* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The e prize is sp ponsored by y CAF – Dev velopment Bank B of Latin n America, aand the Cod dere Foun ndation, and d enjoys the e support off CNN en Español, Cinco Dias, Air F France and Casa de América a E El Nuevo o Día, La L Repu ublica, América A a Econo omía and Peq queñas Empresas and d Grand des Neg gócios, w s of winners tthe third d edition n of the e IE Bus siness School S P Prize fo or Economiic Journ nalism in i Latin Americ ca El NUEV VO DIA (Pu uerto Rico)) wins the prize for th he best art icle in the daily ng industrry by press category c with w an artiicle about the region’s shippin journalis st Joanisabel Gon nzález, published in n its Sun nday busiiness supplem ment. LA REP PUBLICA (C Colombia),, is the run nner up in the daily press cate egory with an n article about peac ce-based profits p by journalist Rogelio Vélez V Mendozza. AMERIC CA ECONO OMIA (Chile e), wins the e prize for the best artticle in the nondaily prress categ gory with a piece headed h “T Thanks forr smoking g” by journalis sts Carlos Tromben a and Loreto o Urbina. PEQUEÑ ÑAS EMPR RESA GRA ANDES NEG GOCIOS (B Brazil) is th he runner up in the non n-daily press catego ry with an n article he eaded “Th he Creativity of Money” by journallist Marisa Adán Gil. News agency NOT TIMEX (Me exico) and magazine e APERTUR RA (Argentina), received on-daily press d the spe ecial prize e for the best daily and no p publicattions for economic coverage e. The CO ODERE Fo oundation also awarded d the Milen nio group a runners up u prize for an articlee on innov vation in the en ntertainme ent industry y by Jesús Rangel. Casa de e América, Cinco Dia as and AIR R FRANCE KLM also o provided their supportt as collabo orators in tthis third edition e of th he IE BUSI NESS SCH HOOL Prize for Economic Journalis sm in Latin n America 2 2013. An A article a about Puerrto Rico’s shipping s inddustry writte en by Madrid, May 28, journ nalist Joanissabel Gonz zález and p published in n Puerto Rican R daily E EL NUEVO O DIA has b been award ded the IE BUSINESS B SCHOOL Prize P for Ec conomic Jouurnalism in Latin America as the e best articlle in the da aily press category. c The T article sstood out for f its narra ative style, handling off sources, a and its rese earch into the t lack of competition n in a secto or and its efffects on the e economy.. The prize for the best artic cle in the no on-daily pre ess category y went to aan article he eaded “Thank You for Smoking” by b journalis ts Carlos Trombem T an nd Loreto U Urbina, published in AM MERICA EC CONOMIA magazine, m b based in Ch hile with loc cal editions in Mexico, Peru, Ecua ador and Brrazil. The article examiined the tob bacco mark ket and its eeconomic im mpact and ttax treatment. The judges pa anel for this year’s p prize comprised executives from m sponsors s and partn ners of the e competittion, IE B USINESS SCHOOL, CAF andd the COD DERE Foun ndation, as well w as reprresentativess from the world w of journalism andd communic cation like El Comerccio, CNN, Financial T Times, and d Wall Strreet Journaal, and reg gional instittutions like the t OAS-Orrganization of American States. The judges pan nel also awarded prize es for runne ers up in th he categoriees of daily press and non-daily press. p These comprise ed an article e on peace e-based proofits by jourrnalist Roge elio Velez, published in i Colombia an daily LA A REPUBLICA, and ann article he eaded “The Creativity of Money”” by journa alist Marisa a Adán Gil published in PEQUE EÑAS PRESAS, GRANDES NEGOCIOS N in Brazil, re espectively. EMP The CODERE Foundation n awarded a prize fo or an article about innnovation in n the enterrtainment, leisure l and tourism bu usiness by Jesús Rangel of the M MILENIO group. g Rang gel’s work in the daily y and weekkly media has h address sed key isssues in Mex xico’s gamb bling indusstry, includ ding the b battle agaiinst illegal operatorss and resulting irregularities. SPECIAL MENT TIONS FOR R NOTIMEX X (MEXICO O) and APERTURA (AR RGENTINA A) The third editio on of the IE E Business School Prrize for Eco onomic Jouurnalism in Latin America reserved a speciial mention for the wo ork of two media pubblications on the prom motion of the e economic and entrep preneurial culture in Latin Americaa. NOT TIMEX, base ed in Mexic co, received d a special mention m in the daily prress catego ory for its broad covera age of economic issue es, not only in the da aily press bbut also in major econ nomic forum ms. Said coverage is n not only in Mexico, but also extennded throug ghout the L Latin Americcan region, North Ame erica and Europe, E than nks to its offfice networrk. In 2012 2 it distributted over 10 0,000 presss notes and d photograp phs coveringg economic c and socio o-economicc issues to o its 420 media clients, with 25 journaalists dedicated exclu usively to co overing the economy a and further journalists covering thhe economy y on a spora adic basis. APERTURA, an nd Argentin na-based ecconomy ma agazine, wh hich this yeaar is celebrating 30 yyears in the e media bu usiness, wa as given a special mention m for its work in the distriibution of economic e information and its co ontribution to t the deveelopment of o the busin ness fabric in Argentina a. SUPPORT FRO OM CINCO DIAS, CAS SA DE AMERICA AND AIR FRANC CE KLM The prizegiving ceremony of this yearr’s edition off the IE BUSINESS SC CHOOL Priz ze for Econ nomic Jourrnalism in Latin Ame erica will be b held on n June 20 at the Madrid M head dquarters off Casa de América, A wh hich has pla ayed an active role in the competition. Lead ding Spanissh busines ss daily C inco Dias is the Sp panish meddia organiz zation asso ociated with the compettition and A AIR FRANCE KLM is its s official airlline group. ge number of entries Larg Entries in this year’s edition of the e IE BUSIN NESS SCH HOOL Prizee for Econ nomic Journ nalism, which awarde ed prizes ttotaling $13 3,000, com mprised som me 300 artticles, reports, intervie ews and other o media a formats, provided by 130 leaading econ nomic journ nalists working with ove er 150 med ia in the Latin America a region. The prizes willl be award ded at a cceremony set to be held on JJune 20 at a the head dquarters of o collabora ating partn ner Casa de d América a (Madrid, Spain), in n the prese ence of the e winners and a represe entatives off leading Sp panish andd Latin Ame erican corpo orations. Abou ut IE Busine ess School IE Bu usiness Sch hool shapes leaders tha at promote innovation and a change in organisa ations, equip pping directo ors with an entrepreneu rial mindset that genera ates employyment, wealth and socia al well-being. Recognise ed as one o of the world’s s leading bu usiness schoools, IE Bus siness Scho ool has an urrban campus s in Madrid a and a faculty y of more th han 450 proffessors who teach stude ents from 91 countries in master's, do octoral and executive edu ucation progrrammes. IE Bu usiness Scho ool was recently honored d by the Financial Times as a the schoool with the 8th best MBA program in the world an nd 3rd best in Europe. Other O ranking gs by the W Wall Street Jo ournal, Forbe es, The Eco onomist and América Eco onomía have consistently placed IE E Business School S amon ng the top 10 0 business sc chools in the e world. IE stu udents use innovative online o and o onsite learnin ng, and benefit from a nnetwork of school s comm munities com mprised of the e 42,000 gra aduates in positions of re esponsibility in more tha an 106 counttries. ut CAF-Latin n American Developme ent Bank Abou CAF - the Deve elopment Bank of Latin America, whose w missio on is to proomote sustainable devellopment and d regional integration byy funding pub blic and priv vate sector pprojects, pro oviding techn nical cooperration and other o specia alized servic ces. CAF was w establishhed in 1970 0 and curre ently consistss of 18 cou untries, 16 in n Latin Ame erica and the Caribbeann plus Spain and Portu ugal, as well as 14 priva ate banks an nd is a majo or source off multilateral financing and an imporrtant source of knowledge for the reg gion. More infformation at m. ut FUNDACION CODER RE y CODER RE Abou organisation created to promote and sponso Fundación CODE ERE is a not-for-profit n or the studyy, analysis, evaluation, e re egulatory devvelopment an nd evolution of the gaminng industry. CODERE is a Spanish multinational gro oup and a ke ey player in the private gaming sec ctor in Europ pe -- Spain and a Italy-- and Latin Am merica -- Arge entina, Brazil, Colombia,, Mexico, Pa anama and U Uruguay. The company, which emplo oys more than 21,100 people, is thee only compa any in this industry tha at is publicly y traded in Spain. Co odere curren ntly operatess 54,007 ga aming mach hines, 178 ga aming halls, 1,206 sportts betting sh hops, particip pates in the managemen nt of 4 horse e racetracks and develops online ga ames in Italy y, where it holds the apppropriate lice enses. More e information at