoT services.
– I.e. the smart homes are
linked into the smart city
The suggested concept
• Layer 1(the bottom layer):
Contains a collection of IoT’s
directly interacting with the
• Layer 2: Contextual information
from the IoTs collected in the
smart home AI learns and
predicts the user’s behaviour
and preferences .
• Layer 3: The CoT layer combines
the AI systems from the
individual smart homes
• Layer 4: A smart city ICT-based
infrastructure is created
Change Influence on
• Energy & transport
• Water, and environmental monitoring
• Government, administration, and public safety
• Healthcare
• Social interaction
A new eco-system
• Integrating the smart homes into the smart cities,
coordinate their activities, collect big data, and offers
composite complex services to the community, as well
as to the individual smart home user.
• The concept offers change and new service
– interconnecting Internet of Things in the individual smart
homes in an intelligent way by deploying AI.
– It scales well and offers easily adaptation to new technology
and services such as smart grids; ITS..
– The smart city Cloud of Things offers the possibility to
centralizing distributed data into a few big-data storages by
deploying new combined smart home and smart city
• The infrastructure offers a framework for
innovation, a framework for citizen involvements,
and a framework for new service possibilities
• Major challenges
– Communication: reliability, latency.. 5 G solutions
– M2M incl management; interoperability and
connectivity – 5G solutions?
– CoT incl security, privacy, trust – 5G solutions?