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Statement of Jenner Park Primary School’s Key Objectives
Jenner Park Primary School is committed to:
Enabling high standards to be achieved
Learning throughout life
The objectives are:
Access for all
Accountability and partnership
Lifelong learning
Quality and equality
Jenner Park Primary School endorses the UN Convention on the rights of the child and accepts the
three key principles:
That all the Convention rights must be available to children without discrimination
That the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration
That children’s views must be taken into account in all matters concerning them
Along with the three principles above, Jenner Park Primary School is committed to the following:
That children should be treated as children first and foremost, with due regard to any
special characteristics or needs they may have.
That the family is the prime vehicle for meeting the needs of children, and all families
should receive help and support in performing this role.
That children have the right to attain highest possible standards of health, education and
development and to be protected from ill treatment and neglect.
That children should have their needs met in a manner which pays due regard to their
religious persuasion, racial origin, linguistic or cultural back ground.
That all agencies should work together, in planned and collaborative endeavour, to enhance
each others contribution to the welfare of children and create a seamless service for users.
That all operations should be routinely monitored and regularly evaluated to ensure they
meet the evolving needs of children and families.
Jenner Park Primary School is committed to achieving a safe environment free from bullying in its
Legislative Base
 Education Act 1997
 School Standards and Framework Act 1998
 Education Strategic Plan
 Behaviour Support Plan
 Children Act 1989
 Children Services Plan
 Equal Opportunities Policy
Pupil Support and Social Inclusion Circular 3/99
Jenner Park Primary School and the Governing Body will continually review its policy.
The rationale throughout this policy is that it is the basic entitlement of all children to engage in
everyday activities, education and play, free from humiliation, oppression and abuse.
What is Bullying
Bullying is seen as direct discrimination as identified in the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
Bullying is usually pre-meditated and forms a pattern of behaviour rather than an isolated incident.
Research findings suggest that between 10% and 25% of all school children are directly affected
by bullying, either as victims or bullies.
Its definition is:A wilful desire to hurt, threaten or frighten somebody, either physically or verbally. To do this the
bully has to have some sort of power over the victim.
Any behaviour which is the illegitimate use of power in order to hurt others is bullying behaviour.
Bullying can occur in the following ways:a) Physical
A child can be physically punched, kicked, hit etc.
b) Verbal
Verbal abuse can take the form of name calling. It may be directed towards appearance,
gender, ethnic origin, physical/ social disability, personality, etc.
c) Exclusion
A child can be bullied simply by being excluded from discussions/ activities with those they
believe to be friends.
d) Damage to property or theft
Pupils may have their property damaged or stolen. Physical threats may be used by the bully
in order that the pupil hand over the property to them.
e) Racist
Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures.
f) Sexual
Unwanted physical contact or abusive comments.
The effects can manifest as:Depression
Low self-esteem
Poor academic achievement
Truancy/ lateness
Threatened or attempted suicide
Jenner Park Primary School will endeavour to ensure that:
All children have an equal right to develop and achieve their full potential through the
educational and social services system free from humiliation, oppression and abuse.
All children are of equal worth and the ethos of all establishments will foster attitudes and
relationships which promote an understanding of others.
Awareness of bullying issues is raised to address the need to:
» Understand bullying
» Prevent bullying
» Identify bullying
» Manage incidents of bullying
» Support victims
» Work with bullies
The school has a bullying policy and that it is being implemented and is known to pupils,
staff and parents. It identifies:» What the school won’t tolerate
» What to do
» How the school will act
» What will happen
» What the options are
Our School involves pupils and take account of their views by encouraging:» Their involvement
» Discussion of the aims and rules of the school
» Reporting of bullying incidents
The Governors will fulfil their duties and encourage them to identify a governor with
specific responsibility to take an interest in cases of bullying.
Training needs and appropriate training programmes are identified and planned to
address the issue of bullying.
Inset programmes are delivered to address bullying issues.
Co-operation and ownership of the policy and practices is sought at all levels in
developing strategies to combat bullying.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The overall monitoring process should include the following:
A commitment to addressing bullying issues.
Analysis of information when reviewing policies.
Monitoring by the Governing Body and school SMT.
A clear structure for dealing with complaints.