Download (Nutrition}. Assistant Professor (or Instructor) of Animal tion in Anima

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Instructions for the submission of material to be published in this section may be found in the News and Notes
section of the November and December, 1972 issues of this journal.
Job Opportunities
Assistant Professor o f Animal Science (Nutrition}.
Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, NIG 2Wl.
New Mexico State University is seeking a Ph.D. in
Animal Nutrition or in Animal Science with emphasis
in ruminant nutrition. The position is for one year (12 9 WILDLIFE SCIENCES NEW MEXICO STATE
months) starting July 1, 1975 with high probability of UNIVERSITY. Position: Visiting Instructor or Assisanother year of appointment, and is 75% teaching and tant Professor of Animal Science. Duration: One
25% research. Teaching duties include undergraduate academic year (9 months) starting August 25, 1975
and graduate courses in nutrition plus other selected with high probability of another year of appointment
courses which the applicant is qualified to teach. based on satisfactory performance. Qualifications:
Minimum of M.S. degree in Animal Science or related
Research will be in ruminant nutrition, particularly
with range beef cattle. Apply with resume to: Dr. A. field. Ph.D. preferred. Responsibilities: Full-time
B. Nelson, Head, Department of Animal, Range and teaching of about 12 credits per semester. Greatest
Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las needs are for teaching courses in Anatomy and
Cruces, New Mexico 88003.
Physiology, Sheep Production, Horse Production and
Livestock Slaughtering and Processing. Applicants
Assistant Professor (or Instructor) o f Animal should be qualified to teach some of these courses plus
Science. New Mexico State University is seeking other courses normally taught in Animal Science
applicants for a full-time teaching position (9 months). departments. Saiary: Commensurate with position
The M.S. degree in an Animal Science field is and qualifications. Application Procedure: Candidates
minimum and a Ph.D. is preferred. Appointment is for for the position should submit a resume of their
one academic year starting August 25, 1975 with high education and professional experience, lists of
probability of another year of appointment. Teaching publications, transcripts of college or university
duties will be about 12 credits per semester. Greatest studies, and names and addresses of at least three
needs are for teaching courses in anatomy and persons who may be contacted for reference. Submit
physiology, sheep production, horse production, and application to: Dr. A. B. Nelson, Head, Department of
livestock slaughtering and processing. Applicants Animal, Range and Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico
should be qualified to teach some of these courses plus State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003. New
other courses normally taught in Animal Science Mexico State University is an Equal Opportunity and
Departments. Apply with resume to: Dr. A. B. Nelson, Affirmative Action Employer.
Head, Department of Animal, Range and Wildlife
A new instructional position will be open in the
Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,
Animal Science Department, California State PolyNew Mexico 88003.
technic University, Pomona, California 91768, effecAvailable immediately, a research associate posi- tive September 1, 1975. Individuals applying for this
tion in Animal Breeding/Animal Production. Major position should be primarily interested in underresponsibility is to work on beef and/or dairy graduate teaching in the areas of livestock evaluation,
production models with particular reference to animal beef and dairy production. Applicants should hold a
breeding. Requirements are a Ph.D. in Animal Science Ph.D. degree with specific training in ruminant
or Agricultural Economics, with knowledge of both nutrition, physiology or breeding, coupled with a
animal science and economies essential. Salary is strong background in practical livestock experience.
commensurate with experience. Address applications Contact Dr. E. K. Keating, Chairman, Animal Science
to Dr. W. D. Morrison, Chairman, Department of Department.
Animal & Poultry Science, Ontario Agricultural
College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
As of May 1, 1975, a position exists in the Animal
Canada, N1G 2W1.
Science Department at Utah State University for a
Research Technician I1 (Sheep and Goats) at the
Available immediately, a research associate posi- Heyderabad Research Station, Karadj, lran (near
tion in Animal Breeding. Major responsibility is to Tehran). Responsibilities include standard chemicalwork on beef and dairy sire proving methods. physiological laboratory work. Candidates must have a
Requirements are a Ph.D. in animal breeding with B.S. degree in Animal Science or related field and
experience in linear model techniques, matrix algebra, experience. Must be acceptable to Ministry of
and computer programming. Salary is commensurate AgricuRure and Natural Resources, lran. Send replies
with experience. Address applications to Dr. W. D. to: Dr. Warren C. Foote, Director, International Sheet
Morrison, Chairman, Department of Animal & Poultry & Goat Institute, Animal Science Department, Utah
1 316
State University, Logan, Utah 84322, Equal Opportunity Employer M/F.
courses in nutrition and certain other courses which
the applicant is qualified to teach. Research will be in
ruminant nutrition, particularly with range beef cattle.
Physiology position, teaching with some research, Salary: Commensurate with Position and qualificatitle: Assistant Professor of Animal Sciences, Washing- tions. Application Procedure: Candidates for the
ton State University. WSU is an equal opportunity/ position should submit a resume of their education
affirmative action employer. Those desiring to apply and professional experience, lists of publications,
for this position should send a complete resumg to: transcripts of college or university studies, and names
Dr. R. L. Preston, Chairman, Department of Animal and addresses of at least three persons who may be
Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, contacted for reference. Submit application to: Dr. A.
Washington 99163.
B. Nelson, Head, Department of Animal, Range and
Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las
Cruces, New Mexico 88003. New Mexico State
Position: The Department of Animal Science at University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
West Texas State University is seeking applicants for Action Employer.
the faculty position relating to meat science teaching
The University of Alaska is seeking a Director of
and Department Head. Date Available: Position is to
be Idled by September 1, 1975. Qualifications: Ph.D. the Institute of Agriculture and Land Resources
in Animal Science is required with special emphasis on Management. Applicants should have at least 10 years
the areas of meat science teaching and departmental experience, as well as a Ph.D., in one of the disciplines.
administration. Contact: Dr. Kenneth Wendland, Position available Iniy 1975. Salary commensurate
Chairman of Search Committee, Agricultural Business with qualifications and University of Alaska scales.
and Economics Department, West Texas State The University of Alaska is an equal opportunity and
University, Canyon, Texas 79016, Telephone affirmative action employer. Enquiries should be
addressed to: Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Applicants should provide personal history in- Palmer Research Center, Palmer, Alaska 99645.
eluding comments on qualifications, transcripts,
A versatile Animal Dairy, or Poultry Scientist, with
details of professional experience in teaching and
administration, and names of three references along a strong background in nutrition; doctor's degree;
with any other pertinent information. West Texas between 22 and 30 years of age; a good writer, who
likes to write; a good library reviewer and researcher;
State University is an equal opportunity employer.
ability to interpret and apply research; a good
organizer, able to work under pressure and meet
Position: The Department of Animal Science at deadlines; not afraid of long hours and hard work; a
West Texas State University is seeking applicants for a rigid disciplinarian; a perfectionist, who recognizes and
faculty position relating to meat science with special strives for quality; an understanding wife (if married),
emphasis on undergraduate teaching~ Date Available: preferably the kind that will work with her husband as
Position is to be filled by September 1, 1975. a team (as Mrs. E. does with Dr. E.); a fine
Qualifications: M.S. or Ph.D. in meat science with a character-and all that this word implies; willing to
strong interest in undergraduate teaching with bide his time and prove himself before becoming a
potential for research, Contact: Dr. Kenneth Wend- junior author, and eventually a senior author; and
land, Chairman of Search Committee, Agricultural willing to work for a reasonable and fair salary, with a
Business and Economics Department, West Texas high potential in proper time. Qualified and interested
State University, Canyon, Texas 79016, Telephone candidates are invited to write to Dr. Ensminger and
submit their credentials. Dr. M. E. Ensminger,
Applicants should provide personal history in- President, Agriservices Foundation, 3699 E. Sierra
Avenue, Clovis, California 93612.
cluding comments on qualifications, transcripts,
details of professional experience in teaching and
names of tturee references along with other pertinent
Assistant Professor o f Animal Science (Livestock
information. West Texas State University is an equal Systems Evaluation). Iowa State University is seeking
opportunity employer.
a person with advanced graduate training in livestock
production, statistics and computer usage for a
DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL, RANGE AND position with program responsibility in development
WILDLIFE SCIENCES, NEW MEXICO STATE of techniques for livestock management systems
UNIVERSITY. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor
evaluation. The appointment will be approximately
of Animal Science. Duration: One year (12 months)
one-half time in resident instruction and one-half time
appointment starting July 1, 1975 with high in cooperative extension. Responsibilities include
probability of another year of appointment based on
formal classroom instruction, extension teaching,
satisfactory performance. Qualifications: Ph.D. degree undergraduate advising and graduate committee
in Animal Nutrition or in Animal Science with
participation. Apply with resume to: Dr. S. A. Ewing,
emphasis in ruminant nutrition. Responsibilities:
Head, Animal Science Department, Iowa S t a t e
About 75% teaching and 25% research. Teaching
University, Ames, Iowa 50010. Iowa State University
duties include both undergraduate and graduate
is an equal opportunity-affirmative action employer.
Prospective Employees
to Claude Cruse, 113 N. Nell Street, Champaign,
Illinois 61820.
Job objective: Management and statistical consulting for a small animal facility/or a research and
teaching position dealing with quantitative and
statistical genetical problems. Education: B.S., Laboratory Animal Science, 1970 and M.S., Animal Breeding,
1972 - University of Florida, Gainesville. Working on
Ph.D. in Genetics and Statistics at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University. Expected graduation in
August, 1975. Experience working with laboratory
animals at the instruction and research level; and
experience in statistical data analyses. Address
correspondence to Margaret G. Jamison, Department
of Dairy Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.
Box No. 21. B. S., M. S. Dairy Science, major
ruminant nutrition, minors agronomy and economics.
Eight years experience in agricultural and biological
research, statistics, computer operation and programming. Strong interest in application of computer to
research, agribusiness or other related areas, Also
interested in research, ration formulation, quality
control, and international positions. Availability:
immediate. Direct inquiries to Claude J. Cruse,
Business Manager, A.S.A.S., 113 N. Neff Street,
Champaign, Illinois 61820.
Box No. 20. Ph.D. trained in Animal PhysiologyNutrition with livestock management experience.
Work experience includes areas of resident teaching
and livestock extension plus retail sales experience.
Desires challenging opportunity in the livestock
industry prior to September 1, 1975. Direct inquiries
V.P.I. Ph.D. graduate in Genetics, M.S. in Animal
Breeding and B.S. in Laboratory Animal Science from
University of Florida with 45 extra hours in Statistics
emphasis on experimental design. Desires management
and statistical consulting position with a laboratory
animal facility/or a research and teaching position in
the area o f quantitative and statistical genetics.
Experienced in data analyses. Resume sent on request.
Available January 1, 1976. Margaret G. Jamison, Dept.
of Dairy Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061.