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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Hispanic-American JILLIAN BUELL HANNAH ASTE Characteristics of Society Hispanic-Americans are a very diverse group and include distinct subcultures that differ significantly as to custom, values, and educational orientation. (1) a cool environment; (2) conformity; (3) peer-oriented learning; (4) kinesthetic instructional resources; (5) a high degree of structure; (6) late morning and afternoon peak energy levels; (7) variety as opposed to routines; and (8) a field-dependent cognitive style. Teachers and counselors should be aware of cultural group characteristics; for the most responsive teaching and counseling strategies, however, they should emphasize the learningstyle strengths of each individual and try to match instructional resources and methods to individual environmental, emotional, physiological, and psychological preferences. Cultural Values Strong sense of family commitment Loyal, strong support system The way a child behaves is reflective on the honor of the family Hierarchical order among siblings Duty to care for family members Conflicts with United States’ sense of individualism They value spirituality, the dignity of each person, and respect for authority figures Male adolescents display more & earlier independence than norm U.S. pop. Male adolescents often exhibit lower levels of self-esteem than norm U.S. pop. More inclined adopt religious & political beliefs of parents than Anglos Learning Styles Limited research on Hispanic-Americans’ learning styles Focused on Mexican-American elementary school children Cool temperature & formal design Emotional Learning Style – Responsibility, structure, persistence, & motivation. Need a higher degree of structure than Anglo counterparts Like to work in groups more so than Caucasian & AfricanAmericans Mexican-American males – authority oriented Mexican-American females – peer oriented Latinos are generally kinesthetic learners Instructional Strategies Cooperative Learning In small groups, students are assigned specific tasks – maximizes and stimulates their learning individually and in a group. Students come up with complex understandings by defending and discussing ideas. Culturally-Responsive Teaching Incorporates the everyday concerns of students, such as important family and community issues, into the curriculum. Teachers develop learning activities based on familiar concepts, facilitating literacy and content learning and helping Hispanic students feel more comfortable and confident with their work Instructional Conversations An extended discourse between the teacher and students in areas that have educational value as well as relevance for the students. It is initiated by students to develop their language and complex thinking skills, and to guide them in their learning processes Cognitively-Guided Instruction Emphasizes learning strategies that enhance students' metacognitive development. It focuses on the direct teaching and modeling of cognitive learning strategies and giving students opportunities to practice them. Stereotypes & Perceptions Gender roles: - Male is perceived as dominant & strong. – Female is perceived as nurturing and selfsacrificing. “Machismo” does not mean ‘male chauvinism’. “Machismo” = chivalry, gallantry, courtesy, charity, courage Depicted as lower-class, poorer Depicted to have janitorial or landscaping jobs Resources Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15 – Oct 15) Del Sol Books provides the best Spanish/English/Bilingual Children's Books/CDs/DVDs: El dia de los niños/ El dia de los libros - Children's Day/ Book Day, Association for Library Service to Children, American Library Association. nic_American/ and_Latino_Americans_in_the_United_States.