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Frequency Domain capture of light fields using Heterodyning: Analysis of
Ashok Veeraraghavan
Ramesh Raskar, Amit Agrawal
University of Maryland
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
College Park, MD 20742
Cambridge, MA 02139
[email protected]
Ankit Mohan, Jack Tumblin
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
We analyze the modulation of a light-field via non-refracting attenuators. The design first proposed in [8]
exploits frequency-domain modulation to achieve a more efficient encoding . We study the aliasing in the sensed
light field and discuss the effects of aliasing on mask based heterodyning light field camera.
1. Introduction
Light fields, characterize the irradiance of each ray in space using a 4 D twin plane parameterization [5][4].
By capturing a light field of the scene, all information content about the scene appearance can be obtained. We
present a class of methods using just masks to capture the information content in the light-field. The key idea is
to individually attenuate each ray so that appropriate linear combinations measured by the sensor can be used to
recover informative parts of the light field.
1.1. Related Work
Light Field Capture: Sensors are limited to be two dimensional surfaces while the light-field that needs to
be sensed is 4 dimensional. Therefore, it is necessary to modulate/transform it so that the information in the
Demodulation from Sensor Slice
Light Field
Light Field
M(fx,f )
Mask Modulation Function
Sensor Slice
Light Field
Mask Modulation
Figure 1. Spectral slicing in heterodyne light field camera. (Left) In Fourier domain, the sensor measures the spectrum only
along the horizontal axis (fθ = 0). Without a mask, sensor can’t capture the entire 2D light field spectrum (in blue). Mask
spectrum (gray) forms an impulse train tilted by the angle α. (Middle) By the modulation theorem, the sensor light field and
mask spectra convolve to form spectral replicas, placing light field spectral slices along sensor’s broad fθ = 0 plane. (Right)
To re-assemble the light field spectrum, translate segments of sensor spectra back to their original fx , fθ locations.
angular dimensions can be sampled by the sensor. Several optical elements perform this modulation in previously
proposed capture devices. A straightforward way to sample angular dimensions is viewpoint sampling. This can
achieved by using a dense array of cameras, one for each viewpoint as in [9]. Such dense camera arrays, however,
are impractical for consumer applications because of their sheer bulk.Recently, two handheld light field cameras
have been proposed by modifying a traditional camera. The first design uses an array of positive lenses with
appropriate prisms in front of a single lens sensor system [3]. The second design (inspired by [2]) uses a microlens
array in front of the sensor surface focusing the image of the main lens on the sensor [7]. The array of lenses
or the microlens array act as the modulators of the incoming light field in order to enable its capture on a sensor
surface. These and other similar devices like beam splitters, mirrors etc. are all refractive in nature, i.e., they bend
the incident light wave. But all refractive modulators suffer from inherent limitations such as spherical, chromatic
aberrations, coma and misalignment issues.
2. Heterodyne Light Field Camera
To alleviate the light-loss problem of a pinhole array based light-field camera, let us consider a modulator
whose frequency response is composed of 5 impulses arranged on a slanted line as shown in Figure 1. This type
of modulation was first proposed in [8]. In the primal domain this corresponds to a sum of DC term and two
cosines. Therefore, the result of this convolution will be 5 spectral replicas of the light field along the slanted line
and therefore the loss of energy is minimal. Moreover, the horizontal slice (red line) of the modulated light field
spectrum now captures all the information in the original light field. The RMF for this design is given by
R(fx , fθ , :) =
δ(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α), :)
Demodulation is done is software by redistributing the 1D signal to the 2D light field space. The process of
demodulation consists of rearranging the frequency response of the sensor, Y (fs ), to recover the bandlimited light
field L(fx , fθ ) as shown in Figure 1. The example was shown for capturing a 2-D light field using a 1D sensor.
The very same method can be easily extended to capture a 4D light field using a 2D sensor by using p2 cosines
creating all harmonics of both spatial frequencies fx0 and fy0 .
Mask based Realization of RMF: As shown above, we need an optical modulator given by R(fx , fθ , :) =
i=−p δ(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α), :). This corresponds to an optical modulator, whose energy in the frequency domain is all concentrated on a line in the 2-D space. We already know that when a patterned mask is
placed in the path of the incoming light field, in the Fourier domain the effect of the mask is restricted to a line in
the 2D space. The required modulation may be achieved by placing a patterned mask whose frequency response
is that of a sum of delta functions given by M (f ) =
k=−p δ(f − kf0 ) and as shown in the Figure 1. This
corresponds to a sum of cosines mask with DC and p harmonics of the fundamental frequency f0 . Moreover if the
number of cosines in the mask is given by p, then we also see that the slant angle α should be given by
α = arctan
(D + d) 2
where, d is the distance between sensor and mask while D is the distance between lens and mask.
Solving for the 4D Light Field: To recover the 4D light field from the sensor image, we compute the Fourier
transform of the sensor image, reshape the 2D Fourier transform into 4D and compute the 4D inverse Fourier
transform (Illustration for 2D light field shown in Figure 1(c)) . Thus,
l(x, θ) = IFT(reshape(FT(y(s)))),
where FT and IFT denote the Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms and y(s) is the observed sensor image.
3. Aliasing
3.1. Data and Aliasing Terms
Let L(fx , fθ ) be the incoming light-field band-limited to (fx0 , fθ0 ) respectively. The ray modulation funcP
tion is given by R(fx , fθ ) = i=p
i=−p δ(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α)) as shown in Figure 1. The Light field after
modulation LR (fx , fθ ) is given by,
LR (fx , fθ ) = L(fx , fθ ) ⊗ R(fx , fθ )
= L(fx , fθ ) ⊗
δ(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α))
L(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α).)
We can write LR as, LR = LData + LAlias where,
LData (fx , fθ )
LAlias (fx , fθ )
= L(fx − kfx0 , fθ − kfx0 tan(α))
L(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α)),
where, k is an integer given by (2k − 1)fx0 ≤ fx ≤ (2k + 1)fx0 . When the incoming light field L is bandlimited
to (fx0 , fθ0 ), the aliasing terms are all zero, thereby leaving only the data term LData (refer Figure 1(b)).
3.2. Bandlimit Assumption: Angular frequencies
Let us assume that the band-limit assumption is true in the spatial dimension but is not true for the angular
dimension of the light field. This would mean that in Figure 1, the fx band-limit is true, while the rectangle is
actually much taller than is shown in the figure. In this case, the spectral copies created by the 2p + 1 impulses do
not overlap. Therefore, this does not cause mixing between the frequency components and consequently, there is
no aliasing. Nevertheless, when the angular band-limiting assumption is not valid, we notice that only the angular
frequencies upto the band-limit fθ0 are recovered. This causes some smoothing of the captured light field in the θ
direction. Note that there is still no smoothing in the spatial dimension of the captured light field.
3.3. Bandlimit in the Spatial dimension
Traditionally, same-channel masquerading of higher frequencies as lower frequencies due to undersampling, is
called aliasing and this usually leads to visually obtrusive artifacts like ghosting. In our camera, when the bandlimit assumption is not valid in the spatial dimension, the energy in the higher spatial frequencies of the light field
masquerade as energy in the lower angular dimensions. No purely spatial frequency leak to other purely spatial
frequency. Thus we dont see familiar jaggies, moire-like low-frequency additions and/or blocky-ness in results.
Moreover, we also show using the statistics of natural images that the energy in the aliasing components is very
small and therefore the effect of aliasing is imperceptible in real scenes.
Natural Image Statistics: There have been several studies characterizing the power spectrum of natural images
that indicate that the energy in the Fourier domain representation of natural images is concentrated in the lower
frequencies and this energy decreases atleast at the rate of 1/f for higher frequencies [1]. If we use this as a model
for natural images, we can show that the energy in the aliasing terms is insignificant. In Equations 78, let us define
ǫAlias as the fraction of each aliasing term to the data term LData , i.e.,
ǫAlias =
L(fx − ifx0 , fθ − ifx0 tan(α))
L(fx − kfx0 , fθ − kfx0 tan(α))
Since k is an integer given by (2k − 1)fx0 ≤ fx ≤ (2k + 1)fx0 and i 6= k, we know the following about the
arguments in the numerator and the denominator,
|fθ − kfx0 tan(α)|
|fx − kfx0 |
|fθ − ifx0 tan(α)|
≤ fx0
|fx − ifx0 |
Let us consider ǫAlias (fx , fθ ) both for values of fx which are very close to zero and for values of fx which are
close to fx0 . For fx = f1 → 0, we see that,
L(f1 + (i − k)fx0 , fθ )
f1 →0
L(f1 , fθ )
ǫAlias |f1 →0 = lim
When f1 → 0, the argument of the numerator is much larger than that of the denominator. Since, the frequency
roll-off of natural scenes is at-least 1/f , ǫAlias tends to zero. Thus the aliasing term is insignificant. For values
of fx close to fx0 , we see that the aliasing term could turn out to be significant but this effect can be suppressed
significantly by appropriate pre-filtering or post-filtering.
3.4. Anti-Alias Pre-filtering and Post-filtering
To completely avoid aliasing, we could, in principle, design an optical anti-alias pre-filter that first smoothens
the incoming lightfield and ensures that the band-limit assumption is valid. Initially, we considered placing a
diffuser near the lens to perform this optical smoothening. Unfortunately, a diffuser placed at the lens will reduce
high-frequency angular variations; an unwanted effect. We are most interested in suppressing the high frequencies
in the spatial dimension and we were unable to design any optical element that could achieve the desired smoothing
Instead, we designed an appropriate post-filter in order to suppress the effects of aliasing. From Section 3.3, we
follow that the effects of aliasing could be significant only near the edges of the band i.e., fx ≈ fx0 . Therefore,
to combat the effects of aliasing near the edges of the band-limit, we filter the recovered light field using a KaiserBessel filter with a filter width of 1.5. Kaiser-Bessel filters have been found to do appropriate post-filtering to
suppress the effects of aliasing [6].
4. Discussions and Conclusions
Limitations: Mask based schemes for sensing elements of the light-field are not without their limitations. Any
mask based scheme leads to loss of light energy and consequent lower SNR. When the light-field is not bandlimited, this might result in aliasing. For scenes with significant energy in the high frequency band above the
band-limit assumed, the reconstructions will suffer from aliasing artifacts. We still have not been able to design an
optical pre-filter that can perform the required smoothening of the incoming light-field in order to prevent aliasing.
As ray attenuators become finer and finer, they will introduce more and more diffraction artifacts. This might be a
limiting factor in terms of the maximum resolution of light fields that may be sensed using ray attenuators.
Future Work: The range of imaging functionalities that may be obtained using a non-refracting attenuator may
be significantly increased by considering ray-filters that are controllable both in wavelength and time. By using
alternating ray-filters, one for capturing a high resolution image and another for capturing a band-limited light
field we may be able to synthesize high resolution light fields. We can also use these high resolution light fields
to obtain high resolution texture mapped 3D surface models. Another area of potential future research is novel
designs in order to realize highly selective and specific ray-filters using LCD screens and microlens arrays.
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