Download Grade 5 Electricity and Magnetism Study Notes

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Grade 5 Electricity and Magnetism Study Notes
1. List 5 safety rules or potential dangers involved in using sources of electrical
currents. ( Don’t pull plugs out by the cord, Don’t use frayed cords, Don’t use
electrical devices near water, Don’t go near a fallen power line, Don’t play near
power lines,
2. What are the two problems with causing a short circuit or connecting a copper
wire directly from the positive to negative terminals of a cell/battery? (wires heat
up and you waste the limited amount of energy in batteries)
3. Describe and demonstrate example activities that show that electricity and
magnetism are related. (Activities: A Magnetic Experience, The coil and the
Magnet, YouTube videos on my E-teacher page too.
4. Explain the evidence of magnetic fields around magnets and around currentcarrying wires, by use of iron filings or a compass. (Activity: A Field to Remember
#18, the poles of a bar magnet are strongest and this is why the iron filings collect
the most here. The needle on a compass will twitch or spin when placed closed to
an electromagnet.)
5. Demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an
uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit.
Example: In which of the basic circuits shown below would the light bulb
light up?
6. Distinguish/Identify electrical conductors from insulators. (conductors-materials
that allow electricity to flow through them. ex.copper, iron, aluminum, silver.
Insulators-materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them. ex. -plastic,
wood, rubber)
7. Recognize and demonstrate that some materials, including resistors, are partial
conductors of electricity. (A resistor is an electrical component which slows
electron flow so the load is not over loaded. Some example of resistor devices are
dimmer switches and toasters. Resistor materials are pencil led or aluminum.)
8. Predict the effect placing an electrical resistance in a simple circuit. (Activity: A
Pencil Resistor#24. The light will dim with the alligator clips further apart. The
light is brightest with the clips closer together.)
9. Recognize that the amount of electricity we use in our homes is measured in
Kilowatt Hours.
10. Interpret and explain: The reading on a household electrical meter and
efficiency labels on electrical appliances. (YouTube Videos on my E-teacher page
and example question on Master # 27-29.)
11. Draw circuit diagrams that include symbols for switches, power sources-Cell,
resistors, light and motors. (Master #7for symbols)