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Unit 5
9.3 The Mammalian Heart
AMAZING Human Heart Facts:
 Pumps about 70x per minute, 90 000x per day through 160 000 km of blood vessels!
 Pumps in 2 directions at once without ever mixing the blood!
 Has a life expectancy of around 80 years
 Is about the size of your fist
The Flow of Blood
Watch the narrated animation and fill in the answers to discover how blood moves through the heart.
Blood first enters the ______________________ through two large veins called the ____________ vena cava
and the _____________ vena cava. The blood entering the right atrium is low in _______________ since it is
returning to the heart after nourishing various body parts with oxygen. The blood then moves from the right
atrium into the _________________________ through a valve called the ___________________ valve. The
valve prevents blood from flowing from the right ventricle back to the right atrium, ensuring a one way
flow. When the blood is in the right ventricle, the heart muscle pumps it the short distance to the lungs.
Blood goes through the __________________________________ to the lungs, getting rid of its carbon dioxide
and acquiring new oxygen, and then returns to the heart. The blood returns to the heart through the
_______________________ leading to the left atrium. When the left atrial wall contracts, the blood is
pushed through the _________________ valve into the left ventricle. The left ventricle contracts and forces
the oxygen-rich blood on its life giving journey throughout the body. The blood goes through the ________,
a large artery with branches that distribute blood to all parts of the body.
Heart Diagram  LABELS  FUNCTIONS
Trace the passage of OXYGENATED
blood with a red arrow.
Trace the passage of
DEOXYGENATED blood with a blue
Control of the Heartbeat
 a bundle of specialized muscle tissue in the wall of the
right atrium stimulates the muscle fibres to contract and
relax rhythmically
 Tissue is called the _______________________________
(S-A node or pacemaker - #1 on diagram)
Recording the Heart Rate
 The S-A node generates an electrical impulse that spreads
over the 2 atria and makes them contract
 The impulse then reaches the ________________________
node (A-V node - #2 on diagram) which causes the
ventricles to contract
The Electrocardiogram
 Change in _______________ produced by electrical
charges can be measured using a device called an _________________________
P wave – small voltage increase that shows the electrical
depolarization that accompanies the contraction of the
QRS complex – shows the depolarization that
accompanies the contraction of the ventricles
T wave – represents the repolarization that precedes the
next firing of the S-A node
Chemical Regulators
1. Noradrenaline
 chemical that makes the S-A node fire ________________________________
 released when there’s an increase in ________________________________ (running to the bus!) or
when you are nervous, angry, excited or in pain
2. Acetylcholine
 chemical that ________________________________of the S-A node
Blood Pressure
 Heart rate and blood pressure will increase in response to an increased demand in oxygen
 Highest pressure in cardiac cycle is generated by contraction of the left ventricle as if forces blood
out of the heart (________________________________)
 Lowest pressure in cardiac cycle is immediately before another contraction of the ventricles
 Typically measured at an artery in an arm and recorded in mm of Hg
 Written as systolic over diastolic
 Average healthy blood pressure = ________________________________
Blood Pressure Risks
 Elevated blood pressure = __________________
 Conditions that increase the blood ____________________ or reduce the ___________________ of
the arteries can produce hypertension
Ex. __________ = causes blood to retain water therefore increasing the volume of blood the heart
needs to pump
Ex. ___________________ = clogs arteries, reducing their elasticity