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Roots: Sentences Vocabulary Review
On the left:
On the right:
 Target
 Divide the root
From the rest
with a slash
 (Parts of
 Synonym(s) or
 A picture
showing the
meaning of the
-The root, its variations, and the
-The origin (Greek, Latin, etc.)
-20+ word sentence using the target
correctly (# of words in sentence)
-Highlight or underline the target word
1) ab/normal (adj):
Outside the normal
range; not typical
a-, ab-, abs- = away; from; off
-1850-55 Latin
Because Mr. Hyde thought that he looked
different this morning—it was something
about his ears that looked peculiar—he
reasoned that he must be having an
abnormal reaction to his new medication.
(adj): Without
name; unknown or
a-, an- = not; without
-1595-1605 Latin
He was really attracted to her but she
didn’t know he was alive; therefore, there
was too much risk in signing the love letter
and he left it anonymous. (29)
3) anti/biotic (n):
medicine that kills
or weakens bacteria
ante-, anti-, = against opposite
Although Jessie felt terrible, the doctor
resisted giving him an antibiotic because
his symptoms were obviously caused by a
viral infection. (21)