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Following the need to reduce the TAT and taking
testing closer to patients, some lab tests have been
devolved to the facility level.
Below is a list of facilities and tests that they have a
capacity to perform.
a) Kitale
b) webuye
c) Busia
d) CDC Kemri
Viral load/pcr/cd4
e) Alupe
Viral load/pcr/cd4
POC cd4
POC cd4
POC cd4
f) Ampath care lab
Viral load,DNA
POC cd4 (facs count)
h) Kapenguria
POC cd4 (PIMA Machine)
POC cfd4 (PIMA machine)
POC cfd4 (PIMA machine)
NB: six more POC cd4 machines are available for distribution in
Uasin Gishu and Trans Nzoia
The following tests have been affected.
a) Cd4
b) Cbc
c) Vdrl
d) Viral load
e) Dna pcr
How we receive the results from the lab:In kitale, Webuye and Chulaimbo the results are indicated by
the clinician on the encounter form when they seeing patients.
How we get data in amrs: a) In webuye and Kitale we depend on data assistants who enter results
into AMRS after clinicians have indicated on the encounter form. In some
instances, the lab copy is sent to the data people for entry into the AMRS.
b) Tests done at the Busia ampath lab are imported weekly to the AMRS
central server.
c) In Alupe and CDC,we depend on CHAI to deliver a .csv file on a weekly
basis which we parse through MIRTH for HL7 generation which we later
parse to AMRS.These is however specific to v/load and dna pcr.
d) In ampath care lab,v/loads and dna pcr which are processed using EID
system,we receive a .csv file upon dispatch of results.The .csv file is parsed
through MIRTH for hl7 generation which is later parsed to AMRS.
e) In khuyangu,Teso,Bumala B,Angurai we depend on data assistants who
capture the results
Monitoring the systems.
Currently the only way to monitor the various
automated systems is through the error queues that
are in MIRTH and AMRS.
Current challenges.
 1) Am not able to access the various hl7 queues in
AMRS for easy monitoring.
 2) There is a higher chance of double entry by data
assistants since clinicians keeps on recording the result
on the encounter forms.